HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-08-15, Page 3UM/ST 15, 04
,•;•,,,,t • ••••.'i,
uileft nailges Electio
To-- Council 'Vacancy
Councillor Leslie 4eid Ten-
ders Resignation as Mem-
ber of Council.
Arrangements for an -election to
fill the council vacancy caused by the
resignation of Councillor Leslie Reid
'were completed, at a special meeting
.of the Hullett township council, held
Thursday night in Londesboro Hall.
Nominations are to be held, August
13, with voting, if necessary, taking
place on August 25.
A special meeting was held in the
"Community Hall, Londesboro, by the
council of the' Township of Hullett at
.9 p.m., to draw up a; bylaw to get out
an election, caused by the resignation
SLEEP .. wed
etweae Re -Aoki
If you don't sleep well
nights are inter-
tu*d by rezdessness
to your kid -
:hays. If your kidneys
7are out of order and
;failing to cleanse the
food of poisons and
excess acids—lour rest is likely suffering
ttOo. Then is the time to use Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneyi get
rid of trouble -making poisons and acids --
IMP restore them to normal action. See
ihow much better you rest at night --how
much brighter you feelin the morning. Get
and use Dodd's Kidney Pills today. 145
of M. .Leslie Reid, Anitiet 4; .also to
transact general businees, The reeve
ancrtlaree inerabere, of rtbe council
were prtsent. The minuteer Of the reg-
ular meeting August 4 Were read. •
By j. Ira Rapson and W. R Jevr-
itt: That the minutes, of the regular
meeting be accepted itsread and laid
over to the next regular meeting. Car-
, At this time Mr. Thomas Carbett
and Mr. Joseph.Blake approached the,
council 012 fencing part of .property
on the disused railway owned by the
Tranecontinental Transit Company:
By W. .R. Jewitt, and Wm. J. Dale:
That we take no action on the re-
quest of Thomas Carbett and, Joseph
Blake regarding the fencing of the
property of the Transcontinental
Traneit "Company. Carried.
Bylaw 8, 1947, was read the neces-
sary times. and,. passed. '
Wm. Dale and J. Ira Rapson:
That we' do now adjourn to meet
September 4, at -8 o'clock, E.S.T. Car-
Minutes of Meeting August 4th
The regular meeting of the Hullett
township council took place this date
in the Community Hall, Londesboro,
al 8 p.m. The reeve and all members
of the council were present -and the
minutes of the last regular meeting
of July 7 and: .special meeting of July
15 were read. By J. Ira Rapson and
W. R. Jewitt: That the minutes ,Of
the regular meeting and special meet-
ing be adopted as read. Carried.
At this time a eonamittee from Au-
burn was heard.'"Mr. C. Asquith act-
ed as spokesman. They requested a
proclamations for a nomination and
grant for the proposed Community
A pure-bred bull will im-
prove your dairy stock and
.earn its keep many times over.
Better strains in all livestock
produce increased returns
'throughout the year.
This bank is interested in all
,progressive farm operations and
we shall be glad to consider a loan
to you for any,. worthwhile purpose.
Applications for Farm Improvement Loans
at 5% per annum are also invited.
Es.owhed 1871
E. C. Boswell - Manager
. 680
FOR 1947
(1) Co-op 3% DDT Agridultural Dust
containing Rotenone, for dusting potatoes,
vegetables, etc.
Co-op 3% DDT Agricultural. Dust (with copper)
containing Rotenone and copper, for dusting
• potatoes, vegetables, etc.
Co-op 50% Wettable DDT Powder
to be diluted with water and used as a liquid
spray according to directions.
(4) Cd -op 5% Barn and Wall Spray
•an improved residual spray suitable for house-
hold, institutional and barn purposes.
Co-op Livestock Spray.
(61 Co-op Foliage Spray
containing 25% DDT;. fOrms emulsion with
water, no residue.
for mass treatment of hogs, poultry and turkeys.
, (1) Co-op Hog Worm X -Pel
(2) Co-op Poultry Worm X -Pel
Putehase these products
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
affiliated with
United Farmers 0o -operative Co. Ltd.
Howick township councilmet in
the Clerk's office according to ad-
journment with 'Reeve John Winter
in the chair. The members were all
present excepting Deputy Reeve El-
mer Parrish.
Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg:
That we 'refund- i the Gorrie Cemetery
Board the sum Of $4.00 for excess
rental charges. Carried.
Moved by ,Zurbrigg and,' Gowdy:
•That we instruct the road superin-
tendent to ereet speedlimit signs at
Lakelet. Carried.
Moved by Strong and Gowdy: That
this council of.the municipality of the
Township of Howick request the De-
partment of Highways to establish
dpeed limit zone of 30 miles per hour
on Highway 87 within the limits of
the Village of Wroxeter, and erect
signs accordingly. Carried
Moved by Zurbrigg and Strong:
That we- give 'a grant of $20 to the
Clifford Fair Board.. Carried.
