HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-03-07, Page 4OUR t's 11' ssifiedAds. -uissiiied Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: ilke: Wanted, last and Found. Etc. -Per wind: lst , wek 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 3rd week la Cent • mum chimer, first ineertIon25 Cent@ ,Flach figura initial and abbreviation counts at one word, opro, 0 Thp,pk., lp meeeerate. Notices. Coining Events -1 cast per word. :Minimises. 50 cones per Week. lemparies ma,y be elirected'eo a Box Number, c/c, The Huron Expoeiter, for 10 meta extra. . Ten acute additional will be charged. it ads in abeve claes are not paid within 10 days of . ' date ta final insertion. HMO* Merriages and Oeaths inserted free of charge. ' jtatettom See& Noeimmeto Creditors, Etc.-Ratee on aPPlicsation, . - • ., Anaion Sales - POSTrOINED • AUCT.I.O.rs SALES TH:EsE SAL1tM HAVE BEEN POSTPONED "'• te the following dates: TED MUNN. Tuckensmith, to Monday, March 17th. '-ALBERT PE.PPER, Tackersmith, to Fri- day, Mardi Mae RAYMUND FEAR, Teekerernith, to Friduy, March 2Is1. JARVIS HORTON. No, 4 Highway, to • Wednesday, March letle IA. J. itUriaat. Goderich Township, to • Manama, March 24t5. ("LEARING AlJeT1ON SALE Or leArall, se' Farm Morels, lmalementse Grain end Feel at Lot. No. 7, Co-nceesion 1, lialiet Town- ship, on No, S Ilishefey., 4 mesas west ol Sea - forth, or .1, mita east of Clinton, on 'Wednes- day,. March 19th, at 1.08 -pea. sharp, the fol- lowing: leOftehIS --Clam gelding, lu years old; general puipme mare, 8 year, old. C A.TTLE-t- loss a in cow war, ea, due March eend ;allereford cow 8 yeare. 01.1, uue April are; Dueham cow 6 year old, due June 15the Durearn sew 4 years old, mitt at foot; Durham cuw 5 years o.dottli at mot; ou.r- .ham co*3 yeers cold, coif at feet; Durham cow 5. years old. fresheneria-Derhem cow 6 years ole, .rrerteneo u. .am he.fer 1yeare eriehened ; Herds's, cow 5 tear ore. fiethenett; Heremrd cew d yeameold, Mete ened Holman cow .4 years oet, nalleng ; Hereford buil 1 year eat; eurhatu bull 1 year old; 8 Here:cod heifers, 2 eeara ad; 3 Dur- ham year -ding heifers; 5 calves, 2 months olel and younger. PIGS -3 young. Yorkshire sows due from 'May .1st to May 17th; 13 .chunks. IMPLFAIENTS-aAllis Glearaer •C-2 plow trai- tor oti rubber (nearly new), equipped with starter, Mgras, wheel weights and fluid; also 2 rear steel wheels extra; 3 -row Model C cultivator ( hydreulic lift): Fleury 2 -furrow, -adjustable erector plow (nearly new); Calk- shutt ladisc fertilizer drill (nearly new); Cocloahutt 10-i0ch grain grinder! (qearly -aew); 75-10ot • 6 -inch 'belt (nearly new): Cockshutt eteel wheel wagon and 14 -foot ftat rack; gravel 'box"- -Massey-Harris corn binder; McCormick - )Deering • manure el:weeder; MeCloemickareeering rrit0Wer 3 -Mot cut (nearly.' new) ; Deerine 13e hoe drill; 11 -tooth stiff tooth cultivatee; •10'- foot- hay rake; 3 -section. hal-roma: harrow cart; Fleury I -furrow riding plow; Fleurt- walking plow: setae sloop eleighs and rack: cutter; elasse-Harris . root putter; leassete• Harris cream separator: Stewart horse. dee- m -ere; 4 -ring ale; hlacksmiths forge and mole; 2 sivie,p feeding recta: colony house. 121)1141: hay forkweling chain; forla ; shovels and atieterous 'other articles. HARNESS - See "ef breaching harness; set oft eackbara .herneele: set of :sitigle harness; horseeolleeta! GRAIN AeeD FEED -Approximately 20 • tons ,of mixed hay: approximately 1.000 bushels of enixed grain. FARM -At the 'same time and P eaee there will be offered for:sale, subject ta , reserve bid, the fora censieting of 100 i(creri I of drake clay loam. On said farm is situat- esi a aell-buie two-storey 'rick, heuee, with furnace; steel barn. .86M75; water tarouseh- out the euildings, ane implement shed t near- ly new). and 1 actra. of young bush. On the ---earrn to six zeres 61 fell wheat planted, and 30 tares of .full nlowiree derte., balance in hay i and easture. Tertes C-hartels-Cash. Terms on fartn.made. known ort day of sale. STEW - ART DALect. Adel! flier teeter ; 51113. AGNES , DAL:E'. Adminatel,aria for the Estate of the late. Cheale F. Dale; Edward W. Ellice:, Alpo • tioneer.• 4134-2 telLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM • Stock, Implemenes. Grain and Feed, et . Lot No, 9, Cencemien I,.. Semler,- Township, lee mile south tif elructiitid (11 No. 4 elleh- way. en Marines -elate Mara) 12. cemmencine at, 1 P.M.. sheep, the toll o w ne H RSE S - Grey. mare, 12. years o:d. CATTLE ---Durham • cow, 6 years ced, due March lot; Durham cesto 6 yea -s -old. due March 12th: Durham w, 7 years old. due April Sen; Durham cow year old. due May feth; Durham cow: 7 Years old, Cali at foot; Durham cow.