HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-04-18, Page 5• ease ee'c (000.004.rgm. 104.e4) (b) A eartaiicate •.,matt 'by the hle 4031"0 :ce>.tifyi g that h hala Inapeoted, ,the b(sildiag an yeapect of 'which the Bpplicattioa,, is made and has founld that .it is in,Nccordance.with 4,his by41&w aa to hre ,'safety preoali1tl9.; (c) A'Cetrtiifleate sigh.t by the chief iof police'certifyink that the opbratian of a hall in. the location applied for is • approved, byn lyixn and that he is .satis 16ed with the . Proposedl use of the ;building, er part thereof as a public ball and: with the proposed methods. of operatio144' and (d) A certificate dated -Within, three =oaths of the. application, signed by ;the Hydra inspector-, certifying that the electric wiring. has been inspected and found satisfactory. ' - Each hall must have two .exits with- doors therefrom opei ingoutward'b..An Smart cul, .dwar, ,a,, PARA DOL DR.CHASE S Paradol 10k )CM (tilt! til HEAOACHE & Other Pan, F We're Here To Help You . .. Keep Your Car or Truck Running Efficiently Until the New Models Arrive • Efficient, Economical PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE on all Makes of vehicles Seaforth Motors Phone 141 Seaforth 111 ininetedl: 'a4t u0 , 44t;./ • each.; 014 • Tice b law prl?vil eat,; t 14 a tent to. which the hall naay ba 4ecoratatt, 'a.e follows: (1) Decorations. of Oath, paper or other ;fiamrxnabie xrta#ex14shall „npt be Permitted iw a public. hail Wean treats ed Wit . 'a: fia.M.e roof trreslytineut ani)! )e -treated .at least ouce i ever * year, (2) Flarainaible i ecora'thane* . not- withstanding they 'are #1gTnerproofe& Shall not be placed on an )electric tura or Within three. feet of an elee- tr•I,c bulb, stave. or heating appliance, or the pipes in .cohnection therewith, • (3) --Flammable decorations, cur- tains orlraperies,shal1. not be permit- ted in a cloak romai of washroom'. 'Fire precautions must be taken which includes 'conitrol of smoking and freedom Froin rubbish. i:Ieating equipment that is permisaible is also set' out as follows: (1). Every year before using the heating equipment every. public 'hall owner shalt cause the• furnace • or stove., the pipes therefrom and ' the• chimney to be examined, cleaned and 'Mit' in a proper state of repair, ' (2) Every stave or furnace placed in the auditorium of any publichall shall be • protected with sufficient guards ,or insulation, and,shall be so located as to not interfere with; em- ergency exit. tF • (3) Every furnace roomin any build, ing containing .4 public' hall' shall he of Are-res.islting construction or with the walls' and ceiling have plaster on metal lath or plaster -type wall boards and. shall be equipped with self-clos- ing fire doors •Every public ,hall shall be equipped with sufficient standpipes and hose to protect every part of the hall and; in- tercommunicating roams without us- ing more than 75 feet of hose on any standpipe connection or shall be equip- ped with •fire extinguishers of such type as the fire .chief may require. Responsibility for enforcing the by- law is In the hands of the fire chief, police chief and building inspector: " (1) It shall be the duty of the fire chief, chief of police and building in- spector to enforce• this bylaw and to inspect every public' hall in the mun- icipality unicipality from time to time as requir- ed, to ensure that the requirements of this by-law are beiig fully met. (2) For, such purpose, the.iire chief, chief Of police and the building in.