HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-08-15, Page 4R IOW vxposrroR ssifie 1 tassited Ads Will Be inserted At New Low Cash Rates: tor. pale;. Wanted, Lost and Found, Etc. -Per word: lst weekt C.nt - - 2nd week - ,4 Cent v. . Ord week 3/d Cent Minimum charge, finrt insertion. - 26 Cents • Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word, Card of Thanks, In , Memoriam Notice,, Comingr Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 80 acnes per week. El:Kairiea may be directed to a Box Number, c/o The Huron ExPetsitor, for 10 cents extra. Tentents additional will be, charged if ads in above class are not paid within -10 days of -date of final insertion. $i1•tbs, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge_ Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rate's on application Salesman Wanted , Personals 0.ALES • EBL' WANTED -- SALESMAN HYGIENIC SUPPJ.IFS (RUBBER GOODS) wanted for a national firm, direct sell- mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope nig in household appliances- Must have car. with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples Good remuneration if willing to work. Box 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NAVA-RUBBER No. 579, HURON EXPOSITOR. Oft, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, 4157-3 Notice To Creditors' NOTICETO CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES ALEXANDER McDONELL ALL ,PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OF ANY kind against the Estate of Charles Alex- ander McDonell, late of the Village of Hen.9NTED TO RENT=U FRNISHED OR sail, in the County of Huron, Retired Merch- W unfurnished house or apartment in ant, deceased. who died on or about the six- Hensel], or between Hensall and Centralia teenth day of October, 1940, will mail, post- RCA, Officer, Apply, • Box 579, HURON valid, the undersigned Solicitor, particulars EXPOSITOR. 4156-2 id, _ thereof, verified" by 'affidavit, on or 'befor'e the twenty-third day of August A.D., 1947, after which the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall have been received. DATED at' Exeter this first day of August. A -D,. 1947. Lost, and Found LOST- 'FERE RE AND RIM FOR Model 'A' Ford, between Seaforth and Winthrop, on Saturday. JOE CONNOLLY. Phone 849 r 6," Seaforth. - 4157x1 Wanted ELMER, D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 41564 ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS WANTED -HOUSEKEEPER FOR FAMILY In the Estate of ANDREW HENDERSON - Coming Events (JJCS RANCH BOYS WILL BE AT THE Crystal P®lace Ballroom, Mitchell, Fri- day, August 16, in an old-tyme Barn Dance, on one of the beet dancer Boors in Western Ontario. 4I57x1 Help Wanted ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Andrew Henderson, ]ate of the Township of McKtl'top. Farmer, deceased; who died on or about the 17th day of July. 1947, are 'hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of September, 1947, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said last• mentioned date. the assets of the said estate will be distributea amongst the parties entitled there. to, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned' shall - then have' notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the under- signed wild not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or a.ny part tnereof,' DATED at Seaforth this 13t7s day of August, 1947. ' ALVIN W. SIr,Ti9RY, Sol:etor for the, EXecutors. 