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ablished SFA'
Phail M Lean, Editor, .
sd. at Seaforth,. Ontario, ev
ursday afternoon by McLean,'
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SEAFORTH, Friday, July 18, 1947.
Leading Cause of Motor
Leading -Cause-of Motor Accidents
,Twenty-three persons . were injur-
ed and property . damage estimated
at $4,000 resulted from motor acci-
dents ,:over the week -end in Western •
Ontario. Nine of these were 'injur-
ed in a two -car accident near -Hen-
sail, ' which brings it pretty nearly
home to us.
There must be some cause for the
alarming • increase in motor acci•
dents. What is it? Much- has been
said and written about the danger.. of
driving old cars and poor tires, the
result of the scarcity .of new ones.
arising 'out of the war and labor.
strikes. •
Still .more has been.said and writ-
about the drunken. drivers. Un-
n-doubtedly' both these contribute to
"the cause, but a survey. -of m.oto.r ac-
eidents in Canada shows conclusive-
ly that neither separately nor joint-
Iy, do they play any leading part in
the lamentably mounting death and
injury record of motor accidents.
This survey shows. that during
last year a total of 1,616 persons
were killed and- 30,576 seriously in-
jured in 57,810 accidents, which in-
volved motor ears, trucks, motor- •
cycles, bicycles, streetcars, railways
and pedestrians on the -streets, roads
and highways of Canada.
Property damage to cars and per-
sonal`belongings of the victims of
these accidents is estimated at con-
siderably more than $11,000,000.
Figures from Ontario, which- pro-
vinee possibly represents. more of all
kinds of motor driving, show that
for January,, February and March .,of
this year, both the accident and dam-
. age rates • are rising rapidly. In these
three months of 1947, total accidents
increased by 28.1 per cent. over the •
same period ofthe preceding year,
and damages- increased by 65.1 per
cent., while the 1946 figures for the'
either provinces in • the Dominion are
away above those • of 1945.
From the Provinces of Ontario,
Manitoba, British Columbia, and the
Maritimes, which keep the most . de-
tailed record of motor accidents,
`some facts have been conclusively
proven. One is that drivers involv-
ed in most of the fatal and serious
accidents were between the ages of
25 and 40 years. Another was that
they were all experienced drivers, in
good health and physical; condition,
and the majority of such accidents
took place on straight roads or high-
ways, or at •street intersections, and
in broad daylight. •
Drinking or drunken drivers ac-
counted for only a "very small pro-
portion of the total recorded acci
The survey shows clearly and con-
clusively that • it is the reckless,
careless, impatient, bad-mannered
and inattentive drivers that are the
main factors in causing . serious
motor accidents, and far surpass the
factors of either inexperience or in-
toxication, or of defects in motor
cars and roads.
The survey also shows that pedes-
. trians will else—have to , take some
share of the blame, although in much
lesser degree. But even if the pedes- •
Irian, does sometimes disobey: traffic
signals and street signs, that does
-not give the driver of a car or truck . .
any, right to kill him.
There is a meaning, however, in
the Ontario records, when they show
that.the largest number, 84,'pf pedes-
trians killed were those 65 years of
age and over. They had- lived the
greater part of their lives before the
„ ,motor age and failed to realize the
Speed" and danger of motor traffic.
But now the ' authorities have
' fo`wd. the main' cam of the rapidly
xnereasing death toff' on .ottr- roads
and highways, they must find a
;dy, and that without delay. S ar
clothing has been. achieved by sus-
pension of driving licenses or by fines
and jail, sentences.
Have You. Seen Them?
Have you seen the miraculous
saucers flying across .the sky that
have been agitating the people of
the United States and quite a few in
Canada in recent weeks?
If not, and you.,re in any way in-
terested, we would ask you to read
the following: Last week Professor
F. S. Cotton, of Sydney University,
Australia, conducted a • "flyinesau-
cers" experiment.
After discussing with his students
American reports on "flying sau-
cers," he led his class of 450 students
into the open air and told them to
look at the clear sky and to concen-
trate their gaze on a fixed point
while standing perfectly still.
