HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-03-28, Page 52$, X947. hers L0, lluthmed titan Page 1) ,: •opldositroxr, iirt t break to `re 0410P on. 0'6 01 ht ua1tin, (40e,; -;was adoed' with llu tvyp} .:1 v'pteir t-` wasd a1 ,wire -•ME• to Geo,. el�ative a iii m'ber" of'tfi S q otl' *Pia a eat rth Ghw. 'Iter of Conu eree,,a, d 0.404 ''ii*1'iyj^iaat, " ate ,first' part ,9 . 6t1rt'": 'uiee$don was • answered ii -40 'x 4.0-,0 the, utast d, Text was•- rirgan,s�r• d, In attewer,, ,toe a; .que€'lien, connerulug :the, possibility �of the '"Ge4ail irative -ging .into 4,4 e bit. and gas ,Ui e' busine s,, We,s ,011t/4e4110e41 Alert w•hiiq he'Pro- mind ce (),perati . Whgleaale ' had 4tnitateda",ttgije ,�'nmd .othdr o 1i co l?.? d 'a1 4ach 'thy; local,gck a�t rotors h$ (i APCli ith day ,Cc)6up to vaina in $ s, 'hod' t T�went' , A. m,OtOan thaiilrea t.Stxa ,s er • Utlfve)W Act.,40.144444* Qig` en4 1t i~hn produce::44000. ; 0:44 'i eport meniberg,, o uselld 400si01ab1e drsr• cussion, and *tom: Pat tt+o a Note was carried .b ° a large naiarat't'y..• Tire ' lack °v.,*a4.444,0#,c + er ' .4).4 � .: ,P Live wholesale far g'reeet<`iee azi4 4097', wai.'e was , given as, tile' •reason that+ more Co-Qpera'Civieer were net carryAp$ ,t iesai lines of Meichandtiae,• Thiel wasi answer to ellestions. by some •[mom- bers ` • THIS IS GOING T • BE A . � ANNE , O B R XgAR h'Q rr: ' 'FARM PRICES ! $5,.000.00 stolid' be an easy mark for any good farmer in cash' cretin. 1st—If he Works the'pround right, '2nd .If he sows, good, Clean, tested seeds with prop , aniount;of fertilizer; 3rd—But don't ,try' ta•db aiJi this work withdttt the proper power, soiiaething that cau•�staldl the -job day iu, and .out-- - GET .THE MIGHTY 'f LLYS `JEEP They have the best MOTOR IN THE WORLD, and ;e'en 'do -everything, from the, road to, poyjering the' •62-inchi combine or' grSin•' thresher We have two NOW AVAILA.BE with . power take-off'pu'lleyy but don't leave it too long, as seeding will come in with'a bang. , olir prices are right, and terms can be arranged. Jonathan Hugill. WILLYS SALES - ' SEAFORTH, ONT. PHONE NOW — 616 r 34, CLINTON Dead . and Disabled. 'Animals REMOVED' PROMPTLY PHONE COLLhCT: SEAFORTH 15 • • EXETER 235 DARLING "AND CO. OF 'CANADA, LTD. ieaXar�tt w Omen►•.• (C `ontinued 4014Faso d) , ixtond, ip, tkte. a•ily`'day0; wa', a magi, urate, aud' th ,; f,Mly"ai)'ihe cow» lnunit Was in,his eeUtoar. Tho,bara our. the wjnd'owst. still contain. .'. cons0-ut ' Y&u, r4ns}4d • had tottr. daughters, 0,434.1.033014,04'310t itaving ,i :ion, and: . - 04 Cottst ,; Jr,{*..al17ved, .',be wa,s','Ao4A0to•Op.rthig lis 4441104 out. &: tok'tY:galloxi , h4F,f4`..ot wilii440', for the Pilltilie and;+burted; o13,e ofi rt tr: 04l10#4411j )14' the .,n,eid ohdlrl vial;, a 'son,ti also,•• arid+ #e epeated. • tiro 'fil'eii't, Thai btlrieil .basre1•0 W.er&k: ah,p�po4e '-t9 1}e•: :ave, u%? VA hfito' •boys" -i•<Vti' ty fir0t tllltb .. •xlatye,' but. by -the • tIloee, ,�tkait, d'Na r i4a't'iv ' ed the older On;' 11 4 beagh1ft•. eatir,n ';'too fond of wiiisItey, at�ct t�epe..; e oil jels?. ''ar+e stili buried 1,On3e vb:ole,< en Aba•' r,•VanEgmond property„ G 3'hould t q'' ' VettEgesend property wake up some =toning aped fin lttelf u•A dig VW 'the community wiliThn'oow•-.tat alcohol -len. read The Enron •Expostttor). Cpl..' '(tanEgmond s. remains worn brought from Toronto and; buried on,;, tlie-'owler farm' until his: eon/got the Egmoudville ceilittery' opened, which. he . donates to . Egmendlville Church . The flrat'Ngmondville Church was.lat- er built in the Cemetery, and the 'Colonel's . remains were then, 'buried .in Egmondyille. ' There belie been; some efforts made to have the old VanEmond home turned into 'a museum to house • Gan adiana; blit' so far the efforts have come 'to nothing. :Beavers Hang Up ' (Continued from Page 1) tre, Powell; wings, E11wood, l abute; alternates, Wright, Cassidy, Carnegie, -McFaddin, Drouillard, Palmer, Bour- sey. • SARNIA' SAILORS -Goal, J. 