4157-3 . Tenders Wanted FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER QP ALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED up to and including September 8, 1947, for the sale of farm lot 26 and part 27, Con- cession I, Hay Township, containing 125 acres (more or less), less C.NR. r,iglit-of-way, This farm is located on No. 4 Highway, close to good grain and cash crop"mnarket, and is close to schools and churches. This farm is well built on, Containing a darge 8 -room two- storey white brick house, garage, henhouse, • frapse barn 40x60 with straw shed attached, 100x2$. Hydro available. Farm contains ap- proximately 10 acres of hardwood bush, bal- anee of the land is reasonably well drained, and in a good state of cultivation, Posses= siren can be arranged" on December 1, 1947. For terms and conditions of sale, apply to the undersigned. All tenders must be sub- - m,itted in writing. The highest or any ten der not necessarily accepted, DUNO•AN STEW.ART, Hensel', Ont. • 4157x4 TENDE'RS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY ''Hl undersigned for the caretaking of Schools Nos. 7 and 0, Tucker -smith, for the school year. The usual duties of a school caretaker M be performed in a satisfactory manner. For further particulars and details apply to - , S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas. School Area No. 1, R.R. 3., Seaforth, 4151-tf • • of three. Fully modern house. To take full charge, Box 580, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4157-1 WANTED -GOOD MAN FOR •FIVE DAYS a week jr more, in September and Octo- ber, on farm. Better than regular wages. Apply to , A. J. FINLAYSON, RR. 3, Kip- pen.- Phone 651 r 3. Seaforth. • 4157x1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE AND Houtehold Effects, Etc., in the Village of Hensall, on Wednesday evening, August 27th, at .7 p.m.: Chegiterfield ; 7 -piece 'antique wal- nut parlor suite; oval table; number of small tables ; piano stool ; extension table; 2 lea- ther raekee ; number of rockers; studio couch; New Horne sewing machine; 2 • Que- bec heaters;, Quebeo cook stove; kitchen cup- board: 4 'cane bottom chairs t 'kitchen stool; dr• op leaf table; kitc.hen chairs; .;;lass clip- board: 7 beds, springs and. mattresses: 3 •dressers ' and stands ; folding ironing board ; clothes horse; : commode; violin and case; quilt box ; cushions: 6 hooked scatter mats ; hanging lamp; A,Iladim lamp;- Congoleum rugs ; carpets ; other floor Coverings ; curtains and blinds; house, plants ; ,quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils; 'wririgetr; 2 new wash tubs and boiler; quantity of pint and quart sealer, ; crocks ; sanitary toilet ; garden tools ; lawn mower and other articles, -Terms- Cash. WILLIe4M H„ LOVE, Proprietor; E. P. Chesney, Clerk ; Harold J•agkson, ' Auc- tioneer., • 4157_2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects.-Harry Pitts, auctioneer, will self' by public auction at the •residence of Lillian Babb, :St. George Street, Mitchell, on, Wed- nesday, Augast 20th, sale to commence at 1 p.m. sharp, the fallowing: Antique Furni- ture --Walnut bed; walnut dressers and mir- rors ; washstands with marble basins ; bed j :springs• and n;nttresses ; chests of drawers ; sofas: rocking rhe:rs; upholstered chairs and an assortment of cane and spool back chairs ; extension tables ; marble top table; china; glassware and some yieces of cut glass ; large assortment o1' linbsburg china, rose pattern; large walnut „idebeard: • combination book- case and .writing desk ; Axminster rug, 8, 10,4 by -5' 10,E ; Wilton runner, 9' by 2, 2i, ; Wil- ton rug 5, 4,, by 3/; crystal, sherbert, cock- tail and water glasses; 2 kerosene hanging ing chandeliers; whatnot; hall rack with mi or; davenport; walnut end table; complete silver service set; books of all descriptions; car- pets; carpet runners; large and small size rubber ,mats ;. drapes; walnut sectional book- case: oil painted pictures and mirrors; crayon pictuges ; picture frames; beds and bedding ; table 'linen ; towels : table doilies; jardiniere •rand;.