HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-05-30, Page 4Il :ON I+ XPQ$ C. • ssified a i, MIs Will Be Inserted, At New Low Cash Rates: illi} u1A d. Lost. and Found. StuaaPer ward: Let week 1 Gent 2nd week Si, Cent 3rd week T4 Oedt ikiinimum charges ant insertion25 Cereal Each figure, initial and abl:devistion counts aa one word. . o 7;'ban$s, In Memoriam Notices,. Coming Events -1 cent per weed. Minimum, 50 }sen14 per week. 7116nAt ariea MAY be directed to a Box Number. ei/o The Hamm Expositor. for 10 cants extra "flail °rats additional will be charged if oda in *hove class aro not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. "_ 6;isa aaloand Credltori Etch—Bates ae on. .'ef charge. �ttotuon Salta Ntice! . Notices 'REGISTERED YORK HOG. READY FOR p en. Pitone4 r fHansadl, Apply 22, W. BUTT, IFlp 4145x4 BOE LINE' YOUR HOME WITH +- blown rock woe, .Permanent and fire- proof. • More comfort with' less fuel. For free phoneestimate or write ROW LANDC. DAY, Expositor, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 4126-tf COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop THE. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF McKIL- lop will meet as a Court of Revision an the Assessment Roll of 1947, at Winthrop Bahl, on Monday, June 2, 1947 at 10 a.m. • Interested. parties shoulud govern them- selves aceordinsly. J. M. ECKERT Clerk. . 4146-1 COURT OF REVISION Township of' Tuckersmith THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF TUCIiER- smith will meet as a Court of Reyision an the Assessment Roll of 1947, at the, Town Hall, Seaftli'th, on . Saturday, June 7th Coming Events at 8 p.m. All appeals must be in the hands of the Clerk onor before Friday, May 30, 1947. Interested parties should govern themselves aceordingly. Edwin P. Chesney CLERK OF TUCKERSMITH 4146-2.. GRAND OPENING DANCE, CRYSTAL 'Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, Thursday. June 5th. Dancing 10,1 Alf: Tibbq and His Grand 12 -piece Dance Orchestra, feateiring Ginney Mitchell and Gayle Gordon, vocalists. 4146-1 Poultry BARGAINS IN CHICKS FOR THIS WEEK and next: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Light Sussex, Light SussexX New Hampshire non -sexed 9.115„ pullets 15.95, cockerels 8.95. Assorted Heavies nop-sexed 844, pullets 14,65; cockerels' 7.95. •White' Leg- horn X Barred Rock 9.95, pullets 19.90,. cock- erels 8.95. White Leghorns 9.95, pullets 19.90, cockerels '95c. Two week old add 6.00, three week old add 11.0Q per .hundred. Ship- ped C.O.p. This advertisement must. accom- pany your order to receive these special pric- es. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES, Guelph, •-Ont. .• 4146-1 Personals FREE SAMPLE—SEND 4c STAMP FOR Personal Hygiene (rubber goods) import- ed product, hermetically sealed, electronically tested. Free price list Mailed in plain seal- ed envelope. Adults motily. W. NORMAN. Box 72, Station J, Toronto. 4144x5 H YGIENIC SUPPT.TFS (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid" in plain, seated envelope with price list 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 61.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. -`Teachers Wanted isaACBER WANTED FOR U. S. S. NO. 1, Stanley and Hay Townships. Personal interview preferred. Apply to LAWRENCE REGIER, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont 4144x3 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL rii,115 NEXT MEETING OF THE -HURON 1. Colour Council will be -held in the Coun- ail Chambers, Court House. Goderioh,,, com- mencing Tuesday, June '1Ith,,.az 10.00 am., D.S.T.' All accounts, 'notices• of deputations and other ha mess requiring the gtention of taooneil should be in the hands o1 the County Clerk- not later than Saturday,. June 7th. .. N. W. 'Nd4T,7.FR, , County Clerk. .Goderich, Ontario. 