HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-04-18, Page 3s' 141, • • THE JIIT 0/4 X ` O$1 no l 7 Y The ootmoil.ca tie O:WM iP- of; Ha•3^ •met.in the Tow ishlli T a11v Zurich,' on Monday,, , .W.4l 7.,, 0:L 3 . P,.In•P at Witii, ch, time. the, 7oliowing 'correspondence was, presented: Judge T. M. Ooate1lo, se Beierling' appeal; Frank I:MA i411y, re Bedard appeal;m•W; 'F.' Uia dyn, rd poles; Clinton 'Community , Hospital, re extension to hospdita1; High l'ohaol Board,CExeter; Hai. Township School .Area Board; ••Sherr le Egtlipment Go.,, Ltd., re power •'maintainer; ' DepartM anent• of Hl:gh-w,.ays; re 1947 mnunicipal• road expenditure by-law approval; 'gravel tender. - That upon the„request of the••ttvs tees of the Zurich Police Village to have their employees covered for ,compensation under the township compensation _policy with the village paying the extra premium., be granted. That. the tender for hauling and crush- sing rush -ing gravel for Hay, Township roads as received from Wm. Jennison to be taken from the Welsh pit, rate to •be 45c per yard for crushing •ante'• a flat ,rate of 55e for hauling, be accepted. That the accounts far Hay Township , general accounts, roads, relies and Hay ,Municipal Telephone System, be paid ae ,per „toucher Tow ,1,0/P 40946aelgllgh MOMPIION •$1:.20; -Janes* Mass]' 0414501r ,l gisilt .1(C.ase�rr $21St; "Micelle# �a Garage, `$.7; kassmorp'e Garage, $10.03: General Supply Coe' $26,3'$: H, W. Brokenr. shire ,stagnps, $14,10;. Wmn Je1piapnu,. 1541; Allan Jbhhgon,; $4,20, • 'I'PhOne• Masse, $139.57; • Zurich, Motors; 184.37; Zurieh• Garage, $8,90; Signal -Star' Preefs, 14.80; Toolter'sudth. Telephone 5yptem, • $9.30; •'f 19oR Allan•, ;$189:00, Total, •$1,389,79. •....., aelief 'Mrs. John Suplart, $2'5; Em- ina BassoW1 $8.90; Mrs,,. Edith Mason, $15; A. Heideman, rent, $3.0Q. 'I tai, $61.90,. Hay Municipal Teleplione System. -- -T. H. Hoffman, $3a2.44; H. W k. Broken - shire, $57.2'5'; Be�1 Telephone Co., 2.77.08;•- Receiver -General, excise 'tax, $203.00; H. G. 'Rees, 1305.94; Northern Electric; '$340:99; Automatic 'Electric, $14.00, Total, 11,520.70.. General: Accounts Treasurer of Huron Co.; .$23.60; H, W. Brokenshire, 168.90; '-Zurich= Hydro -Electric, $4.46; Whinier & Co., $35.85; Treasurer Hay Municipal Telephone • Sylstem, $1,100. Total, $1;232.90. The meeting adjourned to meet again on Monday, Mal^ 5, at 1.30 p.m. BROAD BREASTED Bronze Turkey Poults wissimmmos WITH CEILING 'RICES.. REMOVED, THE PRICE OF 'TURKEYS WILL LIKELY BE QUIET HIGH NEXT FALL' Sexed Poults: ALL TOMS. and AS HATCHED available NOW We can supply you for most dates if you place your Order . at Once Special DiscountPrices For April 29th ` Hatch ORDER YOUR. POULTS TODAY All Poults hatched are from Broad Breasted Bronze BLOODTESTED BREEDERS ,y All are hatched' in Automatic Special Turkey Inctubators: Send TODAY for PRICE 'LIST and Full Particulars Ask too for our SPECIAL TURKEY GUIDE -' Lakeview Turkey Ranch Phone 294 WEIN BROS. - '- EXETER, ONT. o• .. that's Mary's way of re- =aniriding us that, although more' •,people are making more tele- Iiliouc calls elan ever before,* , lie answersmost calls in a mat- ter of recon ls. There are still times when you Tay have to wait longer' but, on the average, nine our of ten calls are answered' in Jess than sten seconds. We are doing our utmost: to meet all y e it telephone needs and to: Continue to give the Crest service at lowest cost. 4Here's How Telephone Calls t Have Grown in,S'eaforth r • Igo 1947 Telephones in use: . , 848 1,015 Local calls, tinily: . 2,809 Long Distance calla, daily: 54 • 'THE, BELL 'TELEPHONE 3,85.1' 117, J. M. GOODW I N, Manager COMPANY OP CANADA • • :-4 %o, cessRulita'ttaoq l with specially pre- pared blank ; ,nitta Or .pastes. • Even where a dark.,ekin of an 'anhalai xray -reduce the eentrafft, •the 'ey?lybole n many cases may be deciphered by a Penrlight being held behindthe 'tat- too, IToweeer, some ;breeds of She., ,pc+e : sent a special Problem >n tt, ,°g increasing , ages• blaelf.