'Rut- ter; ut- ter; defenee, Allen, L. Rutter; cen: tre, Dodds; wings, Haddon, Kirkland; alterndas.tes, . James, Butler, Koskie, Needham, 'Baker. • ' Referee= --Mickey McQiiade; ,ldnes- man, Nick Libett, Stratford. • .Summary First•, PeriocY-Goals: Sarnia, Kirk= land (Dodde), 15.45. Penalties, Dodds. Second Period—Goals; Sarnia, But- ler (Allen), 20.7; • Seaforth, Carnegie (Cassidy), 4.55; Seaforth; Cassidy (Carnegie), 10.05; Sarnia, James, :11.55; Sarnia, Koskie (Dodds), 12.10; .Sarnia, Kirkland, 15.50. Penalties— O'Shea,.' Third Period—Goals: Seaforth, Cas- sidy (McFaddin), . 13.30; Sarnia, But- YOUR ut YOUR LAST SALE • ENDS. MARCH 31SHADES—For Floor, ' Table, that b • ` tamps. PINUP LAMPS --The light that�isobecom ng more popular, since it can be, used in all manner of locations. H ARCE vaacoonaziminu A11 f at I.i���ast s 20%Discount IRONS—Standard Heavy Duty and • Automatic. Bargain prices. TOASTERS—Various models at the right price.. Coffee Maker with Electric Plate 035 Complete ,WHILE- THEY LAST!. Special Prices on Plastic Washing Machine Covers; Electric Soldering Irons and Electric Drills i0 PER. CENT DISCOUNT ' ' ELE•CTRIC 5 -TUBE -RADIOS --Small size, for your bed ' room or kitchen; FLOOR LAMP& — Seven •only: Worth ' seeing at these prices. „ Table Lamps, Dresser LaMps,' Bed Lamps, Desk .fte.dlQ_-La pa. and • Child's Night Lights. THREE. SPECIAL OFFERS THE EREAKFASTER A Toaster and -Hot Plate coin'= bined. Beautiful chrome finish. $12.OQ Reg. $15.95 , .bandy on your breakfast table. THE MOFFAT ' HANDI-CHEF $128.30 Regular '$34.95 A'Hot Plate featuring no waste heat; three -heat switch. A per- fect' broiler with a new feature, available soon --an oven for bak- • „ing or roasting. $15.00 -Buys a Complete 5 -Tube, Battery Set Radio 81 Heating, Ilumbilltg' and Electrical Contractor 11 , • Phone 19 Seaforth sslon `Is if -,nothing 'to pass a ytlu :err ail Ye ,that The.''hu}t> fit ' wear; ,• xs'. ,green *43 {c 13.04§.' 1 i1C 0''' )the `,, !}lest ' ;14 ;+3i% J( tp:' 1!"lia,: as edtiC:ib ,41Me Qt e'i 44.K. 40 04** t,".totooncerp4 1 gni with vialeasa; ,t, thili 0,• U anything rias .to• fife ce, Fob #+irrlteane else ,d,Mx' Sul..;f,a010atialY;"°,slob, , 'aingag tile; ercead,• -000 a1?n `Minto 4 ew mho, Okf it 10.77 ` f the 4 j' 4vszl> O' • ' Brent f s tddt 'the ted pitslel .4.9e.a,.selynat x uTonp ibe° rd, oldbetitik •iof seek' as P,hro.• a. aH1 t 4. itiateredt +ifi.t -the, event- and its ' ,ztnent.•retr#tilit.V The bite. -Me ..Jeani .et _Nazareth,' ,universdlly;• ;;e.eithowledged xrow 'to • hare. 'teen iiatkeitveste of jus;- tire, is not repeated. in=outward Physa cal, fact_ 0314,4 ie eon! emorated'•ate nuaily, O.r'les,t.t'w i forget,• land what wont human nature forget?)•; and"teat, we lose, sight of 'itenidendng for uu and •for those we love -•e n4 for those we do not4ove. '0 :• " But a large 'proportion :ofthe crowd hurries by Those who. are "busyn'• those who • are •content`: to drift ,sleep fly through life,. and don't want to be disturbed with the agitation of an .uM easy conscience, • which might he touched' at the thought of a crucified 'benefactor. ' . ' ' -Only such, as are • interested (.!) pause for recollction. And they 11114 themselves drawn, and let themse�ss go willingly, tq .the ,reverent contem- plation' of