HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-05-16, Page 4AG E OU UIQN 1 Ij It iass�rd Will Be Inserted At New Lo* Cash Rates: For s5llew Wanted e 'j old and roand, Etc. -Pea word; 1sstd week 1 Cent Cesit -8rd weeeekk % Minimum charge, Brat insertion.- , , 26 Cent Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts' as eve word. Oat$..of '1'halae. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Event -1 cent per word Minimum, 50 fie is per week. )*qui rear be directed to a• Box Number, 0/0 The Huron F,.rrpgsitor, for 10 cents extra Men ;MAW 'additional will be charged if ads in above sloes are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. nixie .Marriages and Deaths inserted free of phase. ' Avution. Sales;,_Notices to Creditors, Etc. Ratat on aMalication. Help; Wanted Wanted F IWANTED--GIRL TO WORK IN �7fynt, Apply TASTY GRILL, Sea- forth. 4144-2 WANTE9-,A WHEEL CJTAIR, 1N GOOP. condition. MRS., 'HARRY TYNDALL. Phone 655 r iI • 4144-1 GIRL. OR W- FOR GENERALS MOUS '�jANTED-SEWING MACHINE, 1N GOOD work. Two sisters, or friend considered- running order. PHONE 291. Adult family. Evenings free. 'Excellent wag- es. ' I2R'S, G. H. McgORMLCK, 18o Brant Rd. ' , 1l., -Gant, Ont. s 4143x2 Personals 1 EEE SAMPLE -BEND 4c ; STAMP FOR Personal Hygiene ( rubber , goods) import- ed produet, hermetically sealed, electronically Bested. Free price lds,t. Mailed in plain seal- ed envelope. Adults only. W. NORMAN. Box 72; Station .7, Toronto. 4144x5 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS; mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 21 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept,. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER ' C,O., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notices �f LEECE LINE YotR HOME WITH blown rock wool. Permanent .and. fire proof. More comfort with -less fuel. For free estimate phone' The Huron Expositor, or write.ROWLAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton Ave.. London. . 4126-tf Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED FOR U. 5. S. NO. 1, Stanley and Hay Townships. Personal interview preferred. Apply to J AWRENCE REGIER, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont, 4144x3 TEACHER WANTED -' APPLICATIONS a -ill be received by the undersigned until May 20th, for a fully qualified Protestant teacher for Se S. No. 2, Tuckersmith, Kippen P.O., Miran County. App•lieants will please state qualifications, experience and references' and also name of last Inspector where ee- yerienced. Salary will be according to ex- perience. Duties to egmmenoe .September 2nd, S. 11 WHITMORE. Sec.-Treas., Tuckersonith Township School Area No. T 414.1.1 'SUPPLY TEACHER WANTED AT ONCE-. Protestant teacher for S. S. No. 2, Mc- Killop- Apply at once to JOSEPH T. HUGILL, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 836 .r..21. • . 4142-tf PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED FOR rural public school in Village of Con- stance. S. S. No. 3, Mullett Township, Huron County , Modern equipped brick schoolhouse. Duties to commence September lst. State ex- perience, qualifications and . salary expected. Apply to C. V. DALE, Secretary -Treasurer, 'R.R „1, Clinton. Phone .841 r 5. 4141-tf • ,' Poultry GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS 'AT reduced Prices for this week and next. Day old: New Hampshire, Barred Rock, New iHaranahire X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Light Sus- sex non -sexed 9.95, pullets, 17.95, cockerels 7.95. Assorted heavy' breeds non -sexed 8.95, tphllets-„16.95, cockerels 6.95. Cockerels: White Leghorn X Barred Rock 1.95, White Leghorn 95e. ,Two week old add 6.00 per hundred, three week old add 11.00 per hundred, ship- ped C:O,D, ' This advertisement must a,ceorn- pony your order to receive these special pric- es. Also older pullets eight weeks to layrng. TOP NOTCH'CHICKERIES, Guelph, Ontario. 4144-1 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Etate of. DANIEL O'CONNOR A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Daniel O.:Connor, late of the Township of Hibbert, County • of Perth, deceased. who died -on or. about".the 23rd day of Apklt, 1947, are hereby notified .tosend in to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of Juno, 1947, full particulars of their claims. - Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dia- tributed amongst the parties entitled , thereto, having regard only to' claims, of which the undersigned shall their /have notice, to ,'the exigWsion of 'all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim .the, undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed' or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 1.4th day of May, 1947. ' By tbeir Solieibor ALVIN W. SILLERY, $arrister, Etc., Seaforth,' Ont., for the Executors. 