Within ten minutes 22 students re-
ported they had seen . bright oval-
shaped objects which moved rapidly,
sometimes following each, other in a
line, sometimes • resembling ' each
in a line, and sometimes resembling
a string of pearls.
Professor Cotton then explained
that the students saw exactly what
he expected them to see—namely, the'
red corpuscles of the blood passing
in front of the retina.
• •
No Servant Question There'
The United States Army Head-
quarters . at Frankfort, Germany,
has ruled that an American family
, in Germany may have only one
housemaid at the expense, of the
German people.
If an American wants more than
one maid he mustpay her wages
himself..—_ -iii dollars too, ncit German
marks. .
The cost of one maid per family,
the announcement explained, is 'leg-
ally chargeable against Germany as
occupation cost.
Other domestic servants may be
employed if desired, but the employ-
er must pay the Army the cost of
their wages in dollars. The Army
then will pay the extra servants in
No hardship in that, we would
say. In Ontario it takes something
more than either -dollars or marks to
get any home help. Just think what
fun our women would have trying to
decide on whether to haveone or
two maids.
But our government is getting
more charitable all the time. After
it has retired us all from work at the
age of 50, and,, of course, with a liv-•
ing pension (and it seems to be real-
ly working hard to that •end),, per-
haps it will do something for the
Once Is Not The Limit.
There is an old saying; and one
pretty generally believed in too, that'
lightning never strikes twice in the
same place. It is not true, of course,'
but try and shake people's faith in
On Sunday there was an electric
Storm in the Listowel . district, -:just
to the north of us. And during that
storm a district farmer had the un-
usual as well as the unpleasant ex-
perience of having his . premises
struck four times during that storm.
First a large, elm tree was .:struck
and the next bolt struck another elm
tree . a few yards•, away. Then the
lightning rods on 'his barn were
struck, and although the barn was
not damaged, the lightning ran down
a 'rod and killed a cow.
That was followed by a bolt that
struck the side of the house and put
the telephone out of commission.
Fortunately the lightning bolts did
not result in a single fire. ,
Lightning is no respector of per-
sons and places—and don't you for-
get it.
They Know Best
(Victoria Times)
Possibly the most sincere believers,•, in the
necessity of preventing another world war are
those 'Who have a full knowledge of- the ,effect
of, the„ atomic bomb. The scientists who 'plan-
ned and prepared the deadly weapon, the men
who handled it and delivered, it to its Japanese
target, have been almost unanimous in their
adtroea.ey that the first wartime testing of the
bomb must be the last—that there must .never
be' Ansi—tilers—War, if Only to prevent the use Of
atomic energy as an instruct ent of martial attack.
Iuten sting items picked !VOR'
The P posttor -, of • flfti SIM
awsat ye yfraxa ago.
From The Huron Expositor
-July 14, 1922
The annual demonstration of the
South Huron.. District Orange.. Lodge
was held in Seaforth on Vlrednesday
when the Glorious Twelfth was most
successYuliy celebrated. and the Bat-
tle of the 'Rorie refought, W. L. McL.
'Doig,.. of Kippers, gave an interesting
and witty. +adda•ese.
Mr. Melvin Crich, of Tuckersmith,
met with an accident which wiU lay
him up for some time. He was try-
ing to fasten a barn door open when
the wind blew it off ,its hinges and it
fell on hire, breaking his leg in two
places. '°
•Mr..Arch Hays, of Macklin, Bask.,
is spending the holidays at the .home
ofhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'aanes
Hays, in Egmondville.
Mr. Harry Pierce had the msfor-
tune •to Pali and, break his arm.
Mr. W. Laing, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John q. Laing, has accepted a posi-
tion "on the teaching.:staff •of the Mil-
verton public' school.
During the storm Monday night the
roof on the barn on the ferm of Mr.
John Hay, Tuckersmith, was blown
A sad accident occurred in Logan
on July 6, at the home of J. A. Nieh-
olson. Mr, H. Rapien and his son
were removing the 'support of a con-
crete water tank when the top caved-
avedin, crushing Mr. Rapien to the floor..
He passed. -.away in about 15 minutes.
