HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-06-13, Page 8• • ••';',1"'•••• 'r.177:,'.7.77777.777.4 cRO,NBXPOR • -••:_,im 4947' •••- ••• • ••• CIALIZE IN ‘AYTIMOBILE, CASUALTY ....}tIATTEE, BONDS, ACCIDENT, DKI;lerS, -BURGLARY AND, INDSTORM .1',Itagghtli/g Companies who give h*Sehhity with Service. .4011ENTS F 0 R ONTARIO liERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE .12440ation gladly given. WATSON &. REID "bt. A. REID ' Proprietor • inSurance &Real Estate PHO NVI 214 - SEAFORTH .0.0.0000aaaaao to BOX '4z> juneraL Q" Ambulance Prompt' and careful attention. 0 4> Hospital Bed 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL <> 0 OCCASIONS 0 Office • Residence 0 18,0 , 000<>00000000 4 > .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. ' 0 ° G. A. Will* T'''NE-''Y''' 0 O Successor to 0 „at> HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Main Street - Seaforth 0 0 AMBULANCE' SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nurser- 0 JO Flowers. 0 Telephone 119 0 0 f Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0000 000000000000 0 0 0 .I., A. BlURKE 0 0 Funeral .Director 0 0 . and Am lance Service 0 0 DUB 1.4 - ONT. 0 0 Night or da ells: ,Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 W. J. CLEARY 40* Seaforth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 A Night or Day Calls -335 0 0a0<>000.00000 TAXI SERVICE ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162'— Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON Car Washing AND Simonize AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED' Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired Stratford Upholstering Co. Stratford • TELEPHONE 579 For further information apply, at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH BODY AND FENDER' REPAIRS AT 'Seaforth Motors PHONE ;141 , THE McKILLOP MUTUAL AIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. 41141EAtI,OPFICE SEAFORTH, ONT. ' • OFFICERS Wank McGregor, Clinton '- President Chris Leenhardt, Brodliagen, Vice -Pies. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIABOTOES; IL Lieenlvirdt, Breda:mien; E. J. 'Ittarartlift, Clinton; Barrer Fuller, LR. 2,-Goderich; B. McIarring, Eat. fl faith; Prank McGregor B.U. 5, Illainten; Met Alexander, 1, Viel- Oar Archibidd, R.R. 4,' Atiittetth; ,TOblt X, Melono,-/LB.'5, Sea- , • torthi S. a Whitmore, ga,s, sea, -112niimith Materther, Itat, 011/11n; Ordeeteld; Z. Praetor, g� ti; #��)g�' Witty BartA. NEWS Oi THE4 TOWN Hospital Ai To Meet—The Wo- men's tiospita Aid to Scott IVIemor-• ial Hospital will hold its regular meeting at the home of Miss Alice Reid, Thursday, June 19, at 3 p.m. Refreshments will 'be served. I" St. Thitothas° Church build Meets,— The Ladies' Guild of ' St. Thomas' 'Church ,held its June meeting on Monday at the home of Mrs. F. Scar- lett. Twenty-one members and two visitors answered the mall call. The president, Mrs. G. McGavin, opened the meeting with Scripture reading from St: Peter's Epistle, chapter 1, followed by -prayers for'the parish and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The min- utes of the previous meetinh were read and approved. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $175.71. Reports of committees were received and instead of the lawn tea which had 'been panned, the members de- cided to adopt talent' money during the summer months, to be 'brought in at the next meeting, .Sept. 9. The offdrtory was dedicated and the meet- ing closed with prayer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Higgins and Miss Parke, and, a social tour enjoy, ed by all the .members. CI ,, ..., 'I" •• . ;`," 1 Northside United hurch,.--Rev. H. V. Workman., Minister: Stewardship 'Sunday; 11 a.m., Worship Service; speaker, Rev. A. H. Johnston, B.A., Mitchell; 7 p.m., Worship Service; sneaker, .Rev. W. T. Woolfrey, B.D., of Ontario Street Church, Clinton. Music by Senior and Junior Choirs. Sunday School at 10 a.m. A time to Strengthen our Church. We extend 'a hearty, welcoine: First Presbyterian Church. —Sun - art, , formerly of Edmonton, will 'day, June 15: Rev. H. Douglai Stew - preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday, June 22: The new Casavanto organ will be dedicated at the' morning ser- vice with special music by the choir. Watch for further particulars. McKillop Charge.