HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-04-04, Page 1, , .. , {
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Hon. Do as Abbott Will 1 46 T s' of '�. $ r --� �- ,", ,,
Weil. Known' McKillop Resin " WILL SPEAK DERE 9'� ,
Ax._ar W.. Golding, M.P,,.is Ap- ' M, P'.iONORED Annual ` 11�iQegf Elects �� ;,7� .
" dent Active Despite '-
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Ad dress Annual Meeting
To Be Upturned. To
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. . 'Years.
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Of Huron. -Perth Liberal
CO ,-leas
utnty user.
Of' Committees Of t+he•
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HAS CSD Hl►L''HS_ phIA �,�
Hon. Do as Abbott Will 1 46 T s' of '�. $ r --� �- ,", ,,
Weil. Known' McKillop Resin " WILL SPEAK DERE 9'� ,
Ax._ar W.. Golding, M.P,,.is Ap- ' M, P'.iONORED Annual ` 11�iQegf Elects �� ;,7� .
" dent Active Despite '-
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Ad dress Annual Meeting
To Be Upturned. To
pointed 'Deputy Chaman
' .
. . 'Years.
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' � ::r
Of Huron. -Perth Liberal
CO ,-leas
utnty user.
Of' Committees Of t+he•
` .o-� : < ;�
Association on A_ pr it -' 9.
�W�� 1 ��yT/���(�pTI.
of $69,738.45, repTe�ertted'xaps •di�grease
in the volume of bOad le. of $26;009
' >'l'"''
.1'..1 v
Hou. Douglas Abbott, Minister of.
The cantempiating a
,. after 80 years,
til'1 going
.:<::> ::: , . : '
;'? ? Y;` n',.,,.::,..'.. ,...
< 3: pit:'?:t*:: <» <s ':?;:
Finance, will adldress the annual meet-
in of the I Huron -Perth • Libeiral As-
t e _
Regular mea -$n, oZ th vil7lage Coati
cil 'was held ' 'Rer lay evening at 8
one of ,McKil:op Township's oldest
.. ::.; .o.. ,<•s:••...:� a
:: f , 3z:::, ;s.,
•,,,. .::,.,:.
sociation 'i'n. Cardaib s Hall, Seaforth,
pm. in the council '•?vhamber with ,a11
resid4 its, Frederick Epkert, celebrat
;;•;..:<: r
, i
membea•s present., ��{. Buchanan ap-
ed'his 80th birthday on on' Tuesdlay, feels
: ,rr:l
'- a t......::
`y '; ,,x, .;ry,::
newt Wednesda' evening, it was an
ki i0II toCut vin
peared as ng ppt+m ,; c t c,
1 e
Friday ' was Golds da n
_ Y Golding Y
a "lot younger" and is still almost as
:s(^:isrr*i'">.::,,., .:.<s.<..:
:. , : rya
pounced this week by Albert Kalb-
r dud shrulia soil th
some sinal l' t els
. I j'
Ouse of Cainmohs, as rime Minister
ship with Mr. Wm,.Johuston, 'has dish ,
-1.,:,_"1....: :`- �:s
fl'eisch; president, and W. L. Whyte,
and went of his propEriy, also request
'Mackenzie and: House. Leaders,
active a$,, he was'maity years ago. Mr..;,
;.:.;,.•`::c: ;: > , ...
secretary of 'association. W. H
ing some graveb ba applied on Dile
iiaid tribute to W. H. Golding, Huron -
Eckert leu y^oimng enough- to battl"
front'af bio property. Ap;t,Femth
M.P, f owing ointment
oll Yus ;app
the ra ng elements within recent
` `
N<.:; x .
"" '.-....:.
v}? ' ^
Croiding, M:P. Huron -Perth;
was granted on motion of
on of Hon; ' Zan Mackenz*
weeks when every farm in, � the dds-
"''<><a° . `'
odhars will also oddness. the meet-
Councillors Brow and .Middleton. ,P.
Minister of ,Veterans' Affairs, as
trict was. virtually,' �si}owbound'. Hein-
. u` 4;•'
� :„ I '
Former Minister of National-. De-
T:': ' McNatt hlton &pared• re the as-
3essmant for 1947 ;end was,advised
deputy chairman of committees of the
whole House.
sisted on walki'n:g aR the via to'bub
Y '
: < :
fence and during recent months head
that he• could start , ny time. W. 'R
The minnster explained, ,t'he' esse:n
• n
f1>; Lo get the mai'i, when mailme.,
r: ',�•
of the difficult' fimlianee department,
Davidsonnd F. Smaallacombe appear-
•tial- reason for the'motion,was- one of
could not reach his home district. He
;,` :;..'}
• Mr. will 'speak on matters of
ed as a dielegation Prom the. Park
procedure.. In The iovent that the '
J , is particntarly intergsteil""ih the mail
wide importance to all. electors, ac-
cording to 11(r. Kalbfl•isch, It is Mr.