4146 Tenders Wanted TENDERS -WANTED TENDER$ ARE INVITED FOR Prix, WIR- 1 ing of No- '1 School House, Tuckersmith. Wiring to be completed during midsummer bolidays, subject to the' approval of the In- spector. Plans and specifications may be seen at the earee of the Secretary -Treasurer.' S. H 'Whitmor•e , Sec.-Treas. R. R. 3, SEAFORTH 4146-tf TENDERS WANTED For Concrete Work TENDERS WILL BE REC'rh.IVED BY THE undersigned to and including' :Monday, June 2, 1947, for concrete fonndatioas and !thee• concrete work necessary in the con - attraction of an addition at Scatt. Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. - Tenders are to include all materials and forms necessary for the completion of the work, and are to be based on a price per .nbic yard= • Lowest or any ,tender not necessarily ac- aep6ed. P. D. McCONNELL, Secretary of the Board, - Scott Memorial Hospital. 4145-2 Notice To Creditors , ' NOTICE TO• CREDITORS In.. the Estate of JOHN F. DALY ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST - the Estate of 'John F. Daly, late_ of. the Ewan of Seaforth, in the 'County of Huron, Garage Proerietor,• deceased, who died on the 7#1 day of March. 1947. 'are hereby noti- fied to send in fall particulars of their claims t4 the nnder'iened •on or before the 12th day of June, 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to .claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day of May, 1047. ,9eCONNFLL & HAYS - Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 41454 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TEACHER WANTED , Wanted WANTED --GIRL'S BICYCLE, Ile GOOD condition. Apply to Box 563. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4146x1. Lost and Found APPLICATIONS WILL -BE REOEIVED BY the undersigned for fully qualified Protestant teacher for S. S. No. 2, Tucker - smith, Hipper P.O., Huron C@I,tntaa_eAppli- cants will please state qualifications, experi- ence and references and also name of last Inspector where experienced. . Salary will' be according to experience. Duties to commence' September Ind, S. II, Whitmore pec.=areas. Tuckersmith Township School Area No. 1. 4146-tf For Sale . OR SALE — STRAW.BERRY PLANTS, Senator Dunlap. available in any quan- tity. TELEPHONE 608 r15, Seaforth. • 4146-1 in the Estate of WILLIAM OTIE A LL PERSONS HAVING CLADfS AGAINST the Estate of WO•liam Oke, late of • the ""Town of Clinton. in the County of Huron. formerly of the Town of Seaforth, Gentle- man, deceased. who died on the, 25th day of Aprel. 1947, are hereby notified to send in fall 'particulars, of their claims to the under- signed on, or before' Ibe 12t5 day of June, 1947, after which date the assets will be dis- trai nLed. 'having regard only to olaims then receive& DATED at Seaforta, this 20th day of May, 1947. • McCONNELL ..& HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors •for the Administrator. 41454 --NOTICE—Ta—CREDITORS: In the Etate of DANIEL O'CONNOR —KLi, P S1$ iS rrJ1vmo CLAIala 'AG'AINST rite Estate of Daniel O'Con`nor, late of the Townalria of Hibbert. County of Perth, eleeeased, who died on. or about the 23rd day of Areal, 1947, -are hereby notified to send in io the ttndersiwned on or 'before the 6th day of thine, .1947, full particulars of their claims. rmamg4fately' after the said last mentiened date, the meets of the said estate will be dis- t-satiated minanest the patties entitled thereto, having regard only to chime of which the undersigned shall then , hare notice, to the estaltuarai of all -others, and the undersigned 'wilt net be liable to any person of who -e attain .the undernigned shall not then have Inatice far the assets so distributed or any '" inert , . eof. r$A at Seaforth,. the 14th day 'of "May; " 'OR SALE—USED SEWING MACHINE, in good condition. Apply MURRAY DOIG, Seaforth Motors. 4146e1 047. ltir their Serie-16yr AIN 9rLr„' tr, fb , Ont., I#'rllioito or the O'Steentore, ' -41444' ora COAT FOR SALE -A GREY TWEED coat, size 42, good as new. TELEPHONE 324-W. 4146x1 LOST --IN S,FAFORTHa LADY'S SILVER wriest watch, on Sunday, May 25. Finder please leave at TASTY GRILL, Seaforth. 