HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-05-02, Page 4Iasi Sale, Went will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: and Fowl, E»,Per word: • Crept pd week week 1 C b $rd week ,.,. g Gant Minlroum charge. 'Brit inserton26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counta as one word- "I ! of, Massa, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 4ta per week. vale may its directed to a Box Number, c/o The Huron Exieseitor, for to cents extra; el►tF addltORAaI will be charged, if ado in above elasa are not paid within 1e days, -of of `'nirrra,l insertion. *atriagea and Deaths inserted free of charge. a; *Ian. Notices to Creditors. Etc. —Bates on aplj,licatlon. • Teachers Wanted . Los ..and Found CttpPIPS,X TEAGRER WANTED AT ONCE- Protestant teacher for S. S. No, 2, Mc, %b.idlop; Apply at once fro JOSEPH T. lIGI}.L See,-Treas., R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone $$ r 21. 4142-tf , • •-pinownsTANT _TEACHER WANTED FOR • rural public) school in Village of Con- etance, S. S: No. 3, Hullett Township, Huron ' •County, Modern equipped bt'ick schoolhouse. Tlntice to commence September 1st. State ex- ' 'perienee, qualifieations and salary expected. • Apply to C. V. DALE, Secretary -Treasurer, B.R. 1, Clinten. Phone 841 r 6. 4141-tf TEACHER - WANTED — APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned until 'hide 18th, .:tor a full' civadified Protestant teacher for S. S. No. 2, Tuckersmith, Kippen P.O., 'Huron County. Applicants will please state qualifications, expetience and references .+acrd also name of last Inspector .where ex- perienced. S�aal1ary will be according to ex- perience. Ddties to cenmrence September 2nd. S. 11, WHITMORIE, Sec.-Treas., Tuckersmith Toiwnahip Sdhool Area No. 1. ▪ 4142-2 Help Wanted, W ANTED—RELIABLE GIRL OR WOMAN ▪ for general house work. SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM. Phone 351 r 32, Seaforth. 4142x1 'ANTED—GOOD MAN FOR FEED MILL. i See GEORGE KRUSE, Huron Farm Feeds, Egmondville. 4142x1 WANTED=WOMAN TO DO GENERAL • house work permanent position. Apply to Box 562, HURON . EXPOSITOR. 4141x2 WANTED—GIRL OR WOMAN 'WANTED for kitchen • work. Apply at the COM- ' MERCIAL HOTEL, Seafgrth. 4142-1 Poultry ABY CHICKS—ORDER YOUR DAY-OLD Chicks from a Breeder Hatchery under 0.8.5. supervision. We are able to supply a limited Number of orders of Leghorn X Rock and Rock X Leghorn crossbreds for April and May delivery. GLAZIER„ POULTRY .FARM, Clinton, R.R. No. 4, Ontario. Phone 617 r 31. 4135x8 BAY, .OLD CHICK -BARGAINS FOR THIS week and next: Barred Reeks, New Hamps'hir•rs, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X New Haanpshtres, New Hemp- . shire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex ,X New Hampshires, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks akin -sexed ' 9.95, Pullets 17.95, cockerels 4.93. Assorted heavy }!reeds non- exed 8.93, pullets' 15 -95,.. -cockerels • 5.90. Cockerels :' White i24 - horn X Barred Rock: 1.95, White Leghorn 95x. Two week old add 6.00 per hundred.3 week old add 11.00 to.nun-sexed and pullets: 8,00 to cockerels. Shipped C.O.D. This advertise- . ;rnent must accompany your order to receive these special price;. TOP .NOTCH CHICK- ERIES, Guelph, Ontario. 