HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-05-09, Page 84H 11 11r1�tS»'1�IRlEi GA40AleTY, T IGKNOW/ BIZRGleAR ( AND 1N,1 1a1IRToHM' Co7l�14 Who We reeutdty will seiiiSje. itOEMS FQ.R. ONTARIO #1ER11tAN S *mum.,F 1$45URA1,103 • " 11/144;11/1" 1Qn glad; ' fl'ea. WATSON! BIR.- REID Y* A. E.ID . - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate mom 214 - SEAFORTH 0000000000000 sa ; 'BOX o j=uttera€t berbitt G Ambulance 0 Q -� o'ornpt and :,careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed O.. ri » YLOWEERS FOR ALL,. 0 0 4 OGOASIONS O +Q' Office Residence .0 0, . 43 - .18 0.000.00000000 7000000.000000 4 G. A. WHITNEY. cot Successor to Q 0 , HOLMES & WHITNEY. 0 0 Main Street - Seaforth O r0 AMBULANCE SERVICE O '0 Adjustable .hospital bed for 0 rq, rent. 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nur$ery O O Flowers. , 0 0 Telephone' 119 O' p Nights and Holidays 61 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10' O 0 • J. A.' BURL 0 0 Funeral Director O i0 and Ambulance Service O 0' DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 000040400000 0000.00' 0`- 00400 'p. 0 G W. J. CLEARY . 0 0 Seafort#r, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER O 0 AND FUNERAL. DIRECTOR O 0 Night. or Day Calls -335 O p 0 O'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TAXI SERVICE Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON Se rth W, I. Will -Id et' ?lne Seal forth. Women's Iustltut.. will ?meet din' 1 t: ' Tuesday, Y 3, a ,�, ¢ m„ at they glome of Mme. `Mike Wil geMit. Reit 4eall w ilbe. "A great MAIO i?.!; Pana than History and What he jdidl." Mrs,. Rev. D. Ritchie will .epee* on "ot. rtawa." This is the citizenship Meet- ing, :with Mrs. Eldon Kerr convener. e Announcement: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam David Smith announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Margaret Harriett, to Mr. Kenneth George Gardner, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. Gardner, Toronto, the 'marriage to take place quietly the latter part of 'May: . w Announcement.—The engagement is announced of Lai'ira C. Stewart, of 228 MacDonell Ave., Toronto, daughter of Mr. H. A. Stewart •and the late Mrs. 'Stewart, of Egmondville;'to Mr. Hugh A. Ma.c` tail, of 115 Spruce Hill Road; Toronto, son of Mrs. M. MacPhail and the late J. S. MacPhail, of Toronto, the marriage to take place May 16 in Queen St. E Presbyterian Church. Car Washing AND .. Simonize AT Seaforth Motors PHQNE 141 [ •r T7 T7 TTTt_ Chesterfields and Occasional --+Chairs REPAIRED "AND' 'RECOVERED Mise Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Ordeal and Steamer` Clsairs Repaired, Stratford Upholstering Co. Stratford TELEPHONE 679 For furtherinformation apply at Box's Furniture Store , SEAFORTH BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 4110. Prominent in Detroit Bfdnkinn CIr- cles--A Detroit daily paper refers as• follows to the death of the late Doro- thy O'Connell, whose funeral was, held in Seaforth on Friday: "Dorothy' O'Connell; 45, one of the city's best known women in banking circles, and a .prominent member of the .,.:fit,, Aloysius Choir, died yesterday on 'her birthday , at her home, 8047 Hamilton. A secretary at the Detroit Bank since 1933, Miss p.'Connell was past chair- man of the Women's Division, Detroit Chapter, American •Institute of Bank- ing and was active in bank employee• group activities: -She also was vice- chairman for the forthcoming nation- al 'convention of the American Insti- tute of Banking. Before joining the Detroit 'Bank staff, .she had worked in other local banks since 1923." THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. 