HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-08-15, Page 5A '+ V$T 151 1947.. ri Seaforth Tax Rate (Continued farpn P,ago a - lBoard, the finance committee wars in- 6traeted to meet the board and 'corMe to an agreement la or4er that action could be taken prior rte. 't,9ae Setting of the 1.948 rate. Informing council that before an agreement could be ,entered into re- specting the taking ever -of policing responsibility In the townbyprovin- cial police, a 'bylaw :was necessary, Clerk D: H. Wilsort tad: 'Oar d,� 01 4 slop. :b"e had held wa'U (04cl#e'trict sergeant. ,Qth..er ret;y_irernente •aot ont tbyt the Commissioner includled . provtr cion of housing aceomnaodatijn anti. some asspranoe that pmision would) be 'made 'Fpr, the: prosent enouanbent. Council, who at its ,'previous Moot- ing +ee4ing had agreed unanimously to handl over policing of the town to the pro- vincials, again deliberated over the advisability of the move, Suggestions by Mayor Reid and Councillor E. Lia. Close that with a' • ..'utside man as Exeter District High School Students wbo wish to attend Exeter District High School should ,.enroll with the Secretary, Address E. D. HOWEY, Box B, .Exeter, or telephone 297R, giving your name and ad- dress, including the lot and concession,;; . Principal H. L. Sturgis, B.A., B.Paed., will be in the school office for consultation on August 21, 22 and 23, from 9 to 12, and 1.30 to 4. • School telephone 298. • ACADEMIC SUBJECTS TO UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE • 'COMMERCIAL:OPTIONS AND SPECIAL, COMMERCIAL • HOME •ECONOMICS AND SHOP IN GRADES IX, X, XI •• NEW DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PeachPickers Wanted HAVE CABINS EQUIPPED FOR LIGHT HQUSEKEEPING Men, Women, or„ Married Couples, Who Are Experienced in, Farm Work, Needed For information, write to A. GRANT FOX - Simcoe, Ont.. RUPTURED? You Owe 'It To Yourself To Investigate THE DOBBS TRUSS METHOD; For Treatment of Rupture IT'S BULBLESS! IT'S BELTLESS! IT'S STRAPLESS! It has no bulb or ball to spread the weakened muscle tissue and enlarge th.e rupture opening. It has no 'belt or strap to irritate the skin or bind the body, and impede free circulation. DOBBS TRUSS A soft concave pad holds the rupture tightly closed at all times - while walking, lifting, working or swimming. Presses the body in but two places; canttrot slip. Is sanitary -can be washed. •A Qualified Fitter of the. Dobbs Truss Co. will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH Wednesday, August 20th, 10.00 a.m. to.2.00 p.m. ASK FOR 'MR. GIBBS CLIP THIS AD NOW;. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: • SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. lrlef, a>ad • •,wfr't assil tante_ i5rgm !PM vincials stationed! ilz ;the county sax- isfaetory service e4uld! ,be .giveirt.1 was nqt agreed -,to by 13-eeve who pointed out the cost woud be' aS "great, if not greatere than if provin- cials tooks' over 'the entire job. Under existing. legislation .the main- icipality is billed on each occasion local police request assistance from provincial police, •Clerk Wilson point- ed 'out., Recommending .that action be de- ferred until all themtbers of council were present, •Councillor B. F. Chris- tie introdnrced a motion, which was seconded by 'Councillor W: A. Ross. The motion on being put„by'•-Mayor Reid"'Was lost, all members, inclnd- •ing the seconder; but excluding Coun- cillor Christie; being opposed. Council then gave final passing to a bylaw, which' provides authority to enter in- to an agreement for the policing to. be done by the, province. jindier • the bylaw the agreement may be termin- ated erminated at the end of any year, upon three months' notice having 'been giv- en. Clerk Wilson was. instructed to ob- tain details and have necessary, docu- ments prepared in order that council may give consideration to 'changing the date of the municipal elections. Councillor Christie recalled the mat- ter had been. discussed early