—Services: Cavan Church, 10 a.m. (D.S.T.); Duff's Church, 11.30 a.m. (D.S.T.)'; Bethel Church, 2..20 p.m. (D.S.T.). Anglican.—June 15: Second -Sunday after Trinity: St..Thomas', Seaforth —10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 7 p,m., Evening Prayer. • St. Mary's, Dublin.—Summer morn- ing services begin with Morning Prayer at 9.30 a.m., (AST).— The Renter, Rey, C. F. L. Gilbert,. B.A., at all'services. Death of Miss Elizabeth A. Shep- pard.—Miss Elizabeth Anna Shep- pard died , at her home in- Flora on Tuesday, May- 17, in her 86th year. Miss Sheppard was the oldest', daugh- ter of the late William Sheppard and his Wife, Mary Marshall. 'Born in Elora, the late Miss 'Sheppard at- . tened' Miss Gilbert's . private school, afterwards working as a milliner in Drayton and Seaforth before moving to Galt where she purchased the busi- ness whichlshe conducted there until about twenty years ago when she re- -tired to make her 'home with her MS, ters in Elora. A resident of Seaforth for about twenty years, she was head milliner for the. Win. Pickard 'Co. Of a friendly and generous dispositionh -Miss Sheppard left .many friends be- hind her in Seaforth and made many, more 'in her home town. She had. been 'in failing health for the past four or five years. Surviving her are three, sisters 'and ,one brother. The funeral service was held from "St. John's Anglican Church on May 29, to •the Elora cemetery. , Catholic Women's League Meets.— The June meeting of the Catholic Wonsen;e• League w'as held in the Sepaiate School Hall on Monday eve- ning. In the absence of the president, Mrs. J. L. 'Slattery, Mrs. ,Wm. Hart, past president, preshled, and' Opened the meeting with prayer, followed by the singing of "0 'Canada," with Mrs. -M. • Devereatix at the 'piano. After the reading of the minutes of the previous' meeting by the secretary, Mrs. .C. P. Sills, the correspondence was read by the corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. M. Devereaux The . finan- cial statement was given by•. the treasurer; Mrs. C. Trott. • Mrs. A. Price and Miss Alice Daly reported having packed and sent two boxes of canned goods to sister members in - England. Mrs. J. Hotham and Mrs. . Price were appointed to snake .ar- rangements for the annual ',school picnic, to be held on the school grounds flie last of June. Miss Fran- ces Fortnne and Miss Mary McGrath were asked to call on the sick during the hummer months. A special fea- ture of the meeting was a very in- teresting 'paper on "Why a Retreat?" given by Mrs. N. Dunn. Miss Wary MCGrath, R.N., of Scott Memorial Hospital staff, gave a complete and thorough explanation of the Blue Cross Hospitalization plan. Miss Alice Daly moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. 'Dun 'and Miss 'McGrath-. A delicious lunch was served by the social coin- mittee, with Mrs. T, 'Maloney in charge. es• Gilbert - Bahtlet.--On Saturday, May 31, at 2.30 p.m., the wedding took place lit St. Mary's Church, Walker vile, 'of the Rev.- Stephen Wilson Langton Gilbert, son of the Rev, C P. 'L, Gilbert, to Mi aa Margaret Lash Bartlet, daughter of Mrs. Gordon T Eartliet and tb.e late Mr. Bartlet, of Walkerville. The marriage was per formed by 'the Rev. H. M. Lang- ford, Rector of 'St. Mary's Cheirch, assisted by the bridegroom's. father, 'Who was Celehrafit at 'the Commun- ion at the conclusten of -the mar- riage rites.' A tall choir sang the wedding Psalm,' the choral portion of the CoriMariation, and an anthem. Entering the church on the arm of her brother, ,Mr. John Coburn . Bart - let, who gave her In marriage, the bride wore an exquisite gown a candlelight satin, and heirloom veil of rose pdLnte lane and palate &esprit extended, into a bong train. Het' bettratet was: of Johanna Hill ros- es and lilies of the valley. Her cousin, Mise Margaret Jane Carruthers., as maid of hOna'.ariti the .bridegroOnf sister, Miss Clara Prances kdith hart,. as bridesmaid, Were fdientleally Mood in atotatnarine faille, the very full skirts over crinoline, and, wore bandeaux of pals pink ostrich tips in their hair, Their bouquets were of piny roses, Mr. Henry, Hollaird Gil- bert was, is brother's hest man, and the ushers were Rev. 1-1. A. Seegmil- ler, of Pelee