• ifiataQs dete7'irr orate. The developnfren,t of a' green tattoo ink by ;the Chenp:ietry Division,., Science Service; Dominion Depart- ment of. Agriculture, has largely Ov- ercome this difficulty aid has• been shown • to be satisfaotorY in South down an,dijinopshires. Its a Elea - tion to other sheep `breeds and to oth- er species ,1s expected to give simi- lar results} Other .coloring, •agents are ;beinl,g tested by the Dominion Di- vision, of Chemietryn for ,;toxicity, brit- 'fence; rit'lance; and stability, and,,used in con- binations to provide marking mediums for special, eircumstatices. ',For successful tattooing, ear•surfac- es of the' animals eh'quid be c1'eaned, with alcohol, carbon tetrachloride,. gasoline, Or kerosene,' and wiped dry. After the ink -has been applied to the tattoo ,needi'es and the tattoo. made, a 'further,'quantity, of the ink should' be applied ,to the skirt nd, thoroughly rubbed in: ' Tattoo needles, should be - kept clean, and sterilized before and after tattooing.' 'Binder Twine Binder 'twine' is man ifaetured and sold ander the' pr:ovisiens of the In- epection' and Sale Act, Which requires that every' ball of binder (twine fox sale ie Canada be labelled with the name of the dealer and the number of "feet per pound.. The Act, is adminis- tered by the Plant Products Division, Dominion Department of' Agriculture, whose officers make inspections and take samples to see, that the ' twine measures up to the requirements of •the Act'. In addition to the Inspection and. Sale Act, the Division is respon- sible for the *administration -of •th'e'I Seeds Act, the •Feeding Stuffs Act, the Fertilizers Act, Pest Control. Products Act, and the Hay and Straw Inspec- tion Act. • tune, Tina -regular Meeting. Of ltbe Hulieltt OW:Mita , ctluncix ia}glC phaco in the Community X ail, U040lboro, April 7 at g p.m., when tl reeve and tali. Members of the eouflciy Were present; A' delegation of •PIMPAYers was re- PAyeti; from !the lith concession: con, ceruing drainage .ab.4140 iunotiop... o1 the, lath cqn�,eession ;and No. 4 High- way'. 0ot:ion- oE' .Gdunciilors Les, Reid and; Wm. E. Dale,::the Departnien't of Highways was asked to repair drain and clean out at the junction of the 13th 'concession, Mullett Twp., and No. 4 Highway, A' delegation frim ..Clinton. Hospital was received. Mr. 0.”IL Jefferson spoke on the prgptogltion of the-build- ing he build-ing the new wing to the bospitel, ate gave 'a report, on the financial , stand• ing of the ;hospital,. the aims of the. board, and the hopes df the board in receiving assistance from the neigh- boring munieipalities. Dr., Shaw gave an interesting report ,on the percent- age, of patients admitted. to the hospi- tal from the surrounding municipal;- ties, and told•'of'the shortage of space and proper eguipme7et';needed to .pro- perly 'Care for the numbers requiring •hospital ''attention. There will he a meeting in Clinton in tthe near fure- when the hospital hoard will meet the councils of the surrounding munici- palities to go. further into this project, By-law No: 6, 1947, was read the necessary times, sighed by the ;Clerk and Reeve and the township seal at- -cached,. The by-law was for the- lic- 1 easing of taxis in; the township. ' On 'motion of J. ,Ira Rapson and Les. Reid, the road superintendent was instructed to ask for tenders for thecrushingdelivering and el n of 5 0 . "yards of graves on the. township roads. I Accounts were •approved for pay- ment as' follows,: Blyth Standard; printing, advertising ,anti supplies, $101.00; •Ciinten News -Record, print- ing, rinting, advertising; '$10.50; Department of Health, insulin, 14.97; Geo. W. Cowan, part salary, $70; ' Blyth Telephone Sys- tem; digging boles, -$17.5,62; Lavis Con struction Co., snow removal, $234.00 Robert Riley, snow ,removal, 14; Ben Riley, snow removal, 14; Alex Riley, snow removal, $3; Doug. I4esk, snow removal, $3; Chas. Hoggart, snow re- moval,' 1200; Bert Hoggart, snow re- moval, 12.50; Glen,- Carter, snow re - ,Lift Wartime Orders on Dairy Products After, April 1. 