HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-07-25, Page 4•,iYR,Y', i:. Ssified Ads.Will Be Insulted'At New Low Cash Rates: )ltiRi1'`l ale, Wanted, Limb end week Etc,-erer Word: 1 Cant ,. 2n51 .Week 9. Qent 8rd week s Ceat Milliner charge. first lnsertirn3. , 25 Cents Each figure. ititia3 and alrbnwiatio;p clienta as one word. 414+L 1 of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coining Events ---t teat Rei efo1d, Minimum, 50 • cents per week, _ Enquiries may be directed to o BRX Number, n o The Huron Esporitor, fpr 10 cents extra. "'Tea cent, additional will be above class ire not paid within 10 da ®f date of final insertion. Births, 'Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. .Alletign Sales, Notaces to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Auction, Sales Lost 'awl- Found A1OTION 5,A -T-4 OF HOUSE AND LOT" and also six,' Lots sin hayfield, suitable for caipns or eatnage6. Hatold Jackson, • Auc- ' tio*eer, has- received instructions from the undersigne3 to sell the above 1,y public soc- iouRa • qP the .,p ee, Bayfield, on Wednes- day";Jniy 80Ch; at 7.30 Par. (D.S-T.,. These lot are about 55 feat, frontage and 75 feet tin depth, situated on Howard Street, 'Bay- field, about 35 rods from the lake. House consists of seven rooms, oneesterey cottage etyie. hydro. Terms made known at time of sale. Property subject to reserve bid. 'For du er .particulars apply to' ROBERT PEN- 1314fiehl, proprietor; Harold Jackson. .. Auctioneer. 4154-1 AUCTION' SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements, on Lot 24, Conceebion 10, Rib -tart, 2 miles west of Cromarty and 7 annex northeast of Hensall, on Thurdsay, August 7th, at 1 o'clock p.m. Reasons for sale,. crop bailed out by storm: HORSES--- Q4sthhed .team, 8 years old, red 'roam: CAT- lst —red coRed w, freshened, du, freshened e and 12due th whl`ta cow, freehened, due March 4th; roan cost; freshened, due Marsh. 10; Hereford cow. freshened, due .March 81111; red cow; fresh- emelt due January 3rd; red cow, fresh. with calf at foot; red 'heifer, due October 20th: red, heifer due October loth ;,. white heifer due: December 27th •,5 Durham' steei6; 1,000 pounds ; 6 Durham, heifers and steers, 1 year old; 6 Durham heifers and steers, 10 months old; 2 Durham baby beefs, 5months old; 6 „Durham arming calves; pure bred registered Durham bull, 13 months old. PIGS -1 young York hog; York sow due September 12th; York sow due November 10th: 5 young York soya. due in October; 1 young York sow due September .28th; 2 young York sows due it November; 8 small chunks. IMPLEMENTS ---,New V.A. Standard Case tractor on rule- 'ber, starter and -lights ; new Massey -Harris 3 -furrow tractor plow; new 3 -section McCor- miel -Deering lever harrows; new 13 -disc. Massey -Harris fertilizer drill; new Massey - Barris bean .scufaer and puller combined • goad; Cribber ,tiled wagon, complete with hay rack; steel roller; Massey -Harris hay loader; MasseyHarris 6 -foot binder; Deering mower, 6 -foot out; Massey -Harris spring tooth horse cultivator; 4 -section diamond harrows ; 3-sec- tioadiamond harrows ; walking. plow ;' Mas- sey -Harris riding Plow: Massey=Harris man- ure spreader; set sleighs: wagon box;,,dump rake; stone boat; root pnlper ; Beattie hum jack; `Beattie farce pump, in good shape; Monarch 21,_ horsepower. gasoline engine; set 2,000 pound Scales; .pig crate; 2 self pig feeders; 5 oak barrels: new Beattie hay fork; sling tulles ' harness ; electric fencer; forks, shovels. etc.; colony house, 10 x 12, good : brooder stove; new 550 -pound De Laval. cream separator; 70 sap buckets and pans : 25 ton- of good hay in barn- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --Doherty cook stove: Quebec heat- er; Marconi cabinet battery radio, like new ; new Coleman gasoline damp. iron and lan- tern. Terms—Gash. ' LAWRENCE 'DUN?a, ,,Proprietor ; • E. P.. Chesney, Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4154-2' • At the same time and place there will be offered for sale by public auction, 100 -acre Fame., Conee>si•on 10, Lot 24, Hibbert Town- ship, prpPerty of Henry Hoggarth., Has frame house and good banked barn 40x60;. utter carrier and cement flooring; good drive shed 22x44; pig house 12x24: 12 to 15 acres good hardwood bush. Hydro available: Terms made known day of sale. . Offered subject to reserve bid. HENRY HOGGARTH. Prep.ietnr. 