HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-07-18, Page 5R T mm c u ,ci ..Maes (Continued from PAO. 1,) lIa action vera ' taken by g04401AM a. xeAuest or payment Pgfi da' age bone >hospit l bu',iiding materials following a break-in at tbe Malt where tb,e me-. serials • are stol•ed, ;Police are iarvesti- . gating time matter, but have not been able to find the culprits. Reeve Frank Sills inquired j AIO' discussion had been'held by the Medi- cal Association leading to a cantrtbu-• tion being, made by members "for the :use of hospitaI •facilities. The, hospi- tal Is the doctor's place of business. -7.s it not,fair he pay rent? Reeve Sills asked. Councillor E. A. McMaster ;told council, as far as he was aware, mo such proposal had been advanced. • Ereotiop of signs .and advertising 'devices in ,future will be governed by bylaw, council decided asp it gave fin- al reading -0 Bylaw No, 419, A request from Morley ,.Signs for the erection of two signa, one on Goderich Street East, the other on Dick property., Main Street South, was agreed to, subject to the approval of the build- ing inspector and property' owners concerned. Taxi licenses under, a bylaw adopt- e•l at the „last meeting of council, Were granted Cecil Lemon, two cars; Frank Lee, one car, and C.. Dennis, One car. •Civic Hotic'.my' was approved for Monday; August 4, and Mayor Reid -was instructed to issue the necessary.' proclamation, Repairs carried out at the stock- yardweigh scales led to criticism of the cost and a discussion as to the value of the scales, when accounts •totalling $96.73; and including $74.73 for wages, were presented' for pay- nfent, It was pointed out the scales were a• necessary service, and with them in operation it was 'possible to ship stock from Seaforth. It was agreed the repairs were necessary. Councillor Ross inquired whether application bad been made for public .call licenses, and pointed out it was some Months since the covering by - lay? :bad been approved. The matter is to be checked by Clerk D. H. Wil- .son. Fire Chief Allen, Reid, itf his re- port 'to council, warned of; the dan- ger from bon fires, part.ie±iarly in] lanes paralell to Main Street. bur- ing• June the . brigadebans,wered three alarms including a false' alarm. One of • the fires, in the Presbyterian Church,. was from an actelyne torch and the other from a bonfire. He' .drew attet tion 'to instructions from Fire Marshall concerning proper exits. Chief of Police John" Currie' found, two doors open on Main Street dur- ing the month. He had investigated a number of compla•i.nts and, 'had ob- tained!' two convictions as a result of iAformation )aid`. Ross Murdie addressed 'council re- garding repairs to the sidewalk on Church Street, . adjacent to his prop- erty. Councillor E: H.' Close, chair- man of the street committee, explain- ed the necessary repairs were on the, schedule of the work the • committee intends carrying out, and that it will be done as soon as possible. Councillor Keating, -chairman of the finance committee, asked all coup committees to meet and draw up their estimates for the'year, so as to, enable the tax rate to be struck. He also stated that titles are being check- ed and the proposed tax sale" well be Proceeded with. Reporting on the recent county council session, Reeve F. S. Sills said 'that if that council kept on ask- ing so much from the Provincial Gov- ernment,•"all• county business would -soon be centralized in Toronto. Some of the reeves, he said, were begin- ning to realize that, but 'with too many others, the cry always is: "Ask the Government for it." Reeve .Sills was: equally outspoken in hie 'apposition to the erection of a new county court house at Godericb, because he felt all present diffiicul- -lies could be overcome by the erec- tion of an addition to the present building at only a fraction of the cost of a neiv one. Opposition, he said, to the tearing down of such a fine olcl and, historic (building as the present court house, 5s increasing, A' year ago Reeve N. E INC IEMENT W BATHER PIJRJNG WILT $ ;RD OLJ r-• 100 regular ;ar f o 50 to i65( Crepe, Sheer Jersey, I/ 14, COLORS Reduced to Claw at • • BLACK • NAVY • FUSCJA • POWDER • GOLD • WHITE • ROSE • GREY Nearly 100 Dresses of our regular better dresses, priced to $16.50,• in .Print- ed or Plain Crepes, Sheers, Jerseys, Spuns; Wools and Gabardines, go