Board, asking fox. a,,grant for park par:
SPeaker was unavoidably absent,,. the
Chairman the
because it brings him his dlaily news
bile main source of contact°with
Wpaper, Y:n.:r
Abbott's brat, appearance before a
poses. Midddeton.andTwitcheld: That
a tax rate of .osis mill be granted:, I
of committees assumed
chair and, exercised, the 'authors of
t t M • Eckert tae s
Huron Perth riding autTdence,
the Coaimun3•t Pa=lt Board to carte.
t'he Speaker fo 24 hours. It followed
�L ` 1 I lli{9 µ
�.=1 t 0 �11�1 11� 5
• • Pxe'si ant
�Sk "I
E , 'I N ALLi11-
•. .
The ,a' 1 0 "73t 'Sail
AtitiB sneeti'n �? P4,
. .
District Co-operative y pi.,q p. rat
was held in the Tenn
Monday, "und.er the, cha(nw�attab p of
J rms oii . as or.1
h f .
n tr 7i9
of $69,738.45, repTe�ertted'xaps •di�grease
`'' till
in the volume of bOad le. of $26;009
% ¢ ti
ih'ojn 194.5. Net irigfi �otali•e� $5,
598.33. boards I&
The cantempiating a
SIr. Kalbfleisch has. been active I
building program ,on propprtly recent.
2 ur,. ba ed+ in, Mr J
y P e •fes
W.. G. Nicholson; of ,'Port Eigm,
" ',',"Z
guest speaker, stated tlm&f*,e�balaa'e
; �a
sheet showed increased turnover and
;sound business progress.'. The: over- �„ :
head was comparatively, low due "to
, i
goody management, as vi e>ti as the Dar
Lure of the busdness•. The speaker
-pointed out that the results of ep,
Jlany unthrifty chickens are 'the re
birds being infested
. Curren , even s, r. P 1 ." Y.
. abreast of all the news developments •_T out the lookiimg after and upkeep of that iihe Speaker, or'" deput3,t', alone Wiftam H. Golding„ Huron -Pa th operative activity are nit con ed to ,. `0.
in this world, which moves a tat fait the park, same payaille'in advanea ail; could open the sittings of,the House. ' M.P., who on Friday was appoint. the eomutLti►ihy, for'now there are or,
er than it odd in'the days of his youth. tax collection, and that ,the Clerk lire- If both were absent, the House could ed Deputy Chairman of Commit- ganizations reaching into .the nations
11 Advancing age has not• prevented. him y. pare a bylaw confirming .same. Car - not be opened. ,tees of the Whole House. .At his al and internatiaual field Herisaii C.o-
4�r. G. E. Hall,' president-elect �i 1tErtlln• at
Of the Universit of Western On- ur own' request he will eel ve with operative, he said, is a member of. the '.' '
• i from "doing a good day's work on the ried•. J. A- Paterson, tax collector, The House concurred in the motion q =
, tario,'who will be the guest speak- Trousseau Tea and ,tributes to Mr. Golding -were v'oic- out 'additional' remuneration. Mr. O'nta,rio Co•b-,perative Union, and as
farm' and members, of the family slay repotted re .the: tax„arrears, as being
er at the Golden Jubilee banquet
that "if there is atiykhing to be fix- ;, of the Women's lnstitu#e been $227,18 ,for 194'6. Parke and Brawny' eel by Prime Minisrter King, Gordon Gaiding has .served unofficiailyi such 3s taltiug its.place in the broadRr
ed you will. see him with his tools That the t'elmi'aining uIIooliected taxes Graydon. for the .Progressive Co,nserva.- far some time in the position.. fields. The speaker also discussed,'
held in Northside United ' Church an 'Che 'tax roll o 1946 b® returned to Live, members; 'Solon. Low, leader -of Co operative Bile insurance, which; it M1 �,
doing the repa.in work, and it ,is waif Mrs. C, L: bale entertained on Tucs-
on Thursday of next.. week, -is hoped,, will be available in Ontario
'done." There were nine childtren in' . day afternoon and evening' in, honor the County Tre . urer a.s uncollected'. the Social Credit party; John R. Mac- in .the near future. •• `..
the Eckert.famiIy, of whom four are of her ,daughter, 'Miss-Ldrns, whose Carried. The C31erk also presented 'Nicol (P.C, Toronto -Davenport), An- • %�T erst resulted aS fol- ,
now living.: Mr. Eckert and •his three. marriage takes place next week, Mrs. the.'logs of •the wellp drilled b F. Ls gas MacInnis ..(C.C.]+., Vancouver ASK PROVINCIALS TO Election of. Q 3G.
