HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-05-23, Page 2tabliabed 1:800 'had. McLean, Editor. hcd at Seaforth, Ontario, ev- Sday afternoon by McLean Member of Canadian meekly , Newspapers s:ociation. 4-,;iutharized as Second Class Mall, I'oat OWYiee Department, Ottawa - A ORTH, Friday, May 23, 1946 Nein Liberal Leader At the Ontario Liberal As'socia- `tXnU "Convention held: in Toronto last vtreek, . Farquhar' R. Oliver, Legisla- tive Member for .South Grey, was elected `leader of the party for On- tario. Mr. ,Farquhar is not a stranger to either the Legislature or the . people of Ontario. . He has represented his constituency continuously since 1926, and has been the leader of his party in . the Legislature since the retire- ment of Hon. 1VI. F. Hepburn, and although only 43 years of age, is a veteran of the House and an author- ity on parlamenta.ry rules and pro- cedure. Mr.°'Oliver isa farmer and a suc- cessful one. He is the owner -opera- tor of 550 acres in his native county, and a- well known breeder of,thor- oughbred cattle. Although differing as night from day in character from his former leader, he is said to pos- sess an unusually pleasing person- ality, and is an eloquent speaker and able debater. 'In a Legislature of 90 members, Mr. Oliver only has a following of 13 Liberal members at the present time, so that he is pretty . nearly starting from the bottom to build a anew his party's fortunes in On- tario. But. he is said to be the unani- mous choice of all the members, and with such confidence and support behind him he will, as leader, instil new life into the official opposition in the Legislature, and there would appear to be much need of that at the present time. . b • Not Very• Promising From the farmer's point of view, and from the ' consumer's as well, the weather to date has been any- thing but promising. There are a few, but only a very few, who 'have finished seeding. The majority had only a few acres in by the week -end, and some had not even made a start. It,used to be thought that a farm- er rho ,,,hadn't finished his seeding by themiddle of May was no farm- er. And generally that conclusion was' pretty nearly correct. But this year farmers of all :classes, .good,, hand Arid indifferent, are. -pretty. much all in the same boat. But then, the weather is something that can not be' cured, consequently it just has to be endured. But there is still time, and hope, by no means, lies been abandoned. Too late seeding does not ensure a bountiful grain crop, but there is ' plenty of time yet to get the beans and corn- - in, and those , two crops figure largely in the farmer's econ- omy. in this district. The weather, at least, will prmit us td bank on a good hay crop, and that is the foundation .of feeding. And cattle ate out, and pasture is good and is already showing its ef- feet on stock.. But all the same, this spring wea- ther has given the farmer many anxious hours—and still is. No one can blame him in the least for that anxiety either. • • Still Truing For A Record The weather has been too back- ward this spring to issue its annual appeal .to 'the people- 'inthe--eiti•es-to .m tart rolling out to' the country, so that there has been no congestion of traffic on our open. highways. But in spite of that -fact, the znotorists.. • who are 'driving, appar- ently are trying to edge up motor aecidehts and fatalities to the place where they will establish a new, re- cord. ' More than a dozen motor fatali- ties resulted in the Province .'over the weekwend and a great many More were sent to the hospital' with .> • more or less serious injuries. .: mat dos its' Speed Mostly. But n carelessness and• a ,total indifference to the 'rights of others play a large dart. Most of the cars on theroads are not new, Perhaps a majority are of a very ancient vintage, with poor tires, poor brakes and often .'aulty, steering equipment. But too ihaliy drivers seem to forget those sad facts. They are' in such a hurry going no place that they coax out all the speed the old car is capable.