Island, Mr. Edgar McGre- gor Bartlet, Mr. George Bialet eitr•-• ruthers and Mr: Wm. Kerrigan, Iris, snapdragons and other spring flowers were used at 'Mit. Bartlett home for the reception following the ceremony and the bride's table was tentredwith the wedding cake in a bed of steph- anotis, with white tapers on either side. Mrs. Bartlet wore for her:daugh- ter's wedding a gown of smoke blue crepe trimmed with rose sequins; her corsage was of sweetheart roses as was •that of ,the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Gilbert, who Wore a shirred dress of powder...blue silk jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert left for a motor trip to Muskoka, the bride travelling in a' navy' suit and nylon blouse with lace jabot and ruffled lace cuffs and a veil- ed off -the -face navy hat. They will later travel by boat to their new home, St. James' Rectory, Morino, Ont. ,• LOCAL. BRIEFS • Mrs. S. D. O'Connell, of Detroit, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. F. S. umumnannunnanimmaaamminne Anniversary E.: The Anniversary Services of *E. CONSTANCE E.= ▪ UNITED CHURCH will be held ▪ SUNDAY, JUNE 15th E.-- 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. = 74 Rev. R. G. Ilazlewood = of Walton --. E GUEST SPEAKER • — = :7- FREE-WILL OFFERING AT F. ▪ - BOTH SERVICES Choir will be assisted by Blyth ---..g Male Quartette EVERYBODY WELCOME .1 = = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 TAXI Day and Night Service PHONE 355 CLAYTON j. DENNIS Successor to J. Cleary FOR SALE Dwelling and' 2 or 3 acres of land, in Seaforth. Suitable for poultry farm. M. A. REID. REAL ESTATE , PHONE 214 * Taxi *- Passengers Insured Phone 128, Seaforth Lee's ENJOY YOUR RADIO MORE, Whether your radio needs adjustment or a real over- haul, call us. We'' will bring back true 'tone and perfect reception quickly , and expertly - . at a modest cost. PHONE 95 Walker Electric SEAFORTH E. C. CHAMB Real Estate'Broker INSURANCE PHONES: 334 or 220 - SEAFORTH Wool i'Wanted- All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is graded in Seaforth and 'full settlement made from there. H.'Wl. Jackson' SEAFORTH Phones: SATURDAY, JUNE 14 Cardno's Hall, Seaforth NORM CARNEGIE and His Band ADMISSION ,50aCENTS Sills. and, Mrs. F. Devereaux. - • Miss Bess Grieve, of Chatham, and Miss Margaret Grieve, of Dres- den, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. ad, Mrs. Thomas Ml Grieve, in Egsnendville. • Mr. W. J. Bell, of Toronto, spent the week -end here with his sister, Miss Mary Belt- • Among those who attended the funeral of the late Hugh 114. Chesney were: Mr. W. J. Chesney, Bay City, Mrs, Alex McKean, Vancouv- er, B.C.; Mrs. Percy Manning, Clin- ton'; Mr. Herb. Campbell, Winghami, Rod -ger McKean-, Owen Sound; James ,Breckin and Mr. 'Rodgers, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Asnent, Kit- chener. • Miss 'Margaret Grieve, of' Oak- urommamaammensso sollosumftwar ammensmeessal•••••• iremens NC Cardno's Hall SEAFORTH rida JUNE 13th Proceeds in aid of the Seaforth Fire Brigade Uniform Fund. a h. * * ADMISSION: Per Couple - $1.00 Extra Lady 50c Lakeview CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING' Wednesday, June 11th Scotty McLachlan and his Orchestra Made a Hit Last Week! SATURDAY, June 14th Freddy Dawson and his Orchestra A good leader and a grand pianist. Freddy'e last appear- ance. SUMMER OPENING Saturday, June 21st Gordon Delamont and his Orchestra Make Your Plans Now For Sunday, June 22nd Fred Funk's Variety 'Entertainers MIDNITE DANCE' June 23rd' -- 12.05 a.m. The following dates are com- pletely booked for Picnic Hall reservations: June 14, 21, 28. Don't Just Ask for Crich's Bread DEMAND 'IT! IT TOPS ALL ! • Better Flavour • Better Colour • Better Taste Appeal STAYS FRESH LONGER and is BAKED IN TOWN BY TOWN PEOPLE Delivered to your dotir PHONE 34 OUR DRIVER WILL CALL CRICWS "White Clover Bread" Tops All For Over 47 Years a"' Ville, Spent the week-chicl at the /APPO of her Thaler, Mit. US. L, so Mr. Ken Keating, student at Osgoode Hall, Tomato, htpent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and 'Mim J. E. Keating. • Mr. James A: Scott, of Toronto, ts,pent a few days with his mother, Mrs. H. R. sopa, • Mrs. Roy Lawson spent a :few' days in 0•11htham tills, week: • Miss Alice Devereaux and Mr. Ed. Devereaux, of Tort:onto, '„were week -end guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. F. Devereaux. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson White and' daughter, Elisabeth, and sod,, }high, of Windsor,. were guests over the week -end With his mother, Mrs Margaret White. • Mr. and Mils. Herb. Whittaker and son, Michahl, of Fort Erie, visit- ed friends in town over the week -end. • Mrs. J. E. Poole (nee Dorothy Kent), of Fort Willia.m, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. W. J. Mc- Intosh in town last week. • Mrs. H. Norman, of Winnipeg, was a guest at the -home of Mrs. P. Devereaux. • Mr.:, Charles. MacDonald, of. Trenton, spent. the week -end . with Mi -s. 'MacDonald- and Mary at Commercial. • Mr. and .Mrs. Wesley 'Coleman; Mrs. Tom Brieley and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stewart were in Detroit on Saturday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Ross 'MacLean. • 'Mrs. C. A. Trott has returned home after spending the past week in Dublin with her mother, Mrs. Louis J. Looby, who was seriously ill and who later was removed to Scott Mem- orial Hospital.. • Mrs. Norman McIntyre, of Owen. Sound, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Stew- art. • Mr. and Vitt. H. E: Smith and Miss Helen Smith were in Kitchener on Sunday. • Mr. Rana'ld Reinke, of Toronto, spent the week -end in town. ' • • 'Miss Marian Lawson, of Water- loo, sperit the week -end at the, home ef her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson. • Mr. Ramon Mulford, Of Stratford, has .been appointed to fill the vacancy caused by Miss M. Harts -Vs resigna- tion on the public school staff. • Mr. Donald Scott left this week for Fort Erie, where he will spend the summer. • Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of Toron- te, 'is a guest at the hoine 'of her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Boswell and Mr. Boswell. • Mrs. -Parker, of Mitchell, is a guest 'at the home of her Sister, Mrs. John 'Muir. • 'Miss. Elisabeth Snihth•is spending a few 'weeks in Ottawit • Reeves' F. S. Sills of Seaforth, Arthur Nicholson of Tuckers and Dorrance of •MoKillop. 'in Goderich this week attending thehTune meeting of the Huron County Coon- cll. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pkd,y and Anne, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • Mr„ and Mrs. Howard Hartry, of London, were guests of Miss Hartry over the week -end. hi Mrs. Alex Broadfoot 'and Mrs. Shoecraft, who spent the winter with Miss' Davidson; left on Wednesday for 'Toronto, where they will make their home. • Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Duncan, Mrs. .J. M. McMillan. and Rey. T. P. Hus- sey were In London on Wednesday attending the graduation 'exercises at the University of Western Ontario. Miss Mary Duncan graduated, receiv- (ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON PAGE 5) GatheringS Honor Miss Joyce Hugill 'Mrs. Jos. Hugill entertained- Wed- nesday afternoon and evening at 'a trousseau tea arhdr home in McKil- lop, in honor of herdaughter, Maclellan Joyce, whose marriage to George H. Miller will take place Saturday: Spring flowers formed the setting in the tea room, where .Mrs. J. J. Hugill, the bride's grandmother, pour- ed tea. AgSiStifi her were Mrs. D. Sills, Andrew .Shann.on, 'Mavis Mc- Clure,: Mrs. Scott Habkirk and Mrs. John Pullman, 'Miss Gwen Hugill re- ceived at, the door. The tea table :was' attractively ar- ranged with a three-storey wedding cake and tall pink tapers in Crystal holders. Showing the gifts were Mrs. Chas. Case and Helen 'Currie. Dis- playing the bride's trousseau, 'linens, china and silver were Marjory Hunt, Gladys Hopper and Mhrtle Hays. A -bout 100 guests were present dur- ing the 'afternoon and, evening. About 50 friends and neighbors gathered at the home ofhIVIr, and Mrs. 'T. 'McMillan in honor of Miss Joyce Hugin, bride -elect of Saturday. Dun; ing the evening a musical program - was presented by 'Mrs. Helen McMil- lan and Mrs. Tom Govenlock. A hum- orous reading was given by Ml's. J. F. 