•,braes stand containing five candle hollies: fancy vase;; book ends;. several; trunks and chests ; kitchen. utensils ; Maxwell electric 'washing• rnaohine; garden tools and other household articles•too. numerous to men- tion, LILLIAN BABB. Proprietress; Harry Notices Shakespeare, Auctioneer. , . ' ., 4157-1 PLEASE RETURN -WILL nig PERSON ALeered SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FUR- ' borrowed., a Pais of crutches from ni.:hings. Etc., on John Street, Seaforth, 'The Huron Expositor some .months, or pos- on Saturday, .August- 16th, at 1 p.m.: One sibly years age, please return same. chesterfield : 1 oak table ,(small ] ; I mahog- R.r, 4157x1 any finished table; "1 velvet covered couch; 1 Celanese covered couch ; 1 smell couch ; 1 oak hall rack with scat: 1 desk 'with shelve, PROCLAMATION Township of Hullett A Special Meeting of the Ratepayers 0 the Township of Hullett will be held in th Cotmunity Hall Londesboro MONDAY, AUGUST 18th 1947, The Clerk will be in the Community Hall, Londesboro, from 1 to 2 p.m., E.S.T„ to re- ceive nominations for one Councillor, to nil the vacancy in Hullett Township Council, caused by the resignation of Leslie R. Reid. A Special Meeting of the Electors will be hold in the Community Hall;' Londesboro, at .., 8 p.m., E.S,T., to hear proposed candidates, and in ease more than the required number are nominated, and a vote demanded, a Poli will be held on MONDAY, AUGUST 25th • 1947 from 9 a.m., E.S.T., until 6 p.m., . EST., et the following places : Poll 1: Forester's Hall, Kinbutn ; Secord McBrfen, D.R.O. ; Ephriam Clark, Poll Clerk, Poll 2 : ;School House S,S; No, 6 ; Bert Beacom, D.R.O. ; Leo Watt, Poll Clerk. .Pon 3: 'School House S.S. No. 2:" Joseph Flynn, D,R.O. ; 'Bernard Tighe, Poll Clerk. y Poll 4: Communitty Hall, Londesboro; Thema5 Miner, D R.O. ; Emerson Heslc, Poll Clerk.' Poll 5: Orange Hall, Sumrtnerhill; Ephriam ;Snell, D.R.O. ; Orval Rapegr, Poll Clerk. Poll 6 : Community Hall, Londesboro ; Frank Longman, D.R.O. ; Robert Townsend, Poll 7 : Forester's Hall, Aubufn ; Wil9ham Poll Clerk. Craig, D,Ii.O: ; George Lawlor, Poll Clerk, GEORGE W. COWAN Township Clerk. DATED at Londeshoro, August 7, 1947. WEED CUTTING Township of Tuckersmith T TOW6.1SH1P 0t TUCKERSMITH WILL tray for ]weed cutting on township ,roads tilt the rate dif• 2 coifs per' red, provided such tco)k is done oh ar, lidera 3EPTl MBE 15, • end acoeuffta rendered '.to -and passed by Road Stt,eetr eid'entheft Dadrytnlble, Egmond- viile, lav O0T0131, i947. No aceon'nta rendered after this date will bits' llfd. 'dlerks y� For Sale GLADIOLI BLOOMS FOR SALE- BASIL PURCELL, Market St. li' OR SAISE--9„ ACRES AJAX OATS, 'TN stoek. A. PETRIE, Bruoehelji. • 4157-1 FOR SALE -,TWO SPRING-F1J.1,9') MAT - tresses; purchased only three months ago. MRS. J. 0. TURN.BT,a, Phone 105. 4157-1 LOT FOR SALE -BUILDING LOT ON North Maim Street. Apply to Box 67$, HURON EXPOSITOR, Seaforth, 4157-1 FOR SALE --IRON WELL PUMP. 25 FEET' piles, in good coalition. Also outside toilet. , SOL WILLIAMS, Railway St„ Sea - forth_ 4187x1 FOR SALE - S`EVEN ROOMED ' FRAME house, Main St., Egrnondville, with Stable and. garden. Apply to MRS. WILFRID GLAZIER, R.R„ 4, Clinton, Ont. Phone 617, r 31, Clinton- 4157x2r FOR SALE -2 WINGHAM "CLIPPER" cook stoves (used 2 rnonthsr; 2 MrC'lary double oven ranges (suitable for hotels and restaurants); 25 coal scuttles; 25 large gal- vanized pails-, 50 roasting pans ; 10 mop wringers ; 15.0, lengths 7 -inch stovepipes. Ap- ply DIRECTOR, HURON. CHURCH CAMP, 3 miles south of Bayfield on Bdu'ewater High- way. ' 4157-1 FOR SALE -PARTS FOR MASSEY-HAR- ris binder; almost new tongue and knot - ter complete; also other .parts. JAMES' McQUAID. Phone 46 r 14, Dublin. 4156x2 POR SALE. $10,500--5-SU1'1'.6, APART- ment building; excellent location, in Stratford. Each apartment equipped with electric stove and refrigerator; stoker fur- nace; coal in. One apartanenb vacant Sept, 1st, Owner moving to Toronto. Apply W. F. rnGRAM. 79 Hibernia St., Stratford. Telephone. 1825. 