, Moved; by Gowdy and Zurbrigg:
That the road accounts as approved
be paid. Carried.
Moved by Winter, and Strong: That
the following bills and accounts be
paid. Carried,
Relief, $115.38; D. Townsend, re -
'pairing fire alarm ,at Wroxeter
95c; Gorrie Cemetery Board, refund,
excess rental of Gerrie Hall, $4.00;
Drury Construction part digging
Day drain„ $1;,862.70;• Wm, Maxwell,
spreading gravel at Wroxeter, $2.40;
A. Heibein, cleaning Gerrie' shed; $6;
Gestetner, office supplies, $5.82; Ross
Sanderson, fox bounties,. $6; A. Galla-
her, fox bounty, $3; Wilfred Brown,
fox bounty, $3;, 'Howiek Telephone
Co., telephone rent and tolls, $14.60:
Huron County 'Treasurer, hospital ex-
penses, -re Mrs. N. Wray, $60.35; P.
Durst, 0A.P., $35; P. Durst, • part
salary, $60; Clifford Fall Fair,- grant,
Moved by Strong and Gowdy: That
the Clerk is hereby instructed ,to
amend Bylaw No. 2 for the year 1947
of the Township of Howick to auth-
orizee(lthe borrowing of $40.000. Car-
riMoved by ' Gowdy and Zurbrigg:
That we accept the tender of G. A.
Gibson . for building cement ,sideWalk
Water St., Wroxeter. Carried.
Moved by "Winter and Zurbrigg:
That we do now ad;ourn to meet
again' in the Clerk's Office,.Gorrie, on
Septeniber.. 5, or at the call of the
Reeve. • Carried. • •
Mr. and Mrs. John •Herdman and
Mr. and Mrs. Hilson Whiteford vis-
ited with Mr. Clayton Heldman .in
Owen Sound on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. klarold Bell and Mr.
and Mrs. Doug.Whoton and, Bonnie
spent Sunday at Woodstock with Mr.
Wooton's ,sister.
Murray Stephen spent last week on
a motor trip to -Montrtal, Ottawa and
New York with some school chums
from Woodstock and Lond•on. •-• •
Hall that they are contemplating
• building.
By Wm.*J. Dale. and, W. R. Jewitt:
That we give a grant of 8200.00 to
• Auburn Cohamunity Hall Board to be
held in trust till building has Com-
menced and also recommend, to fu-
ture council.s that, this 'grant be made
annually for five years and not to
exceed $1,000 in all. Carried.
By W. R. Jewitt and LeSlie Reid:
That the Clerk Write McConnell &
Hays statin,g circumstances regard-
ing .our payment to Mr. George Eber-
hart; also informing them that we
are paying Mr. Eberhart, the sum of
$32.50 for gravel. .
' By W. R. Jewitt and Wm. J. Dale:
That we -do now- adjourn for one-half
hour:' • Carried. After one-half hour
adjeurnment, the meeting was reop-
ened fin d c i ell on.
fly -Leslie. Reid and W. R. Jewitt:
That the Road Superintendent in-
struct Mr. George Elliott to cease
crushing until he installs thescreen
that the contract calls for. Carried.
By, Wm. J. Dale and W F. Jewitt:
That Bylaw No, 17-9 be read a first
and second time. Carried.
By W. R. Jewitt and, Wm: 'J, Dale:
That Bylaw N,o. •47-9 as read a,first
and second time be passed. Carried.
By Leslie Reid and W. R. Jewitt:
That Bylaw No. 47-9 be read a third
time. Carried,
ByW. R. Jewitt and Leslie Reid:
That Bylaw No.' 47-9 as read a third
time be passed, signed- by the Clerk
and. Reeve and the. township .seal at-
tached. Carried. •This bylaw was to
set the township rate. ''
At this time Mr. Leslie Reid ten-
dered his resignation as councillor,
stating that owing to his absence
from home so much he did pot feel
that he was doing justice to either
the council or the ratepayers.
By Wm. J. Dale and W. -R. Jewitt:
That as, -Mr. Leslie Reid has express-
ed his desire to resign that we ac-
cept his resignation. Carried
By W. R. Jewitt and J. Ira Rapson:
That the accounts as presented be
paid.. Carried.