The many.friends of Rev.,•and Mrs,
Sam McLean and Marian, minister of
EgmondvilIe Church, recently pres-
ented • them with a purse of $200.00
and an address.
Mr. and: Mrs. L. C. Jackson left this
week •for•their summer home at Bruce
Beach. ' '.
Samuel Lee, a resident of Londes
born, met death in a tragic manner
on Friday night wbile drawing in h'ay,
He had reached the barn and was un-
loading when something went wrong
with the mechanical' clevis•e. He bent
down to see what was the matter
when the team bolted and he 'Was
thrown between the barn door' and
the wagon, and passed away shortly
.afterwards. -
A successful school picnic was 'held
at'S.S. No. 7, Tuckersmith, on Tune
24-. Some of the successful winners
of races were: Mary Forrest, Eleanor
Broadfoot, Viola Montgomery; James
•Black, Bill Forrest, James McGregor,
Pearson ;Charters, George Black,
Lloyd McGee, Helen Thompson, Isa-
bel Forrest, Mona McGregor, Wilson
MoCartney, Willie Black, Rex McGre-
gor,- Jean Webster, Alice Thompson,
Ethel Cameron;. David McIntosh, Ed-
die Boyce, Joe Lane, Arthur Thomp-
son, Margaret Broadfoot, George
Mr. Warren Ament, of Detroit, at-
tended the funeral on Wednesday of
the late Henry Keith McLean, son of
the late Allan S. McLean, and Mrs.
From The Huron Expositor
• • July 16, 1897 -
On Thursday of last week while
Mrs. F. Wiberg, of Dashwood, was
loading +hay, the horses started suds
denly, causing her to fall fromthe
load and breaking her arm.
Mr. John Halliday,' of Egmondville,
left on Monday last for a trip to the
old land, He goes in charge of a
consignment of cattle for Mr. Thomas
IMc•Milfan, l-l'ullett.'
Misses ,Sarah Stewart and Jennie
Campbell,• of Egmondville, have been
visiting friends in Walton.
Last week Hinchley' Bros., of Sea -
forth, sold Brantford power windmills
to the following: Joseph Scott.. and
John McMillan, Roxboro; Robert Mc-
Kinley, Huron Road West; Richard
Anderson, Constance; John Wilson;
MoKillop, and• Wei. Wilson, 'Hullett;
Mrs, John 'McLean and Mr: William
Cnnieron; of the .Mill Road, have each
had a new bank barn completed this
' Miss Elizabeth Hillen, 'high • school
teacher' -at sLuean, is spending her
holidays, with 'her parents at Win-
Mr. Timothy Ryan, one of McKil-
lop's prosperous farmers, was in town
the other day sporting •a handsome
new covered buggy 'and, a set of new
harness to,'correspond.
Mrs. .James' 'Grieve, Tiuckersmith,
Mrs.,,, J. G. Wilson, Seaforth, and oth-
er -friends are rusticating at Bayfield.
M -r. Arthur Forbes, of town, has re-
cently • added to his livery stock a
couple of very neat and nubby bug-
gies from the manufactory, of Mr.
Fred Hess, Sr.; Zurich." '
Seaforth. baseball team are' playing
real ball now as was "evidenced by
the Score in, the match with 'Mitchell
on 11Vofiday. McCartney and Graves
were the battery for•the local team.
The second• iii the series of handi-
cap road races held by the Victoria
Bicycle Club, was run on Wednesday.
There were eight starters and good
,time was made. The course was
:Probe sthe Royal. Hotel out the Huron
Road to Mr. Angus Mcfermid's and
reitirn. 'George Baldwin .finished• first
with Fred Oriels at' his hind wheel,
but as Crich was allowed a. handicap
of one -minute, be was •allowed first
place. The other were G. Bell', G.
Chesney,;,• J. Aberhatrt, D. Cam•pJbell
and A. Forties. •
Mr, John McMillan, 'M.P., of Hul-
lett, made - a shipment of cattle from
here on Monday, as did also Mr. G.
