HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-08-15, Page 8v. •la THE aultow Exp9 'Srroit `40' 1947. • EXP_ERT - RADIO REPAIRING Prompt and Efficient Service CLAYTON J. DENNIS PHONE 365 Agent for ROY BOYD RADIG & SALES SERVICE Mitchell All Work Guaranteed Arthur Fraser ,Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Services, Etc. 'EXETER Ann Street : Phone 355W The Permanent For Lovelier Women! ' Who ,eneildn't took lovelier with hair so silky and soft and shiny, so. .beautifully curled— thanks to a cold wave perman- ent. This is your chance to leave otie while they are still reduced from $10.00 $8.00 to during next week. Machineless and Machine Per- manents Also Reduced. PHONE 152 Sutherland Beautp Shop SEAFORTH E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Broker INSURANCE PHONES: 334 or 220 - SEAFORTH NEWS OF THE TOWN Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. G. Carnoeha.0 wish opm:ounce the engagement .of their only daughter, Rata Jauetta, to Allister' McDonald, ton of Mee -A. J. Lamont and the late; Mrs-. 'Lamont, of Port Elgin, Out:, tb-e morriage to take "place September 6 et Muloc.k Parra, Seaforth. • Death of 'Mrs. Joseph Nigh. — The death of Mrs. Joseph Nigh-' eecurred on Tuesday in. Sealoeth. .She was in her 76th year. She was the widow of. Joseph -Nigh and betore her marriage was the former Matilda Atkinson. The funeral will be held from ,her Late resi• deuce, Elizabeth St., on Friday at 9.30 a.m., to. St. James' Church, where Re- quiem High Mass will be -sung. tie ferment. will be in. St. James' e-erne- tery. • • Death of 'Robert French: — There passed away in London on July 26. after a long illnee.s, • Mr, Robert French, formerly of Seaforth, in his 91st yssiir. Mr. French was born in MeKillop, son of . the late Mr., and Mrs. Robert French, of Seaforth. He married Fannie Somers, -also of Me - /Cheap, who , predeceased him three years ago. Mr. French lived, most of. his life in Seaforth, moving to Lau- don twenty years ago. He was a member on Northside ranted Chureh, Seaforth, and hed many friends in town and surrounding district. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs, At.- - thin' - 'Derry (Hallie), one grand- daughter, Ordean Berry, London, and one sister (Mary), Mrs.- Jack Stog- dill, of Orillia. His oniy on. Roy French,. pressed away a year ago in Glen Kerr. Sask. Cllurches Northside United and First Presby- terian Congregations worship in First Presbytevian. Church during Auguet • Servioeeeett 11 a.m. and 7. p.m, Sun- day. Schools at 11) am. -'-Rev. H. V. Worltrnan, Minister. in charge. Anglican.—Suuday, August 17. . Eat. Thoraaee Seaforth-11 Morning Prayer and Sermon. No evening ser- vice. St. Mane's. Dublin. ---9,30 a.m., Morn- ing Prayer and Sermon.—Rector, Rev.. C. L. .GiIbert, Funeral of the ,Late Dan Hughes.— The funeral of the late Dan Hughes, df Wilkie, Sask., took place from St. James' Cburch on Saturday- morning at.9.30 and was largely attended. In terment was in the family plot in St. Coluniban cemetery. The ,pailbeareis were Finlay McKercher, , Thomas Beattie, Joseph Flanagan, L. J. Flan- nery, C. B. Flannery and James, Flan- nery: Those attending the funeral from a distance included: Mr. J. B. Roach, of Wilkie, nephew of the de- ceased. who accompanied the body; also Mrs. E. J. Healy and Mrs. F. Ratke, of Chicago; Mrs. J. Flannery and Mrs. W. J. Cassels. of Dearborn, Mich.; Mt. •and Mrs. L. J. Flannery, Mr, C. B. Flannery, of Detroit; Mrs. J. P. Miller, of East Grand Forks, Minnesota; Mrs. R. A. Benninger and Miss Geralda Flannery, of Guelph. and' Mr. James Flannery, Kitchener. ese Hardwick - Roberts.—Summer flow- ers formed the decoration in Knox Presbyterian Church; Stratford, for the marriage Friday afternoon of Margaret Ann, daughter of Mrs. A. J. Roberts, Seaforth, and the late Mr. Roberts, formerly of Stratford, to Mr. Leo Floyd Hartwick, son of Mr. and Mrs.,L. J. Hartwick, Strathroy, which was solemnized at 2.30 o'clock with Rev. Charles S Oke officiating. The wedding musle„, was, played by Mr. William E. France and Miss Eleanor Nelson' sang "Because" and, "0 Per- fect Love." Mr. R. H. Roberts, Len - don, gave his niece in marriage: She e-aS attended by ,her sister, Miss Elizabeth Roberts, Davenport, Iowa, as maid of honor, with Miss Doris Knack as bridesmaid. Mr. Leslie M. Hartwick. Strathroy, brother of the bridegroom, was best man., the ushers being"Mr, George Meet's, London, and Mr. Walter Bowley, Abbotsford, Quebec. The bride wore a gown. of white brocaded rayon with nylon yoke trimmed with pearls. Her floor length veil was held in ' a matching head- dress and she carried' a bouquet of white roses and bouvardia. The at- tendants wore -similar .gowns of spun N TICE RE BRUCEFIELD STREET LIGHTS,, Ratepayers of .the Township g of Tuckersmith and Stanley, who reside in the Village of Bruce - field, are asked to attend a meeting in the Odd - fellows' Hall, Brucefield, on September 5th, at 8 p.m., for the purpose of receiving estimates, etc., in regard to the proposed street lighting' of the village. oultry Wanted WE WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR FINISHED POULTRY Unfinished birds are not wanted. BRING YOUR EGGS TO HUDSON'S We are paying 47c per Dozen for Grade 'A' Large this week, ISAAC HUDSON PHONE 168 SEAFORTH • raylan fasitiOned wit fitted bodices and Jail skirts with headdresaee to. math their gowns. The maid of tn- or in turquoise blue and carried. Butterfly roses and the .bridesmaid chose salmon pink, her dowers being Teliteman roes. A reeeption was held at the Stratford ,Countryt•-Club, the bridah table being effeetively arrang- ed with white roses and white can. Mrs. Roberts, mother of the bride, was dressed in pale blue crepe with navy accessories apd wore Dream roses in corsage, The bride- groom's mother wore, aqua blue crepe eith. accessories in black and a cor- eigeot Better Time roses. The as- sistants were Miss Margaret Knack arid, Miss Shirley Sutherland, For a Motor trip through the Muskoka die- trict, the bride* were a gray wool stilt o ith navy accessories and corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwick will reside in Seaforth. Out-oetOwn guests present at the wedding were' from London, Chicago, Toronto, Huntsville, Hamilton, .Dresden, Sea - forth, Davenport, Iowa, and Abbots- ford Que. 4 Dies in Goderich.