4144.3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1n the Estate of MELViN McPHEE • ALL PERSONS•,HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST. the Etate of Melvin McPhee, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Retired Cabinet Maker, deceased, who died on the 30th day of March, 1947, are hereby noti- fied to'geed in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned'on or,before the 31st day of May, 1947, after whibh date the assets wild •'.:'be.distributed, having ',regard •only to claims then received. DATED et Seafortli, this 7th day of May, 1947: McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, 'Solicitors for the Admi•nistratriz. " 4143.3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of DUNCAN McNICHOL ALL PERSONS HAVING GLAFMS AGAINST the Estate of. Duncan McNichol, Late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 22nd day of March, 1947. are hereby notified to send in full' Particulars of their claims bo the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May, '1947, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to ataitne then received. "' • DATED at Seafbrtli, this 7th , day of May, 1947. • McOONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4143-3 NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CLARA CROWLEY A PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST theEeseite ,of Clara Crowley. late of the Town 01 Senforth, n fil'ie County of Moron, Married Woman, deceased, who died o'n' the 21st day .of Aprvl, 1947, are hereby notified to send its full particulate of their claims to the Undersigned on or before the 81st day of May, 1941, after which date. the actsetrt will be dis- tributed, having regard p'nfy to claims then received, DATED at Seaforth, this 7th day of May, x947, • McOONNI6DL & 11AIO, • Seafottit, Ontario,, SeT•ltiterri f`i'r the Iyitecanoors. w .4148. ,4144-1 Property For' Sale THREE GOOD HOUSES FOR SALE. AP - • ply Box 560, EXPOSITOR 4144-1 'HOUSE FOR' SALE - SEVEN -ROOMED frame house, North Main Street, central location. Hardwood floors ; three-piece bath: furpace ; fireplace. Early possession. ED-, WIN JOHNS. Phone 378. 4144-1 Farms For Sale GRASS FARM, ONE 'HUNDRED ACRES. part bush : T,ot 21. Concessidn 7, Mullett. Apply NORMAN BALL, Clinton. Phone 236. 4144-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR THE Wilt- ing of No. 7 School House, Tuckersmith. Wiring to be completed during mid -summer holidays, subiect to the approval of the In- spector. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Secretary -Treasurer, 'lenders to be in by the 24th of May. S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas., , R. R. 3; Seaforth, 4144-2 For Sale FCR SALE -,BABY'S STEEL CRIB AND Mattress, in good condition. PHONE 227. 4144-2 FOR SALE -30 YOUNG PIGS, 4 TO 6 weeks old. Apply. to E. B. GOUDIE. Phone 661 r 2, Seaforth. 4144.1 p IANO FOR SALE -UPRIGHT PIANO, IN good conditions. Apply Box 561, HURON EXPOSITOR. • • ,4144-2 PIGS FOR SALE -A NUMBER OF WEAN- ing"pigs. ARCHIE HOGGARTH. Phone657 r 3, Seafbrth, 4144-1 VCR SALE -BRASS BED, IN 000D GON- dition. Apply to MISS H. SUTHER- LAND, Herisal'l, • Phone 5. a 4144x1 p0R SALE--20-FOOT WINDMILL TOWER. r • Apply 'to Box 5g9, •HURON' EXPOSITOR. 4144x1 FOR ' SALE -LADY'S' C.C.M. BICYCLE, IN good condition: PHONE 133-W, Seaforth. 4144-1 LIGHTLY USED, 34 -CUBIC FOOT KEL- vinatdr, with cube trays. OAKLAND HOUSE, Grand Bend. 4144-2 roe SALE -KITCHEN ' RANGE; BURNS wood or coal. BASIL PURCELL, Market Street. FOR SALE -LARGE , BARN, IN GOOD condition, half nevi steel •roof. Also square timbers, all sizes and lengths. Apply .LLOYD MHDD, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 801 ✓ 41,. Clinton, 4144x1 E XTENSION LADDERS -I HAVE SEV- eral ready for immediate delivery, of dif- ferent lengths. These are wade in my shop from B.C. fir standards and good quality oak and elm rungs, and equipped with auto- matic electric welded steel •ratchest and rein- forced' with No. 9 galvanized wire. On in- spection the ladders , and price of same are Pleasing the people as I have received orders from Exeter, Zurich, Varna, Brumfield, Clin- ton, Seaforth, Dublin, Staffs, Chiselhurst, Farquhar, Kirkton, London, and a goodly number from Hensel] and district Satisfied customers sure bring. more. 