4.1.421 Deaths CAMPBELL—In Tuckeramith, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Wallace, on Sun- day, April 27, . Margaret Hall Cochrane, be- loved widow •o'f' the late Durran: CaMpbell, in her 89th ?seer. • { LOST — GOLD WRIST WATO.H WITH leather strap, Saturday •night, en- Main Street- Finder please leave at EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4142-1 • Personals H YGIENIC SUPPLIES, (RUBBER GOODS) mailed Postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 saseples 250; 24 samples 441.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -.RUBBER CO„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Auction Sales AUCTION ',SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fecb at Bayfield, on May 3, 1947: Me - Clary electric range (bice new) : 1 kitdhen table; 1 enamel top table; 8 kitchen chairs and 1 stool; electric radio; Beatty electric washer; laundry bereft and tubs; dining room suite (6 chairs, round •table and buffet) ; 2 chesterfield chairs; 2 electric 'Lamps; hall rack; Raymond sewing machine; 8 single beds with new springs and mattresses ; 4 double beds with new springs and mattress - • s•; 5 dressers ; 5 washstands ; 3 cupboards ; 3 odd chains; bedside table and wardrobe; 1 odd dining room table and end table; other small items. J. APFELBECK, 'Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4141-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FART/I: Stook, Iihplements,., Grain and Furniture: W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction one Lot 15. Concession 9, Village of Staffa, on Thursday, May 8, 1947, commenc- ing at 1 o'alock, the fofgwing; HORSES - 1 • mare 10' years old; 1 mare 7 years old; 1 Mare 5 years old, in foal. CATTLE—Six fresh cows; 2 cows due early in May; 5 cat- tle rising 2, years old; 8 yearling steers and heifers; 5 yourig••calvei. C,,RAIN-300 bushels Mixed grain. •IMPLEMEIt7TS—Massey-Hart's binder; Massey -Harris manure spreader; rub- ber tiredwagon, "nearly new; Deering mow- er; •Massey -Harris hay loader; Massey -Harris side rake; steel hay rake; set of slei hs-;. steel tired wagon; new hay rack and ro Ling rack; disc; seed drill; land roller; riding plow; walking plow ; set of -gales; Viking cream separator,- nearly new; 2 H.P. gas en- gine; whitiletrees : neckyokes ; forks ; etc., a quardity of household furniture. No re- serye. -Everything offered will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms—Cash. MRS. FRANK'' TLTFFIN, Proprietress; W. E. Nairn, '.Auc- tioneer-. 4142-1 Notices PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SAND, gravel and fill. HILLIARD LAWRENCE, Hepr;.aIl. Phone 126, Hensall. . 4140x4 F{ LEECE . LINE YOUR HOME WITH blown rock' wool. Permanent and fire- proof. More comfort with less fuel. For free estimate phone The Huron Expositor, or write ROWLAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton Ave.. London. 4126-tf NOTICE—ROY McDONALD & SON HAVE installed a loader for summer months in my gravel pit and are prepared to supply first class cement and lane gravel, in large •or ,m„11 relaritities. Leave your order with the following trucker.: Harold Nioholson..329-J: Seaftirth : Clarence Reid, 58, Hensall ; R.ay and Wilmer McDonald, Exeter,- OT GLENN'l4lc- LEAN, Proprietor; 21 r 84, Hensall. ' 4140-3 ante ..... WAN E113! AND u,OQM. 13EFiI'- ed elderly la . Seaford ox vicinity, PRONF,, 666 r 33, Seatoxtb, 4142-1 WANTED Brr VETERAN—RETAIL SU'SI- nese to rapt or buy; .prefer grocery or Men's wear. Box 14. Oil Swinge, Ontario, 4t140xs For Sale (ILADIOLUS 'BULBS — LARGE STOCK, early variety. BASIL PURCELL, Market St., Seaforth. 