HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-07-11, Page 4't • -FOUR .ssifie ids. Classified,Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: ' For 'Salo, Wanted; Loot and Found, Etc.—Per word: 1st week , 1 Cent '••' 2nd week. Oent 3rd week ee Cent Minimum charge, first insertion,25 Ceatu ' Each figure, initial 'and abbreviation counts as one word. Card of Thanks,' In Memoriam Notices, Conning Events -1 cent per word- ,Minimum, 50 cents per week. Keegateeee may be,directed to a Box Number, c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. T cent# additional will he etre 'need if ads in' above class are not paid within 10 days of dame ;of ftnat insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Aeration Sales, Notice$ to Creditors, Etc.—Rats' on application. Help Wanted Wanted WANTED — ACTIVE Laval agency lines. 2filverton. AGENT FOR DE WAN'T'ED --AN OFFICE ' DESK. Reply G. DUNHAM, " 244-W, Seaforth, 4150x3 1 ICPER.IENCED .FURNITURE FINISHERS, sprayer's, woodworking machinists and sanders,'•or young men to train in these Permanent trades. Pleasant working condi- tions, good ravages, very steady emeluymeut, Living accommodation' available. See et' write full particulars JAMES COLE FURNI- TURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. 4152-1 -Coming Events rHE CRICH REUNION WILL • BE HELD July 23rd at 3owebt's Grove, Bayfield. Sports' tailed at. 2,30 pea. 4152-1 ADDFELLOWS' AND REBEh;AleS PLEASE remember your annual picnic at the Lions Park. Wednesday, Jaily 3Srd, at 6 p.m. Supper served at 6.30 sharp. Come and brine your lunch basket and your own dishier. 4152-1 CARNIVAL AND FOURTH AeNNUAL PET • Parade in Court House Park, Goderich, Wednesday evening, July 16th• under aus- pice, of Maple Leat Chapter 1.0,D.1. Games and Ranier; Boeth for children and adults:. Pet Parade assemble ate7 p.m. Clown Band in attendance. 4152-1 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN JAMES CLUFF ALL PERSONS.HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of John James Ciuff, Date of tile Town" of Seaforth. the County of Hur- On, Retire'tl Lumber Merchant. deceased, who died on or about the '23rd day of May, 1947, are hereby notified to send in to the under- signed on 'or before the 2nd day of August. '1947, full Lparticulars of their claims, after 'Which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims then received, " • DATED- at Seeforth this .10th day of July. 1.947. McCONNEL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4162.3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In. the Estate of--T`i2EISERICIc" STANLEY SAVAUGiE• AAI LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Frederick Stanley Savaage, late of the Town of Seaforth, detease;i, who died on or about the 30th day of May, 1947, »ere hereby notified to send in to the under- . signed on or before the 3rd day of August. 1947, full partieukre of .their claims. . Immediately after the said last mentioned 'date, the assets of the 'said estate will be distributed 'amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the 'e'xclusion of all others. and the under-. signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned: ,hall net then have notice for the assets so 'distributed or any part thereof. DATED -at Seaforth, this 9(h' day of ,'r.ly. 1947. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, LULU 0, SAVAUGE, Executors By their 'Solicitor H. G. METE. Seaforth, Ontario. 4152-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate df HELEN McINTOSH ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate ;of Helen McIntosh. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, • Married Woman, deceased, who died on the 4th day of June. 1947, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims 4.4 the undersigned 'on or before the 19th day of July, 1947„ afy,r� which date -the assets will be distributed; -"having' regard only to claims then •received. DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of June, n. 1947. