HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-06-27, Page 41.41 T, lel EOSa ssi1' e S. s Will Be Inserted A. • New Low Cash Rates pet and Found, Etc. --Per word: let week Cent 2nd week } Cent 3rd week Cent Minimum charge, first insertion26 Cents tach figure, initial and abbrey;ation counts as one word. - In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --i tient per worn,' Minimum, x-emr ser +Z�• + u 'ttgitkirleg i. $ he directed to a Box Number, ciao The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra 64 cpntf, agonal will be charged if ads in above class are :not paid, within 10 days of dn4e nal insertion.• ,, )iwairria8es and Deaths inserted free of charge. - 1p 'Salm, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application, Notice To Creditors NOTICE ,TO CREDITORS 50 T-CI1 TO CREDITORS In the *tate of LE1L4. BEATTIE aLLPERSQ . S HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST to 'Estate of Leila Beattie, late of the Town of '4eaforth, Widow, deceased, who died en , or about the 14th day of May. 1947, are *leyebg notified to send in to •the undersigned top or before the 18th day of July, ' 1947, full particulars of thein claims. immediately after the said last mentioned :+dates the asanhs of the said estate will be ddttributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which Via undersign • shall then have notice,. to the exclusion:,lof all others, and the under- • signed will raft be' liable 4o any. person of Whose 21aint the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or 'ere/ part thereof. . DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of June, 1947. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister, Etna Seaforth,, Ont, Solicitor fur .the""Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate iof ANN FERGUSON, late of •- the Village of Hensall, in the Codnty of Huron, Widow, deceaa 4 a' ERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST' • the estate of the said Ann Ferguson, who died on the 14th day 'of June, 1947, are noti- fied to send them to -the undersigned, duly mended, before, the 22nd day of July, 1947. AFTER that], date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have no- DA11:H) at Exeter, the 20th day of June, 1947. FREDERICK W. GLADMAN, ' Exeter, Ontario, • Executor. By GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter. Ontario, His Solicitors. 4150$ NOTICE-1TO CREDITORS . In the •'Estate of JOHN FORREST, Late of the Township of Tackersmith, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of the above deceased are re - (mired to file the same •with the undersigned Solicitor. for the Estate on, or before the 8th day of July, A.D. 1947, after which date the . assets will be distributed amongst the parties. entitled thereto, having regard only to' the claims of which notice shall have been -.given. DATED at Clinton. this lath day of June, A- D. 1947. - . F.-INCLAND; K,C • Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 4149 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of HELEN McINTOSH ' ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Helen McIntosh, bite of the 'flown of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Married Woman, deceased, who died op tlhe 4th day of June, 1947, are hereby noti- fied. to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of July, 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed, having, regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 26.thh day of June, 1947. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4150-3 Lost and Found - LOST --A SHOULDER PURSE ON MAIN Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday evening. Finder please notify Box 670, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4150-1 • LOS,T—TWO CHILDREN'S COATS, ONE brown tweed and one spring overcoat, -at Lions Club Park. • Anyone knowing the' whereabouts of these coats, please phone .MRS, WILFRED TREMEAR, 653 r 23. Sea - forth. . • 4150-1 In the Estate of HUGH MURE CHESNEY ALL PERSONS -HAVING CLADIS AGAINST the Estate oaf Hugh .lure Chesney. late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the Coun- ty. of . Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 3rd day of June, 1947, are hereby notified td send . in fu;1 particulars of their claims to 'the •undersigned on or before the 5th day of July, 1917 after which date' the assets will be distributed, having regard only" to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 17th day of June, 1947. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4149-3 NOTICE, TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CLARE ECKERT- ALI, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST } the Estate of Glare Eckert, late of the Township of McKillop, School Teacher, de- ceased, who died on the 29th day of Novem- '-lier, 1946,' 9Sh hereby notified to send in full particulars of their cY•ia.vs to the undersign- ed on or before - the 23th day of June, 1947, after which date the assets will be distribut- ed,,, having regard only to the claims then ri reaeived- 'i DATED at Seaforth, this 6th day of June, 1947. • McCONNE.LL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator. . . ._. - 414$ -3 - NOTICE TO: CREDITORS In the' Estate of MARGARET, ANN SCOTT ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS"AGAINST the ,Estate of Margaret Ann Scott, late of the Town of Seaforth, deceased, who died on of -bout, the 1st day of June,-. 19'47, are bereblc. notified to send in to the' undersigned on or befdre the 4th day of July, 1947, full, particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentiofted date, the assets.of the said estate will be distributed a'aaongst t7re parties entitled there to, having regard only to claims, of which the undersigned shall then have notice. to the exclusion of all others. and the under- si ned will not be lieale. to any person of Whose claim the undersigned shall net then have notice for the asses se distributed or any part thereof. ' „DATED at Seorth, this 9th day of June, 1947..::..-. . 'eLVIN W. SILLERY • Barrister, Etc,., Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Administrator. .. 41.41-3 Popular Stallions Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED For Purchase of Henhouse TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR THE purchase of a frame henhouse, 12 feet by, -22 feet, up to and Including July 5, 1947. Building must be removed within two wee]® of acceptance of tender. Address tenders to ' P. D. •McCONNELL, Secretary, Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. 4150.2 Ft r Sale 'OR SALE—POTATOES, SUITABLE FOR seed- Apply LOOKERS FEED. STORE. Phone 2, Mitchell. 4150-1 FOR SALE—MASSEY-HARRI9, HAY LOAD- er. Apply ' WILLIAM "ALEXANDER, ,Walton. Phone 848 r 15, Seaforth. - 4150x1 „JUST ARRIVED --1' NEW BISSEL T'RAC- ' for double—dist, 12-plate-"-frdnt;... 14. rear. V. J. LANE, Fleury-Bissel Agent. • 4150-f greOLLIE . PUPS—STARTING TO v HOWARD WRIGHT, Cromarty. 90 r 22. Hec+sall. HEEL. Phone 4150x2 FOR SALE --1 1930 CHEVROLET COACH, in A-1 condition: cheap fi,r quick sale: Apply ac THE HURON EXPOSITOR. " 4150x1 FOR SALE—STUDEP,AKER COMMANDER, run 16.000 miles ; in good condition. New battery. Apply to T. S. SMITH, John St., Seaforth. 4150x1 FOR SALE -2 QAR RADIOS (PHILCO),; Can be seen at W. G. Wright's Garage. CLAYTON J. DENNIS. 4150x1 FOR ..SAT F 1931 FORD- PANEL TRUCK, .1 new tires and- spare, in good running c•;ndition• Apply • to GRAHAM . ARTHUR, Indian Service Station, ,Eaeter. • 415Cx1 FOR SALE—RUBBER TIRED WAGON, .$55; 7 -foo, grain' binder, .$7',.00; hay rake, 52.5.05; two Collie pups. Would trade for lives:a: or half cash. W: B. THOMP- SON, No. 8 Highway, 2 miles west of Clin- ton. . ' 4150x1 FOR SAIF.