HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-05-23, Page 4+1� a:• Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: ie anted, Lost and Found,. Etc. -,-Per word; let week' , 1 Cent and week P % Gent Srd- Week., .' ay.Ceat Minimum charge, first insertion.:.. 26 Cent Eachegu initial and abbreviation conte as one woad. of Thanks ig Menseelain Notices, coating Events -1 tent ger word. Minimum, 50 menta Per week. turip9 may be directed to a Baas Number, o/o The Huron Esp•ektor, for 10 cents umbra. •eeitto additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of hate 9f final insertion- ,, its, Marriage4 and Deaths inserted free of charge. Wotan Seim, Hakes to creditors, Ste.—Rates ore eppolcatioa. Property For Sale . 1 Wanted R SALE --NEW BItICK HOUSE, JAMES WANTED—LAWNS` Street, 8 rooms ; ad'1 eienveniences; hard- 192-41. wood floors ; iaytnediate possession. Sit -roam frame 'house, Chalk St.;, good cellar, town .lwaier and - hydro: immediate po9sessron. ! ej1,room £;arta-• house, John St.: all con- veniences ; garage. Apply If. E. SMITH. •'Phone 122. Seaforth. 4145x1 • Poultry • (IEICK BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK AND 7• next: Barred Rocks, New Iiampshirs;, RNew Hampshire X Barred Rocks, . White iRocks; Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Raanpshires non -sexed •9.95, pullets. 16,95 Cockerels 7.95: Assorted Heavy Breeds non - sexed 8.96, pullets 15.95, cockerels 6.95. Cockerels: White Leghorn X Barred Rocks ,2.95, ite Leghoriis 95c. Two week old add 6.09, -three week old add 11.00 per hundred. .Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must ac- company your order to receive these special price.., Also eight week old pullets to lay- ing. TOP NOTCPI CHICKERIES, Guelph, Ontario. 4145-1 Pular Stallions e Enrolment No. 3814 Form 1 The Clydesdale Stallion INSPIRATION 2,8006 Will s•tamd for idle iinprovemeht of stock at his own stable at Kippen for the season. Arrangements may be made to have Inspira- tion trucked to any parties desiring. Inspiration, a son of Lockinvar (Imp.) 125468]' 1214171 is blaek, stripe, nigh fore and hind legs white; bred by J. E. Falconer, Strebton, Sask„ • Terme-510.00, payable 'March 1, 1948. Trucking charges extra. ' THOMAS W. BUTT, Owner and Manager, Kippen. Phene 74 r 22. Hensel' 4145x6 Notice To Creditors NOVICE ; TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN F. DALY ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of John F. Daly, later, of the Town of 'Seafo$th, in the County of Huron. Garage Proprietor, deceased, who died on the7th day of March, 1947, are'hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to ' the undersigned on or' before. the 12tih day of June, 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. 'DATED at Sda'forth, this 24th day of May, 1947. McCONNELL & BAYS •• Seaforth, Ontario Sadicitons for the Executors. 41454 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the, Estate of WILLIAM OKE i A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Wn'd1iam Oke, late of the Tern pf ' clintda; th the County of , Huron, formerly of the Town of Seaforth, Gentle- auan, deceased, who died on 'the 25th day of 1lprll, 1947, ,are herelby notified td send in hall particulars of their claims 'to • the under- signed on or before the 12th day of June. 1947, after which da the assets .will. be "dis- tributed, having r+egfihd only to claires. then received - DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day of May, 1947. 118cCONNELL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator. • 41454 NOTICE TO CREDITORS .In the Etate of DANIEL O'CONNOR TALL PERSONS.HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Daniel. O'Connor, late of dbe Township a Hibbert, County of Perth, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of April, 1947, are hereby notified ,to send in to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of. June, 1947, . furFparticuIars of their claims. Immedia-tely after .the said 'last mentioned date; --the asset of the said estate will be dis- tribnted amongst the- parties entitled thereto. !raving regard, only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the • exclusion of all 'others, and the undersigned. will sot be liable to any person of whose claim' the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so' distributed or any part thereof. - DATED at ,Seaforth, 'this 14th day of May, 1947. , By their Solicitor ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister, Etc., Seaforth,, Ont., • Solicitor for the Executors. 