- of,, without having any proper control over that speed -and then.. something happens. It has been very noticeable ever sincethe snow disappeared from the roads and highways. It is getting worse as the season advances. Per- haps it will . continue on until every 'driver of a motor car comes to the realization that it is not always the other fellow who is going to be in- jured, maimed ofkilled. Perhaps then motorists will .prac- tise a few safety measures, and among them that of giving a little thought.:' to the rights of other motorists. •' O.K.! O.K.! . Constant use by. old,' , as well as yo ii ng, in recent years, has made O.K., one of the .most widely used and familiar abbreviations of speech in our language of today. Were it came from has puzzled more people than the makers, of grammars, but it is here, and here, apparently, to stay. But here is one history of its origin: In a book, "American Language," the author says: "The first known use of O.K. in this sense appears in the court records of Sumner .Coun- ty, Tennessee, October 6, 1790. "On that date, Andrew Jackson, Esq., proved a bill of sale from Hugh McCary, .to Gasper. Mausker, for a negro man, which was O.K. James Parton, in his biography of Jackson, suggests that what appeared to be O.K. in the record may really be a poorly penned O.I., which was the abbreviation used for Ordered 'Re- corded. Apparently O.K. came into general use after Jackson was elected' President. But despite its hoary. 'age, we still don't see any sense,in it. - • • What Nonsense The Stratford Beacon - Herald starts off a long editorial with these words: "Tlie spring cleaning season- is eason-is in full swing, and one of the places the housewife gives attentionto is the attic—if she has the misfortune to liye in a' house where there .is one." The St. Thomas Times-Journalis still more offensively silly in another editorial, when it, said: "Happy is the home that has: no attic." What ' nonsense! Perhaps: those _ editorial writers were " both women. But breathes there a man with soul, so dead,' that would trade his attic for all the rest of his home put to- gether? No, Sir! .Where is a, _Man going to.. store with anydegree of safety, or . g _ y� any assurance they will" be there when needed—his fishing rods and creels, his waders and other fishing paraphernalia. His guns and . rifles, his field boots and coats, and all those other things without- which life would not be worth living—if he didn't have .an attic? Oh, yes., we know some men who boast of having a room of their own in the house, where they keep their own things: We've seen them too. Full of children's toys and women's truck. A whole room is too much for any man, so sooner or later the women move in. It is the story over again of the camel getting his head in the door of the tent. Th'e man 'is forced out, and' in the process his choicest possessions are hopelessly lost. . • In these days of the hopelessiiome labor situation, hasn't the house- wife enough to do below stairs,, with- out giving her attention to the attic?, If, as or when the attic needs atten- ion, the man will supply it himself. And if, as and when he does. there will be no confusion.. Everything will have a place, ank everything will be in the place he left it last time. In fact it it our considered opinion, arrived at during the course of half a century, that a, man who has a home without an attic,, can't really have any real home. home 'life at all. ..„. • e S A go e int....*item.. > ieked orae► - Th" Ethpositoi or act' and ttentAve years rho. From. The Huron Expositor - Mar t9, 1922 • -On Friday evening the annual meet=' ing for, the election of officers for the Constance Epw-orth League was held when the following, were elect- ed; President, Blanche Wke tley; 1st vice-president, Cli:ord Britton; 2•nd viceepresident, Thelma Dale; , . 