- specter n.specter or any of their assistants may enter any public hall at any time, and to test the adequacy• 'af theemergencY „e-xit facilities, and may, with the in- structions nstructions of the council require a practice ,fire drill by all persons in the public hall at such time. • Penalties ;for infractions of the by- law are provided: -Upon conviction a license contravening the bye-law is.sub- ject' to a fine not exceeding $50.00 and imprisonment not exceeding , twenty= one days. • • BAYFIELD . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bristol, who have spent the winter at the Hotel; London, returned) to their cottage,on- Mo/al ay. Rev, and Mrs. Harold Paul;, of Lis- towel, spent a couple. of days in the village. last week. NOTICE Cream' Froducers of McKillop Towns lip are urged to attend important.rneetin-g at WINTHROP HALL - FRIDAY, APRIL 18th 8.30 pan. PURPOSE: To vote on the formation of a Cream Producers' Association. in the interest of butter. fat. .. SPECIAL SPEAKERS: Mr. H. Goudie, of Wroxeter; LeRoy Brown, Agricultural Represents'- tive, Clinton. ! DISCUSSION — VOTI'NG 'SAMSCOTT, Pres. A. IL DODDS, Sec. z Grinders Have 0 Increased In Price: We still ' have a few grinders at the ,old price.' Buy now when you can save money. Frank' KIin Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Contractor .Phone 19 Seaforth' i 4 PEAT MOSS CO-OP CHICK STARTER. AND CHICK .GRIT ,• Grass 'Seeds - • Fertilizer Place your orders now 41- SEAFORTH FARMERS COOPERATIVE PHONE .9 $34() r Gt x P'00., '00el ., i; '0.0.t4.0. $$,0. Pongee, ant . .fee�C priuitin8, $lf : 'slindiry „t0ic; 'toad! •acct., $03.94.0a ; Federation of Agricui tura. $3$3.06. , .#toad .;angounts in ail total $8,.479,74 since Jan. I-1947.. This account re- presents tb,e coat of snow plowing egtr. that period.' I • Cannell ,adjourned to. meet May '$ at 2 'pail, r Council . A ,. Qpts (Continued from Page ) - another occasion; he had gone to Colin - oilier Ross' home but couldn't,.get any answer.,_- He bad driven .with him to io Egmndville to check the location of a street light and had consulted him concerning some trees. The last 'ince he called him Councillor Ross refus- ed to,hav,e anything more to do with' the committee and was „vehement" about the manner in which the work was being done, Councillor Close said: • •. "Those were the only times any de- cision was needed. I can't be running out every time for kid's stuff. Those things are up to the street. superin- tendentr not the .committee," Council, for Close said, Councillor Ross con- tinued td insist he Nadi not -been con- sulted_ on '. sultedand referred to hiss'remarks at the nomination meeting in March and to which he said Councillor Close had not replied. Councillor Ross also objected to the proposed finance comm.itte.e, but when pressed for a reason by Mayos' Reid' 'and, .asked' for an, alternate arrange- ment; refused to answer. The committee, as revised and ap- proved by council, are: Streets—Close, Ross,' Teall, Finance—Keating, McMaster, Teall. Fire and Water—Christie, McMas- ter, Ross. .Property --Sills, Christie, Close. Relief—Sills, Ross, McMaster. Police=Reidy Sills, Keating, Teall. The •first named in each case is chair - Fire and Police Chiefs Report Fire Chief Allan • Reid and; Police Chief John- Currie reported to coun- cil. ' There had been no alarms or fires during the past ` month, Chief Reid stated. Telling, council it had been 'a quiet month, Chief Currie expressed the opinion the advent of warm weather may bring problems. 