HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-05-09, Page 1c' 11 , , , , s . -.1 I. i eye a-,. - i.: , IN T v At I ,I 'A T S. K W E�'TIC LA r �,f �" �`' I .11MENTIAL;-40,H Hensall Board Of ' He alt , Finds Water Samples .Are Satisfactory. -1. 'M-- ' NEWS OF HENSAT,L The regular #*eting of the vjUage 1Councll was held Tuesday .evening in • the council cham.'ber -with al's membera . Present.' Mr. Shorn; appeare& aslgxig for permissioo,, tc,, use a piece of snow fence to protect his children, same granted. R. E. Shadd,iok and, W, R. Dougall appeared as . delegates' from the Spring Show, asking for the usual • grant for saline. Middleton and I. Brown: That the Hensall Spring Show be granted their grant- of $6+0. p. •_ Carried. M1w Q ,Mitchell appeared, stating that 'her taxes were too high, also complaining about the charges for insulin. ,T. Kyle reported, stated that the mower used for tatting grass , on the streets was in very iia,$ shape, , Reeve Ket'siake instructed - him to s'e- . cure information -from the War As- • sets, when in Goderich on May 7, The Clerk reported for the Board of Health stating the Board 'as requesting that garbage be colleoted on May r4 and . 15, if possible, also asking the council. • . to enforce the Public Health Act as, regards septic tanks. "Twitchell and Parke: That we arrange to collect garbage 'as usual on May 14 and •1.5, also 14th and 15th of October, and that the Clerk have the necessary no- tices printed. Carried. 'Middleton and Brown: That we comply,,with the re- • quest of the Boards of Health and en- force the Public Health Act, Schedule P, section, 124, -sub-section 14; as re- , gard's cesspools and septic tanks and • - that it shall be necessary before con- necting up either, to get approval from. 4h'e .Medical Officer of Health' in writ . . ing. Carried • (Continued on Page 4) - • Name secretary a FOr Fall' Fair . ... . 11 I Meeting, 'in the Cairnegie Library. Saturday evening; directors hof. the " Seaforth Agricultural Society appoint- ed Mrs. Joseph Ommmett as secre- tarytreasurer., 'She ' succeeds, Clar- i ence Trott, who resigned, ; ak; r • ,? Car, Truck Hit. . At Main Corner When a car driven by A. D. Nevem', - Dungannon, was unable to stop when it entered, Goderich Street at, the cor- . ner of Main Street Wednesday after- . noon, it, was in, collision with a,ruck . travelling east on the ,highway. Dam- age was slight. The accident was in- vestigated by . Constable John Cum .. . } I �; ,` 10"" ' . }" `Y: Ad . ­ I � , ,� , ,,� ,. !, - F�1' , 1 { .. Z . i `L . ,: ,;,1 I 1 .,:. , . .% .. „ ":? .. �.! 1 M �.. �,t'd ll�ay� �'" 1l 1 'Si. i tl �i, .. ..... ... .. ., - f . - ....�. . .. '�,.... ,,,, :i; • ..,. x w %' �� •, � I . .:f,. , �,. ,. .,. Is.. � , ., ' � �.. ,. r ' , ; ,, .. ,�• �I ��� � !✓"` �c. F t- . o .- ,,, ,, �t ,� .: .; ;I. .. - ., , ..: f,l,t 4�:� Mrd 1�'; r �� d f.J v „M ' ,., .v. " io, '� S'JA i�'+ah., ,.. f,�,i, „GaM., 'µ',a ',: ,. ., '... r 1 .w a1. �id° r t .1. u:., k,Kell P ,�. , ,,.eSeet1�']� •.v ^ 1 k' ,a� -.......... ."..s W .+>, e ...:a .•,a - �+!! w/ .. ", r i,�-.ZVY� I ;" 1"iI w " ..... r .., .. .:', pt':, ., - � � .. � �c�.C.�!� lY6q r s10;..li. A „� rl> ,; e , � � , ".,fi. 1 f , .19 �~ d 1, " S r. r a 11111' . Set U For -r, o ('��� g p RAE",_ AA�GN.wa , .r.< . , ,, . r, �.9V Thi, " r „ q ��1aT i{ '. "•, .- e Sh C. . ,1 mf ,I. At a�,�.,�5 °ti t>��' "�{l . . Hu' o Count Hos itals SET' E1. :� t W ;� °Y p , AY At ..Goa .ty i� �� ' t .- I L11,11 __ .,''. _ RW C Feti I ,, ��� } i d Irr�, >�' ,i, �Ir,p; y, rf' yak V e td�� v, '(sS • • • • O" • 1 Seaforth and Other Coun To � e Distarict Ta xl ';��°`��� %,,_, �'',, gra ;l'� }.