—A former Drone- inent resident of Goderich and weli. known throughout Huron, 'Mrs..John Elgin Tom, died in. Toronto on Fri- day and was buried in Maitland eerie' ete.y. Goderich, on Monday. Mrs Toni as the former Miss Margaret Carn- ochan Dickson, daughter of the late Mr., and Mrs. James Dickson. She was 96 years of age. Her husbaaci the late John. Elgin Tom, was. for many years inspector of public schools an Huron. He died ine1.93U. and Mrs,. Tom moved. to Toronto shortly afterwara. She - was "a metu- ber of the United. Church. Surviving are three deughters: Miss-' Mabel Tom ,• Guilford. Conn.; Miss Jean Tom, Chicago, Dr. Mary 1 Toen, Toronto; also two sons, Dr. Percy' H. Tom and J. Archie Tom, Toienlo. Mrs. A.M. 'Kay and Miss E. Dickson, Stratford, are nieces of Mrs. Tom. 'rhe funeral service • was held from the Brophey Fuueral Home in• Gide- rich on Monday afternoon at 3.30. o'clock: Death 'of- Ralph Shockcor.—A tragic aceident .ioccurred on Monday morn- ing_ August 4, in Detroit, when Ralph Urban Schockcor, 22 years old.. be- loved sou of Mr. aiel Mrs. C. J. Shock - rot -el -the latter was formerly Marton Jeanette Spree et Seaforthh• was in- stautly killed in „.,e headen when a c;ir tattivepling at high speed, on tee wrong side Of the road, craele 'ed into his car,' pinning him in and killing him instaatly. A' friend and wife, passengers in the car, were ser- iously injured. but were able to leave hospital' ir a few days. The driver of the -other car died in hospital,. A funekl service was • conducted on Thursday, August 7. at. the McCabe Funeral Home, by Rev. Dr. Jeffries, amidst b'eautiful floral tributes-. Friends and relati-ves were present from Detroit,' also' froni Seaforth: Long Island, New York, Los'Angelee. Cleveland and Willard, .0hio. His flag -dr -aped remains were carried to his last resting place in Grand Lawn Cemetery by bis three cousins, two boyhood chums and also a buddy from New .York, who . had served in the Marine Corps with him. in . the' Pacific. Besides his ' parents to mourn his passing, there survives tiVe brothers, 'Roger and Dick,and a sis- ter, Gloria. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs: Blythe Stephenson and daughter, whoare at Their cot- tage in Hayfield, celled on friends cin town on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willis, of .De-. trbit, who are spending Weeks at .Port Alhert, were the guests of. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis and Mr. W. G. Willis on 'Saturday. 4 Mr. and:Mrs. Hugh Sproat, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat and Mrs. Barbara Sykes. • Mrs. Mae Rees, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., is visiting at -the -home of Mr. Ed. Mole. •. Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Hart, of To- ronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Scott. „e Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Stewart and daughter, of Toronto,- are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart at Bay- field. • Mrs. McNay, of Toronto, is the -guest of Miss ClaraPinkney. Mr. and Mrs. Hils'on Whiteford, of Ingersoll, spent a few days at the .home of Mr,- and. Mrs, William Brad- shaw, Mater David, Bradshaw re- turned with them. • Mr. C. H. Garniss is visiting in London this week, , • Dr. and Mrs. Friel Stewart, of Windsor, were guests of Mrs, Charles Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Mc- Connell over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Whittaker, of Port Erie, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, James A. MacDonald this week. • Mrs. Cassels, of Detroit, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs- J. 3. Cleary. ' • Mr, Don Brightrall is visiting in Toronto. • Mrs. Mallagh, of Toronto, -is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. James G. 1Viullen, • Mr. and Mrs. P, D. McConnell are on a motor trip to Huntsville, Bala and other 'Northern points,. • Sunday visitors at the' home of Mr...and Mrs, C. H. Garniss were .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roberton and Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. JeA. Ball'antyne, all of London.' •. Mr. and Mrs. David Mole and son,. Maxwell, of Rochester, .N.Y., were week -end' visitors at the home of Mr. Edward Mole and family. , • Mr, and. Mrs. Del Krauel and. daughter, of Brantford, are visiting her parent's, Mr, and Mrs.. Harold -Dale. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sparks and Ruth, and Mr, a.hd Mis. William Scbeldroth and family, of Port El- gin; Mr. and Mrs. William Sparks and Harry and Mr. and Mrs, Llyod Sparks, of Kincardine, and Mr. and 'Mrs, Gordon Millson and family,, of Clinton, were Sunday visitors at tire home of Mr.. Ed, Mole -and family, • Mrs, W. J. Walker and daughter, Mrs.. Cameron, of Toronto, are spend- ing a Week or two at her 'home on High Street. • Mr, and Mrs. Max Hudson and two sons, of Windser, are guests at the home of Md. and Mrs, Isaac Hu& sent, • Mre. Loretta Spittal returned to St, P'aul,. Minn., last Fridley' after • SATURDAY, AUG. 16 Cardno's Hall, Seaforth NORM CARNEGIE and His Band, ADMISSION - 50 CENTS 4. • -spending a week at the home of tier cousins, Misses Laura and. Vera Mole. • Mr. and Mrs. Hai -old Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Clarke spent the week -end. at llake-OLarke's cottage at Barrow Bay. • Mies Wannifred;Russell, of To- ronto, spent the week -end at her home here„ • Mrs: Margaret 'White, of North Bay, is a guest of her brother, Mr. George Crich and Mrs. Crich, in, Duha lin. • Dr. Fraser Olivet -and Mrs. Oliver and family, of St. -Anne's, Quebec, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas...Oliver. • Miss Ella Elder is gpending a few week e in, Muskoka. . - • Rev. and MrS. 0, S. Bagott and daughters, Mary ,andAudrey, of Salina, Kansas, are. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 4.. Thompson. • Mrs. Ted Bechely, of St. Thomas. spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross J. Sproat. DANCE ST. COLUMBAN IIALL TUESDAY, AUG. 26th WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Fertilizer! Order your fertilizer now. Give us a chance. Pay Octo- ber 1st. ' We are again buying Grain for Thompson at He nsall.' WM. M. SPROAT Phone 655 r 2 -- Seaforth THE - Ina Gray- Beautp Shop will be CLOSED from Aug. 4th to Aug. Lakeview CASINO Grand Bend— DANCING NIGHTLY Gordon Delmont and His Orchestra One of the most popular dances! MIDNITE DANCE August 18th. 12:05 A.M. SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 9 -P.M.. FRED FUNK'S "Variety Entertainers" Plan on THIS one — only three more! Popular Grand Bend! . • WHY??? • Because- you spend only What you can afford. There is ▪ so much to do at little cost. Pack your own lunch and use the free Picnic Hall on the water's edge. • We bave motor beat rides, roller skating, miniature golf- ing, bowling, -horseback •riding, bicycles for rent, rowboats movies, free Sunday ebneerts, and dancing eve4 night: TAXI - Day and Night Service PHONE 355 CLAYTON- J. DENNIS 4. All passengers insured.' FOR SALE Dwelling and .barn in EgintiYalville, with three aores of land; ye acre sm-all fruit. Suitable for poultry. Im- mediete poseession., - Dwelling and 2 or 3. acres of land, In Seaforth, Suitable for Poultry farm. Frame asphalt Dwelling; Railway Street. Modern eonveniences. Im- mediate possession. Modern 'Dwelling. North Main St. Immediate p'ossession. Frame Dwelling on Centre Street, Egmondyille, Modern Dwelling en Louisa Street. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 • Mr.:- and. Mea,' Neil _Tend:all, er Steiheria are guests of IIz'. az .Mr. Harry Tyndall, Tuckeraplith. • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald /Turas and daughter. Glo.ria, of Stratford, were I•veelt-end guests of . Mr. and Mrs. E. Ce Chamberlain. • Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson and Mr. and Mrs, Max Hudson spent Wed- nesday afternoon.at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mellick, Zurich. • Dr, Lloyd Hall„oa Guelph, a gra- duate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Guelph,. is -assisting Dr. J. 0. Turnbull in his veterinary practise here. • Mr, ,and Mrs. Henry Ford, of Cin- cinuati, Ohio, are guests of herpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright.t • Mrs, Jean Dale, who evaleein De- troit attending the funeral of • her nephew, returned. home this week. " • .Misses Jeanette and Renee Glin- ski and Don Wilkins, of Detroit, were in town over the weekend. • Mr. James Sieeth, of Detroit, called on friends in town this week. • Dr. E. A. 1VIcGavin and Mrs. Mc - Gavin and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. 1VIcGav- in, of Windsor, spent the week -end, with Mr. and Mrs. John McGavia and Miss Mary '1VicGavin, in Tuckersmith. • ,Misses Gwendolyn,. ,and Alice Christie are spending their 'y'd.cation iii Moorefield. • • Mr. and, Mrs. W. T. Teall and family are holidaying at Port Elgin. • Mr.. anti Mrs. R. B. Holmes and Miss ,Elairte Mare returnedafter a motor trip to Goshen,' N.Y. • • mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hart and, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and daugh- ter, Mavis, of Galt, have returned af- ter spending a week -in Huntsville: • Mrs. William Brock, of Granton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elder ehiS week. • Mr. Foster Brigham, of Toroate, visited his slater, Mrs. Wm. Mason and Mrs. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutchison. and two sons acc.onipaniee them. • Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Fisher and daughter, •Judy, of. 'Cleveland, were guests of Mr. anal Mrs. Russell H. Sproat. • Mrs. George Israel, of Toronto, is the guest of .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell, • Mr. R. H. Sandford, of Kempf- ville, called on his „Many friends in town this week. • • Mtises Ida' and Eva Love, of To- ronto, are visiting Miss Rena McKen- zie • Mr, J. E. Keating and son, •Iden- neth, were in. Toronto for a few days this week. e Mrs. R. FI Sproat was visiting relatives in Fergus last week. . -e Mr. and Mrs. W. G. White ani daughter, Elisabeth, of ayalkerville. are visitingeMrs. M. White. O "Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prike aud daughter, Sharon, of Stratford, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. W111121, • 4r.• Death of Herbert Henderson.