By W. R. Jewitt and .1, Ira Rapson:
That we do new adjourn to meet for.
a special meeting on Thursday, Aug:
7at 9 p.m., the meeting called for
the purpose of drawing up a bylaw to
get out proclamations for nomina-
tions and election, also to transact
,general buSiness. Carried.,
Accounts passed were: Municipal
World, supplies, $11.53; J. E. Howard,
insurance, $10't; Geo. W. Cowan, part
salary, 870; Dominion Road Arachine,
grader repair, $9.07; Pedlar People,
culverts, $85.68; Armse Metal Pro-
ducts, culverts, $309.94; Canadian In-
dustries, Ltd., weed killer, $87.60;
Geo. Goode, grader repair, $1.10; Har-
old Beacom, trucking culvert,. $5.0;
Geo. Hoggart, ditching, $5.60; Wm.
Carter, road superintendent, $37;
'Robert Riley, ditching, $2.50; Jack
Little, weeds, $62.60; Percy Glazier,
weeds, $11.80; Geo. W. Cowan, weedd,
$4; Arthur Waymouth, grader opera-
tor, $81; Gordon Radforld, gas and
Oil, $83.25; George Eberhart, gravel,
$82.80; Albert Haggitt, Wilson drain,
alton ite
Ideal weather proTailed for the
Walton. United Chureh picnic held at
Lions Park, Seaforth, 'attended by
more than 100 members ofif the con.-
gregation and Sunday Sehool. Donna.
Watson and Clarence McNichol chose
teams. for a game of softball which
ended in a score of 13-6 for is Wat-
eon's team., Mrs: 4. Holland and, Rev.
Hazlewood conducted, races and
presented prizes to the winners. At
five 'o'clock all sat down to a hounti-
fu!'"picnic supper.
Following is a,list of the r9.ces and
,,.the winners: Girls, 5 " and. tinder,
Donna. Smith, Marilyn Johnston, Hel-
en Bryans; boys, 5 and under, Reid
ilaokwell and Lane Hazlewood, tied
for first; girls, 6 and 7, Audrey Hack -
well, Clara Ann Smith,- Barbara Hol-
land; boys, under 7, Billie Brown,
Lane Hazlewood., Reid Hackwell;
girls, 9 and under, -Elizabeth McGav-
in, Audrey HackweN, Mary Dennis-
boye, 9 and under, Wayne McMich-
ael, Ranald Smith; girls, 12' and un-
der, Edna Martin, Thelma' Mair, Jo-
anne Sinclair; boys, 12 and 'under;
David Hackwell, Wayne McMichael,
Mac Sholclice;girls, 15 and under,
Ione Watson, Edna Martin, Flora
Turnbull; boys, 15 and under, Donald
,Wilson; Clarence McNichol, Fred El-
liott; girls, 18• and under, Donna Wat-
son, Ione Watson, Thelma Mair; boys
18 and under, Donald Wilson, Ken-
neth McDonald, Fred,.Elliott; Married
women, Mrs. BMcMichael, Mrs. C.
Ritchie, Mrs. A. McNichol; girls'
three-legged race, Isabel McCall and
Donna Watson, Ione. Watson and
Thelma Mair; boys' three-legged
race, Clarence McNichol and Fred
Martin; kick the slipper, Donna Wat-
son, fone Watson, Isabel McCall;
men's clothespin race, Douglas Fras-
er; Clarence 'McNichol, Jack Bryans;
life-saver race, Will Beniaett and
Mary, McDonald, Jack Bryans and Is-
abel 'McCall, Douglas Fraser and Don-
na Watson; handkerchief race, Isabel
Make Your Homo
11 II.
au ertry
M Collage Slimed
. RATES ...
Single $1.50- $3.50
Double $2.50- $7.00
Write for Folder
We Advise Early Reservation •
A. M. POWELL, President
uxoli icnic
• ,
McCall and jaelt, Bryupe.
Personale: ,Mr, and Vim. H. John-
ston and_family left Wednesday on a
Motor trip to Haliburton and Ot-
ta*; 'Cliff Brown, sqetion foreman,
is relieving at Hamilton; Mrs. Ethel
Ilackwelt with friends in Seaforthl
Robert Kirkby" -was at the races in
Hanover; Mrs. Ida Meraggart in
Wiugharn; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. gen-
"nett have returned) from Orillia.
A pleasant evening was spent in
the Community Half in honor
and Mr. James Nolan, of •the 16th
concession of Grey, when the newly
married couple were presented.with
an occasional chair and mirror.
My Week"
• (By R. J. Dechman)
41 met not long ago a banker, now
retired. He had. spent the greater part
of his life,, in different branches,
mostly in the Province of Quebec. I
asked him, as I often do with ail
classes of people, for the funniest in-
cid.ent" in his business experience.