4154=2' LOST—AN OIL, FILTER FOR HUDSON car, on ifippen Road,, youth of Egmo{Sd'- ville, on Friday evening, July 19. Please leave at EXPOTTOR. OFFICE. Reward, 4154x1 LOST—SILVER, RONSON ' LIGHTER AT Swimming Poo, Sunday afternoon, July 13th; engraving on back. 'Reward. Apply Box 575, HURON EXPOSITOR Conning Events D4l,NQE.. CRYSTAL PALACE BALL ROOM. Mitchell, Friday, July 25, on a new beautiful marble floor, to theamesic of 'Scotty McLachlan. and His 11 -Piece Orchestra; Betty Duquette, voealist Dancing 10-1. Ad= mission 50 cents. 4158.2 CKNX RANCH BOYS AT OLD TIME Dance at Crystal Palace Ball Roam, Mit- chell, Friday, August Ise, on a beautiful 'marble floor. Admission 50 cents. , 4154-2 Personals 'l eOGG for Poorer*, en Wedueseee, 0ule 23,` Williatn E. Hogg, re his 74th veal—Z. SON- In 1MeKillop, on ThersdaY, ,Judy 17, Andrew C. Henderson, -ixr his 77th Year, HAJ1,'. M -9N-'411 'A[satt1lton, on Friday, July 18, Jolty Hartman, in. hia 87th year. KBRNE7$-In W3nghsia Hospital„ on Satur- day, acne as.. X941, Robert Berney. Morris Township,, in his 77th year. ree—liied at Estonia, Sask., on Wednesday, Arty 16th, Miss Elizabeth Victoria Alpe Fee, in her 76th year. e -HYGIENIC SUPPr.1FS (RUBBE11 •GUtDS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO„ Box 91, Hamilton. One ASTHMA SUFFERERS—ENJOY A GOOD night's sleep, without coughing or chok- ing as others are doing. For free information write F. L. HOWEY, 144 Catherine South, Hamilton- 4147x8 For Sale SALT: -19'28 -pipit good condition. mondville. at CHEV: SEDAN, IN RAY COOMBS, E,g- 4154-1 R SALE -1 RANGE, GOOD BAKER ; large tank; 1 •lawn mower. Can be seen HERBERT COOMBS, 3gmondville 4154-1 ,1 ZION Mr. and 344s. Norman Bushfield, Mr. Lawrence Hannon and Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker attended the Barbour reunion in . Stratford on, Saturday. Mr. Fergus Lannin is wearing a smile these days. It's a girl! BULL FOR SALE—REGISTERED YEAR - ling Shorthorn bull, fit for service. Ap- ply td GEORGE LOWERY. Seaforth. FOR SALE — 1'00 HYBRID PULLETS, Scott's strain. ready to lay. • ROBERT' VIVIAN, Staffa. Phone 43 r 8, Dublin. 4.15,3-2 Mr. and .Mrs: Ross Gei•don and Donna and Mr. Hugh Gordon, were the guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Maitolm on r, n Mi'. and Mrs. Charles . Roney and Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Roney spent Sunday i>:1 Goderich. VOR SALE—ENGLISH COACH DOG, EX- cellemt watch dog. KEN ETUE. 'Zurich. Ont- Phone Zurich, 98 r 13. 4153-2 FOR SALE — NO. 5 MASSEY-HARRIS binder, 7 -foot .cut. RUSSELL BOLTON. Phone 840' r 41. Seaforth. 4153-2 Maete;a'1t • Ran14te141, o1Ct Wfi is . sgett mss hod 111 1lJlG1e ant, ignit, Mr- and f ortlpiait • Bu.¢ield Ml- anti Mrs. L. Hatinnt and, Mr. acrd Mrs, 11,41 tan Ituatthelo v#sited. iu. Mill�iant< Fr'lday night with Mr, and Mre. Melvi "Gray. • Miss {rellcg4 Moore, Stratford Oen- eral Hoepitelx, who hae spent the past three--•'weekr with her parents, Mr - and Mss. L@slie Moore, returned to her -duties 4u Friday. Mr. and. Mrs. Ted Harback and Paul, of •Stratford; visited.,, on, Wed- nesday .afternoon with their Cells#ns•, Mr. elle Mrs:. J. Malcolm- Rev. Mr. McWilliams, Oromarty, ,00h charge of the.• service ..$allday morning as `Rev. A. H. Daynard is on, his '' holidays. Mr. an - ,'Mrs. 'Erroll Rogers, Det- troit, spent, the past week with :his sister, Ali' :.IIniore Sleinfeldt, and. Mr. Kleinfe.