—Her- bed Henderson, of lot 38, North Thames Road, Fullerton Township, died in St, Joseph's HospitalLondon, Tuesday night in his 54th year. He had not enjoyed good health for the past week and was taken to the hos- dital on Tuesday morning where he undeewent an operation. He was born.. in -McKillop Township on October ta, 1893, son of the late George Heeder- sote of 'McKiliop, and Mrs. Mary Car tar Henderson, of•Briacefield. On Sept. 10, 1918, he was Married to Miss An- nie McDonald, of Hibbert Township, who survives. They resided in Ful- lerton Township for the. past fifteen years, and previous,' to that had re- sided in Seaforth for some years. He Was a member of Mt. PleasantI.Tait- ed Church. Besides his wifeand mother, he is survived' by one son, George A., at home; two daughters, Mrs. William Burlingham (Mildred), Russeldale, and Gladys at home; two. brothers, John and James, 'both , of Seaforth; three sisters, Mrs, Archie Lamont, Winthrop; Mrs. •Robert Mc- Clure, Benmiller; 'Mrs. AlexeWright, Brucefield, and one granddaughter, Delores Burlingham. The body is resting at his lote home, lot 38, North Thames Road, where..a short service. will be held on Friday at 4.30 p.m. (D.S.T.), followed • by service in Mt, Pleasant United Church, with inter- ment •in Roy's cemetery, Fullerton Township. Rev.. David Wren, Strat- ford, will be in charge. ,„ • Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Britton and 'family attended the Main Street Sunday School picnic at Bimini on Wednes- day, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Strathdee and Marjory Ann. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. R. Stacey and 'Mowet. Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. .3. R. Murdie, Seaferth •Mr. and! Mrs. Kenneth Roney spent Sunday, in Goderich. Mr. Herb. Britton made a business trip to Lendon recently. • - The threshing machines are hum- ming again these days. ZURICH Ampimila Death of Charles Reaman Funeral 'eervices were. held Friday Lor Charles Reaman, Who died at the hone o° Mr. and Mrs, Gedrge Bullock. Hay Township, after an illness of four months. He vies in his 82nd year. Mr. 'Reaman farmed' for many years in Stanley Township. before retiring to a small farm in Hay Township 18 years ago. His wife predeceased him by eight years,. Interment was. in Hayfield Union Cenietery, Rev, Reba Ifern officiated, St. Marys Juveniles defeated Zurich juveniles 6-2 in a baseball game at Zurich Friday evening. St. Marys held- Zurich scoreless until the darks ening sixth inning, when Zurich" push- ed across two runs' to spoil a shutout for St. Marys, It was a real pitchers' battle between Ellis Of St. Marys and Mickle for Zurich and was a real crowd-pleaser theaughout. The score did not indicate the closeness of the geme. St. Marys—Jim- Noble, c; G. Cough, cf; Jim Dhtch, ss; S Ellls, p; W. Willmepe, 2b; Sgariglia, 3b; Rankin, 1!; Hepburn, rf; Eigie, J. Rich- ardson, 2b. r Zurich—Krueger,' sis; 'O'Dwarer, cf; Hess, c; Mickle, p; O'Brien, 2b; Be- dard, lb; Taylor, 3b; Laven-der; Fleimerieh, rf, • t li, St. Marys 003 300-4 10 2 Zurieh 000 1002 2' 6 2 r 1 egpit Theatre Sea;rth- NOW PLAYING — THURS.; FRT., SAT', " STALLION ROAD " e ' with , , RONALD REAGAN ALEXIS SMITH ZACHARY SCOTT The locale for this picture is the horse -breeding country of Southern 'California, which makes for pleaaant entertainment. Be sure to see it! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY IN TECHNICOLOR ° CARNIVAL IN 'COSTA RICA " with • DICK 1,IAYNES and VERA ELLEN 'Musical content of this delightful picture is Tropicel and Latin. A. Bright and' Shining Fruit Sala -d loaded with Technicolor Syrup, •Gayety and Music! ' • NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " SIOUX CITY SUE " - with GENE AUTREY and , LYNNE ROBERTS A Class "A" Western with fine songs and a smart plot, plus plenty of outdoor action. , Coming: " DECEPTION " . Adult Entertainment with CLAUDE RAINS; BETTE DAVIS, PAUL HENREID - School of, Comm'erce CLINTON eb- ONTARIO REGISTER NOW FOR THE FALL TERM, SEPT. 8th,•1947 • Authorized under the D.V.A. for Training Veterans „ COURSES — 1erica, Stenographic„ Commercial, • Secretarial M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist vice -Principal. Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal. emememeeemime. .LUIJMEIft Repair that roof 'the fine weather! WE HAVE IN STOCK— CEDAR SIIINGLES—No 2 Perfection 18-inch—excellent grade. No. 3 Five X—Cood patching shingles. ASPHALT.,SHINGLES-210 Pounds, Various Blends Come in anti inspect them. Improve the appearance of your house- and stElti have the satisfeetion of a rood roof. DURABIRSTOS—A Rigid Shingle lasting a lifetime. INSUL BRICK SIDING—Improv.es the appearance and insulates at the same' time. INSULATION—By the carton (paper barked sheets) or by the hag. HARDWOOD FLOORING -13/16 -inch Oak Flooring. LUMBER:— We have in stock: Tongued and Givoved Spruce, 5, 6, 7, S inches wide. Spruce 2x6, 2x8, 2x1(1, 2x12 . Fir from 1 inch to timbers. Excellent -for repairs around the farm. Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costa No More" Phone 47 . Seaforth 4••••••••.• Brucefield Community Firemen's Frolic BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Thursday, august 21 st. Bannochburn Pipe Band in Attendance , DANCE MUSIC BY MUROCH ORCHESTRA • GAMES • WHEELS • BINGO - -- Fun For All -- ADMISSION FREE 1111111111111MMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111M1111111111111.11111111a1111111111MON VETERANS WHY PAY -.RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN YOUR OWN HOME FOR AS LITTLE AS . . . $35 Per Month This amount includes Principal- and Interest, Taxes and Insttrance. Six Modern Homes For Sale NORTH MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH You are invited to see these houses while' under construction, to appreciate the quality of ma- terial and high-class workmanship going into them. Each is fully modern, with latest designs in bathroom and kitchen. These houses are available to Veterans only, who may be qualified under existing vet- erans' legislation, and may be purchased by reasonable down payment. Re-establishment Credits may be used towards down payment. These houses are being constructhd to the specifications and under the super- vision of the National Housitg Act. For further information, apply at the Office -of Seaforth Supply and Fuel Limited Seaforfh — Ontario 0, • ' For That . . -. EXTRA WIM p, WIGOR and , %VITALITY from . . . CRADLE to • GRAVE DEMAND CRICH'S _WHITE ' CLOVER BREAD Refuse Substitutes DEMAND , CRICH'S * WHITE CLOVER BREAD PHONE 34 OUR FRIENDLY SALESMAN - , WILL CALL ..,--- NEWS OF THE TOWN Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. G. Carnoeha.0 wish opm:ounce the engagement .of their only daughter, Rata Jauetta, to Allister' McDonald, ton of Mee -A. J. Lamont and the late; Mrs-. 