HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-08-29, Page 5AI.TOUST 29, 1947..
Mr. KO Ifrs• Verli110 Reran Sid *.
•and Mra W141. KoWer Spent from
Friday to Tuesday On a trip to North
Mr. anil. Mrs. 'WW Gress arid family
of Blytkvere recent Ehinday visitors
with Mr. Harry Regele and Mrs. C.
. Regele.
'Mr.„, and 1Virs, Louis Roegy and chil-
dren of sit, who Spent a week here
recently, were Sonday visitors at
Port Elgin. Mrs. Wm, HoagY seemn-
panted them to Pert Elgin
Mrs. Charles Regele and,Mr. Harry
Regele were Sunday visitors in Ful-
larton recently.
At the memorial decoration servic-
es recently held at the Flvangelical
Church ,here, Mr. Fred Byrant of
Stratford was guest speaker. Speoial
music was rendered, which was en-
joyed by the well-filled pews,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rapien and
daughter, of Chicago, recently spent
a week in this vicinity visiting rela-
tives awl friends. While here •the
Rapien family gathered at, the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Rueben Rapien; of
the 12th of McKillop, on Sunday, Aug:
17, when an enjoyable time was &pent.
Dinner was served by the host and
• hostess.
r, •
Mr. and MO,.'.*r;;Ol#It amit.044''
fly fk.f 414.. c..9191900.441F00 gPeegkt
(144, visitors ,urs. Irvin
Rock. • • . ' •
Mr. and Wft.Pai0444944n,
49.0ter, 0,94,-10...119Pet9t Irvin
strattord ,spent sp44y. evening re.,
eently with, Mr. !'anil Mrs. Wialero,
Flanagan. • . .
Mr. and Mrs. Will Koehler andMr.
Henry xoeige.r. accOMpanted Mr. and
'Mrs. Dan Dyerntastto WellesIO 1e$
Sunday where tliey, attended the iurii-•
eral of the late Min Rambler. ,
Misses Hazel audi Ruhr Doerr have
gone to Simcoo where,thop have se-
cured employment.
Mr. and WS. Charles Weiters,en of
Tillsvninirg were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitersen.
We are sorry to report that Ralph
Scherbart, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Seherbart, is at London with a mild
attack of polio.'
The Late Mrs. Rudolph Fischer
The death occurred Saturday -after
a. long illness of Mrs. Rudolph. Fisch-
er, lot 9, eon.,13, MoKillop, in her 53rd
year. She was th,e' daughter or the
late Mr. and Mrs. John Mogk, Brod-
hagen, and before her marriage, Oct.
30, 1917, was Anna 'Freda Mogk. She
was born in Logan Township, moving
to McKillop some years ago. She is
survived by two daughters, Mrs, Ed -
„00.70•0,,, • . '”
Maple' Leaf Dairy
Owned and Operated by Mrs. Lillian Barber,
Mr. Harvey «Traviss
of Toronto
Monday, Sept. 1st
Mrs. Barber would like to take this
opportunity to thank all her customers
for their patronage, and to express
the hope they will continue this patron-
with Mr. Traviss.
Come in and See
Ford Tractor
In Our Showroom
Daly's Garage
win Sobtrhar* . Logan; Matinrie at
wino% ao4 one eon, Ralph. at here%
two grandichildrep; two eistero,
G, W. Leenhardt,..A.rodhagen;
vin Rps, aria;" • three hrother,
George and Vddie Mogk, London, gr,n4
Clarence, ondon. She was a faith-
ful Member of St. reter's TAU -therm).
Oburch, iirodkaKen, a,nd teak ail ac-
tive part la the Ladles, 8Ociety.
Funeral services were held, at 2 p.m.
Tuesday at her late residence and
were followed by ..a.",pub•lic service in,
&t, Peter's Lintheran Church, Brod-
hageu. Burial was In St. Peters Luthr
era n cemetery. Much -sympathy is ex-
PMO.Qd to. the bereaved family.
Mr. and Mrs, George Pepper and
Ross, Mr. Gordon, Rualabrook and Mr.
and Mrs. James Malcolm spent *in -
day , in Seaforth.
Mrs, George Graham and Miss
E. Graham, of Dresden, visited re-
cently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mal-
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams, Bur-
ford, visited/ her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Brian Barker, on ,Stinday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Don-
na visited Thursday evening with Mr.
