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The Huron Expositor, 1947-03-14, Page 8
MQS'tt-Ep CaPSPALTY, At',�Qil T. RURAL-ARY ANP '"IiV, iNDSTOR.M »gli4'1?lg Companies who give , 61sc> i"it `'WW1 Orvise. .GENTS "+ F• OR'" . ONTARIO lllS,R:IA,N'1S MUTUAi. FIRE INSITRANOE ., Information gladly given. WATSON &4REID •M...A.. RElia Proprietor Insurance & Meal Estate PHONE 214 SLAFORTII • 00.40.00000000 o BOX. o • 3unerar'erbite o Ambulance. O Prompt and careful attention. 0 O Hospital Bed 0 -O FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 0 OCCASIONS 0 0. Office Residence, 0 •O 43 18 O i.-000000000,00 ooO,0o.o00000 q O 0 0 O. O O Nursery •• • ;O. O O iNetUenis H4$..°,,tical A d 1`4' 1Meet. The Women's 7 pinnal Aid t4: Scott Memorial Ij:oppitai.' will hold, its, regi lar meeting at, roe Hulse$'esid0i ee on Thursday, ill,,arch 2Q, at.:4 i.u',. Require Expositors of MOO 7. The publishers 'require ten copies of the issue of The Huron Expositor of March 7, and will purchase copies of hat ..issue from subscribers wishing To co-operate at 'hve cents each. OJ a' G. A. WHITNEY O ' Successor to Q HOLMES &, WHITNEY O Main Street - Seaforth O AMBULANCE SERVICE • 0 Adjustable hospital bed for O rent. 0 Agent for. Mitchell Flowers. 0 Telephone 119 0 Nights' and Holidays 65 0 O 0 <>.<> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,° J. A. BURKE ; O Q Funeral_Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 O DUBLIN ONT. 0 0 Night or day:calls: Phone 43 r 10 00 0 O0©00000„0000 T'AXI SERVICE IY 4'o' di 4' :at h me here tla in lifer ' t?tla'year . ft a. tw4a month illpestl,.° mak, T P. sey, pastor of l • c ;urgll,. was celebrant, assisted by ° rev; F. x, Odlrowsici, 'St, Columbau, a ` deacit>i, and , Rev- J, l3, Ffouikes, Ilubl#a, ara sub -deacon, ;telt. Fatb,er Qdi+owslst preaolied the seern,e in tri- bute to Mr. "• Daly.: Members 'of the Seaforth town council, the Pubic Utilities Commission and the Huron 'Caunty Council, as well 'as tewn and county officials, attended the funeral in a. body. Representatives were pre- sent -from the McKillop and Tucker - smith municipal ,councils, the Lions Club, Agricultural Society, Holy Nance Society` and Knights of Colum- bus. A special offertory hymn, "Vena Jesu," was sung by the relatives un- der direction of 1V1r5. ,F• Devereaux, church organist and sister of the de- cease.d and at the close of the ser- vices ervices .Mr. Tom Sills sang one of Mr. Daly's favorite hymns, "0 Jesus, Tuesday Night Club Meets.. -.Miss Janet Cluff and Mr. Scott Cluff enter- tained the Tuesday, Night Club on Tuesday evening When about twenty answered the roll call: Mrs. Fred. E. Willis and Mrs. Kenneth • M. Camp- bell assisted with the•.»,meeting. Mrs. C. Schultz read the Scripture lesson and- Mrs. Willis led in prayer. Miss Peggy Willis, contributed two very: pleasing numbers on the piano. -Rev. R. H. Williams showed, slides of the beautiful Rocky Mountains and sev- eral churches'"where .he had served as a student missionary. These were most interesting and. gave a;good idea of the grandeur of the scenery in Western Canada. A delicious lunch followed and a social half-hour spent. Churches Northside United Church' -Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 11 a.m., "A Full-grown Man ,in Christ"; 2.30 p.m.. ,Sunday School; 7 p.m., "Christian Belief and Confession." Welcome to •these. services. Anglican.- March 16: Mothering Sunday: St. Thomas', Seaforth-10 a.m.. Sunday School; 11 a,m., Morning Prayer -and ,Sermon, "The Human Family": 7 p,m., Evening Prayer and Sermon. "The Fatherhood of God." St. Marys,• Dublin -2.30 p.m., Sun- day School: 3 p.m., Holy COmmulliQn. "The Human Family. Wednesdays in Lent ---3 p.m., ser- vice in St. Thomas' Church, -Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, U.A. Car Washing AND Simonize AT '... 