HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-08-29, Page 4MOW LIQ Sales & Servicefl - PHO,rNE 101 FOR GUARANTEED EXPERT RADIO $RViCE The Insawrfgm Qn Hetiiesn, SIe Waswer and Mescool Loam. ?ones ninon asevina Erns. H r idose Insnee a se -Classified Ads, Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: Foe Qsle.. WWI* Last..1 .,d E and. Etc.—Per wotni: lit week .. 1 . !' week24 Cent @. Cent ' Minimum charge. flint insertion,. Ceuta or Eacintin ire, initial and abbreviation counla as o ward. nand of Tbanlgt,e In, Memoriam -Notices. gentian Events -1 cent per word. Minimums, 60 tents per ween. Enntanie tray 'be directed to a Box Number, c/o The finnan Expositor. for 10 'Mats extra_ Ten .ceuta additional will be charged if ad fax obese alma are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Mtn*, Marriages and -Deaths inserted free of ,charge. . •" AtionNotices ucSales. to Creditors, Etc. --Rates on eInlfcation. Coming Events L .•.• . Help Wanted OLD TIME ',BARN DANCE Ann THE WANTED— "'° BE'nWEEN- AGES Crystal•, Pala�e Ballroom, Mitalrrll, Fri_ of 20 and 45. Box 681, )T(vOSPTOB. day, August 29, by' tbe• CJCS Ranch Boys- 4159x1 ' Come and anion the dun 4169x1 RIG LABOR . DAY NIGHT DANCE. MON- day,' Sepbebnber 1, at tho Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, with Berney Verona and Vie' 10 -piece Orchestra,. of sweet music for dancing: with Mel Oatridge and Max Hopper' las vocalis6 -- 4169x1 Wanted WANTED—HOUSE TO RENT. PHONE A. 1934. Seaforth. 4159x1 WANTED—CASH FOR• MQDEL 'A' CAR, i in A-1 condition. _RHONE 369, Sea- north-' 4159-1 WANTED — A GOOD SECOND. -HAND �rr • bicycle. PHONE 12-93;• Hensall. 4159-1 'i:7AIv'1'E�D — FURNISHED AQCOMMODA- tions for Airman and' wife; no chil- dren- Phone 123-W, Seaforth, R. MaoDON- ALD- 4159x1 iWANTED TO RENT—wILL PAY 5,50.00 per /month for shore in Seaforth, suit- able for drug store. Address enquiries to MR. KIRKMAN, Queen's Hotel, S4aforth. 4159x1 WANTED—OLD HORSES AND. DEAD animals, suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2c a pound live weight for 'horses. Dead animals according to •value: If dead, phone collect at once to JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderieb_ 4158-tf Work Wanted VOTING GIRL. 18. WISHES HOUSE WORK 1 in Seaforth or Egmondville. ' Sleep in or est ' Apply to MISS CLAR.A BAKER, Eg- ttnondville, Ont, c/o Mrs. Ted Brown. 4159x1 Notices WEED CUTTING Township, of. .Tuckersmith tpHE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH WILL pay for weed cutting on township roads at the rate of 2 cents Per rod, Provided such work is done on or .before 8EPTEMHER 15, and accounts rendered to and passed, by Road Superintendent Robert Dalrymple, Egmond- ville, by OCTOBER 1, 1947. mo accounts rendered after .this date will be paid. , B. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 4156-7 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ANDREW HENDERSON 'ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Andrew Henderson, late of the Township of McKillop, Farmer, deceased, who diedon or about the 17th day of Juin. 1947, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 55th day of September, 1947. full particulars of their claims , Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributee amongst the parties entitled there - ;to, having regard only to claims of whish the undersigned„ shall; then have notice; to the exclusion of all others, and the under signer] will not be 'liable to any person of vrhose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this '13th • day of August, 1947.. ALVIN W. SIT,T1FriY, Soiie.'tor for *he Executors. 41574 Tenders Wanted ' • TENDERS WAN'1hD For Bricklaying and - Plastering, SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by Scorn Memorial Hospital„ Se rfortb, n , to and Snck:ding September 6th, for the fol - '1 baying approximately 20;000 bricks. 