HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-09-26, Page 3kkilk T` EMBER .26,-194' rt OR fiensall serves ly Day Services Infant Children Receive Baptismal 'Rites At Unit- ed Church. ,. NEWS OF HENSAIL Dally day service was held in the !United Church, Hensall, on. Sunday anorning with the Sunday. School classes occupying the front seats of the audiltorium. Mr.. Edison, Forrest, superintendent of the Sunday School, assisted, the minister, Rev. R. A. Brgok, during the service. T4 GETTING UP geraef yam D,wWc ? Ifwading finds you only half rested; still teary—if yuuf$ cep is broken byithu toning and tmrniva -.your kidneys may Leto blame. When .yourkidneys getout of order. your sleep usually suffers. To help your kidneys regain a normal con&tion, use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd' help the kidneys get rid of poisons and excess acids in your system. Then your uneasiness disappears —you can enjoy restful unbroken sleep— and awake refreshed and ready for work or play. Get Dodd'a Kidney Pills today. 141 At the baptismal service, Bruce David, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert ,Shirray,,,,und Nancy+ Louisa, in- fant n'Gant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Kyle, received the rites of baptism, with Rev. Shook in charge. The hymn, "Praise Him, Praise Him," was sung by the smaller ehil- dren of t'he Sundae School, A story, "The Church of .the Friendly Heart," was' ably presented by Miss Lenore Norininton, .and the Scripture reacting' was read by Bill Mickle. The minis- ter addressed' the children ,on. "The Crusade in Our Church School." The choir rendered an anthema, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee," , Hymns sung during the service were "0 Worship the King," "At the Name of Jesus" and "Now in the Days cof Youth." The offering taken will. be 'used fora new boat 'for the Pacific Coast Miesion Work ailed to .provide Christian edu- cations In churches, homes and schools throughout Canada, New- foundland, 'Bermuda. and in overseas mission field's. The church. was lovely with" profusions of autumn, flowers. Funeral services for the late Mrs. Aldo -Pearl Smith, of Windsor, were held from the T. Harry Hoffman fun- eral,, home in Dashwood with inter- ment in Exeter cemetery. In her 53rd year she was born in' Dashwood, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jones Hartleib, and was a resident of Kincardine before moving to Wind- sor. She was a member of Lincoln DICK THE UPHOLSTERER Gordon A. Wright ATES FREE NO o LIGATIONS FOR SERVICE AND GUARANTEED WORK Watchingthe men at work on his new barn, Jim thinks of the friendly. talk he had with his bank manager. "I've got gourd land and 1 can work it. With a -little extra money I can really make a dream come true ..." So Jim got his bank loan. Soon, there'll be new farm equipment ... improved livestock .. a well filled, granary. More work for the community,- more farm products,, morefood for home and'export. d Helping people in all walks of life to profit from their own enterprise and industry is .one of the chief functions of Canadian banks. SPONSORED SY YOUR. SANK ort h t+a[l Ifa3r has Large Entry In /11! Departniei: Light Horses A new .feature attraction added this year was the 1lghtehot,'se class- which included many fine entries+. Results were: Carriage horse in harness, 15.2 and over, Ken. McMillan, 3. A. McKay, Ken McMillan; carriage hdrsein har- ness, under 15.2, J. Longeway; single carriage horse, not winning in open class, Ken McMillan, J. A. McKay; roadster horse in harness, 15.2 and, 'ever, once around.. track, Ken Me- Mfllan, Wm. Mayberry, Beaver and • Schroeder; roadster )}arse in harness, under 15.2, once around track, Wm. Mayburry, 2nd; roadster team in har- ness, once around track, Fryfogle; best single turnout, lady and gentle- man, Wm. Mayburry, ,Ken McMillan, J. Longeway; best lady driver, Ken McMillan, Wm. Mayberry; single driver hitched to buggy, once around tracer, C. Fryfogle, Wm. Mayburry, Jerry Longeway, ' Shetland pony, brood mare, with colt at side, H. Mcllwain; Shetland) pony, any age, led by boy or, girl 15 MR. AND MRS,, A. McGAVIN MARRIED 50 YEARS Mr. and Mrs; Albert McGavin, well-known McKillop residents,. celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home on Wed- nesday: of last •week. The occasion was marked by an annivers- ary dinner_ held'at the home of their daughter and -son -in -jaws Mr. - and Mrs. Alex Dennis. 