—.TWO DARK ROAN SHORT - horn bulls, 12 months old. Real - good animals, and are to be seen on Lot 27, Con, 8, Hibbert JAMES HILL, •Staffa. 4149x3 FOR SALE -150 CORDS OF MAPLE' BODY and limb 'Wood: building 101 a 161; Me,Cormick-Deering milking machine; black mare six years old. PERCY ADAMS, Staffs, Phone 13-12, Dublin. 4148-3 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE,„ OF HOUSF, hold 'Efects, in the .Village of. Varna, on Satiirday,'.June 25th. at 2 p.m'. at the home of Mrs. C. Swish; Three-piece` chesterfield suite ; dizting room "table ; dining roam chairs and arm chair; extension table; buffet: -glass 'cupboard ; electric radio: coeds ; coal oil stove with oven; wand ,d,eater and pipes ; 3 kitchen chairs: porcelain tap table: 2 erpaIl table:.: end table: fern stand: toilet set • trunks ; dishes kitchen utensils,' . and son hooked rugs. Terms — Cash. MRS. C Proarietros; Harold Jackson Auctioneer. 4141-' AUCTION -SALE OF PROPER'tZ ANI Household Effect. in the Village of Dub lin, on Wednesday, Jule 9th, at- 1.30 p.m. PROPERTY- --7'rt:.ma -house. situate' on •th- hi_s-itv.ay west of Dublin: 1t„ storey. 6-roc,n hnu-e and 'hod. CONTENTS-2 double bedl c:ea:a- a 1 single lad : ,stair carpet: Premie' va,-uuh, cleaner: set o't attachments for, Racer cleaner; I electric table lamp: feather 1-W:rm., : 7 Hair hlgn vn:our ,'.rf.pe - pair= Wanted e a ' AN'fiED---ilhiFURN SEED ROQM$. - DR apartment, by couple. No children; no dog. Husband traveller. Willing to pay up to $30 per month. P1QNE 214, Seaforth. 4150x1 '" Help Wanted '"ANTED– ACTIVE AGENT FOR DE Laval agency lines. Reply G. DUNHAM. Milverton- O MEN WANTED—TO WORK AT PROCESS- ing plant ;Iighest wages for good. ,men. SEAFOR,TH PRODUCE, LTD. 4149.2 • Personals', HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (13>aPBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with. price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept T-73, NOVA,RUBBER CO., lit, Hamilton, Ont. _Bra Notices ICE—I WILL DELIVER ICE TO ANY home in town, Also have some slab wood for Sale. WILLIAM SWAN. Phone 86-R, Seaforth. 4150x1 I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF Whitew'shing with power machine •AP - ply to FRED HARBURN, R.R. 3, Dublin. Phone 44 r 9. 4150x4 IDANCE TO THE MUSIC OF ROSS PEARCE and the Melody Masters every Saturday night at Mitchell's newly decorated Arena. Auspices of Lions Club. , 4149-2 ASTHMA SUFFERERS-ENN'OY A GOOD night's sleep, without coughing or chola Ing as others are doing. For free information write. F. L. HOWEY, 144 Catherine South. Hamilton. 4147xS Farms For Sale . ' TOR SALE • , , Grass Farm n00 Acres, part bush; Let 21, Concession 7, Hullebt Apply NORMAN BALL, Clinton` ( Phone 236, or FRED LAWSON . 578 King St. West, Toronto 1 •^• 4150-4 ' Births HOEGY–In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 23, to Mr. ,and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy, Brod- hagen, a daughter. TOWNSEND—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Towns- end, Seaforth, a. daughter. AIKENHHAD—In Scott Memorial Hospital. on June 25, to Mr, and Mrs.. William Aik- enhead, Kippen, a daughter. ROCK—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 18. to Mr. and Mrs. Christian Rock, R.R. 2, Monkton, a daughter. McLEAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jape 2.1. to Mr. and ,Mrs. K. '1.. McLean, _. _ Seaforth, a daughter,— - - -. -. CLINTON ' Mrs. Ruth Tiplady, of Varna,. has beep visiting relatives and friends i'h Clintori', . Mrs. M. E. McFadden has returned to her home in Cookstown after vis- iting her sister. Miss B. Cornish, for two .weeks. . Mr. 'and Mrs. C. Gregg and family, of Huntsville. have been visiting with Mr.