HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-06-20, Page 5, JUNE' gQ, 947 en Prices We are - ...aYing top prices � i E.EGAIWLESS OF WEIGHT for "A" GRADE HENS Seaforth Produce Co. Dead and .Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 DARLING ,AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS, LIMITED Seaforth, Ont. Phone 354 • NOW OPEN.'.. Balanced. Ration Plant of TURGEON GRAIN & PROCESSED FEEDS Manufacturing PIG . STARTER , HOG FATTENER HOG GROWER DAIRY RATION CALF MEAL CHICK STARTER CHICK GROWER LAYING MASH Are now available to Dealers, Wholesalers, Retailers and Farmers AT MILL DOOR GROUND WHEAT W.IIOLE WHEAT BARLEY MEAL WHOLE BARLEY GROUND OATS ROLL CRUSHED OATS WHOLE OATS EXCELLENCE FEEDS -EXCELLENCE IN NAME AND QUALITY " $ETCOU TY RATE (QQn'tinlaed franc: Patel) one way, as reeQznaarentied by .tie B44040 011 'Coui untie. The. cpllnty !health • nurses' salaries were autharized, to be increased by $100.00. The salaries at 100414 are $1,500 and $1,600 for •assistant nurses and $1;8Q0 for the supervisor. The increase was 'recommendedr by the health and hospital, committee. it was urgedthat every county council- lor• assist in the restoration Of aura- ing training schools in the our cauu- :y hospitals. The County Hom Committee re- ported that 12 lots adjacent to the countywwnec lots -had ,been purchas- ed in Clinton cemetery. The contract for supplying markers for the 120 graves was awarded TUtos`• Pryde, Ex- eter, c'at $12 each. Awnings costing $195, and a, potato peeler, 'also cost- ing $195, had been purchased. Approval was given a motion by Reeves 'Tuckey and N. R. Dorrance, that the Ontario Provincial Police be Petitioned tq lend any assistance tQ the six centres in Huron County that • The Great Day is 'Almost dere Again Canada's great day of music and entertainment at Waterloo, Ontario, in beautiful Waterloo Park. Music all day and evening. Scotch Dancing and Piping Contests. Contests for Bands and Instrumentalists from 8.00 in the morning. Monster Musical Tattaa in, the evening. Great display' of bands and fireworks. Come early and bring your family. Ample parking space, for cars and buses. 'Food on the grounds, or bring your own. A great thrill for young and old • alike. REMEMBER THE DATE—SATURDAY, JUNE 28, RAIN OR SHINE, FOR SALE Modern stuccoed house; 3 -piece bathroom, hot water heating system. Prompt possession. E. C: CHAMBERLAIN Insurance, Real Estate SEAFORTH - ONT. araintaia �tlieir'' pwlt �di4 force's— Wi .g'ilanit, • Godericil,� .004_ north, C11n•' On, Grand Fend ; %ter---when -reyueate t 'by peldlce t1; "q fieials in these; ,_centres, at no additional cost to the municipality The hearing of tCOlani.t` ee reports. caeuiried the „morning session Pimp - day. " In the > to rx<d"out 'ti7ie members left by chartered ins fo.; London, tos be the guests ,•of iiia:&' frgtiversitp of Western Ontario• Council gave conslderation to the. arrangemthn.t entered fr&to with the province whereby' Che• province will assume responsibility- for policing the county as of Anglia 1. " C'hairman Cecil ';heeler said the police committee • had given the change -over considerable thought, and Warden' Brown Smyth gave the information that the 'province wall equip all police cars with radio, and the system will be centralized in God- erich. Huron County WouId ave 'been faced, with the necessity of equipping all cars with radio at acost of $700 each. McKILLOP -"-Lather - Manley St, Patrick's Church, Dublin, was the scene of apretty wedding on Sat- urday, June 14, at 10 a.m., whe' Mary Bernice, • daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. William J. 'Manley, ,of IMcHiliop, was united in marriage to William Robert Lattner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lattner, Wendell'. Ave., Kitchel{.er. The bride was given in marriageby her father and ch'gse an ivory satin gown with a net yokewith appliqued satin leaves encircling„ the yoke and terminating in centre front with a long satin rose. The full bouffant skirt was enhanced by several satin. roses, and a double full length French net veil delicately fell from a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of red roses. The matron of, honor wd,s Mrs. Peter McLaughlin, of Wanton„ sister of the bride, who wore a floor -length flowered silk • jersey gown with cape sleeves and draped waistline and pencil slim skirt. She wore a large crownless hat and car - 4 PROCLAMATION TWO of Seaforth On instructions from the Council, I hereby pro- claim that no ,dogs shall be• allowed to rug at large in the Town, of Seaforth during the period, - of May 15, 1947, to August 31, 1947. Under' authority of By -Law. No. 111, for £he Town. of Seaforth, any dogs so found running. at large, contrary to this Proclamation, shall be . liable, to be killed and the owner or harborer prosecuted. M. A. REID, Mayor. NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or har- boring dogs must purchase 1947 License for same on or before 1st July, 1947. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or. from the Tax Collec- tor, J. Cummings. After that date summonses through the court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MUST WEAR TAGS Free .,. Free ... Free! Here is An Opportunity to. Win a Handsome Gift FREE 1st PRIZE: A BEAUTIFUL NEW Northern Electric Radio 2nd PRIZE: I, eed ear. Automatic Iron Contest runs from June 6th to June 30th. 'All you do is guess closest to the number of Beans in the glass -'jar; how on display in the window of ALK ]ilectric SEAFORTH 'r;•:1 l'v areti:.ia:+;w.. i..u_e" .,�.:z:. "' .:::. <.;•.u.. !sc `� �e,:�a ...: ONTARIO FARE: AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going all day Monday, June 3Oth, until 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 1st. RETURN LIMIT:. Leave destination not later than midnight Wednes= day, July 2nd. Standard Mao Consult any Railway Agent. Motorways Travel System NEW SUMMER SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22nd ON ALL ROUTES departure o s Frequent t e Motorways schedules ole with waKe e11- econnebtio s way to tin handy Quo it the v,,here You l in go When you -like co rhes • to easy. riding -low lases to Motorw s of Western - Ontario "el paw maK trate% easy on budget. • London—Owen Sound • "London—Hanover • London—Palmerston • London—Goderich • Stratford-=-Goder-ielr • Stratford—Woodstock • Kitchener -Kincardine • Guelph -Southampton Consult Your Western Ont;r'io Motorways Agent .for Complete Schedule Information THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS LIMITED HEAD OFFICE -- 318 COLSORNE ST., LONDON wed a; boli ue fffi,1!a, x , Rsef, _. bridesmaid Was is 41t0"a Souls 44 MKt11,04er,. 'art was gowaled ei ilariy' 1Q tea. ?nlatrgz4 hn. Mr,, J:erozne Mnlie;ir, 11foKa11oft p,owaors t' best main, omit ;the ussbera -were Roy Lattner, •of Kitchener, and Peter -N Laughlin, Wlkixon. -'The ohurch Was. decorated with lovely summer Ilowers� and Rev'. Dr. Ffoulises, T]uklin, w•aa, they offleiating - clergyman, with Rev. T. Q. Sobigch and Rev. H. Feeney, or Kitchener, -.,present. ire-the.Sanotuany, A wedding .breakfast was lkerved) et the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, tot lowed by a reception at the bonne. of 'the bride's. parents. Mrs. Manley re- ceived in a mauve crepe dress with gray accessories and wore a corsage of Talisman roses. Mr. and Mrs. Lattner left on a weding trip. to the United •States, the ride wearing a two-piece navy blue crepe suit with white accessories. Out-of-town guests were present from Kit -oftener, Chat- ham, hatham, London, Stratford and 'Seaforth. CROMARTY Lamps.—Specials on floor lamps, tri -light lamps/ and bridge lamps. . F. Kling; Seaforth. Phone 19. - Personals: Mrs. Bessie. MacDonald, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Jno: Young; Woodstock, Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Gra- ham, London, and, Geo. Russell, Car- lingford, with Miss Mary B. tC,urrie; Miss Christina M''cKaig has returned to Vancouver; 'Mr. and -Mrs. Tuffln, Leamington, with Mr. and- MK-Dar-rell Parker; Lindsay McKellar at his home here. . TUCKERSMITH Lamps.—Specials on floor lamps, tri -light lamps and bridge lambs. F. Kling, Seaforth: • r Phone 13. The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club held their. June meeting Thursday at Mrs. Howard Johns' with 16 members, 12 visitors and six children present. Two letters of thanks were read from Mrs. Jack Turner and 'Mrs.' Bert Garrett. Group 1 is in charge of cleaning,.the church for June, Gi•oup 2 for July, Group 8 for August. Mr F. Walters suggested the club dontie three small lamps to the hospital, and. Mrs. Mc- Gregor seconded it. The July meet- ing will be held at the hpme of Mrs. Ray Fear on Thursday, July 3. Mrs,. Wm. Pepper suggested a •pot -luck sup- per and- Mrs. Les Lawson seconded it, the social committee to be in charg,e...,:1trs. Waited; Pepper, was ap- pointed treasurer and Mrs. Les. Law- son assistant secretary -treasurer. The meeting closed with "God Save the King.", WINTHROP Lamps.—Specials On floor lamps', tri -light lamps and bridge lamps. F. Klia,g Seaforth. Phone 19. Mr, E. ITa .se, Mrs. Margaret t.-Iorne and ?tr. and Mrs: A•Ilan Campbell and children. visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase. and 'family, near London. 