'If in need of any axe,,. sledge or hammer handles. I have a big, lot to select 'from' of select timber. Dur- ing last year I disposed of over 200 and. sharpened 143 saws. JOHN ELDER; Men- sal', 4144x1 Auction Sales AUCrtION SALE OF FARM STOCK; IM - elements and Effects, Mullett 'Township, mile east of Londesboro,, on Thursday, May 22nd, at 1 p.m.: CATTLE -A11 Holsteins: 1 cow 9 years, fresh; cow 4 years, fresh.; cow 6 years, fresh; oow 6 years, due August; cow 3 years, frail] ; cow 6 years, due May; cow, 5 years, fresh; heifer, 21 years, due Septem- ber; 7 calves: 60 hen. Sussex ; 4 sows ;' 16 young pigs. IMPLEMENTS -Oliver tractor 60 on rubber, with combination cultivator; Oliver 2 -furrow plow, like new; bean puller; Massey -Harris binder ; McCormick -Deering mower; Massey -Harris ,, hay loader ; hay rake: harrows ; riding plow ;' walking plow; one- horse souffler:..wagon on rubber and rack: McCormick -Deering cream separator in good condition; hay fork; carriage and ropes; 2 - wheel trailer: other articles. Ful] line pf house furniture, including; 3 -piece chesterfield, dining room suite; Bead] cook stove: couch; kitchen table ; bath room scales ; R.C.A. Vic- tor radio, like new, electric; dishes;; pots and pans ; ;Connor washing- machine (electric). Terms -Cash. JOHN BROMPTON, Proprie- tor; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. 4144-1 G"tLEAiRING AUCTION SALE OF LIVE Stock and Implements, Etc.. at Lot 16, Concession 2. Grey Township, 11/4 miles north' and % triile east of Walton, on Wednesday, May 21st, at 1 p.m.: CATTLE -11 Durham young cows; some due time of sale, and others recently fresh; 4 young calves; 8 Dur- hafn steers and heifers one-year old: 1 York sow with litter at foot. HARNESS -1 net of breeching harness; 1 set of 'single harness number of horse collars. IMPLEMENTS - Massey -Harris binder; Massey -Harris mower. 6 -ft.: Massey -Harris 11 disc •fertilizer drill (like new); spring tooth cultivator; 4-sedtion diasnond harrows ; '1 'disc, harrow: scatter: walking plow; riding plow; Massey -Harris hay loader; .hay tedder: sulky rake> turnip drill; brooder stove: post auger; set of"bench sleighs ; rubber tired wagon; gravel box, 16 - foot hay rack ; buggy; cutter; fanning mill; 2,000 Ib. scales; stone boat.; root pulper ; De Laval cream separator; pig crate; 3 barrels: grain bags; bag holder; sap pan and 130 buckets; iron kettle; quantity of lumber and Plank : 4 White ash tongues. GRAIN -Quan- tity of mixed grain. Logging chains ; whiffle - trees ; nee yokes ; forks: shovels and a host of other articles. Terms -Cash- . WALTER •G• BR'OA:ITFOOT, Proprietor: Harold .Jackson, Auctioneer; E: P. Chesney, Clerk. 4144-1 'AUCTION SALE OF OUTSTANDING Antique Furniture -and Household Effects of the Feitate of M. G.'Raneford, at his late residence, Lot No. 30, 'Concession t. Tucker - smith Tovalrship, on Na 8 Highway, 1 mile east of Clinton, on SATURDAY, MAY 24th at 1130 0.m. aharp..(D-S.T-) Terfn.s•-=•Cash If weather is 'Unfavorable, sale will be held one week later. 14. G. MEIR EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE Por further particulars or listing, apply to Edward W. Elliott, • Auctioneer, C'•L YNTON: liox 293 PONE 208 4144-2 Cards I Thai Ash, ahnif ..0 ARY WISIX'ES To 'MANE 1 all who Pdtronia,ed him in the # btlsi- ncee dtt iiag the Past sear. and ha is nova beiigg employed Out of awn. 4444 WISH TO E,KPF,'Ss MY APPRECIATION to my rbany friends who sent me oards, fruit, candy and letters on the *median of my recent aceMent. 