4 Road United 'Church, Windsor. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Miller Hartwich, Kincardine; Virs, W. Miller, Detroit, and Shirley, of Wind sore She was the daughter-in-law- of Mrs. Wilfrim Cnnsitt, of Hensel]. 1eereber.s of the Zurich Gun C:ub were in Parry Sound Teistrict 1'ereet• ly, where they, have now completed a cabin for their accommodation when there' bunting and fishing, The cabin has a capacity for twelve sleeping and eating, arul will be a big conveni- ence. Ward Fritz, of Zurich; has also purchased a small island in that dist trict and is having a cottage erected. Both of these ]trcations can only be reached by g few miles of boating. . ZION Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney,,, Ethel and Hazed spent $unciay in Atwood with' Mr and Mrs. George Parrish and fade ily. Mr. and Mrs. R. S: Alkens and. Mrs. Frank Anderson, Listowel, visited en Sunday witlri. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney and .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and Keith spent Sunday with \Ir. and Mrs. George Gibb, Stratford. A number from Zion attended Strat- ford Fair last week. We ai'e sorry to report Mr. Lorne Aikens is under the doctor's c Cre, Mr. Fergus Lanni') and Mr. Herb. Britton• ;pent. Friday; at Galt Fair, A .beautiful, basket of flowers. was placed in Zion Church on Sunday moaning in memory of Frank Smith. Mrs. 3. W. Britton spent a few clays in London with her daughter, Mrs. C. Hunter, and Mr. Hunter, and on Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Hero, Britton and family and Mr: J. W. Britton. visited at .the same home, Mrs.. Britton 're- turning home with them, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Dower and family, of Woodstock, visited for the week -end with her brother, MI'. El- mer Kleirifeldt, aiid Mrs.'Kleinfeldt, Messrs. ' Robert . Roney and Earl Kemp went •Sunday in Port Huron. 'Keep in mind Zion anniversary on October 12. DUBLIN Frank M. Smith, 69, a -resident of Dublin for the past 20 years, -died at his home on Thurseai,- He had been 41. 111 health Inc'a number of years and had been failing during the pass year. Born in Haldiman d County 'in 1878, he was married to Miss Fthreece M, Haines, of Cullbne, Ill., in 1907. His wife predeceased him in October, 1942. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William .Smith, of Caledonia. Be -,fore' coming to Dublin he had spen most of his 'life as ,, miner for the Gypsum Company in Caledonia, where he was foreman during the latter years. In, Dublin hewas in partner- ship with •his brother, Garfield Smith, it the garage business. He was a .,former member of the Masonic Or- der a.ncl while in Caledonia was a, faithful Member of the lodge. Sur- vivors, include a son, William V. Smith, of Dublin; a daughter (Flor. ence), Mrs. 'Monies. Kay, of Klppen, and one brother, Garfield Smith, Dub- lin. The funeral, which was attended by a large group of,,friends• and neigh- bors, took place from the Smith resit deface in Dublin on Saturday -atter- noon. Rev, A. EL Day•Hard, Staffa, of- 'ficlated at the ser4tices and read,, "Crossing the Bar." The ,ronin •was banked with it profusion of fie-AA/era, including floral offerings from the family, the Dublin businessmen, and numerous wholesale firms, .as well as relatives. The pallbearers were Jos. O'Connell, Jos. Carperit'P'r,' W'm. Stale leton, Geo. E. Holland, Daniel Cos- tello and Harold Wilson. Thr flower:- bearers lower-bearers were Edison McLean, Kipper: Dalton Malcolm, hilly Costello, Ed- ward Holland, Billy .Evans- and •Jerry Stapleton. Interment took place in Woodland cemetery, Mitchell. Among those attending the funeral from a distance were: Mrs. William Smith and :son, eloa•gan, Mr. anit Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man • Bateman and Herbert Houston, Hamilton, also friends from'Carling- ford, Gadshill, Kippen, Stratford and, Staffa. A miscellaneous shower,, sponsored by Mrs.