; 'Mrs: Barbara HDHand! of Dub Russell Erratt, of Varna, and; Mrs, M. Davidson at the y East), R. M Warren (Lib., Renfrew ich; ` i es3dea't, Johns Armstrong, Zur- ,;
McKILLO RESIDENT''rk and also at the ich; vice president, . Satti Hendrick,
lin, Mrs. Louise .Murray of 1VIcKID1ap, ,, Dale, graddmother of 'the bride, as- rear of the hall. : The auditors' re North), and Jean Francois 'Pouliot T( ,NT THS .
and Mrs. Amnie'McMann of Chicago. sisted in reeeivang the guests. The ports were,presenhedi and•,couaidered•. '(Lib.,•Temiseoua't2'). TAKE O. �JJ`It� 11URO� Dashwood,; secretary,'Bertram Kiopp,•_
Mr: Eckert .has six 'children: John of biome was attractive in: spring, flowers, Middleton agd. Twitched: That- the r. King Said that when, he' spoke -
Zurich; d=irectors: 'Gordon Love, Zu
lids M auditors' report as resented be ac- t accepting the ich; and Harvey Tayler, $rucefieid,
Logan,.. (Ve�raj Mrs. McKay of �lj,, McKellar attended ,the, p to, Mr. Golding aboli ,s were sleeted for••three-'years:
ion, it was pointed, out 'that there Poliee Committee iecom- 1',
Detroit, (.Melva). Mrs. John Murray, �- in the afternoon and Mrs. Jas: Broad cepted anti the salalty paid', also that Posit Mrs. A Noakes, who has been in St.
' (Agues) Mrs. James McQuaid,, (Mary) fobt and Miss Mary Galbraith poured suffzeient copies of tie same be print- was 'a simi:ar ,lost so ears :ago. Joseph's Hospital, London', aeceivingi
Mrs.- Joseph HenderS n Ae- tea; the assisttants being Miss Hazel That position was'.filded and a mem. Blends' County, Con- .
Mrs. Fergus. Horan and (Eileen) Mrs. ed.' Carried. Brown and" Parke: Than' • y treatment in the interest CI€ her Health,
, 'Albert Cronin, ail of 7.l,IoKillop Towne Coleman 'and Mrs: Ii, Barry. Mrs. the School Board} bo 'charged $2,OA0; .bar received an "additional remunera- ••, %r
tive • and R -h oys Good tables Be Absorbed. has" returned home..
t ship: There Fe -35 grandbhildren and, • . David Stephenson., was in charge of .Hg,drd $24.tfo, Li>brary $5.00 and. Park tion of $1,000, Mr. GoWng, however,. t
the register. Displaying the ,trousseau $5.00 as ,thedr share' of the a'uddtinig• had 'sa3'd he vtouldl be happy to• ren- Exeter• high sch'pol• basketbaXi team
sir great gi 'dchildreu -'Health. defeated Palmerston in, a'sudden•-&e
and linens were Miss Isabel McKellar, expenses. arried�' :Paries 'and' Twit dies any sezvice he could da to the he police committee of Eiurpn ,
dd • game in the Senior `B' W:O,SS.A ser
Stratford, and Mrs. ,A: J. Wright., In shell: That the constable Proceed. ' to Commons, but he felt he did, not w•is'h County Council at Godlerioh Wedne:s- i%
Mrh Joseph Henderson. celebrtuted. d y les.' )iced in Clinton Fiid'ay evebing
H the guest room was Mrs. Jahn°Smith, collect al'1 tlbg taxes•.. an$ '�t'he same tto further remuneration, for anything,•in day decided, to''ask the police commis= ,last, by a �pcore of., 57-17. Exeter'team .