4EAD OFFICE -- SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Prank 'McGregor, Clinton-. plies Leonbardt, Brodhagen, Vice -Pres, ' • J(erton, A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager ,and. Secretary-Treasuret.. iia RECTORS: e�hriA Leonhsrdt, Broeuhagen; I0..L' 'Trewartha, Clinton; Har+rey Fuller, 2 4oderieh•; J" H, 10Ewing; R.R. ^11.e.)11Otli; Frank McGregor, R,R, 6, lalutone , Hugh .Aletander, R.R, 1, Wal - On; Witham R, • Archibald, R.R. 4, Meittforth; d'uhn L: Materiel, R,R, 6, Sea. forthe 'S, H. Whitmore, R.R. 8, Sea, SObt AGENTS: ap"1t041~;ercher, B:.R. rlublhli:,'. 0r BI'uc*eid; .J , ,E, Procter, iii edirg'd A. Watt1 Blj"_th. Churche.s. a Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10.3.0 a.m., Brief Sunday School session; 11 a.m., Congregation and Sunday School un- ite in Special "Mother's Day Service"; Infant Baptism; 7 p.m., Huron Coun- ty Nurses honor the Memory of Flor- ence—Nightingale; Nurses from Clin- ton, Goderich, Winghare and Seaforthe subject, "Commemoration and Re- didication." Communicants' Cis, 2 to 3 p.m. Welcome to these services. First Presbyterian Church. -11 a.m., Public Worship: Mother's p :Math r s Day Ser- vice! ervice: The Sunday School will join with the congregation. Parents of the boys and girls are urged to be pres- ent; 7 p.m., 'Public. Worship: The Min- ister will preach: Thursd'ay,.. May 8, at 8 p.m.` Prayer meeting in . the Sunday School room. 'Have you,been present •yet? Sunday, May 25—The Sacrament of Baptism. - Parents deo siring to have their children baptized will contact the minister as' soon as. possible, Siinday, June 1—The Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper. Remem- ber the Presb3r'terian Advance. Pray . . . Werk ... . Give! Anglican.—May 11, Rogation Sun- day: St. Thomas', Seaforth-10 ^a.m., 'Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; "High Church and Low Church" ;• 7 p.m., Evening -Prayer. .St. Mary's, ,Dublin. 2.30 p.m., Sun- day School; 3, p.m., Holy Communion and Sermon. On Tuesday, May 13, the Ladies' Guild of St.. Thomas' Church will greet at -the Rectory at 3 p.m. • 9 srr . _11'44. 4 Gaiot Of 441.01 bey cad tdIen 4 Yeil She carrdedl' a-, be,.t! llet. sof red' .tirelifte roses, and, weltite. 004 atittle, Misses Viola, end; Piieeu McT4eepan„ sister,'a or tawbride, r Nene ler; ;Osmoles, They wore 'bine nleire ,',effete. and yellow moire tag Leta, tespectisely, with 44atehii cal • ora ani chapel veils. They carried bor9a a Q Orin* to we. _Wallace ce Deny4ewasthe, best manThe is -h- ers were V waard Taylor., brother-iro law of the groom, and col „Mc• Lennon, ;bother of the bride ,,,.A ree, ceptlon followed Per a ty' guests at the Mall Plaza. The yo - couple left 1 for 'M p o byane r For travel- ling ea ra P inn T s�, 1? ice drees- makerr suit dwith r brown.tecceseories. She wore a, .corsage of carnations: They will reside in East Keldonan. The ;bride's mothee is the former Olive Allan, of Egmon.dyille. •,Northside W. A. Meets. --Group 2 of the W.A. of Northside -United Church met on Monday evening at the home of the president, , Mrs. J. M. Scott. The meeting opened by Mrs. Scott reading a poem, "Ira Good'To Be Re- membered." After Singing "Blest Be the Tie That Linda," Mrs. H. Shan- non hannon led; in prayer. The minutes of the- April meeting were read by the secretary, Laura 'Mole. The 'Fon call was answered be a "housecleaning hint" and the business period follow- ed. ollowed. A humorous reading was given by Mrs. 1'. B. Moffat entitled, "A Pair of Sixes," Which revealed the dtffer- erice 'between a reran and woman mak- ing aking a lunch appointment by telephone. The . closhtg hymn, "Jesus Saviour; St. Thomas' W. A. Meets.—The May, meeting of St,. Thomas' Branch of the ...A, was held at the Rectory Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Gilbert op- ened the meeting with the Litany and Members' and Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Mrs. Scarlett read for the scrip- ture lesson, Psalm 32, and the various reports were read and accepted Mrs. Gilbert -discussed another chapter of the study 'book, on the ministry of health and healing, ,which proved most interesting. Five members at- tended the Annual 'at London, _Mrs. Gilbert,. Mrs. Parke, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Southgate and Miss Holmes. ' In the brief report given, it was noted that the thankoffering from this. branch was $49.00, The 'Spring Deanery meeting will be held at Gorrie June 6. The 'regular W.A. 