>dt. Mr. and: Mrs. Elmore 'IKleiureldt and Mr- and Mrs. Wren Rogers vis- ited in Grimsby on/ Tuesday, the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Aikens. . FOR SALE — 1937 HUDSON EIGHT Sedan: good finish, good tires, . engine overhauled. PHONE 103. Hensall- 4154-1 FOR SALE -13 . LITTLE PIGS 7 WEEKS . old. Apply to ELGIN THOMPSON. Kip= pen. or ,phone 77 r 41, Hensel]. 4154-1 Tenders Wanted - TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE 11 Lpndersigned for the caretaking of Schools Nair 7 and 9, Tuckeesnalth, for the school year" The usual duties of a• school caretaker b to e performed in a satisfactory manner. For further particulars and details apply to Y.1 S- 'H warrmORE;' Sec.-Treas. School Area Ne.' 1, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 4151-tf Notice.' To Creditors NOTICE. TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES DAYMAN ALLFERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Jame Dayrgan. late of the Village of Hensafl, in the County of Huron. Gentleman, deceased. Who died on or abort the 24th. day of June, 1946, are hereby noti- fied to Bend in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 9th day of August, 1947, full pen- tienlars of their claims, after which ',date the assets asseof the estate will be distributed hav- ing restart/ oply bo claims then received. JOLTED' at Seaforth, this 15th day of July, 1947 . McCONNELL & BrAYS, - .... ". Seaforth., Ontario;. Solicitors far the Ex,eeutor- 41534 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN DAMES CLUYF "6 LL PERSONS HAVING'CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of John. James Chaff, lateof the•Towe of Seaforth- in the County of Hur- on, nron, Retired Lumber Merchant, deceased, who died' on or about the 23rd day of,May, 1947, are hereby. notified to send in to 'the under- signed on or before the 2nd' day of August, 1947, .full partieulars of their claims, after • which date the assets of the estate will be dim -bated' having regard only to claims than DATED at Seaforth this 10th day of 1a1y. 19#7. • McCONNEL & HAYS, Seaforth, •Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 41524 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS " Iri 1S' e Ew.tzte of- FREDERICK STANLEY AVAU E 1.PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST 'the Estate of Frederick Stanley Sacangn sore of the Town of Seaforth. deceased, who died' on dr, about the 30th day of May, 1947, ,h ale .ereby notified to satid in Po the trader - an or before the Sad 'day of August, full parte-niers of their deities. 1mmrrredia edy after the said last mentioned dates the amen of the said estate will be d•'lst 1httted =onset tIle parties entitled there- 4ro, $ru+asrg regard Daly to claims of 'which She =demiczted shall then have notice. tO the ;exclusion of all others. and the ander sign ed wail' not he liable to any person of whose claim the 'undereigned shall not then ,rave notice for the assets so distn-butad or any part thereat. DATED et Seaforth. this Pei day of Jab'. 3.9,7`. TEE CANADA 'TRUST COMPANY. Le'LU D- SAVAT GE. Exec -atom Ey 'herr Solicitor • EL G. META. Seaforth, Ontario. 41524 Popular Stallions PICS FOR SALE -10 CHUNKS OF PIGS for sale. Apply JOHN HENDERSON. Phone 839 r 23, Seaforth. 4164x1 CERTII+'1ED RASPBERRY PLANTS Write Box 754 Campbellford, Ont. for illustrated folder and growing "know how." Don't delay. Supply limited. 4154x4 Notices ORDER YOUR, HARD COAL AND 'READ- ing , briquettes. KRAUSKOPF BROS-. Dublin.. Phone 36 r 13. 41544 Grade 'A PIG ,;mow 'horse • 't9ye Are hied Pertheroa Eitaliion sr. -SLAIN MARQUIS [170841. lest No. 4315• worm 1, First Omer M»toEileiy, T eeday---Viciaits of Klppen and 11141i3n4ai, .TpursdsF✓' tr of n rgn- ]lwrr 412a, Saw. 