4144-1 , RONALD BUTTERS In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOHN ELMER Beattie, ,who passed away May 20, 1945. Beyond the far horizon, The ship has dipped its sails ; A brighter harbor beckons, Where • peace and love prevail. There is no death, our dear. one Has found the cart, To that peaceful sheltered harbor Where loved ones never Part- -Father, Mother, Margaret and Neil, tN LQVING MEMORY ,OF A DEAR WIFE' aod.mother, Airs. Ezra Kiefer, who passed ' away two years ago, May 18, 1945. Not dead to us who loved her; Not lost, but gone forever; She Rives with us in me¢nory. And well for .evermore.. -Ever remembered by Husband and Family Births BEAI'I'ih--In Wingham Hospital, on Sunday, May • 11, to Mr, and Mrs. S. Beattie • (nee Brimna McBride); a son. A' brother for Karon- ' " BUGHANAN-In Smit ',Memorial Hospital,' on May 9, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald Buchanan: Londesboro, twins, a, son and a daughter. STEPHTNSON -,in Scott Memorial Ha:pitnl, on May 10, tp Mr. and b1ri, Elmer Steph- enson, Egrnondville, a daughter, SHF,A--In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 14, to Mr, and Mrs. John Shea, Beechwood, a daughter. SPEAK. -In Scott Memorial hospital, on May 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Speak, Sea - forth. a son: M'DONALD--in Scott Memerial Hospital, on May 1.1, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, Seaforth, a son- LENNON-In Detroit, en /slay 3, Frank G. Lennon, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lennon, of McKillop. Deaths BULLARD-In Thamesford, on Friday, May 9. John Ferguson Bullard, in his 82nd year. McMILLAN-In Tuekersmith, on Thursday. May 8, Francis Alexander (Sandy; McMil- lan, in his 47th year. BRISTOW--In. Eemondville, on Wednesday. May 14, Hugh James Bristow,' in his 88rd year. BEATTIE, Leila -At .her home in Seaforth. on Wednesday, May 14, Leila Buggin, be- loved wife of the late James Beattie, and dear mother of Minnie .(Mrs, J. E. Smith, Owen Sound), and Fred S. Beattie, of Ot- tawa, in her 93rd year. Funeral services at her late residence on Church St. on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment in Maitland - :bank Cemetery. No Hullett Grant . (Continued from Page 1) Dodds Drain and the Flynn Drain to August 1. .• The building of the new Ming to the Clinton Hospital was then brought up. There was considerable discussion on• this subject. By W. R. Jewitt and Wm. J. Dale: That we give a grant .__of '$2,000.00 to the, Clinton Community. Hospital. Lost. In amendment • by John Armstrong and Les. 'Reid: ,That we give a grant of $1,500 to the Clin- ton Community Hospital, payment to be withheld until building is udder construction, Carried. Mr. Wm, J. J. Dale asked ' that the voting on this motion -be taken by years and nays. The vote was': Amenda:lent:. Yeas -J.' W. Armstrong: W. R. Jewitt; Leslie Reid; nays -Wm. J. Dale, J. Ira Rap- son. Motion -Yeas -Wm. J. Dale, J. Ira' Rapson; nays -J. W. Armstrong, Leslie Reid, J. Ira' Rapson, By Les. Reid and J. Ira Rapson: That' we give a grant of $25 to the Clinton :Spring Show. In amendment by W. R. Jew- itt and Wm, J, Dale: That motion be amended so that we give.the Clinton spring show the amount of' $50. 'Car - died, 'By Les. Reid and J. Ira Rap- son: 'That we now adjourn,, to' meet May 7, at 8 p.m. Carried., The council reopened at 8 p.m, as per addournment of May 5. The reeve and three members of the counttil were present, Mr. W. E. Jewitt being absent '5n account of sickness. Mr. Gordon Jewel was present and the 'council renewed the Workmen's Com- pensation insurance policy. The roads in the township then came under consideration and discussion took place as to what roads were to he repaired, and how'. W. J. Dale and L. Reid: That the accounts as presented be paid. Carried. Les. Reid and W. J. Dale: 'That we do now adjourn to meet June 2, at 7 p.m., E.S.T. Carried. Accounts -Geo. W. Cowan, excise stamps,. 54.20; Geo. W. Cowan, part salary, 570; Geo. C. Brown, sheep valuator, 53; Jas. Medd, sheep killed, 5103;•, Jas. T. Ormond, grader repairs, 538.75; Gordon Radford, gas, oil, ;sup- plies, •$121:33; Harold Beacom, truck tires, $50; Clinton News -Record, ,adv. crushing, 52.80; Wm. Carter, road Supt,, 531.80; Bert Hoggart, snit- fenc'e, $16.50; Hugh 1Miller,'- • snow fence, $22; Robt, Riley, snow fence, $9.50; Glen Carter, snow fence, $6.50;- J. Jamieson, 'snow fence, 52,50; Chas Dexter, snow fence, $4; F. Tebbutt, suow fence, 59.50; Harold Beacom, snow fence, $37; Doug. Hesk, snow fence, $5; Wm. Archambault, brush- ing, $2.50; F. Phillips, snow, $2.50; Chas. Dexter, snow, '$4; Ken Rapson, snow, 54.50; Murray Lovett, snow, $4.50; Ross Lovett, snow, $4,50; A1= bert Vodden, fi'h'ow, $4.50; Ken Vod- den, snow, $4.50; Joe Vodden, snow, $4.5; Harry Snell, 'snow, $9; • R, Vod- den, snow, $4.50; Chris, Kennedy,, snow, 54.50; County of Huron, snow, $20; Lavas Construction 'Co,, snow, 5306; Twp. of Morris, boundary acct., 5196; J. 