!McMicha:el, of the same township,
Mr. John A. Stewart, of town, has
sold his fine driving horse to. a Win-
nipeg 'buyer,
Mr. James Archibald', of town, ship-
ped a carload of horses from here
two weeks ago and two carloads last
week. They are both for the Lon-
don, England,.market,
Mr. D. D. Wilagn this week ship-
ped a carload• of eggs to Trail, B.C.,
a mining camp in British C'olumbi'a,
near Roseland, •
The'I'welfth of July was celebrated
in this district at • Mitc'heil]. Therm
were two brass bands and a drown
Pipe bands, as well an pipers in kilts„
By Verist ar 1B41,9
I am firmly convinced that we have
one robin who has been.coming back
here every year about this time, --for
the past fifteen years. It all happen-
ed after • our ;cherry trees, started
,bearing ,,fruit About a week before
they really get going, this big, fat
robin will come along and then stay
along with 'numerous relatives and
assorted pirates such as the'•black
birds, until °th'e • three trees ' in the
front yard are stripped, Mr. Robin
moves of after that and, we don't
see him again until the following year.
Last Sunday we had one of those
hot, humid days. It had rained the
night before without clearing up .the
hot weather, I was sitting on the
front veranda in,; my •stocking' feet,
halt toeing with sleep, after reading
the newspaper. It was just the sort
of day to take the ambition right out
of a person.
,A robin glided in for a perfect land-
ing on the stump of a branch we :saw-
ed off an apple tree. He was a
plump, handsome bird with a clean
bib and •a saucy look about him. He
strutted up and down the branch for
a little while and then swooped down
to the front lawn and found a worm.
The eat' coming around the corner of
the veranda froze into a' huntiug form
and started stalking toward the rob-
That robin. just stood there and di-
gested part of the worm, taking time
out to look up at me. I was certain
he hadn't noticed the cat at, all and
was half 'tempted to call out and warn
him. Then it dawned on me that- tlhhig
must be our yearly visitors Tlie cat
crouched ready for a spring at the
bird. Mr. Robin took off and sailed
up into the branch of the cherry tree.
The eat looked, a bit downcast and
went up the vernda steps. The robin
strolled tbrough the cherry tree ,and
looked the crop over. He looked like
a field i'napector for a canning com-
pany and, seemed to be making men-
tal notes., Once or twice • he. •nntopped
to 'Sample ,a cherry. He went through
the three trees in a systematic way.
After that he flew away. In about
fifteen minutes he was back with an-
other robin. They looked the trees
over and then with a flip of their tail
feathers in my direction went flying'
away. 1' am positive that within a
couple of clays they'll) come back with
a host of friends for the big feast,
Bird fancierstell me I'm crazy to
think that the same robin ,has been
coming back here each, year for the
past fifteen ,years. Stilt, that robin
ldoks the image of the one that has
been coining all these years.
In a few days there'll be the an-
nual race between ourselves and the
birds tee see who gets the most cher-
ries. The birds manage to do pretty
well each year, I'm ''toying with the
idea of putting netting around the
tree, but on the other hand that
would, be kind of a dirty trick and a
person can even ,get fond of pirates
when they're presistent enough.
Angus was displaying to his neigh-
bor, McDonald, the' second=hand car
he'd bought.
"It looks fine, mon," said McDonald,
"but Ah'm 'thinkin' it'll be posting ye
a lot in petrol:" _•
"No' se bad," replied Angus proud-
ly. "Ye ken, it's •downhill tae the
town, and I Can get a tow home most
"Mother," inquired the oldest
daughter, "just how •did Daddy pro-
pose to you'?"
I don't really remember," replied.
the wise lady, "but I believe he ,be-
gan by showing me his bank book.
"What a 'y'o-tr''waiting-for?"-whis
pered •the wedding gust.
"Bride's father's a plumber," re-
plied the verger. "He•forgot to bring
"Yes," •said the.oldman, "I will be
ninety-six 'tomorrow and I haven't an
enemy in the world."
"A beautiful thought," answered the
new vicar.
"Yes, sir," went on the old matt,
"I've outlived them all!" •
"You're a cheat!" the first lawyer
accused his opponent.
"You're a liar!" the other retorted.