'ViArHfs of Tlirblfa ani' clown3 •i4y18.: ; ir. ,ri, ilii. 4, nM. CARLOAD FEED WHEAT TO ARRIVE AT Dublin. Phone 36 r 13. KRAUSKOPF BROS. 4154-1 'WISH TO LEASE FARM 3 TO 5 YEARS, with option of •purchase. Vicinity Sea - forth. Hydro preferable, but not essential. Box574, HURON EXPOSITOR 4153-2 • - WALKER ELECTRIC Prompt and Guaranteed RADIO • SERVICE By Qualified Radio. Technicians at reasonable rates. • WALRFR ELECTRIC PHONE 95 .. SEAFORTH, , 4152-4 Cards of "Thanks MR.' AND MRs. C. HENDEBSON AND family wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors for the many expres- eions of sympathy and kindness shown them during their ' recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes and cards sen 4154x1 MR DAVE' F. ANDERSON AND FAMILY wish to thank their many friends and relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereave- ment,.. also for the beautiful floral tribnrtes. 4154-1 CIFDMOR.E-1N r/va'i6 LAVING MEMORY • of our dear mother, Margaret Ann Cud - more, Hensall, who passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital,. orth, on July 25th. 1'932. 4154x1 —Sons and Daughters. LAMONT-1N LOVING MEMORY OF A dearly belos'ed 'son, A627 Tpr. Hector J. Lamont,. misting July 25, 1944. later presum- ed killed in action at Verrle?es, France. Dear'Elector. three years have passed. ' Since that sad day. And no enc. knows how we nriss you, Only 'i,ose who Lave lost can tell. Some will thinfi when they see as em'ile, But no encs. knows the sorrow That is. fild' behind the smiles, We don't need a date to tell the day, For 'use think of yea daily end hourly. -Sadly missed by Mon, Dad, Brothers and Sisters. 4154-1 BOOTH -Zn Sere ll e d 5 Hoer stet, oil S411y 18. 4•o Mr, and Mra. Thomas' Booth, Clin- tarrff,, a son. MALONEY Iii Scott Mearoiial Ho'apdta , on July 18, to Mr, and Mrs, Feank Maidney, !McKillop. a sorts. KYLE --Mr. alyd Mrs. William kyle of, lair' pqe, are Nappy 4o arinoutee tbe arrival of eloir eo .Mort Amite", :lin Jtti1y 18.. in Clintotr MaleMoir0Mt. IX/MACE—In Scott Memorial' Erewlpital,' ori Jte1N ill, to Mrs and Mos. toilie DellinatM d TO CHECK YOUR PRINTING AND STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS We are equipped and ready to give you personlized service on your every need. Check These Items • Then Call 41 LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES COPY PAPER RECEIPT FORMS ORDER FORMS COUNTER CHECK BOOKS GUMMED TAPE, STATEMENTS' - BILLHEADS RUBBER' STAMPS NOTE PAPER - RULED -FORMS LEDGER SHEETS BINDERS, BOOKLETS r _. PRICE LISTS GUMMED LABELS CIRCULAR LETTERS ADMISSION TICKETS AUCTION SALE BILLS NOTICES OF MEETINGS POST CARDS -BLOTTERS - BLOTTING PAPER BUSINESS CARDS BANK CHEQUES PROFESSIONAL STATIONERY SALE BILLS INVITATIONS EGG CRATE CARDS INVOICES FOR RENT CARDS MENUS PROGRAMS RECIPE BOOKLETS SHIPPING TAGS VISITING CARDS. WEDDING STATIONERY WINDSHIELD STICKERS WINDOW CARDS ri The Huron Expositor SEAFORTH $ tablhe`a.1ST ,. Phyte a,' Stuart Bryane Mass t , Lon. Boil after speeding the peat wee with Mrs. r t and �d hs• a ns Mr. i e x anS.� Miss. Dgris; 1(011nston ie spending tots week itt; gil'l's' camp .at. Qndericle Mise Doreen LdX , Brussels, has re- turnee holne after spending a few days with, Mies Mavis Oliver. Mrs. William Kerney is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Earl Dow, Ribbert. Donald Wilson, of London, Is via- itaee hiss eranebnother, Mrs. R. W. Hoy. WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church, Winthrop; met at the home Of Mrs. G. Smith on Wednesday, July 9th. Mrs, Smith presided. The theme of the meeting was "The World -Coun- 'sel of Churches" The meeting -open- ed with hymn 249. 'A reading and: prayer from the Missionary, Monthly was given by Mrs. Smith. The Scrip- ture lesson, • Luke 10, and a , short reading by the late Walter Graw was read by Mrs. Robert McFarlane. Hymn 252 was sung and Mrs..A. 