1947, anyone can make as much ice cream, sherbet and Pro- cess cheese as be wishes, the Domini ion Department of 'Agriculture has ah:. pounced. •By rescinding three of its wartime orders, the Dairy Products Board op- ened the 'dairy products manufactur- ing•feld to,uewcomers who have been' xest icted , from. en•tering this....induatry. for the past three to four years. Although manufacturers will be re- quired to report the amount of, ice cream, mix, sherbet mix and process Or emuisifled cheese produced in the quarteryear ended March 31, their future 'output will be governed only by the demand for their product and the availability of raw supplies.: - The - tlfree orders rescinded begin - April' 1 are': • • Order No. 51 which designated per- sons entitled to manufacture ice cream mix and sherbet mix' after the 1st April, 1943, and \limited ,the volume of ice cream' -mix and sherbet mix that 'could be manufactured by. such persons' during any quarter of any year. Order No. 59 which prohibited the addition of any milk, cream or other dairy product to• ice cream ' mix or sherbet mix either prior to or at time. of freezing. ' • Order No. 72 which 'designated per- sons entitled to manufacture process or emulsified cheese -after the 1st April. 1944; limited, the quantities of Cheddar cheese 'which .could be used by such persons in the manufacture of process or emulsified Cheese and .lim- ited the amount of process or emulsi- fied cheese which could be manufac- tured by such persons during any quarter of any year. • * *. Farm Land Values ,• The average valise of oecupied,farm lands in Canada -for 1946 is reported at $32 per acre. This represents an' increase of seven per cent over the average values indicated in 1944' and 4945, and an increase of..28 per cent "over'the 1935-39 average. The upward trend in farm .land values. from pre- war levels, states the Dominion 'Bur eau of Statistics, reflects at least .in part the relative changes which have occurred in the .price 'levels of farm 'product`s and of the things Which far- mers ' buy. The Bureau's index of farm prices of agrieultural products • for 1946 was '83.5-per,cent, above the 1935-39 level, while for the aame year the index prices of comhodities and services used by''d`armersi had advanc- ed 45.4 per cent from the 1935-39 base - period level: Increases in farm land values over 1945 -levels were reported in all provinces with the excpUon of Price Edivard Island and New Bruns- wick, where slight decreases occur- red. . Hay and Pasture Tests ' Extensive tests of pure species and mixttfres';ef grass are conducted every year by the Division of Forage Plaints, Dominion Experimental" Farms -Ser- vice. Informlation collected over a period of years shows that the yields may be greatly increased by the use of suitable grass :and legume species. The addition of alfalfar to the yielding mixture In the Ottawa area for hay has given a . long-time average in crease of 30 per .cent over mixtures without alfalfa. Mixtures containing alfalfa and•used for pasture produced' 20- per cent more than •.similar mix tare's with, no alfalfa. Ladino' •clover grown in' mixtures produced over 20 per cent more than m•ixtiires contain- ing alsike or 'rpd clover as one of the legumes. The new varietie's of grass- es and legume,; licensed in "tile Divi- sion continue to be more productive of hay and pasture than commercial sorts.. Bull Quadruplets' • An Ayrshire cow •owned by a farmer at flscchus March, Western Attutralia, , reports the "Australian News," has glveli,,birth to gnadruplets=four heal- thit ibull +talveb, weighing. 