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4160-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of LEILA BEATTIE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Leila Battie, late of 'the 4 Town of Seaforth, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of May. 1»947.e,�x' re hereby notified to send in to the undersigded on or before the 18th day of July, 1947, ,full• particulars of ,their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date the insets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled -there- thhaving regard only to claims of which e undersigned shall then• have notice. to the exclusion of all others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any person of whose claire the undersigned shall not then . have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 26th day of June, 19'47. ALVIIN W. SILLERY, Barrister, Etc.; Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for 'the Exenitors. ,,4150-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In the Estate of ANN FERGUSON, late of the Village of Hensali in the County of Haron. Widow, deceased. ' PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the estate of the said Ann Ferguson, who died on the 14th day of June, 1947, are noti- Red... to; seed them to the undersigned, duly verified, before .the 22nd day of July, 1947. • " AF'T'ER that datethe assets of the said "estate will be distributed among the persohe entitled, thereto, -having 'regard only to claims R' of which the Executor shall then have no- tice. ' DATED at Exeter, the 20th day of June, } 1944. it FREDERICK W. GLADMAN,. Exeter, Garro, Executor. By GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter. Ontario, His Solicitors. • 41503' ?HONE 4150-1 For Rent ROOM FOR RENT- LARGE FURNISHED room, suitable for lighthousekeeping. Apply to Box 571, HURON'EXPOSITOR. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postimed hi' plain, sealed envelope with price list-. 6 sampleil 256; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order .Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. ASTHMA SUFFERERS—ENJOY A GOOD night's sleep, witlitiut coughing or chok- ing as others are doing. For free information write F. L. HOWEY, 144 Catherine South, Hamilton. 4147x8 For Sale Bl'[.f. Fort SALE—REGISTERED YEAR - ting Shorthorn bull, fit for service. AP - ply to GEORGE LOWERY, Seaforth. aAY 'FOR 'SALE -30 ACRES STANDING hay, timothy. Apply to STA14 G. DOR- RANCE. Phone 830 r 4 or 128-W, 'Seaforth. 4152x1 FOR SALE—GREY SPORT JACKET, SIZE 34; also man's camel hair' coat, size. 36. Apply to Box 572, HURON EXPOeITOR. 4152-1 FOR SALE -10 PIGS. TEN WEEKS OLD. ▪ Apply to ARTHUR. J, • FINLAYSON. Phone 651 .r 3, Seaforth, - 4152-1 FOR SALE—NUMBER COLLIE PUPS, good cattle dogs : also Holstein cow five Years old, just freshened. KEN WILLIAMS, R.R. 4, Clinton, Huron Road. Phone 616 e. 23,- Clinton. 4152x1 FOR SALE—ONE OAK HALL RACK WITH Fnirror; 1 lawn mower; 1 door fitted for long mirror; car chains, size 600-16. Apply to :MRS. E. J. DINNEN, Egmondville. 4152-1 HAY FOR,.SAI F QUANTITY OF err also a e tity of 'timothy. `to' ---J. CeREIL Y._k3.It 5Seaforth. 6-1 r 16, Dublin. - CLOV- Apply Phone 415-2rc1- FOR SALE-- 1936 FORD V-8.. SPORT Coupe: new motor and new, clutch and completely overhauled this spring. Apply to ROGE ETTE, on Rey-rtold's farm, after 6 p.m. Y 4152-1 OR ALE—QUANTITY NEW HAY FORK pe manilla fibre, 'pre-war quality. Tele- ehoj 26. J. 'McKENZIE. 4151x2 Notices THE OFPICE OF D. H. M :INNES, CHIRO- tetor and Feet Correctionist. Commer- c, i toteh will be closed from July 8th to +r,h inchrsice• 41552x1 leeCTIC7—WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK e t the bicycle from. in .front of Westcott's Store on . Saturday night, please return same and s'ave further trouble. 