Stas. •S IN OUSE her 95th birthday on March 22 .at her and! Iter assistanhs •we're Mrs: C. Case be• completed on Or•.before May 1 as, the' w'ay of extra .service' "that the has played, 12..ganaes and -have nevem
„ - and Mrs: ,George McArthur, Walton.,, sion'er• of Ontario have t'he county
. �'RACTITRES ARM -home in MCK311op, where ehe•'resides g per by-laR. CBrrierl.: Parke an'd.Brown: Position ,might- involve. The ,premier lost one.. Guai'dis an: this team• Fare �"
.. 1'on'ring 'tea <ia 'thus everting were That the , Clerk be; :instructed, to in- thanked:' the Huron -Perth •member ,for policed by the"provincial "force. The
with her only daughter, Elizabeth. 1L1iss Betty Miekle anti ,Mils': Bettyy!
I. Mrs, Harry Stewart and Mrs. • H. V. .tvIte the Women'1.s ,Institute ,to use the his patriotic acceptance of :the• task. committee ' recommendted that , the Rowcliti�!. I :a
Mrs'. Henderson is the former Tea Workman, assisted by Misses Vera hall for their. regUlpi r 'meetings. Car- Hansard, reported the promedings .
When she slipped• while working at, n commission be requested to absorb The, 'annual' meeting .ofptIie 'Eiensaitl`
5ler. home Tuesday- evening, Mrs. E: be11a Scott, .draught.er of the late .Mr. Mote, Louise Case and NY,lle Doig. vied. Correspond�epge was read as tot as fallopcs.
y T' McKellar attended the Right •Hon IAN` A. MA:CKE'NZI'E the county constables, in the pravin Woineu's Institute wi11 ire'h 1 I at theb
'P_. ,Chesney, wife of Clerk E. P..Ches-.' and Mrs. Robt. Scott, Burnside •Farm Miss .,sobs lows, Canadiast Armee Greece, Mun :
ney of Tuckermn , fell and, fractur- 1 y icipal . Finance. Officers•' Asso6iut'ion; sial force, and that the change ovtir'',loins . Mrs. �'""tinct'on, W li act- a .
door, and Miss Norma Jeffrey assisted (Minister of Veterans Affait') : On .
iV1e�"cflbp. She,i•�'the la's't member of, take place„not later than August 1. April 9. Mrs. J. McBeath will act`asl
01111 led her right arm;' in. the. living room.' Mrs. B. F. Chfis- Fire Marshall's reports;' Monteith & behalf of the• Prime Minister (Mr.
a family,of three bays and eight girls, Mackenzie Ding) I desire to ' move, tinder the, new :provisions of the co -hostess, -and roll call wi•1:1: be" an -
tie was in charge •of the register Mrs• Monteith; Hagersville Asphalt Pav-
• 0 is quite •active anti• enjoying fairly Jessie' �Fiett displayed the trous$eau •ing Ltd-; Department of Highways-, seconded) •by the Minister of Recon- Provincial Police act, the province swered with the payment of fees,, TYie I`
str'uetion an Supply (Mr. Howe): -will assume •policing, of counties at no motto, "If ale see no fault in our oww,
good health. Being of a very jovial and the linens by Miss Kathleen Sil- High School. Board, Exeter District; cost to hhe county. work, we shall never d6 any better,'
Stalfa Will Enter disposition srhe spent a pleasant af- lery' and Miss Mary Ryan, and the, Oliver Amos:; ' Levy- Auto Parts Co.; "That Mr. William Henry Golding
be appointed as .deputy chairman. of Members 'of the committee are: will be taken by Mrs. J. McAllister,
ternoon with relatives. and 'neighbors gifts by- Mrs. A. J: Wright Municipal World, Ltd.; C.N.R.; The Reeves Cecil Wheeler, of Morris, John and a demonstration will be pisco.
' mmittees of 'the whole house,"
wIio palled to Affer congratulations. Art Metropole; County Engineer; co
• , • I ' Club, Gladman & Cochrane.• Depart- t 's one of ,procedure. If the 're- of Howick, end ' .t the dome of Mr_ and Mrs. or
• s➢r• The essential reason for this mo- Pepper of Stanley, and John Winter Mr, and Mrs. Dave 'Kay auii s
• a earls Wese."l' ,Products, LtdL; Zurich Lions ion y Don, of Clinton, visited over .the week
WILT, REORGANIZE p cords „of- 1938 are referred ,to all . Uko Goderich town council at, a special a John
At a weLiattended meeting N!'onda* meat of Agriculture'; Huron Cdtinty precsdpnts will be found. .Section 3 meeting last week also requested an Armstrong and. family, of Stanley,
to xeargaulze'Ehei Staffa "ebaLl Club Legion Plan Big ; BAND ZONE Federation of Agriculture= nine can of the Speaker of the House of Com- O.P.P. -detachment take over Police.' To -reship, Included' in the menu sere• . . .