'Lamont, of Port Elgin, Out:, tb-e morriage to take "place September 6 et Muloc.k Parra, Seaforth. • Death of 'Mrs. Joseph Nigh. — The death of Mrs. Joseph Nigh-' eecurred on Tuesday in. Sealoeth. .She was in her 76th year. She was the widow of. Joseph -Nigh and betore her marriage was the former Matilda Atkinson. The funeral will be held from ,her Late resi• deuce, Elizabeth St., on Friday at 9.30 a.m., to. St. James' Church, where Re- quiem High Mass will be -sung. tie ferment. will be in. St. James' e-erne- tery. • • Death of 'Robert French: — There passed away in London on July 26. after a long illnee.s, • Mr, Robert French, formerly of Seaforth, in his 91st yssiir. Mr. French was born in MeKillop, son of . the late Mr., and Mrs. Robert French, of Seaforth. He married Fannie Somers, -also of Me - /Cheap, who , predeceased him three years ago. Mr. French lived, most of. his life in Seaforth, moving to Lau- don twenty years ago. He was a member on Northside ranted Chureh, Seaforth, and hed many friends in town and surrounding district. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs, At.- - thin' - 'Derry (Hallie), one grand- daughter, Ordean Berry, London, and one sister (Mary), Mrs.- Jack Stog- dill, of Orillia. His oniy on. Roy French,. pressed away a year ago in Glen Kerr. Sask. Cllurches Northside United and First Presby- terian Congregations worship in First Presbytevian. Church during Auguet • Servioeeeett 11 a.m. and 7. p.m, Sun- day. Schools at 11) am. -'-Rev. H. V. Worltrnan, Minister. in charge. Anglican.—Suuday, August 17. . Eat. Thoraaee Seaforth-11 Morning Prayer and Sermon. No evening ser- vice. St. Mane's. Dublin. ---9,30 a.m., Morn- ing Prayer and Sermon.—Rector, Rev.. C. L. .GiIbert, Funeral of the ,Late Dan Hughes.— The funeral of the late Dan Hughes, df Wilkie, Sask., took place from St. James' Cburch on Saturday- morning at.9.30 and was largely attended. In terment was in the family plot in St. Coluniban cemetery. The ,pailbeareis were Finlay McKercher, , Thomas Beattie, Joseph Flanagan, L. J. Flan- nery, C. B. Flannery and James, Flan- nery: Those attending the funeral from a distance included: Mr. J. B. Roach, of Wilkie, nephew of the de- ceased. who accompanied the body; also Mrs. E. J. Healy and Mrs. F. Ratke, of Chicago; Mrs. J. Flannery and Mrs. W. J. Cassels. of Dearborn, Mich.; Mt. •and Mrs. L. J. Flannery, Mr, C. B. Flannery, of Detroit; Mrs. J. P. Miller, of East Grand Forks, Minnesota; Mrs. R. A. Benninger and Miss Geralda Flannery, of Guelph. and' Mr. James Flannery, Kitchener. ese Hardwick - Roberts.—Summer flow- ers formed the decoration in Knox Presbyterian Church; Stratford, for the marriage Friday afternoon of Margaret Ann, daughter of Mrs. A. J. Roberts, Seaforth, and the late Mr. Roberts, formerly of Stratford, to Mr. Leo Floyd Hartwick, son of Mr. and Mrs.,L. J. Hartwick, Strathroy, which was solemnized at 2.30 o'clock with Rev. Charles S Oke officiating. The wedding musle„, was, played by Mr. William E. France and Miss Eleanor Nelson' sang "Because" and, "0 Per- fect Love." Mr. R. H. Roberts, Len - don, gave his niece in marriage: She e-aS attended by ,her sister, Miss Elizabeth Roberts, Davenport, Iowa, as maid of honor, with Miss Doris Knack as bridesmaid. Mr. Leslie M. Hartwick. Strathroy, brother of the bridegroom, was best man., the ushers being"Mr, George Meet's, London, and Mr. Walter Bowley, Abbotsford, Quebec. The bride wore a gown. of white brocaded rayon with nylon yoke trimmed with pearls. Her floor length veil was held in ' a matching head- dress and she carried' a bouquet of white roses and bouvardia. The at- tendants wore -similar .gowns of spun N TICE RE BRUCEFIELD STREET LIGHTS,, Ratepayers of .the Township g of Tuckersmith and Stanley, who reside in the Village of Bruce - field, are asked to attend a meeting in the Odd - fellows' Hall, Brucefield, on September 5th, at 8 p.m., for the purpose of receiving estimates, etc., in regard to the proposed street lighting' of the village. oultry Wanted WE WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR FINISHED POULTRY Unfinished birds are not wanted. BRING YOUR EGGS TO HUDSON'S We are paying 47c per Dozen for Grade 'A' Large this week, ISAAC HUDSON PHONE 168 SEAFORTH • raylan fasitiOned wit fitted bodices and Jail skirts with headdresaee to. math their gowns. The maid of tn- or in turquoise blue and carried. Butterfly roses and the .bridesmaid chose salmon pink, her dowers being Teliteman roes. A reeeption was held at the Stratford ,Countryt•-Club, the bridah table being effeetively arrang- ed with white roses and white can. Mrs. Roberts, mother of the bride, was dressed in pale blue crepe with navy accessories apd wore Dream roses in corsage, The bride- groom's mother wore, aqua blue crepe eith. accessories in black and a cor- eigeot Better Time roses. The as- sistants were Miss Margaret Knack arid, Miss Shirley Sutherland, For a Motor trip through the Muskoka die- trict, the bride* were a gray wool stilt o ith navy accessories and corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwick will reside in Seaforth. Out-oetOwn guests present at the wedding were' from London, Chicago, Toronto, Huntsville, Hamilton, .Dresden, Sea - forth, Davenport, Iowa, and Abbots- ford Que. 4 Dies in Goderich.