2. Plastering, two , coats, approximately 1,900 square yards. All material will be supplied by Scott Mein - oriel Hospital. Tenders are to indicate a price per 1,000 brick and a price per square yard plaster, and may be fol• either Item' 1 or 2 above, or bath. In the event of the latter, separate amounts must be shotrn for each item. Persons tendering must indicate when wean . tact be oomrnenced and an approximate con- y:Wian date. Lowest or any tender not necessarily Tenders mast be forwarded in a sealed envelope addressed to - Lawrence De LaFranier, SCOTT ME01ORIAb, HOSPITAL Seaforth, Ont. F , 41583 FARM FQR SALE BY TENDER SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED iJ nn to sod Inquiline September 8, 1947, Ear the sale of fare lot 26 and part 27, Con- cession 1, Hay Township. containing 125 etcq±gs (more or less), less C.N31. right-of-way. This farm is 1.0ca5ed on leo. 4 Highway, Mose to good grain and cash crop :market, and is allose to setroois and churches. This farm is smell 'Mint on. containing a Men 8 -room two - stoney white brick house, garage, boathouse. frame Loan 40x60 willt sten* shod attached, 100128. Hydro available. Farin contains ap- i *aiinakebr 10 acres of hardwood bush, ban ernes • of the land is reasonably well drained end in a good state of cultivation Posses- /gen ban be arranged on December 1, 1047. For terms and conditions of sale. apply to tthe ttnder3igned. An 'benders must be sot: - tatted ' in writing. The highest or any ten- der riot necessarily accepted. DUNCAN Bit:W'ART, Henbali, Ont. 4167x4 TENDERS WANTED Tf. NDE)$ vitt to RECEIVED BY THE • rmdea1Rned for th'eh ,daretaking of Schools We 'i stied J, ,'t'r'ek mmith, for the school yet*; risttail duties, of is school eoreteker Otf be neeneensed in ffi isitiefaetoty manna;. ntictrlara grid details' A ple by pe.. • 1'. d44tr,, Aril WANTED IMMEDIATELY • TWO DOMESTICS FOR • • Huron County Home Good salaries with board and 'lodging pro- vided. Duties to commence immediately. Applicants please apDly to Mrs. Martha E. Jacobs MATRON, HURON COUNTY HOME 4159-1 Cards of Thanks up. AND MRS. WII.LiAM BRITTtDN wish, to thank their many friend* for their arta of nitt,dness. while Mn. Britton was in the hospital. WISH- TO THANK ALL MY KIND friends and neighbors for, all their kind- ness in sending me canals, trats, fruits and flowers during my recent illness in Scott Memorial Hospital and since coming borne: also thanks to the kind nurses on the staff. 4169x1 NEL E EVANS Births CARETAKER WANTED . APPLICATIONS WILL. BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to and including September 6, for the position of 'CARETAKER AT THE Seaforth Lions Park The position is full time fer the months of May to September, inriusive, and may entail certain work at other times in the year. A house, including light and water, is available and is to bo taken into consideration in de- termining salary. Applicants should state salary required per months and rate per hour for suet work ,as may be required in other than the five full time months. A. Y. McLean; Chairman SEAFORTH LIONS PARK COMMS'1 tEE 4159-2 Salesman Wanted SALES STET P WANTED — SALESMAN wanted for a national •firm, direct sell- ing -in household-. appliances-, Must :have car, Good remuneration if willing to work. Box No. 579, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4157-3 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS,) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept T-73, NOVA -RUBBER. CO., Box 91., Hannon, Ont. For Sale FOR SALE—ONE. 100 -GALLON GASOLINE tank, complete with pump and hose. Box 582, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. FOR SALE -1936 FORD SEDAN, IN GOOD condition. ' Apply to ED_ LANE: Sea - forth. 4159-1 FOR SALE—HEINT2,MAN 'PIANO, IN A-1 condition. Apply DARRELT, PARKER, Cromarty. 4159x1 FOR SALE -450 DR. ROE'S SUSSEX AND New Hampshire pullets,• laying_ GLENN SLAVIN; R.R. No. 2, Kippen. Phone Hen- sall 84 r 15. 