- 6 Years - obi. calf at foot; flauraten aro, 10 years old, calf at feet: Durham cow, 5 years old, due August 17th Dueharn eow, 3 years old, <hie . Aug-cret 29th;' Durham cow, 8 years old, due September 6th; Durham heifers. 2 years old. dee March 15th: Durhem heifer, 2 years oid. . due aule lst ; Durham heifer, 2. years old, due ...Au:oat 1st; 2 Durham steers, 2 years old; 4 Durham steers, rising 2, years:. 4 Durham . heifers,. 7, reontlis old; 2 spring calves; bull calf, 4 months old; •Iteifee calf. 4 months old,: Registered Shorth -(No. Moat), 5 years Old. ,PIGS -12 pita. 3 anoriths old. POULTRY ANT), EQUIPMENT -175 Rock X New Hampshire allybrita hens; coleny house 10e x•- 12e; 2 range shelters; coal brooder • stove. 1.11421.21M0Ha0Te-Measey-H8reirs binder, 7-foet cot; Masseysliarris mower. 5 -foot cut; Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator; Mae - (KT -Harris steel roller; Massey -Harris bean Cultivator -with puller attachment; Interne - manure spreader; International bay rake; Noiron graiz1 drill; Gockshutt riding Plow: Internatiorisl walking, ream; 4 -section harrows; 1 -row scuffier: wagon: hay rack: gravel beet -sloop sleighs and flat rack; Ren- frew scales,2,000 Iba,, capacity; bag truck: bag •holder; Chatham fanning mill; Cyclone • erase seeder; hay knife; bay car; hay fork : 160 feet of rope; 4 sling rates: top bliega cutter; punfp emit and le H.P. electric motor ; work beneem root pulner; galvanized water oak barrel: De Laval aream separator 600 Ibe, capacity): Daisy churn; eross-cut saw: forks, shovels, whiffletreee• neckyokes. .and niimenota other artkle.• GRAIN AND }TAM -L-200 bushes Ajax oats (suitable for seed); e00 bushels mixed grain; approximate- ly ,6 tons „of mixed hay. HARNESS -Set of backbend berries and set -of elouble breech- ing; horse collars and col'a-r tops. Terms - 51e reserve as farm is sold. JARVIS, HORTON, ,Proprietor; Edward W. Ellicea, Auctioneer. 4133-1 pLEARING AUCTION SALE OE FARM ."--e Steck_ Implements and 'Household Effects. Mr. Harold Meek:ion has been inetructed to sell by public euetion at Lot 4e, Concession • 2, Tuekersmith, L.R.S.. 2 'relies eaet ef Radie Schee], Priday, el a rch 21st, at 1 P.m • ; HORSES -1 Percheeon mare 10 yeasts 1 Perclieron horse 8 ' years old 1 brown mare years old, in foal. due May 27th. CATTLE •a-1 Brindle cenv 10 years old, due November leaf; 1 Meek cow, part Jersey, 9 years old: red cow 10 years old. due November 615: O black cow 7 years old, due April 10th: 1 "tree cow 8 years old, clue to freshen June 615 ; 1 roan oow .8 years old, frets 1 red mw 5 years old, due Ottober 26th: 1 red •cow e years cede due,March 22nd; 2 fat heif- ers 2 years old; 3 fat eteers. 2 years old; 3 steers, 1 heifer one year old to lea yeara ; 2 heifers, 1 Meer, yearlines : 4 fall calves. PIGS --1 sow with litter: I sow due to farrow Murcia 2615: 14 chunks front 100 to 150 lba.; 30 Rock and Leghorn apt:Meta IMPLEMENTS -Power home clippers: M.11. binder, 74ore: M.H. mower, 5 -foot; 10 -foot hay rake; Inter- natiercal hay leader: M.H. seed drill; Cock- seutt manure spreader: bock:shaft ricling pea*: / two -furrow plow e 1 Metivitier; 1 Verity -walking phew; 1 roller; 1 harrows, 1- . station; 1 cutter; 1 buggy: 1 eleerh; 1 wag - 'on; 2 hay rack with slide rack; 1 fanning .pid cia% liagger ; wagon box; dock rack ; • milk pa ; I eset esetteles ; I rather: tnenim drill: 30 cedar poste: quantite of inch lum- e ber; quantal of eeinch lumber: 1 new win- dow sash, 10x12, three lights; 1 IMP Pan and kettle; wheelbarrow; water barrel: 1 large feed box; I set tea117 homes; I single har- ness; coffer* and pude; buffalo robe; bay fork and sling ropes; PelleYe: about 150 bustle].) Alaska oats; aboat 800 bueliels tiered grain': emelt qoantity of hay; 2 hay knives; forks; shove*: neckyokes; eibitiletreee rein bags; bag truck skald sacks: croescat saw; 1 De • Laval tfo. 10 arearn,seperetier, mew dises and balk epotre HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - I ateyer hefting lathae I Meddle %nest 1 kit- ' theti„rantre faith telexes:et and Wart:eine dee% • 1.flia41b atovellillea: I large boatel' stove to Chteek8;'61ealiitaa: 1 kitchen extethien table.• earebat 4 drools; 21i-cock:lei-chairs; 1 afoul flahfd lueebilesated ertitiaget; alb steed With eftWtCtsittaChea and litite tedee Cannel; eat ; Wier: I tree irteu iliteartintat I *Zen haltaitatin isettlere• t a• ileitaled• ilea 'toilet 00; thine &Sea stayer- ' ladttlara tiultn.liaainted inary end green, knee a- iemlialMee coal, ail te.fittlelea. Teton PAO " Xtree 'a 414341. it. Ott • Auction Sales 0 'THE fltiRON EXPOSITOR -0 4 , CLEARING A.UCTLON SALE OF' FARM o Stock, Implemenes, Grain, Feed, Lumber and Iloasehold Effects, ae Lot No. 1.2, Mae prefer Fordson. thve full pert culars first field Line, 7 tniles southweet of °entree or letter. ARTHUR 7aEAN, Mont -Mille Op 3 mike east of Ba,yfield, - Mendam • Memb ,24.th, at 12.30 p.m., sheep. This sale _4134x2 includes: 3 homes. from 1400 to 1500 lba; 6 cow, malingers and recently freshened; 12 steers and heifers 2 years .old and under. PIGS -5 tame to farrow in Aprils and 17 h Ite ri r * .1 MARCII7, 1947 • Wanted of -11irs. W. iL Patton Cea Fe4111- • ,.. iary 13, with Mre, c. li.enders9n WANTED TO BUY-TaACTOR, IN RIJN. presiding, The II:teeth:1g opened with tang randitign; also plow, any make; liyroa 358, followedi by Scripturereade ings by .1Mrs. William Shannon, Mr dames Keys, -aira. James. Kerr, Mrs', oeruatt rapple, Mrs. Cr'eorge Campbell, -tare. eerey anittn and Mrs, Mac Scott. ou•-i was sung and prayer &Yea s. raLtele Henan 262, "In Cbriat iaaie is No East nor West" • was and, Mrs, ,tiordon. McKenzie con- ee,-oeCt caapter of the. etudy book, .aeuicat IVIissions , She soale interesting facts, of how eessionanee ana dootors have the aealth ot the School. chil- e:en end ehroueh them the older pee- ,e,:e in eau's.. A'repatiug was given. by Josio Goraon, atter which Mrs. aeuege Canuebeil, president of the tooe over tne nteetinga Mrs. C. iienuerson read a thank -you letter ..roos Mrs. Lewin Hunt and Mrs. Got- .- -oaaetioie. read a letter from Miss aoai ace, now in. Japan. Prayer was eat feel by Mrs., J..Hiliebreeht for Wife eourace, and silent Drayer for mls- s-onaries. Mrs. C. It. Henderson pro- aotincea the beaediction. ua . A full line of farm imple ents, in- cluding ?LH. binder, 7 -ft. cut: M.N. mower, 6 -ft. cut end rubber tire wagon; else quan- ta./ at har, Waxed grain, new lumber. cedar Po fse and poste. • Full line of household ef- fects, including a claeeterfield mite; AX1112441. ster rug, 91 x 101/21 (like new); oak dining • room suite; modern range, and numerous other articlee. Terms -Cash. No reserve as San n is sold and proprietor te moving to • British Colunalea, M. J. BUTLEIn, Proprie- tore Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4131-2 CLEARING, AUCTION SALE QF FARM Help Wanted Stock and Implements, at Lot 40, Cone AN WANTED -YOUNG, STEADY, RE- cession 2, TeekeMmith Townehip, L.R.S., 14 liable man wanted for work on poultry miles south and 11/2 miles east of Clinton farm with hatchery, Good living an work:. Radio Schoca .on Friday, March 1415„ at' Mg conditions. Arab, ANDREW MOORE, 1 lente• CATTLE -1 pure bred Durham bull; Sunnyeale Poultry Farm. mame 1 Ourham cow 6 years old. due time of sale; I leuritem cow 5 years old, dee in Maieh: 1 Durham cow 9 Years old, fresh 3 'weal's' 3 Durham deers: weight 900 elbe.; Dueham • Auction Sales •, steers, weight 896 lbs.; 2 Durham heifers, AUCTION SALE OF. LIVEETOCK ANT) Machinery Lot 17, Beath Boundary, Stan- ley , Township, 3 mees• northe,ast of Zurich, 6te miles west of Kippen, Tuesday, Meech 18th, commencing at 1 ' HORSES -1 black gelding 6 Years old; 1 bay gelding, 12 years old; 1 black mare, 8 metre old; 1 aged mare. CATTLE -1 4 -year-old Moistein cove -in calf; 1 4 -year-old Durham mw, in calf 1 Durham cow, with calf at foot; 1 'Durham heifer. in cell; 1 Hot:stein cow al calf (thee etiwa• have been T.B. tested) ; 2 steers 11/2 years old; 2 heifers 11/2 eettre old; 4 calves 7 months olcl. PIGS --3 sow$ due in March, tecond atter; 5 chunks 70 1 pure bred York hog without papers. LMPLEMENTS- l'eering binder, 7 -foot cut; Feat a Wood ntower• Maxwell' hay loader; 12 -foot dump rake .13 -run Massey-Herris seed drill with grass seeder; 12 -run Frost & Wood seed drill eith grass seeder; Old Man cultivator; 2...fur- row Massey -Harris diec plow; 5 -section dreg harrow; • Massey -Harris manure spreader: double dec ; wooden .roller; set ,sleighs : 3 ' weight 850 Ilia ; 4 Iturhainaheifers, weight 800 lbs.; 5 Durham yeiarling steers; 5 Dur- ham- yeaeling heifers. PIGS -10 pigs, weight 160 lbs.; le 60W due middle March ;.2 Tarn - worth ;sows due March; 1 Tainwarth.eow due April 1st. SHEEP -16 well bred Leicester ewes. due"March 201h; 1 young Leicester ram. IMPLEMENTS -7 -ft. Massey-,Harria binder; 14 disc Deering drill; 1 McCormick waltiva- ; ter; 1 'Coekshutt, riding plow: 2 walking plows; Frost' & Wood gang plow; rubber tire - 'wagon ; 1 wagon!: 1 gra,e1 box: etoce Tack; number wagon wheels; 'root teepee; hay fork and 150 feet' rope.; 1 sleep fee -ding rack; 12 cotton grain bags; horse cellars; se. double' harness; set single harness; set breethings.; forks; shovels; 1 gas lantern. HAY -10 tons mixed hay: 1 bushel refl. clover seed] number sacks of Warba petatoes. POULTRY EQUIP- MENTMColony house, 10x12; colony stove and • hover; number ,Fond ear wheels and tires, • 30x31/2; few -hoeseheld effects and article too !.numerotts to mention. Terme-Cash. AL- BERT PEPPER, Proprietor; E. le Chesney. Clerk; Harold Jackson, 'Auctioneer. geed wagons • gravel ,e,ox ; hay rack ; hal-role ! cert; 1 ricr plow: Massey-Herns walking plow, nearly