'meeting will be held in the parish hall June 3•, when .tea will be served. The meeting clos- ed with the'bened,ictidn: First Church Ladies' Aid Me'ets.— The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society -was held on Tuesday af- ternoon, May 6, Mrs. H. R. Scott, the president, presided and the attendance was very gratifying. After -singing tbe hymn, "AU. the Wa"y My Saviour Leads Me," Mrs. Scott ted in prayer. Several items' of business, were -die- cussed and approved. A pleasing solo, "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled," was given by the g'hest •soloist,"Mrs. Higgins, and Mrs. Dalrymple, guest speaker for the afternoon, gave a talk on the making and arrangement of flowers. The speaker's many and varied demonstrations were moot in- teresting. Miss' `Marion Gray gave a humorous. reading, "The Ladies' Aid;." After singing• the hymn, "At the Name of Jesus," Mrs. Charles Aberhart clos- ed the meeting ''with prayer. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman's group, who ar- ranged this meeting, assisted the .so - ?Lai committee' in serving refresh- ments. Meyer - McLennan,=Bridal vow.e were exchanged at John Black Church April 19, at seven o'clock, when Mar- garet Marie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLennan •became the bride John. Charles Meyer, son of Mrs. R Meyer, Rev. Sampson .perform- ed the ceremony. a. 3. McLean play- ed the wedding ratlike, and Miss Kath- ryii. Ronald, soloist, sang "I'll. Walk Beside You" `during the signing of the register. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, wore a brocaded silk grown, fashhened with 'a fitted bod- ice realizing a high neckline and fit- ted sleeves ending in points oder iter rh'arrds.; tA. Pull deep .pepii1n1 fell over 1. ' *DANCE ST. COLUMBAN - Friday, May 16 CARNEGIE ORCHESTRA Under auspices of the C. W. L. • FOR 'SALE Modern Frame House, Centre St. Garage, Furnace, 3 -piece Bath Room, In good state of repair. Prompt pos- session. e E. C. CHAMBERLAIN • REAL ESTATE BOOKER INSURANCE Phones:' 334 or 220 Seaforth lowers! • CUT FLOWERS - • 'MIXED PANS ,s'' POTTED PLANTS Call us for Mother's Day Flowers A full line 'of GARDEN • and FLOWER PLANTS • BAKER'S .' GREENHOUSE Seaforth - NOTICE - - - MR. "G. F. WHALEY Registered Masseur specializing in FOOT TREATMENTS . w le- e at the Commercial Rotel SEAFORTH ` on Monday of Each Week Appointments are necessary. TELEPHONE 784, GODERICH (Collect), or WRITE BOX 28, GODERICH Seaforth Monument Wrks T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth, Exeter Clinton Seaforth -Showrooms open Tuesday. See Dr. Harburn for appointment any other time, or Phone 41-J, Exeter. dawns Rolled 'If .you wish to have your lawn rolled, please get in touch with JOHN J. CLUFF PH'ON'E 76 - or B.' F. CHRISTIE PHONE 58 When the roller is in yoi r neighborhood, if not already arranged'ter, pl'eas'e contact the'drivdrt as the roller'fi11 not return •(to that section SATURDAY,„ AY.10. Cardno's. Ball, Seal'ortl NORM CARNE.tti.E • .and. -His Band' ADMISSION 50 CEN'TB' ., and Pilot S.VIe, was sungthe e M z i -1al), benediction was repeated in uuleon, Mi'e, Scott then showed the group Bei,- end everl moving picture Alma which were much enjoyed. A contest, "Drawing a seen in the dark,"-. 