Judge: "Now that these attorneys
have identified each other, we shall
proceed with the case."
A man was giving some advice to
his son. At the end of a rather stern
lecture, he said: "New, my boy, you
-understand perfectly what I-rean?"
"Xes;'; replied the boy, "what • it
boils down to is this:' If I do ,well
it's because of heredity, and if I fail
it's my own fault."
Huron Federation Of
Agriculture- FarmNews
'Maple Products Pay Farmers Millions
The 1947 crop of maple syrup and
maple sugar- is much greater than in
1946 and is estimated at 3,580,000 gal
lots of syrup 'and 3,434,000 pounds of
sugar, compared with 1,889;000 gal
Ions of syrup and 2,543,000 pounds of
sugar in 1946. -
The syrupcrop., is the largest on
record since 1924 but sugar produc-
tion is five per cent smaller than the
10 year 1936.45 average. Production
of maple syrup and sugar is confined
to four provinces and production this
season, with comparable figures for
1946 in brackets, is as follows:, Que-
bee, syrup 2,831,000 gal, (1,638,000
gal..), sugar 3,260,000 1.b's. (2,4480,000
lbs.) ; Ontario, syrup 717,000 gal. (235,-
000 gaI,),- sugar, 717;000 gal. (235,000
gal.) ; sugar 67,000 lbs. (7,000 lbs.) ;
New Brunswick, syrup 23,000 gal•,
(lbs.)10,000,' gal.), sugar 93,000 lbs. (68,000
lbs.); Nova Scotia,' syrup 9,000 'gal,
(6,006 gal.), sugar 14;000 lbs. 20,000
The value of the crop, including
syrup and sugar, is estimated at $14,-
139,000 or 125 per cent •more than the
value of production in 1946, most of
which went to farmers as the bulk of
'maple syrup and maple sugar comes
from trees on farms,
Frozen Egg Law Boon To 'Industry
With the introduction of grade
standard'for frozen eggs for export,
ail poultry products -are now under
grade regulations. Covered ' by the
regulations are frozen whole egg or
melange, a staple commodity of the
baking trade; frozen egg, yolk, used
in commercial preparations of salad
dressings, doughnut and ice cream
mixes; frozen egg whites, used by
bakers and confectioners fir mer-
ingues and candies. D
The chief point in the regulations,
says the.. 'Current Review of Agricul-
tural 'Conditions in Canada, is that
which deals with the 'percentage, of
solids present.' To qualify as Grade
A, frozen whole eggs must have been
at least:25.8 "per cent solids; frozen
egg yolk 43 per cent,, and frozen egg
whites, 11.5 per cent solids,
These regulations apply enly to
frozen eggs exported, imported or
shipped between' provinces, 'Until the
provinces, by their own legislation;
implement these regulations, grading
is nut requited far frozen eggs pro-
duced and sold within one province,
The' new regulations • make, it pos-
sible for the egg -breaking plants in
Canada, • of which there are 'approxi-
mately 60 in number, to market froz-
en, eggs of uniform quality and en-
able the users of frozen eggs to buy
their supplies with confidence. The
importance of the frozen egg indus-
try to the poultrysnan is that it pro-
vides a market' ,for Grade 3 and
Grace C eggs, cracked eggs, and eggs
too large for ordinary packing m•ater-
daL -
To Keep Garden Free 'From Slugs
Slugs are the grey, snail -like crea-
tures which rasp the leaves' of ten-
der vegetables; leaving a stingy trail
on the foliage and On the soil be.
neath the plants. They shun daylight
and thrive -only where there is . an
abundance of 'moisture, being ,most
troublesome in rainy .seasons,-' in
damp shady corners of the garden,
and in low-lying areas of heavy land.