'S': Sanderson, washout, $2.80; Cliff •S'hobbrook, washout, $2; C. Lyd- diatt, snow, $12; R. Govier, snow, 52; G. Beadle, Snow, 52; Percy Vincent, snow, 51.50; Glen, Patterson, snow, 51.50; L. Archambault, snow, $1.50; A. Robinson, snow, $1.50; Geo. Watt, snow, $2; C. Lydiatt, show," $2; Bill Young, snow, 54; R. Young, snow, $2;, McCall, •Snow, $2,25; "Wm: Watson, snow, 52.25; C. McDonald, snow, $5; C. Watson, snow, 53.50; S. Patterson, snow, 52.50: Harvey Wells, snow, 52.50; R. Dolmage, snow, $2; Wan, Dcbm•age, snow, 52; J. Lawrie, snow, $2,; Geo. Smith, snow, $2; Sid, Dol - mage, snow, $2; H. Sanderson, wash- out, $9.80; Wm, Knox, .washout, 51.05; Art Weymouth, 'grader operator 577.60, John 'Mann: avow, 58; John Flynn, snow, 53; Joe Flynn, snow, 52.50; Tom Flynn, snow, $8; W, Shannahan, snow, $8; p. Shannaban, snow,"'54; Theo. Flynn, snow, $4; Giem Reynolds snot $2.50; H. Reynolds, snow, $2.60; Tom Flynfi, snow, 58.40; Gordon- jew-el, compensation insurance, $40,25; A. J.' McMurray, Clinton Spring Show, grant, $50. NT: Q1 Mothers Day was *Nerved in the' SUnday1 Scheel May 11. The order of worship wars supplied by. the ()Marie Religious' Fducationa1 Connell„ The. readings and singing by those taking special parts was most enjoyable, and the attendance was exceptionally good. , Sunday School will be held in 10.00' a.m, until further notice. At the regular church service the following children were presented for baptism: • Lynda , Elizabeth, infant daughtej of Mr. and Mrs. Glen P'ryce•; Ronald ,Allan, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Campbell. This being a Mother's Day service, there was a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Walters and daughters, Aileen and ,Amy, visited 1Ir. and Mrs. Allen Campbell on Sun- day. , Miss Hazel Dodds, of Auburn, spent the week -end at. the• home of her par- ents, par ents, Mr, and. Mrs. R. C. Dodds. Mr. and. Mrs: Russell Maddess and Lillian, of Milverton, and Mr, Norris Davis, of Wiseton, Sask., visited with Mrs. R. K. Davidson and family. Mr. R. K. Davidson spent a few days in ',tendon, Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Taylor, Doro- thea and Elizabeth, of Stela, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. • Mr. and .Mrs. Earl Papple, of Tuck- ersmith, -visited Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Pi'yce. Mission Band Meets The Winthrop Helping Hand Mis- sion Band held ,their; meeting Satur- day. May 10. The meeting opened by repeating the Mission Band Purpose, followed by Hymn 598. Iris Byerman led in prayer. Mac Montgomery took the Scripture, which was Psalm. 122. The roll call' was answered by nam- ing a spring 'bird. Mrs. Hogg took the study, which is India this year.. The offering was taken, followed 131 - Response. Hymn 609 was 'sung and the business was taken by Mrs. Mc- Clure. The •minutes of last meeting were read, followed by Hymn 623, Lord's Prayer and National Anthem. KIPPEN Dr. James ,Jarrott, of New •York, visited recently with his mother, Mrs. I. Jarrott. 'Mr. and Mrs. Elgin • Johnson and son, of London, spent the week -end ,with relatives in the community. Mrs. W. W. Cooper returned'. home on Saturday after spending the winter with her daughter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, Mr. Donald Horner and Mr. and Mrs. Wm;' Harney spent Sunday at Ripley. • ' Mr. and Mrs: Edgar Smith, • Guelph, spent the week -end with the fitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Death of Infant Daughter, , lla -Mae,. only daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McGregor, ,Kippen, passed away. in Victoria Hospital, London, on 'Monday, May12, aged five monthn'a.nd nine days. A private fun- eral'Servrce was 'conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook, of Hensall, at the home 'on 'Tuesday, at 2:30 p.m., with inter-, went in Hensall Union Cemetery,,, The pallbearers were four boys: Donald Bell, Jack Caldwell, Stewart Wilson and' • Kenneth ,McLellan,' Y. P. U. To4Observe Anniversary The YP . .U.,,,IOf; St. Andrew's United) Church are hi 1diug their anniversary On; Sunday next, May -18, at. 11 a.m. and 7.330, p.m.,,. , D.S.T. Rev. • Harold •Snell, of Auburn, will be guest speak- er and -special music will be furnish-- ed urnish-ed by the choir. A :play, "Petticoat Roach" will be presented on. Monday evening by Varna and Goshen Y.P.U. under the auspices of the Friend'shipi Circle. Circle Holds Last Meeting of` .Season The Friendship Circle met in• the Sunday School room 'on Monday' eve- ning with a, good attendance. The