4Seafortb' Motors PHONE' 141 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial'' Craftsmen SEAFORTH EXETER - CLINTON Seaforth' Showrooms open Tuesdays. See Dr: Barnum for 'appointment enr other time,, qa. PLone 414, tarter. Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and Steamer; Chairs Repaired. Stratford • Upholstering Co. Stratford TELEPHONE 579 For further information apply at ::Box's Furniture . Store SEAFORTH BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 ST. PATRICK'S . DANCE Parish 'Hal ST. COLUMBAN - FRIDAY, MARCH 14 Delaney -McQuaid Orchestra • The Late Joseph C. Carter.- Fun - Brat services were held Tuesday for Joseph Campbell Carter, who died early Sunday after a two weeks' ill- ness in liis 65th_year. He was born in V Ilton and' in early- lite was a mail carrier in that district He was pre- deceased by his' wife, the former -Etta Pearl, Fulton. Surviving -"are two daughters, Mrs, G. R. (Althea) Camp- bell, Brussels; Mrs, William J. (Viola) Deacoff, Toronto; one son, RayCar- ter, Caulton; his father, James, Car-, ter,' Seaforth; one sister, Mrs, Violet Gillespie, and one brother, John Can. ter, Kant Bridge,' The services were held from the home of his sister, Mrs. Gillespie. Main, Street, Seaforth,'with Rev. R. H. Williams, of First Presby- terian Church officiating. Interment was in i3russels cemetery,, Pallbear- ers were Fred, Johnston, Harry Bol- ger, Earl Gillespie, A. W. Dunlop, Bill Targarson and W. J. Deacoff. .w • Death of Harry ,Blanchard. -The death occurred at Shaughnessy Mili- tary' -'Hospital on March 1, of Harry Blanchard, in his 66th year. The late Mr. Blanchard was born at Winthrop where he grew :up to manhood-. He was employed for a term in the boiler shop of The Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforth, then went West; home- steading at Waterous, Sask. Later he went farther west to Nelson; where he was with the Canadian Pacific Railway for a short term. Since then his home has been in, Vancouver. He enlisted in the First World War and served three years and four months. - in France., His passing leaves only one member of the company he serv- ed in still living. Eels—survived -by his wife: two brothers, William R., of Nelson. B.C., and Melvin, of ,1VIcKii- lop, and one sister, Mrs. Sam Pethick, also of ,McKillop. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, March 5, with . interm,ent in Field of Honour,. Mountainc'iew Cemetery: • Dies in. New Orleans. -The death occurred in Nea- Orleans on •March 4, of Harry- J. Devereaux; ` following a, heart attack, The deceased was born near Seaforth, the son of the late William Devereaux, and was in his 90th year. The late Mr. Devereaux was in'th'e foreign freight department of various railroads for. 48 years. At the time of .'his death he was Gulf States representative of the . Illinois Terminal' R,R-,• with headquarters at New Orleans. His remains were brought to Chicago. and taken to, Ascension. Church, Oak Park, Illinois. Interment was in -the Devereaux plot' in Mt • Carmel cemetery. He is sur- vived by •his ,.wife, Anne, and his daughter. Mrs. .Roy Fayard,,:, and two grandchildren, Judith and Janice, all of New Orleans. nth McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 'CO'Y. MEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFIC.eftS'' T •aak IVfeGregor, Ctinto-n-» - "Prenitleut Chris Leonbardt, Brodhagen, Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. - DIRECTORS: ,'Chris., Leonhardt, Brodlhagen; E. J. l'rewartha, .Clinton; - Harvey Fuller, i t,Rt,; 2, Goderich I J. "EI. McEwintg, 1I.R.. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor,R.R. 5, Clinton; Hiigh°A.iexander, R.)rL. 1, Wal- ton; Willis* 1t. Arch3balal,,. A.R. 4, Seaforth; John L. Malone, 12:.x, 5,• Sea', troth; S. i:I. Whitmore, TI JI,. • 3, . gear forth. . 