new: elassey-Harris bean puller ' Personals with new knive, with scuffler attachment • I etoneboat; cutter: 2 sets of double harness; ! set of single 'harness; several horse collars ;! "IlYGIENte SUPPLIE.e. (aIJBBER GOODS) Pair collar tom; slush scree:am poet hole 'Lj" mailed postpaid in Plain, settled envelope auger; Clinton funning 'mill with full. set of with .price lid. 6 isemples 25e: 24 sarnples sieves: De Laval „separator; 1200 lbs. eveigli 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOV-RUBBER scale; butiz saw; 2 pig erates; logging j CO., Bo* 91, Hamilton, Onto • chains; shovels, and other things teco nuttier- ' otis to 'mention. Terms-Caoh- No reserve. MRS. ROBERT BAKER, Promietress; Ed- ward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. . • 4134-2 For Sale' elLEARING AUCTION 'SALE OF FARM `a Stock and Ineoeinente. Lot 13, Concession 3. Tuckersmith Township, 1/2 mile west of Red Tavern. on Thuredety, March 20th, al. 1 ,pen.:, HORSES -1 hay mare 10 years old; 1 Clyde gelditig, 12 'years eld ; general purpose mem, 5 years old:, 1 driving mare. CATTLE -One cow 10 yeers old, dee April 4th; 1 black pow 10 yeers old: due March 1515; 1 cow let years Old, cibe March .30th: 1 cow 4 years old, due March eth ; 1 bri•nelle cow 5 yeas old. doe Mame. 19th : -1 farrow cow 7 yeare- old; 3 heifers a.nti 1 steer • rising 2 years. old; celve •rising 1 year old. Quantity of mixed grain: 105 :Yearling hens, Waite Leal -terns. 1 el 1'LE MEN TS -M ass ea -Ha r ris binder. 6 -foot etre dike new); McCormick -Deering nianure -spreader. Al condition: Massey -Harris' hay loader: elaesey-Harris mower 51/2 -foot cut: Messey•Harrie drill, 10 bee; bean .scuffier artel reeler; elassey-Ha,rris rake: McCormick -Deer- ing. walking plow: 2 single furrow .ridine. plows : 2-furrew gang • plow; lifesseyeelarris • cultivator with Moat/caster: ratectioe har- rows ; fanning mill: root pulper; rubber time blifi7gY ruler; democrat; 2 MP. Massy -Har- i -it eas engine: sleighs poultry equirment: ream-. house, 10x12: range- shelter: 5 cement s tee • ;rouges ; steel water tank; wagons hay mal.' sting rope and chain; hay fork rope. 1M) wheelbarrow ; De, Laval cream sep- arate:. . lowitler store and , canopy; I .wood heater; 2 heating stoves': some bousehrild ef- forts., eriditional items intheletain this sale Warr heese 12 years :old; lelack.cow due in Ar,rii: cream .sepserator, 530 tbs.: manure eattre. : fanning mill : farm wagon; Mas- sey-liarris grain drill; spring tooth cultiya- ter ; hay loader: a new stone.hoat; cutter hand seuffier; 32 -foot et -tension ladder; wove wire fence stretcher.; large iren kettle; Mae seyaIarrit in -throw disc; four -section of har laws; a oil drums; bag holder: foram shov ; harness : etc. Terms -Cash. WILLIA11 IRVINE. Proprietor; E. la Chesney,. -Clerk Harold Jackson, Auctioneer_ 4134 - r LEARENG AUCTION SALE OF FA. aa Stock, Implemente, and Household Effec at Lot 14, Cencession 4, .LR.S., 1 rnile wes of Red Tavern, Thursday, March 13th, at p.m. 11012SEe-1 matched team grey marc 7 and years, g:sock lbs., good in any harness and beem.hene eset of harness, dollars an collar top. CATTLE -1 Durhem cow du March 15t18; 2 Durham heifers aue Marc 201e; I Durham cow clue time of sale; 2 bab beefs. 600 lbs.: 5 Durharie steers; 900 lbs. fat: 2 fat heifers, 900 -Ms.; 2 heifers, 80 lbe.; I clef six weeks old Yor sow bred 6 weeks; 1 York 60W due May 1st 5 !York Chunks. 125 lee.; 6 chunks. 75 lbs. 1 Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS -6 -feet Decrint mower; 1 spring tooth cultivator; asectio harrows; 1 walking. Plow (like nee') : roo pulpere wheelbarrow; M.FL been stuffier an puller; fanning mill; 1 bob•sleigh; ea ewergen; 16 -foot hay rack; eutter ; chop box es'; bareelee; 2 Cement Pig troughs -, hay fork 140 feet rope; sling ropes end ,chain; cede poet; quantity of plank and lumber: arai hatee 'and sacks; leeks and shovels: whiffle tree; neckyokes and other articles • 2 roun water troughs; colony house 8/x10/ • 25 eord of dry hardwood; 200 bushels of Alaska onta and O.A.C. 21 barley (fit for seed): 200bush els' or oists; 75 buehels of wheat e quaneity o mixed hay; harrqw cart: milk Pails; 10 bushele turnips; harp inowe.r: 1 buffalo robe HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Clare .Jewel ,all -en amel Areal cook stere; kitchen cabaret; extension table ; • 6 kitchen' chairs: I •side board;1 day bed; number of rockers; num her of small tables; 1 teu,eirec heater Ped estals ; wringer; 1 -burner Celernan gas stove 2 table lamps : 2 bedreorn suite, !airings an mattresses; R.C.A. Victor battery radio; kSa chen utensils and qoantity of dishes and oth article. JACK CONel'IT, Proprietor; E. P Chesney, Clerk f. Harold Jaceson, Auctioneer. 4133- ri•LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARMS sta -Farm atock and Impletnents.