^; ty wnshzp ,t Resid nts Top pp, . _ s - Ie. • •orxl7' Hospitals Required To Leave I,nations.,At Also in the Moneyy .av, � �� �,� 1� Hospital. Week 4. :� ,r. Pioduce F o u•r Student ' Any 9olhouse. I Sixth Annual Event. ," i'm� ,,+ri � � �� ''� Iin Oxy Next week will be Hospital Nurses Each..' ••- �-t y �, 1. p r Th therm n U � , } 1 i,� ' �l*Y ¢ { ,p Week in Seafgrth, when a number a .era a found himself .,* TOS PId . OOD: n l of events, each desilgned _to focus � u 1 U .1VIAY 13 CHOIR WOR$ G . t on a l0bb this wed w�ien aln- BUY.�� THREE, -YEAR COURSE. -'° ^--- ADJUDICATOR SAYS Stead of the ""tn�reas#ngty,.warm- • : J t k q , M ;',�3" attention ,on the hospital and the , •, H l a. s,r, ,, Mstir t�nn Orgy zzation ,,.,. is of the' $iitish .. . er weather he pigdicted, the dls- ,t - .%; Y,tl ,r . 1 ,. �„ �' ,�' position it iaotds in • rotation to LEADING 1 V R. N. Flood Relief C ,• paigk, sponsored lot- trio found it was in the midst of Gou. 4.07400 v 'RTr ,I.` ; „,, _{ . the town and dlatrict, with •be held. Seaforth public school Pupils tag � � � On Sunday evening a special• ser- ally by a faint committiels' headed, by tuned .three ,shield•. as they; totfk rt a steady snowfall which. as of ticiliatiQ# oi, eiliq d , g i` vice' will 'be held' in Northside Declaring he ,was• .a11 out for the the peeves. of Selaforth, McKillop and in � e 9t�edne .d l` T, hursday'totalled nearly two, inch- Htil ttea "Cb 4o oft i� s „' a tli say program` of the United • Church - when nurses : of small -town, Hon. Russell T. Kelley', .Tuckersmdtli, a:ri : now completed. Col- sixth aziitual Huron. County Festival es. .As a result of the snow and l Ydro lecti�lc Penatoni d?,I lY�',n � the district will attend in a body Ontario Minister of Health, promised. lection dates ar.0 ay' 1 to 13 for new, of Music at Goderich- G Ro F . rain which has predominated dawn P1a ,:.filie xtIlRas ;t d9Cr4y,i• ��k ? A 1,14tq in commemoration of ,.Florence some slit representatives of the four :and used clothing and, Mood for, the y en ing recent weeks, farmers find meeting Friday as 1 ms. edrr i- ,lrsi y wick, •supervisor aY music for 'Ontario; flood victims:,dn England. themselves three to four weeks be- sir rY tq; swb G (tea da ,710 , "''i Nightingale, Monday will b® hos- Huron hospitals,, ubeeting,,ii>.,,Clinton is adjudicator. The festival continues', 'l^y���i pital' day when Scott Memorial "Monday afternoon, that he was pre, • In the town'ships,'donations may be until Friday. hl d in seeding. However, despite wary for alb. ;est}Igtuate.; efkat¢ , 'fih{t,yjS,,, Hospital will 'be gpen to. the pub pared to -immediately authorize there left at any schoolhouse or at the Red th . weather Johru A: McKenzie of plan i ; operdt+3�., r,'a<+ . ,D tree > aFr. Seaforth contestants were trained P,� t fie followed by tea ih •the nurses' instatement of t aini schools in Crgss,' rooms in the Carnegie Library, the 2nd of Tuckersmith cla'lms U}e Ontario M'unicipa F,kertxse I y it 1 sig by Miss M. E. Turnbull, music instruc- the re,'cord for the first threshing •, .Isotiatlon ovening'znlSxre til > .neve � „`- �- residence. The nurses of the hos- each of the • four hospitals,• if each• Seaforth. A hot;se to -house canvass for in the school: The accompanist1; t, �,, pita) are sponsoring a dance in would guarantee a minimum of. four will be conducted in Seaforth on was Mrs Jas A Storvart of the season. Robert Tyndall ; ;,eve muit�icirpal sys11 temi3; , 1i11N7�i Cardno's Hall od, Friday night, : students. Under his plan, � which is Tuesday evening, May 13, lir .citizens On Wednesda pupils threshed oats at `tile McKenzie � Ment•'bers of ', a Comi�s$itsn, �haal' �1i y night abowt 90 u Y. particular- man A Y. MCI.ean, IKayoF M A. �e1dl' �,,r May 16. , , . may',leave, their parcels at .the Red 'Farm on Monde. for a , the school, who 'took .part, ware the shortageof 2,900nursesin On" Cross, rooms. Final packing•aud pre taken to, Goderich in busses charter- ly'good yield. . ,4?nd Ken Cemapb, ell sera preaeat �b !,N' • • • • • • tanto and at the