4156-3 CERTIFIED RASPBERRY PLANTS Write Box 754 Campbellford, Ont. for illustrated folder and growing. "know how," Don't delay. Sppply limited, 4154x4 In -Memoriam. (1ARTER-IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR sd dear- son and 'brother, Ronald Rusaell Carter, who was kuddenly called froan.ua on August 18, 194L To one we will never forget, His absence to us is a sorrow, His loss we will always regret. Sadly missed by Mother and Dad, Sts¢:rs and Brothers. 4156x1 . ALLAN -IN LOVING MEMORY OF' A dear wife and mother, Mrs, Wilson Al- lan, who passed away one year ago, August 1,7, 1946. Quickly and suddenly carne the call, Her sudden death surprised, us all ; Dearer to -memory than words can tell, The loss of a mother we loved so well. -Sadly missed by Husband 'and .Family. Births NOAKES-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, on Saturday, August 9, rte Mr. and :Mrs. Lloyd Noakes, Hensall, a son. SPRAY -In Victoria Hospital, London,' un Tue'day,,August 5, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray, of London, (nee Mary Geiger), a" son -David Allen. A brother for Martin_ ECKERT-Mr. and Mra. James F. Eckert, Ridgetown, Ont.; are happy to announce I the arrival of their son„James Arthur., at St Joseph's Hospital, Chatham, on August P 3. 1941. BUTTTERS-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 7, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Phomas .But ublin, a son. WALLACE-la Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 8, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Seaforth, a dauyht"er. BOLTON -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 10, to Mr. and Mrs.'Leslie Bolton. y Walton, a son. MARKS -In Scott 'Memorial Hospital, on August 11, d,o ' Mr. and Mrs-• Lawrence Marks, Walton, a..daughter. PRYCF In Scott Memorial Hospital, en August I2, to Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Pryte, R.R. 1, Dublin, a son. STONE',v1AN--1n Stratford General. Hospital, on Wednesday, August 6, to Mr. and Mrs. BensonStoneman, . Cromarty, a son --Ron- ald, Edward. HURON RADIO Sales & •Service PMO.NI 301 MENSA1.#1. FOR GUARANTEED "EXPERT • RADIO SERVICE The Lanergon Oil Heaters, Stewart - Warner and Marconi Radios; Spare Time Service. Marley -Davidson Motorcycles Salem and „Service. Ern's, ainsisnamaessaimigimo Mrs, D: H. Peacock and Terry, at Ot- tawa. - Mr. and Mrs, Hari Sararas and David', of Toronto, are spending two weeks vacation with Mr's, S. Sararas, Cromarty. The 'blame of Mrs. S. Sararas,..Crom= arty, was the scene of a delightful event last Friday evening, when a wed'dang dinner was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Harold''Bonthron, a recent bridal couple. Turkey, ' with all the trim- mings, was the menu "served, with the immediate families present. The bridal table was centered with the wedding cake, while vases of snap- dragons • completed the decorations. Members of; the, family were present from Toronto; Stara, Kippen and Hensall. Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Bonthron, a recent bridal couple, some twenty-five friends and neigh- bors met at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sararas, Cromarty, and, tendered them a reception and pres ented them with a lovely table and table lamp. The address was read by Miss Bernice McClinchey and the presentations made by ,Mrs. 'Clarence Coleman and Miss Miry'- ,Kinsman_ Progressive'erokinole was played. Bonthron - Sararas A pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at Centennial • United 'Church Manse, London, when Doris Marcella, daughter of Mrs. S. Sararas and the late Simon Sararas, of Crom- arty, was united in marriage to Har old, James Bonthron, only sen of Mr. and Mrs. James W, Boni,hro1 , of Hen sail. . Rev, Richards offittiated. The bride was charming, wearing an orch- id on sph0re blue crepe dress with accessories of navy blue. For their wedding trip the young couple' motor, ed to New York and Atlantic City• Mr. and Mrs. Bonthron will reside in Hensall The infant children of Mr, and Mrs. A. Scholl and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Dalrymple recently„ received the rite of