4146x1 Cards of Thanks FOR SALE—FOLDING BABY BUGGY, with runners: 'also guitar. Apply to MRS. M. E. CLARKE- Phone 42- ' • 4146x1 • 1'OR SALE—'29 MODEL 'A' FORD ROAD- ster; '29 Hudson two -door Coach; two extension ladders, 28 ft. and 24 ft. Apply to HERB. STAFFEN, Jarvis Street. 4146x1 C3R SALE -4' FRESH DURHAM COWS. Apply to JOHN TREMEER, Jr., R.R. $, Kipper. 4146-1 GATES FOR SALE—GALVANIZED GATES good as naw, one 121,6 feet wide, one 40 inches wide. CHARLES BRODIE, Seaforth. 4146x1 TILE FOR SALE—APPROXIMATELY 200 twelve -inch concrete' tile, good as new; 15 cents each: Apply CARETAKER, Sea - forth Lions Park. 4146-2 MR- WILLIAM SMITH AND ANNIE WIhH to express their sincere thanks and deer appreciation to all friends and neighbors who so kindly helped in any way during their recent sad bereavement. 4146x1 FOR `• SALE—LARGE BARN, IN GOOD • condition, half new steel roof. Also square, timbers. all sizes and lengths. Aerie, LLOYD MEDD,' R.R. -1, Clinton, lenge Phone 801 r 41, Clinton 4145-2 Help Wanted WA?�'7ED — SCHOOL.. GIRL TO.HELP with house work. Apply to MRS. H- K. FINLAY. , 4146x1 MRS. DOROTHY THOMPSON WISHES.TO express her heartfelt appreciation to the pupils and ratepayers of S. S. Nos. 2 and 13. Mcltillop, for their lovely floral express.ioiu of sympathy to her in her recent bereave - anent. 4146-1,. In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR WIFE and mother, Mrs. Thomas Robinson, who passed away May 28, 1943., - aro live •live in the hearts of loved ones left behind, a not to die, Her works live on." ' —Lovingly remembered by Husband and Daughteds. ' • Deaths CLUFF—In Seaforth, on Friday, May 23, John James Cluff, in his 75th yeas'." 'HENDERSON—In McKillop, on Wednesday, May ' 28. Isabella Scott, widow of the late Jeseph Henderson, in her 96th year. Former Mayor (Continued" from Page 1) one daughter. Mr. J.' Scott Cluff and Miss Janet Cluff, both of Seaforth. He is also survived by a brother, Mr. A. F. Cluff, and a sister, Mrs. James Grieve, of town. • A private funeral was held from his late residence, East William St., on Monday, when the service was conducted by Rev. R. H. Williams, of First Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Cluff was a member., assisted by Rev. H. V. Workman; of Northside United Church, Mr. Jas. T. Scott sang "Beyond the Sunset" during .the service. Interment was in Maitlandbank Cemetery, the flower - bearers being representatives of Bri- tannia Masonic Lodge, Seaforth Lions Club and Seaforth. Supply & Fuel, Limited: Messrs. Helmer Snell, Har- old Finnigan, George. Kruse, P. L. Reid, Gordon Ritchie; Robert Tyndall, Harold Jackson, E. P.aChesney, M. A. Reid, Ross Savauge, James Cluff, E. C. Chamberlain, D. H. ' Wilson, T. D. Sills and Frank Case. The pallbear- ers were Messrs„ Thomas Muff, J. E. •Scott, L. Flemming; F. • H. Close, Clare Reith and Frank Grieve. WANi1:;i1—A GIRL TO 'HELP. WITH General house work ; good wages ; pl'eas ant surroundings: Small family. Apply to Box a62, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4146-1 Seaforth Lions Park HELP WANTED 1. Man. or man and wife, to take full charge of Refreshment Booth and Bathing Pavilion. 2. Male or female, to assist in Refresh- ment Booth. 