^ and Mrs. E. Trick. HENS ALL . s .aars� Girl Guides Concert will be''held in the Hensall Town Hal], Friday, June 27th, S p.m.. And will consist of dame - .es, drills, songs., one -;act play',, and presentation of emblems. Admission 35c and 20c,- •' ` (Continued from Page 1) articles and 90 knitted pieces), and 212 ditty bags, ' making a ;total' of 17,317 articles.. In addition to this hand -work, ap- proximately 3.873 pounds -.6f jam' were prepared and shipped. The Women's Institute' deserves the credit for sup- erintending this task, About -fifty' citizens gave regular blood donations at the clinics in Sea - forth, Clinton and Exeter: thus help- ing to keep the much-needed supply up to requirements, • A nursing• class of 34 members was instructed by Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Lawrence,. assisted by other nurses of the community. Several of the most valued workers, were called away by death during these years. At ,the conclusion of the •war the `interest lessened to some extent and it was thought wise to disband for the present. At a meeting of the executive on Jan,,. 17, 1947, the char ter wa.s returned to headquarters. The village' and district women however, have continued sewing anc knitting, under the direction of the various church organizations, and ex ' . pert to continue this part of the wort • until the need ceases. , seine v ,'lour drapes:""-' s ,ettrtuc, table:; : odrl tables: etas: of drawers : hall minor:' tapestry carpet :;.a: heneini: lamp; small table lamp: ,xlrl chairs : 2 Strive; crocks : Ian : toilet eel; Grade A Premium 'Horse • The Pure Bred Perchd.ron Stallion ST. BLAIN MARQUIS [17084] Enren:ent No. all Form 1, First Class I Monday, Tu. -day --Vicinity of Kippen and , south. Wednesday. Thursday—Vicinity of Farqu- bar and South. - Friday, Saturday—Vicinity of Dublin and Seaforth. Terms—$2.00 down : 812 April 1. 1948. Phones: 882 r 24. Hensall: 14 r 14, Dublin. WTLI,,IAM COLE, Proprietor and Manager. 4147 -di Enrolment No. '2921 • Form 2 The Clydesdale Stallion FYVIE SP 1-PLE (29930) The property of George and Frank Coyne, Staffs • Phone 43 r 27, Dublin' Will stand for the improvement Of stock at Lot 22, Concession 7, Hibbert, Fyvie Sample, a 3 -year-old, is bay, with aace'and legs white, and carries a B Prem- ium, the highest allowed a colt his age. Be is a , grand, • thick weight, beautifully balanced young stallion, built on true draught, horie lines; dial possessirtfc, lots Of Clydesdale character. He is up to a good size for his age; standing . on a sit of • sound feet and Ie13a with. fine quality .broad; flat bones, . " • . Tett:le-415.00. payable March, 1, 1948, All. nebciden'ts at owner's risk. , 4147-tf Enrolment, No. 3844_ Farm 1 The C)gdesdale Stoillion INSPIRATION ' 28006 Will stand for the improvement of stock . et his own stable at Kippen Pot the season. ,Attia'isgements AMY be made be 'have Inspira- ..11on trucked to ,bay parties Smiting. Iticaufirseloo, dk decd .of Lockindar (Imp.) " t2541; 1"1411 ' 3d black, stripe, nigh fore 1t9tfd "lege*bite; bieilbir 3. E. Faleonbr. Otteetterit s,k:• 14Alii'" 3+11 le fdiiar& 1; 1948. IOUs w: 111Yati�, . t'Y#ii t atit . - iiostar, �lioifp t4 k 45x4' 5 pairs curtairta ;' cougoleum' rug ; t welA table cloths, etc.; hall oilcloth : dining room neer c,,,., tone • linin • room tal,lc : 2 cleats: odd dish's : t'oSp drape' ; gra-� ruplr,a'ol : k it- a•ci'l 051.', • ail err : '+r, iv-. and fn -k: and spoon' ; 1 rose nag scatter rugs : bedspreads. Terms=Cash. Prppl;rty Etate: of 'late .MAR- C•.ARET MA l'kI11' ; Executors. Clara Wool- att. Olive cClarey: Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. ' , 4150-1 AR UCTION SALE .OF HOUSEHOLD FUN1- Sure and Effect at the recidenee of John A. Stewart, High Street. Seaforth. on Satur- day, July 5th, at 1.80 p.m., the following: One Quebec conk stove: 1 coal oil stove: i half round extension table with extra leaves I square end extension table with leaves ; 2 small table.: 1 set furniture 5 -piece parlor suite; 1 floor lamp: 1 bookcase: 2 wail pan- • els (hand painted') ; I wicker chair; 1 Otto- man; 1 work basket (2 decks) ; 3 floor roes (good condition) : 5 pairs