Rad Mrs. James Malcolm.
Miss Beth,Skin.ner, of Munro, pent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, 'Chas.
Roney and accompanied them to Clin-
ton on Sunday to visit Mr. and, Mrs.
Reg. Ouch:nom
Miss Phyllis Gibb and Ronnie and
Mr, Clayton Sheldon visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal-
Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Lannin and
family visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Broughton,
Mrs. J. Meagher and Miss Doris
Annis returned, on Friday froin their
trip to British Columbia, and Miss
Hazel Roney returned the same day
from her trip to Regina. and other
places. By all reports they lfad a
real good trin. --
MaSter Ronnie Stacey is spending
his holiday e with his uncle and aunt,
Mr:' and Mrs, George Robinson.
r Mrs. Coleman, Sr., of Egmondville,
nd Mrs. Myrtle Carnahan visited'
”Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clark for a
week and spent Thursday' with Mr,
and Mrs. Lorne Lawson.
Miss Frances Downey, of Tiverton,
spent, the week -end with Mrs. Ethel
Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Stephenson. -
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Busby spent the
week -end with Mrs. Robert Lawson,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Miss
Shirley, who has been spending her
holidays here, returned home with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and son, of
Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. Charles Gee,
of LindsaY, and Mrs. Gordon McKel-
lar 'Called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Dale
on Wednesday.
Donald and Bill Stephenson left on
Wednesday for Toronto where they
will -visit the C.N.E.
Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Hoggarth and
daughter, Jane, who have been, help-
ing Mrs. W. Britton while My. Brit-
ton was in the hospital, left on Sun-
day for a week's holidays at Crom-
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart CuddifFie-, of
St. Catharines.. spent Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. L, Lawson.
Mr and Mi's. Robert Johnson,- of
Grand Valley, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Medd on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross McGregor and
family &spent Sunday in St. Marys
ano visited Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith.,
Miss Bella McCulla and Mrs. Clark.
,re Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Garbutt, of
Syracuse, N.Y., visited, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Adams on Thursday.
Mrs. Wm. Britton and Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. McMillan, visited Mr. Britton in
Victoria Hospital, kLondon, on Sun-
day. 1 • r.
Shakespeare Salesroom Now Oen
Dead and Disabled Animals
Personals: Miss Mary • B.•Currie
has returned to her home -here; Don-
ald Sdott:•and Gordon Laing with Mr.
and Mrs, Carl Weitzman, Niagara
Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd; Sorsdahl
and' daughters, Anita and Alice, in
London; Miss Isabel Lammond has
returned to her home after a week's
holidays; Mr. and Ars. Wm: Hamil-
ton with Mr. a.-nd Mrs. Carlyle Corn-
ish; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace
and little daughter, Seaforth; with
,Mrs. Lindsay McKellar and family;
Mrs. Mannie Speare and Mrs. Harold
Pethick and children with Miss Olive
Speare; WO and Mrs. Joe •Srdith and
Mrs. Kerney, Bluevale, with Mr. and,
Mrs. Otto Walker; Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Dalrymple, Seafortli,- with Mrs. Wm.
Miss Carroll, of Toronto, is the
guest of Mrs. Wfn. Hart.
Rev. John Graham; a• former Rec-
tor, now of Watford, will be in charge
of the service in St. John's' Anglican
Church Sunday. Aug, 31, at 7 p.m,
Mrs. garnet Wanless, of Wisconsin,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ings last
Miss Mary Galbraith and Mrs,. Ada
Reid, of Seaforth, are holidaying at
the home of their brother, Archie, and
Mrs. Galbraith, and were guests at
the home of Mrs. M. G. Beatty and
MISS Mossop.
Mrs. Jamieson and little sons, of
Centralia, are spending acme time
with the former's mother, Mrs. Ger-
tie Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bobrne, of Mon-
treal; MISS "Viola Brooks, of King-
ston; Rev. H L. Troyer, of Toronto,
and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Oke,' of Sea -
forth, were week -'end, guests at the
home of Mr. and, Mrs. A. Inge,
Mary E. Beatty gave a weiner roast
on the beach at her cottage, Bay-
field, Friday night. .
McAsh Bros. made a •business trip
to Toronto Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin and fare
fly, of Seaforth, called Tuesday eve-
ning on 'Ma. Main:.