4144-3 ..NOTICE --TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MELVIN McPHEE Af L PF.RSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Etate of Melvin' McPhee, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Buren, Betired Cabinet Maker, deceased, who died on the 30th. day ,,of March, 1947, are hereby noti- fied -to send in full particulars of their claims dio the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May, 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims 'Mien received. - DATED at Seaforth, this 7th day of May, . 1947. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the, Adminfseratrix. 4143-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of DUNCAN McNICHOL ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST •the Estate of Duncan McNichol, late of Mlle Township of McKillop, in the County of Rnron, Farmer, deceased; who died on the 22nd day' of March, 1947, are hereby notified to send in full Particulars of their 'claims to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of "•day, • 1947, after, which. date the ,assots will be distributed, having regard only to claims *ren received. "DAl'Jsll at Seaforth, this 7th day of May, 1347. McCONNELL & HAYS, uenferth7- Ontbrtar-- Solicitors for the Executrix: 4143-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS i in the Estate of CLARA CROWLEY 1.L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST •L'' the .Estate of Clara Crowley, late of the 1'i+wn of peace -eh, in t'he'County of •Huron, Married Woman. deceased, who died on the 2t. day of April -1947, are hereby notified to sattrl in fti11 part'itnlars of their claims to the litistergigned on or before the 31st clay of May, 1547, eater'whicb date the assets will be dis- 'fit boned, having regard only to claimsthen kel&siVed, HOED at. Seniortk, able -7th day of May, 41J% r 1V1tCONj LL' & OAFS, - Sadorab, Ontario, tt dotileltors fiir the'sthee dtd1t, 41484 TO CUT. PHONE 4145-1 Notices 1 LEECE LINE YOUR HOME WITH blown rack wool. Permanent and fire- proof. More comfort with less fuel. For flee estimate phone The Huron Expositor, or write ROWLAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton Ave.. London. 4126-tf Personals ' s tF'REE SAMPLE—SEND 4c, STAMP FOR + Personal Hygiene (rubber goods) import- ed product, hermetically sealed, electronically tested. • Free price List. Mailcxl in plain seal- ed envelope. Adults only, W. NORMAN, Box. 72, Station J, Toronto. 4144x5 gIYG1ENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00:. -Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. • Auction Sales, AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY IN THE Village of Mensal), on Wednesday, May ?8th, at 8 p.m. ('D.S.T.), stuccoed house, mor nes lot, known as the Anglican Church Rec- tory. There ''are four bedrooms and bath rcaim •newly decorated: downstairs there is dining room, living room and kitchen. Good roof, new furnace, hard water, barn and gar, age combined. Terms made known time of sale. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4145-1 AUCTION SALE OF OUTSTANDING Antique Furniture and Household Effects of the Estate of M. G. Ransford, at his late residence, Lot No. 39. Concession 1. Tucker- smith Township, on No. 8 Highway, 1 mile east of Clinton, on SATURDAY, MAY 24th at 12.3p p.m. sharp (D.S.T.) Terms—Cash If weather is unfavorable, sale will be held one week later. For H. G. MEIR, EXECUTOR OF TEE ESTATE further particulars or listing, apply to Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer, CLINTON, Box 293 -PHONE 203 4144-2 Help Wanted DINING ROOM GIRL WAN1E1D. GOOD wages. Apply COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth. .Phone 227. 