47 ibis., 41 lbs., 39 lb's. and 35 ,'lbs, FIREPLACE FURNACE For Summer Hames and Cottages -- drays ioki air our of ;,ions —sends bog as in w ac• place is instead of hearing oanide—circglacts *re— ams fuel—no move mid •evenings at cottage Wrikq.-. TWEED STEELJNORKS.. 'LIMITED (Dept. 27) Pla to hest.pst. 'TWEED; QNT. .s:1 r vale $2; $ Breisselal''0p4 snotiv•e". Inl•.o'aaly, $4, Al°laii' ps, show rewpval, . $,Z,, J 4In;:eep4, mow xez„Povai, 12; GeA. atigord',, etmw:removal $1,574.1'S d= J, ,',McEwi;rg, vAashtiut, $1,75; .Harry Snell, snow removal, $3; Arch: •i'ley, snow neinoval, $9; $les Boyes, snow removal, $3149.75; F, Tatoblyn, atter tor, 8200.60. --Geo, W. -Cowan, Cierrk. t •_ �- • r 1ghwa East T71. 4s.. Banquet 0 The Highway, East. Fier n Forum held their seventh ,annual supper' • at the 'home of Mr, and ilirs., 1. O'Leary - Forty -seven• members werepresent and sate down to a chicken supper. The tables were decorated with,bowis of red reses' and candlesticks. Euchre was enjoyed, . prizes being v¢oxi • as follows: • Men's First prize; ' Mr. G. Lowrey; ladies' first prize, Mrs. E. Boyce; lone .hands, men, 4. Harrison; ladiee, G. Nixon; consolation prize,.T'. Govenlock and Mrs. D. Papple. A vete of 'thanks was 'heartily ex- tended to the host and' hestess for their kindness and hospitality. Howick Council Holds Meeting. Howie e Howick u o nci met m t r 'n the Clerk's office on April 5, according to adjourn- meat, the Reeve,' John Winter, in the chair. All , members,. Were present. -Moved by Zurbrigg and Parrish: That this council instruct the Clerk to prepare a by-law establishing a legal line fence. Carried. Moved ,by Strong and Farrish: That we renew our road insurance for 1947 with A. E: Wilson & Co., of London: Carried. , .Moved . by Zurbrigg and 'Strong: That the follow- nng bills be paid:„• R. W. N. Wade, pemium for bond for treasurer, 120; P. Durst part sal- ary, ,• 160.00; relief, 1151.90.; Elmer Downey, caretaking at Gerrie Hall, $17.50; IL W. N. Wade, renewal road •insurance, $203.00; . Albert Heibein, refund. 'dog tax, 12.00. Moved by, Parrish and' Gowdy: That the road accounts as approved be paid., Carried. • Moved by Zurbrigg and Far- rish: That the tenders on debentures of the Day Drain, be held over until the next meeting: Carried. Moved' by Strong and Gowdy,: 'That we adjourn this meeting and••meet on the 5th of May or at the call of the Reew.,e. Carried, John Winter, Reeve;' Philip L. Durst, `.I - Skinner Murnb Elinavi'lle United ' ,Ohureh• wast , the scene of a prette wedding On ,Satitr'• day, April:a'$; at12.30 noon, when Mar- ian Eunice, y?Iou t. daughteeof Mm• and 'Mrs: Philip. 14i+dreh, .Of Elimville,. became the _bride of Mr: Jonathan Ross Waiter, son of .Mc. and '11,1r Melville SltdnneF, also. .of > limvliie. Rev. Wm. Mair performed the .,eere- moray.. The bride -wast given in afar riage by her father and looked;. charm- '.ing .in a floor length gown of white 'satin with nylon, yoke andiron, of net with halo headdress of i1dyvers.. ' 'Her • bouquet Was roses and snapdragons. The.'„bridesmaid ';vas Mise �? 1aa a "Stephanie,;. of Elimvi1lfe, and'the"-.Maid, of .honor was Miss Wilma 'Neal, of Exeter, who were gowned alike in pink• end peach nylon seer with lOE 1g sleeves and -embroidered,. with bod= lee and sleeves in spring colors., The, flower girl, little Mary 'Skinner, ceil- sin of the groom,,, wore blue net with halo h a e dkixessand 1 sho -, vel with rt old-fashioned s bouquet. The groom' man was supper -'ted: by Mr. Elgin Skinner, of Elrmville. The organist was ars. W..Batten and Mrs. H. Bell. sang "I •Long, You Truly' and "'Al- ways” The groom's gift to the ' bride was a cabinet' of silver .and to the at tendonts, compacts•. The reception was held in .