'Rose gave a reading, "Walk in 'bight." The W,M,S. report 'for the second quarter was given by Mrs. McFarlane,., , , temperance reading entitled, "The Brewer's Product," was given by Mrs. Calvin Hillen. Mrs. Smith closed the worship period with prayer. Mrs. McFarlanetook charge for the, re- mainder of the meeting. The roll call was' answered by 15 members- with emberswith a thought on temperance. The W.A.' report 'was given by. Mrs. E. Hawley. Mrs. William Montgomery gave a short talk on a chapter of the study book, ,"The Re -birth' of India." Hymn 611 was sung and' Mrs. McFar- lane closed the meeting with prayer, Lunch was served by Circle 3 and a social half-hour was enjoyed. Moving " pictures on temperance Will be 'presented in Cavan Church Sunday .School.',on Sunday, July 27, at 11.30 a.m. Rev. R. J. Peters spent Monday in London. Mrs. Peters is holidaying at Wigwassan Lodge, Muskoka. Mr. Ross Montgomery has taken a position at Brantford. • Jasqueline Davidson is holidaying with Lois Fox, near Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure and Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. •Bunard and Lois visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Dale, Hullett- - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bolton attend- ed the reception in Goderich for Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Brown. Mr, and Mrs. George Fox and Lois, of Walton, visited. with Mr, Austin Dolmage. - Mr '0.110 Mrex 1440, goer,. Ml'e Marina Regale abet tape,�kt '114r,, BayTegel�}!?dai�?�&nd M s, Wig Gross. niylta ., Quite•'a nue bei tram ore ti#ne e11 3g3red tie CCP/ 'Breezes of the lake at GodertQ L on Sunday. We are pleased to report Mrs. Fred. Il'oegy is able 'to be out again after her lq g voufstement to the holt`se. Mr, .and Mrs. Irvin' Rook and fam- ily, accompanied by Mr. and Mre:•. Sanl, ,tc3.. myth and George, of Mitchell, visited Elora Rocks on Sunday. Miss Doris Purvis, of Mi'lestpne, Scali~, is :at present visiting ti#t• grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler, at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wnl. Koehler, Mr. and, Mrs. ;-Stephen Eckert and sons, of Timmins, are at present vis- iting . relatives and friends in this vicinity. Misses Leotb. Hoegy and Isabel Purcell and Mr. Milton Deutz accom- panied Seaforth Band to Strati•erd, where they 'attended a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy.. Mr. and Mrs. Edward baby, of Rostock,, visited this line on Sunday. Mrs. William Flanagan, Sr., spent the week -end with her sister in Kit- chener. McKILLOP 1eq:1, l I' her 4t4lie CO.nn Koh fid�.. salt, Wee. 04te 1 glee 1, C'iQQpialf: (Olaga), of . peen,. Wee J, ruin Miller itede r ah, te' nSea#or:,tli* and three brother9, Wilbert, of Std fa,. aid Melvin and OZaatides,, of Oen.. salt, The fti.neral' Rias held trona "here __- late, residence on 11 ollday; July 3t, at 2.00 o'clock, with Bev. Latng,' of Woodham,. officiating. Interment was in Exeter cemetery. The Wit bearers were Nelson Hatter, Itobetkt; Elston, Oliver . Baker, Jesse ..Elden; Albert .Balker and Fred Jameson. The flower bearers were her 'nieces and nephews: Joyce Glanville, Gordon' and Marlene Miller •.•o&.. Seaforth, IAoydf'., and Marlene Cooper of Kippen, Meryl, Donna„ Marian, Marjorie and Oecii Glanville, of Staffa, Gerald Glanyille of Hensall, Margaret Anne Lawson; of Crediton; also Betty Langford of Seaforth, Robert ' Macklam of Strat- ford and Roy Swan, St., Marys Doerr and friends on , HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank McDonnell and sons, lan and, Colin, of ReginSask.; and Mrs, Margeret Yeomans add son,. Robert, of Moose Jaw, Sask., enroute tp Truro, Nova Scotia, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Row- cliffe and family and with 'other rela- tives in the district., Mr. J. S..Wood,;sub-manager of the Bank of Montreal, Regina, and nephew of the Messrs. Woods of the 2nd concession, has „been,. on e . visit during the- past week, accompanied by his wife and daughter, who also ,has close relatives in Kirkton and Hamilton. • :dr,' Bill O'Brien,' 'of Zurich, has re- turned home after spending a week • at Rondeau Park, the guest of Bill Mickle. Mrs. W. :Carlile left Saturday for Cedar Beach, where she will vacation for two weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Willert, of Zurich. M. Charles Fee is holidaying at Rondeau Government Park with Mr. and Mrs. Laird `Micltle and fancily. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden, and "l;tile son, George, 'of Dresden, visited • on Monday with relatives in Clinton net Hensall- , Mr. and Mrs. Laird .Muckle and family are vacationing .at Rondeacs Park. Sliss Lillian MacKay, of Windsor, is visiting 'with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd and family. Mrs. Leonard Noakes,• who under- went an appendix operation at Cline tee hospital, returned ;home on Mon- day- ' - (Continued from Page 1) Pendeau Park. Mrs. J. Markham, of London, left last Thursday for Loudon, after vis- iting with Mrs. J. D. Stewart. Miss Betty Rowcliffe has spent the past two weeks at Rondeau Park, the guest of Miss Betty M. ickle. Miss Marion Sangster and Jim left last 'Friday every by bus 'for Port- age la Prairie, where they will spend a two weeks' -vacation with their bro- ther and sister -in law, Mr. and Mrs. George Sangster. . The Late Mrs. Thomas Coward Mrs. Leola Glanville, wife of Thos. Coward, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital in London on .Saturday, July 19, in her 39th year. Mrs. Cow- ard was the daughter of Mr. Arthur Glanville and -the late Mrs. Glanville, of Hensall, where she made her home until seven years ago 'she moved to her home on the Base. Line 'of Slane chard. Those left ta mourn her passing are her husband •and two The Late Andrew C. Henderson The community was shocked at the sudden passing of Andrew C, Hender- son on Thursday morning, July 17. Although not in the best of health for, the past five years, he Was'always, up and. around having -been to the chores the morning he passed away. He was born on December 24,••1870, the son of the late 'William R. Henderson and Janet Habkirk, :pioneers of 'MO, Killop Township, and the last surviv- ing member of a family of ten. He was particularly interested in' all that went on around him 'and had a -host of friends, baying spent all of his life in the community in -Which he lived. He was married in 1906. to Matilda Shannon, who predeceased him. in" November, 1927. He is survived by a nephew, Chester. Henderson, with whom he resided for the past twentY years. The funeral wee' held Satur- day, July 19, with Rev. Mr. Peters, of Duff's Church officiating, and of whici church the deceased was a member', The pallbearers _were H. Speirs, Brussels; N. R. Dorrance,. John Gordon, ley Henderson, R. M. Scott and William. Shannon. Friends from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. S. White and Wm. Gordon, of Winona; Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilbert, Mount Clemens; Mr. and Mrs. T. Morris, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. H. Ad- ams, Toronto; Mrs. N. Henderson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Speirs and family, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. E. Habkirk, St. Marys;• _Mrs. R. Harri- son, Montreal; Mr. N. Henderson, Toronto, and Miss M. Habkirk, Gode• - NO Seaforth Farmers. Co-operative Produce Division Highest Prices. Paid for Eggs & Poultry Bring your Products to your Co-operative and take advantage of co-operative marketing. • SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCE DNISION cLAR *TA FARM w 1 7 I'. ,Two Models (One with Springs, one Without).. Fifth Wheel Type Farm Wagon Patented Circle Wagon Steer No Weave Perfect Tracking , , No Sway No Whip No Jiggle Load Capacity of Running Gear 5,000 Pounds Shipping Weight 800 Pounds - Tires, Goodyeer;,.First Grade 16 -Inch (Not Implement Tires) Inquire through Seaforth Farmers Co-operative PHONE 9 affiliated with UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO. LTD. - SEAFORTH 28 DUKE ST. TORONTO 2