4145-1 Seaforth" Lions Park. HELP WANTED ' i gttets were fattea Lowe. Later Mr. and i's. Brailey left on a corsage bo LOST–m. S1' FORTH ON SATURDAY i honeymoon trip,to Montreal and Que.:- evening ue:evening 4atst. a wriss,t WW1. L, brown bec City, the -bride travelling in R leather strap. Finder please leave at THE i EXPOSITOR Q$FIOE, 4145x1 thi`ee piece gray bard' e suit, White ; Lost and Found 1. Mani, dor man and wife, 20 take full charge of Refreshment Booth and Bathing Pavilion. 2. Male or 'female, to assist in Refresh- ment Booth- ' 3. Lifeguard, male, .at least 20 years, of age, and qualified to teach swimming and supervise' pool. Work commences approximately 15th. June. Applications in writing only are to be forwarded to the undersigned. ' . A. Y. McL"EAN 'Chairman SEAFORTH LIONS 'PARK COMMIT ran. 4145-2 For Sale -mon SALE—LIGHT TWO -WHEEL TRAIL- ▪ er. Apply GEORGE' LOWERY, Sea - forth. 4145-1 volt SALE—BABY'S STEEL CRIB AND • mattress, in good condition. PHONE 227. 4145-1 TWO CHICKEN' SHELTERS, IN GOOD • condition. PHONE 655 i- 15. 4145x1 ONE BLUE FLAME OIL BURNER' SPACE heater. used four months. Apply to CHARLES FORREST, Box 217, Hensall. 4145x1 REGISTERED YORK. HOG, READY FOR ' service. Apply THOMAS W. BUTT, Kippen. Phone 74 r 22, Hensall. 4145x2 - OR SALE -1935 FORD COUPE, IN GOOD condition. 'PHONE 79 r 33, Mensal& 4145x1 11jO15.'SALE—FORD ARMY FOUR-WHEEL drive truck, '41 model: low mileage; '60 cwt.; 8800.00. JARROTT BROS., Kippen. Ont. 4145-1 INTERNATIONAL '38 THREE-QUARTER ton stake truck, reconditioned. Priced reas- onable. Apply HAROLD DIGNAN, 3 miles west of Heneall, or phone 91 r' 18, Zurich. 4145x1 'OAR FOR. SALE—MODEL 'A' FORD, '29, good„ tires, good mechanical 'condition - Reasonable. GERALD O'HAR.A, R.R. 1, Dublin..,,Prone 23 r 11. 4145-1 FOR SALE—NO. 1 COMMERCIAL OATS and barley; N6. 1 O.A.C. 181 peas, $3.75 bushel: No. 1 Horsford Canning Peas, 19e pound, 10 pounds or more; Hybrid seed corn, prices right. SCOTT'S ELEVATOR, c/o Er- win Scott, Phone, 68,, Inman. 4145-1 Rork SALE—NEW 1947 ENGLISH MOTOR - cycle --500 CF Royal Enfield ; beautiful machine with plenty of }ower; $675.00 cash or terms. r• Selling account of sickness. Ap- p1y ,to ROGER W. J11i iL, on Reynold's farm, west of Seaforth after '7 pan. 4145x1 SALE—LARGER SALE—LAGE BARN, IN GOOD ▪ condition, half new steel •roof, Also square timbers. 211 sizes and.lengths. Apply LLOYD MEDD, R.R. 1, Olim5on. 3ihone 801 ✓ 41, Clinton. 41451.-2 j+(}R SALEL-•,BABY'S Srrsn,L CRIB AND niattriss, in good condition. PHONE 227. 4144-2• PIANO POR SALE --UPRIGHT PIANO, 1.1q good conditions. Apply Box 561, HURON EXPOSITOII. 4144-2 SLIGHrLY USED, 84 -CUBIC FOOT. 'KEL- vinator, with cube trays. OAKLAND HOUSE, Grand Bend. 4144-2 17 OR SALE—KITCHEN RANGE; BURINS ▪ wood or coal: BASIL PURCELL, Market Street.. , Deaths .POWELL--In Gtailwin, Pit., on May 19th. Charles S. Powell; formerly of ,9,inforth, and 'broth'er of Mns. L, C. Jackson. SMITH—In Seafarth, on Wedncldary, , May 21, Fjorence Rea, beloved wife of William Smith, in her 70th year. LOSTWHITE FOX TERRIER, WITH brawn markings on face. Answers to the name of "Dinah." Anyone knowing of its whereabouts, please phone RUSSEL BRODERICK, 91 r 5, Herman. 4145-1 Teachers Wanted pJ RMANEIJT TEACHER WANTED AT one Pee:testant teacher for S...5. No. 2, McKillop. Apply at once to JOSEPH T. HUGILL, Sea-Treas., R. R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 836 r 21. - 414544 TEACHER WANTED FOR U. S. S. NO. 1, Stanley and ' Hay Townships. Personal interview preferred- Apply to LAWRENCE REGIER, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont. 4144x3 QUPPLY T)J'AC151R WANTED AT ONCE— "Probe:dant teacher for S. S: No, 2, Mc- Killop. Apply at once to JOSEPH T. HUGILL, Sec. -Tresis., R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 836 r 21. 4142-tf Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED For Concrete Work TENDERS WILL BE .RECEIVED BY THE undersigned to and including Monday. June 2, 1947, for concrete foundations and other concrete work necessary in the con- struction of an addition at 'Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Tenders :are to include all materials and forms necessary for the completion of the work, and .ire to lie based on a price per cubic yard. Lowest or any .tender not necessarily ac, cepted. P. D 'McCONNELL, Se. rediry of the Board, Scott Memorial Hospital. .4145-2 TENDERS WANTED TEND -ERS ARE INVITED FOR THE WIR- ing of No, 7 School. House, Tuckeramith. Wiring to be completed during mill -summer holidays, subject to the approval of the In- spector. Plansand specifications may be seen at the office of the Secretary -Treasurer. Tenders to be in by the 24th o4 May, S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas., R. R. 3, Seaforth. 