'won SALE—A QUANTITY OF AJAX oats Galore barley seed. Apply to R. W. 'CAMPBELL, R.R. -1, Dublin. Phone 849 r 31. Seaforth. 4142-1 CAR FOR SALE --1929 W7HIPPET COACH, inn goal condition; 6 tires, three of which are brand new ; new battery and heater. Rea- son for selling, 'owner• has newer model 8100 cash. KEN CHESSELL, Egmondville. 4142x1 FOR SAL�ONE HOG, SERVICEABLE age. Apply WILLIAM PAPPLE, Eg- memdvn7le . 4142-1' Nj OR SALE -8.- FIGS, TEN WEEKS OLD. WILLIAM BRITTON. Phone 6 on 841. 4142x1 FOR SALE—LIMITED QUANTITY OYSTER shell. SEAFORTR PRODUCE' LTD. ,. 4142-1 FOR SALE—RUBBER TIRE BUGGY, IN good condition. Four new 'tires, PHONE 295, Seaforthr 4142,2 PLANK FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF US - ed 'hemlock plank, random widths and lengths. At. Y. McLEA'T3, Seaforth. 4142-2 •4 UAVINGS�DUE TO WARMER WEATHER we have a quantity drywood shavings Available, J. BOSHART & SONS. 4142-2 FOR SOLE -3 GENERAL PURPOSE PER- cheron black fillies ; 6 -font Massey culti- vator; 6'foot Massey one-way disc ; 3 -furrow 'Massey 'tractor plow. adjustable; Cocks'hutt 13 -dist drill. J. A. MoKENZIE. Phone 669 r 25, 4142-2 FOR SALE--AXMINSTFR RUG, 12' x 121: combinattian bookcase and desk. PHONE -378, Seaforth. 4142x1" FOR SALE—A' GOOD 'USED MILKING machine, two single units. Cheap for quick sale. HUGH THIEL, Zurich. Phone 93 r 4. 4142x2 FOR SALE—LADY'S 'SPRING COAT, IN good condition; size 46 to 18; clean', Apply Box 557, EXPOSITOR, 4142x1 port SALE -RADIO FOR 1937 CHEVRo- " let. in good condition. Apply to BRUCE WALTERS, R,R. 5; Setaforth. Phone 838 r $. 41,42x1' FOR SALE—.REAL NICE BAY MARE, .,5 years old; sound; 1400 pounds. HOB KIRKBY, Walton. Phone 19 r 13, Brussels, 4142x1 VOR SALE --CHOICE YORK SOWS, DUE May, June and July. PHONE 655 r 2, Seaforth. 4141-2 FOR SALE—TAPESTRY RUG, 9' x fnwn' and rose. Apply to MR$. EDGAR BUTT, McMaster Apartmentss, 4142x1 FOR SALE -1 INTERNATIONAL• PLOW. three furrows. in good .working condition. •Anoly to R. TAYLOR. Phone '84 r 2. Hen- son. - - 4142x1 • CAR FOR SALE -193;1 FORD DE LUXE Sedan. .Looks tike 'nes: runs like 0'wr Apply to W. M. HART, beaforth,' or phone 318-W. 4142-1 Births CRAIG—In Scott Memorial Hospital. April 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig, Walton, a son—Graeme Charles. BERNARD—Ln Scott Memorial. Hospital, on April 28, to Mr. and Mrs. George. Bernard, Londesboro, a daughter. DRAPER—In Scott Memorial Hospital, ,.gn • Anvil 19 to-dlitt,' and Mars. H. C. Waller, Idtelletera daughter. 111 e,,LA08[.AN—Iin Scott Memtrrral F1'ospltal. on April 80, to. Mr. and Mrs.. I,labezit Me- Laohlon, Tuckersmith, a dangliVr, McCO1!iI`1'ELIi--In 'Scott M,emorle4 L3oepitab on Ar' 0 April and P $ r. a P. D Mc- Connell • (•nee skean Stewart .$.eafort!h. a daughter. etnAN'QE•--•In Scott,. ,I4engria1 Hospital, on, April 25, to Mr. and 'lira. Harold Fr:nee. Walton, a daughter. THAM,ER-.-•I•n Sec* Memorial H:oppibal, an AprL•1. 25. to Mr` and M. William Timmer, Walton, a scan. SMALb,---At AIM/ Saundercock's Nursing home. ,lfenaall,on blenday, April 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smaje, of Hensall, a son, In Memoriam S` 1RARAS--IN LOVING '•.M3IIMOitY OF A dear father and grandfather, Simon Sararas, who passed away May 4, 1944. He is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, 4. Ln our lonely hours of thinking " Theuglrto of hint are always near, Days of sadness will come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That