same time assist ,the Paration for shipping will, be cos by the school board - - - - - isle meeting njj, p ng plated- on 'the following Wednesday. The Shields awarded to Seaforth • • • • • ... • The Commission agreed to the v1e small hospital where operating sirability of cn ogerati ,in til Eter, ' �k; It is the. wish of the campaign com- _have snared to a point which makes werb as follows: -- mittee that donations, hould' lie' of ,Seal Campaign; being a'paaaore . ' rte , dperation difficult, a staff of two in- ";oderich Kinsmen's Ealub Challenge throughout Oataz a and instructed A i' i t ,GRANTS RAISED sti�ittara would be located at a ceu morale 'huilfling value as well a8 use Shield for Unison Chorus, Glades 1, , i t., ful to the people of Britain whose. need " TUCKERSMITH TAKES alder of the Commission tuff to lt, y,�. flus point, .and aided by local doctors 2, . 3 and 4: The North Wind Doth tend an instruchional meting ivl' s'�4 would be responsible for instruction for food and clothing is desperate. Blow," with 84 .marks:, Of this choir Stratford on Thursday. The tsar*: i.i BUT NOT SEAFORTH at each hospital. The cost would? -be While it is halted that clothing gIfjs Mr. Fenwick said: "A very good per - wilt be of the 44g es quality, any formance. Besidds being technically NO ACTION ON D.S.T. paigm is ,designed to provide a higher'. borne equally by the Province. and tire standard of electrical. wiring `Alt- r 1, `� hospitals. serviceable garment or piece of cloth- satisfactory, there was that vitality proval was also gdven..for attendane'i sl Lack of 11 Ward Facilities Said Review!-nging will be welcomed. -the situation caused by wlucli makesI.. a successful choir," at a meeting on modern distribution:,'` the shortage and telling. of the steps . • County of Huron Challenge,Shield Township Council .Approves niethoz.s'being held in l.ondon'May2i +`z� To Be Factor in Setting taller by his department to correct for Unison Chorus, Grades 5, 6, 7 and , Purchase of t3iree:25 K.V.A, trans; ani It, Mr. ,Kelley said it had been d 8, with 85 marks, "My'Pledge To •Oan- Purchase of TOOls'For formers from the Robt, Bell Engine &: a)f Amount, found two things'eould be done:' Re- Chief in. Bed ada," Composed ,by Mr. Fenwick him- Grader. Thresher Co. was'approved,,sub3ect to. ,- duce educational standards; and sec- self. Of this choir he said;, ".A love- 1 ondly, shorten the course. This was R y ly choir, words significant, fine phras- . the transfoimers hieing left qn the prop", Lack of so-called ward accommoda covered by the introduction' of cern- Relief Chief ACCs Ing, tone "bei ht. There is something Tuckersntith municipal council r meet- Pertp as long as justified Iby, the oom�' q^ tion -at 'Scott. Memorial Hospital, it is fled nursing, g ay Ing in the Town, Hal Seaforth, Sat- sumo thWer eegvinments. .As a re- ,," g •assistants classes which about ibis choir that I can't get away t It f e agreement t these'are.mader' t believed, resulted in the Provincial are now'in training. Harry,Colbe.r is gs,ting as .Chief of from. The - came u here like con urday evening; discussed the adoption -- y P available 'bhree aaddtional ,transfer m grant to the Seaforth hospital being Municipal a'nd $ospitat. officials Police for' the past week because of. questing heroes, an•d. conquering hennas of daylight saving time, .but took no. r ' :, increased, brit $67.00 over 194.6. In were divided as to whether girls with the illness of Chief John Currie. (Chief -they are." action. All members were presept, ars for use in• improving d stributioI 4; in a number. of sections of. the taws! ", 1946 the hospital 'received $663.00; matriculation standing would stay in Currie was ordered: to bed, ,by his Goderich Public school 'Board Chal- and Reeve A: Nicholson presided, r,@ towns' rather than. go to larger een Physician, suffering