Which has `been inactive since early in % sidered and dileci: TvvitchalL and Midi mons Act provides that whenever the duties in the',town. ed viaz maple syrup twenty-eight years
. • - the war years, it was decided to enter Dance April �� dteton: That a by -la* engaging Mon- •holii'e is informed •by the Clerk at the Difficulty in obtaining suitable men olid, made March 1$, 1919, by th'e fate, 1.
a team in . the -Huron and Perth . The Perth and .Huron Band Zone, ted'fh &Monteith as auditors be pre- table of 'the uiiawoid.able absenep of on the' Goderich force to fill the v ac Robert Arntsrcrong, former resident oP
. League. , ., a "mutual assistance" organization., Pared at a salary of $125 per year,, fhe Speaker;; the chairman.:.of coin- ancy made by the tesignation' of Con- Stanley Township, and later of Clbi-
The following officers were elec'ted': Invitations have .gone out for an madle up of bands in 'Perth and Huron Carried', mittees shall take'the chair and ex- stable. A•uaterberry and requests for ton. Mr. Ralph Stepheneon, a brother -
,Honorary, presidents, Robert. Sadler, Easter dance,,,under the auspices of Counties., dormant for the past, t-ro Bills and accounts 'were approved ercise the authority of the Speaker salary increases by 'the present eon- in-law of the late M'r. Armstrong, and.
Sr.,'Joseph A.tkinson.;. president, Maj: .the Seaforth branch of, the Canadian years, may spring into activity again, for .payment as follows: .The Art 85 years young, Was also present, The
for twenty-four hours. It follows from" stables precipitated the move.
E. 1t.. Allen; secretarytreasnmrer, Ken= Legion, which is being held in' Card' E. M. Brett,, bandmaster :of•;the Strat- Metropole, map?„$�':06 Huron Coun this that •thr Speaker only,A or the syrup had kept well, but..had, lost„ a
teeth Drake; manager, O, W. Reeds; no's Hail on Friday, evening, April 11. fordf Boys' Band, has announced. The ty, hospitalization, $2095; Bell Tele- Deputy' S•peaher if the Speaker is, un •,,. .. little o€ it flavor.
$�voidabl ab
coaches, Carter Kerslake, Bruce Bal- While admission is by invitation. COY, organizatrow was formed in 1938 and Phone: ink $5. 5:31; l W.R.R. Davidson, y .. • sent, can open the sit- Comp(Continu , .,NJ -6-s, ,Helsel NFC-
. ,four; , officiai.�scorer, B•urtou' 'Macdon- additional invitations i Lay .be, obtain- comprised bands in the two counties, . COat,. Rank $5. i0, Hall $65.10; F. G. tinge: of the house. If' the • we're both p 44, (Continued' on Page 4
I �- aid; gatekeepers, John Robertson, ed from the secretary, A. W. Sillery. but during the latter years of the ,war Bonthron, postage, $5; Monteith & agent at k'lvree o'clock the sittings of Plans ns Br�ra�„nch • )I.
IL John_ McDanaldi; grounds committee. Is discussing the arrangements for its, activities were semewhat ct'ir'tailed Monterilb, auditors' salary, $75, ex- the hop,se could not be opened. Flazat I Seaforth Zi?RICH MERCHANT
. • • Carter Kerslake; -J. A. Sadler, Harvey the ,d'ance, President C. P. Sills point for various reasons. Now, Mr. Brett pense., 75c; J. A. Paterson,'•salary $125', ,-In order ' to avoid such an occur-
Hambly, Ed.'Deering, Russell"`bVor- ed out" that while every ' effort has, hopes to :see the organization "come expenses $6; T. Kyle; salary, $13.80; ranee the house added iu 1939 the fol- -
W L Geroinette special lineman lowin rov''srion a ect'o 5 f tad SELLS 13USINESS
' E . den, Harvey Leslie, B. M•acdonaldl;
t ;;' equipme'nt committee,. Robert D. Sad-
beeif made to forward invitations• to
all interested persons, 3t'may, be :that
.to life , again and has sent invitations
to various band,officers to attena.• '
$5, expenses $1.50; Hydro 'Commis-
g p i s r n o s n
ing order. 56:
The R. M. $ailantytie Co.', of Strat-
ford. will open a branch plant in Sea -
•. .