3 • AGENT:St . ZU'ittlaya if she', 1b1. P �ttbiiti; 'egtier` Bihlsofleld r Teter.. FOR SALE ModernHouse, barn, with 21 acres. Make good poultry farm. .Close to Town. Prompt possession. 150 Acres -Brick house, bank barn, Silo, other good buildings; 30 acres hush. Township of Tuckersmith: Prompt possession. E., C. CHAMBERLAIN REAL ESTATE BROKER INSURANCE Phones: 33.4 or 220 Seaforth annual Meeting - of Seaforth Farmers Co-operative will be held in , EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH - on - THURSDAY, MARCH 20. at 8.30 p.m. is.,81.PAY, MAR. 15 rtSeaforth Cardio s au, NORM.. CARNI GIE, and HUI 'Land ADMISSION - 50 CENTS. Jesus, Dearest Lord." The pallbearers were John J, Cluff, Edward Devereaux, George 1V,leGavin, D'Orlean Sills, C. P. Rills and Joseph M. 'McMillan. Inter- ment was ba St. James' cemetery, Sea - forth. EVERYBODY WELCOME gR. S. McKercher F. REYNOLDS LOG„Ah BRIEFS Pres. Sec. • Mr..and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and daughter; Miss Nancy, left on Sunday THE HOME of QUALITY PERMAN- . ENTS • • SUTHERLAND Beaute Shop -'PHONE 152. lace pttr, ivheo �Vtx Ouldnaore' s " i ;)luioi ess- Mrl . 'G'ad'mare bas been s-4.01 leg ' ill the public Library i°ok=MinP,, :seta Thon4Ps:R#, wile nae,. peen, ill;, or the 'pi> o„, thxee piontuis, 1111 e' Giorl'lt;• Schookor of 14010#, , is Visiting . hey ,.,a11 t„ Ors, Darbatft' ,5ykes . FOR SALE 11/2 story frame dwelling, John St. Dwelling property in the Village of Walton, with outbuildings. Suitable for, poultry farm. 104 acres in Township of McKillop.. Good buildings. Hydro. Terms, if desired. .. 100 acres, 12 acres of bush, Town- ship of Hullett,'Lot 14, Con. 6. Brick house; large bank barn with other good outbuildings. : Water in build- ings. Possession April 1. 'Reasonable terms. 50 -acre grass farm on Highway near St.°Columban; no buildings, but would be Suitable for poultry farm. '. M. A. REID REAL ;ESTATE PHONE 214 Hold Trousseau Tea For Bride -to -Be. -Mrs. Melvin E. Clarke entertained at a trousseau 'tear on Friday after- noon and evenings, in honor of her daughter. Betty; --bride-elect • of next week._ . About one hundred and sev- enty-five guests were present. Pour- ing 'teain the afternoon were Mrs.' E. Epps. Clinton, grandmother 'of the bride, and Mrs. John Cummings, and in the evening, Mrs. R. H. Sproat as- sisted Mrs. Cummings at the tea table: The table Was prettily arranged with the bride's cake and pink carnations. The servers in the 9 afternoon were Miss Margaret Carter and Miss Lorna Dale. Ml`s- Arthur 'Wright received the guests in the afternoon and Miss Mary Ryan in the evening. Mrs. .D. H. Wilson was in charge of the regis- ter. Misses Louise Case, Gladys Hop - Per and .Audrey Shannon served_ -re- freshments in the evening. In the afternoon the gifts were displayed by Miss Gwen • Hug'ii1; the. trousseau, MISR Isabel Houston, and linen and bed- ding by Mists' Mae Clark and Mies, Hetet- Smith. In the evening Miss Joyce Wilbee was in charge of the trousseau and Miss Vera Mole,•' the gifts. Mrs. Emmerson Smith, mother of the groomto-.be, received with Mrs. Clarke and Betty, Funeral of the Late John F. baly,- St...James'17athelic Cbiirel, ,Seaforth, was filled M'oiiday: morninh when dol^ tenth •high MASS sof iteatileni 'was sung at ale, for lteerre John i'aneis Daly, y'etet"a t. of' $eatorth mttnicipa'i golf - And .they'll stay healthy too- ' Blatchford's Chick Starter keeps 'em ,•heaIthy - makes them grow faster - assures vitality - and pays me bigger dividends! STAG EUCHRE (Under the auspices of the- Seaforth Br. Can. Legion) PLACE: Cardno's Hall DATE •Friday, Mar. 14 Time: 8 p.m. BRING YOUR OWN PARTNER GENERAL MEETING of Legion on Friday Evening, • March 21st, at 8 p.m., Cardno's Hall t. Ur 1'3i4d. S RaVaxt, Qf Windsor,'' PPM'. ths, "week-, ld wit4,1'l1s znotheti' b;e Cll.a,lltes "'wtewartu - • Mrs, J, A. O'Connell and Miss Dorothy O'Connell, of Detroit, were here this week attending the funeral of the late 'J,V.. Daly. • • Mrs. T. S. Perrett and s.on, 13.ob- ert,. of gamloops, •°B;C., are guests.