-Mr. Ray - old Jaclacei has been instructed to sell by pu lic auction at Lot 3, cession 2. Tucke Ccn smith. one and a qnarte miles east and hal mile south of Hensel?. on Mtge:lay, March" 17 at 12 o'aeck sharp, the foLlewing: IMPLE- MENTS -1 Standard Oliver 70 on rubber, starter and lights ; 1 01ever Row-Crtop 70 new rubber and tip-top steee starter an lights, also 4 -row- scuffier, fully Extuipped Scan Melee -Attachment; 2 -row sugar beet lifter: arrates manure spreader; hucktake a tachnient; No: 21 12 -foot Maseey-Harris self propelled coineine, bin. scour clean ,and- pick - 'up, used one season; 2 good user] tractor tires, .9x40, 12x24; 1 McCormick -Deering. beeteand Scan planter, ,also exterisiori for 4 rows corn flike new): Oliver 2 -row cern picker and haaker Wise new) : I Massey-Efaeris, 13-dise fertilize!' tire] :i 1 International 13 -disc fertil- izer drill: 1 Massey -Harris Sat -foot s.tiff toetb cultivator: John Deere 7 -foot tandem disc (like new) ; Oliver 3 -furrow tractor plow; 8 - foot cultepaeker; 9 -foot 3 -dram steel roller: 2 sets of 4 -section barrows; 1 set of 3 -section harrows; International wide rake, - sulker rake; International manure spreader, like new; Martseyelearres 6 -foot tneemar: Massey - Harris bay loader; Oliver grain throwee with 30 feet of pipe; Viking electric cream. seperra tor; 1 heavy duty dual wheel ta-ailer, 6 -ton capacity. equemed. twith• aide dump; 1 rubber tired roller bearing wagon; 1 rabbet tired Taco waren; 1 set of farm abaghe 2 •e 16' -ea hay rack..., e 1 12 -ft. Sy 6 -ft.. with sides; ex- tensioneladdeee 2. farming. pans; lamer Grimm. evaporator, 101 x 21/2e, frail welamea (ele"er used); 1 neve gathering tater; 200 new Cream becketss; 1 sap pen and heater, 21/2e by fa; %rine Jack; 2.000 lb. scales: I grease gun, 20 lbet.: 12 5 -gallon oil cans; gas , barrels; beet forks; other forks; 2 lum ropes and pul- leys, and' ii host of other artkess. HARNESS -1 Set of lasekbend harness Once newa CATTLE -I Jersey cow and eat. POULTRY • -435.. Rock and Etvhaa hens; 10x10 csolony beam; 6 chicken - shelters and feeders; 1. brooder same. PIGS ---f70 Yorkshire Piste. herrn 100 to 175 pounds; 6 sself-feedeis and troughs. , GRAIN -600 'busbels of Mixed grain; 800 bushels of 'Ajax OWW4 (flt for seed); 60 tons of Reared corn. FARMS: Pare& 1--- 100 tares, Lot 'it, Con. 2. Frame) Iknise cov- ered with asbestos shingled; bank bare, &PM sued. Grad water supply; GO acres workable anal; 10 tares betide Parcel 2-Imbs 3 &rid 4, .0oii. il, 200 sena. Etseleliaen o•n eat a; tyro allele aorta on x,et 4; had actess of workfible land; 2 ranee of No. 1 trap% lamb. This is &ages elay loin* totd will be offered eft ,enie et ttecti tifteceleir Tern*: Citetthie-.-"Cdfdli Filtni.4105074.700 Ma. 10 Der 0Z40'100170fir toil- ittiO la Eta &WY. TM ; Prerivieter: E. P. Cibestailfi'YOlerk: Untold Jackson, Atietione • • a' 41624 etee • e, VOR SAIM-'31 CHEV. COACH, -FOUR neteie tiree New core radiator. • PHONE -Gee r 14, Seaforth• 4134-1 "(JAC:MT/el CLEAN'ER -- NEW BAGLESS Filter Queen; immediate delivery. M. BERGER. Phone 338, Seaforth, 4134x2 VOR SALE -PRACTICALLY NEW WHITE, !, enamel kitohen stove, Wingham Glipper. •APPly to ,LORNE WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 21, Seaforth. • 4133-2 TeAY OLD COCKEREL BARGAINS FOR "e" this week and next: Barred Rock, Light Sussex, New Hampshire X Barred Reck, Light Sussex X Barred...Reck, Light Suesex X New Harmpshire. Black Australorp. New Hanne shire 4.95, Assorted Heavier 4.75, White Leg - horns 1.00 per hundred,' Two weeks old add 6.00, taree weeks old add 11.00 per hundred. • Large Egg Quelity add 1.09, ,Specially Select- ed add 2.00 per hundreA. Shipped' C.O.D. any- where. This adve.resement must aecompany your order to secure thee special prices. TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES, Guelph, Ont. 4133-2 Agents Wanted • A GENTS WANTED TO SELL LAURA " WINE roasted nut -meats and processed Pamorn in your home toe -n and vicinity. In ' a very short time you can beild up for your- ' self a steady, subetantial, income. Write 10 - day for prioe list and particulars. Be first to ; introduce our product in your locality. •Thio -, offer is being made to you by a business' that - has mold its product succesfully over the _ counter in the City of Hamilton for the pat _ twelve years, Write today to LAURA 1 LORNE, 106 James Sweet North, Hamilton. • 4134-2 • • ; Notices ,. QEWING MACHINE REPAIRS - PARTS 2 ''-' for all make. New White sewing cab- . inets for sale- M. BERGER, Market Street. 1 Phone 338, Seaforth. 4134x2 s io FI-ECE LINE YOUR. HOME • WITH blown rock wool. Permanent and fire- , profit More comfort with less fuel. For free ) ,estimate phone The -Huron Expositor, or ; write Ra,WLAND -(1. DAY. 5 Thornton Ave, ; London. . 