' I • _ A. A gar, Ross Houghton, M6bt,
certain ones have inacjvertently been,
meeting in Stratford. Th date of the,
...,ti (Continued on Page 4)
"At the commiancemenit of every
forth in the near future, -it was••au-
Albert Kalbfleistch, widtely ,mown
ur'. ' Hamilton;`.,tradsportation committee,
omitted. If -this• should be•.the .cases,
meeting is expected to be. April 27.
t,: T•
session, or from time to time as new
nouneed this week. It is intended•ito
Zurich resid'en't and President of 'the
• Len Houghton,,M. Deering, R. Par-
an 3ri'�-ita,tion -may be obtained from:'
Bandmaster E. H. Close and, President
SIr. Kalbfleisch has. been active I
cesaity may arise, the house,'may ap-
employed, 25 girls, for -the* manufac-
Huron-Pert.)i Liberal Association, after:
sons; entertainment committee,, Wil-
Mr. Sillery. . I
D'Orleon'Slfls, of the S'eaforth:•.High-
point a deputy chairman of .commit-
.ture ofi-•gloves.
22 years in the furniture. arid, hard
i,4 _. . 3dam Harburn, Ross Houghton, Eldon
• Music is being provided .by :Ted
Danders Band will attend,. The Sea
Doig, phone 662 r 3.
tees who shall,'w'henever'•the chair-
While definite arrangements_ hare
wfire business in Zurich, in partuer-
Jlany unthrifty chickens are 'the re
birds being infested
*' . Aylen, Lorne Elliott.
Pudney anal his London, orchestra, .
forth band wail a member 'of the as-
man of committees is absent, be en
riot been completed, it is expected ac-
ship with Mr. Wm,.Johuston, 'has dish ,
• '
sociation during, the years of its ac-
.titled 'to'exercise all the powars: vest•
to the Legion'•dlance on April 11, and
potted of his business '
tivity. b
I ' •
-.T.he High tSchoo1 Board,
ed tri the chairmanfof,00mmittees in-
commodatton for the firm •will be
ioGated oil' Main Street.
The•furuiture aud,undiertaking busi-
have been sent to bands
eluding his powers as Deputy Speak
dealt with routine matters..,
ness lia.4 -n purchased by:+' Kelth
in Tavistock, Elmira, Neyv Hamburg,
m'eethig in Seaforth . Tu•esday after
I er during 5I r„ Speake>'s unavoidable
Westlake, and, the hard�w•are business -
Clinton, Seaforth, St. Marys and God-
noon: consdderetl 50 applications which
had been in to
absence.". , '
increase in,'the salary schedule was
by Lorne 1Ra.den. They are now in ,
erich to attend the meeting and, more
invitation's will probably be 'sent out
received• ad-
'vertisemeatst for two' teachers. One
After this new standing order was
passed the.lead'er of the house moved
held in abeyance until the next meet-
ing of the b'bard: Several other mat
SIr. Kalbfleisch has. been active I
within tits nett -vest qr so, Mr.;Brett
is to teach arid, History, -the
that a certain how, gentleman be ap
tars were'"'also he:ld� over when con-•
all commutlnit'y'eudeav�ors, and during
t t d
other Mathematics, Na' action was
pointed. I •understand that Your Hon
fusion as to the date of file !meeting,
the war was insrtrume tali or aniz-
p 4' (The Seaforth Women's Institltute,- family who is of most inteaest to the s a, e ' taken by the Boara, pending'a review our has consulted with ,the leaders of resulted in t=here' not being"a fu Ll ing Victory Loan and Red Cross cam-
' its °Historical .Committee, people of Seaforth ami' vicinity, sold • by Principal E. Lorne Fax. the various parties and groups in the .
attendance. pagins in the village.
° )tiead'ed by Mre Paui Di -1 --during re- stoves all ,through the Huron Tract The' remainder of ties meeting house.
i cent -months has recorded"'the history
for Murray Anderson of LoWion. It
women's Institute • News
which was 'held in the Town' ,fall,
f� of pioneer farms anA institutions of
was known as - the King shove; and'
. .
dealt with routine matters..,
(Temiscouata) : I delighted that
y the area. Time stories are being pre-.
from all accounts it' -Fust nave been
Port$ High School Cadet Corps will
this mgtlon hoe been Sponsored by
. .: pared in such i nu mer that they can
quite a stove. In those days a sales-
Invitations have gone' out for the
the right',hon. gentleman. On ,two oc-
, be preserved and -thus adill in no small
data the
man had to tike anything in lieu "of
Golden' Jubilee Banquet on April 10.