- of Mr. and . Mrs. W. H. Golding: • Miss Way, of'Stratfoi'd, was here on Monday atten, ding the funeral of.: the late -1. F. Daly. '•• Mrs. M. H, 'McKenzie and •Mr's. Topping, of Oshawa, were, guests of Mrs. Mae Dorrance over the• week- end • Mr • Miles McMillan left on Mon-, day fpr Tulare, Peru, South America, where he• will be connected with the• Interi ation. Petroleum Co. • ..o. Dr. .Everatt Rivers, of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. `James Rivers, 'of town, who has been in Masse, Ari- zona, for some months, flew...to De- troit on his way to 'visit •his 'Parents here. Dr. Rivers likes the South, but intends to retire in the North. • Mr, Charles Cunningham, of Sea-. forth, has rented a' store in Mitchell, of which he takes possession the middle of March. • Mr. .and Mrs. Thomas Legg: and Mr. and • Mrs. Willard Legg, of. Gode- rich, were Sunday guests .of Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin, • • Mrs, James T. Scott; of `Roxboro,, spent a few days in town this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Holmes. • Mr, and Mrs. Walter Eaton were in Gorrie over the week -end attend- ing the funeral of Mrs. Eaton s rather, the late. Alonzo Sparling, for- merly^ of McKillop. • Mrs. Gordon Balfour and son, of Preston, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Burt Mutr, • Mrs. E. G. Case and Mr, Frank ,Case left on'Wednesday for Ro„Cbliry, N.Y., where'they will visit Mi••:Case'3 daughter, Mus, HarMorse, orse, and MI',• Morse. • Mrs, John J. Sclater is visiting iu Aylmer. ' • • Mr. and Mrs. Earl„ Gillespie -and' son, of Hamilton,- attended the fun- eral of, the late Joseph Carter on Tuesday. • Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster were in. Detreyit this week for a few days. • Mrs. 'D. D. Clark .and daughter, Evelyn Anne, of Sarnia. are guests Of Mrs. J. C. Greig. • Miss Ardelia Wolfe. of Detroit, is a guest of 'Mr. and Mrs:; David Lemon. •• , Mr. Lionel -Fortune, of Loudon, spent th,e week -end at,' his home, here. Mrs. D.. Lemon .and -'Miss. A. Wolfe were in London on .Thursday. • Miss Mildred; .McNichol, of Strat- ford, was -a Sunday guest of, Mr. and Mrs.. R. H..Sbroat, • NOW - Strengthened -with Vita -Din The new supplement for greater vita- min and mineral content - greater nutrition!' BLaftWor4 Fe` �s TORON,TO �7 ONTARIO - LOCAL DEALERS • We» also handle the following Blatchford Feeds: Poultry Con- centrate, Poultry Mash Pellets, Calf Meal and Calf Meal -Pellets, Pig Starter, Hog Grower and Hog Concentrate, Dairy Concentrate, till Cake Meal and Chick Starter. •SEAFORTII» PRODUCE LIMITED .Phone- 170-W, Seaforth IST CAR ETA K`ER -FO.R SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL Permanent position. Apply by letter, stating salary expected, to .” M,' A. Reid . Secretary of Seaforth High School Area. Board. St•Fatrick's Supper MONDAY, MARCH 17 in ' St. James' Parish .Hall from 5 to 7 p.m. ' • — Menu — ' COLD DRESSED PORK HOT SCALLOPED POTATOES •: SALADS PIE Sponsored by the C. W. L» of St. James' Church. Admission: 75c and 50c DICK The Upholsterer Put new life into your Chester- field with a•+ re -upholstering job. This is frequently more satisfac- tory than, a.,new one. Let us give you an estimate: • No obligation, 'Come in and see, -or call ' Gordan • •A Wright � .Cabinet Work, - -Refinishing SFAFO:t.TH ' ST. •COLUMBAN•- I ;,- Z NG, �hu., .. � 1N- TEGHNigQ 4, "CAN ON PA SAG .,, ' . a . witl4 r .. 