HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-07-18, Page 4I'. • Ads win Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: tea -Loot and Pound, Ste.-];''ga• : .. 155 cheek 1 Gent Pnd week % Chem srd week Minimum cha.xge, fid case -ern225 Gents Each figure. initial and elassesteeton, oaataos as one wove 'hard• .or Thite15, In Sieniarsara Notices, Coming Evw4•,.-1 cepa pep word. .per week - 414 =ay he directed to a Box N""'-, c/o The $nion Enpaeitex•. for 10 cents extra "teat -Cents additional win be caged 4f ads in above crass asre bet pfd whin 10 dsys off dale o'f..dnsi insertion_ . IWO*, Mintriages sand Deaths is_.ertei free of charge_ $Region `<sr.-: Notices to Credi.Eats, Bra.. --Hates on anO Ucshaan. Coming Events 60 -1,444PE6 CRYSTAL P A f H. HAT.T, 400 l Wit. Fright-, Jule 25. an a new • b,enati€ad Marble door, to the music of Scot' r1,ze hlan and His 11 -Pie a Orchestra;. Befdak. Duquette. vo lt-C Dancing 10-1. Ad - mist -ion 6.4' cent -2- Last and Found ToUND-•-A Bii_*`CH OF KEYS FOUND ON 144-dh Main Street, Owner' may Ii�se same by applyw Box 573, HURON EX - MIME. 3nrovins p-^fie=.y and paying champs. 4_553-1 ,..QTS,4YED-A• igAR i'SG Tr TF R, KED with white face: tag au right ea-'< ZiZiL DOKSEY. Phone 22 - 9, Dublin, . *353-1 ,OST-SXLVER RONSON LIG.t' AT Swint/ming Peal Sunday afternoon. Jn1T 331; eV-37-4'0E2g on. asci_ Reward., Ap3TIy Das 575, EI ON EXPOsrr s - Personals H'YGrelete ;suet -nate (RUBBER GOODS) -led pcsopaid in plain, sealed' envelope with Price list. 6 samples 25r: 24 samples 51_00. Mail -Order Dept. T-71; NOVA -RUBBER 00A Boa 91, Rommel -;on, Ont. ASTHMA SUFFERERS -ENJOY A GOOD night's sleep. without coughing or chok- ing as others are doing. For. free informcitron write F. L. HOWEY, 144 Catherine South, Hann. ltan_ 4147n.8 Farms For Sale FOR SALE Grass Farm 300 Acca, part bush; Lot 21, Concession Httileth Apply NORMAN BALL, Clinton Phone '236; or keit.ED LAWSON 578 King St. West, Toronto 1 4150-4 Auction Sales AUCTION 'SAT,V OF HOUSEHOLD EF. Teem. at the home of Mrs..N, W. Woods, Barfield Terrace Hayfield, on Wednzrday, July 23rd, at 1-30 p.m., sharp (D.S.T.I. the *Plowing.: Large pedestal walnut n-ble '(antique); oak secretaire; large oak daven- port.; diirii g' ream table; sideboard and. c%a-ias ; 2• square lobules; 1 smear• •'table : 1 harem: 2 wash stanth : 2 small the t draw- ers; 1 steel eat: 5 bedsteads with matt-,• .-..; 2 walnut settee : 1 iaves,aat: rocking chai s : kitchen •ldeaoa:-d and mans: oak mo.• --i: end odd charts; rrg; steel engravings and other pictures; mnrors : arr.-thine • braes chande:ler : nseing Iannpx suave,: : window sashes I ;ar- Frig' Rent ROOM FOI3 R. I T -L-A RCM FtTh NlSEgD n n. suitable for light bouseseeping. Apply to Bas 571. B3JRON E8EPPOS1TOR i NQt ces WISH TO LEASE FARM 3 TO 5 YEAR., with option of purchase. Vip-ir.ity Sea - forth ' Hsd_v pxef e. but not essential Bax 574, HURON EXPOSl•it1B.. 4153 I 3M PREP_4R TO DO ALL SI/MS OF Fr33tescra.hing with power machine. Ap- ps to FRET) HAltntT.a , RR. s8, Dublin. Phone 44 r 9. 4150x4 WALKER ELECTRIC Prompt and ' Guaranteed R A.DIO SERVICE By Qualified tied Radom -Mobil:b.-tens ai r - unable rates, e WALKER •ELECTRICS PHONE 95 SEAFORTH 41552-4 For Sale RLG FOR S4T,r1-IN GO,OD CONDITION, 6' 9// x 99; small oak was tend. PHONE Seaforth. 