'The Helping Hand Mission Band, 01 •CavanChi,trch, \\i11'meet in the schoolroom of the• church on Satur- •lay. June 21 at 2 p.m., i7.5 T. . Mr. and 11r W. 0, Hodge. of Mer- 'riton: Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Hodge, of Sit. Catharines, and :1tr. -,Ind Nor - *ran 'storey at:d ite r ith \Ir.i. Margaret Hoin•e .and Mr. E. Haase., • Mr. R. K. -''Davidson spe;at (he •week- end in London. Mr. and Mrs. Sam, McSpadden and family are. spending •thr:ir holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor .and children, •Staffa, visited with Mr, and Mrs, W. A. McClure, . Harlock-,, and Mr. and Mrs. J. McClure 'on Sunday: - Mrs. Ed. Junek and two children, of Sarnia, are visiting Mrs, Archie Kerr .and• Mrs. Gordon McKenzie "and other relatives. Mrs,: C. Hawley, Seafor'.th, and Mrs. E. •Hawle.y, Winthrop, were guests at rile frousseau tea last Thursday at the Robt. Shortreed home, Walton, in, honor'of their daughter,.,Ada. Mae, whose .marriage to Mr, Elgin John- ston took place Saturday' June 14. WALTON ' Lamps.—Specials on floor lamps,, tri -light lamps and bridge lamps.' F. Inline, Seaforth. Phone 19. „ Johnston Shortreed Rev. Kenneth MacLean, formerly. of Wingham, officiated at the` paarriage of Ada Mae, only daughter of Mr. 'and, Mrs. R. H: Shortreed, Walton, to El- gin Robert, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Johnston, Wingham,' at Cavell Presbyterian Manse; Exeter, ono„ Sat- urday, June 14. The bride wore a dress of turquoise crepe with Small white hat and white -accessories. Her ccrsage was of 'Madame Butterfly roses and fern. Miss Katherine Mc- Donald, of Walton, acted as brides- maid. She wore a dress of dusty pink silk jersey with matching hat, trimmed in- navy. Her accessories were navy and she wore a corsage of Killarney roses and fern. Mr, Gordon ,Caldwell, of Blyth, attended the groom. After the ceremony a wed- ding dinner was• served to- the bridal .party at the Commercial Hotel,• -Sea- forth. The bride chose for •.ra•vel- ling a. blue suit with navy hat and navy• accessories. After a wedding - 'trip to Toronto and Ottawa, Mr, and Mrs. Johnston will reside near Wi;.rg- ham, DUBLIN The regular meeting of St. Mary's Anglican Guild was held at the home of Mrs, Harold Wilson with a f'epres- antative attendance.-- The- president M'rs. Albert Rock, opened the meeting and conducted tint devotional period. Following" the business routine, a quilt was completed by the ladies. Lunch was served. by the hostess and a group of assistants. - The amnia]. decoration clay service of the Canadian Legion, Branch No. 156, Seaforth, was held on Sunday at •the Oenotaph, after ,which graves of the servicemen in local cemeteries were decorated, Patrick J. McGrath, had charge of St. Columban and -Dub- lin cemeteries', Miss Anne Feeney, youngest daugh- ter of M•r. and Mrs. Jos. E. Feeney, was awarded a '.pri a in ari for a pos- ter, "Welcome To Canada," by the Catholic Women's'League at St. Colnmijerat N ,3 a Desitined -iii film to `tbe''afrt figureURpltlr►.. the "bek I:004* S1*E TH EJkl d N O.0 R �R 1 Made of Spuns, Jerseys, Satins and Poplins in • plain, shades, dots, stripes or fibral prints, in. one-piece or midrif, styles, as sketched. All are guaranteed colors. •- 3.95 to 8.95. ti MEN'S " Skintite" - SWIM TRUNKS Built toe . comfort and action, on the beach or in the water. - These swim shorts come in • gay plain shades or novelty- printed oveltyprinted designs in trunks or shorts. MEN'S'SIZES — 28 to 38• 2.95 to 4,95, BOYS Skintite Trunks Just like . the men's in styles, colors and patterns. Sizes 24 to 32. 1.95 DICK THE UPHOLSTERER Gordon A. Wright ESTIMATE$ FREE' NO OBLIGATIONS FOR SERVICE AND GUARANTEED WORK CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR SALE! STANDARD 8", 10", 12" BLOCKS FOR' SALE All Blocks are steam cured and tested by the Warnack Labora- tories in Toronto for strength. YOUR INSPECTION and INQUIRY IS INVITED Delivery within 10 -days of receipt of order. • All orders C.O.D. JACK HOLLAND SEAFORTH•.PHONE 25 1 Notice to Owners or Harbourers of Dogs'; IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Owing to the excessive damage being done in. the killing of poultry by dogs running at large in the Township of Tuckersmith, . the Municipal Coun- cil requests the co-operation of the ratepayers in curtailing such damage. , It is suggested that owners keeps dogs tied from sunset to sunrise ,and under proper control at all times. If such cu -operation xis ' not forthcoiningt it will be necessary for the Council to enforce Sec. 9, Part 2, of the. Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, R.S.O. 1937, which provides that. any person may kill any dog (a) which is found killing or injur- ing livestock, or (b) which in a township or village is found between sunset and sunrise straying from the premises where the ,dog is habitually kept, or (c) which is found straying at any time and not under`proper control where livestockare habitually kept. - ' - E. Pr CHESNEY, Clerk. s44.4 4 fi,