curtains, long ; 1 sideboard with mirrot - 15 "Pieces Lemoges china; fancy cups and saucers : 1 electric ,iron: 4 kitchen chair,;., 1 arm chair; 2 rocker, 1' antique ; 1 davenport and bed com- bined with mattress ; 3 bedroom suites with springs and mattresses'; 1 cheatof drawer 3 oil paintings: hall rack with mirror; 1 ice box; 1 'ki4:ehen extension table with bread - flour bin and drawers; 2 hand• lamps: 1- set of irons : 2 toilet sets r cedar , chest; 1 cup- bdard for corer; some tools, braces, hada mer, saws : 1 lawn mower: 1 garden cultiva- tor ; garden tools : 3 rakes for raking leaves 2 flower stands; bedding, blankets, bed cov- er and -a host of dishes, kitchen utensils: several crocks and... germ''; 2 bedroom suites:. 1 rug; 1 square linoleum: 1 linoleum rug: 1 conch; 1 arm chair; 1 radio, overhauled ; 2 tables, extension, with extra, leaves: 1 hail rack; 1 seeretary, solid dak, with drawer ; 1 sideboard; a davenport, oak; 1 bbokease ; 2 carpet sw ers ; dishes, fancy china; 4 tons coal' and coke; 5 carpets Aloninster; 1 can McDonald brier; 1 large Oil can; 1 large sprinkling, esti; 2 small ones; 8 beds and tether' contents ; 2 setsspa'mgs • 1 chest draw- etli ; snptll tables; rocking �elmOrs-; porch fu'tfsfture; 1 kitche'g-,s4ibve-with oven; 1 col- lsldsible steel` bed with sprint and mattress ; 1 lassie blanket (Collet:) larn,•e' quilt ban 1 "Webster dictionoW1 gna,hiity ' bed c)atb /OAR A. S'r`EWA1th , Proprietor; E. P. Cb ' they, Clerk; -Humid Jackson, oluetio'deex. 4.150x2 ir Dignan, We, R, *Drysdale; Wheeib�a,r row race,, Ed.'. 'Corbett and' Ale Munn; c Mrs.so M n k7, kths�sipper, Edi n Forrest; children's race, Donnie Kyle; pass the -ball, Harry Armstrong's group. A haro raisin' was held Tuesday, .June ,24, at'the. farm of Mr. • Stewart Bell, 2nd conoessiori of. Hay. Sixteen neighbors and • friends assisted with the raising. New Books -at Public Library Non'Fictionr,=llxra. Tim Gets a Job; Stevenson; Another Claudia, Feanit-; en; Dunkerleys, Spring; Black. FOun ' tains, Wynd; The Wide House, Cald- well; The Light Heart, Thau'se; Mrs. Mike, Freedman; Storm Tide; Ogil- vie; The Walls of Jericho, Wellman; Touchstone, Janel-Lillian; Who Has' Seen the Wind? Mitchell; The Coat I Wore, Finlay; Banner by the Way- side, Adams; The Border Lord, Wes - Cott; The Upstart, Marshall; 'Keeper of the Faith,' 'Loring; Green Grass of Wyoming, O'Hara; Wind Without Rain, Dewdney. Mystery Fiction—Not Dead 'Enough, Stout; Going, Going, Gone, Taylor; The Case of the Gold'Digger's Purse, Gardner; Till Death Us Do Part,. Carr; Payoff For lf Banker, .. Leek - ridge; Alibi For Isabel, Rinehart.; Dark Passage,' Goodis. Western --Death Rides the Night, Field; Black' Thunder, Bower; Sha- dow on the Trail, Grey; Gun Feud, Mann Silver Tips Search, $gaud; Wild Cot 13, Gill. Fiction, Romance—Sleeping Beauty, Baldwin; Something Special,- Bald- win; Continental Revue, Hambrick; Rainbow At Dusk, Loring; Judge Rankin's' Daughter, Glaspoll; Dark Sails, Miller;,, Wicked Sister, Miller; Home To the Hills, Wright; Where Two Ways., Meet, Hill; She Married a•• -Doctor, Walker. Juvenile Fiction — With a High Heart, De .Leenu; Doctor Ellen, De Leenuw; Crossroads For , Penelope, Thompson; Quest` in the Northland, Yates; Famous Composers For Young 'People, Burcle-, . Secret of the Bay, Radford; Boy With a Pack, 'Meader; Bright Spurs, Ton' Tempaki; Straw- berry Roan,. Lang; The Rocket's Sha- dow; Blaine; The -Lost City, Blaine; Middle Sister, . Mason; Dr. George Washington Carver (Scientist), Gra- ham; Maida's Little Theatre, Irwin; Bobby's Twins '"Alt Sugar Maple Hill, Hope; Winging Her'way, O'Malley; Spurs For Susanna, Cavanna; The Silver Robin, Marshall; Whispering Walls,-' Wirt; Mystery Off Pirates Point, Wadsworth; Sky Freighter, Brier; Trudy Terrill, Bryant; Moun- tain Pony, Larow; Penny Marsh add. Ginger Lee,' Dermig; Dave Dawson at `)"chat,, I ,Ql�fer; J'11Pc' t'.dden T''easure