4153x1 poet -- SALEMCCORMICK-DEERING BEN- ' der, in Brood working order. Apply ta. ROBERT .Phone 6955 r 16. SeafJrt:n_ 4153-1 FOR SALE -- 100 HYBRID PULLETS. Scott's 'strain. ready to layROBERT V'IVIAN, 'S alfa. Phone 43 r 8, Dublin_ 4153-2 FOR SALE -ENGLISH COACH DOG, EX- ce,letrt • w--`cn don.' ICEN ETUE.. Zurich. ,Orr- -Phone Zurich, 95-r 13-' 4153-2 FOR SALE -1 ELECTRIC RANGa1'1s., IN res4 or .rood range with reser: •, ^ rood shape:, for quid; sale. Apply :.a, 05': I ETH:CR. 41.13x1 FOR .SALE 240. `.SASSEY-Ft ARRIS bnrider. : .a t. RUSSELI. BOLTON. Phone 5 0. r Seaforth. 4153-2 FOR .. C AL£-T30,.3S' BICYCLE. IN GOOD condition.. Apr':, to BUD SMITH, 4153-1 FOR B:A1 - GRAM APHO NE.1 FENCE w ^r e'or lamp' renew blocks single iron -,ed . _ pump : 3 iron '.-e,-tles : 1 =crsen dor':. Aprlr CLARENC REVS... Seaforth. - 4153x1 B1 -LL FOR SALE-P•EGLSTEEP.ED YEAR - hull. fit fur service- Apr.; ply t., GEORGE LOWERY. Seaforth, eaus sues) : dsors : piano box ; bag tri:.ck• 'sews, and as -ti ores too sumer of to mention. Furnitre'ia&'odes painted walnut- and ,berry . piens_ Ta-m;-C.S h. MRS. N. W. WOODS. Cards of Thanks PmtrrieL-ems :' Edward W. Elliott, Aur -.rouser. 4153-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED IJnNDE'Rs WILL BE RECEIVED BY tan 11• undersigned for the caretaking of, Schools Nos_ 7 and, 9, Tac;;_r.ea ith,. for the sczcvi year Theuzl du- a;. a school Ca.-eake:• to be performed in a satisfactory mariner. • • For fu -,;re- 'paricn.ari. and' dram apply to S. H. 'WHITMORE, Sec -Meas. School Area No. 1, R.R. 3; Seaforda •'al•51_tf t Natite To Crieditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate. of JAMES DA53fAN ALLFEF4SONSFIAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of J •o• Dayman. late of the, Vi3iage of H nsa:l he C..an' o' 14 -on. Gent_?• n- de -ea, -ed, w•hee .rn or abou, the 24th day e..f June 1946 orf terns? rrrw:r- HE FAMILY OF oath LATE CA t ittatLTv'E -". Jane Dayntan c to tank 'all those who so., kird3r a-a;'.sted in her sic'kne s and during their re -rent sad bereavement • special than:;.s to Rey. R. A. Brook. 4153-3 Births ELLIS-in Halifax. N.S., on June 14. to Mr. and Mrs. C- V. 'Ellis nee Margaret Drove.*), a daughter -Jean Rivers_ APPLEYARD-In Mee -ford. on July 14. to P.ev. and Mrs. Harold Appleyard, a rt?” -ph - ter. ROBINSON-in ter-: Manorial Hospital. ba July 14, n Mr. and ..Mrs. Ezra Eobiason, Mitt ell, a stn. LANNI'S-?n Scot,. Memorial Hospital, on July 15. :n '.sir. and id:-. Ferga= •tannin. R.R. • 2. Dublin. a' daughter. Mei-E.A_N-in • ?:-f ;d General 'Beep -ital. on Ttorsdas. Ju:,• :- o I . and Mr A. k'. a daughter. Deaths fired qo send in to the undersigned o'l: or •be- PO AC$-ir =,- nn Monday. July it day ofAngus 1 I fnl: ram-» P.c_.--:. it •i , 9th g �ian•e •tie ��_ pa.r. r row- ,• iicurs or theer claret afbe • '-; b dare the 2 Q7_DE`k'-1 a-r':o-,• :n t n-:.2ay assets of the 'tate will. b= d_,..,- :d has-- ?I.•;-17.Jeht A. G.imo.dby, in his 80th only to clziih- sheen rete; -:•,•d. DATS2I at Seaforth. this 151 day of 1947. 94oCONNELL & HAYS: •r/ �T Seaforth Ontaro, LsIOi`t Solicitors for. the-Excc7nr. year. 4153-3 NOTICE TO. CREDITORS In' the Estate of JOHN JAMFA CUFF ALL PERSONSB.AVTNG CL'AiBIS AGAINST. the Estate of John Jams Clch-, tate of .ere Town of Seafoa h in the County of Hur- on,-R:etigdd Lumber Merchant deceased, w -ho iced on or about nae '?."rd day of May, 1947.. ere retie ,- zio't"led te'' nn:eto to 'nint under= signed on or before the -Ind 'lay • of Auger.. I 3947, full parairulsar • of their claims. aft3t %pbizb date the aesets of the orate v:i1l be distaibuted basing regard only to claims :hep received. - •°DATED art Seaforth the 19:3 day of July. 194?. McCO-;4NEL & HAYS, Seafo'ct.