'He had but ane call, a fracas in which boys "had both- DICK oth- DICK The Upholsterer Put new life into your Chester- field with a re-uglholstering job. This is frequently more satisfac- tory than a' new `one. Let us give you an estimate. No obligation. Come in and see, or -Can Gordon A. Wright Cabinet Work - Refinishing SEAFORTH And they'll stay healthy too— Blatchford's ' Chick Starter keeps 'em healthy — makes them grow faster •— assures vitality :=- and Pays me bigger ctividendst NOW"— Strengthened with Vita -Din The new supplement for greater vita- min and mineral content — greater nutrition! BLa tc %rd ws s�sat wmv a, TORO N,T0 ONTARIO -- .LOCAL DEALERS — We also handle the following Blatchford Feeds: Poultry Con- centrate,- Poultry 'Mash Pellets, Calf Meal and 'Calf Meal Pellets, Pig Starter, Hog Grower and Hog Concentrate, Dairy Concentrate, Oil Cake Meal, and Chick Starter. SEAFORTH PRODUCE LIMITED Phone 170-W : Seaforth axe 0.400. 4 0,ice ci lWthe. CIII C` it T*rfepalcl ta< .ki Celitts i0 00Pg tr..mon* rteaaaler. lEl g,. `�vllr l told conmctl; Ree3La Sills ri'epoirted+ � conatructi91 P.U.k Sluail took. leckliF Stu, the Town Fall Nothing Wtliel 14s' availa'hle. concerning a $xuck aaKl .e'nawp14W, Councillor Qlene statedi, Tite eomaoit. tee w•; s a.Svaitili ward #',grit: one .mire` d,eal'er'rber'ore bringing' 1> a report, ,e Mayer ,, d eopuuletited on the amount of brolien'glass: an the streets, and Councillor Close :acivilia .him the Matter Of cleaning the streets was in band. . The Are and water obru littee bas Purchased. a quantity q# .dose and a ladder, Cotn7nittee Chairmtan B. F. Christie told council '• Adequate pro- tection was, •giivep, the,. tigh School with existing hydrants, . Fire Chief`' ) .eid explained!, in answer •to a query from, Councillor. E., A..1dM.eMaster. Appointment of an extra policeman was left to the police ;eomanittee. Chief Currie asked "that when the addition- al addition•al policeman was hired, arrangements be made for. him (Chief •Currie) to have one day.a week. off.` Council approved • building permits to Dr. E. A. McMaster tor' four •resi- dences, estimated to. ,'cost $3,809, $3,700, $3,800, and $3,5.00, respectively. Three of. the residencea"'will be erect-' ed on' lots on (East William Street; and • one on Gocierich Street East, on a portion' of the Goudde farm, Ap-- proval was also ,given the McCall- Frontenac co. for t'he erection .of a service station and two -bay garage estimated) to cost $10,000, on Goderich Street West, at the corner of, West William. --, 9 • Tile Not Ordered Council ,was surprised, to find that a. carload of tile, instructions for the purchase of which had been issued lasr.fall, had not been ordered.. Clerk Wilson stated it was considered We supply would be more plentiful this year, and in addition there Was no place in which to store it. Rather than being more plentiful, tile is as scarce aS ever;' •and as a result of there being no tile on, hand certain drain repairs will have to wait arriv- al of a shipment that is to be order- ed' now, council decided. Can't Contrlol •Floods No action was taken, concerning a petition from residents in the area of Coleman Street, which asked for the removal of a dam near the railway,' which it. was suggested, • was creating flood •conditions in the .'area, and, a petition from the same area request, ing improved drainage. • Councillor Ross,. spoke on behalf of the petitioners and told council • he had been in communication with the Department of Municipal Affairs, who advised him obstructions could not be placed in, streams. Mayor Reid explained,'the matter. had come before previous Councils and at that time had ,been -,referred to the solicitors. -The council had been advised, he said, •that• first damages must be proved. Civil action could then be taken by those suffering dam- ages against 'the •individual 'obstruct- ing the water course„ It' Was not a matter' "for •the town, who • Was' not