'was, conducted by Moe R. Dolmage, the .winners be- ing Ml's.. J. Leeming and Mrs. cley- borne. A delicious lunch was served •by'.the social comrtnittee. • St. James' C. W. L. Meets = .The May meeting of the O.W.L. of St. Jazftes' 'Church was held in the Sep- are,te School on Monday evening. Plans were made for the June meet- ing, when Miss Mary R. McGrath, RN.; will speak on the Blue Cross ,hospital- 'ization plan. As the Seaforth sub- dilielon is sponsoring ' this form of health insurance, every' member of the League is• invited to attend this important meeting. }Mrs. A. Pryce and Miss Alice Daly were appointed' to •pack two boxes of canned goods to be, sent to our sister members in, England. A report from. the Hospital committee, given by Miss • Dunn, showed that, the C.W.L. room in Scott H Memorial ospital, was redecorated and that new curtains had been made for the room. The treasury showed a balance of $309.59. Mrs, M. Devereaux read' -letters of correspondence and dueeto the resignation. of Mrs. J. Flat- limes/teas president, Mrs. J. L. Slattery was''appointed as president. Mrs. A. Pryee was appointed third vice-presi- den'tt, The meeting closed with prayer read: by Mrs. Slattery... ' LOCAL BRIEFS • Master Paul McMaster spent the week -end with friends in Preston. • Miss Alice Devereaux and Mr. Ed, Devereaux; of Toronto, andi Mr. and Mrs. Francis Devereaux, of Fort Hope, 'were week -end guests of Mrs, Frank Devereaux. • Mr. and Mrs. Keith, Lamont, of Detroit, were week -end guests of Mr. FOR SALE, Fifty acres south. of Dublin; no buildings. Immediate possession. Dwelling and 2 or 3 acresof land, in.Seaforth. Suitable �Seaf h S table forcult P ry farm. - • M.A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 —PLAY "SECOND STOREY PEGGY" Presented by the Y.P. of Carmel Pres- ' byterian ChurchHensel" WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th 8.15 p.m. r SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM First 'Presbyterian Church SEAFORTH Under auspices 'of Tuesday Night Club ADMISSION - - 35c and 25c Proceeds Chimes Fund E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Broker INSURANCE PHONES: '334„or.,2 - SEAFORTH Iy1AEE ' B I G MONEY Colouring Snapshots for FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS Anyone can do it. • Snapshot Colouring Kit COMPLETE WITH INSTRUCTION'S...... �� BOX 285 DEPT. E16 TORONTO PER MAN ENTS Get *our Spring Permanent. ,Now! PRICES $4.00 AND UP , VOGUE BEAUTY SALON PHONE 31 , : SEAFORTH earl da ,fi+r1 7►prlt, Mti k`I'$d' ifit7?.ehr e►f ToronGarTfe4 4e wee,C en'd w' Uh li3 and N•rs. J, Q Ciic2 John ew au -* Mr. J bn� St .apt and .._. ghtli'�, Masa. J. G. Riotatueds, o£ Strat .rd, were t w a t r d o ;a .n .. S�nda: • Mrs, Ray Bt., Gee eneain and thrice e?,tis ' o1a ar the e ld.,. , Qf•F,,,s�lan , -�, .. e � e� Qg 44* mother, Mrs. fit *Mew., : -!� M. Ross, Ren ie, €• lton,r: aPent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. M. R. Ren We. • •,.. . s • Mr; and Mrs.'Howard Purdy and daug'h'ter, Anne, of Toronto, were, meets of MPs', W. ; Kerslake. 411Orte,.: I;rerslake who has been in Toronto ,for soro thes time, returned to town with 'm: • kisses Jessie Peart and' B. Hop- kins, of Toronto, 'were 'week -end gues't4 at the home of Rev. R. It Wit.. -Herne and Mrs. Williams. '• `Mrs. James Devereaux is in De- trol"'chi`s week attending the funeral of her brother, F'ran'k Lennon. • Graduate nurses. of Scott Mentor- ial Hanpital cordially invite the gradu- ate nurses -of the surrounding district to attend the services in Northside United Church on Sunday, May 11, 'at 7 p.m., in con nehroration of Florence Nightingale. Nurses will meet at 6.45 at the nurse's' residence. Dress will be optional, but uniforms' preferred. Following the services, all are Invited to attend the luncheon which will be served at the nurses' residence, • Among those -who attended- the `funeral of the late Dorothy O'Connell on Friday were: . Mrs. J. D. O'Con- nell, Mrs. James O'Connell and chil- dren, James, John and' Carol, Mrs. Ted (Sullivan, Mr. Joe Sullivan, Mr.. and Mrs. McDougall and Barbara and Joan all of Detroit; Miss .Margaret O'Con- nell and Mrs. O'Rourke, Buffalo; 'Miss Kate O'Connell, London; Mrs. J. Brut- es, Miss 