°h, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. • - 4152-3 NOTICE TO .CR -EDITORS is the Estate of f'RSDERICR STANLEY SAVA.ISGE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS' AGAINST the Estate of Frederick Stanley Sa-auge, late of the Town of Seaforth. deceased, oho • died on or about the 39th day of May, 194k. " are hereby notified to send in to the under- signed on or before the Std day of August 1947, full paSticulis of their ` claims. i erta dy after the said 12 t mentioned dame, the assets of ibe raid estate will be .,ed amonat the parties endtied these - ba, ffi- og regard only to claims eit :which the snicl,asigned shall ten have o&,2ee. in the exchnian of ail others, and the under - signal will not be liable to awy person of notice claim • the, undersigned small not then have ore for the mets so d'>st, lbbuSed or "airy' part thereof. DATED nt Seaforth. this 91.3 day of July, Ms4/- ,rtin, CANADA TiaiST. COMPANY, oto 't ayav ai✓ MI their Selie hr FL Matte .Sieafat'3b, Ontario. 4132-3 Popular Stallions Ctrs& A„ Prone= line lilt rare Brea reset/aro-0 %tartan ST. . BLAIN MARQUIS [17084] Wit; N. 4316 Polar 1. Firth Ods Mondale 'nudes a-'Visitait of /Opuen arra Tutor-- vMraSty of lair' --.1r,,ettet, of Dublin and •X12Awl 1, le Set r • 14 ala aMSdffy pptSeltdlr set M • , Mr. arid' Mrs. Fergua Tannin .and family :i ;ted' her parecis. Mr, and. • Mrs_ Jas. Broughton. recently. - Mr. ,and Mrs, . Deltov llalcoiln . and Keith, and 'Jfr. and Mrs., as. Mal- corm spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb and, family and celebrat-' Mr - Giblas,- birthday. Misses. Gwen a.r;i Joan Britton are spending a week in Landon with their aunt. Mrs. 'Charles 'Hunter and;. Mr. Hnntet. Mr. Frani • Roney spent last week with Mr.• Ken F.anson. • Mr. and Mrs. Alb. H-eT'eo and Mr. and Mrs.Wrn. Yeo and Susan.'Toron-' to. alerted Mr. ,and Mrs, James 'Mal calm and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton, Mal- colm on Monday. BAY'FIELD Mr. and Mrs. Bob Berry. of Loader, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, Berry over the. week -end. Miss Rhena Hovey. of "London. is spending -her vacation with her bra - thee Mr. E. Hovey, and. Mrs. Hovey. Mr, and Mrs. 'Jim Ferguson, of London. spent the week -end with the formers mother,. Mrs. J. Ferguson. •• Mrs. M'i. Burnside and ' daughter. Donna. of Eat Orange,'N.J., are the guests of the former's aunt, Miss Mi Mfr, and Mrs. J. Cameron. of To- ranto, are spending the summer at their home. Bine Water Highway Sopth.' ' Miss Mildred Cameron. of London, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Miss Elizabeth Cameron. • Miss Carrie Dixon and Mr. J. L. DT10n, of Brantford, anti Mrs, F. H. Paull, of Listowel, arrived last week to spend the summer. at Mrs. PaztlI's summer home in the village. Members of L.O.L. No. 24 attend- ed the 112'1 of 3niy in Milverton. 7.1r. E. P. Le vie, of Taranto, was a weeleend guest of Mrs. N. 'W. Woods. Mrs. Lenin, Who bee spent the hast tea ivicetos With Sam. Wends. return- ed tel Toronto itll hint ea SvndS4a Gaffeld Wbs ante, who has been in Venceniver sine , last March, is visit- ing his Parents. Mr. `and Mrs- Walter Westltake. Mrs. H. ?L Cliuchey left last week to spend two..weeks in Preston. ,Mfrs Helene Brownlee, of London, is the guest of her watt, Mrs. R. B. Johnston. Rev. and Mrs. James Catling, of Dorchester, spent Sunday with,, the former's aunt, Mrs: Wm. Sturgeon. Mr. Catling conducted the , evening service- at St. • George's Church. ,in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and family, of Sudbury,. are r'isiting the former's parents, 'air. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson.' ' Mr. and.. Mrs. Frani; Erwin and family, of Kitchener, were guests of Mrs. F. A. Edwards on Sunday,,,, Fbey were accompanied "home by Edwards Watson, who will spend this week in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs.. Len Smith and fam- ily returned to Loudon on Sunday af- ter spending a few .days with Mrs. C. Parker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs), Harry Baker and fain- ly, of London, spent the week -end With Mr, and Mrs. Fred Baker. Mian Melvena Sturgeon. of London, is visiting her •parents, Mr, and Mrs. Willard Sturgeon... Mr. Lawrence Fowlie, of London, spent the week -end with his sisters, the Masses E. and F,,, Fowlie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLeod, of Goderich, spent the week. end with the foi-mer's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. L. H .:McLeod, Dr and Mr_ J: R. Jowett, Jack and Bob-.Jowett.left ,last week for their home in Clinton. lova: alter spend- ing a vacation on Manitoulin Island and with theft aunt, Mrs. C. W. Brown. in Bayfield. • '_GIr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser, of Clin- ton, have taken over the Cities Ser- vice gas station' and lunch room. Mr. Joe Maymai the former leassee, has joined the R.C.A.F, and is statipned in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merrier and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston and baby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallman and family in New Dundee. McKILLOP Miss Janet McTavish, of Vancou- ver, is visiting Mr. James H. Morrison. A special children's day program was :rendered in the Evangelical Church here on Sunday last:' Rev, G. L. Gross had charge with Rev. Mr. Edwards: of Listowelt as guest speak- er. Musical selections ' were given by several of the young people, atsb reci- tations and choruses by the •juniors. Special renditions were 'elven -by Mss Betty Moore of Seaforth. 'and by the Misses' Gross,. of •Listowel. • Among those from a distance who attended the services and visited friends ' here • were;"' Mrs. 'Gordon Muegge, of Seaforth: Mrs.• John Kech- nie, of Mitchell; Mr• and Mrs: Wes: Fisber and Muriel, of Fullerton; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisler and Carolyn. of Logan; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Idle:' of 'Sebring -vine; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smyth and George, of. Mitchell. a.nd firs. Louis Hoegy and chil- dren., of Galt. recently visited with his parents, Mfr. and Mrs. William Hoegy. A large gathering took place at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. ErTest Elligsen on the 12th of MicKillop. when the Weisenberg reunion was held 'there. Friends 'were present from 'Niagara Fails, Hamilton, Kitchener. Guelph, Mitchell, Brussels. Brodhagen and Logan. Wewish Mrs. Rudolph Fisher a speedy recovery. She is at present •confined to Scott. Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. lir. and Mrs. John Deitz held a re- ception en Saturda ', Ju•l.y.. 5. in honor of their eldest son, Mr. Mervin Deiti. and. bride, who were :Harried in Mit- chell ole same day. A large number of friends were preteen:, • Mrs.' Wm. Hoe y ' h:id the misfor- tune of having a wagon wheel of '•a. load of hay pass over her' foot. thus- ing painful injuries; WALTON Dietz - Jackson Pink and white peonies, Canterbury bells and delphinium proviced,a beau- tiful setting at Main Street United Church, Mitchell, for the coubie ring marriage ceremony'' on Saturday of: teretton,• July 5, of Norma Eloise Jackson, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jackson, of Mitchel:. and Mr. Mervin Henry Dietz. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, of Walton. "Rey. A. H. Johnston • ofciated. The bride, given in marriage' by her father. wore the, traditional white satin gown with sweetheart -neckline, fitted 'torso bod- ice and full peplum with bustle back failing into sw'eepi.ng trait. The scal- loped headdress was of orange bloc- seals with finger-tip veil. She car- ried a shower bouquet of red Better Times 'roses.: '4 tThe maid of . honor, Miss Marguerite Leal;e, of Mitchell, was gowned in embossed blue nylon with fated bodice and peplu3falling into a bustle, and matcbing headdress' of tate 'v with finger-tip veil and long blue gloves. Her flowers were a Col- onial bouquet of roses. sweet peas and carnations. Miss Dorothy Jack- son acted as bridesmaid and wore an embossed pink nylon gown of same style as that of the maid 'of boner, with 'snatching headdress and finger- tip veil and long pink gloves. Her bouquet also was Colonial. Other at- tendants mere little Jane Rose, wbo acted as flower girl.. and was dressed in orchid satin, and carried a basket of peony ,petais, and Hugh Dietz, ring bearer`, wbo was dressed •r'u a wiiiie suit and carried a white heart -shaped pillow. The best man was Mr. Milton Dietz, Walton. brother of the groom The ushers were Ross Jackson and Glen Diegel. Mrs. E. J. Hingst, Mit- chell, presided at the organ for the traditional music. Before the cere- mony Miss Ruth Moore sang The Lords Prayer and during 'the 'signing of the register, "1'll Walk Beside Yon." The bride's mother was gowned in grey crepe 'with red accessories. Her corsage was. of red Better Times ros- es. The groom's Mother worn blue crepe with white aeceos'ories, with eoi' aga of pink Delight roses.- The groottes gift to the ,bride Was 'a pearl Irendaitt with matching ear -tinge Tire hri itelit gift Ant the groom• Watt a name era *d expansion watelt bz'aeelet- The greona'g giat to the best mate rues a gold key Ghon, to the maid of hon- or onor a silvercrumb tray set, to the bridesmaid 4t •'string of pearls, to the flower girl, a signet ring, to the ring bearer ,a signet ring, to the ushers leather belts, to the soloist ear-rittgs, and to ,the organist a cake plate and server. The wedding supper was held in the United Church club rooms which were prettily dectlrrated with baskets of pin and white peonies. A four -storey wedding cake centred the, table which ,a1,44 decorated with pink candles, rose 'nand pink and white streamers. Ma. and Mrs. Dietz left on a motor trip to Montreal, North- ern Ontario and Muskoka, the bride and groom travelling in: matched suits. of gabardine. The bride had powder blue accessories and a grey squirrel neckpiece. They will reside at 1111. 