Lt'has been -the endeavor of the ban
casions I had- the honour of visiting
the hon, member for Huron -Perth
remeasure to the historical of
county. 'It may 'be that. -Certain '`his•
putts; sheepskins, ,ari`y-
thing at all, Frank Case •handled any-
quek committee to send invitations ta:
'11 erso who bave 6# been mem-
(Mr, Golding) 'and his constituents.
H f ,l-• 0th" t rob s'
torieal ini<armation;• through lack ,of
knowledge''of ° the • project,. has "not
,thing and ev'erythin'g.
,....,He the country near Harpur-'
a p ns
bers of the Institute sintie its ,incep-
i`.he annual insipeotion of the• Sea.
a is one o wot Les me e'r
of the House of Commons. .He is a
(By J. H. Pettit)
and ends. and even -on the hottest -
beer, made •avail'able•to the, Institute.
hey -'so well that he decided 'to. settle
t3on in 1928, If there have been any
Port$ High School Cadet Corps will
wise man; tie is a good) Liberal: he
Range shelters are al'good inrest-
days in the s'ummcr the'bird's will And.
'<t this should be be the case; interested
there, ands bought one ,hundred' acres
Omissions,.please 'contaet Mrs, Leslie
^phone Mra, Paul
i3e held on May 23, it is annauriced in
is a,t&e Liberal.: -he is broallminded;
ment for any farmer. Comparatively
the inside of the shelter comparative
parties may obtain full information by-
of land without ever 'seeink' it from
the Royal Canadian Army Cadlete bul-
he is devoted to lies duty;' he -has
p peaking, they are the most economi-
ly cool.
contactitig' Mrs..Doig, RR. 4,. Seaforth.
Andrew McKearna-, 'at a chancery
Doig, phone 662 r 3.
letin, pulllis'hed, t. Western' Ontario
j gment area tact; he has determina-
tion. He these be
cal° wa - of housing the
5 g growing birdie
Jlany unthrifty chickens are 'the re
birds being infested
The following taken frons.
sale. This was the, Case farm
The Woman's Institute 3s catering
headquarters in London.,
acquired .attributes
cause of hi ioiig experience in the
on range. They alrould be small and
suit of growing g
with mites. Mates can be contro:Ded
the .Institute oo'le&lou, 3s'.the ninth
1n aseries'a'hleli' 1ai11, appear in The
•About 1857 he married. Ma Ants
PatersoII; a real `Canadian of Scatiish
to the Legion'•dlance on April 11, and
APea instructors-w'tll visit the local,
Cprps on' April 21-23.
tnuzlicipal. life of his community, first
light enough that they can be ease:3-
moved,, if 'necessary, by two people.
much easier in range shelters than in
w •--
Raton Expositor) .•
descent, who was born on the farm
there wild be a meeting of mem
bers in the small, room of the library,
as Councillor and then as alderman.
I am dolig+hteA that the merits• of"the
Chicks can be placed 3n the sheiters-
colony 11- Due to :the m�ovabilit..
of lie -shelters, the birds ca.n be mov-
Out ` Copnty Wicklow',. from the
now owned by Elgin RowCLilfe, ,}ear
basement at 3,30 p.m. on Saturday,
hon, gentleman are being recognized.'
depending on. the weather; as, Soon as
ed several times during the seaso°u to
..Village ofrldirekmsrgas•, In Ireland,
' There were thirteen children, 'born
April 5, to appoint a committee to
This meeting
He is the chairman of the Liberal
a.re well feathered. most cas-
es'the chick's would be from 10 to 12
new ground, This belps in the control
came the ' A06 family', `p, family that'
to Frank Case and: Mary Ann. Pater-
look after this matter.
will be of short d'urati6h, and as many
Spring is coming, don't ,you wotrv,
caucus- :
Some hon. MEMBERS: Ob, ah,
weeks of age be€ere they could• be
of disease,oandt is a ,means of provid-
was to ,help build the LOud'on Road
apn, The first child- died, in infaneyt;
members as passible are requested to
Nature's never in a flurry;
Mr. POULIOT:-and he iieserves
mr;ved • from the Colony house. If.
his the birds with tneali pas-
tore tbrrough'out tine summer, mouths,
olid settle the ,insole Tract.
then faIlowed Jessie, Margaret, Ira-
look in on it. ..