baptism at Carmel Presbyterian Church. Rev. P. A. Ferguson offici- ated. Oyer thirty members and guests of the Arnold 'Circle Evening. Auxiliary enjoyed a .picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth. Sports were directed by Mrs„ A. R. Orr, Mrs.. Roy Bell and Mrs. Hoy. -Following is the prize list: Boys, Donald _MacLaren; girls; 'Jean Kennedy; 'kick the slipper, Mrs. Kozachuk; slipper race, Mrs. G. Bell, raper race, Mrs. R. MacLaren; hop- ing race, Mrs. Southey; whistle race, Mrs, G, Schwalm; three-legged race, Mrs. G. Moir and Ml's. R. MacLaren; 'unning backwards, Mrs. C. Forrest, Ml•a. J. Farquhar; bottle race, Mrs: G. Mousseau, Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. 4. Cross recently isited with friends at Chesley. _Mr, George Dick,, who has been re- cuperating from a serious illness at the home of his dalighter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Forrest, for the past several weeks, has z'eturned to bis farm home in Hay Township, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drysdale and Jerry were visitors recently with friends in Sarnia. ' Mts. T. Piti•lmer is hol}dh,ying with her son an'd daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer, in Windsor. M1•. a1Ttl Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau have returned to St. Catharines after va- catiouing at their respective homes. Mrs. Emma Boyle and' Helen, of Toronto, were recent visitors with relative, in Hensall • Teddy • „Cowan, of Cookstown, is spending some holidays. with Miss Betty Moir, Mr, and Mrs, Ii., Chatreatl„ of MaI- ton, were recent visitors at the Kers- lake residence. Norman McDonald, oto Cour'tright,' Man., who has been employed for several weeks with his cousin, Percy Passmore, Thames, Roacl, had the raise fortune to fall from a load of hay, inflicting a nasty gash' in his handl, requiring several stitches to close_ The accident occurred' as' a load of hay ,was being unloaded; in the bare. and Mr. McDonald was hanging on to the sling ropes when -the sling let'go and he tell from the load to 'the barn flow., striking his 'head on a plank. Mrs. Hare y Trick, of 'Crediton, met wiih a str',ange'accident Tuesday in w11:ch she lost .the end of the index finger of the right hand. She was in' the act of closing a gate when a cow jumped the gate and Mrs. Truck'sfin- ."ser• was caught a11d the etld,was tak= en clean off, George. Rader, 16, of Stephen, while operating a power chain saw in the cutting down of a tree, had all the bones and tendons of his left hand badly cut when the hand came in con- tact with the saw. He was working for the 'Storms Construction Co. on the highway between Exeter and Dashwood, and was assisting in cut ting down the large elm trees that line the highway near the bridges at Sodom, three miles west of Exeter. He was, using a powerful chain saw runby a motor. • A party of Hensall Girl Guides left Sunday' for Camp Kitch•gami, near Goderich,. for a ten days' camping va= cation± Included in the party were Lois Henderson, Roberta Kirby, Or- rion Stephan, Betty Moir, Ruth Alen ander, Gertrude Bell and • Elaine Beer. The girls left looking smart in their new uniforms, .Miss Mary Hagan, of. London,. is holidaying with her sister and bro- ther, Miss Dalile and Mr. Frank Hag- an, .Parr..,Line. - Mr. and Mrs. John H. Soldan anal Pat were week -end guests with Mr and Mrs. H. E. Downey and faintly, Oakwood Corners, Sarnia. Di'. John Hagan and John, Jr:, have returned ,to 'Chiesaao after spending a month's vacation with Mr. Frank Hag- an -sand Miss 'Doliie Hagan ' Zurich 'Combines proved too ranch for the Mitchell boys when they play- ed in Mitch -ell and Came Out on the big end of. a 7-5 score, Hensall gain- ed seven runs- in the first -and! second innings, but failed to Score after that. Mitchell put on a strong. drive- that fell just short lit the last part of the game.' ' D tern HENSALL Death of G. F. Eyre Mr. George