Slugs will 'feed on almost all vege-
tables, but are particularly fond of
bean, lettuce, cabbage and cauli-
flower. They attack celery ill the
bleaching process. They eat shallow
circular sits in the fruits •of toma-
toes, one' in the autumn 'they bore in-
to the roots of carrots and beets. '
Plants in infestedsoil may be pro-
tected by a thin film of hydrated lime
which is dusted over' the foliage• and
on -the ground in the evening after.
the sun has gone down and feeding
has Commenced, says W. G. Mattew=
son, Division, of Entomology, Domin-
icn,Department of"'Agriculture, Hy-
drated'I4me is effective only *hen. dry•
and for this reason a few cips'tings at
inte'rv'als of three or four clays is
much more e`ffec.tive than one heavy
The lower as well -as the upper sur-
faces of the leaves should be covered
and the surrounding soil should 'be
coated in such a way that the slugs
will have to crawl through the dust
before they can reach the plants, or
the plants may be sprayed thorough-
ly with bordeaux mixture. This mater-
ial is,repelient to the slugs and•plants
kept ,covered with the spray will be
largely protected from attack.
Baits consisting of metaldehyde
and bran have given satisfactory Con-
trol of slugs id small gardens but are
too expensive for use under field con-
ditions. They may be bought ' ready -
mixed at Most seec1 stores and should
be used "According to the manufac-
turer's directions.
.Variable Forecast of 1947 Apple Crop
Adverse weather throughout East-
ern Canada has delayed development
of the fruit crops, states the first of-
ficial • reldort on the fruit and vege-
table crops produced in Canada in
1947. The report is issued. by the
Dominion Bureau of Statistics, In co-
operation with the Marketin'g'Service,
Dominion Department of Agriculture,
and the Provincial Department of
Agriculture, and says that in the two
principal producing provinces of Nova
Scotia and British Columbia the first
apple estimate indicate reductions of
30 end 22 Per cent respectively, In
Ontario, on the other 'h'and, an in-
crease of 42 :per cent is' anticipated.
Pears and plums will be Tighter
than In 1946, but the complete esti-
mates syere hot available at the time
of • issue of the report on .Tune 28.
Peach production will be lower,'due
to the poor set of fruit in Ontario:
Production in British Columbia is ex,
pected to be 15 per cent better than
in 1946, while the Ontario crop will
be 45 Per cent lighter.
.Cherry production, as a whole, is
down as a results of a pobr crop in
Ontario, In British 'Colum'bi'a an in-
crease of five per cent: is anticlpated
at present,
Reports on the grape crop are not
,complete, but in Pntario, where the
-bulk of this fruit is grown, produc-
tion is e pented to he about the same
cis in, 1948. .
Tail lay -..._4...
There are soafie good hay crops
thie district; which is a good thing.
aVIeredith Young, 13th concession of
H'ullett, .proves this statement by pro-
ducing the longest stalk of timothy'
?lay so far recorded. On ,Saturday 'h:e
left a stalk measuring five feet one
inch at the .,Standard office. This-waa
just a sample of the entire field.. --
Blyth Standard.
- Sliver Wedding Anniversary
On Saturday 'evening a large num-
ber of relatives and friends gathered
at the home of Mr.+ and Mrs. Harvey
McCutcheon in honor of their twen-
ty-fifth wedding anniversary. The lad-
ies in 'charge had arranged the eve,
ning entertainment which/was enjoy-
ed by all. Mr, and Mrs. McCutcheon
were presented with several beautiful
gifts, including a lovely wedding
cake, accented, with silver wedding.
motifs.—Brussels Post,
Four -Legged Duckling
Mr. Bert Taylor, of Zetland, had a
setting of duck eggs that hatched- in
July. Several days later he noticed'
something peculiar about one of the
ducks. On examination he found be-
side its two regular legs, two,,;.others
hanging directly behind them.—Wing-
ham Advance -Times. -
Motored From Oregon
Mr. W. J. Cooper, ,of Gresham, Ore-
gon, spent a. few days last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Kelly.
Mrs. Cooper • and grandson, Jimmy
Norval, are returning with him after
spending three weeks with her niece,'
Mrs. J. A. Kelly, of Turnberry, Mr.
Cooper's' car registered 3,080 miles
from Oregon to Wingham, Both Mr,
and Mrs. Cooper were born in Wing -
ham, but have spent as good part of
their litres in the United, States. They
See many changes here and mise
many of the old-timers. - Wingham
Advance -Times.