'Scott. The 'bride was then tailed upon to take the chair, which was beautifully decorated in pink and white. Th4 following address was then read by Bob McMillan: Dear ,,Joyce: You are sitting here 'before us,' - Just 'as others have before, And we know that you are Wishing You could heat it out the door. Now that you 'have hooked your man, To cherish 'all your life, We feel quite sure you'll .prove to, be A true and loving wife. There's a jolly old Miller,' And 'he lives all by himself; Oh, no, there not the song to sing, . 'Cause he' a taken at Your friends and neighbors are *Atha ered here - To wish to you and yours, A very 'happy "pleasant trip • As you journey through the years. May, ,we, on this occasion, Expreas the best of 'sincere- wishes', And may, you sornetchneathink of us When *Ming up your dishea. Please accept 'these gifts, Kind thoughts and joys Atli mea- sure, "We hope that they May. useful be In, married life together. your friends and, neighbors. 'Mary Whyte 'and Marion limit then, 'corded in a decorated basket of love- Ik+ gifts. Joyce, thanked "hem in her pleasing manner, awl everyone joined in singing, "Fier 'She's' a Jolly Good. Fellow." A delicious 'lunch wed serv- ed by the h,ostesSes, Mts. T. NMI - bin, Mrs. 't 1VITai.'T, Ap- pleby and Alta. T. Scott. ent Theatre Seaforth NOW ,PLAYING IN TECHNICOLOR " THE JOLSwaN, STOR1!"" LARRY PARKS and EVELYN KEYES The Last Three Days for the showing of this Trily Great Picture. As Jolson says"You ain't heard nothin' yet," for until the public has heardthia, they have probably never been so stirred by the presenta- tion of dozens of songs that made them happier in bygone days. ' MON., TUES., WED. — Adult Entertainment "THE DARK • MIRROR " - with i.fEW AYRES OLIVIA DEHAVILAND THOMAS MITCHELL This absorbing story deals with an attempt 'by' Ayres and Mitchell to help solvtl the murder of a pros phYalcian, by breaking through some fool -proof alibia of identical, twins played' 'by Olivia DeHaviland. , NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " HOME SWEET HOMICIDE " with PEGGY ANN GARNER • RANDOLPH SCOTT LYNN+ BARI, This pleasant Comedy is charming entertainment for those who crave :s change from the usual comedy fare, Coming: "MOM AND DAD" WITH AN ALL-STAR HOLLYWOOD CAST We mourn the sudden passing of our founder and owner, • Mr. FredS:Savauge In accordance with his wishes the business will continue to serve the public as it has since Mr. Savauge came to 'Seaforth 37. " year, ago. SAVAUGE'S Gift Store JEWELLER OPTOMETRIST NOTICE! During the months, of June, JJ,Ily, August and September; the Law Offices an Seaforth will remain open -Wednesday Afternoons, . and -1' se a un 2.30 it'. km MeCONNELL & HAYS A. W. SILLERY _gt FINNIGAN'S , From, Our Scrap Book: • Men are born pretty much' alike, but through their habits they gradually grow further,, and further apart from 'each other. —Confucius. , JUST ARRIVED ! • 1,000 POUNDS OF CHOICE NEW POTATOES „ Also Shipment of New Life Bug Killer and Plant Food - This week we arehdisplaying just about every kind of house and lbarn Spray on the market; also hundreds of Fly Coils. • Remember Finni'gan's For Your Rolled Roofing W. J. FINNIGAN & SON • FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 22nd Minister REV. RICHARD H. WILLIAMS _ Masic 1 MR. AND MRS. M. R. RENNIE 11 a.m.—Public Worship: The Dedication of the New Cas avant Organ, the Pulpit and the Communion Table. 7 p.m.—Public Worship: Choral Service, under - the direction of- the Choir. • "'• • . MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 23; at 8.30 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL with the renowned Canadian organist, Guiseppi Moschetti, at the console. The asSisting,.artist will be one of Canada's outstanding tenors. BUILDING 'SUPPLIES Are Difficult to Obtain. However, We Have in Stock: ASPHALT SHINGLES'— in various blend's. ROLLED ROOFING—medium & heavy iNSULATION-aby the bag or carton. OAK FLOORING-13/16tathick. --F/LYWOOD-.-W', 3/16',, 14//, birch and Cedar. JOHNS - MANVILLE DURABESTOS SHINGLES and CEDAR GRAIN SIDING (Grey and Dover White). Beaver Board, Hardwall Plaster, Mason's Lime, Finishingthn.,Door Frames,Doors, Sash, Cedar Posts, Lumber—B.C. Fir, Spruce, Pine, B.C. Hemlock, White Ash, Maple, Beech. ALL, TYPES OF MILLWORK tiONE by Excellent Workmen COAL -1 Car Roiedale Alberta Lump just arrived Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No Mere -,Phone° Seaforth