F. Eyre, Well, known resident of Chiselhurst,,• thre' recites east of Hensall, died suddenly at the home of his son, Mr. •Campbell Eyre, in his 82nd year, • His death was due to .a `heart condition. Mr. "Eyre was horn in 'Leeds Courity and had resid- ed in Chiselhurst for•the. past .sixty- six years. He was a mernber of Chis- elhursi United Church. Surviving are one daughter. Mrs Wm, Cole; two sous, ,Lindsay, of Brucefield, -and Campbell, Chiselhurst, and a brother in *California.. A private service will be held. at the borne of his son, Camp - for books; several rocking, chairs; 2 verandah bell Eyre. on Friday at 2 p,nl,. fol - chairs and bench : coe'sanut matting ronner lowed by a public service' -in Chisel - for 'verandah ; cushion ; 2 Wilton rugs 3 yds. • by '31._; 1 reversible rug: 7 ft. by 9 ft.; 2 burst l sited Church at 2.30 p.m. Rev, scatter rugs; 1 radio (Stewart -Warner) ; 1 Robert PQssmore will officiate, and sectirtal bookcase with writing ,desk line- burial. will be in McTaggart's ceme- hogany) : 1 floor lamp: 1 table lamp; leather tel, y .• couch large leather rocking chair; 1 bed and sprin-gs ; 1 mattress.; 2 bedroom sets; 1 spring I Ml's. ,T. E. McEwan, of Hensall, filled mattress; 1 bed springs- 1 large basket spent a day in Port 'Huron and Sar - for flowers • several vases for ffewers ; jard- iniere stands and jardinieres; 6 Limoges caps 1-"```•/ _ and saucers; corner china cabinet; garden--. :Mervyn Stephan and Bob Cook, ,of tools ; carilenter's tools ; brass candle hold -1 Hensall, spent the week -end in Mon-. ere drafting set; scweral pairs of curteMs , t ] tong; and poker. on upright holders; erten-i Mr, Clarence Reid has purchased 1-, pair damask drapes ; brass fireplace above', res • ion tattler • 'wheelbarrow 6 fining roam the property of Mr. Milton.. Love for chairss ; flower pots , large size stone crocks . sinalsize stone crocks; pictures ; kitchen $2,004, and will get, possession the end of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Love are taking up residence on a farm near Hensall, Miss C1ar'risa Mitchell is a patient. in Victoria Hospital, London, in the interests of her health." Mr. R. J. Munn is a patient in : St - stool ; toilet pitcher; 2 wash stands ; curtain poles:, picture frames; quilt box; tool box. Terms --Cash. , .JOHN F'INLAYSON, Proprie- tor ; Harold .7acksan, Auctioneer ; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. 4156-2 AUCTION SALE OF ;FURNITURE AND Household Effects, Etc„ in the' Village of Dublin, on Friday, August 29th, commencing at 1 p.m.: 1 red oak dining room table Joseph's Hospital, London. receiving 4 people 6 oak dam exte sion, to seat 12 ; ins room chairs to match; 1 square oak dining treatment for his health. room table with 4 leaves • 1 walnut sette8• Mr. T Richardson was taken, to 9x101,G ; 1 r 1 rug 6, x'81,; '1 easy chair, red upholster -ug. green, 9x10t;•> • 1 oak rocker terestS 'of his h'eal'th. ine: 2 email tables: 1 •oak bookcase; 1 Ray- Mr, and Mrs. Edgar MCC1i.Juchey and mond sewing machine.; 1 fireplace; -red pine, Jerry are eampi,)ag this w'eelt' at Hay - table: 1 arm chair; 1 Sparton console radio, i •1ed electric; I wail clock; 1 3 -shelf stand; 11 cane-l=ottom rocking chair: 1 hall rank: 1 Mr. William Love is•taking up resi- cpuch; 16 stair pads; 1 box stove; 1 con- clence in the near future with Mr, and 2 walnut chairs to match: Axminster rug Victoria Hospital, London, in the i1- hinat;an°cosl'and wool stove with reservoir uul H h Love, 1 washing machine; 1 storage cupboard ; r 1s. ug 1 rustic lawn rocker; 1 table and 2 bench- Mr. and Mrs, Casey Hudson, wash stand • twhite iron bed; 1 wash stand; 1 toilet set, oak dt, 3 -piece; I rich, were''recent visitors with 'Mr. wardrobe; 1 card table; 1 blue dressing and Mra. George Hudson. • 1 walnut ted and springs dresser and George, ,Donna and Diana, of Gode- table; 1 blue iron het ; odd chairs ; 1 bath- Mrs. Milton Russell had the inisfor- tune