Meeting was in eharge of Mrs. Win- son inson Workman's group' and opened by singing ,Hymn No. 562. Mr. Hinton led in prayer, The Scripture lesson .Was -read by Mrs. Carl Meolinchey. "0 Canada" was' sung., and 'Mrs: Joe McLellan- 'favored with a reading in keeping with .Mother's Day, "She Has No Occupation." Rev. Hinton sang, a very pleasing solo, "Mother McCree." Marion and Warren Thompson favor- ed' with a piano duet and An'n-Sinclair sang a solo, "Travel Life's Path With a Smile." ,John Caldwell played ,a piano instrmental, Mrs. Ross then informed the group, thaat Mrs,, Gack- stetter's •group; west of'athe"highway, had secured thehighest,, points for at- tendance for the season, and it was decided to hold the' picnic at the Lions 1Club Park, Seaforth, .on Friday eve- ,ning, June 13: Mr. Hinton then took over. The' quiz kids, who were Mona. Caldwell, Edna Broadfoot, Wilma Kyle, .To Kyle, Don Kyle, Don Bell and Jack. Caldwell, 'resulted in that Wilma Kyle was the 'Winner. •A dainty lunch was served by the East.Group. HENSALL New -Time Dance in Hensall Town Hall, Tuesday, May 20. Music by. CIINX Airliners, sponsored by girls' softball team: Proceeds, for uniforms, Admission 75c, 51.25 a couple, .' Park Board Plans Carnival A meeting of the Community Park Board was held Friday evening bathe council chamber, with the. following members present: W. R. Davidson, F. S•mallarombe, W. Brown, L. Cook, G. Armstrong, E. Rowcliffe and R. • H. Middleton, Bills and -accounts were approved for payment: •Village of Hensall, auditing expenses,. X5.00; 3. A. Paterson, express on trees, 35u; W. Brown, material, seats, $9,15; A. Spen- cer a Son,'1nriterial, seats, 5216.65; A. Clark, material,' seats, 518{1.15.; Drys- dale hardware, material, sseats, $11.95. Total, $ 123,25, J. Tudor appeared as a delegate', from the baseball club, stating they' were not satisfied.. with the charge of 15 per r,oni of the gate receipts, but would be willing to pay the 15 'per cent of the gate receipts up to a lim- it of $100 only. Brown and Cook: That "r rescind 1 ho motion' of April 80', re the charges for the use of the park. Carried. Middleton and Rowcliffe: ,That the rates for the use of the flood lights be $2.00 per night ,when -used by any community organization, diad outside organizationsi 55.00 per night. HURON KA 'Repairs 0'.I 11� Makes • of adios Agent 'for Stewart -Warner, . th^ , dison and Maroons Radios. Satisfaction guaranteed on all repairs. Ernest Appleby' Phone 101 Hensall 'Carried. Armstrong and Brown: That we bold a frolic 'in".the• park on July' 23, and ask the help. of the follow'i'ng: Chamber of Commerce, Firemen, 'Ball Clubs, Women's Institute, Legion .and Spring Fair Brlalrti. Carried, Rowcliffe and ,Bmellacombe: That R. Middleton, W. Brown find • L. Cools be a committee to engage a. aaan • to look after the floodlights. lir Hold Mother's Day Services Special Mother's Day services were observed -in the churches Sunday with large congregations at all churches. At the United Church Rev. R. A. Brook was in the pulpit, assisted by Mr. Edison Forrest,superintendent of the Sunday School., Sunday school scholars. and their teaobers also occu- pied the centre- seats .of the auditor- ium. A baptismal service was held, when the infant children of Mr, and Mrs. •Cl'arence Smillie, Mr.• and Mrs. Harold•Elder, Mf. and Mrs. Kenneth Elder and. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rich- ardson "received the rites of baptism, The choir rendered an appropriate an- them, "0 God of Mothers." Miss Ruth - Hess presented the 'story and Bible readings were given by Mr. Short, for the fathers; MI'S. H. Corbett, the mothers; Miss Eleaine Carlilse, the girls, and Charles Fee, the boys. Beau- tiful. baskets of spring flowers were placed in. the church in memory of Mr. and Mrs. C. McDonell and Mrs. Albert Spencer, by members of the family. - At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. P. A. Ferguson was in the pulpit and delivered an appropriate message in keeping with the day. The infant chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tinney and Mr, and Mrs. C. For- rest received the rites of baptism, The choir sang an anthem, "Praise Ye the. Lord," the -soloist being Mrs. J. W. Bonthron, .A lovely basket of flowers was placed in the church in memory of the late Mrs. Wm. Pfaff from the family, , Rev, A. M. Hunt delivered an ap- propriate message in keeping with the day at. St. Paul's