Zurich Doctor To teside in Holland
The marriage took place in Deer
Park United Church, Toronto, on
Friday of last week of Miss Eleanor
Irwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
yhur 'B. Irwin, Toronto, to Dr. Fred-`
erick William Hess, of Zurich, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess, • the
ceremony being performed --by Itev.
Douglas E. Bradford- The bride, giv-
en in Marriage by her father, wore
an ivory- slipper satin gpwn, :the
three folds. .beiow the waistline fell-
ing into a very full graceful train,
and carried a cascade of white roses.
Jean Waters, the maid of honor, and
Elsie Prothroe and Eileen Smyth,
bridesmaids,- were dressed alike in
coral faille crepewith drop shoulders
and full skirts, and carried matching
bouquets of blue carnations. Best man
was Mr. Quimby • Hess. Paul Hese
and Dr. W. D. Smith'..usliered. At the
reception thebride's mother ware a
sea -foam • green dress with a corsage
of yellow roses, while• the groom's
mother wore a 'pale blue dress with
deep pink roses. The groom is a for-
mer student of Exeter High School
and he and•his bride are leaving for
Amsterdam, Holland, to reside.—Exe-
ter Times -Advocate, •
Struck • By Limb
Mrs, John Willis, who is, past her
90th year. narrowly escaped a serious
injury while out. walking Thursday
evening of last • week. She had beers
out visiting with a neighbor and while
returning to the home of Mr, 'and;
Mrs. J. H. Hockey accompanied by
Mrs. • Hookey, part of an old- branch
of a tree weighing about 25 • pounds.
fell and struck Mrs, Willis on the
shoulder knocking her to the ground.
She was returned to the Hookey
home and Dr. Milner was called. For-
tunately no bones were broken, but
Mrs. Willis suffered from shock andl
for several day's was confined to the
home,—Exeter Times -Advocate,
Feted At Birthday •Party
A very pleasant birthday party for
Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy was planned;
by Mrs, A. J. McMurray and took
place at the latter's home. A,consid-
erable number of guests assembled)
and later, when Mrs. Kennedy, arriv-
ed, -o her great surprise she was,
greeted by the company' as they rose
and sang "Happy Birthday." Good
wishes were' then extended and • a
social hour spent. Later the hostess
.served a dainty lunch which includ-
ed a` beautifully decorated birthday
cake. Mrs. :Kennedy expressed her
appreciation and thanked all for their
gifts, Later some pictures were tak-
en of the group, — Clinton News -Re-
Markng 35th Wedding Anniversary
Amothe fifty friends and rela-
tives w;ho:gathered' for a surprise -
party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A:
F. Johns, 'Newmarket, formerly of
'Clinton, to honor them on the occa-
sion of their 35th •wedding annivers-
ary, were six relatives of Mrs. Johns,
all 'from Rockwood, --who had ")leets
present at the wedding. The couple -
were presented with a purse i i'money
and they also received several bou-
quets. An address was read and it
was replied to by Mr. Johns. and Geo.
Pearsen, Rockwood, who gave his sis-
ter do marriage 35 • years ago. Re-
freshments were served at the plose'
of• -thy evening,—SCMAdis`News-Record.
Property Transfer
Mr. Arthur Fraser, of town, has
purchased the residence .of Dr.
ner on Ann Street. , Dr. Milner, who•
has purchased the practice of Dr -
Doyle, will` be moving -into his new
homimees-Advimmediately, Dr. and ' Mrs-
Doyle and Patricia ,l'e£t the forepart
of the week for Brigden.. — Exeter '!
At' Cadet Camp
The following high school boys left
for cadet camp at Ipperwa:sh- Wed-
nesday: Earl /Cells, Ross Mutton,
Bob Paris,-.Taek Walters, of town, ,and
Rosa McDonald and B'ob Norrie,, oC
Staffs.—lVtWinsl Advocate.
Wins Scholarship
Congratulations are. due' Eleanor •
Wightman, 13, of S.S. 11, E. Wawa.n-
oslr, eho won the Laidlaw Fur- Farm
Scholarship for. entrance,---Wingbam
Advance -'rimes.