—A former Drone- inent resident of Goderich and weli. known throughout Huron, 'Mrs..John Elgin Tom, died in. Toronto on Fri- day and was buried in Maitland eerie' ete.y. Goderich, on Monday. Mrs Toni as the former Miss Margaret Carn- ochan Dickson, daughter of the late Mr., and Mrs. James Dickson. She was 96 years of age. Her husbaaci the late John. Elgin Tom, was. for many years inspector of public schools an Huron. He died ine1.93U. and Mrs,. Tom moved. to Toronto shortly afterwara. She - was "a metu- ber of the United. Church. Surviving are three deughters: Miss-' Mabel Tom ,• Guilford. Conn.; Miss Jean Tom, Chicago, Dr. Mary 1 Toen, Toronto; also two sons, Dr. Percy' H. Tom and J. Archie Tom, Toienlo. Mrs. A.M. 'Kay and Miss E. Dickson, Stratford, are nieces of Mrs. Tom. 'rhe funeral service • was held from the Brophey Fuueral Home in• Gide- rich on Monday afternoon at 3.30. o'clock: Death 'of- Ralph Shockcor.—A tragic aceident .ioccurred on Monday morn- ing_ August 4, in Detroit, when Ralph Urban Schockcor, 22 years old.. be- loved sou of Mr. aiel Mrs. C. J. Shock - rot -el -the latter was formerly Marton Jeanette Spree et Seaforthh• was in- stautly killed in „.,e headen when a c;ir tattivepling at high speed, on tee wrong side Of the road, craele 'ed into his car,' pinning him in and killing him instaatly. A' friend and wife, passengers in the car, were ser- iously injured. but were able to leave hospital' ir a few days. The driver of the -other car died in hospital,. A funekl service was • conducted on Thursday, August 7. at. the McCabe Funeral Home, by Rev. Dr. Jeffries, amidst b'eautiful floral tributes-. Friends and relati-ves were present from Detroit,' also' froni Seaforth: Long Island, New York, Los'Angelee. Cleveland and Willard, .0hio. His flag -dr -aped remains were carried to his last resting place in Grand Lawn Cemetery by bis three cousins, two boyhood chums and also a buddy from New .York, who . had served in the Marine Corps with him. in . the' Pacific. Besides his ' parents to mourn his passing, there survives tiVe brothers, 'Roger and Dick,and a sis- ter, Gloria. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs: Blythe Stephenson and daughter, whoare at Their cot- tage in Hayfield, celled on friends cin town on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willis, of .De-. trbit, who are spending Weeks at .Port Alhert, were the guests of. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis and Mr. W. G. Willis on 'Saturday. 4 Mr. and:Mrs. Hugh Sproat, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat and Mrs. Barbara Sykes. • Mrs. Mae Rees, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., is visiting at -the -home of Mr. Ed. Mole. •. Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Hart, of To- ronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Scott. „e Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Stewart and daughter, of Toronto,- are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart at Bay- field. • Mrs. McNay, of Toronto, is the -guest of Miss ClaraPinkney. Mr. and Mrs. Hils'on Whiteford, of Ingersoll, spent a few days at the .home of Mr,- and. Mrs, William Brad- shaw, Mater David, Bradshaw re- turned with them. • Mr. C. H. Garniss is visiting in London this week, , • Dr. and Mrs. Friel Stewart, of Windsor, were guests of Mrs, Charles Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Mc- Connell over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Whittaker, of Port Erie, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, James A. MacDonald this week. • Mrs. Cassels, of Detroit, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs- J. 3. Cleary. ' • Mr, Don Brightrall is visiting in Toronto. • Mrs. Mallagh, of Toronto, -is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. James G. 1Viullen, • Mr. and Mrs. P, D. McConnell are on a motor trip to Huntsville, Bala and other 'Northern points,. • Sunday visitors at the' home of Mr...and Mrs, C. H. Garniss were .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roberton and Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. JeA. Ball'antyne, all of London.' •. Mr. and Mrs. David Mole and son,. Maxwell, of Rochester, .N.Y., were week -end' visitors at the home of Mr. Edward Mole and family. , • Mr, and. Mrs. Del Krauel and. daughter, of Brantford, are visiting her parent's, Mr, and Mrs.. Harold -Dale. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sparks and Ruth, and Mr, a.hd Mis. William Scbeldroth and family, of Port El- gin; Mr. and Mrs. William Sparks and Harry and Mr. and Mrs, Llyod Sparks, of Kincardine, and Mr. and 'Mrs, Gordon Millson and family,, of Clinton, were Sunday visitors at tire home of Mr.. Ed, Mole -and family, • Mrs, W. J. Walker and daughter, Mrs.. Cameron, of Toronto, are spend- ing a Week or two at her 'home on High Street. • Mr, and Mrs. Max Hudson and two sons, of Windser, are guests at the home of Md. and Mrs, Isaac Hu& sent, • Mre. Loretta Spittal returned to St, P'aul,. Minn., last Fridley' after • SATURDAY, AUG. 16 Cardno's Hall, Seaforth NORM CARNEGIE and His Band, ADMISSION - 50 CENTS 4. • -spending a week at the home of tier cousins, Misses Laura and. Vera Mole. • Mr. and Mrs. Hai -old Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Clarke spent the week -end. at llake-OLarke's cottage at Barrow Bay. • Mies Wannifred;Russell, of To- ronto, spent the week -end at her home here„ • Mrs: Margaret 'White, of North Bay, is a guest of her brother, Mr. George Crich and Mrs. Crich, in, Duha lin. • Dr. Fraser Olivet -and Mrs. Oliver and family, of St. -Anne's, Quebec, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas...Oliver. • Miss Ella Elder is gpending a few week e in, Muskoka. . - • Rev. and MrS. 0, S. Bagott and daughters, Mary ,andAudrey, of Salina, Kansas, are. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 4.. Thompson. • Mrs. Ted Bechely, of St. Thomas. spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross J. Sproat. DANCE ST. COLUMBAN IIALL TUESDAY, AUG. 26th WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Fertilizer! Order your fertilizer now. Give us a chance. Pay Octo- ber 1st. ' We are again buying Grain for Thompson at He nsall.' WM. M. SPROAT Phone 655 r 2 -- Seaforth THE - Ina Gray- Beautp Shop will be CLOSED from Aug. 4th to Aug. Lakeview CASINO Grand Bend— DANCING NIGHTLY Gordon Delmont and His Orchestra One of the most popular dances! MIDNITE DANCE August 18th. 12:05 A.M. SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 9 -P.M.. FRED FUNK'S "Variety Entertainers" Plan on THIS one — only three more! Popular Grand Bend! . • WHY??? • Because- you spend only What you can afford. There is ▪ so much to do at little cost. Pack your own lunch and use the free Picnic Hall on the water's edge. • We bave motor beat rides, roller skating, miniature golf- ing, bowling, -horseback •riding, bicycles for rent, rowboats movies, free Sunday ebneerts, and dancing eve4 night: TAXI - Day and Night Service PHONE 355 CLAYTON- J. DENNIS 4. All passengers insured.' FOR SALE Dwelling and .barn in EgintiYalville, with three aores of land; ye acre sm-all fruit. Suitable for poultry. Im- mediete poseession., - Dwelling and 2 or 3. acres of land, In Seaforth, Suitable for Poultry farm. Frame asphalt Dwelling; Railway Street. Modern eonveniences. Im- mediate possession. Modern 'Dwelling. North Main St. Immediate p'ossession. Frame Dwelling on Centre Street, Egmondyille, Modern Dwelling en Louisa Street. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 • Mr.:- and. Mea,' Neil _Tend:all, er Steiheria are guests of IIz'. az .Mr. Harry Tyndall, Tuckeraplith. • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald /Turas and daughter. Glo.ria, of Stratford, were I•veelt-end guests of . Mr. and Mrs. E. Ce Chamberlain. • Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson and Mr. and Mrs, Max Hudson spent Wed- nesday afternoon.at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mellick, Zurich. • Dr, Lloyd Hall„oa Guelph, a gra- duate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Guelph,. is -assisting Dr. J. 0. Turnbull in his veterinary practise here. • Mr, ,and Mrs. Henry Ford, of Cin- cinuati, Ohio, are guests of herpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright.t • Mrs, Jean Dale, who evaleein De- troit attending the funeral of • her nephew, returned. home this week. " • .Misses Jeanette and Renee Glin- ski and Don Wilkins, of Detroit, were in town over the weekend. • Mr. James Sieeth, of Detroit, called on friends in town this week. • Dr. E. A. 1VIcGavin and Mrs. Mc - Gavin and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. 1VIcGav- in, of Windsor, spent the week -end, with Mr. and Mrs. John McGavia and Miss Mary '1VicGavin, in Tuckersmith. • ,Misses Gwendolyn,. ,and Alice Christie are spending their 'y'd.cation iii Moorefield. • • Mr. and, Mrs. W. T. Teall and family are holidaying at Port Elgin. • Mr.. anti Mrs. R. B. Holmes and Miss ,Elairte Mare returnedafter a motor trip to Goshen,' N.Y. • • mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hart and, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and daugh- ter, Mavis, of Galt, have returned af- ter spending a week -in Huntsville: • Mrs. William Brock, of Granton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elder ehiS week. • Mr. Foster Brigham, of Toroate, visited his slater, Mrs. Wm. Mason and Mrs. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutchison. and two sons acc.onipaniee them. • Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Fisher and daughter, •Judy, of. 'Cleveland, were guests of Mr. anal Mrs. Russell H. Sproat. • Mrs. George Israel, of Toronto, is the guest of .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell, • Mr. R. H. Sandford, of Kempf- ville, called on his „Many friends in town this week. • • Mtises Ida' and Eva Love, of To- ronto, are visiting Miss Rena McKen- zie • Mr, J. E. Keating and son, •Iden- neth, were in. Toronto for a few days this week. e Mrs. R. FI Sproat was visiting relatives in Fergus last week. . -e Mr. and Mrs. W. G. White ani daughter, Elisabeth, of ayalkerville. are visitingeMrs. M. White. O "Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prike aud daughter, Sharon, of Stratford, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. W111121, • 4r.• Death of Herbert Henderson.