2. Lifeguard, male, at least 20 years" of age, and qualified to teach swimming and supervise pool. Work commences approiimately lath June. Applicants state salary . required. Applications, inwriting only are to ise forwarded to .the undersigned - A. Y. McLEAN Chairman " SEAFORTH LIONS PARK' COMMITTEE. .4145-2 Popular Stallions Seaforth. All, are cordially invited. '9e are sol* to hear Mrs. Thomas Wheatley is All in Scott Menaerial Hospital. We wish her a speedy re- covery. Mr, and Mrs, James Hogg and Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Dodds spent the week end in Colliegwood. Miss Isabel Betties, R.N., of Sea - forth, spent the week -end at her home. Mr. Gordon Betties and Mr. Donald Horne spent tiie week -end up north. Mr. and Mrs., Z. McSpadden were in London pn Tuesday last attending the commencement exercises .of the London Bible Institute, when , their son, Bertram, Was one of the gradu- ates. Mrs. C. Hawley_ , of Seaforth, accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McSpadden and family, of 'Richmond Hill, spent the long week -end with their respective families in the district. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley, of Sea,- forth, ea;forth, and Mr. Z. MeSpadden and Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Hawley, Winthrop; at- tended the'funeral of..,the late Thos. E. Horne, af Fort Erie. The deceas- ed was one of a large family who lived in Winthrop some years ago. His wife, daughter, six sisters and two brothers survive. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Johnston from 7 ockhart's' funeral home, Mit- chell, with interment in Woodlawn cemetery. There was a large attend- ancoe, and the flowers were magnifi- cent. - Continued Rain .(Continued from Page 1) farmer. has finished seeding, but this was possible only by jumping in at every opportunity. "Sometimes you would think it would ,be too wet and that you had better wait until morn- .ing. - But we didn't, because next morning it was raining again," he said. R. IS. ,McKerc'her, of McKillop and Seaforth Farmers' 'Co-operative Presi- dent, is 80 pe}- cent finished. In his opinion 'it is• not practical to plant further" spring grain, even if the weather `cleared. He plans to sub- sti-ttrte buckwheat and barley. On the other hand Ross McGregor, of Hul- lett, who has but 50 per cent .planted, feels that given- a week of good wea- ther eather he could finish and do all right; although :there would be a. lowered yield. Robert Archibald, of Tuckersmith, has all his spring grain in except three acres. In. 1916 he recalled 'simi- lar conditions prevailed, and that year seeding was finished. on June 1. Con Eckert, of McKillop. will sub- stitute corn"' for the spring grain he - had intended planting: He is 65 per 'cent finished. It wouldn't be 'safe to, plant after June 1, according to R. W. Campbell, of McKillop. He is three- quarters finished and will substitute buckwheat "if I can get it," he said. .Farmers in the Walton area still remain optimistic over the probabili- ties of a good . crop. ."I am not ex- tremely xtremely worried if we get, it in this week," said Harvey Craig of the boure dary line, one mile east of Walton, "but if seeding is forced on into June we will have reason to worry." One farmer, James Shor•treed, of the 9th'concession of Morris, declared that "it is pretty tough to 'work." Some. farmers have been. working un- til dark to catch up on. their. seeding. The rains 'have Caused' uo damage to the grain" that has •been seeded. Most farms, where two men were oc- cupied, have been seeded, while on many, farms with only one man seed- ing, hasnot been started: Carl Dalton, of the boundary east of Walton, has sown 60 acres, while Harold Sellers, the Only man' on the farm, has sown over 40' acres and has only five more to sow. • Enrolment Nd. 3844 Form 1 The Clydesdale Stallion INSPIRATION,. _.... _.._ ..�: 28006 Will stand for the improvement of stock at his own stable at Kippen for the season. Arrangements may, be .made to have Inspira- tion trucked to soy. parties desiinng. ITI$i>H't4 Oir; .. 31 so'n Oil Leekineser (Inns.) (25468) (21417] is black, stripe, nigh fare and hind legs white; bred by J. E. Falconer, Stretton, Sask. Terms --$10.00.