Bee within the heart concealed. • ---Lovingly remembered by Son Earl, Doro- thy and Grandson David. QARARAS—IN MEMORY OF A LOVING husband and father, Simon Senoras, who passed away three' years ago, May 4, 1944. This is the day of remembrance, And ane ,of sad regret, This day e shall always remember, When the rest of the world forgets. Though his smile has gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch, We shall never lose the memory Of the one we ,loved so much. —Sadly missed and always remembered by Wife and Family. • 4142-1 Cards of Thanks . MRS. JAMES HOWE AND _FAMILY, OF Cromarrte, with to .express their sincere t1isnks and deep appreciation 'to all friends and neighbors who so kindly helped in any way during .their sudden and sad bereave- ment. - 4142x1 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE WILLIAM Oke desires to thank their neighbors'and fri8nds for themany kindnesses extended to them in their recent bereavement.. 4142x1 MISS MARIE .CONNOLLY, OF ''DUBLIN, wishes to thank her runny friends and neighbors for the, kindnesses extended to her and the treats sent her while she was in Scott Memorial'.:,Heepital.' 4142x1 MR. HERBERTJONES WISHES TO EX - press his ,sincere thanks to the many friends who remembered him with cards, 'let- ters and treats, -and' other 'kindnesses, while a patient in Victoria Hospital. .• 4142x1 .HENSALL iamtat .(Continued'`from Page 1) �' day evening -were conducted by Rev. Sanderson,. who delivered a most' in- spiring message,' Mr. Sanderson 'also - sang a pleasing solo, "Rock of Ages." The choir sang.,an appropriate an- then!, .lir, and •Mrs,' Sanderson, who have been here visiting for the .past few months with Rev, and Mrs.. P. A. ,Ferguson and family are shortly re- turning to their hire in Lunsden, task, • Hockey Club Proposes Rink The Hensall Hockey ,Club, honored. its players with •a fine turkey ,~upper _at FreellSmall aconlbe's` restaurant. 'oil Friday 'evening, , when an enjoyable Air 'evening was held. A vote of thanks given to the players outside of Hensall who made 'it possible tor the. . .comnlurlity to reach the finals with Exeter -in the Cyclone League. The -gathering agreed that if 'a fele of the cit x +,rat, 'lino Aavis 0,64'0 oto il. nit Cowards a community 'cwlltre, wank) came 'out more evenly se as„ to Start the ball rolling, it would net be long before other citizens 4ntereeted in at rink would follow suit, aid then, per- haps it Would be 'proposed to the town council or some ether responsible or- ganization in Iieasall, to see that tbha proper action was taken towards the erection of a community .,centre that would serve this area the year round. It was pointed) oat that the Younger' genekttion of hockey. ,players' in, Hen - eon db. not have the ,opportunity to tieveigp. their talents, and that it is not a credit to Hena'all to Lave to de- 'pen'don outside players tp make a contending team. This situation, the club stressed, can only be remedied! 