4159x1 FOR SALE—CAR RADIO, 1939 PHILCO, with aerial, in A-1 .condition. Apply to NORMAN MacLEAN, Egmendville: 4159x1 FOR SALE -1930 FORD TtlDOlt SEDAN; good condition ; tour "8vod tires. Apply at. SEAFORTH CREAMERY. 4159x1 FOR' SALE -140 NEW HAMPSHIRE AND Rock pullets. six months old and begin- ning to lay. Apply to . HARRY iiOY, Hen - 4159 -2 FOR SALE -2 HEREFORD CALVES. AP - ply to GORDON. 'REYNOLDS) Phone 667 r 24, Seaforth: . 41.59x1 FOR SALE-DAWSON'S GOLDEN ,CHAFF seed wheat, clean, and grown from reg- istered seed. Apply J. C. SMILLIE. Hen- sel], 91 r 2. 4159-1 FOR SALE -300 SUSSEX AND 1vr W Hampshire ,. }ul•Ipts, Igyiag. CHARLES R. RONEY, R.R. 2, Dublin. Phone 19 r 12. Dnbiin 4158-2 FOR SALE — SEVEN -ROOMED .FRAME house, Main S. Egmvndvilln-nr4h stable and' garden. Apply to MRS. WILFRID GLAZIER. R.R. 4, Clinton, Ont. Phone 617 r 31, Clinton_ 4157x2 Auction Sales N . AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household Effects, to be held )iii the Vil- lage of Hensall, Friday Eyeniug; 'September 12th, at 7 pm_ (D.S.T.): PROPERTY— Seven-roomed frame hoose: two lots on cor- ner, opposite Thompson's Miff ; furnace; Hy- dro ; hard and soft water in noose; ,garage_ Pari of -house rented; possession of remainder immediately'. Quantity of household effects and garden tools. Terms: Chattels—Cash. Property -10 per sent down; balance in 30 days. Reserve bid. ESTATE OF inns LATE JAMES DAYMAN: Emereson Smith, Ern -ti- ter: McConnell & Hays, Solicitors for Estate; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. • 4159-3 BAILIFF'E SALE KELLAND—In Stratford General Heepital, on Thursday. August 51, to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kelland, Seaforth, a slaughter. FINNIGAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 22. to Mr. and May. Grant Finni- gan, Egmondville, a on. McNIOHOL—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 25, to Mn.nd Mrs. Ralph 31.- Nichol, KR_ 2, Waltan a son. MILLER—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 26, bo Mr. and Mara. Russel Miller, RR. 4, Seaforth, a son_ RAU—In Scotrt Memoria4 Hospital. on August 27, to Mr. and Mm. Verdian Rau, Seaforth, a sem UNDER A CHATTEL MORTGAGE DATED the fifth day of July, 1945, and the powers contained therein, 1 have been instructed as Bailiff to sell the following goods and chat- tels- for the Mortgagor, and I wit proceed to, do so at t 1 a.m.. on ' MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 1st At the premises, situated on the North side of theRayfield River, in the VILLAGE OF BAYFIBIA at a point immediately West of the Provin- cial Highway It -ridges and T will then sell the foliovcing articles: One 12' Steel Ravi -Boat made, by nuir'alo .Steel Co. One 31' covered.$ fishing tug, Donna Marie, equipped with Cbrysler six-cyline'r motor and net' lifter. One 341 x 131,4' boat house With lean-to. Two 141 cedar canoes. - The above chattels will be sold for cash and subject to reserve bid" DATED at Gode,4ch this 518th day of Aug- tret, 1947. JOHN' nfecTblt HAYES, Benin for Mor'4sagee Harold Jackson, Anctboeeer, Seaforth. 4159-1 Deaths b`TiiC1 a le ndoir, cis dateeday, Atieae6 nerd, Anna FFrretis IIIc beloved wife of Rrtdolph- 35acher llf ley, in ben Setif ELIMVILLE Mrs. Thomas Bell, Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Stephen and family; Mr. and Mrs, P. Murch, Mr. and Mrs. D. Woot- on,' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and Mr. and, Mrs. Norman Jacques visited with Mrs. Harold Bell in Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday and spent the afternoon at, Springbank. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Balkwill and daughter, of California, visited the former's ofd home here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. ,Thomas Heywood and sons, of Wellald, spent a few days with :Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hepwood this past week, ' Mrs. Marjorie Kennedy, of London, spent last Tuesday with her sister, Mrs, Jackson Woods. We are sorry to hear Miss Mary Dickey, of Wcodham, a former resi- dent Here, is in Victoria Hospital with poliomyelitis. Mr. Wesley Heywood, of Matheson, Northern Ontario, is visiting his father and other relatives here. Rev, W. Smith and daughters, Lois and Gladys, of Chatham, visited with •friends here last Wednesday on their • way via the Blue Water route to Ottawa. WALTON pZy-'02 'round with o14nten Ridio Schoel Friday evening when they took the visitors 7-6 in the second game of their bent-of-tbree aurae -Perth, Q. B.A. • Series#. Hensall will meet the town team of Clinton in the next round. Clinton 000 042 0-6 10 4 Hensall ... 110 012 —7 4 2 Batteries—Smith and Logan; Kip- fer, Tudor and Horton. • Mrs. J. B. McAree, Toronto, and Mrs. L, Inwood,' Montreal, spent a few days last week with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton. Mrs. J. Henderson, Jean and SyQ- via visited last week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and 'family, of Goderich. • Mrs. Casey Hudson and fa nily, of Goderich, are spending this week vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. George Hud- son. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Bolton and Mrs. E. J. Dinnin, of Seaforth, are vacation- ing this week- ate the Clemas cottage at Grand Bend - Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Beal, of Cal- gary, Alta., have been visiting their relatives and friends in Hensall,,end vicinity. Mrs. Dalrymple, , of Clinton, spent the past week .with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Fairbairn. MrFairbairn, who has been ill for the past few weeks, is improving nicely. Mrs. Annie Saundercock visited a few days last week 'with friends in Goderich. Miss Emma Johnston was taken seriously ill on Sunday and removed to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, : on Monday dor treatment. Mrs, G. Voth, Gwen and Jimmy, who• have been in Hensel' for the past number of months, left Sunday -for Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riley spent Sun- day with relatives in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cousins, of Canfield, Ohio, " and Mr. and Mrs. Clean Geisler and daughter, Lois, of Detroit, were recent visitors With Mr. • and Mrs. James Wright, of Kipper. . The -death occurred on Wedlnesday, August 20. of Mrs. - Menno Jackson, wino • had been in failing health far over six months. Deceased is survived by her husband, The funeral was held, from her late residence in Morris Township On Friday afternoon, with Rev. R. G. " Hazlewood, of Duff's Church, Walton, officiating, of which church Mrs. Jackson was a member. The pallbearers •were Wallace Bell, Arthur McCall, ,Jack. Brynns, Gordon Fraser, Clarenoe Martin and Leslie Naftel. Flower -bearers were Isabell McCall, Ross McCall, Edna Martin, Fred' Martin, Ina Fraser and Donald Fraser. Interment was in 'Brussels cemetery. Huether -' MacDonald Pink phlox and pink gladioli made a beaut:tul setting for the :4 edding of Mary Louise, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. James Macdonald, of the 16th can -Cession' of 'Grey Township, 'to. Murray Ross Huether,son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Huether, Cranbrook. on August 23. Rev. R. G. Hazlewood officiated at the double ring cere- mony. Miss Elva Sbolddce played the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of blue net oyer satin: fashioner' with sweetheart neckline, short puff sleeves. She wore long blue mitters and her shoulder veil was caught -by a blue bandeau...... She wore a pearl necklace, ;t gift of the br;rlegroom, and a bracelet worn by her . grand- mother et her wedding. She carried a bouQLet of American Beauty roses. Mrs. D..Lt'.t-less, Walto 1, the iretrot of honor, ,vas •go-wned, in .net over satin with a pink bandeaux in her hair. She ' carried 'a bouquet of pine asters and' roses. Kathryn MgTag- gait! niece of the