• payable March 1, 1948. Tracking charges extra. THOMAS W. BUTT, Owner and Manager, Aippan. Phone 74 r 22,, .Hetisall 4145x6 Biirthi MIIFZ-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 27, to Ma and Mrs. George Metz, Monk - tion, a naughtier, NTOIiOLSON—In -Scott Memorial •$%genal, on May 26, to Mr, 'end Mrs. Ross Nichol, son, Tuekermtmitdi, a son. BETTLES-4n Scott Memorial Roapital, on. May 27, tam Me, and Rennet/1 fettles, DUBLIN EGMONDVILLE 'Misses Ann Scotchmer and Gladys Earle spent'the holiday and week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Yallop, in Toronto. CONSTANCE JIENSALL The dhaisber of Commerce held its regular Meeting in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening last w"hen it was decided to join the Chamber of Com- merce of Canada at Toronto. Ar, 'rangements axe being made to hold sacred song services in Hensall Com- munity Park on Sunday evenings dur- ing July and August. The meetings of this association during July and August will be cancelled. An auction sale was held in the village on Wednesday • evening'1v'hen the Rectory of St. Paul's Anglican Church was sold to 'Mr. Wm. 'Sweitzer of Exeter, the.price paid being $2,450.. Harold Jacksou,,,,wal;<.,,',the' auctioneer. Rev,. Arthur, , Sinclair, minister of Blyth United Church," was guest speaker hi Hensall United Church Sunday morning last and addressed a large congregation, delivering a splen- did discourse. The choir, under the direction of S. G. Ronnie, sang "Trust in the Lord," with' Miss Florence Welsh as soloist, Mr. Ronnie render- ed a splendid solo, "The Lord is My Shepherd." Mr., Sinclair is a former minister of the United Church, Hen- sall, for some fifteen years before moving to Blyth, and has been. in the Huron Presbytery for 30 years, and is moving to Windsor in July where he has accepted a charge. Arthur Clark, 79, former well knevez Hensall resident and a resident of London for the past' tour years, died Friday evening at 'Victoria Hospital, London, after an illness of two weeks. Mr. Clark lived with his son, Sidney', 52 'Regina Street') Born in England, he resided in Hensall for twenty-five years. He • was an adherent of the Church of -England and was a mem- ber of the I.O.O.F. in England. Mrs. Clark predeceased him in 1943. Sur- viving besides his son, Sidney, are one 'brother, Albert, in' England; two grandsons, and one granddaughter, of London. The body rested at the, Geo. E. Logan &. Sons funeral chapel. where a service was held on Monday at 100 p.m. Rev.. Canon C. W. Fore- man, Rector of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, officiated. In- terment wain Hensall Union. Ceme- .tery, , Mrs. Pearl Stephan, received word that her son, Ronald Stephan, air mechanic, Second Class, Fleet Air Arm, at Dartsmouth, N.S., while en- gaged in his duties, met with an ac- cident, suffering a fractured ankle and knee., Mr..and Mrs. E. Fink and Mr, and Mrs. L. Seamon spent the week -end in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drysdale 'and Jerry left on Saturday by motor for Florida, where they expect to spend a month vacationing, and will also isit the K-entuck Mountains. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams spent Thursday i1 Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, W. Taylor, of Toron- to, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clark on Sunday. Mr. Milton Moore, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his brother, Mr. Wm. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchanan and son and Mr. Gordon Buchanan, of Niles - town, near London, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchan- an. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hoggarth and daughter Jane were week -end. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wen. •Bri•tton.' Mr.• and Mrs. Leo Stephenson and son, Bill, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Logan in Blyth. Miss Doris Lawson, of London, spent the •week -end with Mr. and'Mrs. Earl Lawson. ' —McK:ILLOP Word' was received hef'e, of the death of a. former resident of Dublin, Rev. John Campbell, a member of a Trappist Qlyder,in the United States. His untimely death 'was due to a ser- ious operation and resultant compli- cations. He was in his 29th year. He was the only son of Mrs. 