from a severe at- lenge Shield for Double Trio, "Echo" Council authorized the road su er- where material shortages.. have result: this' year it will, get $730.00, it was g' P o. dd in 'low. voltage. . �,i revealed -by Hon: Ru41 ssell T. Kelley, tres for training. At the health min- tack' of flu. , with 84 marks. Those taking", part intendent, R. Dalrymple, to purchase1. il:', Provincial Minsiter of Health, at a ister's suggestion, they decided to ''1. "I ,ye. were Barbara Hillis, Karen Kidd, a complete set of tools for the town - meeting in Clinton =Monday. conduct a survey among prospective Gwendolyn Christie, Jean Snell, Ron! �p gr2:der. , • • While. generarlly speaking mainten- nurses'of the four towns. ald Sutherland, Douglas 'Stewart, The date for court of f1bvisiou ,on 'p 1. „s, grants have user, to some cis- P j� per cant, Seaforth County hospitals sl n, ld each the two-part chorus, Stars of the 1947 assessment roll to deal with OWhng O 1 k once Under ,Supertest Dealers es seven liiin'dred Huron y Summer, . Night," Seaforth School changes in property was set for June :1 r ° ' is handicapped in that the grant to a supply fdur applicants per year for M stood second. with 84, marks. 7, 1947; at 8 p.m.. Tie Green ggrteat 'degree is •based, on ward type training leading to registered nurses'' �` +•eet Here In. the solo, classes Seaforth. final- Accounts were passed as (follows: _ , hospitalization, of which Scott Mem certificates. One competent ins.true- i'sts were.: ' Fox bo,anty, „ $2.00; relief,, $36:58; t, orial has none. - ' ... _ for would' supervise training in all . About, twenty;five Supertest deal s Girls, 8 and under, 22 contestants- charity, $10; road accounts, $2,122.00; ($y ,BiI Hart} ,` ,��rr 1 Comparative figures follow (1947 ' four w4ralue schools. from the district attended a coifAr- Alice 'Christie, 4th, with, 83 marks: salaries, $100,00; postage, $5,00, - - Hav-e....you noticed the. LoEPhng green':.11 grant preceding): Clinton Public Mr. Kelley, _,pointed out that if each 'enc. and ini8et lunch at the Queen's Boys, 8 and, under, 21 contestants = Council adjourned to meet, June lately?. .Looks pretty_ good,ou't youi:,r ,:,i:, %, Hospital, $1,160,,, $457; Wingham Gen '.hospital :board appointed, a nurses -in- Hotel on 'Tuesday-ev .. ug: Billie Roberton, 3rd, with 82 morias: :7th at .8 Wim. think? When the v,*inter anti lr trait ; `1 anal' Hospital, $2,036, $86; Alexandra train ng and' paid the.imstructor $1,800 T$e maeeting �. nged,by Geo. Gifls, 11 anal under,,26 contestants • ed away t lot'k,K sfa„rip„'PD A—W aha 1g+�� r a • year, the cost wduld be $400 to R. Johnson, district iepresentative of —Jean Snell, 3rd, with 8-4 manes; TA% jj iiro,�v ...patches here there :; ' Marine' Hospital, Croderlch, $4,307,.• TOWn Water Ojj The cold . weather_,that,every. $1,857; Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea train each 'graduate.: If four hospital the 'Supertest Petroleum Corp, at Sea- Mary Frances Schultz, 4th, with 83 dislikes, 1 beenideal for grassroots! forth, $730, $6'63,- schools were served by one instrue- forth. • marks• ter at th.e same salary, plus au .esti'- Girls, 14 and under, 17 oontestants e ' u to expand; and now it..Iooks better, •}-- mated' $1,000 'traveling'expenses, the • —Phyllis More, 2nd, with 83 marks: +j�f an HOU, than usual, Robert M'cFadyean, `the .. ' cost would be, only $175 per graduate. Boys, 14 and under, 13 contestants A leak in an, old water service lead- greensman, has babied, it, alongt until' Auditors ' at Work He said it was an advantage to have —Ronald Sutherland, 3rd, with _ 83 ing from a main at the corner o€ now it presents a well-groomed sp- a suppgly of trained nurses in smaller ANNUAL MEETING OF marks. 