4144-2 In Memoriam IN MEMORY OF A DEAR FATHER, JOHN W. Ortwein, who passed ,away May 20, 1946. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet; You were 'the kind of a father Your loved ones would never forget. —Ever remembered by his daughters, Re- L'ecca, 'Hannah and Lillian. 4145-1 JOHN McINTOSH—IN LOVING MEMORY of husband and Dad, who passed away in Detroit five years ago, May 21st A husband and., 4 ather, loving and„ kind,. No better on this earth you'll ever find; - For all of us he did his best, God called him to eternal nest. madly missed by Wife (Maggie Latimer), son, Genald, and wife, Constance, and two grandchildren, Jackie end Yvonne. '4145-1 Cards of Thanks MRS: GEO�LGE EATON AND MRS. JOHN Maher, Fergus and William wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent' bereavement, in the loss of their father, the late John Bullard, and for the. beautiful floral tributes and cards of sym- pathy received. Special thanks to Rev. Pat- ton. Rev. Semple, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Car rothers, Members of L.O.L., and .to those who leaned tars. 4145x1 Births DINNIN—In Mount Hamilton Hospital, on 'May 14, to Mr. and Mm. Harry Dinnin, '• (nee Lois Wright), Guelph, a daughter. BEECH:OFT—In Wingham Hospital, on May 13, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, of Belgrave, a son—David Robert. TURNER—In Clinton Public .•' Hospital, on May 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Turner, of Zurich, a daughter. GARRETT—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 19, .to Mr. and Mrs. R. Garrett, Tnck- •' ersmitlh, a daughter. GLANVILUE In Scott Memorial' Hospital, on May' -19, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Glanville, Walton, a s'bn. McKILLOP _ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Elligson and Shirley, of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Elligson ---. Mr..' and Mrs. Cecil Franks and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Backed, of Preston, visited with' Mr. and "Mrs. Henry Koehler and other friends in this Vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hoegy on Sun- day visited Mrs. Henry Eggsrt, who recently returned home from Strat- ford hospital. ST..COLUMBAN Bailey - Holland St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, was the scene of a very pretty wed- ding of interest in this district on Saturday, May 10, when Gloria Marie Holland., Washington, D.C., second eld- est llest daughter of Mr, 'and Mrs. J. J. Holland„ St. Columban, was united' in marriage to Mr. Grant Watson°Bails y. Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs, Morley Bailey, Windsor, Rev. Father March mond officiated at the. ceremony at 10 o'clock a.m. Rev. J.. E. Roman, D.D.,, presided at the organ, and the Cathedral boys' quartette sang, dur- ing the Nuptial Mass, Given in mar- riage'by her father, the bride was at- tended, by hero sister, Miss Loretta Holland, Kitchener, as maid of honor and Miss Barbara Thomson, Wash-. ington, D.C., as bridesmaid. Mr. Or- val. Wasman, Windsor, was best man and the ushers were, Mr. John Hol- land, Seaforth, brother of the bride, and Mr. Al. Henry, •Miltof. The bride looked lovely in a white gown fash- ioned with satin bodice, long sleeves Pointed over her hands, and •fuI1 net skirt ending in' a train. Her veil elf, -w-hlt'o net waseFl lcl—ih -a garland of orange blossoms, and she carried; a cascade bouquet of white roses. The attendants wore similar gowns of moire taffeta styled with 'fitted bod- ices, cap sleeves grid long full skirts.. They also wore he'addre'sses• of net trimmed with .roses to match their gowns, with matching gloves and car- ried • cascade bouquets of pink earner tions, roses and snapdragons. Miss Holland was in pink and the --brides- maid had chosen ,a.cquarnarine Shade. A reception was held in. the Slue Room of the King h',clwarcl Hotel, To- ronto, at high noon. Mrs. I) lfand, mother of the bride, was wearing a black tailored •suit, and. 