'by the erection of a closed Fink., If the younger type of players in this, area are to be developed, it musttbe through active competition with other teams who are interested in sponsor- ing ,hockey among the youngsters. The Wohelo Class of the United Chereh met Monday . night in the school room. Mr's. Wes. ' Jones pre- sided: • The opening hynnn was, "Breathe on Me; Breath of God," af- ter which the Lord's Prayer was re- peated -in %Tolson. The Scripture les- son,- Psalm7, was read by Margaret Glenn. The . minutes were read and roll call and collection taken. Audrey Walsh favored with enjoyable musi- cal selections. Mrs. Edison Forrest most capably 'presented 'the topic, "'Soviet Spies.'' The 'business session'' followed. The next item *lie -an: in- teresting reading by Miss Ellis, af- ter which Miss Edna Walsh rendered a pleas'ing piano solo. Following the singing of the hymn, "O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee," the Mizpah benediction was ' repeated. Mrs. Michie 'conducted, several entertain- ing games, and a dainty lunch was served at the close. The May meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Munn Wednesday night, May 14. Roll callwill be written sug- gestions for the year's work, and the motto, "Let me think a little more of my neighbor and less of me," will be taken by Mrs. Cameron. The demon- stration on "Cereals" will be in ef(''drge of Mrs. S. Bell. Rev. R. A. Brook will be guest speaker. The social committee includes Mrs,,, Munn, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. L. Chapman and Miss G. Luker,. The district annual meeting of the South Huron W.I. will 'be 'held' at Thames Road United Church Tues- day, May 27. The -district sepresenta- tive will be Miss E. Collins. The Ladies'' Aid of Carmel Church held their. meeting 'Tuesday evening last with * Mr;s. Farquhar presiding. Mrs. M. Dougall favored with a pleas- ing piano solo,"and Mrs. Roy Bell gave a talk on "The Life of Edward Shel- don," the . author Mrs. C. Lindberg., This' was very much' enjoyed.: . The ladies kindly invited the Ladies' 'Aid of the United Church to be. their guests on Tuesday night whe>,) the guestspeaker, Mrs. L. Ballantyne, of Toronto, spoke on "Handicrafts." Secretary is Honored At a meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary Society of- Carmel Presbyter- ian .Church, Hensall, Mrs. George Walker,, who has been a most effici- ent secretary for the' past 12 yeaks, was honored when Mrs. Annie • Logan presented her with a gold W.M,S. pini. 'aide are T! . y Mrs. BAUM bids wald'a woe: "Peal' rs, Walker; We,., the, anenlllerai of 'tt4@ Hensall, W.M.8., wis'lx at thin til to tp .express to you slur appreelatiou Of your vepy' devot- ed and • efficient ser'v`ice rendered is secretary' these past 12 3'1ea1M. ,There have been trying ttimea in $lertorming your work, ibut asomehow you had the happy ability to =Meth down ' the rough edges, and keep things running smopthly. We have always found you capable and willing to help whenever you 'could, no matter how often our call for help came your way. We want you to know that we have not been wholly unmindful nor unappreciative of your loyalty. In reetignitiom of the important part yiou inlay la cur church life and especially the faithful ser-• vice to our organization for these many years, we ask you to accept this Pili •ar, eomething tangible to express our thoughts and teelinge." Munn = Borlar{d Sweet peas formed the .floral back- ground' for a lovely .Spring wedding at Thames Road United Church, of Wilma Jean,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borland, to William Alexander Munn, son of Mr. and Mrs: R. J: Munn, Hensall. Rev. W. Mair performed the ceremony. Given in marriage by, her father, the charming bride chose a white satin gown, floor I'bngth,' with lace trim. Her veil of embroidered net was ceaight with a sweetheart headdress, and she carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses with sweet peas and' fern. She wore a gold .locket,the gift of the groom. Miss Alma Borland, of •Toronto, sis- ter of the • bride, was bridesmaid, wearing, a sky' blue floor -length gown. Her shoulder -length veil 'was of blue net with orange' blossoms, and she carried .a nosegay of piaik roses with sweet peas and fern, Gordon` Moon, of Hensall, brother of the'groom.,"Was' best man. 