'Goderich and Main ,Street', resulted) 'Pearance. New ditch. boards” "are be. At Town Hall places,) even though they left the pro- Other contestants receiving in all water being shut off for hasp ing put in this week Y fession to get married, because they 'ST COLUMBAN C W L marks or over: Karen Kidd 81, an hour earfy"5unday afternoon while . were• available in case• of emergency. . . . . 'bars Hillis 81•, Bruce McFaddeir 81', P.U.C. employees effected repairs. This was audit week at the Town When, they. went to cities for 'training Ronald 'Mason 80, Wayne E11is 80, f The big news in bowling this ;year Hall as representatives of the town's (Continued on Page 5) "(Continued° on Page 5) • ° will 'be the furniture tournament itv { Mrs. John A. Murphy ls'• . mid-August, This will be something.11 auditors, Brock, Davis & Dunn, of • Softball out of the ordinary. Through the co- Kitchener, commenced their review off . • .. Elected file Nevaay operation of the Bas'hart Bios:, the the 1946 accounts. A representative C Of C Plans President, Parked Car Here Tuly lst most complete range of furniture this, of the H.E.P.C. audit staff also made side of Elora will d)e ;put up„tor tom his quarterly review of the P,U.C. 'p electrical system. 'Struck from ,Rear . petition. The first prizes will tie'wal Drive for Members The annual meeting of the St. J 1 1 t 'il b fib ii d i V %, Seafo. ­ .I rth Women's Institute .” . , R e c o r d s Pioneer Histo m T- +. Columban sub ddvisian ,of the C.W.L. I.forth, y s w2 a so a ay n ea a meeting, of the executive .of nut c es s. These alone would) ba „ enough to draw bowlers from far and Tickets are now in the hands of was, held in the parish hall with a Mrs'.: J. Jacobs, Matron of Huron, the Seaforth Amateur Athletic ' As- , near. Starting this g year, this will ,be Chamber of Commerce Membership large -attendance. The .president op- Count Home, Clinton, suffered shuck y sociation decided Monday night,. Fea- an annual tournament and will ,bei Cthairman• A..'W: Sillery, according to ened the meeting with prayer, The minutes of the previous meeting as and bruises when a car in which she turfing an all -day tournament in which known. as "The Bos.hart 'Furnit'ure N. C. Cardno, recontly elected presi- ° read were adopted. Letters were was a passenger, and driven by 'Mrs. it is expected, seven teams will take Tournament.” More will be said of dent of the Chamber . of Commerce, read and discussed', and cards of Thomas Mor gun, -Clinton, was struck part, the day will conclude w iih a it ]ate,. and the annual membership drive is thanks for 'b xes received Ten dol - from the . rear a car driven by by . dance in -the evening in. Cardno's. Hall, 4 * (The Seaforth Women's Institute, ,byte ry, asking for a continuance of to get under. way Immediately. Other of H. Lars was do ,ted tot help°.purchase George Buchanan, Goderich, li/2 miles west of on No. 8" highway The games a -t11 be :played on the Lions Park diamond, commencing ax Most bowlers are fishermen.', iP yon through its Historical Committee, . headed by. Paul Doig, during re- the labors of 'Mr. .Thomas Thomson • in the 'congregation up to October 1, members the committee are 'Glenn Hays, Art Wright and Harold canned goods for Britain- A review of the. ayear's� work- lull-' ,Seaforth Friday afternoon, Both vehicles were y damaged.1. 9.3'0 a.m., with the firms starting at should happen �to see a group talking' on the street these days you Galt bet eent months, has recorded the history of pioneer.farms and 1874, setting forth that his labors in g' Mr. Cardno, in discussing the ne-active Gated a successful' term. Ninety-one The Moro -an car hall parked on t e •7 p.m. that evening, according to pre- .sent -pians. they'll be stretchiAg a fish yarn, Iden. .institutions of. the area. The stories are being pre- the past had been, largely blessed, be- ing 'acceptable -to the people. cessity of having ,a', large and active members• were reported as having paid fees. Four bags. of literature and edge of the highway when it was,. by • Christie ,caught a ,record, speckled! trout this week that 'weighed 2%y , Pared in such a manner that they can November 26 1874—Rev, Thomas membership if the Chamber of Com- p a number of 'cancelled stamps were struck the Buchanan car, also pro- coedin w est. The accident g id= . . First ba tism,' November 5, 1865— pounds. ,That rflil be a, hard' one to be preserved and thus add-in no .