3.rd vice-president, Margaret ,Love; 4th vice-president, Bernard Hall; secre- iery, Roes McGregor; treasurer, Elva Wheatleyel -organist," Mildred Britton; choirister, Lovina Rogerson. . John ,Wateon, G T..Balyd and Mr. Dreyer have purchased Chevrolet cars. Those assisting onthe program in St. James' ,school hall Thursday even- ing were: 'Mr. Naphtali, reader, from Toronto; Miss Shine, George Daly, Misees O'Connell, Eckert and O'Leary, Frank Devereaux, Frank 'Sills, Mrs. O'Connell and Mrs. Frank Sills. The main feature was the presentation' of a car to Rev: Father Goetz. Misses H. I. Graham, Belle Canal- belland Rossie Elder Were in Galt this week attending the •meeting of the General Council of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The" first game of the Western Foot- ball Association, seriesin the district was played, on the recreation grounds, Seaforth, Tueeday night against Kin - burn, but the game ended. in a 0-0 draw. The Seaforth line-up 'was as follows: ,Goal, C. Adams; backs, Dot Reid -and A. Kennedy; halves, P. Doig, C. Workman, D. Reid; centre, R. McGeoch; left wing, A. Crich, W. Wright; right wing, Reg. Reid, 0. Consigney. Referee, Bell, of Brus- sels. The fire alarm was sounded about 12.30 noon on Wednesday when the blaze was found to be in thestable at the rear of Mr. T. Swan. Smith's residence on John Street. Fortunate- ly there was no stock in the barn, but considerable hay and other art- icles were burned. .Mr. Johnston McElroy is moving in- to Mr. W. Hills' house in Fgmondville recently vacated by Mr. Frank Finne- gan. - Mr. Joseph' Heffernan and sister, Miss Margaret, of the Huron Road East, were presented with two beau- tiful oak chairs by their friends and neighbors on Monday evening prior to their renieval to Seaforth. Mother's Day services were observ- ed„ in St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, on Sunday. Miss Annabel McLean was organist. Miss Margaret Finlay- son sang a very appropriate solo en- titled, "The Gift." Quite ,a numbera,motored to Gode- rich from Hensall to witness the base- ball game .between Teeswater and Goderich on Wednesday •last.,. On Monday evening Rebekah Lodge held a most successful progressive euche party. Prizes were won by Miss Sade Thompson and Mr. Geo. D. Haigh, and the consolation by Mr. Charles ,Adams: .• From The Huron hapositor -May 21, 1897 Mr. Donald McKinnon, of the 10th concession of Tuckersmith, had, the misfortune to lose a valuable breed- ing mare last week. • Miss 'Bessie Rose, daughter of the late, John Ross, of Brucefieid, has completed her -studies at McGill Uni- versity, taking the degree of B.A. with first-class honors in Metaphysics. Mr. Wm. McDougall of Egmondville left last week for Berlin, where he has secured a position for the sum - .LAZ Unless I mise my guess, We have one he around bore that will go to the. stew Pot or the frying pan by next Sunday. She holds the record for out -arid -out cussedness. They can say what they like about Barred Rocks beirig lazy, but this Old Biddy holds the world's record for getting .around' in fine time. Along about this time of year Mrs. Phil gets in a fuss about the front lawn and the surroundings o•f the house. Seeding.be darned . . . we've just got to get the place looking as if somebody were living here. This• perpetual barrage 'of words goes on and on. Finally :there comes a time when it's just too much for a man to stand. We,.take a half, day off for curry: co nbing; raking and general cleaning up. Leaves and sticks and general debris brought rip by the pup, must be 'collected and 'burned. Tile lawn is given a,hair-cut with the old lawn mower.. The front porch is- scrubbed off ,and a new coat of grey paint put down. = - Then ity comes time to prune the 'shrubs and dig the flower beds- up. The•earth.is pulverized down into fine next Sunday! bits and Mrs. Phil gets out the firmer seeds and the plants she bought, and in they go. • - Well, the other day when we 'ere through I must confess I was proud of the result. Of 'course I was more tired than if we had 'been- working at the seeding all dad 'This stoop- ing and 'beading, at what most ,men call ladies' work, was certainly too much for me. • There was a little time left :before shoring, so I sat