'Mrs. 'Barley,. the bridegroom's mother,was in a natty 'blue suit with mink;,fire. Their blouse and matching ha and gloves, and red shoes, She c riled a red bag and wore a carsag of red and white carnations.. T'13,4 couple w'ill're- side in Torgjrto upon their return. Guests attended the wedding frotq St. polumbau, Searf',orth, Dublin, Windsor,, Milton, Detroit, Peterborough, Wash- ington, D.C., Kitchener, London, Brampton, Toronto and Brantford. CROMARTY Personals{: Alfred Coates and son. Jack, Exeter, aecompanied bY Ernest Luxtou, of I! ilmere, Sask., with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl; 'Miss iVlar- gare•t 'Scott, Ottawa, is spend'ng a few month's' holidays with her mother, Mrs. "Grace 'Scott, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rus- sell; Mrs. John Scott with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott, Carlingford; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham and grand- son, Manson, of Crumlin, with Miss Mtery B. Currie; 'Mr. and.• Mrs. Len Houghton and sons and Ross Hough- ton with Mr. and Mrs. John Hough- ton, Mildmay: Jnr HENSALL Messrs. William Kyle, Bruce Mc- ''lin'he of Kippen, and Ed. McClin- ( ( S e Y, FP they, of Hensall, returned Monday evening from a fishing expedition to Chesley. . Lake, with seventeen fine pike, the largest two feet long. Mlis. Gertrude Keen and Mrs. Stew- art Bell attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Quinlan, of Egnlondville, which took place from St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Thursday morn- ing,. May 22. The Arnold Circle Evening Auxil- iary of Carmel Presbyterian Church will hold their May. meeting at the home of Mrs. 'Stewart Bell on Mon- day. Co -hostess with Mrs, Bell will be Mrs. A. R. Orr. liars. R. Elgie will present the topic, and the roll call will be answered with the name of a Disciple. Member's are asked to bring a tea towel for the -bazaar. Mensal) Institute Banquet An outstanding event took place on Friday evening, May 16, in Mrs. Tudor's dining' room, when Hensall Institute members (46 in nunhber), held a banquet to commemorate the golden jubilee of the founding of Wo- men's Institutes. The tables, adorn' ed in ,their array of candelabra, sil- ver rose bowls—containing blue and gold spring bouquets, blue and gold tapers, presented` a most attractive appearance. The 'stream'ers; place - cards' and serviettes' further carried out the Institute colors, blue and gold. Following a sumptuous chicken din- ner, efficiently served by Mrs. Tudor and her assistants, Miss Florence 'Welsh, pianist, conducted community singing. During the meal Mrs. Kers- lake, the president, lighted candles on the beautiful anniversary cake. Mrs. 'Kerslake presided for the suc- ceeding interesting- program: :Toast sommomi to. the Illlg, pro v a.ed 'by Mss, dei G* )alis, 1*latlonttJJ..Aliitilalxl sung', tYtast to the Heli.sall Womeli's Institute, pre - posed by Miss Gladys Luker, reply made by Mrs. A.: E. Munn. At this time Mrs.1 W. Broadfoot, of Seafortl>a (nee Miss Maude McLean), first president of the Institute, then called the Junior a.Ins:titute, 'interest- ingly interestingly ,and vividly sketched the early history of the group. The Hensall Junior Institute was organized in 1936, following the short course 'held. in the Heusail council chambers. The following officers were 'in charge: -Presa.dent, Mrs. W. Broadfoot,,, R.R. 3, Seaforth (nee 'Miss Maude, McLean); 1st ,vice-president, Mrs, IL Shepherd, Toronto, (nee Miss Mildred Smillie) 2nd vice-president, Orbs. H. Wilson, Toi'`onto (nee Miss Beryl Drummond) ; pianist, Mrs; M. Harmon, Woodstock (nee Miss Louise Drummond); secre- tary -treasurer, Mrs. L. Elder, Hamil-, ton (neo Miss ,Glad-ys Passmore). Three of the original officers were present at, the banquet, namely, Mts. M. Drysdale, Mrs. J. Paterson • and Mrs. E. Chipohase (nee Miss Olga Bell). Mrs, Broadfoot stated that the meetings were held in the Anglican Church basement, with an original membership of 15. At the second meeting Miss Keddy and Mrs. A. Run- dle, Exeter, were special speakers. This branch Was later called the Sen- ior Institute, and is now known as The Heu.sall Women's Institute, Throughout .the years, in addition to Mrs. Broadfoot, the following presi- dents have served: Mrs, R. Elgie (nee Miss Beryl Pfaff), four years„,,,1938- 1942; •Miss Gladys Luker, three years, 1912-1945; Mrs. A. E. Munn, one year, 1945-1946. Mrs.'