'DO�. LEVY DANA .ANDREWS SUSAN HAYWARD BRIAN N TJtosfewbo want lusty entertainment 'will bind it in this, vivid tale 4 the Oregon• Territory -a 'film with the. rough-andready,.»4uallty that pictures of the out-of;doors must possess is contained, in the Hrni's l3aycox ngvel that 'ran serially, in the, Satur4ay"Hverang 'Feist ' MON., TUES., WED. -,– In Technicolor "BL1JE,q» STIES" with $ING CROSBY JOAN D, FRED ASTAIRE A record treat for Bing Yana,-Pararniunit 'brings you Irving Berlin, in person, to take you on a personallysk9 high• conducted tour of" ". values- in musical entertainment. THURS:, FRI., SAT. Double Feature " THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING. , DOWN:." with LEE BOWMAN and MARGUERITE CHAPMAN ` A plot in which a New York Columnist attempts to 'run down ,the -, murderer of a priest close to Ms heart -Smartly turned out melodrama and " THE TWO-FISTED » STRANGER " Coming:'—. "THE KILLERS": , Adult Entertainment ,fft HFffiNIGAN'S The Isle of Erin Ireland, has five million inhabitants once it had eight. Three rn11lipn have- epae away, and when we think of land- lordriim we wonder why the dive million did not: go too.' Dipping into the dainty- honeycombs of Literatpre, we ask you where in all' history do we find men such as Goldsmith, Burke, Swift, A. L. Stewart, Par- nell„ Thos. Moore,:,Victor Herbert, not •to. •mention Oscar Wilde, the most 'richly fanciful, fast -minded, recklessly -witty of modern • men, • All ai'e° just one 'generation removed from the bog, and the, smell of peat smoke still upon them., • And yet when England and America needed better .mien she went' to Ireland. lis we approach the 17th of March we hope Irishmen everywhere will square their shonlders and remember the Hien who' 1c- �built America -the, Harrimans, the Hanrs,harns, the McCreas, the _'I Dougalls, the O'Days, the 'Hills -all Irishmen. Let us remember, too, that. Ireland has more kindness per acre _r than any other country on earth. •• W. J. FINNIGAN & SON • Death of. Mrs. Patrick. Flannery .'"A Well known resident of St. Colum- ban- district for many ' years, Mrs. Patrick Flannery* 50 - Wellington St., Stratford, died Tuesday, February 25, in. the Stratford General Hospital. She had been in poor health 'for several years, •'and had. suffered a stroke re- cently. Born in Tuckersmith 72 -years ago, she was the former Miss Helena Williams, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams. .It was 46 years ago on February 1,2 that she and Mr. Flannery were married. Fol- lowing their marriage they farmed. at St,. Columban -for 40 years and moved to Stratford' following' ,their retire- ment six year's ago. Mrs. Flannery was a faithful member of St. Joseph's Church, a .member of the Catholic Wo- men's League and the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. Surviving are her husband; - a son, John, of Preston; four daughters, Mrs. Wm. Maloney, McKillop Township; Mrs. Clarence Lorentz, St. Clements; Mrs. Joseph O`Connor, Toronto; Miss Cath- erine,, at home; two brothers, Patrick Williams, Hibbert Township; Daniel, Detroit, and a sister, Mrs. John Mc- Grath, Dublin, also survive. There are also eleven grandchildren. The funeral took.. place from the Gingras. Funeral Home, 20 Caledonia St.,' Fri- day morning,' Feb. a28, thence to St. Joseph's -Church for High Mass of Requiem at 9.30 o'clock. Temporary entombment took place in 'Avondale Chapel and burial`' will take place in St. Columban cemetery at a later date. ' ELIMVILLE Mr. Elgin Skinner, of the University of Western O}ltario, spent the Week= end'athis home here. Mr. and,,Mrs. Eric Carsc,adden and sbn; of Exeter, Visited., at •tie home of Mr. and Mrs-, Garnet Miners and Mr. and Mrs. John Miners on Sunday. Wedding bells 'are ringinig in the near future here. A truck load of young people at- tended the ice carnival at Exeter Fri- day evening, Misses' Wanda Stephen and Marion Murch winning second prize pi` . their drum majorette cos- tumes. Mr. and Mrs: Cliff Brock and John- nie spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bell. - Mr. and