4152x1 T AM. PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF ,W.hitewa-hine with nowgn' machine. Ap- ply t4 FRED HARBUR 4, R.R. -3, Dublin. Phone" 44 r 9. 4150x4 WALKER ELECTRIC Prompt and Guaianteed RADIO SERVICE Ey Qualified Radio Technicians at reasonable rates. WALKER ELECTRIC PHONE 9S SEAFORTH 4152-4 Farms For Sale ,FOR SALE Grass Farm • 100 Acres, part bush; Let 21, Concession 7, Hulleet. Apply NORMAN BALL, Clinton Phone- 236, or FRED LAWSON 578 King St. West, Toronto 1 4150-4 Tenders Wanted 5 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL .,BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned for the caretaking of Schools Nos; 7 and 9,, Tuckersmiren, for the. school year. The usual duties of a school caretaker to be performee in a satisfactory manner. For further particulars and details apply to S. H. WHITMORE, - Sec. -Tread. School Area No. 1, 13.5: 3, Seaforth, 4151-tf Cards -of Thanks • AND MRS. LARRY LABUTE DESIRE to expression their sincere apprecintilm to theme many friends on Marin Street who, contributed' to the wedding gift recently pre- sented them. 4152x1 Popular Stallions Grade A Premium Horse - The Pure Bred Percheron Stallion t ST. BLAIN` MARQUIS [17084] Enrolment No. 4016 Form, 1,First Class Monday, Tuesday—Vicinity of Kippen and south. , Wednesday, Thursday ---Vicinity of Farqu- har and South. Friday, Saturday—Vicinity of Dublin and Seefofth. Terms—$2.00 .down ; $12. April 1, 1948. Phones: 882 r 24, Heneall ; 14 r 14. Dubiin. WILLIAM COLE, Proprietor and Manager. 4147-tf Enrolment No. 2081 Form 2 'We Clydesdale Stallion PY.ViE SAMPLE (2993D) 1, The .propertyt of . George and Frank Coyne, Staffs .Phone 43 r 27, Dublin, Fill Stand, top 'the improvement of stock et Lot."22, dediceagion x, Hibbert.• t"oie ' Saknple, a 8 -year add, to bas . With tate ,rad lefts White, and earth* di 13 Pron. -10n, ,the highest allowed a colt 5t14 tope.- H6 fs a all�11 4lhi 'k tl hti 'bcatl ` i ,ailrittCeil y`a itis stttifliet, `WA eitt tt4d dr hgt i li telt awed 'tiessess4 q Notts of Chtleftdatis 4tNs°r 'f a i • 'till to 1► gored alae fdk it ridt ilAhtrli of[ di :bf ddtxsial f +�lretinniff0 ¢ itht: hint* to:aq�;lt *nth;fp MR. AND MRS. A. T. DOUGLAS AND family wish 'Sb thenk'their many friends and relatives for the kindness :and svmpa't:he• shown them during their recent sad' bereave- ment, also for the heautietrl floret tribtvtes, 4152x1 Births LITTLE --In Scott Memorial Hospital, on. July 6, to Mr. and Mrs.' Edward Little (nee; ,Jean Long), Hensali, a dapgh.ter— Marcia Marguerite. CHESSELL—In Stratford General • Hospital, oh June 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cheseell (nee Doris Eisler, Seaforth), a daughter. RANNIbII---In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, duly 6, to Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rannie, Hensall, a daughter. HAnfil`S---A't Mrs. Godber fT l3ospetai, Exeter, en Friday, July 5, ko Mr. and MTs, Percy Harris, Chiselhurstt, a daughter, elcCLU&,E--In Scott Memorial Hospital, on .JtaIy 5, to Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McClure, Walton, a sdn, M4NAUORTON-•-•-Ire Scott affentorial ',iioapiftia.7., an Joh, '1: .to Mr. end ftfiit. Jame+ 144.- Nnuglsten, KilMen a son 1YIOK--••In Seo'tt Memorial fointitall, on Ttuly 0, to Mx. sin MTS. 7tbti YYtek, Orosnarty, a tan. �t=^401l � taat lt'Contoxldi . fldsyiftal on Jely 10, to 1.r and Mts. „Alvin '1;m , etenrlt$rtpli it lion its+,• ii Witu kiln .i` In Memoriam iam G n•A� nv I,OTJTNG 114EblgRY or 1:14D, Alinwnder Ingram, who entered into rent July 11, 1:948; .. —Ever remembered by the Family. Deaths O'CON'N' LI. --In Dublin. on Tuesday. July Sth, Jane O'Connell, in her 77th year. ZION Miss Doris Annis .and Mrs. John Meagher left on Monday for a trip to Vancouver, Miss Hazel Roney accom- panied them as far as Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb, Phyllis and Ronnie, visited IMr. and Mrs, Dal- ton Malcolm Sunday evening. Misses Anil Park and Shirley Ahrens, Mitchell, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney. this week. Mrs. B. Durst and son spent • Mon- day with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. R. S..Aikens.