This is the one he placed first in the
list. I give you the story as closely
as I can, but 1 cannot put on paper
the fine Irish .voice of the man who
told it to me as he•imitated the tone
.of his customer on this occasion:,
"In the town, which must be name-
less, we had an accountof an Irish-
man, a small contractor who carried
a balance with us of from three to
seven hundred dollars. One day
cheque came in which wiped out his
deposit and left him with a deficit of
about $200 I phoned hina..and sug-
gested that he come in and cover up
or give us some security'. •
"'You are calling me about -my ac-
count,' he said, and every word sound-
ed as if it came from Dubin. 'How
much did you say I was over?''"
'Two hundred dollars," I answeed.
Now how much would I be hav-
ing in your institution last week?'"
"I looked it up; $550, 1 told him."
." Then did I call you up?'"
"NoWhy •sliould you?"
•." 'Then why in hell, should you' call
me up now?' "
"I was stumped: what .could I do
with a man 'like that?"
"What .happened then,"I said? "We
paid his cheque, he covert(' it in two
or three days, . /Sometimes he went
over for a few dollars. but we never
mentioned it to him. I `always felt
that his answer was worth •any risk
we took."
* *
Here is another one from the same
"A Man came in one day and asked
the price of a 'safety deposit box. The
price was $5.0,0. He asked if I could
let him have it for $4.00. T said, 'No,
the bank doesn't cut the price; every-
body pays the same,' He went out
• ••
"A few days later he came back
and -asked if we loaned money on vic•
tciry bo4d. This was during the first
great war, and, at that time, we loan-
ed up to the full value of the bonds.
He came in the next day and wanted
to borr&er $100. I made out the note,
he handed me, the bond. Imagine my
surprise when I looked at it, it was
for $10,000: I asked 'him why • he
wante4 to brow $100 when he had
a bond for $10,000. "He suggested that
be needed it; I didn't ask auy more
questions. After all he was entitled
to the loan. '
• "I forgot about i
• t; then -a feir days
later he stuck his head through the,
door and said: 'Well, it didn't cost
me $5.00 to get a safety deposit box
from you, did -it?' Ile was quite right.
We paid him three: per cent interest
and yraildpd safety for 1-114P0.,....;
gotWhat 4.P wanted for AZ9OIORttlitil#
if he bad:rented a bgg
But he didn't get the bOX," T
"No," said my banker friend, .1)4t.:fte
certainly dad get perfect Security.fOr
his bond. On the other hand We OA •
had the box and for all I known4ay
have rented it to some other
soul. Besides, he may have Wit
little by "loaning" that money
at three per cent. He might-bi
made a. better alterhative inveattaents
Illy own opinion is that he rea1Zy
wanted to get safety for Ida bond
without paying us anything for
Was .it worth the effort?"
Will somebody please, tell another
story. Some day a beck wiBbe writ-
ten entitled "Humor in •Business." ft
may have been done already. It's
good subject.
Gordon A. Wright •ESTIMATES FREE
• Farmers drive
cars less„ than city
people and get
low rates from
But farmers do
drive --one unin-
sured ince idea*
could wipe ohm
your home or your
savings. Buy the
full protection of
Pilot Automobile
Insurance now.
We write insurance to cos,er selected risktrisa A.ratomobile, Fire, Personai
Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, and other general insurance.
• If it's SAFETY you want—look at these great
PLYMOUTH SAFETY features—samy-a WE EELS—art
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STEEL BODY--g,ives extra strength, longer life and greater
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lariniAuLic nas.tes--pioneered and "developed by
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At each wheel. Stopping power is increased one-third
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All that Chrysler Engineers know about building fine
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Plymouth is Engineered throughout. Engineered for style
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ever built by Chrysler, the big new Plymouth ie priced
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filymouth Features.: ..
Check these
New Safely Hydraulk Brakes • Patented Floating -Power Engine
litimatiops to Panther oibratiiiii • New Starter with button on dosh •
Seillety-Rien Wheels for bloweitt protection •New Front-end Sway
Efenator • Rest ptoofiao. • All -
steel Solely Body • New '; 'eddy
,respord Belpereln:Hotemdhkisse
Eght-w�4* Ahnsinum Phkos •
Www-teristlog Seporfinithed Pints
ollagraosclise Feet.
• ^
Blowout with a Plymouth Safety -rho .
Wheel—the air lets go, but the patented
retaining ridge)] hold the tire straight and
tighrow the ran. The force of the revolving
wheef gives the effect of air Ptenure in the
tire. An the ear slows down, the tire goes
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Direetted Two en Plymouth Safety -Rim
Wheel —tom bow • firmly the tire stays
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Plymouth'a stop was straight and safe.
Don't be without this proved protection.
Every new Plythowth has Safety -Rim Wheels
' as wen so many other ,let' feature.
Blowout with OrdinaryRIM Vitheets....,
the air lets go, the tire twists eresswiee or
jumps the wheel entirely. With Ordinary
rim wheels, the eor swerves, jerks on the
steering wheel and bas to be fought to a