•mall Thomson ordained in Duff's'Church: t merce is to properly serve he town, that is -gent to Missions. Prizes wens award- was vestigated by County Constable• Hel- Attend beat! The trout that size aren't very' mneasure• to the historical data of the • July 26, 1875—Request by 23 mem- pointed out .membership not restricted to firms and, businessmen ed - to successful entrance p'upil's, and ma. Smell, Seaforth. .Stratford plentiful in this locality. Ol' +s�ourae, tmunty. It may be .Ghat certain his- torical information, through lack df 'hers and, 21 adherents of the .Presiby . terian Church of Canada' residing in an essay contest was' sponsored and of Seaforth, as residents of neighbor ptizes awarded. Boxes of fruit were knowledge of the project; has not 'teen made available to the 1•nstitute. thea vicinity of Winthrop,'aying the Ing municipalities, who are, • interest- sent to sick and. shut4na at Christmas ed in the progress and, welfare of sea- If this should be the ease, interested Presbytery to take s4epps to organize them into' a congregation 'in coanec- and throughout the year. Masses were forth, are welcomed as, •membersl , offered each month for living and.de- „ Parties may obtain full information ,by contacting Mrs. •Doig, R.)� 4, Seaforth, Lion with Duff's, Church- Session- to ceased members and, for permanent 'May Teachers -at S.H.S; petition Preslbytery. (Session agreed. In a High Mass was of - The following article, ; taken from to receive the petition and, transptit fered for favorable weather. ,Mem- • the Institute collection, is the- four- the same, .believing the granting 'their bers at, time of death were remem- teenth in a series' which will appear. prayer would tend very, much to the beresl frith spiritual -bouquets,. Flow - an The Huron Expositor). advancement of Christ's. cause in that ers were donatecb for the altalr on dif- • ., HISTORY OF DUFF'S CHURCH neighborhood, and to order to expedite ferent occasions. The laundering of McKILLOP the whole, matter, and if possible, "the altar linens was paid fo'r through- . . First ba tism,' November 5, 1865— :have them, organize at once, c� out the year. Ten dollars was donat- .Janet R'ai'ls: Kerr; parei{ts, Aiexauder _ At Goderich, ' and within Knox _.-. 1. _ yed , . Bishop Jordan for Western Mis- Kerr,. Helen Lapshe. Church there, the 10th day of August, sions,s, and to the Sisters' of Service, Session met dn' 1VCcKillop School .1875, a petition was received' fromLEGION NOTES also to Father Flannevy's "School of House No. 4, Jan. 30, 1866. Present: members and adherents of the Pres- Christ" and to Byron Hospital Fund, Rev: -W. Graham, Messrs. Walker and 'byterian Church of Candia. as above. News of Seaforth Branch 156 - Father 6'1)•owski was. remembered at McCulloch. Meeting was- constituted Moved by Rev. Mr. 