liable in any. way. Discussing the fiootl conidrtions that prevailed in certain areas of -the town, council was of the opinion the condi- tion was something that could not be controlled, unless a major drainage scheme was undertaken, which would involve all neighboring townships, The • difficulty was' not so much the size or• amount of the drains. in the town, brit the lack of sufficient out- let. "It's being going on for 50 years," commented -Reeve Sills. '"You can't beat nature." • Arrange For Clothing Drive. The relief committee will head "the' local British Flood Relief carm.paign 'for usable clothing May 1 to May 15, council decided, after Mayor Reid brought to council's arttentiofi, a let- ter from the Ontario ;Chairman ask- ing .that a local cenfmltt.ee be set up. The committee includes Reeve Sills, as chairman, with Councillor Ross • as. vice-chairman, and -Councillor McMas- ter. The committee has power to add to its number. ' The report of the finance commit= .tee,„ which was adopted by council, recommended payment of the follow- ing accounts and salaries: Treasurer Public School, advance on levy, $2,000; -A. Wilson, acct., $8.80:• C. P. Dietrich, acct., $4; Seaforth High School, advance on levy, $4,10,01; H. W. Wright., acct., $5.45;• J. R. Burns, wag; es, $3; Wm. Kelly, wages. $4.50 Robt. Grieve, wages, $14.50; S. W. Williams; wages, • $26; M. Ryan, wages, $25.50; Public Library, advance on levy, $400; D. H. 'Wilson, •Salary, $85.41; Il. K. Scott, salary, $39.; John Currie, salary, $108; John Ciinam.ings, salary, $108; A. Bushie, salary;, $125; 'J. A. Wilson, pension, $20;4.U.C., Electric, $4.53; Superior Mfg. o., • acct., $5.83; Robt. Bell E. & T. Co.; acct., $1,19; C.N.R., acct., $8.41; C. P. Sills, P.M., box rent, $5; A. Busbie, acct., $9.85; H. Wright, acct., $2,25; Municipal •World, acct., $18; .Huron Expositor, acct., $48.58; Workmen's( Compensation'Board, acct. $9; Ration Board Se.c., salary, $40.00; Seaforth Supply & Fuel, acct.,, $6.39; M. E. Clarke, acct.;, $7; F. Reeves, wages, $6;:M. Ryan, wages, $8; J. Ref- - fernan, wages, $5; Gore District •Mut- nal Fires Ineharance, acct., $13.50; Bell Telephone Co., acct., $4;29; A, Boyes, 'acct., $222.75; relief, $33.30. It • Return Mrs. P. Doig As W.I..President :The Seaforth Women'ea Ingtituie,piet on Tuesday at the h•orh•e of M4•s. Wse. Oldfield in Tuckeramith for the an- nual meeting. Mrs. Paui Doig, the president, was in the chair. Thetheet- ing opened with the' Ode and Lord's Prayer, and Mrs. Leslie McClure read the Minutes. and treasurer's relp'ort, During the business period it was decided to hold a dance on May 23, when -the committee in charge will be •Mrs. Jack McLean; Mrs. M. Williams and Mrs. Dale Nixon. The district an, nual Will be ' held at Hur olidale" on May 27, with dinner. in Tha.mek Road Chnreh. ' Reports of meetings Were read and handed into the se tartan. All•atanddng cOmmittee report Are JO ;r; There •ls no coax quite, t�TCr e SprIfl' ' *0.4e oft, 4ht+wetphb $'Ieecy Ketrwgod Coats, ;nada. ixbr the Makers of farnaits Kenvyi'octd .Blankets, , .:.. They . are styled .to :peifecti.on, by Braeburn Limlted, in regular' slip-ons; belted models or; :neuM? shorties, as .sketched, in a >k14.,.. range of popular pastel ' snider, WHAT'S • MORE! • THERE IS NO INCREASE IN PRICE, AT 29. Other New Spring Coats at 24.50 to 45.00 VINYLITE PLASTIC RAIN COATS Here's a real Coat for these April showers! • Clear Plastic. Rain- coats, made in raglan, shoulder, belted 'style, with heat sealed seams and domed closing. They are positively, ..rainproof, at 6.95 Other Rain Coats from n 10.50te18.50 - JUST ARRIVED Kiddies' Corduroy Overalls We . are happy to an- nounce- the arrival of these much wanted Corduroy Overalls. They come •in Blue, Navy, Wine, . Brown,, Green and red, in siz- es. from 1.,,to 6' years. They are fully san- forized, too, at 2.98 •, KIDDIES' CORDUROY SHORTS h -Lined . - . 