- - Mrs. boss Gorddhr and;Donna spent Thursday ..with Mr, 'and. Mrs. James Malcolm. , - • :Vlr. Alex Stewart, Brussels, has been visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Albert Roney and Mrs. Roney for the past few days. • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake, of Exeter, and Mrs. H. Workman, Hen - salt, visited ern Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Britton and family, The Woman's Association met at the .home of Mrs. George Pepper on •Wednesday afternoon with a large attendance of members and visitors present. Mrs. Dalton Malcolm pre- sided. Mrs. Daynard read the Scrip- ture lesson; little Joyce Wilson sang a' solo; Mrs. Morley Lannin, Mrs, Earl Barker and _Miss Hazel Roney give readings. `'Three small quilts were quilted and the hSstess served a -delicious lunch, assisted by her daughters, ..Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Glenn Pepper. :Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and Gladys attended the Stacey reunion in Stratford on Friday. BAYFIELD, Mr. Sam Grainger, of London, has recently purchased Mr. Nelson Me- Conkey's' cottage on Huron Terrace: - Mrs. A. Beech and two children, of Toronto, are visiting her parents, 'Mr.• and Mrs, Wm. Higgins. Mr. Charles • •Mothersed ' and son, Garry, of Washington, D.C., are visit- ing his aunt, Mrs. Raymond Bristol, arid' Mr.- Bristol. r Mr. and Mrs. George Howard and two children,' Delores and Eddie, and nephew, Tommy Howard, of Detroit, spent the Fourth of July with M's. William Howard. Delores and To my remained for a longer visit, Bo den Lynn, .,of Toronto, is also the guest of his 'grandmother: Miss Juen Brandon left Iast week for Hamilton, *here she is taking a summer, course in kindergarten work. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scotchmer and 'two Children. of Toronto, left Wed- nesday morning after slien.ding a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Scotchnier. Mr. and MVIr•s. S. B. Sturgeon return- ee to Preston on Sunday after spend- ing. the past week with Mr.• and 'Mrs: E. Sturgeon. • Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Rehn. of De- troit, spent the holiday, with Mr. and Mr's, David Dewar. On their return they were .aceompauied by Mrs. D. Dewar, who will spend a few weeks with them, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Arhens, of De- troit, were at their cottage over the • week -end. Mr. Fred Hess, of Elkhart, Indiana, spent a few days. with Misses M. and E. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, of De- troit, spent the week -end with the for•aer's mother, Mrs. E. Toms. Mrs, W. Grey and Mass Alta Grey, •of -Grosse Pointe, Mich., are spending a few weeks in the village. Mr. W. Grey, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Grey and small son spent the holiday week -end here. • 'Miss Elva Dewar, of Toronto, ar- rived on Saturday .to spend the sum - TgKfiggpsto D, Dewar after taking .a boat 41p u. the Saguenay ^River, Mrs. trial is and dao titer, Aline oil Sault Ste, 11ltarie, ,are spending the summer with the former's u>lo1e, Mt• Frank Keegan. • • Miss" Sandia MacKay, of Detroit, is the guest of her aunt and uncle Mr. and ,Mrs, Hugh MacKay, this week. Members of the Lions Club had, a bee 'ou Monday evening when they cleaned up the brush and debris on the south beach from the pier down to the Point. The Anglican Church camp for the Diocese of Huron, Blue Water High- way South., opened for the season last week with 82 children from •the ages of nine to twelve, who will stay un- til Saturday of this week, The fol- lowing are the staff ror this'• camp: Associate director, Rev. . H, A. . Seeg- milier, Pelee Island; camp director, Ted Southgate, Seaforth; Dean, Rev. L, J. Paterson, Sarnia; card'p mother, -\irs, H. A.