4126 -ti ; t: TOWN OF SEAFORTH l PRE -:PAY RECEIPTS . TAXPAYERS MAY 'NOW. •, "PURCHASE PRE -PAY • [ RECEIPTS FOR 1947 • TAXES. . . ' APPLY AT THE . TREASURER'S OFFICE TOWN, HALL. ,. Tenders Wanted . VOR SALE BY TENDER -115 -ACRE GRASS • a farm. Lot 34,- Concession 14, McKinop. .. Never-failina seringtereek. Any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be receiv- ed until.Apri) 1. THOMAS NASH, Seaforth. 4133x3 • Farms For Sale FARM , FOR SALE -400 -ACRE FARM ON Mill Road :' all under grass accept 10 acres in luly: spring water in barn, eard and soft water in- bouee; Hydro; new fureaee. One-half mile from school, 4 miles from Sea - forth; 2 miles frotn Brucefield. On direct • highway. Fon further particulars apply to MRS. rALEX WRIGHle Brumfield. , 4132-3 FOR SALE ' FARM CONetSTING OF /00 ACRES, OF a choice clay loam, at Let No. 7. Conees- sion 1, Hallett Tow-nship, on No. 8 Hiehwey. 4 miles west of. Seaforth, or 4 miles east of Clinton. On isaid farm is situated a well built twe- stoma brick home with - furnace; steel barm. 36e x 781, water throtighotit the buildings; iroplement shed nearly new; '4 acres of eoung bush. 077 the farm is 6 acres of fall +reheat and 35 acres of fall plowing done, with the balance in hay and pasture. . . For further !information apply to: STEW. ART DALE, Administrator, or MRS. AGNES1 DALE, Administratrix for the Entate of the. late Charles F. Dale. 4112-2 r --- - - Cards of Thanks '7. .... .. .„ ....,... WL MATP. ARMSTRONG '•,ptsInts TO ammo his trincere appreelation , of tbe kindness extended to hem dueing his recent serious accident and particularly th the magas of Scott Me:Moral leespital- , . • . 4134-1 In Memoriam TN LOVING 14EMORY OF 110 8504811, Tits 1Cfni: WW1. WeS0Ott, who passed away March 10, 1946. • . There is a sad but sweet remembrance, There is a memory sad arid tele: There is a token of affection, -Mother, And st beartache atilt for essi. -Sealy mimed by ,the wftia.tt ratng7. ' 4.1.84x1 asearwiesee• misaireameate. D IOALLIfesTn. halal, OW Pr1011', Pe14141/%1 88, - finial Oadraore, beloved wife of Maid tiestAALazt, ,t7 • SCOTT -Alec and B. y Scoa. So .forth, witsh to announce the . .son at Scott Mem:alai ! sn 11. ti ry March 3; 1947. ROSS -1n Scot; Men, r 11 tA .n Meech 415, to Mr este, 0 15! R s Sea - forth, a dru BANNON-In S.• ''s -s. 't r el, on February 27 •• Seefenta, .. .1 et re JE,NKINSeeeln' Seo; •t 1 i February 2.8 sn, "m . Mt 11 lay Jen- kins, Bruceffeld, a ale M00RE-1n Soat el vier. 'I 11 1 un Februarerre8 to al • ..n Mt' • 2- •n Moore, Seaforth,. a, daughter. MiceleLLAN--In ecer M enure,: Pe ;Mal March 1, to Er. Itt M , ete n 141c."4 I Ribbert, a are. Seaforth Women's • Pag. • • reported ill the IIustrote ' Landon News. • -Always ar ale en; advoCatd• of the British connectibe he lees a captain in the Milit:a duel g.rce Feilan. Raid and lived. to se •, his iyo ngest son, Frank reech tae leek of Me or in :he First Woad War Ife was a strong and lite -tong an,1 at one time carried un seir ted nn t awe'. sy .with Goldw'n S th, arot'ler traas- . planted Irishmar with views directly opposed .to those of George Z. 'Jack- son. Goldwin Smi•11 was as strong a supporter of th pritjip1 of • xa- tion to the 73 Ilea! Sates a.; George Jackson was unalteraNy ofTosed to it and their letters make spies read- ing on a subject to which present. -day Canadians seldom give a thought. He also carried on a controversy with Prof. C.. .A. Chant, of 'the Uni- versity of Toronto, 'later in charge of the observatory -et Richmond Hill. on the relativity of heat and Cold. Prof'. Chant held the conventional scientific view that • • - . it- self,rt but was simply the absepce of heat, Mr: Jackson believed that cold was a force, being the opposite of heat.. Many 'letters were exchanged on the subject by these two veterans, and all the honors did notgo to Prof. Chant. George . Jackson had powerful weapon that stood him in good. stead all the days of anable tongue with a...splendid command 'of the Eng- lish language:, He seldom or 'never used profanity; 'He' didn't haVe. to. 'He boill•d Ma,ke. the thickest -skinned in clivi dual • look a rou nd . for a hiding and even his grown sen.walked soft- ly when George E. Jackson was• on .the war path. He wee a,school trustee of' Eginond- ville School for aer forty ,years, t:knd his interest in., the progress of the• pupils was intense and continuous. •; He lived to see the Allied cause, to i which .he was, devoted, triumphanti dying in April, 1919.at tile age of Sli.1 adissitenaleacomnitmonnammalmileal CONSTANCE Messrs. W. J. Dale and William Jewitt who were in Toronto last wecl attending the Good Roads Conve.7.