The salad supper put on in Bayfield
Friday Watt by the ladies ,of 5t
JAWS "Church, Varna., was quite a,
suceate, and they Wish to thank Mr
and- Mrs. Lambert for the/liee Of
BealeaU41101% " '
, (0onthoot;MP.,,Og0
Pr. and Tewif3. Of To,
ren -to, returued bone en Sunday after
spending the past fWIa weeks
guest of Mrs. N. W. Weede. •
R. 'Fulton, whobas epegt the
strainer with her stator, Mrs. Percy
Weston and Nr. Weston, left this
Week for London en gone to her home:.
in •Bokar, $ask.
Aliso Mina, Proctor,. Of Toronto, .ia
the guest of her autti, Mrs, George
King and Mr. 'Mug.
Mrs. Florence Wright, of Torontp,
js visiting Mrs. Fred Baker this Week.
Mrs: Wright, the former , "Queenie"
• Martin; -`hasn't ,been here for twenty-
eight. years.
M;. and Mrs. D. A. •StaffOrd, Man
Mitchell and Miss Mary Grey, of.
London, were guests. of Mrs. F. A.
Edwards on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferguson, of
London, are at .the Kennedy- cottage
this month. • •'-
Messrs. James Mighton and Roy
Robinson, of Woodstock, and Miss
Evelyn Haley, of Watford, were the
guests of Rev. and Mrs. John Graham
3�r. and Mrs. Wm. Sanderson, of
Brantford, are guests, at the Albion
Hotel this week. Mr. Sanderson was
a former Bayttleld, boy,. leaving hare
over 30 Years ago. He lived, in Sas-
katchewan for several .Years, return-
ing to Ontario around six yeara ago.,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long visited
with friends ia Stratford on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Case, of Glen
Falls, N.Y., were guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Dayman, also Mrs. Ber-
tha Sullivan, of Toronto, and Mrs.
Susie Straut, of New York, and Mr.
Joe Dayman, of Fort Erie.
Miss Ida Dayman and friend, Miss
Calawell, of London, are the guests
of relatives in New York.
Mrs. Bob Dayman was the guest of
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Elgin, johnston.,, of London.
, Tyndall - Wise
Middletoa's Church, Goderich Town-
ship, was the scene of a, pretty wed-
ding on Saturday, Aug. 23, at 2:30
p.m., when Harriet Vera, daughter
of r Mrs. Wise and the late Williani
Wise, became the bt-ide of Lorne El-
liott Tyndall, son of •Mr. and -Mrs.
Roy Tyndall, Goderich Township.
Rev, L. Morgan, of Bayfield, perform-
ed the ceremony. The bride,' given
in -marriage by her brother, Mr. Geo.
Wise, was gowned in white satin with.
net overdress and veil embroidered in
silk motifs, headpiece of flowers and
net, and carried red ros.es. She was
attended by Miss Muriel ,Rowden, of
Clinton, who wore blue nylon, while
the matron of honor was Miss Muriel
Wise, of Clinton, in pink net with
net overdress. The flower girl was
Jean Rathwell,-in 'pink organdie with
sweet peas for her nosegay. Mrs. J.
Middleton played the wedding music
and accompanied her daughter, Miss
June Middleton, who Sang "My Hero."
Mr. Kenneth Tyndall, brother of the
groom, was the groomaman. The
church was beautifully decorated in
white and pink gladioli. The groom's
gift to the bride was a silver tea ser -
vide, to the flower girl a locket, to
the bridesmaid a rose bowl, and to
the matron of honor a pendant. A
reception was held at the home of
the bride's mother, Spruce Lawn
Farm, Goderich Twp., the bride's
mother receiving in grey nylon with
black accessories. Guests were pres-
ent from Toronto and Hamilton, and
among the guests were the bride'S
grandmother, Mrs. Frances Trick, and
the groom's grandfather, Mr. Frank
Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall left
later for a wedding trip to Huron,
Ohio, the bride travelling in a green
silk' jersey with black coat, hat and
accessories. They will reside on the
groom's farm in Goderich Township.
The Nation's
The' e,s•surrance given by Finance
Minister Abbott last week that the
surprise move by the British govern-
ment to' prohibit the privilege or
right of converting Sterling exchange
into dollars has quietened the fears
that were being expressed in many
circles here. Tile news however has
left a deepening impression here of
the absolute inter -dependence of all
countries in the world. The difficulty
Young Women
become a Reg. N.*!