into this great Dress Sale. Styles are all new one and two-piece 'models, re- duced from 25 per cent. to 50 per cent ALL SELLING AT • SIZES 12 to 50 $8.00 HURRY FOR THIS BIG DRESS ., SALE — IT'S GENUINE. THESE DRESSES ARE THE BIGGEST BARGAINS WE'VE OFFERED IN YEARS ! • • R. Dorrance, of McKillop, was the lone opponeht of the erection of a new building, but now Reeve Sills said, the members of the county coun- cil were pretty nearly equally divid- ed. Chairman Close said the street com- mittee had carried out some exten- sive street construction work, and that S. W. Archibald, Engineer of London, • was about to • make an `in- spection of the .Sifter Creek drain. A decision respecting -the sign of Mr, ` W. G. GUI, which was erected without permit, was left, to.,,,a com- mittee. The Clerk was Instructed to con- tact the Highways Department fur- ther in respect to the installation af. a blinker light • at the intersection, of Main and •Goderieb Streets, and, .if' possible, have' it placed immediately. The following accounts were order- ed paid: Treasurer, Public • School, $'2,000; C. P. Sills, P.M;., stamps, $7; E. Drager, $32.40; S, Regele, $25; P.' U. C., $16.88; S. Williams, $12.60; F. Reeves, $58.80; H. Hoggarth, $56.49; 'Thos. Hackwell, $3.9.60; Treasurer Seaforth Highlanders Band, grant, $250; Wm. Arnent, $716.73; Treasur- er Public School, $1,000; John Currie, salary, $108; J. Cummings, salary, $]08; A. Bushie, salary,, $125; D. H. Wilson, -salary, $130.42; Geo. D, Fer- guson, $33,94; Dunlop' Tire & Rub•ber Co., $25.50; Treasurer County of Huron, $33:75; W. T. Cornish, $5.58; Ross J, Sproat, 76e; Estate J. F. Daly, $49.67; Thompson's Book Store, $1:20; E. C. Chamberlain, $16; J. M. Goven lock, $16; Municipal World, $5,02; Robert •Bell E. & T, Co.., $10:$0; Sea- • forth, News,' •$12.60; John, A. Wilson, $20; Bell T*lephone Co., $4.32;' Reg - ler Transport, $2.50; Seaforth Supply & Fuel, $26.05; C.N.R., $13.0'7; P:U:C., electrical dept., $21.62; Ration Board Secretary, $40; relief,' $19.30; Joseph Heffernan, $10.80; S. Williams, $11.90; F. Reeves, $27.60; John •Cummings, $18.75; . E. W. Montgomery, $29.70; sundries, $10.33; Kerslake's, $19.15; Jack Pethick, $74.73; Scott Habkirk, $14.34. Seaforth Women • from Page.l (Continued g ) tions and the language growing more fearful and violent by the minute. It seems that. new pipes had been •pur- chased for the huge etove in the front hall, Which with pipes and 'drum heated. the main part of the house. Finally:, when they all came crashing down, the frenzied . man leapedOupon them, stamping and flattening them into subjection. Then throwing them into his wagon and whipping up the "h'o`rses, he rushed off to town, and to tbe unlucky assembler of pipe's. He heaved them into the store, a flatten- ed and battered ruin, and roared: "The're! Take your -pipes!" This was a story of the late Geo. A. Sills, who as a young man was clerking 'in the hardware store of Johnson Bros., the unfortunate re- tailers of .the offending pipes. Another story is told of a large and ornamental stone at •the roadside, o'n which Mrs. Meyer would sit awaiting her husband's home -coming. When she died in 1883, Mr. Meyer had the stone moved to mark her grave, It can be seen today in the little ceme- tery of Harpurhey. Mr. Meyer sold the farm and moved to Seaf.ortb, fol- lowing his wife two years later. The family were widely scattered, s PLAN TO ATTEND THE FINAL NIGHT OF THE SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB AT THE BEAUTIFUL LIONS :PARK, FridayNight,JuiylSti, Friday Night Attractions • • • • • Entire proceeds of YOU ENJOY THE ADMISSION - This Ad published GEORGETOWN GIRLS'' PIPE BAND SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND - "TIME AND MONEY" CKNX QUIZ BROADCAST Be There for the Big "Jack Pot" from Wednesday Night! NOVELTY PROGRAM, FEATURING -- Roller Skating Act, Acrobats and Tumblers DRAW FOR $300 IN .VALIZABL`E""RIZES MAMMOTH FIRE WORKS DISPLAY OPEN-A'IR DANCING — NORM CARNEGIE'S BAND GAMES AND FUN FOR ALL Frolic for Lions Welfare Work and Maintenance of Lions Free Park and Pool. _ PARK. HELP SUPPORT IT,, PLEAS 25c CHILDREN FREE FREE PARKING in the public interest by John Labatt, Limited. some going to -Calgary and others to British Columbia. A granddaughter, Adolphina (Mrs, Gilbert Tassie),' is now living in Vernon, B.C. IMT. • and Mrs. Alex