- Fergus Staple''Con and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly, honoring Miss' Mary E_ Stapleton, whose marriage to Ricb- ard S, Box is an'event. of this week, was held at the home of Mrs. Patrick .Jordan. hive tables or court whist were arranged and prfies were won by' Miss Monica Byrne, Miss Marie ' Evans,,• Miss Margaret O'Sullivan and Miss Marie Nagle., Mrs. Fergus :Stag- Teton. reac5 an address -P1' dongratul•a- And they'll stay healthy too— Blatchford's Chick Starter keeps 'em healthy — makes them .grow faster assures vitality — and: pays me bigger dividendal years and under, H. Mcllwain, G. R. Campbell, H. Mcllwain; Sweepstake%,, best Shetland, any age, l3. Mcilwalu1 Pony, any age, ] , Mcllwain apd ,2nd; B. Hunt. Judge—Thomas Findley, Meaford: Heavy Horses' Heavy Draught—Brood mare with foal at sidle, Tremeer, Dewar; foal of 1947, -Tremeer; filly or gelding, four years or over, Graham, Dale; -filly or gelding, 3 years old, Tremeer; filly or gelding, 2 years old, Atwell, Lup- ton; sweepstakes badge, Graham.; heavy draft team in harness, P. Gra- ham, William: Dale, S. McCall, F. Dewar. Agricultural—Brood mare with foal by side, P..Buchanan; filly or geld- ing, 4 years or over, F. Graham, Lup- ton, Listmane filly or gelding, 3 .years old, Atwell •2; filly or gelding, 2 years old, William Dale, E.- 3. Atwell; filly or geding, 1 year 'Old, Roney; sweep- stakes 'badge, P. Graham; agricultur- al team in harness, P. Graham, Lup- ton, F. Dewar. Perchon—Foal of 1947, . Joe John- son; ,filly or.;gelding, 4 years and ov- er, Listman- 2;, sweepstakes. badge, Listman; percheron team in harness, Listman. Belgians—Brood mare with foal at side, George Fox; foal of 1947, Geo. Fox; filly or gelding, 3 years• old L. Dunsmore; sweepstakes . ebadge, L. Densmore. Wagon Horses—Filly or gelding, 4. years and over; Pritchard, Heaver. & Schroeder, Engel.; Kreis.; filly or geld- ing, 3 years, Kreis, Atwell; filly-rlr gelding, 2 years old, Kreis, Atwell; wagon .,team in harness, Pritchard, Beaver & Schroeder Kreis, Engel; four -team tandem ,hitch, P. Graham, Kreis, Lupton, Dewar, • Township Special -Best three from one municipality, P. Graham, Lob Township, Ildertdn; L. E. Listman; William Dale, Hullett; F. 'Dewar,, El - ma Township; Norman Engel, Logan; Elmer Atwell. W. 'Nissouri; John Kreis, Mitchell. Best handled colt, boy or girl, 17 and under, Roney, Johnson, Buohan- an. McMichael Strecial—F. -, Bechan•an, Joe Johnson. Beef Cattle Shorthorns --Best cow, Strong Bros., 3. Devereaux, W. T. Turnbull, Dr. M. W, .Stapleton;- heifer; , 2 years old, Strong Bros., W. T. Turnbull; heifer, 1 year old, W. T. Turnbull, Strong Bros.; A. T. Milton; hei•fer.calf, under 1 year, Strong Bros„ W. T. Turn- bull., J. W. Devereaux, W. T. Turn- bull; bull call', under 1 year, W. T. Turnbull, Dr. M. W. Stapleton, W. T. Turnbull; btu]. 1 year old, Strong Bros. and 2nd, Dr•. M. eV. Stapleton; bull, '2 year: old or -,over. Tlr`. 14. W. Stapleton; 'W;,T. Turnbull; herd, H. V4'rinlit, eirnng Bros.," W. 1'. Turn- bull. Butcher Cettla—Fat cow or heifer, VV, '1': Turnbull --ani) Ind: steer or heifer, over 1 year, R. Kinsman, R. Hearn; baby beefe 1year and under, W. Brock, R. Kinsman. . Herefords --Mill. 2 years and over, H. Wright, W. Brock; hest' cow; W. Brock, 1-I, Wright 2; heifer, 2t years tion and presentation of numerous gifts df linen, silver. china and glasys- ware was . made. Lunch was served by a. •group of young ladies. One of the large Dublin Creamery trucks was discovered to be on fire about 5 a.m. 'Thursday, but a volun- tary, bucket brigade or neighbprs suc- ceeded in bucking the truck- out, and extinguishing the fire before any ser- ious rianrag'c resulted. Personals: \kiss Brigid Costello has been appointed ledger -keeper at the Bank •of Commerce, Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. TM:Anas Kay. Kippen, with. Mre end Mrse Wm. Smith; Miss Jean Costelloe London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Rev. Louis Phelan. St. Augustine, Mr. and Mrs. Jamey Phelan, Blyth, with Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Dane; • Mrs. Joseph•Dil- lon, Toronto, and Mrs. Lougeway, of Stratford., with Miss Ella .J. Dillon; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Charles Friend enter- tainee a group of about twenty guests at a house warming in their new home -recently; Miss. Mary Dorsey, London, •witb' her mother, Mee, Louis Dorsey; Mr. 