'Mary reeipifele-ew-ha " ifie eil-'"'to" .Toronto' about ,eighteen years ago. Father Campbell received his primary and secondary education in Dublin Sep- -a -rete and Continuation Seliools, and was ordained 10 yehre ago and resid- ed at the Trappist Monastery near New York. He is survived by his mother and two, sisters. He was a nephew of Paul' Mulligan, Dublin. WINTHROP The W.M.S. and" W,A. of Cavan Oburch will hold their annual 'bazaar on Wednesday. June 4,, in the school room of the church at 220 pip., D.S. T. They will entertain the ladies of Duffs Church, Walton; the Anglican rOhurch, ':Walton, and Egfnandville Church, The guest speakers for the day Will be Mrs, David Ritchie, of ry Miss Erma Walters, of London, spent the week -end at the home of her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wal- ters. Miss Joanne Rintoul, of Mitchell, spent the Week -end at the home of. her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kleber and daughter, of Seaforth, and .Mr. and - Mrs. Wilbur Hp.egy, of Brodhagen, visited Mr. and rs. Fred .Hoegy on. • Sunday. . Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Byerinan in the sud- den death:' of their two-year-old son, Garryy;. Which occurred on Friday, May 23. The funeral services •were held from .the, residence -of 'his par-' ents Sunday afternoon; after which burial took place in St. Peter's Luth- eran cemetery, Brod'hagen, Rev. Wm. Shultz' . officiated. Pallbearers were Tommy Sloan, Robert Regele, Lloyd Byerman, and Ronnie Byerman, Floral bearers were Elsie Regele,Mary,Kath- arine-13oach, Rose Murray, Janet By,- erman and Joan and Carol Robinson. Death of Mrs.1Aif'red E. Haldenby' In the passing of Mrs. Alfred E. Haldenby, whose, death occurred on Thursday evening, May 224 Kinl"o'iigh lost a well known. and 'highly respect- ed resident, 'The late Catherine J. Percy, daughter of the 'late William and, Susan Percy, born ' on the 12th concession of Kinloss Township, in the year 1872, was one of a family of ten, all of whom have predeceased her except one sister, Mrs. William Montgomery, of Detroit. -.In 1902 she was united in marriage to Alfred E. Haldenby, .who with two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Graham and Mrs. Doro- thy Thompson, . survive her. Mrs. •Haldenby was a life-long member of the Anglican Church, where she"Was a faithful attendant: 'She was also a devoted member of the Women's. -Aux- iliary of that church, being the first president of that worthy organization when it was former many years ago. During her earlier' life she enjoyed -and took an active interest, in the musical activities of her church, he- ing'- organist and. choir leader for many years. The 'funeral services, conducted by Rev. L. W. Owen, were held on Sunday in the Church of, Ascension. 4(inlough, followed 'by in- terment in Teeswater demetery- The„ many beautiful floral tributes were carried by Ralph 'Haldenby, Jack Barr, Norman E. Haldenby, Thomas Hodgins, Geerge Graham and Harold Haldenby, while the remains were carried by pallbearers James .Hod- gins, Archie McFarlane), Wesley 'Guest, Bert McLean;'.Herbgrt Graham a.nd Joseph Wa1L. Relatives and friends from Detroit, Toronto, Strat- ford, London, Rockwood'and Seaforth" attended the funeral. eat s-df"Rfir•'s: Jczepti'__t teTrdersott The death occurred. at her -'home rel Concession' 5. on Wednesday, May 28,' of a well known and highly 'respect ed citizen- of this township• in the Demon of Isabella. Scott, •widow of th'e late Joseph Henderson, in her 96th year. Mrs. Henderson had .been able to go about her home until a week ago When she became seriously ill. Deceased was born, on Lot 21, Concession 4. McKillop, and lived in this vicinity all her life. She