in the year. Fire Chief A. Reid told council the brigade had, answered' three alarms in July, all caused by lightning. In company with the building inspec- tor, he had inspected Cardno's Hall, the owners of which had applied for a nubile hall license. While improve- ments were in progress, he could not agree to a full license until addition- al work, delayed by lack of mater- ials, was completed. He, agreed to a temporary license, on the suggestion of council, and 'this was granted. , Building permits approved by coup- cil included, addition to Scott Mems orial Hospital, $45,000; garage, Nor- man Snider, John St., $175; altera- tions and siding, Belmar Snell, $150, and brick garage, Frank 'Kling, Gode- rich St., $400. A grant of $100 to the Seaforth Agricultural Society was also approv- ed. Accounts approved for payment in. chided: H. Hoggarth;' wages, $15.60; F. Reeves, wages, $10.20; E. Drager, wages, $10.80; Jos. Burns ,acct., $5; S. Williams, wages, $7; C. P.' Sills, stamps, $7; John Currie, salary, $108; J. Cumrmings, salary, $108; A. Bushie, salary, $125; • D. H. Wilson, salary, $130.4.2; J. A. Wilson,. pensipn, $20; Frank filing, acct. $23.10; -Wilson Mc Cartney, acct., $63; 'Cornell' Construc- tion. Co., acct., $2,166.39; Northern Electric Co:, acct., $130; relief, $19.30, Ration Board Secretary, $40; " Bell Telephone Co., acct., $9.14; C.N.R., acct„ $5.80; M. E. Clarke, acct. $12.77; Brock, Davis -& Dunn, acct., $250.00; sundries, 83c; E. W. Montgomery'ac- count, $16.25; General Accident As- surance „Co., acct., $3.89. BAYFIELD (Continued from Page 1) secure life for many who would other- wise have perished the supreme ex- ample of this is the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary's cross. By His death He has opened unto us the gate of eter- nal'life. 'By, His dying we live. In the name orthe Father, and of the Son. and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The hymn, "Unto the Hills Around', TAXI Passengers Insured PHONE 128, Seaforth LEE'S • yin "h is GODERICH . . .GR AND. Labor Day Celebration MONDAY, SEPTEMBER lst, 1947 GRAND PARADE STARTING AT 10 A.M., FROM VICTORIA PARK All parade events open to the entire County of . Huron SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS IN PRIZES FOR PARADE INDUSTRIAL FLOATS FARMERS' DISPLAY 1st, $35 2nd, $25 3rd, $15 , 1st, $25 2nd, $15 • 3rd, 10 DECORATED CARS 1st, $15 2nd, $10 3rd, $5 BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES '1st, $5 2nd, $3 3rd, $2 MERCHANTS' FLOATS 1st, $25 2nd, $15 3rd, $10 COMIC FLOATS 1st, $20 2nd, $10 3rd,' $5 Special prize for Best ,Clown in the parade, $25.00, All entries to be on hand at 9 a.m., at Victoria Park, for placement in the parade Prominent Speakers will be heard from the Bandstand on The Square immediately following the parade. Afternoon and Evening Programs A Sparkling, Variety Program at the Grandstand will consist of: • Magicians • Comedians 0- Dancing 'Girls • Musicians • Ventriloquists • Balancing Acts -•y Impersonators • Male Quartettes • Singing Cowboys A. Tug -of -Wali -between Goderich and a team selected from.. the Townships. There will be 11 full acts at . the Evening Show bY. artists outstanding, in their respective fields DRAW FOR VALUABLE - PRIZES will take place in front of the Grandstand at Agriculture Park after the evening show. HURON'S BIG DAY 'of tlie YEAR SPONSORED BY THE GODERIC.H TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL NELSON. CRI'CH, Ghairma,n of Parade and Floats Committee. y: P0.4 ting, T7p , M '±0. ) ' >✓`3!eo ` !as then son g, agtalf wh ., .0v. R'4114. rear the uanaes of fhe 1al01t m: "la merinor.�y wti , of those ,gave, tt?eix lives for their coutitl"$s in the, iecdnd Great War, 1939-190: Warranty Placer Richard, V. Weston, Merchant 'Seaman 'Robert James Hopson, Private -Charles Stew- art Vant),;. They •died. tat honor and justice mighti ;' Vie dedication of the plaque by Mr. Paull then took place.