down In the old rocker and smaked,.on the back porch. I saw this -old hien Stroll by; and was just too tired to be bothered chasing her. That's where I made a tragic mistake. She -should" never have been allowed to get 'by. • ' Mr& Phil came out and walked around while the supper 'was cooking to take a prideful look at our handi- work. There was an agonized shriek from the front of the house, and Mvs. Phil came around chasing the Barred Rock hen. The flower.' beds were scratched up in - all directions, and then to add insult to injury'that 'hen had walked across the fresh paint on the porch inher dirty feet. Drop around for a chicken dinner, :JUST A SMILE OR TWO:. For the first time in his life he had been asked to make an after-dinner speech, and for days before the func- tion he rehearsed his oration before his wife. Finally the great day arrived, and on his return home his proud wife in- quired how the speech hadbeen re- ceived. . • "Evidently I was moving, soothing and satisfying;" was the reply. "Mov- ing, because after the first few min- utes half my. audience 'went out; soothing, because •the other half then went to sleep, and satisfying because when I sat down, the man opposite me woke up and said, `Well,. we've had enough of that old fool'." • • A man was giving some advice to his son. At the end of a rather stern lecture, he said: "Now, my :boy, you understand .perfectly what I mean?" "Yes, replied` the boy. "What it boils down to is this: If I do well it's because of heredity, and 'if I fail it's my own fault." • Husband (the ingenious "I've .invented a sew type of man's handbag, dear." Wife (skeptically) : "What's new about it?" ' Husband: "The zipper's at the bot- tom. Isn't that where everything us- ually is when you want it?" type): a wo- Lions Hold Charter Night. There was an attendance of abeu - 250 at the Bayfield' Pavilion oil --Wed- nesdayt night When the Bayfield Leona Olub received its charter.. Visitors were present from, • Windsor, St: Thomas, London, Petrolia, Sarnia, Ex- . eter, Goder'icli, Clinton, Seafeeth, chel'l, Blyth, Zurich and, other` haonet Clubs. Th e charted' was ;presente.d Ibyi Hal, Meir, of-SeaforhiC, district. gover- nor, and was accepted on behalf of the new Icons, Club:: sof B'a'Yfield by! Dave Castle. The Zurich Liobs Club sponsored the Bayfield Lions .01ub and provided theentertainment. Cere- monies were preceded by a -banquet and ended' with a dance.-Goderich' Signal -Star. Bell To Be Presented The prodigal son had returned. "Father," he inquired, "are you go- ing to kill, the fatted calf?" "No," answered • the old man, -look- ing the youth over carefully. "No, I'll• let you live. But I'll put you 'to work and train a lot of that fat off." • Wife:, "It says here that the aver- age persons speaks 10,000 words a day." Hubby: "Yes, dear; but you're far above the average, you know." • "How did the Smith wedding go off'?" Fine, until the parson; asked the bride if s'he'd obey her husband." "What happened then?" "She replied: `Do you think I'm crazy?' and the groom who was in a sort of daze, replied, 'I do.' She was a 0.1. bride, and on her arrival in New York she saw her hus- band on the quayside surrounded by most "exlpensive , flowers. Rushing down the gangway she kissed him en- thusiastically and said: "It's awfully good of you, Elmer, to greet me with such a marvellous lot of flowers." • re "Never mind the gush," said El- mer; "hurry up and get your coat off and help me sell 'enc? Huron- Federation Of Agriculture--FarmNews: Minerals Essential in Ration for Swine e In recent years many inquiries have been received at the Dominion Experimental Station, at Kapuska- sing, about anaemia, rickets and crippling among growing pig's .partict- larly. These inquiries indicate a lack of iron, of minerals, especially cal- cium combined with a vitamin "D" deficiency, says J. U. Pilon. • Too many swine ,breeders still feed no minerals at all to their. pegs, 'con- sequently there is a much higher mor- tality during elle nursing • period • or later and also a 'lower