1, Dublin, upon their return. Guests at the wedding were from Hamilton, Kit- chener, Doon, Brantford, Qllatham,' Galt, Stratford; 'Mitchell and sur- rounding district. The Walton girls' softball team won out in a game with Brussels in Brus- sels on Monday night. Miss Donne Watson was the 'pitcher and fanged nine girls in six innings. Miss. Edith Blanshard was."the catcher. On ac- count-of c- count-of darkness the game was call ed at the end of six innings.' Misses Shirley Bennett and Helen - Johnston . are attending summer school at Godeeich this wae'k, HENSALL Miss Ann Tate, local photographer, wishes to' announce that she Will "be on vacation from her studio from July 27 until August 6. (Continued from Page 1), enjoyed a delightful picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth. on Saturday. Swimming was enjoyed' and a number of sports run off, topped off with a delicious picnic supper. The storm which swept this dist,: trict on Sunday afternoon was disas- trous isas trous to Mr. Percy Harris, a 'farmer who lives 41a miles east of Hensall. He has a flock of 120d turkeys and he suffered the loss of 75 of them when two colony houses were lifted and turned over. Mr. Barris and his 10 -year-old son, Beverley, Were in the colony house when it turned over, but fortunately escaped with a few bruis- es. Announcement Mrs. Annie Saun.dercock, of. Hen- sall. wishes to announee the eegage- lnent of -her youngest daughter, Mar- cella June. to Radford Willard Don- aldson, on of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Donaldson, of London. the marriage To . take•• -place ;early in August. The Exeter and Clinton Junior Farmers Club .was held in' the Town Hall.' Hensall, Tuesday evening. W. R. Dougall„ Hensall, county weed in- spector; .spoke on creed control. Mr. Gerald , Nelson, assistant agricultural representative; of Clinton, was pres- ent and gave instructions oh judging e heat and alfalfa. The next meeting will beheld in August. Mrs. George Dalrymple, of Kippers, entertained at a miscellaneous show- er at her home Monday evening, hon' owing her daughter. Marjorie, bride - elect 'el duly: l tqs;!* neigh rives and friends AO- nde41 l sail, Kzppen, l!aseter. Seaforth, Dte,b Centralia, and elatew a errs, . The display 01 htatsselkold forma T ing silverware, china ,,and also the trousseau, were shown by Miss Boris Kercher arid Miss alryplp1e ,Appropriate ° viral solos were provided by Miss Audrey' Walsh, of Hensall,t accompanied by her mother. During the course of the Evening Miss Dalrymple was made the recipient of many attractive and beautiful gifts, Miss Velma Ferguson reading the address and Miss Keret- er, Miss Patsy Mitchell and I,,ila and Audrey Dalrymple doing the honors. The bride -elect expressed sincere thanks to all for 'their kindness. At the close delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and her assist- ants. Following is the address: Dear Marjorie: We, your friends and neigh- 4ors, have gathered here tonight be- cause we felt that we could not let an event as important as your mar- riage go by without some recognition, leo tonight we have that pleasant du-. ty to perform. We extend to your bearty congratulations and best wish- es, and trust that the years to come in 'your new home will hold for you riuch health, happiness and prosper - its. So, Marjorie, we ask you to ac- cept these gifts. as a token of our friendship, and may they be a eon- stint reminder of ypur old' 'friends and 'neighbors in this cammunit'_- Signed by your friends and neighbors. Mrs. Parlmer is in' Toronto enjoy- ing ,a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer.. Mrs. Catherine Dayman, wbo pass- ed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednesday, July 9, was the wife of the lace James Dayman_ The former Catherine •, Makins, she was born in Grey County in the'year 1865, the daughter, of Henry anrt Sarah Makins. In 1885 she married John