history's- greatest act of self -,sacrificial suffering. And many of them feel that, they•,have a• duty to. co-operate with others, who are inter; ested, in showing publicly their rever- ence—and se they attend public Bath; erings for Pass1antide,:111edlitation, And it is to these •'who are inter- ested that there. eciraee•the fullest joy. of Easter. They have tried to see, or as.. the French would say, to "assist" at the supreme- self-saeri$ce in all its tragic suffering. • • To them, therefore, is given the fullest Consciousness, possible to .man, of the Triumph' of the' Son of God over the old Dowers of evil and death. Td •them the announcement that "Ile is risen" really means something,• The outward slgna of Easter rejoic- ing may take a variety of forms: • To men' and, wom en who have walked with Him, as - far as they were able, through the 'Valley of the Shadow of Death, Easter means more than ex- teinals. New clothes and a fine Eas- ter__day- .mky..,-be.:a blessing and; ,a joy. But - the • joy that comes• of a deep appreciation of the fact of the Resur- rection of Christ„ and a good fiape for our, own resurrection•, is a S.piri- tual blessing and a joy torever. "Is it nothing• to••you?" )es, of course the Resurrection is something, to • you. . . ' .r3ut it cannot have its full meaning to • you , unless the self-sacrifice first. means 'Fomething to yon! -d Written by regUest of the •Mdnisteri;11 :lssocia- tion—C. F. L. G.). • 4 WINTHROP The ,W.M.S. •and W.4.', of. Cavan Church, -Winthrop:" Will hold ' their Easter tbankoffer'ing in the church at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2. Cir- cles 3 and. 4 . will have' charge of • the meeting. • Old Acquaintances Meet' • 2814 Glendower Ave., • Hollywood 27, California. The Editor: The Huron Expositor: Gentlemen:: At a recent picnic of North Dakotans, at Lone= 'Reach, Cali. .fornia, I met a boyhood •udquaintance and schoolmate 1 had, not seen' for 70 years, namely. Robert 1litcheil, born at Blake,. in Huron County, later of Seaforth and Hensal.l, hien' North Ilakota_ His father' was .Allan Mit- chell, who kept a store ,rt 1llake''ttlieu. called Berne); and his hn,ther, John, and sisters, Mary. N.e:tti'' and Kate, attended the old sc'horrl bear Blake. A Mr. Hicks was• them the:teacher. Maybe, his 'lame was ill' hard Hicks, but I am not sure oi: his tiist'narne, Those State picnics aro quite a fea- ture here. .,At a recent' picnic of Iowans•, 40.000 persons wore, present. Iowa is probably the best repIrsented of any Of the States. at Long Beach. It seems some years art' an enter- prising salesman of sets of encyclo- paedias planned to buy come cheap lands,. near the o'i:ean here, , and cut same up into city lots, giving a lot. worth about $4.50 free with each sale of a set of encyclopaedias. Weil, he sold, a lot of encyclopaedias" by that plan;- but the joke 'of -it all—Ware that oil was discovered under those, lands, and a forest of derricks of oil well's arose, aced the buYers of enlcyclo- paedias got rich and moved out here, and Long' • Beach is now caned, the "California Capital- of Iowa." ' "I know net• whe{'e, the truth May be I tell the tale as it was told, to me.". But this, I do know., that, there are apparently more Iowans in and attend Long Beach than there are people from any• other one State, Whether they are more distinguished far en- cyclopaedic' 'knowledge or for• oil- derived ilderived money; deponent salth not. Respectfully, • •' JAMES, STYLUS McKILLOP When McKillop's snowplow On Sat- urday after making several unsucee'sis- fut tries td Teen the first afidc second concessions ghve .up the battle against the snow, Albert. ldarris'dn, Ede -Boyce a.nd, Harvey Mellwain worked 'S•iinday with their horses 4,o open the mad, re. W. M. S. M'eete The regular monthly meetfilg'ef the W'.M.S, a�td . WA...of Mire, Whited ler, 13.55,; 'Seafosstlf, Carnegie • (Cao• eddy), 1,305.