feed efficiency and gain with thee saved, hence lower profits. Past experience in raising pigs and more especially the 'result of an ex- periment being conducted at Kapua- kasing, would seem to indicate that the feeding of iron to suckling pigs is beneficial in .Most..years' and i$ well worth the small expense involved The following mineral supplement 2 parts by weight 'of ground lime- stone, 1 part of bonemeal -and 1 part of salt, fed at -the rate of 2 per., cent in the 'meal mixture (3 to 4 per cent 'for brood sows) to over 200, pigs. un- der experiment since 1939, from wean- ing eaning to slaughter,.has given excellent results in preventing rickets in pigs which were all grown indoors in win- ter time. Commercial mineral supple- ments can probably be more easily secured locally and. will give equally good results if fed according to in- structions given on containers. A good supply of vitamin "D" is necessary for proper assimilation of minerals. I•n summer time, with plen- ty bf: sunshine, green and leafy pas- tures or hay, particularly legumes such as alfalfa or clover, there is lit- tle, danger of a lack of vitamin "D," but in winter time, when these 'are scarce, it m,ay be a good practice to feed rgs a except , those nearing ma,rlyk sight, some cod liver oil. One teaspoonful daily in the feed for, a pig under 100 pounds 'and twice that for brood sows, will usually meet the requirements. For best results, it should be a regular practice to feed all pigs:: 1: Iron:. Usually 'three doses glee sufficient.. The first to be adiminister- ed when pias are two to three days old and the others at weekly inter- vals afterward. Each dose per pig to be .about equal to a small tablet if re-• duced iron powder Is used and, three Limes that if po- dere i. ".ferrbva sul- phate of iron• is used.. 2, •'1tdiinera1 ;Suj element: It •cen. either be mixed in the meal mixture at the rate of two or throe per cent or fedalone in a separate tr6uggh or box where pig's, especially the brood sews. or the young greVeistg ones can al'way9 get it. If milk is aVatiasble, it, Will help as it is rich in ealleenele, 1partidulariy calcium• 3. '`V'itamin "17": _ateen leafy hh.Y, good pasture Wifi• not tally supply .rbnineera1s `brit ,also vitamin' "ir as Wilt cod liver oil ,gird• enteMne. mer. - The business meeting of the official board of the Methodist ,Church, Wal- ton circuit, took place on Monday af- ternoon, last. Present were Messrs. Pella ._Morrison;,.Marla-ride Hackwell, Roe, Dundas, Irvine, stilt,', J. C. Morrison, Williamson and Bar-' rows. Mrs. Berry was the only lady present. The finances of the circuit were, found to be in a healthy condi- tion. Mr. Hamilton, the energetic and of-, ficient agent in Seaforth for the Frost wood Mm eref agricultural; impie= ments, made quite an im;poaing dis- play in town on. Saturday last. There were a quarter of a hundred farm. ers in for their machines, and Mr. Ham- ilton entertained them to dinner. The 33rd ..Battalion,- Band, headed the pro- cession. The following are thecae who purchased implements: Binders, Wm.. McGavin, Tilos. Kenney Charles. Dodds, of McKillop; Herbert Crich andeJ. C. Routledge; Tuckersmith;. J. J, Irwin, Henry Replete J. and W. Hogg, Robert Habkirk, James F. Hackwell and Wm. McKay, McKillop; James Allan and Wm. Sinclair, Tuck- ersmith; mowers, George Nott, W, R. Archibald, R. Brock, Wm.Carnochan, David Ferguson, W. C. Landsborough and John McLean, Tuckersmith; Jas. Cronin, Hibbert; Louis Malone, Mc- ; rakes; Janies Campbell and Hugh Campbell, McKillop. Mr. A. Cardno, of town, has bad a handsome new drop curtain placed in his hall. •, ' Scott Bros., musical instrument dealers, of town, shipped' several pianos and organs. to Manitoba this week. - On Sundayafternoorriast fire broke out in Mr. Harry Speare's clbtbing store and the' photograph gallery of aend.erson.