of Giaston, xewett; ilea Grow -t1 I''fl 'Fie•a `e h. r , • I Grow '13 r'1age� n p_ I'll Be a Nurs-e, ,WRI r}' I Grow 'Go I'll Be a Farmer, Rifkin; Such, a' Kind, World, rant; Sloppy, Church; Three Little Kittens, Merritt Wheo Grand- ma Was a.""Little 'Girl, Koehler; The Story:of `Little Goody"Two Shoes, Gil- lespie; 'Gitickttn Little Count tq • Ten, 'Friskey; 'The Golden -.Egg Book, Breyn; The Little Fire Engine, Len: ski; Big Book .. of Animal Stories, Smith; Knights of the Vegetable, Kelly; The Valiant Little Tailor,' ' Pringle; The Little 13oy Who Ran Away, Lacy; The Wonderful Tar Baby, Parimer; 'Dogs, Byres:' Non-Fiction—Canterliury Tales in. Modern' Engli"s'h, Nicolson; China's Destiny, Chiang . Kai-Shek; Brave Harvest, Haig; The Doctor Has a Baby, Barking; - Humau Destiny, , Du Norry; Understanding the Christian Faith, -Harkness; Man . Does' Not Stand Alone, -Morrison; Final , Judg- metit, Bernstein; Three Came Home, Keith; The Fireside Book of Ghost Stories, Wagenknecht; The Dog Own- er's Manual, Rine; 'Taint Runnin' No More (Thee Story of ' Grand•.. Bend, the Pinery and the Old River Bed),' Fox; Roses in, December, Jaques; Dr ft - „;coed Valley, Stanwell; This is Pho- tography, Miller; Modern Card Tricks and Secrets of Magic, Blackstones' ; 400 Tricks You Can' do, Thurston. Deters = Garratt St. Mark's Anglican Church, Ham- ilton, was the scene . of a lovely wed- ding Saturday, when Mona Frances,, daughter of Mrs. Alice Garratt, Mel- ita, Manitoba, became the bride of Carl Frederick Deters, son of Mr. and Mrs: F. Daters, of Hensall. •Rev. W. A. Henderson officiated. Given in marriage, by her brother, James Gar- ratt, the bride was lodely in a floor- length'gown of chantilly lace over taf- feta, fashioned with eight fitting bod- ice and yoke of net, ,the full peplum falling into a fish tail back. effect,,Her long veil was caught with a seed pearl, headdress- in orange blossom effect, and her- cascade bouquet was of pink- roses, lilies of the valley` and white sweet Peas. Asn bridesmaid, Miss Barbara Paton was gowned in 'pink net over. taffeta with matching headdress and nosegay of pink sweet peas, Briarc'liffe roses and `,blue iris. James Finucane was grooms'nlan with Wilfred Garratt, brother of the bride, ushering. Miss Mary 'Barker was soloist- and during the signing, of the register sang "0 Perfect Love." A reception at Rycroft Inn was held for forty guests. -The groom's mother wore a shark silk suit with pink car- nation corsage. The 'bride's mother THE -NEW-197 "R5A�DKiNG9, Ali -Steel Pneumatic Tired Wagon,' with its new heavy duty axles and entire steel..spoked drop ,centre Wheels. Completely equipped with" Timken Roller Bearings,. The hitch runs also on roller bearings giving • absolute protection from shimmy and sway, • Box .Stakes designed for 211 x 411 posts and is adapted for any st'y;,le of body. • $199.50 with 600-16 4 -ply ' tires t : �> F.O.B. I' Listowel . .:., 1 Dealers Want- ed in this Dis- trict.,. LISTOWEL MACHINE ' CO. LISTOWEL — ONTARIO ... Thomson Reunion The annual Thomson reunion was heli al Harbor Park. Gori.erich, Sat- urday, with members of the clan pres- ent from Uon4ion. K.;;ppen, auburn, Mitchell. Dublin. Bruce -field and. Hen- sall. With ideal aseather the event was. much enjoyed. Sports were run off in , charge of Mrs. Norman Stan - lake, of Exeter, and' Bert Thomson, of 'Kipper. The oldest person present at the event avas M]•, Samuel Thom- son, of Br11cefleld. and the youngest was Dorothy Cornish. of Gederich. Election of officers were as follows: President, Robert Thomson„Kippen; Kippen; vice-president, John Pepper, Hensall; secretary -treasurer. Mrs, C. Priestap, Mitchell; sports. Miss Jean Alexan- der, Hensall; Lloyd .Thomson, Bruce - field; lunch committee. Mrs. "H. Work- man and Mrs John Pepper, Hensall. The' 1943 reunion will be held at the farm home of Elgin Thom -son, of Blucefield. Miss Mary Goodwin is spending this week ,in Toronto, the' -guest 'of Miss Elaine Peck. •Evelyn] and Jean Hyde are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. John Ryde,. Of Kircpen: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. 