-., tion, returned home on Sunday. • The Storm Every road in the district' is block- ed g,fter the worst s•tdrna witnessed in mab, years, The, snowplow that ,Mr. Frank Riley is in Charge' of, and which 'broke down, has been repaired, and he hoped to have 'the road open- ed to No. 8 Highway some time Wed- nes&Y. The schools have been clos- ed all week. TUCKERSMITH • The 17th -months -old son of Mr. and Mrs, Warren Whitmore, 2nd conces- sion, was taken seriously ill with pneumonia on Tuesday at bis home. Dr. Paul la Brady was noted and followed the plow as 'far as Alma Cor- ,ners from where he went_ on skiis across the fields to the aid of the sick Considerable difficulty Was en- cotintered at the Htiron• Tract Cairn, Peat West of Seaforth, with high drifts. The, child is now out of danger. • BRUCEFIELD 1111MWM. • Ten men from the village went down to James Mustard's on Wednes, dap to help dig out the railway snow- plow Yahich, was sleek there. The plow had twat, engiffee on it, bet one of them was not able to be used as. the coal supply gave out... The mea were John Wan, fteg Aubin, Archie Mustard, Frank and Thornton Mes2 tard, .,Kenneth Scott, Glenn Swan, Harry Woolley, Victor Aubift and Ar- thur Dutton. Mrs. James Fitzpatrick and son •spetut the week -end in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser, of Hen- sel], visited Mrs... H. Zapfe. - Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bothe, of Hen - sail, were guests of Mr. C. Sinapso'n this week. ' . Miss Marion Paterson, of London, is a guest at her holne here.. ' Mrs. William Rohner, of Varna, spett Saturday With Mrs. Alice }Ribber. Miss Bessie 1Dutot is. recovering, nicely after a recent operation in Clinton Public Hospital. 4, McKILLOP . The World's Day- of Prayer was held at the home of Mrs. W..J. Pat- ton on Friday, Feb. 21. The Program given in tie leaflet. was followed. Those taking part Were Mrs, Patton, Mrs. Robert Campbell. Mrs. C. R. Henderson and Mrs/. John Hillebrecht. Others taking part Were Mrs. John Gordon, M. Mac Scott, Mrs. Jatnes Kerr, MN., David Shannon. and Mrs. William Shannon. Mt- Patton sang a solo, 'Which. was •tritich enjoyed. We. e R. Henderson gave a reading On "World's Day of Prayer in Portu- gal." trynin 568 Was Ming and Mrs. Patton pronounced the benediction. The nteeting Was closed by singing "Oed Satre the King." W.M.S. and W.N. Meet The W., M. 8. and Vit., A. Of tnift's A.t.1101\ l'be worst snowstorm that has been anoen for many years beat 'about the :1a,i.,0 on Sunda.), night. .Trams and aa.sei s have ceased to run, and even 020-5 coula not get through. By evening bread became scarce .11 the village aria housewives are nov, haiiim; their own, something that , .•• ,s flCV o wal1y-0i tile present ge•nera- ,iuu, Milk and butter • Were also 30121.502 1..ut itu,, 1.,ennett relieved the sltuatioe on Weanesdayby bring- ing in a load of millt by team and sieign. The drifts on Main Street are at least 15 feet high, and there . • is a verj.,crooked one-way track down. the eentre. Mrs, Duncan Johnston was unable Ito get out of her house owing to a. • drift Which c6mp1etely closed. up the ;front door. I Mr.`Geol:ge Love walked through the blinding snowstorm on Monday fromhis home one-half mile from Walton to take the train to, siton the jury at Goderich, and on arriv- ing found that court had been called . • off. • Mr. Wilmer Cuthill Was unable to make the Way to town by the road, so came up the railroad track With his horse and sleigh. 6.1,taitassaiwuriat....a. ..mtm %yjrffl�p Donald 'Horne,. Elgin Hulley and Gordon. Betties skied' to. Seaforth OI Tuesday and found the going very sisenuous, so much so that tbey stay- ed overnight and skied back home on •Wednes.day. • ' Mrs. Theron -Betties has returned; freire,;-visiting friends in Goderich. Mr. nndMrs.. Ken Betties are living with Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bettles,•to be'nenr Ken's wol.k of driving the Mc- Killop snoWtlow. ' • • , Mr. Scott Bolton, hos been on ane sick list.-„Ntre wish him a speedy re- covery. Red "Gros Holes Annuai Meeting The a,nnual nieeting of the Red Cros unit was held in the school room of the church with 18 ladies present. :Two• quilto were finished. Mrs. Betties gave a -brief report of the six year's work, and $547 left in the Box Cortimitte Fund was voted to Chinese .relief. A committee was apt...ointed, composed of: PreSddent, Mrs. Betties.; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. E. Toll, and Mrs. R. Davidson, Mrs. 'C'hambers, Mrs. R. McFarlane and Mrs. R. 'Dodds. Mrs. Arthur McClure favored with two Scotch songs, whipla were much. enjoyed. Mrs. E. Toll ex- pressedin a few wads the joy of having Mrs Art -McClure with us and, our •iriterest iri her welfare. Mrs_ 1.3,ettlesi. presented her witha quilt 1.7op the unit. Mrs. John Adams, v h was unable to., be 'present, was given, -on,e later. Two contests and community singing -Were enjoyed *1/S" all. Lunch was served.