Davidson, the next, owners o1 Thornton Hall, came from the West with their eleven chil- dren. They 'spent a profitable and happy five, years on the, farm, Mr. Davidson specializing on.the breeding of horses, and then ,they. moved, to Seaforth to own and operate the Com= mercial Hotel. Mr. Archibald' Dixon Scott purchas- ed the farm in 1887.. and it has been• in the Scott family since that time. Miss Ellen Scott kept house for her brother until three years later when he brought his bride, Anne Flizabdth Ross, of McKillop, to be the mistress of Thornton Hall. A new barn was built° and several changes ,,,made to the house; unused wings were torn down and the wine collars closed up. The three children, Margaret (Mrs. John .McKinley), Jessie (Mrs: George Love), and James Finlay, were all present in October Of 1941 when their parents celebrated their golden wed- ding. ',Mr. and Mrs, Scott had moved to Seaforth when James was married in • 1935, and resided there until , Mr. ,Scott's death in .1943. Mrs, Scott passed away two years -later. Thornton Hall •was first built' of brick, then covered .with frame. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott added a coat of stucco. Its gracious founder, and those who followed her; were much given to hos- pitality, and •many tete the parties and community, gatherings within• its walls. The pgesent owners 'hope to keep up that 'tradition, • GOOD YEAS TIRES • It's a wise motorist who insists on long -wearing, money -saving Goodyear Tires. They give many more miles of dependable service ... at lower cost -per -mile. We have Goodyears in your size ......_come_ in_today.. YOUR GOOD/WAR DEALER SEAFORTH. MOTORS Chev: Ols. Sales & Service Phone '141, Sea1ort t, Ont. n„ A.9 -C nn.vrn—A'"'•,•. • 9.• ..'.C.� VARNA The sudden death of -Mrs. David Anderson came as a shock to the community. The. deceased was strick- en Thursday evening while attending a family ,reunion' picnic at Bayfield. The asysmliathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wissop, of Straffords- ville, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Soper last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geirhart, of Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Wright, of 'Nillstown, and Mrs. Horner., of Zurich, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ings_ , Mr.' and Mrs. George 'Pilgrim, of Orangeville, and Bary Collins are vis - iting the Pilgrim family. Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke, of Bruce - field, and Mrs. Millie McClymont, of Kippen, and friends. of London, call- ed Sunday "on Mrs. Hart. • Mrs. Argo and children of Toronto have returned to, the city after spend- ing the past week with her mother, Mrs. McConnell. ' Mrs. Eliza Smith, in company with her daughter, Mrs. Dodsworth; of London, were renewing acquaintanc- es in the village'' Monday. Mr: and Mrs. W. Currie were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Gerrie Reid, also Mr. Saunders, all of Detroit, called on Mrs. G. Reid. Misses Marion Horner, Margery and Nancy Webster 'spent a very pleasant week at Sauble Beach, where they were ,joined by their "par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wat. Webster and , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner„ and af- ter spending Sunday at the Beach were accompanied home by the 'girls. Mrs. M. G:• Beatty, Miss Edyth Mor. sop and Mr. Jas. Stephenson spent' It day. last week with friends in Hen salt Mrs.Evans; of Oshawa, and Mrs. Miller, of Leamington, are guests ,at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jobr- ston and family. Miss 'Phyllis- Johnson, of Welling ton, is spending a month. with rein- tives at• Varna and Se forth. Mrs. R. 5; Evans, of Oshawa, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs_ J. W. Johnson and Mr. Johnson, and is now visiting in r.Seaforth. 1 Excellence Flour Mills, Limited SEAFORTH, ONT. - - ` -PHONE 354 NOW HERE. CELLENCE FEEDS PIG STARTER., HOG FATTENER HOG GROWER DAIRY RATION CALF MEAL CHICK STARTER CHICK GROWER' LAYING MASH GROUND WHEAT WHOLE WHEAT, BARLEY MEAL WHOLE BARLEY GROUND OATS ROLL CRUSHED OATS WHOLE OATS All Are available to. Dealers, Wholesalers; Retailers and Farmers at Mill Door Manufactured. by Turgeon Grain _& Processed Feeds. SEAFORTH; ONT. _ PHONE ' 354.. * * Dealers Wanted in Every Town EXCELLENCE in NAME and QUALITY ',hl • F!