'and' Mrs. Leo Villeneuve,,, Parry Sound, with , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Looby; Miss Loreen Looby, R.N., of Stratford. with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby; Edward Rowland, Wallace - burg, .with his >mother, Mrs. Wirini- fred lowland; Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Forster at Owen Sound; Mrs. Wm. Lane at Quebec and St. Anne de Beaupre; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas , J. Molyneaux at Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Murray and two -daughters, .Iowa, with Mrs. ,Barbara. Holland and Mr. and' Mr's. J, V. Flynn. NOW — Strengthened with Vita -bin The new supplement for greater vita- min and mineral •content greater nutrition! ffla tchford ,Feeds TORONTO ONTARIO w e.•-asaa .r.ras — LOCAL DEALERS,— We also handle the following Blatchford Feeds: ' Poultry Coil- centrate, Poultry Mash Pellets, Calf Meal and Calf Meal Pellets, Pig Starter, Hog Grower and Hog Cbneentra.te, 'Dairy Concentrate, Oil Cake Meal and 'Chick Starter. SEAFORTE PRODUCE Phone 170-11V Se Oral old, H. Wright; ;heifer, 1 year old, H. Wright, W. Stuck, . H. Wright,. heifer calf under 1 year, W. Brock, . Ii. Wright and 3rd; bull calf, under1 year, W. Brock, H. Wright; bull, 1 year old, 13. Wright, Dr. Stapleton Special, champion beef bull, Dr. M. W. Stapleton. Sandy. 1 roadtoot ape best ;+cow',`: been, Strong $roe tJ Pe -ver oderich Salt Go;, ` best, cow, ;TeiblrJ or Palled Agus, W. 'Brock. Ama! Corby special, beat baby 'beet, boy er girl, 17 and under, Strang Oros.,„ $. Kinsman.. Judge—J. 11. Robinson, St. Marys. (Continued on. rage Fl) • • Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 DARLING • AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. SY DIGS DUOS A NOTE . it Less %ea 60 Swords Here's o piece • of ferns equipment you'llseed • 'every week of the yeor • •rM rest of your life' Come in and See. it toddy! ✓' THE NEW, POST HOLE DIGGER is your answer to building or repairing fences! Rides right aicng on the tractor or is ga.tickiy attached -and detach- ed. Digs at any angle—Louts quickly thl'ough hardest groupdi' FITS s1 'tie TR CT0R Wil! last a life- time.' All metal Construction, sturdy and pow- erful. Low priced -digs like in86r-. sing. -- Seaforth Farmers Co-operative' PHONE 9 SEAFORTH affiliated with THE UNITED' FARMERS CD-OPERAI1VE COMPANY ' 28 DUKE ST, — TORONTO 2 er DURO SOFTENED WATER is a Necessity in' every HOME Dm Water Softeners Available Naw!. so water Because hard water is a needless expense :.. when you can easily have all the advantages and conveniences of softened with a' budget -fitting DURO installation. Huron Federation- (Continued from Page 2) good; purpose in establishing that se- curity necessary to increased produc' tion. It is, not our intention to aban- don them until niutuatly ,better re- sults can be obtained either through .multilateral agreements or interna- tional understandings through F.A.O. "We also believe that much can be done to assist in our problems relat- ed to shelter. clothing and firod, which I think are fundamental. by shifting population. We are laying plans to double our population over a term of years." • Mr. Gardiner, adviserthoee in Gen- eva to utilize some of their time read- ing Some of the teachings of Calvin and Knox to remove fallacies bksed upon the idea that either nations or Individuals can spend. themselves in- to prosperity. He complimented Britain, upon tak- ing its austerity immediately follow- ing the war in the hope that p'ros- perity would tame rather than grab- bing prosperity now with austerity erre to follow: PRICED As LOW $64.00 F:O.B. LONDON, CANADA See your local Plumb- ing Contractor today ... it is easy for you to enjoy DURO softened water in your home.. • oa In laundries, `kitchens and bathrooms, of thou- sands of Canadian homes, DURO softened water has saved many thousands of dollars i n soap, .clothing, maintenance and fuel cost. Your whole family. will get more pleasure and good, from DURO softened water. oo 0.4 sty DURO softened water, saves over 75%p•on soap, yet gives richer, thicker suds; prevents greasy film on china, glass, 'silver and on the sinks and working sur- faces of your kitchen. DURO water softeners. are "M/Ade-in-Canada" from the finest materials obtain- able, giving high quality performance with long trouble-free service. PUMPS AN • Lisisineo „ T,A 1'0- flk