'Green, at Port Stanley. Hold Class Picnic The annual Wohelo Class picnic (Miss Ellis,. teacher) was held - at Turnbull's Grove Tuesday'. evening with a large attendance of Members, guests and 'children. Following the delicious picnic sapper, —Was was heartily enjoyed by all, as period of baseball was indulged in.. Miss. Male and Miss hiargar t Glenii''conducted an interesting serlj 's of sport; as fol- lows:- 'Men's rase, Ed. Corbett, Da d Kyle; ladies' race, Miss' Michie, 'Mrs. ,f` War�.,ttna$Ie. to attends ' The eo ple left for -a lioueynlloon trio to xTew York, the bride travelling el'lutg in a' medium blge, wool suit With black accessories and: Briartliffe rpses, They will reside in. IdInHtgn. .Attending trona Staffs were Mr, 'and 'Mrs. Henry' Ha -burn,• and from Exeter, M'r. and Mrs. Simp- soYi and family. (Additional Hensall News • on Page .3) , Day and Night Seyvice PHONE 355 CLAYTON J. DENNIS Succesdor to J. CO!' ilaT Notice to Owners or Harbourers., of Dogs IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TIICKER$MJTH ,Owing to the excessive' damage . being •done in • the killing of poultry by dogs running at large in the Township of Tuckersmith, the Municipal Count; cif 'requests the cooperation of the ratepayers in curtailing such damage. It is suggested. that.. owners, keeps dogs tied. from sunset to sunrise and under proper control at all , times. If such co-operation is not forthcoming, it will be necessary for the Council to enforce, Sec. 9, Part 2, of the Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, R.S.O. 1937, which provides that any person may kill any dog (a) which is found killing`or. injur- ing Iivestock, or • (b) which in a township 'or village is found between sunset and sunrise straying from the premises where the dog is -habitually kept, or (c) which is found straying at any' time and not under proper control where livestock are habitually kept. - E. P. ' CHESNEY, Clerk., A i KODAKS A GOOD STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM Get Yours Before the Stock, is Exhausted ! BROWNIE TARGET SIX 20 ....... , ... BROWNIE TARGET SIX 16' BROWNIE REFLEX KODAK--VIGI-LANT 6-20 _ KODAK' VIGILANT 6-20, 8.8 Lens KODAK VIGILANT 6-20, 6.3 Lens MOVIE CAMERA, 2.9. Lens $5.00 $5.75 $9.25 -$15,00. $25.00 $30,00 $75.00 Don't Miss This Opportunity To Select Your Favorite Kodak NOW ! at - IDDL TO 'S DRUG' STORE HENSALL PHONE 20 u Dead and Disabled Animals 'REMOVED PROMPTLY . PHONE COLLECT: SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 1. DARLING AND CO. ' OF CANADA, 'LTD. -1; W E KNOW you've wondered if Hudsons are as thrilling to drive as they are to look at. So there's a driver's seat'in a new Hudson' awaiting you at your nearby dealer's. • Take the wheel ! There is something easier about Hudson steering.. Press lightly on the accelerator. There's a rushry,of•silent power from a Super -Six or Super -Eight engine that makes 'you think of an eagle's swoop.. On the'highway, arrow -like steadiness, -road-hugging smoothness, make you think maybe dreams can come true. 'And this one does! Your Hudson dealer will show you the • features described at the right, which are all yours, but only in Hudson. g:fEaw?MrT`,y ...ass's SEE YOUR HUDSON ' DEALER COOK BROS. HENSALL All yours, bue. only in Hudson: Choice of 2 famous engines—Super-Six, Super -Eight Patented Double -Safe .Brakes• • r'.�. Balanced Combine- , lion—Coil and Leaf Springs Hudson Drive-Masfe r , Patented Auto,Poise Control True Center -Point Steering .Chrome Alloy Motor Block • Fluid-CubhJonod Clutch Hudson Weather - Master Alrfoam SeaiCushions Two Fafnpus_linea',.. Super and Comma- dotro Series MURPHY BRO CLINTON r._ ':ed