1.95 Unlined ... 1,59 Phone 32 Seaforth Ont. N 4t he handed to Mrs. Leslie McClure as 'soon as. possible. ..The places of meet- ing for the coming year were decided and, a picnic will be held in July, to take the place of the meeting for -that month. Mrd'. Raymond Nott' moved a vote' of thanks on, behalf of the Institute to the president and committee, who 'so ably conducted the plans for the successful jubilee banquet. A vote. of thanks was adopted, to the hostess. by Mrs. John• Hillebrecht. A delicious Lun•ch'of sandwiches, maple syrpp and scones was served by the hostess and, committee and a social half-hour en- joyed. , The officers for 1947-48 are as fol- lows, as presented by Mrs. Gordon PappTe'" Honorary president, Mrs. W: Coleman; president, Mrs;- Pau] Doig; ist vice-pres., Mrs. E. B. Got;die; 2nd vice-pres.. Mrs. John Hillebrecht; secretary -treasurer, -Mrs. Elmer Came eron; district director; Mrs. Andrew Crdzier; deputy director, Mrs. W. Cole- man; branch directors, Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs., Ken Chambers, Mrs, R. M. Sdott; agricultural representative, Mrs. John Hillebrecht; pianist, Mrs. Alex Pepper; assistant, Mrs. Les. Mc- Clure; program committee, Mrs. J. F. Scott; card. convener, Mrs.. Dale Nix- on; agriculture., and Canadian indus- tries, Mrs. Mex Pepper; citizenship, Mrs. Eldoa Kerr,; historical research, Mrs. David McLean; health, Mrs. Gordon McDonald; home economics, Mrs. Wm. Oldlfield; community activi- ties and social welfare, Mrs, M. Wil- liams,and Mrs. •James Brown; public- ity, Mrs. Raymond Nott; social meet- ings, Mr's. J. .McLean, Miss Thelma lvlgie, Mrs. ,Tames McIntosh, Mrs.'Gor- don Papple; auditor, Mrs. Cecil Oke. Institute Marls' (Continued from Page 1) may be. appointed b1 the council of each incorporated city in- the . 14 counties"—"one member may be ap- pointed by the County Council of each of the aforesaid counties"—"The prin- cipals of the continuation schools, high schools. and collegiate institutes Iii the aforesaid counties may elect four members from their own, num- ber." The Act continues: "ft shall be the duty of the Senate to. ascertain from time to time the educatiriiial needs of the University' conatituenoy; to consult with the educational author- ities of each county or municipality with the view to rendering them any assioctance in the, power of the Uni- versity . . .'." to co-operate with any and all associations or other agencies having for 'their objects the dissem- ination of knowledge, theimprove- ment of vocations. the establishment ofbetter living conditions,, the im- provemient of public health,' or the development of 'a mare intelligent ,zenship (Continued Next Week) Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: SEAFORTH 15 ._.. EXETER 235 DARLING AND CO.. OF CANAI)A, • LTD. Do You. Want Reif frees SINUS,_TROURLE? A awn and .toosellowbri wady tar siFretl/ relief loom Sines and Antrum iimeali . Also tab Read •Adis. This Remedy Is Known As SINULIEF Rlnuliof is a Melte P•wlier to be vied a Stant Staple and Clean t. UN. Palma $1.00 (twistye. the rapidly Ine�ae•sIa for tis product and the sap of the rare ingredients of the firrainla, is neee.eerr to restrict the aroma in imp box , to a etiaitoa.sr finifity demo ws•Mii. • AT PR313ENT AVAILABLE ONLY -ET huiL , SONULTFF CO., BOX 58Z LONDON, -.Please 1!lnd lla dlored $LM fat Pt yesieiilt' fee Y Rex SbtaMef DEP. V NAME. ADDRESS.. rimer