Here is an opportunity for
young women to train as
R,egistered Nurses'. The
Course lasts three years with
two of them at one of the
centres below. Monthly,
allowances ranging from
$25 to $50 are granted
during the full period plus
free Room, board, laundry
and uniforms. Students have
three .Wbelts' vacation each
Secondary,. School Gradua-
tion Diploma is required for
enrolment. Ex- Service
School subjects (8 papers):
Registration closes September
30, 1947. . . apply now to:—
The Superintendent
of any one of
the. following centres
Sr the Director, °Mode Haspitals,
Parliament bufIatriss.
Retest! T. Mire
Wash Frocks
Values to $2.25
Here's a grand group of
Wash Dresses in size 14 on-
ly. Just the thing for the
first two 'months at High
Sizes 14 Only
Dozens and dozens to
choose from in plain or
animal design Pullovers
and Cardigans. All are
long sleeves and long
torso cut, All new
New Sldrts
School Girls
GROUP 1: 4
Sizes 3 to 6X. Wool and
Rayon mixed plaid skirt* in
Wine, Blue and Green.
Eight to 12 years; all -wool ke,,
pleated Skirts, in Navy,
Brown, Green and all pastel F;•*:
Special 315
Sizes 12 to 14X. Plain
shade -all -wool skirts, in pop. ,
ular darker shades for Fall.
Sizes 7 to 14X, cleverly styled printed
cotton dresses.
Just the dress for Public School girls.
Wide assortment of shades and patterns.
Specially Priced 1.95
8 to 12 Years '
White Broadcloth
Short sleeve White Broadcloth Blouses
to wear with skirts er,„ slacks. Smartly
tailored at
is not only that Britain. is making
very slow, if any, progress to recov-
ery but that all of Europe is in, the
Same. positidd or Worse. It is claim -
.ed that much 'of )3ritain'strouble
sterns from the chaotic and almost in-
soluble difficulties .on the continent,
where 'she formerly had a large and
profitable trade.
There IS a growing realization that,
for Canada, .aid to Britain and con-
tinental Europe must be considered,
not as philanthropy, but as necessary
expenditures for tbe benefit of our
own econonly—for the welfare of our
own people.
-The Chinese Mission
There is considerable interest here
in the proposed visit to Canada in
the first week of September of the
Legislative Yuan Mission. It is • stet
ed that the purpose of the mission is
the study of democratic institutions
'and methods and the working of par-
liamentary processes. The missiofl
will visit Ottawa, Mentreal . and To-
ronto and will spend) some day& at
the •National Summer Conference,
sponsored by the Young Liberal Fed-
eration, at McMaster University,
Hamilton, during the first week of
September. n. •
The Chinese Mission of four lead,
ing pubic figures is also in the na-
ture of a good -will visit for the' pro-
rebtioil. Of friendship and better un-
derstanding between the peoples of
China and Canada which is taken as
aa encouraging sign here.
Dominion -Provincial, Relations Again
Observers here are watching close-
ly the deVeloping and crystallizing of
public opinion with respect to the
need of agreement of all provinces, in
the tax arrangements neeessa-rY to
ensure the full prograya -proposed by
the federal government for social se-
curity and public welfare. The recent
meeting of the Canadian Instittite of
Public Opinion—a non-partisan or-
garrizatien—showed that a large sec-
tioa °tithe people of. Ontario believe
that an agreement with the federal
government is essential for the pros-
perity of all -Canada. A divided Can-
ada will be greatly handicapped in its
effort to cope with the difficulties in
the disturbed world..
Two Approaches
Two approaches are put forward—
the first, socialization, is easy to state
and has many superficial arguments.
In practice in many Places it has not
only failed, to correct abuses but has
ai-eated new ones and has fallen In
the production of goods required for
a better standard of living.
rfjle better. way is to take away
newer to exploit in price and to func-
tion against the economic liberty of
the individual. Under the combines
In.vestigation act much progress has
been wade In Canada' and new8 lama
must be passed to meet new threats
as they arise. international combines
eau tbest lie eontrallled by edit'n
through the totted Nations.
Immediate. Installation
4 I
F 01 B
Fess urner
In Your Furnace
mi -POULTRY -.1
On Rail Grade Basis
Unfinished birds notidesired.
Highest Market Prices Paid
roduce, Ltd.
Phone 170-W Seatorth