•"To th'e,Gloryn.of God, and in fond and loving memory of the gal- lant men, whose names are inscribed upon it, we dedicat4 this; second mem- orial. Be please& 0 •Lord, to bless what we dedicate in Thy Holy Name this day, through Jesus. Christ *Our Lcrd. Amen." •' The' plaque was then unveiled by Mrs. Edward Weston and Mrs. George Hopson, and memorial wreaths were placed by Miss Mt;ud, Sterling, R.R.0 ; in front •of the plague for those• who felt' in World War 1, -,.and by Gordon Heard to those .tt, World War The 'Last Post was sounded by William Hearn, of Clinton, and after one minute silence, me' Reveille. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, of De- lrcit, are spending their vacation with 'he former's 'Mother, 1VIrs, E. Tama„ Miss Norah Gnu:: of Toronto is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. ,Toms and N,Tr: Tams. - Mrs. T. B. H'o'ward of Toronto, in the guest. of Rev. and Mrs. Harold F. Paull. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis, of To- ronto, are the guests of Mrs. N. W. Woods. CONSTANCE Mr. William Britton is in Victoria Hospital, London, receiving treat- ment, Miss Betty Addison has returned after visiting relatives and friends in Goderich and Carlow. Miss Bernice Bean, of Carlow, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and .Mrs. George Addison, and other friends. BRUCEFIELD Dr. and Mrs. •Aikenhead, of Toron- to, visited Mr. and, Mrs. T B. Baird over the week -end. Miss Helen Holmes, who was visit- ing Miss Margaret McQueen, has re- turned to London. ' Sympathy is extended to Mr. Lind- say Eyre in the death of his father, who passed away on Wednesday. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will' entertain Brticefield, Eg iiondville and Constance ladies of the" W.A. and W.M.S. on Wednesday, August 20, "in Turner's' Church. -Rev.•'R ba H'ern, will be the guest speaker, tnd a spe- cial invitation is extended to all. :lir. and Mrs.- Winder, of Windsor, were the guests of_Mr. and. Mrs. E. Dawson. of Kippen. Mrs. Norman Long is holidaying with friends in Toronto. Little Mickey Junior, registered dog belonging to Janet Doig, was ac- cidentally struck by a car near the gate. He was thrown in the ditch. Although the "Vet" took • the best care of him for several days, he didn't ,rally. • KIPPEN The August meeting of the Kippen East Women s Institute 'will be held cin Wednesday, August 20, at 8 p.m.. at the home of Mrs. 'Ross Chapmanr with Mrs. Thomas Kay as co -hostess. The rail callfiwill be answered by "My favorite task at housekeeping." .The topic is to be taken by Mrs. Thomas Kgy on "The Advantages of the Pres sure Cooker." An interesting demon- stration on baking an angel cake will be given by Mrs. Clifford Watson, The music will be in charge of Mrs. Norman Long, and the motto, "We Learn By Experience," will be given by Mrs. R. Elgie. i']ris will •be the home economics rne,:ting. An inter- esting feature at this meeting will be a. visit from the I-lurotulale Women's Institute Junior Girls' Club, who will present a skit baser) on their project, "Being well dressed and well groom- ed." All junior. girls of the commun- ity .are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. James Finlayson will be lunch convener. VARNA Mrs. Annie McNaughton, of Lon- don, Was the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Rothwell, the past week. - Mrs: Austin has returned to her home after spending, some time with her daughter in Detroit. We are pleased- o report she is much improv- ed in health. ' Mn Jack Reid, of Flint, Michigan, was renewing acquaintances in' and around the village last week. Mrs, E. Mc.Clinchey accompanied him on his return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Soper are' having a holiday in company with the form- e'r's brother and 'wife, when they will visit several points of interest. Mrs. Thor,. Allington, of Seaforth, .is the guest of her son, John, and Mrs, Alddngton. s Mr. and Mrs. .Butler, of 'Clinton, at- tended service in the Anglican Church Sunday