'Mollie" O'Connell and Mr. J. O'Connell, Dublin; E. J. Devereaux, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dev- ereaux, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sills, St. Marys. • Miss Harriet Wise, of Clinton,, is assisting at the local Bell Telephone office. - • Mr. L. A. Gibson, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. E. Mole and •family. Wool . Wanted All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is graded in Seaforth and full settlement made -from there. H. M.. Jackson SEAFORTH Phones: 3,-W and 3-J • Mr. R. B. Ferguson, Miss Jean Ferguson .and Miss. Adele Cooper, of Toronto, were Sunday, visitors with the Misses Annie and Maud Ferguson. • Miss, Vera Mole spent a few days last week in Toronto. , • Mrs, Grace Mulcahy and . her daughter, Mary Margaret, of Vancou- ver, B.C.; "are visitors .with 'Miss E.; Mulcahy, • Miss Alice Daly was in London last Saturday attending a meeting of London Diocesan. Council, Catholic Women's .League of •Canada. • Dr. Leslie :Mullen, of Calgary, was a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. •G. Mullen. . ''• The •Misses Platt, of Stratford, were., guests on Wednesday at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdam,.Mc- Master ,A iartinents. • M•r, James Southgate and his mother, Mrs. W. E. Southgate, spent a few days in Toronto last week.. • Mr. Andrew Little has returned. from Brantford, where he spent the winter with his son, Mr. 'Wm. Little. • Mrs. William McKay, of Seattle, Mich., is •a guest of her sister,. Mrs. C. P. 'Sills, and Mr. Sills. • • Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Milton, 'of Montreal, are guests of Mr. and 'Mrs., A. Copland.. • Miss Mary Crowe, of London is visiting her brother, 'Mr. • E. Crowe, ,'and Mrs, Crowe. -' • Mr: and Mrs. Harry W. Hart and Mr, and. Mrs. Kenneth Hart spent the week -end with friends in Galt.. • Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of Winchelsea, and M. and ,Mrs. Clay- tqn Laithwaite• and family, of Gode- rich*, were Sunday guests of Mr. • and Mrs. Jahn Hotham. • Mrs, E. Crowe receivedthe sad news of the death of her sister, ;.which occurred in Toronto last week. • 'Misses Fergus Bell and Dorothy Smithy and . Mr. Donald Munn, of 'the University of Western, •Ontario, rein - don, ere spending a _week 'at the home of their parents. • Miss Vanna Bell, of Toronto, is visiting ;her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell. • Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Diegel, at Brodhagen. WINTHROP About one —hundred friends and neighbors met, at Walton hall. Wed- nesday evening, April 30, in honor of Mr, and Mrs, _Arthur Henderson and Larry, who left this community. re- cently for their new home near Bel - grave. o The' evening was, spent in dancing to music supplied by 'Mr. Geo. Smith, Mr. Jas. Neilands, Mr. George Love and Miss Mae Smith..' Mr. Wm. Brown, of Blyth, tailed) the' uare dances. The following address was • by Mr. Oscar Cuthill: "Dear Cora, Art and Larry: We have gathered here this evening for.a social.time and to express our regrets that you are leav- ing the community: We will 'always remember your sunny smile • and cheery laugh, Cora, and your kindness and sympathy to Mende. and neigh - bore in times' of sickness and trouble. You will. 'be remembered, Art. by all of us who have known 'You from your boyhood,; for your quiet, uneesuming manner and your ability to 'get along peacefully with everyone. 'And we will not forget Larry with his quick wit and ,musical ability. We hope you will like your new school, Larry, , and the new pal's you will meet there, and that there will be a bright future ahead of you. 