•A. Kerslake became president in 1946.and holds this posi- tion at present. The present member- ship reaches 52. At the recent April meeting, the annual meeting, the slate of officers for 1947-1848 resulted as follows: President, Mrs..A: Kerslake; 1'st vice- president, Mrs. A. E, Munn; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Orr; secretary-treas- 'urer, Gladys Luker; assistant secre- tary -treasurer, Mrs. R. Elgie; press reporter, Mrs. M. Hedden; branch di- rectors, Mrs. •Drydale, Mrs., Cross, Mrs. W. Sangster; pianist, 1VIiss Flor- ence Welsh; assistant pianist, Mies Greta Lammie; card convener, Mrs. W: Swale;. district representative, Mrs. Hess: ' The guest speaker, Mrs, Paul Doig, president of the Seaforth Institute, was introduced' by Mrs. R. Elgie. She spoke eloquently and humorously on the subject, .''Getting the Most Out of Life.” Miss 'F. Welsh and Mrs. L. Mickle rendered a delightful piano duet. 'Mrs. Cross, in expressing thanks, paid tribute to Mrs. Tudor and her assistants,. the. various com- mittees, and all who had in any' way provided this enjoyable. occasion, af- ter which the Institute Ode was sung. Euchre formed the entertainment, the prize -winners being Mrs. W. Broad - foot and Mrs. J. Bell.. The following ladies were' in charge (Additional Hensall News on Page 3) .. of,array gen enta: Mrs', I., ¥Lorne and M. s A. D.MCPWa14, .(nal, a itaible dec. 41I:aionn„ • betilquete, ate. i • Mrs. Kers- lake, gra, R., Eagle, Mian 'preta I4aTer Arlie and Mrs. Hess, remaining impor, tant plans such an seeming guest speakers!; 'pravdding 'program, enter- tainment. etc. Miss A. Tate, .photoglrapher and Institwte' member, secured several views of the (.appy crowd. The Anglican Church Rectory is being offered for sale on Wednesday, May 28. HURON RADIO SERVE . Repairs. on All Makes of Radios Agent for Stew4r4-Wart'nel', Mi' dison and Marconi Raddo Satisfaction guaranteed on. all a'epaire. • - Ernest Appleby Phone 101 • HensaU ' VIVAX is Now Available For Home Use As a Scalp Treatment, If You Desire, Vivax is a proven scientific 'preparation thatis being ,, used sUcceselp1ly by. Beauty 'Salons, to check Dry, - Lifeless and Falling hair. It is your security from . Baldness, and is unrivalled as a Dandruff. Remover. • SOLD BY BEAUTY SHOPS ONLY NOTICE! Poultry Raisers In order that we may return the highest - possible prices to the producer, Seaforth Produce Ltd. will henceforth pay for Poultry on a Rail Grade •Basis. -Seaforth Produce Ltd. FOR THE FINEST Body and Fender Repairs AND Pain'ting BRING' YOUR CAR TO DALY'S GARAGE -SEAFORTH • ..:, : re -:«es• ,...: S. • jjJq,n�ut1'' efed Pri(ces_- in It®t indeso[;; teenais Exc .O4FA; 61211.28 fon the Plymouth Detour Co`6pe Bonappticdio10 cen on)se end Sos ony, If only extra mom:,362 ... •$ �:yx tin '� x•".vm:.v.1. ti% .u�.vG. ., .%....lag THE NEW PLYMOUTH is the grea>fest Plymouth ever built by ' Chrysler—and still priced with the lowest! For the lowest -price three -passenger Coupe, built in Canada today, check Plymouth. But LOW PRICE is 'let the, only outstanding feature. The beautiful new Plymouth also gives you Long Life and -Low Upkeep Costs! Precision manufacturing; super -finished Crbnkshaft and ' camshaft bearings; full -pressure' lubrication;; full-lengh water.: - -•--jackets afid other 'filiiiilons "Chrysler k;ngineenng Advancements make Plymouth an economical car to own and operate. LOOK AT .THESE GREAT FEATURES OF THE NEW P LY•M O U rt HWbeeh lo redaee tire-foifure hazards •Safety • A/ Sfebl Body • Eosy, Stork -Proof Steering • Safefy4tylerd Concealed Running Boards • New SofetySigpgl Speedometer • Safe -Vision - Whidshiald • Nets Front-end Sway Eliminator • PLUS. Patented Floating Power Engine Mountings • New Quieter Starter with hardy button ea dais • Hotchkiss Ditto • New Body Guard Bumper • New Lightweight Aluminum Pistons •"New I w praofinp • Sdenfiikally Balanced Ride. SCOTT- HARIRI $EAF'ORTH i 5