Mrs. NoriYia.il Jacques, Shir- ley and Harry, spent Sunday with Mu. and -Mrs. P. M'unc'h. ' The Elimville Farm Forum met at the hom'e of Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd Johns with 21 members present. The subject for discussion was, "How Will Sal tall Se"ciiri-t Solve t :ie Finn Prob- lem." Lunch was served, The next mee"tiing will be held at the home of William Johns. " Misses, .Florence Beli., Mildred Mil- ler, Murray, and, Laurie Stephen, of London, spent the weeklend at, their homes here. • - The Etimvilie • Eudhre CIub met at t1}e'home of Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Brock with eight tables in play. The results iveise; Lades+ high, Mrs., Harold Bell; gent's' high, •Mr. Delmar skinner;; con - sedation, George; Kellet. Minch was; served by the hostess and liuncheon corittnitt e, alt ais • hour ,gppait in trip- ping the light- fantastic to the. *toile of a 1,ecord player. • ., a°r44,, ,'<> X11...,. Order »Now. For: Sp ring A carload of the famous Doverwhite CEDARGRAIN SHINGLES., has just arrived. • CEMENT in good supply. ,.� OAK FLOORING in stock. INSULATION -the. Best, BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS, FARM GATES, STAIRS, STEPS, SASH, DOORS, OR WHAT HAVE YOU.* Excellent workmanship -with the best of materials, by an experienced staff. BROODER COAL ON HAND -Briquettes, Nut Anthracite, Stoker, Buckwheat, Nut and„Stove' Coke,`Nut Alberta, and the famous Rose- dale Alberta Lump in stock. Seaforth. Suppiy & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No More” Phone '47 Seaforth. J 4. Hesky Flax Products, Limited . Want to 1. RENT LAND for growing of Fibre Flax. 2. CONTRACT ACREAGE for Registered Grain Flax, Royal Varieties, at $4,00 PER BUSHEL, for your crop, sealed in our bags, at Our Seed Cleaning. Plants at Seaforth »»and at Mitchell: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS can be made; for " the purchase of your flax • straw. ' ' For further information . • CONTACT AT ONCE Reeky Flax Products, Limited MITCHELL or SEAFOPhone RT I Phone 196-W - 74 . VARNA Many of the roads are' impassable and a staff of workmen are goingday and night to' make travel safe and passable. The workers'have had con- siderable hazards' and really deserve a .good d'eal4of credit. Mr. Trietz, who is convalescing af- ter his recent . operation, spentthe past week with relatives in Listowel district. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray andlittle daughter, June, of Clinton, were Sun- day guests 9.t tie home of Mr. and Mr -s. Nelson Reid and Misn.,Mary. Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith, •who have spent some time hi London, "re turned Sunday and are guests at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fo§ter. -Mr. J. ,Kerr, of, London,. spent the Week -end 'with Mtn. Kerr and two norm Mr. and Mrs. Soper, .Sr., in com- pany with their son' and" wife, of :�+ • iu V•. , »..0 ill,.. .,..:�5�:•:'�w ',.,+, Straffordsville, were week -end ''guests with the formers. son, Mr. Harold , ' Soper, and f'am'ily. Mrs. Souter, of• Tuckersmith, who has been visiting her daughter, -Mrs. Orrin Dowson, Is 'under the doctor's' care, but we hope soon to hear of her recovery. Mira, M. Reid; iii' cilli"pally' with her son, Wilmer, Mrs. Reid and daughter. Miss Mona, attended, the trousseau tea given in honor, of, the former'"s. grand niece and cousin, , Miss Betty' Clarke, of Seaforth, on Friday after- noon. ' Miss Moassop_received a telegram ' Monday moxaing informing her of the death of her brother, 9eorge, at his home in Laurier, Man, He wasa na- tive of Stanley, but spent most of 1?ie+ life in the West. Hews' survived by 'his wife', two daughters, Lemra, teas Sask., Mrs. James �1�i•'at Cupar, A. Harrison, o'f Laurier; one s011, George, at 'home, and a sister, Edythe. of Varna. ,y