is sur- vived. by one daughter, Miss: Eliza- beth Henderson, at' home, wife hoe' been. very faithful to her mother through hey declining years, .She was a member of the Presbyterian' Church. The funeral, will take. iplace an Satur day at 2 p,m. from her late residence with Rev. J, W. Patton officiatiit , Interment will be in aitlan4bailk cemetery. • v y other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Raye Paterson, of Toronto, were week -end visitors Hens•all":and Clinton. • Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks are family are .getting nicely settled in their home they recently purchased on Main Street. ' Miss. Margaret Shepherd and Miss Helen Moir,_ spent he holiday and week -end in Detroit - Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Neil and Ron- ald, of London;_ spent the „week -end with Mr. and. Mrs. John Pfaff and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff. . Illi, and Mrs. Jack Shepherd, of London, and Miss, Barbara Shepherd, of Clinton, "spent the week -end with Mrneetti Mrs. W. S. Shepherd. 'Mr, and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Mary and Mrs. Maulkinson spent the holiday' and week -end in Harrington West. Ittr. and Mrs. Appleby and Perily Spent the week -end in Ingersoll. '. Mr. and .Mrs. Kenneth Manns and little son were week -end visitors with Mrs. F. •Manns. • ' A number of the meMbers ,of Hen- sall W.I. attended the W.I. district annual held,at Thames Road United Church 'on Tuesday. Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Shepherd and daughter, of near London, spent the week -end with relatives in Hen- sall. In liouU ton, • Ml's, E Shaddic1 will: behostess for the annual lawn picnic of .the Vv. ening Auxiliary on Wednesday, June 11. As formerly, mothers' and chil- dren are cordially invited to attend. Miss Brandon and Miss E. Kiefer form the. recreation committee. Miss Isohel. Alexander •and her friend, Miss Dorothy Hobday, of To- ronto, spent the week -end holiday at the home of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mr. and MIB. Cecil Dining, of don, visited at the home of Mr. Mrs. Wm. Alexander. Mre. Harriet Sherdan and Miss Pearl Eglan, of Windsor, were week- end guests, with Mrs. A. Logan and Lp11- and Mrs. N. Peppier, of Hanover, is the guest • of Mr.. .. and Mrs. James W. HfRo' R 10 SERVICE Repairs o' All Makes of " adios Agent for Stewart -Warner, .11a1r dison and Marconi moa, Satisfaction guaValtteed on alt Tepairo. Ernest Appleby. Phone 101 Hensall Mrs.' Harvey. • Mrs. W.- Caliile is spending nag week with relatives in; London. I Horses and Cattle FRIDAY, JUNE Admission 25c, Fair will be opened by Cars 25c Rt. Hon. J. G. Gardiner Federal Minister of Agriculture NOTICE! oiiltry Raisers In order that wemay return the highest possible prices 'to the producer, Seaforth Produce Ltd. will ' henceforth pay for Poultry on a` Rail Grade Basis. • eaforth Produce Ltd. Prices Reduced on DURO Water Softeners Here Is Good News for the Canadian' Householder " Back to pre-war prices! Yes, prices of DURO Domestic Water _ S(rftenera 'are reduced '-to pre-war levels. Pump® and Softeners' Limited are determined to kelp prices down far 'the Canadian Consumer. Because of manufacturing economics .gained through increased •pl.oductiftih, and •full: - 'time employment . . ., DURO again leads the way with 'a price reduction . . ;laking it easier than ever to own a DURO . . to enjoy all the luxuries and advantages of water that's softer than rainwater. Think of the savings and: con- veniences that can be your with a DURO.- See the DURO at yourlocalplumbing contnintork today.T°' DURO, "Canada's Premier Water Softeners," are madein-Csinada from the finest matenals,,,obtainable„ giving High -finality ,performance with long, trouble-free service. • You are paying for a DUO whether you buy a DURO or not. Pumps &Softeners Ltd. London - - - Cana/ray!8. a e 4 w ,