'Ushers were Donald Munn and Jack Borland. ' Miss 'Ina Harris ••was at the organ console for thebri- 'dal music and thedsoloist, Mrs. John Hodgert, of Exeter, sang„ "At Dawn- ing" and "I'.1l Walk Beside You," A reception was.iheld in the basement, Of the church. Upon their return frons• their wedding trip they will 're- side obn the groom's farm near Hen, sail. S. G. Ronnie, of Hensall, music .supervisor, has entered 16 sehools, in- cluding Tuckersmith, Usborne, Stan- ley and Hay, with between two and three hundred pupils competing, in the sixth, annual Huron County Fes- tival of Music being„held in doderich May 5 to May 9. . R. H. Middleton, M. G. Drysdale, W. Spencer, T. C. Joynt, J. Paterson and L. Scott, members of the . Cllam- ber of 'Com'merce, were in Mitchell HURON Radio Servic� r UNDER NEW M'ANAGEMEIHT,,,. Repairs on All. Make:.. of Radios ' • USED RADIOS FOR SALE Specialty on Electrical' Gulls" Agent for Stewart -Warner. Air' dison and Marconi, Radial,. Satisfaction` guaaanteed on all G6 " repalire. t Ernest Appleby Prone 101 Hensall last Friday evening, attending a clinic of the Canadian Chamber of Com- merce. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thorn, of Moose Jaw, Sask., visited Miss Minnie, Reid this week. Mrs. E. Scholl and little son, Garey, returned home on •Siunday from C'lut- ton Public Hospital. Name Committees The Hensall Chamber. of Commerce held its monthly dinner meeting in the banquet hall of the Commercial Hotel Tuesday evening, with 'an at- tendance of 45 members 'present,out of a membership of 62. The special attraction of the everting was moving' pictures, showing bow tail is refined, and a picture on the trade and comr- merce on the Great 'Lakes. The pro- gram was made possible by Sam Mc- Dougal], of Clinton. The nominating committee present- ed resented the slate of committees as follows; Membership, P. McNaughton'(conven er), Bert Horton,••J,-Pa.herson, M,'Moir, Wm: Parke, 'I Lavender; Entertain- ment, ntertainmenti, W. O. Goodwin (convener), E. Little, Rev, P: Ferguson, Alf., Clark, Rev. R. A. Brook, Scott Welsh;'-E'ro- jest, W. R. Davidson (convener), H. Lawrence, F. Smallacomabe,W. Brown, S. Tudor. Finance, Same Rennie (convener), G. Hess, A- .Kerslake, A. Orr„ F. ,Bonthron, E. Fink, T. Welsh; Industrial, R. E. Siladdick (convene}'), W. Spencer, Geo, Bennett, W. Buchan, an, J. Henderson; Publicity, R. H. Middleton (convener), C. Jinks, H. Bonthron, R. Drysdale, C. Passmore, Dr. Goddard; Agriculture, E. L.'Mickle (convener), G. Thompson, H. Hyde. W. Allan, W. 'Fairbairnports, Bert Horton (convener), E. Little, D. Kozachok; J. Peebles, D. Joynt, J'. Flynn, L. 'Cook. kao Or :f :ateen';3,.fi`fly'Yr'•:' A,' Mn.