J. Smith, and they farmed 111 Stanley Township, later moving to Hay Township' where they farmed un- til they retired to Zurich. Seven years later Mr. Smith passed away in Zur- ich. Four years later. she married James Dayman and moved to his farm in Tuckersmith. From there they moved to Kippen and then to Hensall. James Day'man:'passed away June 21, 1946. Mrs. Dayman, had been in- poor health since then. Surviving are three sons, Herbert Smith, Exeter; Emmerson • Smith. Kippen, and Melvin Smith, ,Zurich ; one daughter, ght , r, _ l r i s. R. J. Green, Port Stanley; three brothers, Ed. Makins, Powassan; George Makins, Sprinig- field. Ont., and Levi Makins, Sea - forth, and two sisters, Mrs. Norman Patterson, London, and Mrs. T. Johns, Hensall. A public funeral service was held- from eldfrom Boiitbron's funeral home, Hen- sall, on Friday, July 11, at 2 p -m., conducted- by Rev. R. At .Brook. Dur- ing the servicetwo hymns, "A Few More • Years Shall Roll" and "All 'the. Way, My Saviour Leads Me" were read by •Mr. Brook. Burial was in .Ex- eter 'cemetery. The grandsons and granddaughters' husbands were bear- ers and flowe•r•=bearers. Mervyn Stephan has received the position as assistant agent of the C.N.R. station at HensalL (Additional Hensall News. On Page 6) • Special Meeting .. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the SEAFORTH FARMERS CO OPERATIVE will be held in C ARNEGIE LIBARY,• SEAFORTH Tuesday, July 22 at 9 p.m. (D,S.T.) TO DISCUSS THE MARKETING OF EGGS .AND POULTRY Mr. M. Mode, District Egg Inspector, will address the meeting: LADIES SPECIALLY INVITED • • Lunch will be served. IIGIIEST PRICES for P'OULTRY HIGHEST PRICES ARE BEING PAID FOR POULTRY Deliver to . our. Killing Plant, or Phone us and our truck will caJL Seaforth roduce; Ltd. PHONE 170 -• SEAFORTH "ROADKING" All Steel Plieuxnatie Tired Wagon, •with its new' bt4aVy 4Wity 0-44$ • entire steel spoked drop centre wheels. Completely equ4pped w4tGi Timken Roller Bearings. The •hitch runs also on• roller be.aariltga' grunt absolute proteetlo.n from shimmy and avvay. Bps Stakes designed for 2" x 4"" poste and is adapted for any style , of body_ ' $189,09 with 600-16 4 -ply tires F.O.B. Listowel ,heaters Want- ed in this Dis 'trict- LISTOWEL MACHINE CO. LISTOWEL - -- • ONTARIO ese WHEN YOU TRADE IN YOUR USED TIRES AT sr¢ston¢ YOU SAYE BY THE VECIAL LIBEIAL TDABp•IM''' ALLOWANCE• CI MORE ON MILEAGE ADO SAFETY' TIME AND ••TROIBLE ... 'ISE 1 J CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAT The new Firestone DeLuxe Champions are the safest, • and longest -wearing tires ever built - up to 32% longer mileage and 60% more non-skid angles for greater safety. Trade your used tires in today on a set of the new Champions. We'll give yon a liberal trade-in allowance and you can 'pay the rest off on our convenient Budget Terms. if ere _are fifer r off' ottt'r VACATION VALUES Give your car a lift i h'r$ restone dj}�� SEAT COVERS They're tailor- made to fit your car. A cloth and fibre in colourful designs with seams double lock -stitched to insure maximum strength. SEATT FRON 9.• 55 }luxSEAT 7.40 Old wheels look Irks 6 new with .a set of METAL `WHITEWALLS Dress Up your car with these sturdy white enamel -sumer sidewalls. Easily+ installed. Set of four -from 1 9aI. Every motorist should have- one! "MACRAME" AUTO TROUBLE LIGHT Will plug, into any car lighter; provides in- stant brilliant flood light equipped with a sturdy 12 ft. rubber/ cable. 4.75 DEALERS J. F':.Daiy; M. E. Clarke Milt Hoff