In the woodland, lawn -and lea
Life i5 and '
evetiythit[g h e, is t;ftting, When a
e,irly in the season the weatbeT turnsi
This enables, the farmer to grow
The fIrstt x emnb'
W. to, come out from
bel, Thomas, 'George, Viol Arnold;
* ?k'
stirring, .wait .see.
member of parliament shows, judq
cold, the side? and, ends of the elle,-
strong, healthy, birds in the mos',
the Old Couttryi' - Vas Jbhn Case, He
worked at the billIddug of .the Lon.dtod
Edward,, Clementine, Bona John and
Don't forget the Easter Mond"
} X
Frost show will disappears',
ment as the ch,dr-man of a patty cau
ter: can be closed in temporarily. This,
will extra • rotection, and will
economical way.
Roads for a year, and, then went back .
one tan imagine the doings in: this
dance in Cordata a Ha11 whit the CK lX
Ran'Ch Boys orC'hestra iln 'attendance.
Bird's are co-iin'g, some ore here;
errs he is eligible for any good post..
(Continued Page 5)
prevent the chicks from becoming
Provided the birds axe llooked in the
to Irelaim'd.and broughtt out the rest df
household when 'they were all at
* * *
April showers, with winds and, sun,
chilled and crowding together. The
she' ars_ at, night, losses from foxes,
t'lie"' famil' his parents,, twelve. brow
home, It "was, nothing=• to liarre half a
The Historical Research Committee
God's- great miracle begun,
small .type of shelter which 'can be
owls -arid, sdtunks'' can be kept down, to
" ',,'
therst gad his sister. .
dozen pairTof trousers hung over the
has. received an ingtiir�'_ from: an in-
will wear a new dress,
eaatly moved: will acco'mntodlate from
a minimum' without the birds 'becom-
ing overheated,. I.n order to grow 'the '
Such familiea- so, (there' were, in those
rban.n liters, with instructiot ., to
terested reader of The Huron E"Osi-
,'Tre}es ,spring
P11bliC SC11001 Bays
S0 to 76 birds duihne tie growing
best' birds this,
acid days. No wonder the Huron Tract
in r The Cases
ntcther to mend' these pants! And
for regarding' William Cash, wjw set-
Color wild be green, I' gtt'ess'; R
bVagrain,t flowers will` s�e�ent •tine air,'
P . pear, unciil
-apps s)ieilters. ;
was settled a •
they were. always- mended retady+
rtletU on the 2nd- concession 'oP Mcl iz
Doti`t it's'wot!th
g l'a
,, M,
Ratugo shelters' have many adrvatnt-
("Ibis is t1t'e fi'Ptli fn a scilicet ty
, settled at Eiteter•••• 9111, took. u¢ land- oil
tltb London Road, a whole `string dP
from Aogetsville,
for the mbriiing.
After Frank Case bought the Parm
Lot 23, Huron Road
lop (Rokboro) about 1 4a. 'Wm.•-Ca'sh
had two brothers,. Ed:° and ana John.
y ou think a prayer?
is coming, Spring is here,
;a? - a
Purcha, of a r for
ages. First attd•••'imost important is
that It is posslible.to grow a better
articles 'by m@tillers 'pP. `the ;staff 'off
.the Oirttario A4rldult'ural •ColIegoM
them 'Vk6ter:to 'a
Uttle .s•8ttlean9ttG, •now 'e7Ct111Ot that
now known as
MCKiI•los, 'lie ga�s,,;'up 'h1S
E'dw`ard wan in basin ssl in.. Harpimr.
'h as early as 1361. - Yane wing
I)ay<, oras longer, skies nese clear,
. ,ddo;phon•ograph
u.Ge.in• the Sea•Portli' p�blic'schooi vice
bird. in a shelter:- thaln in a colony
Giteiph; dealing .ill a practiOsf wa;vl.
'ryas ails' ` t ,two hn000 d'outh of lilies ee-
salesmanshi amd (settled down as' •a
old hpers letters or haotograths, ot`
All) fof you and ail for lino,
apPxoved' at a m�etitYg' of• tike board
Friday Action
house, This is because the' birdts ntev-
er become ot~erheaieul.Tre is alw,,ti2isers�
with ?natters of Int'erebt • to . �t�nitEr'yry
iE the.demt PoiF,7ri1}o.egg
,seirt Village o eft]'.
drover. Hepk C aciditNg''to his lands
thisp&amila.mill iy' contact Mss.
Sot9 csaYnplaining-all ism flee.
an evening. Vit' 'a pati-
Prank Cagey t ho m�sri)ibee� of the
' (Coi itiuedi on,. Fage. 5)
)fault Doig,, phone 662 - 3.' , . .
. JOFIIIT 13l lAi'TI)y
tion from memtlrers' of ,the stab' for law
ways circulation of air ,tile sidles
earlier', is to bo i tet),
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