'McCuaig, .second= of the Canadian Legion Christmas and . ,Easter with a cash . with prayer when, the follo*ing were. ed by Rev,- R. Leask, and carried un- ''donation. received into 'fell'ows'hip: 'Peter' Mc- Y�aughton, Mrs, McNaughton,' Finlay animously,.that the Preabytery (having taken into consideration the petition T The Purgatorial Society re. orted" 43 The May meeting of 'the Legion will members: and the ma y p magazine convener 'Ross, 'Mrs. Barron, William Walther 'frdm McKillop No. 2, asking leave to be held in the c�uU'rooms Friday eve 23 readlers. Ni'uety-tWo. dollars and Mrs. John Cowan;,R'o'bert Scott, Mrs. organize a station .at Winthrop, and. ping at 8 o'clock. A number of im- be twenty cents was donated to the y5tatt Above as th'e first entryin Session ;being satisfied with the informal no- tie. served an, the portant business matters' are fb • b i b • Presi-Pope's welfare collectaori for 'ca'nned nought before the meeting y a to 'help the'starving Euro - Book for the -Mission Church of the neighboring Ses- sions as yu;st: to all partfes� concern- dent C. e Sills, and a large attend-bods ,feed peau nations. Two delegates were iCaiiiada'Presbyterian Denomination,, in ed, authorize Mr. Thomson to,.organ ince is desired. ollow.lhments and a sent to the Diocesan convention at the Towns`hi of MacKillop: p '187U—Rev: ize said, station immediately.—Extract- social hour will follow. Chatham ,:in October`.` The 25th 'anni- ' Sept., A. McDiarmid. ed from Recopds of,. Presbytery of I * * * versary- of the formation of the sub - April. 26, 1871—IndRa as a fields of Mis- Iron. ;Signed. Jas, 'Sdevenght. Furnishing of the club rooms has, division was celebrated with a spe- sionary Endldavor. -- .March. 6, 1872"--1khis session Armly Elders, ordained October '13, 1875— James Hiilen, Robert. progressed to a point where ­it has tial meeting and luncheon. ,been to make the rooms Mrs. `Feeney, ibelieves that the introduction and, use Calder,. Daniel Canilbell. Rev, Mr. Prichard preach- ,possi•ble• The president. that- avalIgble to - members. throughout the ed all ,the members' for their bel'p and of instrumental music in the sdlenin .ed a very suitable discourse from week. Hours and days decided on at co-operation during her two-year term. worship ,of God is entirely opposed to Matthew XVI:26. ' ' 'MMsgrave a recent executive meeting are Tues- Mrs, J. Shea, and Mrs. D, O'Connor the spirit of the New Testament dis- ;Sept. 25, 1877—Rev, Peter day and Thursday evehings, from 7.30 (Continued from page 1) gtensation, as wth as Contrary to the inducted,. to 11 p.m., and on Saturday afternoon, .. general practice of Presbyterian *ay, 1.895 Us'e of organ, , from 2 until 530 p,m. •—" Churches; and therefore this Session . 3s unanimously apposed to the use' ,of 1.903-1•lev. David Carswell, ,4919-Rdv. J. A. Ferguson; resign- ae Gifts or the losi� oP furnilture sunt- PROPERTY MANGES Instrumental in the Worandp of God ed on account. of health in September, able for th8 club rooms Will facili, The 50 -acre farm near 'St. Coium- in, this, Church. - . 1'87$-4tev. 1Vft•.. O>stiiu7te pi'ea.ched 1927. ' 1927.7.'93-3—Rev. W. F:` Smith:, tate the furnishing program no* un- ban. owned by St. Peter's Seminary, der way. Anyone wishing to•' co-opt• r:ond'on, has .been sold to Jahn .A. Eck - for some weolw. 1033-1937—Rev. G, E: 1Vlorrow, , erate may contact J. Er Xat(ng; brt, of Logan, through M: A. Re3d.,'S,ea- 1874-,Mr, Thoe. Thomson: A pet'- lEloa with 152 Agnatures' to the PresP -.1997-190.7-Rev. R W. Cra'bv. .. 1041.1:94'7` ---sten; W.•1. Z (phones 48 or 28, who is cliairinan use forth. Mr. Eckert t.'gets immediate , a, baby chick. The oddity, -appeared , q,ftoon. the proporty co> ittoo, , . ,possession. , . r Markings on the instrument indicated . --, W-.,1 •, • . . ., � ;son's .,membefallitp'. 1§h�rult�. U6, big er .;firi ' ...�1 . i . ..,.. .,,� ..:,, , r ,, ,,,i i .: % I „,q '?:, 1. -... ,; 1' ,,,. ... I., �. e:. ,; ,., ., ;,. . ., :, -u. _. �', ,.'a, ,ate a ,i,, ,.u..