bridegroom, as flower girl, •wore a green nylon• frock with green ribbon headdress and car- ried a 'Nosegay of pansies. Morgan Cameron, London, was best ruan. A buffet luncheon was served to 'Iorty'- f'.ve guests, Tl:e .wedding cake cen- tred, the, bride's table. Mrs. E. Pletcb, Isobeh• McCall, Isobel Davidson, Mary McCutcheon, Leona Watson, Eleanor Weaver served. The bride's mother wore a gray flowered crepe dress and corsage of white gladioli, For travel- lirg the bride donned a blue crepe dress inset with lace, black accessor- ies and a corsage, ,of pink, gladioli. The eouple will spend their honey- moon in Kitchener, Toronto and Niagara. On their return they will reside in Cranbrook. The Walton group or the W.M,S. yMet -Societet at the home of Mrs. Geo. McArthur. Mrs, .1-i, Travis presided and opened the meeting with tbe• hymn, "In C11ri't. There In No_ East Nor West." A B ble reading was take en front Matthew 5: The topic on Stewardship vi;s_ given by , Mgrs. W. Hackwell. At the close of tie Meet- ing a social half-hour was spent and lunch serve by the hostess with Mrs. W. Thanier and, Mrs, Hac ¢well asi isting.... Personals: Miss Amy Love and Mrs. F. Kerley and sons, of Toronto, with Mr, and nils. Broaihfoot; Miss Edith Hackweil is Toronto. HE -MSALL Miss Margaret Dougall, of Hensall, has retultned from Toronto, where she attend, d the summer school course in inusic of the Department of Education. Miss Dougall was a mem- ber of the four hundred -voice choir, guests of the Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra at the promenade sym- phony concerts. Part of this program was broadcast over (ji"PL. • Mr. and Mrs, Laomia Blakley, of Saskatoon, Sask., who ' spent their holidays with Mrs;. Blakiey's mother, Mrs. E: Chesney, Hewett,' have re- turned by motor to their home, ' Dr. James Tapp, wife and daugh- ters; Barbara and Sandra, of Sarnia, visited over the week -end with the former's father, Mr. John Tapp,, of Hensall. Miss 1' Laiis Henderson is Spending this Week` a •guest 'Of Mr. and Mrs,. James Morris, Goderich, i el Il rade , a el'esii: 'Amp 6f it# Mrs. O. Reichert O.rrlved- home last week: after - spending a week with friends in Montreal and points Earit. Hurondale W. 1, Meets • Mrs. Percy Passmore Was hostess at her home for the Hurondele ,men's Institute, when the Exeter Junior Institute were their guests and furnished the program, The roll call was answered by naming a historical spot in Huron County. It was deeid- ed to invite kippin East W.I. to join with Hurond'ale,,,in the course ,in psychology. Four' members kindly of- fered.their hones for the course. A blanket was auctioned) for $5.00, the buyer being Mrs. W. Kernick. - Cur- rent events, engagement of Princess. Elizabeth, the death of Mrs. Margar- et Truman, and making sunsuits out of handkerehiefs 'were given by Mrs, r Jean Johne„ Miss Jean Biosk presi- dent of Exeter Junior Institute, took the' chair and presented an interest- ing outline of their institute.. Mrs. Phillip Johns favored with a piano solo; Miss Marion Rundle, an educa- tional ducetional demonstration, on being well groomed; piano solo, Agnes' Bray. Changing an untidy girl to a well- groomed gill was given by Misses. Mona and Lois P} m and Shirly Ker - nick. Mrs. F. Tuckey directed the games. Mr. 'W. R. Dougall is in Toronto attending a meeting of the Crops Im- provement mp:rovement Association. '.'dr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Shepherd are holi- daying up at Muskoka_ Me. and Mrs. A. G. Smillie left Sun- day for Kamloops, B.C., to visit with their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Smillie and fami.y. Mr. and Mrs. Leaton Seimon are attending the Toronto Exhibition, Mrs. Jack Reid and, family have re- turned after visiting in Teeswater Mr. Wilson Allan is being visited: by his. sister from Vancouver, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willard and family spent Sunday with