—Her- bed Henderson, of lot 38, North Thames Road, Fullerton Township, died in St, Joseph's HospitalLondon, Tuesday night in his 54th year. He had not enjoyed good health for the past week and was taken to the hos- dital on Tuesday morning where he undeewent an operation. He was born.. in -McKillop Township on October ta, 1893, son of the late George Heeder- sote of 'McKiliop, and Mrs. Mary Car tar Henderson, of•Briacefield. On Sept. 10, 1918, he was Married to Miss An- nie McDonald, of Hibbert Township, who survives. They resided in Ful- lerton Township for the. past fifteen years, and previous,' to that had re- sided in Seaforth for some years. He Was a member of Mt. PleasantI.Tait- ed Church. Besides his wifeand mother, he is survived' by one son, George A., at home; two daughters, Mrs. William Burlingham (Mildred), Russeldale, and Gladys at home; two. brothers, John and James, 'both , of Seaforth; three sisters, Mrs, Archie Lamont, Winthrop; Mrs. •Robert Mc- Clure, Benmiller; 'Mrs. AlexeWright, Brucefield, and one granddaughter, Delores Burlingham. The body is resting at his lote home, lot 38, North Thames Road, where..a short service. will be held on Friday at 4.30 p.m. (D.S.T.), followed • by service in Mt, Pleasant United Church, with inter- ment •in Roy's cemetery, Fullerton Township. Rev.. David Wren, Strat- ford, will be in charge. ,„ • Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Britton and 'family attended the Main Street Sunday School picnic at Bimini on Wednes- day, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Strathdee and Marjory Ann. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. R. Stacey and 'Mowet. Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. .3. R. Murdie, Seaferth •Mr. and! Mrs. Kenneth Roney spent Sunday, in Goderich. Mr. Herb. Britton made a business trip to Lendon recently. • - The threshing machines are hum- ming again these days. ZURICH Ampimila Death of Charles Reaman Funeral 'eervices were. held Friday Lor Charles Reaman, Who died at the hone o° Mr. and Mrs, Gedrge Bullock. Hay Township, after an illness of four months. He vies in his 82nd year. Mr. 'Reaman farmed' for many years in Stanley Township. before retiring to a small farm in Hay Township 18 years ago. His wife predeceased him by eight years,. Interment was. in Hayfield Union Cenietery, Rev, Reba Ifern officiated, St. Marys Juveniles defeated Zurich juveniles 6-2 in a baseball game at Zurich Friday evening. St. Marys held- Zurich scoreless until the darks ening sixth inning, when Zurich" push- ed across two runs' to spoil a shutout for St. Marys, It was a real pitchers' battle between Ellis Of St. Marys and Mickle for Zurich and was a real crowd-pleaser theaughout. The score did not indicate the closeness of the geme. St. Marys—Jim- Noble, c; G. Cough, cf; Jim Dhtch, ss; S Ellls, p; W. Willmepe, 2b; Sgariglia, 3b; Rankin, 1!; Hepburn, rf; Eigie, J. Rich- ardson, 2b. r Zurich—Krueger,' sis; 'O'Dwarer, cf; Hess, c; Mickle, p; O'Brien, 2b; Be- dard, lb; Taylor, 3b; Laven-der; Fleimerieh, rf, • t li, St. Marys 003 300-4 10 2 Zurieh 000 1002 2' 6 2 r 1 egpit Theatre Sea;rth- NOW PLAYING — THURS.; FRT., SAT', " STALLION ROAD " e ' with , , RONALD REAGAN ALEXIS SMITH ZACHARY SCOTT The locale for this picture is the horse -breeding country of Southern 'California, which makes for pleaaant entertainment. Be sure to see it! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY IN TECHNICOLOR ° CARNIVAL IN 'COSTA RICA " with • DICK 1,IAYNES and VERA ELLEN 'Musical content of this delightful picture is Tropicel and Latin. A. Bright and' Shining Fruit Sala -d loaded with Technicolor Syrup, •Gayety and Music! ' • NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " SIOUX CITY SUE " - with GENE AUTREY and , LYNNE ROBERTS A Class "A" Western with fine songs and a smart plot, plus plenty of outdoor action. , Coming: " DECEPTION " . Adult Entertainment with CLAUDE RAINS; BETTE DAVIS, PAUL HENREID - School of, Comm'erce CLINTON eb- ONTARIO REGISTER NOW FOR THE FALL TERM, SEPT. 8th,•1947 • Authorized under the D.V.A. for Training Veterans „ COURSES — 1erica, Stenographic„ Commercial, • Secretarial M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist vice -Principal. Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal. emememeeemime. .LUIJMEIft Repair that roof 'the fine weather! WE HAVE IN STOCK— CEDAR SIIINGLES—No 2 Perfection 18-inch—excellent grade. No. 3 Five X—Cood patching shingles. ASPHALT.,SHINGLES-210 Pounds, Various Blends Come in anti inspect them. Improve the appearance of your house- and stElti have the satisfeetion of a rood roof. DURABIRSTOS—A Rigid Shingle lasting a lifetime. INSUL BRICK SIDING—Improv.es the appearance and insulates at the same' time. INSULATION—By the carton (paper barked sheets) or by the hag. HARDWOOD FLOORING -13/16 -inch Oak Flooring. LUMBER:— We have in stock: Tongued and Givoved Spruce, 5, 6, 7, S inches wide. Spruce 2x6, 2x8, 2x1(1, 2x12 . Fir from 1 inch to timbers. Excellent -for repairs around the farm. Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costa No More" Phone 47 . Seaforth 4••••••••.• Brucefield Community Firemen's Frolic BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Thursday, august 21 st. Bannochburn Pipe Band in Attendance , DANCE MUSIC BY MUROCH ORCHESTRA • GAMES • WHEELS • BINGO - -- Fun For All -- ADMISSION FREE 1111111111111MMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111M1111111111111.11111111a1111111111MON VETERANS WHY PAY -.RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN YOUR OWN HOME FOR AS LITTLE AS . . . $35 Per Month This amount includes Principal- and Interest, Taxes and Insttrance. Six Modern Homes For Sale NORTH MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH You are invited to see these houses while' under construction, to appreciate the quality of ma- terial and high-class workmanship going into them. Each is fully modern, with latest designs in bathroom and kitchen. These houses are available to Veterans only, who may be qualified under existing vet- erans' legislation, and may be purchased by reasonable down payment. Re-establishment Credits may be used towards down payment. These houses are being constructhd to the specifications and under the super- vision of the National Housitg Act. For further information, apply at the Office -of Seaforth Supply and Fuel Limited Seaforfh — Ontario 0, •