to have her hand caught in the electric wringer of 'a twatshing , Ma- chine, receiving painful bruises. The ,many friends of Mr, Walter Fairb'aii'n will -regret to learn is con- fined to his homre with illness. Mr, and Mrs. Milton. Lavery expect to move in the near future to their hone, at present occupied by 'Mr. Wi,l•liam : Love, - room mirror; 1 white ,pisrcelain basin: J 4 - drawer cupboard; 1 '1 -drawer cupboard; 98 - piece dinner set: quantity of ntfier dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers and other ,artleles ; 2 -burner e'eetr-ie grill; 1 carving set; 1 elec- tric toaster; bedding; sideboard; quantity of eon']; 4 windows and frames -.5, 8/, x 3+,6/', glazed 15» x 30,, ; 1 wheelbarrow ; 1 tool cupboard ; various earpenter'a , tools; 1 work bench ; 1 vise; 1 grindstone; 1 wooden table: 1 wood talc 1 wire screen, 11/2F, mesh ;, 1 oak barrel : 1 '40 -foot chain ; 1 1$-foot'Udd'e ' 3 seat7lold brarlcets; 1 set sprides for buggy'; 1 buggy axle, 2 hay knives ; 6 grain bags • 1°manure fork; 1 3,thie hay fork; garden .Rev, R. Passmore, of Melita, Man -,foals; 1 arise:' 1 crowbar; 1 crosscut saw'; 1 on vacation with -lits parents, occu- " hingedwooden screen; 1 pair stable doors ped the pulpit of the United- Church hand saw; 1 rip p e MVO 1 scythe; 100 bricks; and frames 8, x x air : 6 eerhent window sills, 3342 doter, • 8rr ' wide, 5r/ ri deep; 1 shovel; lawn mower, Terris-G'�ash, JAMES JORDAN, Proprietor: Haottld .Trrekaon, Auc- tioneer. 4157-2 Deaths • Sunday morning last, delivering a very inspiring ' message, The choir sang an anthem, Rev. Passnlore virili occupy the piil'pit during the month of; August while Rev: t,.. A. Brook is ori" vacation, Mrs. Grace Harpoie, Miss Audrey te- N O:11t-„4j'i 'Sieaierth, ori ' ieadaq Amnia 12,.E Mears and Mins turned, b me . froin na a igh m Tate fu18' irate lifapitia Atkimeso widow+ of the tette Joselzhi tveetes' vacation spef'It with 'Mr. and 4116(4 ' ,Nigh, In Reit' -6112 year. • ' t armers! Watch for the Friendly (REAM AND EGG PICK , UP SERVICE SEAFORTH CREAMERY AND SEAFORTH 'FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE (Produce Division) ARE COOPERATING TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A PICK-UP SERVICE .THAT WILL RESULT IN BRINGING YOUR PRO- DUCTS TO MARKET. MORE QUICKLY. THIS ONE-STOP PICK-UP SER- VICE WILL SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY Routes and Days of Pick-up Are as Follows: - TRUCK ONE MONDAY AND THURSDAY Brucefield, Varna and Bayfield, and Surrounding Area_ TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Kinburn, Londesboro and Blyth, and Surrounding Area. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY • Brucefield, to Clinton, to Seafortb,. TRUCK TWO MONDAY AND FRIDAY Blyth Area, returning via Walton to Seaforth. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Leadbury, 'Walton 'and Surrounding Area. TRUCK THREE MONDAY AND THURSDAY . Concessions 1; 2, 34,, 4, 5, 6; '7, Hihbert and Tuckersmith, between Seaforth and Dublin. , TUESDAY AND FRIDAY - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, McKillop, between Seaforth and Duplin_ Concessions WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY , Concessions 6; 7, 8, 9, McKillop, between_ Seaforth and Dublin_ SELL YOUR CREAM : and EGGS THE EASY WAY Highest Market Price Paid SEAFORTH CREAMERY - PHONE 80 SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE \(Produce Division) PHONE 13 - Excellence Flour Mills; Limited SEAFORTH, ONT. - - PHONE 354 CELLENCE FEEDS Now available to Dealers, Wholesalers, Retailers and Farmers at Mill Door PIG STARTER HOG FATTENER HOG GROWER'. . DAIRY RATION CALF , MEAL CHICK STARTER CHICK -GROWER LAYING MASH GROUND WHEAT WHOLE WHEAT . BARLEY MEAL WHOLE BARLEY GROUND OATS ROLL CRUSHED OATS WHOLE OATS - Manufactured by urgeon Grain & Processed Feeds SEAFORTH, .ONT. PHONE 354 Bran available with Balanced Feeds r+t EXCELLENCE in NAME and QUALITY Y 1'