- .Penalties- Alien tPad- don (5 ;hiins ), Palmer (math,,.fdtilfie yyeyntuy�tldl//C rriliiiie.)v.i6odlotr (`U':iiri;iint-4), IlOtielr ' 5 d n ,)V ', 014 01340 tlykrg ed at:4 op$;" 86.• The pealed zn ueon, 416 was snug. The, <„ ew.ei:Qi1 by a i�avtiritt . Ym • Smith; gad viee-presi4ent, ;+eo ,il 1,1471.4#14§1*1)eriod 3n� lige ,a;h$en,0:t t. fibs- d. resident, `'Mg), bC&o- C ;� $011; ''.fir, letter of apirreoIation, tom- i►;IrLM Nt i$ was •i cad .,by,• 'the 10x iarx, Mfa• fIaar .$.err 111 POt ••erg' 1?IPq!ii?>~ed' :f}'ei " setl{�?Rah act ' et 4tpli A4' .41?�rtlal :i ; f t i h .n.. � d!i e .• � °>;�er i pa .• ,'FQ'�'�:gi1C )i 10', :41 k, topic,, e 'last c a, er oil tXie: study boo' , "' 1 dia.. At t'ha Threshold " wee ,'abil 'taken by„ - e b Chester °l=iauctersom Mea, MacKenzie; Mrs Jdhn; Gardbn, Mgrs: Robert Campbell • aria' Mrs,..Aie$ Smith presenter): as a.. Panel: dltsetlss'ioin a ndeeting of the National Christiaii Council of India. Mre.`Johis Loudon of elreid gayer and Mrs. N. R. 4Doilanee clor the. meeting with a, enio' bet eddction. • • pairs of A�1` f finds • BICYCLES • 'CARS 411 TRACTORS' • TRUCKS BODY AND" FENDER REPAIRS AND REFINISHING a s. GARAGE Ford - ;Monarch Cars and Trucks - SEAFORTH'' DICK The . Upholsterer Put new life ihto your Chester- field with a re -upholstering job. This is frequently more satisfac- tory than a new one. Let us give you an estimate. No ' obligation. Com" in and sera, or call • Gordon A. Wright Cabinet Work = Refinishing SEAFORTH And- they'll stay healthy too— Blatchford's Chick Starter 'keeps 'em healthy — makes them grow faster — assures vitality — and pays me bigger dividends) NOW --,Strengthened with Vita -Din The new"supplement for greater vita- min and mineral content -- greater nutrition! Bla tc ford Feeds TORONTO ONTARIO Td and : i0, Vol1311pleiko neyv arlliliOtf c . men • - SPRING T�p..Coats • Donegals; Herringbone Tweeds, English' '-Twills that resemble gabardines,. and fine Covert Coatings ,in smart flip -on style, so popular this Spring. Choose your new Topcoat new - 24v5° 39x50 ere Sorry ' That the alterations to the Store have necessitated some incon- venience to our customers. Soon we'll have a smarter, brighter store you'll enjoy shopping in for all your Spring. clothes. STEWART 'BROS. EAT MOSS CO-OP CHICK` STARTER AND CHICK GRIT t Crass Seeds - • 'Fertilizer 'lace your orders now SEAFORTH FARMERS. CO-OPERATIVE • PHONE 9 • — LOCAL DEALERS — We ape handle. the following Blatchford Feeds: Poultry Gon- •cefttrate, Poultry Mash Pellets, Calf Meal and Calf Meal Pellets, Pig' Starter, Hog Grower and Hog Concentrate, Dairy Concentrate, Oil Cake Meal and Chick Starter. SEAFORTH' PRODUCE LIMITED Phone 1170-N s Seaforth • Z Do You Want Relief from SINUS TROUBLE? A new and c'onderrful ;remr4y 'tor -s#GeaslY - reiitf trona Sinus end Antrum trouble Also Also for Head Colds This Remedy Is Known As i SiNULIEF Sinulici' is a White Powder to be used so Snuff. Stipple and Ci:ean to Use. Priced at " $140(Y • Owtng•to the rapidly increasing deputed for this product and the scarcity of one of oho rare ingredients of the formula, It is necessary to restrict the output to one box to a customer every 'three ,Xnonthe. AT PRESENT AVAILABLE ONLY 'BY M SINULI F CO.; BOX 582, LONDON, ONT., Please°Irind Enclosed $1.00 tri Payment forl,Boz Sinnlief DEP. " NAIWE 4. S'h 'r,