- ti- nod dea:Lof_stoek. was 'ruined by snrolee and water. Miss. Nettie Ewing,' daughter of Mr. George Ewing, Of town, has graduat- ed creditably as a nurse at the New York General ,Hos:pital. Miss Minnie Oliver and Miss Fletcher, of Goderieh, also graduated from the Presbyterian Hospital in Neva York. These ladies are both well known in town. Early Tuesday •morning thieves en- tered the residence of Mn Alex h5wing in Clinton.' They secured six or sev- en dollars, besides' helping tihemtdselves• to the eatables on the table. A debate was held on. Wednesday" last in connection, With. the Good Templars' lodge, ;Meeting. The sub- ject was, "ReaolVed. that town- life is. Preferable to country life." 9? ie t& firmative was captained by' fte .Mace Medd, and the negative Iby lei's'. Harr Blaine. • The bell of H.M.C.S. "Goderich" is• to be presented' to the town at the meeting of the ,.town council on Fri -- day evening of this week. Command- er W. A. Childs, of H.M.C.S. "Pre- vost," London, with Lieut. A, 8. Cash, R.C.N., will be present to make the presentation.-Goderich Signal -Star. Removed To Malton Dr. John See, Mrs. See and two, children, Robert and Mina Jane, haver removed from Goderich and taken up residence in Malton. Their daughter, Jacqueline; will remain here until school closes in June. Dr. See, while practising in Malton as a. veterinary surgeon,' will also .be occupied as. a Government inspector.-Goderich Sig- nal -Star. Purchases Lumber One odquarter of a million feet et lumber, enough for 100 new homes, have been purchased in Northern One tario by A. J. Sweitzer o the Huron Lumber Co., and the first shipment will arrive within a few weeks. Mr. Sweitzer, G. A. Cann and Carfrey -motored to Midhurst recently and Mr. Sweitzer completed. the deal. -Exeter Times -Advocate. Barn Roof Catches Fire If these three points are kept in 'mind when balancing the swine ra- tions, and if •plenty of clean fresh wa- ter, •a clean dry place and plenty of exercise are supplied, pigs should never suffer from paralysis or rick- ets and will make better gains which will more than pay for the little ex- tra labor elf expenses. s * s Winter Fair Should Be Made Greater !Some valuable _. suggestions:.- as to, the real place which should. be held tidy .the Royal Winter Fair in Cana- dian and international affairs were made recently. by Dr, E. S. Archibald, Director, Experimental Farms Ser- vice, Dominion Department of Agri- culture, at the Royal Winter Fair an- nual"meeting in Tomato. The- is oyal, he mid -,wee, without doubt ,the great show ,.window for • Cenada's. agricul- ture and came at a season of the year when it was a "culmination" exhibi- tion. That meant that the county and district, regional and • Championship, Grade A and' Grade B, and some of the other winter fairs had already been held, and it was only logical that the .,real top winners came to the Royal• to obtain supreme honors at -this, the greatest" of Canada's agri- cultural shows. But the'"E&yal Winter Fair was more than that. It was international, and American winners of all classes of live stock and agricultural products should be encouraged to prove their worth at this, the greatest and. most ` comprehensive fair of the continent. It was more cordpreherisive than oth- er great American' shows. although the Royal was Canada's great (show window and was -compre- hensive, Dr. Archibald doubted 'wire- , thee it had reached the limits "in either of •those points. Canada pro- duced. as fine foodstuffs as any coun- try Was that fact pointed out to Canadian visitors. Canadian grains won championships at Chicago or other,shows with ease. Why were the wheat kings not crowned at the oval instead sof Cbl', gal. -That: apt plied to -oats, 'barley, peas, soybeans, flax and mealy other crept, including ,Canadian grass and clover seeds. Again; the .excellent show 'of fruit which was put on at the 1946 Royal be some of the more progressive growers in Ontario Was -appreciated, But, if the Royal is a National Show, Why .were the other 'ilig producing provinces Trot. stimulated to use every means at their disposal to sell their surplus goose in Gerardo, and on the export maeket to) Make • an atlequate display oftheir products in competi- tion? Brit' the Rdyal Show •should not be constituted purely a„a a prodircers' show. It Is also a consumers' show, andforfack of space, equipment and the •like', that point was "very often , forgotten. 