• ,Seegmiller; dining room staff, Mrs, 'Moore arid Mrs. Sparks, London; kitchen staff, Mrs. 11/tether-, well and Mrs, Porter, London; nurse, Mrs. Beitry, Wd'odstock; lecturer, Rev. Phil Harding, London; ,handi- craft, Miss M. Styles, London. Miss Alice Dawe, of London, is the guest, tint. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers this 'week. Mr. and Mrs. Har ld ,Weston and family, of Detroit, arrived last Fri- day to spend the summer hi the vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mrs. W. J. McLeod,..Sr, Mr, and' 'Mrs, J. Merner, of Detroit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,Grant Turner Tor a few days this week. Mr: and Mrs, Arthur Ford, of Lon- don, are spending the month of July 'in the village. Mrs. Jim Scott, of Toronto, arriv- ed on Saturday Last to spend the sum- mer with her mother, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner. Mr. 'Scrott ,and ,,Mr. Tedi Bryce, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs. Gairdner. Guests of the Albion Hotel last week -end were: Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert H. Por- ter, Birmingham, :Mich.,; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Gould, Detroit; Misses Melis'se Truitt, Mary Lee Truitt, Betty Lou Bender,. Laurene Shaw, Phyllis Hurcomb, Royal Oak, Mich.; Mr. -Gordon F. Kuntz', Howell, Mich,; Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Ormond, Dearborn, 'Mich.; Misses Pat Murphy and G. Sartor, London; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone, Patricia and Richard, Jr., Detroit. Tie Guild of Trinity Church met at the home of Mrs. N. W, Woods on Thurad'ay• evening -last -wfth. .sixteen. members present. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. . E. Heard. Plans were made to hold a salad tea int the lawn of Mrs. Lam- bert's residence on Clangregor Square on July. 17, also for a bazaar and sale of home-made baking i.••>the old post office on 'Saturday afternoon, August 2.. The meeting was closed' with the Lord's Prayer and 'benedic- tion, Refreshments were served by the- hostess. NSAIi .011 Mr.:Shortt, principal of. Hensali pub- lic school, and Miss 'Barbara Michie and Miss June Brandon, assistants, have been re-engaged ,for another year. Mitchell Reunion The annual - Mitchell reunion was held at Springbank on Saturday, June 28, it being always. held at 'Spring - bank the last Saturday in June. There were over one hundred and fifty rel- atives .present. from Detroit, London, Lucan, Centralia, Exeter and Hen - sail. Those from .•Hensall attending the.: -picnic were .Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Horton ,and Miss Clarissa Mitchell. Meals, including ham 'and, ice cream, were served in -the , pavilion, the tables showing the Mitchells to be good cooks. The 'afternoon was spent 151 -sports, races, eontests and a ball game. When p'r•izes were awarded the nail-drivine contest showed the women can drive nails too. After mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,• supper the president, Dr. S. J. T. huter Service Station HENSALL. , British American Oil - Products ' TRACT R OIL AND GREASE • at tuck delivery price . • GOO'DRIC TIRES - • FARM 'IMPLEMENT TIRES We give good allowance on used tires ;and tubes GIVE USA TRY' ! , NOTICE TO PARENTS • Construction . in progress at Scott Mem- orial Hospital is being hindered by num- bers of . children interfering with work- men. Notice is - given that no responsibility can be assumed by the undersigned in the event of ink . y to any child as a result of • tres- - ss' ><1nI1 an'T�o g soleal property. • , ,SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOARD Bean, of London; gave a. 