evening 'to' witness the bap- tism f.' their little granddaughter, the daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Hary Chuter., Harriston. A paint epidemic has struck this community and , is spreading, which adds to the a.ppearanc'e in general. Mrs. E. McAsh has returned to the village after spending some time with ber daughter in Pontiac, Mieb. Miss Gertie Smith is spending some TAXI SERVICE ALL PASSENGERS I11$URED phone 162- Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON Woo, nt its ► ,O4kta1 40)1340,. ' "rlie iadliss Of ' s't, Mar's. 401'9 Dhlrxgh Salah sok` per on M'r. ta.m,bert's lawn, '004 0, , next west, DUBLIN The eeremony' of bieseing of auto? mobiles in honor of Saint •Christopher, patron, saint of travellers, was held 4 St. •Patriek'a Church on Sunday. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vicard, Detroit, and Mrs. M. Wrftt,. Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell; Miss- Mary E. Feeney and Thomas Feeney, ,Stratford,' with `their patents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Feeney; Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Allan, Mr. and Mrs. A. X Krauskopf and children and Miss. Margaret .Knaus- kopf, Waterloo,' with Mit and Mrs. Albert Krauskopi'; .Kenneth Burns, of Windsor, with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Daniel Burns; Mr. and Mrs. Carl St9lnbach and son, Kenneth, and Miss. Doris Flanagan, London, and Joseph Flanagan, Kitchener, with, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flanagan; Miss Mary Powell, Goderich, with, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster; .'Mrs. Leonard Bader and children and Lorne Feeney, De- troit, with Mr. and 'Mrs:_Martin Feen- ey; Mrs: W. Ackroyd and children, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke; Miss Mary Dorsey and friend, London, with Mrs. Louis Dor- sey; Miss Mary Costello, London, is vacationing with her ;parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Misses Helen and Teresa Ryan, Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Matt 'Murray; Daniel' Williams, Jr., Detroit; with his' parents, Mr. and Mrs Dan Williams; Mrs:. J. Miller and §on, Detroit, with her mother; Mrs. Dan O'Connor; Mr. and Mrs: Borden Bayes and two sons, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph F. 'Ryan; John Krauskopf, Miss Rose Kraus- kopf and. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hasson, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs: Walter Carpenter; Miss 'Mary Simpson is. vacationing at Sarnia; Mr. and 'Mrs. 1). ,McConnell at Grand •Bend; Mrs. H. Pugh and son..at Brooklyn;'Mr•. and Mrs. Arthur Forster at Wroxeter; Mr. and' Mrs. J. Lannin and children, Stratlord, with Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf; Leo Kranskopf at Lon- don, where his daughter, 'Miss Kath-. arine, underwent a major operation; •'-Miss Joan Flanagan at London; Mr. and Mrs, Otto Kyllonen and children, •Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney; H, Colman and Frank Dant- zei are on a fishing trip in North Bay district; Mr. and Mrs, John A. Eckert, Miss Cecelia Eckert, Michael and Jer- ry Eckert and 'Clarence Ryan at the Martyr's Shrine, Midland, and Sauble Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown, Jerome Kelly and Miss -Theresa Eck- ert at Grand Bend,. • WIN.THROP • The W.M.S. and. W.A. of Cavan Church, •Winthrop, met at the. home of Mrs. W. Church on Wednesday. August 6, .when the theme of the meeting ..was. "The Nations Get' To- gether.'' Mrs. •E. Toll presided:'' The meeting opened .with "Land Of Our Birth." The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Robert Dodds, followed by prayer by Mrs. Robert McClure: The topic, "Youth • Movements in In- dia," was taken .by ..Mrs, Wm, Mont- gomery. Mrs. Toll read a short poem. .Make Me Kinder:" Hymns were sung and Mrs. Toll closed- the wor- ship period with prayer. Mrs. Robt. McClure took charge for the remaind- et'.of the meeting. The roll call was answered by 22 members. The W.A. report was given by Mrs. E. Hawley. A Christian Stewardship reading was given by Mrs. Hugh Alexander, who chose two poems, "The Always Faith- i'ul Few" and "Are. You An Active' Member?" A letter was read, from the Christian Home • For Children, .in Toronto appealing for funds- to send one' child to summer camp. It was voted to send $15 as one child's fee. Mrs, Russell Bolton gave a report on the work and expense of redecorat- ing the Molise. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs, 13olton for her effici- ent. work. Mrs. Tall reminded the meeting that the rates of the sionary Monthly had rclza.nced to 50 rents. It is requested that all mem- bers bring their mite boxes *to the September meeting. The .meeting• closed with the Lord's Prayer. Lunch watt served by Circle, ;t. J'liss..lean Pryce, of Galt, spent thj week -end at her home here,_ •Mr. Wm. Campliell, of the Steamer Bayfax,,.visiteci his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, last week, Mr. William How had the, misfor- tune to have his foot injured. on Mon- day, having a •heavy ,wheel fall on it. Mr. Ken Betties rushed him to a doc- tor when X-rays were taken and found that no bones were broken. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rhode and• family, of Palmerston, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dolmage. Mr, and Mrs. Brewer and Mr. Lorne. Churchill, of -Cleveland, were here at- tending the funeral of the, late Mrs. John Hudie. Mrs. Brewer is staying with her mother for a visit, .Mrs. Churchill, who has been here for some time, returned home with Mr. Churchill, Mr, and, Mrs. Irwin Trewartha and "family attended the Perth Jersey Breeders' picnic at Listowel. Barbara and Ronnie Trewartha are holidaying in Seaforth at their grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Harburn. Mr. Gordon Betties has returned to London. after: spending the .past two weeks at. his home here. Mr, W. O. Hodge; of Merriton, vis• ited his . daughter, Mrs, Margaret Horne. Mrs. Helen •Laughnane and' Mary, who spent the past week here, returned home with him. We are glad to report. that *erne Leslie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Les. Dolmage, who is in the Sick, Children's. Hospital, London, is im- proving. We hope he will soon be able to come home. Rev. G. E. , Morrow will take the services at. Winthrop, Bethel' and Duffs on Sunday, Aug, 24, at the us- ual hours of service. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell, of Toronto, were here attending the fun- eral of Mrs. John Hudie. • Miss Dorothy and Master .15annie Dodds are spendiflg their 'holidays in Kitchener. Mr. R. K. Davidson, Who' has been • in Scott Memorial Wispitai, has re- turned! bone. Yti Reg. to LSO Boys' Was Smartly styled Wash Suits for Junior, in light or dark shades; suitable for play or .first Year at school. Sizes tom ` .. 6 years - 101111111111101111111 Boys` Quahty, Overalls "Big B", Shag I3'roof Wand. Picket Bib Overalls, in blue or black.: Sizes 6 to 16 years Boys'. Cotton Longs ; Shades, of brown, grey, or blue in reg- ular egular style longs with cuffs; stripe 9r check patterns; 6 to 14 years Boys' Fine Broadcloth Shirts Boys' Warrendale Shirts in assorted stripe broadcloth. Sizes 11 to 14, for 6Kto 16 years 11111111111111111111111111 Boys' Plaid Work Shirts Good quality plaid .doeskin shirts in assorted shades. Just the thing for rural school: Size's 11 to 14 neck.... Boys' x:11 -Wool Pullovers Warren Knit all -wool pullover sweat- ers in wine, blue, brown and green.' V-neck style. Sizes 24 to 34. Special. 2. Garp -enters Carpenter 's Helpers Laborers Wanted at Once APPLY ON THE JOB SCOTT. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ommencing Monday HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR POULTRY On Rail Grade Basis Unfinished birds not desired_ BRING YOUR EGGS TO US Highest Market Prices Paid Seaforth Produce, Ltd. Phone 170-W' • Seaforth y. 49. ;M+