4. While burning rubbish- at the rearee of the Hopper-Hockery furniture store Monday, sparks from the 'fire "ignited some shingles on the roof of the barn on Miss May Jones' property. A. hurried call was made for • the firer department and, they were soon on the scene and had the fire under con- trol before much• damage vas done. - Exeter Times -Advocate. Lightning Strikes' Stephen Couple When lightning struck on the farms of Mr.'and Mrs. William Gibson, one and a -half • miles• sellth of Exeter, during a severe electrical storm Tues- day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson who • were in the act of taking in some Clothes from a ,clothesline, were both rendered unconscious and a son, Fred was also knocked' down and -burned about the feet. Another son rushed across the road to the Pi -out farm. and Dr. Milner, .of town, was called. The injured, were rushed by two am- bulances to St. Joseph's Hospital', London, in a serious condition. Bata regained consciousness during the• night. When the storm:tame up Mr. and Mrs: Gibson had • gone out into- the yard to remove the clothes from a line that was attached to a tree. When a vivid•fias.h of lightning splin- tered the tree. Mr: and Mrs. Gibs'om were thrown to the ground and ren - ',tiered unconscious. -Exeter Times-A& vocate. Property To Become Apartments- ' Reeve Franklin Bainton is remodel- ling the old school property on Queen , Street, •which he acquired some time - ago, and is fixing it .into.. a:four-apart- ment dwelling, twodownstairs and • two upstairs. Carpenters ere now busy' -at the Work. -When it is com- pleted there will be room for four more families in our midst.` Mr. Bain ton's glove factory has been moveal from the building to new quarters in his recently enlarged. mill, Blyth; Standard. • Suffers -Serious Eye. Injury Rae Crawford, of the 4th line .of Morris; suffered serious- injuries tee - his eyes recently. While assisting .in spraying orchard• trees at 'Clinton, the - .spraying mixture accidentally came in. contact with his eyes, seriously in- juring them. It was feared he might. lose the sight of his, eyese but the. latest report is thatit is expected h " will retain his sight.--- us'sels•. Post. J. E. Hovey ede otmaster• nly received of- ficial notice of his appointment to the position' of Postmaster in Bayfield. Mr. Hovey is the third son of Mrs., L. C. Harrison Lucan, and the late Reverend,. Frank Hovey, Burlington. He attended Clinton public school ands - Collegiate Institute. and' 'graduated from Lucan High ..School, He also;', took a business course. On January - 14, 1941; he , enlisteee in the R.C.A.F. and was posted ds a Gunnery Instruct tor at various R.C.A.F. Training Schools in.' Ontario, Quebec ands Prince Edward Island, with the rank of Sergeant, 'He also instructed in 'the Fleet Air Arm for a time, and' re- ceived his honorable discharge Oct, 3, 1945, -Clinton News -Record,. Double Set of .Triplet Calves Out. on the Leslie G. Kuntze farm, concession 5„ Hibbert township, three ' miles north of Staffs, cows. go in, for production---ln--a big -way— --little . less than a' year., ago a Bro n 'Swiss Y' cow gave birth to triplets, -two Males and a .female. Last week the same • 'cow presented another set of triplets to her amazed owner, all being males this time. All, six .calves" are normal • -and -healthy. The •same `Hereford (bait ' sired both sets of triplets and•, all :e calves show Hereford characteristics. -Mitohell Advodate. Lightning Strikes Home• Tuesday evening when storms rs- • ited thfe,.,vieinity the hoarse of Nor- - - man Harvey, located on the curve ger: i.ng into Monktote village from the south, Was struck by lightning, break - bee a couple •of large w,indaws and ,knocking Wreath articles; out of the pantry. Mrs. Harvey • and sbtt Bob, • were alone in the house at the there. tet itehell AdVoeate;