'splendid ad- e�s. x Two o aI es W AIiA t lent w 0 - ,served si a a& Por the ones wb.Q ,have died. A 'number of relatives nerved in the last war: Rev. 'Spencel' Blair; United Church minister, while- carrying Slip - plies to a. trapped army, was shot and buried in Holland; Capt. J. M. Ander- aori;' adre, who went over the beach- head with ' the Canadian .army, was the only one in the war to receive the ;Military Cross twice for evacuat- ing wounded from the lbattlefielct un- der direct shell Are. His wife is a cousin, the former Helen McMorran of London, Dorothy Knight, R.N., of London, was in operating rooms of casualty hospitals in England; Hol- land and Germany, and was remem- bered in the King'sBirthday Honor Dist Her mm.ber, a tb't eoupiu, died' w4..40 Toro ya a ovexo sa. Misee Knight is now easing for a sick sis- ter near High Park, Ont. PO. Clayton A. Hackett,'of Lucan, received the Air Force. Gross in the King% Birthday Honor List. The family tree of over 4QQ relatives is not yeti completed, as some live in Western Canada, and the United 'States. The Mitchells 'built the first house in Centralia, and some of the first family lived to be nearly' -100 years ,old. The oldest now living are the first cousins, John..T. Mit- chell, 80, of "H`ensall, was the oldest one at the picnic. Mr. John Ingram was taken to St,, Joseph's hospital, London, this week for an emergency operation for ap- pend1oitis. Ml aDesaatnah es AMew a0a,lu. Dpaiayn n a' ' 91 ou Weil nesdaY, July 9, in St. Jose h' I Hospital London, where she wagy taken on Sunday .last suffering with 48,3 rhdeheart rc, onDtcioe}ased-Shweaswas mienm-beher of Hensel] United 'Churl il. Surviving are three sons, Herb. Smith, Exeter;. .Emmerson Smith, ,Kippen, and Mel- vin •Smith; 'Zurich, Azad one daughter„ Mrs, R. J. Green; of Port :Stanley. The 'funeral Will be held trout EontbrOlrel funeral parlor on Friday • at 2 pap, with interment in Easter eem ter,- Rev, R. A Brook will conduct the ser.. vice. '1 - (Additional Hensal News on Page 6).. The biggest two nights fun in years! SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB l2th. ANNUAL RNIVAL SEAFORTH LIONS PARK * ED., JULY 16 - FRI., JULY 18 Program Features FROM A WELL ELEVATED AND ILLUMINATED STAGE — Both Nights — CKNX QUIZ BROADCAST TIME and MONEY A REAL QUIZ CONTEST WITH REAL MONEY PRIZES With Johnny 'Brent as Master of Quiz Carry=over of Prize Money goes into Grand "Jack. Pot" for Friday Night - • ADDED ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY NIGHT • The Radium Rayes A Lady and Gent Roller Skating Team in flourscent technicolor. • Bento Bros. - European Tumbling' Acrobatic Act. • Ben Lucas Cartoonist. ADDED ATTRACTIONS WEDNESDAY NIGHT, •- Max Chagnon . Canada's Prune Minister .of Magic. • The Gold Coins An unusually clever acrobatic due • CKNX Ranch Boys Popular Stars of _Radio and Stage. BANDS.'- BANDS -BANDS SEAFORTHHfG'flLANDERS BAND _ LUCKNOW KILTIE PIPE BAND FRIDAY NIGHT - PRESTON BUGLE BAND Special Attractions fir.. CHAIR+OPLANE RIDES CHILDREN'S MERRY-GO-ROUND It Mammoth FirewoiDlspiay •ks Aerial Bomb Shells, Mortars, Rockets, Wheels and Flares, to thrill both young and old ! 1 OPEN-AIR DANCING On a' Spacious Floor • • WEDNESDAY NIGHT' Music by e THE CKNX RANCH BOYS • FRIDAY NIGHT NORMAN 'CARNEGIE AND HIS BAND, from- Stratford a GAMES GALORE • RING THE MONEY • REFRESHMENT BOOTHS • BINGO - • MERCHANDISE BOOTHS • BUS GAME e •' OVER -AND -UNDER - All Your Favorite Games With Some , New Ones Added! Entire proceeds of Frolic for Lions Welfare Work and Maintenance of LlOUs Free Park and Pool. YOU ENJOY THE PARK. � HELP SUPPO RT IT, PLEASE ! DRAWING FOR $500.00 WORTH OF VALUABLE PRIZE: S A7 MI SIGN° -25c CHILDREN FREE PRBC, PARKING d, st byi John Labatt, '`Limi'ted. This Aa, iiu'bltshe1l ill tJ110 fnlblic �'itere