„ ,.,a .. ... .., ;:,, ,,:+ i , ��lY �,. '� �i-.,'%vUY .5 a,:>_„n •,�1, ,-via r_tI ,e”. "' I judging from the repo°kts of theones •- Wiring School that got away, the' one that Bev. caught would be just a minnow, Name Two New Postponed front March, when bliz- * * • * ; Teachers -at S.H.S; zards made it Impossible for, instruc tors to reach the city, the Training Anew, power mower has been put- chased by 'the Bowling 'Club. School for Adequate wiring w ill -be L held at the Windsor Hotel,. Stratford, * * * „ . The Seaforth District High School Thursday. The schoolis being held The annual entertainment of the, Board held a routine Meeting Tues- by the Electric Service League of On- ladies by the members of the m6u's day evening with Chairman'C, M. 4ario in co-operation with the Hydro club will take place around' the Iba- `I Smith presiding. Electric -Power Commission; and the, ginning of the playing season. • Announcement Was made of the ap- program emphasizes the importance ptaff. Ft,, of too new teachers t, the of planning now"for for adequate wiring ♦__ "_ - kI staff, Miss Oiga Hoare, Toronto, will teach English of homes, factories, offices, and on farms. Badminton Club :;.i and History, while J. Silcox., also. of and, will teach Attending from Seaforth were -An. r� Mathematics. drew 'Calder, of the R.i?.C„ Frank . Winds Up Play" Kling. Robert. , Devereaux and John • Modeland. SET FOOTBALL •I The closing tournament of the !Shea- ": forth l3admh1ton Club was held Wed "` DATES MAY 1� - Find Parachute on nes.day evening, May 7, and Ras, fes lured by an excelfeiit potluck supper ' , ;; Originally inte,'nded•' to have been I I provided by .tlib .ladiies of the club, 11 held at Walton on Monday of this M � Farm and enjoyed by some twenty, membbers f week, the meeting of the Huron Foot- i'+cKillop who turned out for the ,occasion. ball• Association to determine a play- It was unanimously voted ,by ''the ing schedule, -has been postponed. Going out to a back field for his club to donate the sum of $10.00 to The meeting'now will ibe field in the sprint; iNork, Carl"Siemon' found a col- ward's the Hospital Aid drive in ap• Town Hall, Seaforth, on the ,evening lapsed pl.rachute, with what appear- i;' preciation of the work 'they' ate car< of Thursd'ay-, May 15, according to ed to be a. weather recording, instru-, rying. out for the ,town. .. ,l Secretaay A. W. Dicl:, meet, lyipg at the edge o£ the field. It was .also decided that the 1947-4$;' ; !; • The discovery was made by Mr, Sle- organizational meeting, with .the elec" �„ mon, Friday. on his farm at lot 4, con, tion of.ofticer's, would be held W`etl"" .0 EGG SHELL 10, McKillop township, six and a quark- uesday evening, Octo'Tier'8, at 6.30 p,mi. `. ter miles north and a mile west of This meeting will take the .form of t: ,.7m RESEMBLES CHICK Wblin. a pot -luck supper, followed by the atx ;' ° , When The five-foot parachute canopy was nuai meeting, and it 'I 'sloped that - q Isaac Hudi,•on was candling tjearly intact, but the metal iusfriF= this date will, be borne. in tinind'Utl ria ergs at his egg grading', ,tattoo Thurs- Ment attached to it appeared to ,be any who are interested, in lylaying glad• t`; day, lie wa.s startled. when he .pinked 'damaged, . The' parae.ltut•e equipme2nt �ntnton next season. U 'grass M; pdintec� ::• up an egg. to find -.-on it. a, formation was muddy and .weather-beaten, and ,,,. out that if eaefi'member will'tndea t,, ,: jr. which bore a marked resembla.g:ce to appearedl to have been lying eut'.lh a y not only to be there liim'stslf, ,slut '" iii a, baby chick. The oddity, -appeared the open for at least several; days,. bring along at �.ieast one--pydspectl'bei •� ; , as a, raised portion. of the shell. 1, Markings on the instrument indicated badminton player with'Y'AtIo ttext d , �,,, .% The egg was one of a ease deliver-' that it' -may ,,have, come from Toledo, � ;son's .,membefallitp'. 1§h�rult�. U6, big er .;firi ' ed by Alvin Steven's; of Varna. , Ohio, • , • •. than ever, ,� ',• 'y I • y lY r • 1 ill it � f;( P VI �•r ♦„ 1 wrGl. :. ..�+ .,, . . - �. .. .: ". t .r, 5 nx...n ;L3, uu.. i..... .xt Y ,{i }, g �, .,. il ..� ;.., .. ,,. , { .: .' b.:Y'rn �T a. :i�..srsi�.S:..JvSr,..x Lk tit•.. -