•"rr F • MOTAER'S DAY Sunday, May .11th MAKE YOUR GIFT TO MOTHER SOMETHING WORTHWHILE, LONG-LASTING AND PERSONAL ' A very outstanding different gift is-.,ik PERM'ANENT WAVE • by NIR. D. KOZACHOK, your "Licensed Hairdresser For appointment call ' CIAL Sale Starts Saturday May 3rd at 9 A.M. eninenumesnimmarminiammonium 20% OFF !EN'S AND BiOYS' - . UITS ring coats Overcoats TAKE ADVANYAGE OF THESE DOWN TO EARTH PRICES NOW! MEN'S JERSEYS • Short Sleeves, Colors: Canary, 9,C Blue and Brown. Special v MEN'S BROADCLOTH AND KNITTED SHORTS Blue and White, balloon elastic inserts' at back. •Reg, 75c. To cleat seats and 53c • MEN'S FANCY SOCIfS ' Mercerized lisle. Reg. 49c ,a .0 pair, Selling at a, pair..., . ; ... 31c MEN'S 'FELT HATS MEN'S FORSYTHE AND ARROW -All. •sizes -.and -shades.. Regular 41-94 ...... • Angular $1.00,. t� ttn, and $2.5.0. To clear, each , IUC To clear . -• BOYS►, LONG SLEEVE ... • BOYS' SWEATERS SHORT - PAN'T'S Cale a' n . R1tfb, • Green and Red.' Re ` " }0, to [ries Mk All sizes diid eoldrs; Yteg'ular each ^� ��+ ' 9 , 'tta t Tear ... , .. , .., ........ . F,r i A, ri a 1 We are trying to keep 'prices down—realizing that inflation is so easy to start and so diffig. cult to stop. It starts With little things, like; everyday commodities, a.few pennies increase here and there. Hardly noticeable at first, then suddenly we realize our ;money doesn't go as far as it used to.' 'We have slashed prices, in many cases 20 per cent or Inore, in the hope - it will help' us all to gaiii a more firm founda- tion for prosperity in':the futdre. • 9 Children's Specials CHILDREN'S CORDUROY OVERALLS Colors Green, 131ue, Re'ri. Cerise. $2.98. - 8 aiD� To clear @ - CHILDREN'S PANTIES SizeS• 2 to 6. Reg. 59c; to.'clear 35c pair ut• PAIRS FOR 1.00 • CHILDREN'S WHITE FLANNELETTE SLEEPERS Bunny style, regular $1.29, Q11C Special CHILDPEN'S . COAT STYLE SWEATERS Assorted 'colors: Reg. $1.49. To clear CHILDREN'S COVERALLS Color. Navy with Red trim. Sizes 2 to 6. Reg, $1.15, to, clear ,, ... 8UC ROMPERS - Blue, Yellow and Green. 8Sc Reg. $1.19; to clear at •O (2 per customer) CHILDREN'S AND LADIES' ANKLE SOX Ito clear, all. colors and sizes. rl�C 2 Pair for - • L 1.00. 1 Exceptional -Values For Women LADIES' ' FULL FASHIONED HOSE Seconds,. 49c Pair i .. LADIES' SILK PANTIES (First Quality) - Colors White and Tea Rose. 45c Iieg. 59c, to clear, tiF LADIES' PULLOVER SW • ,Colors Sand, Yellow, B ..Reg. $3.50 and $3.95. On Sale , LADIES' FULL FASHION' Rogular $1.59.•. Specia. m. LADIES' 'APRON Regular 39e. Q Clearing at• 3r+C EATERS vgliMMIMIRMEMIUMMI"IliMalatialrBlue aild Brown.• ONE LOT Le l f LADIES'" AND �: ..'.. GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS Black. and Brown, Regular $3.25 ED HOSE nn(� l' •'•.•and $<2.98. On,sale; TUU Pair •i. I NUU SI FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 5 DOZEN LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES Regular $1,98 and $1.69. • no.,. Special for sale, each ' Department Store OPPOSITE POST' OF •ICE OUTFIT THEA FAMILY AT THE GREEN FRONT 1 ONE, LOT D' PERS i4OUSELA•SIESLIP Regular $1.29'pair. Clearing atr...pair •49e'. ONE LOT MEWS Re TOUSE SLIPPERS clear, ,pair •88(,` SAVINGS illailliSnPiE"CIA.L ! LADIES'„RAINSHOE,. Regular $1.59 - - "'{Iii - for . ONE LOT 'GIRLS?” SHOES Sizes_ 8-10Ia grid 11-13. Special, pair 98e MEN'S' BROWN 05C FORDS Leather soles .and rubber heels. Regular $ 8 3.98 a pair; 19 To Clear, pair 1 Y SPECIAL ONE LOT ' ' 41"Four Star" $LANKETS LADIES' SHOES Oxforda, ..ilea, 'pumps, niilitary t heels, low heels, Cuban heels SEAT ORTII ' and high heels'. Colors Black, Brown. and Beige. - 'Spe'alal, pair, , . ..... .. 1 )148 i 5% wool, soft and fleecy,. Calors Pink and Blue stripe. Regular $5,98 a pair. On Sale, pair , 4.48 •