Anglican Church. The choir rendered) special music. The 'church *as lovely with spring flowers, Hurondale W. I. Meets' Hurondale Women's Institute 'Held their annual meeting at' the home• of Mrs: William' Johns with Mrs. W. Kea niek presiding. Plans were made . for the district annual to be held in Thames Road United' Church May 27. Mrs. Moir presented a successful• fin- anciai report for the past year. Con- veners of committees presented . re- ports. Twenty-five dollars was voted? to' be sent to the British Flood Relief. Many lovely gifts were brought far the layette- shower for the 'Children's Shelter at Goderich. Mrs. Kirkland conducted the installation of officers for 1947-8: President, Mrs. A. Moir; vice-presidents, Mrs. W. Sims, 'Mrs. W. Elford; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. G. Hicks; district director, Mrs. E. Mitchell; directors, Mrs. K. Johns, Mrs. F. Skinner, Mrs. 'H. Strang, Mrs. R. Jeffery. The citizenship committee presented a short skit, "The Price We Pay," 'with Mrs, Elford, Mrs, Skinner, Mrs. A. Johns and Mrs. W. Johns in the cast. Tlie playlet was to teach a lesson against hoarding. . Anniversary services will be observ- ed bseryed in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, when the guest speaker will be Rev. Kenneth MacLean, ' 0f raven Fi" sbyterian" Church, Exeter, The eve- ning service in the United Church has been withdrawn for the occasion, Rev. Arthur 'Sinclair, ,Of Blyth Unit- ed Church, will be the guest speaker at the United Church Sunday morn- ing, May' 25: - Mr. and Mrs.. Harold ';redden and little son, Bobby, and Mr, and .Mrs. Henderson, of Dresden, called on rela. rives in the village on Suliday. Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart 'Barbour, of Toronto, spent the' week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudson and family, of Goderich, Spent Sunday:with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. ,Mil's Barbara Shepherd, of Clinton., spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. 'Shepherd. Miss Greta .Lammie will be guest violinist .at 'anniversary services at Centralia Unitedt •-Church on Sunday; May 18. • Mr. and Mrs. Raye Paterson, of To- ronto, were week=end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, R. 'J. Paterson. Week -end visitors with Mr. and "Mrs. E. Shad4lick and Mrs. Scruton were: Mr. and Mrs, Harold 'S'crtiton and fam- ily, of Port Dover. Miss Edna Walsh and aaltghter, Audrey, spent the weekend at Blyth. • Miss Joyce Stanton, of Toronto, vita a week -end guest at .ter hoe. r Mrs. Meidt'nger, has been visiting in Zurich owing to the illness of her Sis- ter, Mrs. Weseloh. Mrs. Weseloh passed away at„the borne ten her daughter, Mrs. -William Thiel, in Zurich, on Sunday, Funeral service was conducted at Westlake .Funeral. Hdme on' Tu'e'sday afternoon, followed by a public service in Zurich Lutheran ^Church, with Rev. Heinrich officiating. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and little son, Kenneth ;and Mr. K. C. Passmore, of Hamilton, and Mr. Lloyd Passmore, Ann and Juddy, of Delhi, were week- end visitors with Mr. and' Mrs.. John Passmore. Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon Clemas, Mar- ilyn and Gordie, of London, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Johan: Bolton. Mr, Wilson Berry, of Toronto,...and Mr.' Ed, Berry, of Windsor, spent M'on- xray with their uncle and atint, Mr, and .Mrs. John, Bolton,' and alsi at- tended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. S a.h Broadfoot, Mrs. Eliza Cole, of Cromarty; was the week -end guest of Ml'. and. Mrs. John .Bolton. . • - - 1VT1'e, Ivan Kspfer and .Mise Irma. Kiefer 'mitered to Port .Stanley for the week -end,' visiting with Mr,, '0,1rd M. ,n,• 'clever • Mr. • a,4. !.A . Vred, '#lc.DR;1e'byt li'pelit. last W ski n IngernOil, Musses kthY,,, Floc;>yace and Carl Srhwaina of London, aid -Mr,' Heetf)r Pigepll; ot, j•onclon, were.'Week-.end,, guests wit',h Mrs. V. SWlwa1iu. Ad' a sPefwfal meeting of the Select Vestry,, ''did i rl .• St, Paul', Anglican Church; it w deeided to hold an 94°- 0011 sale of Dhei Reotbry ii Hensel/ on Monday, Map 19. Ths•. May' meeting of •the Hensall- ,ExeterUnion of the W:C,T.U. will be held at t'he home of Mrs. E. Geiger on Tuesday. May 20. To 'commemorate the 50th annivers- ary of the &untti ng of Women's Insti- tutes, Heaisan W.I. will held a, ban- duet in the Town Hall ort. Friday, May 18. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Gaston, of To- ronto, , spent the week -end with the •latter'a parents; RRev. and Mrs. R. A. Brook. The Hensall Tennis Club are ;Mold- ing their. first.'; meeting in the, club house at the tennis court dal Monday, May 19, at 7.30 p.m., to which all members are invited. Membership fees will be accepted. Hensall , stores: will remain closed, Saturday, May 24, but will be' open the preceding Friday evening. • Anyone interested in playing soft- ball are urged to attend a meeting in the ' Town Hall Friday, May 16, at 8.30 p.m. • The Women's Guild of St, Paul's Anglican Church held ^ a shower of food, etc., 'and •packed a 20 -pound par- cel of canned goods, dried fruits and cheese, Which, was mailed to the Vic- ar, Yorkshire, England, to be distri- buted amongst his parishioners, An- other parcel will be sent neat month. Death of Mrs. Sarah Broadfoot The death of Sarah Horton, widow of the late James Broadfoot, occur- red on Friday, May 9, after an illness of twat 'weeks, being able to be about her house and keeping up an active interest Wall daily events. She will Abe greatly missed by•a large circle of friends, as she was of a bright and oeheerful •disposition and enjoyed see- ing her friends. Her family will mourn the loss of a loving mother, as she was predeceased by her hus- band and left alone with their care througli their young life. Being the last surviving member of her own family, she leaves to mourn her loss two sons and two daughter: Mrs. Jas. McAllister, Zurich; . Stanley Mit- chell, Hensall; Gle>aof Clinton, and James, at home. -The funeral service sRavjn:g recently.;, a�1 posed of the Restaurant business to -William J. ,Lee, of Stratford, we • wish. to thank the people of Hensall and com- munity for their loyal" patronage during the . past 10 years. F. W. Smallacambe Hensall, Ont. • • was held on Monday, conducted -by' the Rev R. A. Brook of the Unstedt Church, of which she was a member and' attended when able. The re- mains were laid to rest in McTag gart's cemetery. During the service Mrs. Bonthron and Mr. -T. Harry Hoff- man sang, accompanied by Miss Greta Lammrie, selections of her own re' quest, "Good NigH"tt"arid Good Morn- ing Up There" and' "The Old Rugged Cros," as were also her bearers, Messrs. Jarvis' Horton, John Bolton, Raye Paterson,, Johnny Downs, Robt. McKenzie, Ed. Berry and Calvin Hor- ton,... The ,fiower bearers were neigh- bors: Stewart McQueen, Eldon Millar, Tom Brintneil, John Glenn, Grant Ryckman, Garnet Jacobi, Leonard Erb, Harry Garnet Horton, Don Glenn gild Frank Lostell. Friends at- tended' from a distance from Bad Axe, Windsor; Toronto, London, Brantford, Stratford and Mitchell. ' The teachers of Hensall public school and "mr. Rannie, music super- visor, wish to thank all those who; so kindly provided transportation for the children 'competing in the recent mus- ic festival in Goderich. The results were very gratifying for .the children's first experience in such competition - Those winning '.certificates in solo Classes were: Audrey Walsh 85, Ron- ald. Chutes 82, Marilyn Mousseau 81. High marks were, obtained' in chorus work by each grade, with Grade IV winning first prize in their close, an educational picture, donated by Huron County. ' ii r+`�'ti'h pro • VIVAX is Now Available For Home Use As. a Scalp Treatment, If You Desire. , Vivax is a proven scientific preparation that is being • Used successfully by Beauty 'Salons, to check Dry, Lifeless and .Falling hair.; It is your security from Baldness, and is unrivalled' as a Dandruff Remover. SOLD By BEAUTY SHOPS, ONLY Y,G S.H • + 'k k , FOR THE FINEST Body ar�ci Fender Repairs AND Painting BRING YOUR CAR TO c ALY!S GARAGE SEAFORTH e haavaa Successful farmers knowthe value of mod- ern scientific fertiliza- tion ; for their grain, hay, pasture, root, and small fruit crops. A Phosphate is aprimarysteed of select s riu grown grains and test havalso shown that g' ' fertilized pasture lands provide more cheap feed than any other .crop. • • Wliy pay orit good money for grass •and clover seed and neglect to provide the fertilizer required to ensure a good crop? _• ; . I This bank is interested in helping progressive farmers to siicceed. If you need money °for a parol , Improvement Loan or for aby worthwhile purpose,. come in and talk over your ,plans.'' 0 DOMINITHEE T BANK Established 187,, SEAFORTH BRANCH: E. C. Boswell - Manager 4.., 1• d 0