•the church basement With. about •s'ixty guest present. Those ass'lsting• at the luncheon were Mr. and Mrs.' Russel King, Misses Lenore Cooper, Alden PyBm, Eunice Penhale, Ruth Skinner and Laverne Skinner. The tables were decorated with pink and' white tapers and the bride's• table was centred with', • the w,ediding cake with ,streamers and bells. Guest who were present from a distance includ- ed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, Donna and Bonnie. Mr. and;, Mrs, • Skinner left later on a trip to Niagara Palls and Kitchener, the .bride: travelling in a powder blue suit with black acces- sories 'ands fur coat ^. They will -.reside on the groom's farm south of .Eli- viilem . • • King -' Copper A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Dome ofeMr. and Mrs. Bruce' I 4ts< ter of Ole 0, march, ,:'Theo,', ou the a :cny ofb. place under pink easnatiofl Wore a floor] satin .i ece,,e. $'ager -tip vert i.. of orange blossoms She string of-pearle,;the gift,tvf.!h1 and carried a :''beiiq•;Ctet of and white eareed. Issas,• Mre' Kerslake,' friend Of 'the bridesmaid. -oho•• wore' :a it 9746kg._ gown •r ••' ,hiss nylon boddce with 4a blue nit 4 rt hie, blue:tier* headdress; .she carried a nosegay of pink inoses: and sheet peas. Robeilb.r Reid, .of London, .'wae. best man. rite,• Wedding . dinner was served) at then home to thirty . guests. 'Mr,s. !Anti Hodlgert, Janet Hodigert; Mrs. 'Beo Blair and Mise ' Marion M UrclN- 7P8ras .t. waitresses For their wedkidng .t$ip;to Niagara Fails and Buffalo the tbr$s, donned a turquoise blue suit matching hat and ,+black acceassRie ten On their return. they will resli3p•,, r, •' the groom's farm near Exeter- 70‘" xeter ZUtt,c 3 . !! .- tied a e /tate miserable. dr %w in.itardy issPirits.PeshaPirts 't think iii yaw fano, as be* 1. time: Yetfaidljki naysanyafteneaow rheumatic pains, turted rest "tired -out" feeling. That's` the tine to got and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's hely your kidneys to shear the trouble -a iiiag poisons and excess adds from the systems. and give you at dance to feel better. ,renis better. Get Thidd's Kidney Pill:tido, tvtg ReAsays WHY P Y - IS Most Like Ike THE NEW PLY H/9'h ,��i'i�'e PI, p MOUTH QUALITY CHART ol 0,P Lu.e LHead Engine rive Piston OilBath Demmer Aft, Floating Valve cieoffdi Type Oil Tappet 8 .Pass Thermostat Procis!on-Type Lover Connertiq Coil Front Spring66arirjgs Four Spring 717" or Longe Wheelbase- ears Lubrication Intake Adjustment YES YES' ; YES • toile/ ..,11 e.?!.112; n,�r�so I join Tapered Rolle` -Di-___,, tial Bearing' y Hypoid Asti •Reor'~''�- ,• Du Hutch NOYES,' EMU 15 I6 YES' :1'' YES Yrs is YES YES ,' YES • YES . YES 'Yrs. .-YES, YES', `315 'te YES., , YES;:: yEs ' •. YES+..' :.YES ek+P—. YES YES;..a _ ,YES • syJ LD NOiE: theehoveisbosedoninf� BEST ENGINEERED C :,'•.:y?:E?T information fro IN THEaQ msources We LOW -PRICE FIE ;as< e to 6e reliable and n sub1eCf to dt 1 LOOK . ,., AT THESE GREAT FEAT URESOFTHE NEW PLYMOUTH Fcattnp Power Engine Mountings to smothervibration •k°w FpPt Enway Eliminator •Hotchkiss Drive tovirtually start; stopping • New Brady.GuardBarr •- Scientifically l Blbrd Ride •New SolarSpark IgnitionSt•Super-finish nsstJ�Y+FaraYpeNewCoi,eoncedMoke�blGeFilter Rotaryeliminating Latches e New minum • N • NINETEEN lrtEABS Ate. ,. �• ,,;%a.,:,,•- uilt the ETE Ply;ruoutli. , Chrysler Engineers designed site first fa Starting with that and I►the aizn of theseV'amo scEngin ne lowest-pricedt°" ike Plymouthrst model h was the Today Plymouth h the High- Quality, Hi - Value th stands supreme field most like the me in ;its. price class The Quality Chart now onh !Aced' cars in u as the Big_ uality Chart Dealer's`play in your nearest Chrysler• - glance that .. showrOOms �'yslelr•' • �Kt^•.�:�i;�,,,1� Plymouth tures found 'gh_P sed CtmPortaat quality fe we y'old at P ON 36,2 a ~`...:,,... 10, car t'a>' has 6 Mo has 19, car amg rl Quality u$hti : fen -longer life. al's lay an� res... . buyer's choose Pn tlat PRICED WITH 'r E LOWEST SCOTT HABiK swoutrin til }i iii