'The whole community hopes that ydu , will like your new home, Art and Cora, and, enjoy better health and he prosperdus there. As an expression of our ,good wishes, we would like you to accept these .gifts." Miss' Marjorie ,Cuthill „presented Larry`-witli a fountain pen, A -chest of drawers and 'two congbleum rugs were .presented to Cbrri, and Att. by 1ttre Glen Citi hf1I, Mr. Thomas Pryee and Mr. Wiliiain Churoh4 VARNA Mrs--gAldingten is• ependi:ng" a few days In 'Staffa with her Mother, Mrs. "puffin, Who is holding an auction sale Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs, Ben "tree moved to i FLAYI TG- -Thuxs .ay, Friday; "S404ay ” LADY" with C " with , -' HALE YOUNG" BARBARA FRANK MORGAN A well=acted; Romantic Comped, which, is rated ds good•en'tertain Gent for everyone eo Loaded' with Amusement and Alai MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY • FIRST SHOW 7 P.M.. - " THE RAZOR'S EDGE with , 'TVRONE,,POWER and • GENE TIERNAY Superb screen translation of the Maugham novel evoldes a profound story loaded with emotional impaot, a NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY:; ' SA.TURDAY " MAGNIFICENT DOLL " with • DAVID NIVEN GINGER ROGE'RS BURGESS MEREDITH. An impressive historical story of early America, superbly played. Coming: "IF I'M LUCKY" with Perry Cgmo Vivian Blaine Carmen Mirando Phil Silvers and MUSIC BY HARRY JAMES t 'FINN'IGAN'S THE .BEST IN SEED POTATOES'+ -.a Remember Finnigan's when .needing Seed—the beat. Spud Island has to offer.: THE PRICE IS A BAG DO. NOT DILLY DALLY! We have reason to believe Pineapples will increase in price. This week and next we will have "-1 &RGE STOCKS OF THE BEST PINES. We urge you to buy during this period. ' ": • • PRICES RANGING FROM 3 FOR $1.04 UP, according to size., SERVE BISSET'S ICE 'CREAM (Enough For Everyone) " Mt. J. FiNNIGAN & SON Brucefield• Tuesday. As we mentioned 'before, we are sorry to lose Mr. and ,Mrs. Keyes as neighbors and citizens - and hope they, m,ay be spared many years ie. their•new home. . The,Misses Easlers, of Minneapolis, spent a few days' with their sister, Mrs, McConnell. ' 'Mr. and Mrs.: Laythem: and family, of London; accompanied by Miss Beat - ty, spent the week -end with ithe lat• ter's mother and ' sister; Members of the council met Mon- 'day. Mon- ,• day. . , Miss Frances Sharp,, of the Babylon Line, is the proud possessor of a cac- tus plant that has 209 blooms on it. School is closed these days owing• to the musie• festival being held in Goderich. HOSP1TAL BENEFIT DANCE Auspices of the Nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital. FRIDAY, MAY '16 10 P.M., to 2 A.M. CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Music by Skyliners :Band Dress Optional. LUNCH Admission —' $2.50 Per Couple - SPRING TONIC FOR wYOUR CAR • Sulphur and molasses may' •be the tried-and-true home cure\ for -all Spring,ailments but there's nothing like an OIL CHANGE when it comes to.getting your car in shape for Summer driving. Change now to SUMMER OIL for your engine, axle and trans- mission. "We'll do the job for y'on.,in jig -time and we'll examine for crankcase sludge too. Sludge, can ruin your engine, decrease power and gas mileage. . See us today for complete Oil Change. and Sludge Removal • - • tiiTt SeafortlA.MfrTs � PLA"1Vtotors Phone 141 Seaforth THERE'S NO BETTER PLACE FOR SERVICE BUILD! SUPPLIES Are''D'ifficult to Obtain. However, We Have in Stock: , ASPHALT SHINGLES •- in various • blend's. " ROLLED ROOFING— riedinm & heavy INSULATION—'by the bag or carton. OAK FLOORING -13/16" thick. PLYWOOD -40, 3/16'!, %", birch and Cedar. JOHNS = MANVILLE PURABESTOS SHINGLES and CEDAR GRAIN r SIDING (Grey). • ' Seaver Board, ,Har'dwait Plaster, Mason's Limes Fini.ehing Lime, Door" Frames, MOO, Sash, Cedar Poste, Lumber-B,C. Fir, Spruce, :Pine, '1lB.C. Hemlock, White Ash, Maple, Beedh, ALL,TYPES OF MILLWORK DONE ley Excellent Workmen COAL—Stove and Nut Anthracite, Coke, Briquettes, Alberta Nut, Buck- wheat. Be wise, Economize; fill you cellar now and don't be dis- appointed in the Fall, , Seaforth SuppiySi Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No 'Mere" ' Seaforth ','Phone 47