friends in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Kozachuk and Mary a.re attending the Toronto Exhibition. Migse+A Grreta and Amy; Yansiu to ited• this week with *Ueda in Lucan. Mrs. Ernest Appleby is confined to bed stlfering with be injuries she received' whileriding to Tngersol: 'on a "motorcycle with her husband. While they Were riding on Highway No! 4, a cloudburst came tip and Mr. Apple- by was driving to tango shelter under a tree when he ran over a bump and Mrs. Appeby was thrown a distance of 25 feet on, the highway. X-rays have been taken. Bill Mickle, Dill O'Brien sad Camp- bell Krueger, of Zurich,' attended the training school for baseball players last week at Thameeyille, sponsored by the Pittsburg 'Pirates. . Mr. and Mr's. Frank Micklet of Ridgetown,' visited last ',Friday with Mr,, and Mrs. Laird Micki'e and fam- ily. Bill Micllie 1padee one of the dour all-star teams playing last Saturdiay. at Thamesville. Bill held the posi- tion of first baseman - In a second -round game of the Hur- on -Perth O.B_A.. loop Wednesday eve - 1 Hing, the locale' gave a nine iron Clinton an 8-4drubbing to even their final series at one game apiece. The next and deciding game will be play- ed at Hensel' on Friday evening. Clinton 110 101 008,.— 4 7 14 H eil�ral l ....... 010 420 01x-8 11 4 The'"batteries were: Clinton: Stock, Carrick, Boussey. Bona)): ' Wiptee, Horton. - 4 Mrs, Constance Magnall and Mr_ KennethMagnall, of Beachville, spent Wednesday with her ceusin, Mise Hattie Sutherland_ Assasmiasuommaarnimmummaasamsosummummosiousom Poultry Raisers .. DE - WORM YOUR CHICKENS FOR WINTER. LAYING Use— • N.K. CAPSULES • ROTA -CAPS or • P. T. Z. POWDER Middleton's Drugs Hensall — Phone 20 lismasemosomsonsmisammummoulonommassummo The Seaforth High School is an Attractive Building, containing the most modern arrangement and equipment. SEAFORTH IGH SCHOOL: SERVING the CITIZENS of the `SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT PENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 2nd AT 10 A.M. D. S. L Special Accomodation Modern Equipment - Science Laboratory — New Commercial and Agricultural Departments — General Shop — Home Economics •— Library - Gymnasium — Audio -Visual Instruction. e Complete Course Leading to: Intermediate Diploma=Grade X Secondary School Graduation Diploma—Grade XII With several options in And . At the Same Time the Following Special Practical Work is Given; THREE. BRAND NEW MODERN BUSSES BRING THE FACILITIES' OF THE SEAFORTH HIGH .SCHOOL TO THE DOOR OF RURAL STUD- ENTS ROUTE 1:.... TUCKERSMITH and HIBBERT • South on KipISen Road 5 miles, east. 33/4 miles, south 2i, miles., west 21/2 miles, north 11/4 miles, return south 21/2 miles, west )'Mile to Con.s. 2 and 3, L.R.S., Tuckersneith, north to Mill Road and east to Seaforth, ROUTE 2: McKILLOP North 2% )smiles, east 3% miles to Beechwood, north. 21/2- miles, east 114 miles, north 21/2 miles through Man- ley, west 21•/2. miles, north 2% miles, west 11/4 miles, south 3% 'miles, east 11/4 miles, south 21/2 milk, west 2% to North Road, and south .to Seaforth. ROUTE 3: 'McKILLOP, and HULLETT' a West 3% miles on No..8 Highway, north 5 miles, east 21/2 miles, north 2% miles, east 11/4 miles, north to Walton, south on North Road 6% miles, west 11/4 miles, south 3% mites to No. 8Highway, east 'on No. 8 High- way to Seaforth. For complete information, phone, write, or consult PRINCIPAL E. LORNE FOX., PHONE 198, . SE-AP:MTH Honor Graduation Diploma University Senior"Matricula- tion, and Normal School Entrance 0 } Grade XIII Lower and Middle School and. Choice of Twelve Subjects in Upper School. BOYS' Woodworking, Sheet Metal Work, Farm Mechaniics, Drafting, Forge and Anvil Work. " New Courses in Special Agriculture, Commercial Training: GIRLS: Home Economics, Commercial Training. Below is shown, outlined' in black, the portion of Huron County which is in- cluded in the Seaforth High School District a.