--• • . Mr. William 'Church, who spent the past two .months in England, has ar- rived in Toronto on his. way fame, but cannot reach his home in MeKil- lop until the trains run again. HENSALL • Miss. Mary G-oodwin will he' hostess/ for the March Meeting of the Evening Auxiliary on Monday next. The March meeting of the Hensall W.I. Will be held -at the home of Mrs. P. A. Ferguson on Wednesday, March 12. . The dance, - sponsored by the Ghia' Dance Club, which was to have been held on Friday evening, hasebeen. post- poned. Miss Nina Begley, of Port Dover, is a guest this week with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. • a '' Mrs. Sydney McArthur, who was taken. to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don.- on Friday 'last in Bonthron's ambulance, %offering from a severe stroke, and who was uneonsaious for several daye, is reported as having regained consciousness. . Miss Hattie Sutherland, who spent the past two' ,weeks „in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned home and is in Mrs. Seundercock's Hospi- tal in Hensalk where she is reeting eAk comfortablya -'-`,x.m Jerry Noakes, ix-tnonths-old son of Mr. and Mrs. -to dy Noakes, who .laaa been very ill with pneumonia, is now improving. , Hibbert 'township council meeting, whichwee scheduled to have been held one Monday last, has been .post - paned due tai the weather and roads. The- gravel- •tenders which -weft- -to- have been considered at this meeting, will be taken care cif at a later date. The C.N.R. snowplow has been stuck at James iVtustardes, about 314 miles north of .Heneall. There are two engines on it, but one is now, out of working order due- to the shortage of coal. A crew of twenty men are digging it Out. -Nine of this ,crew are tallin-g their rneSis: it the homes of James Mustard and James Wright. They finally- got be plowomoving, but it is steak again at W. R. Cooper's. The .Arnold 'Circle of Carmel Citureh held their' regtilar- Meeting at . the home ,of :Vire. C. Kennedy on Friday, February 28, with Mre. L. Baybarn, vice-president, presiding.. There Were twenty' Preeetit, Mrs:. Charles Fairest read the Seripture lesson and prayer (hilted Church wag held at the was •Offered ,by 'Mot, VI. MrOWL Men. t, • V, A, FergaSbil Presented the topic on India," A" delicious lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The Mort meeting will he held at the home ef Mrs, W. Brown. The nian.Y friends (t1t.'Mrs. T. Rich- ardson Will regret to learn that she has been ill, hut Is now- reeovering. As Allan Fraser, accompanied by R. E. Matz, were returning to work at Centralia, Airport on Monday, the car became stuck in a snow drift. Metz was in front of the 'ear .and Fraser at the refr when the Wonder Bread truck came along and. not pee- ing the stalled car Crashed into it. Mots received a broken leg and chest injuries, while Fraser received a coin - Pound fracture ef his leg. Motz was taken to the. Kerslake farm, while Fraser was removed to Westminster HosiAtal, The Hdrondale WI. held their meet- ing in Thames Road United Church recently wheu the faurilles of the In- stitute members were entertained. It was the occasion of the 50th birthday of the, foundling,or the Women's In- stitute in Ontario. Tvirs. W. Kirk was in the chair, astd Mas. A. Moir pres- ented an interesting aCeolint of the history of the Institute, the Iirst meeting Was; held, 14 Stoney Creek is 18.9T. Musical minabers were given, hY Kenneth Johns and Grant Morgan, Thames Read orchestra, and a; die"- logue by ladies' of liimv1ile. MrS- Jackson Woods eondUcted a radio quiz. The South Huron, Agricultural Se- ciety seed Shoiv, which was to have been held on. Saturday, March 8, has been postponed until March 15. The funeral of the late Mrs..Alice Wren, of Hibbert, was held from the rektdence of Mr. T. D. Wren on Sat- urday last, , having been pestponed from Friday. Rev, R. A. BrOok of- ficiated. A trio was sung by Mr. azd Mrs. G. T. Wren and Mrs'. McLean. The pallbearers were William Parker, Carl Stoneraan, WiUIaxn atintnell, Lloyd McLean, Robert .McLean,., Jack Glenn, Thomas Bnintnell and G. T. Wren. Mrs. J. E. McEwan returned home on Saturday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love in Cayo, Michigan, also with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Porterfield, itiV1int4Michigan. HENSALL SEED SHOW • The South Huron Agricultural- Society will hold their Annual Seed.Show ht the TOWN HALL, HENSALL ,Postponed Until atueday, Kar. 15 1947 PRIZE LIST: , The following( prizes will be awarded on the best samples of Seed exhibited In accordance. with the rules governing Seed Fairs: • 1st gnd 3rd 4th • 5th fith One Bushel Fall Wheat • $5.00 • $4.00 $3.25 $2.75 $2.25 $1.50 One Bushel Early Oats, Alaska, Car- Ni tier and Vickland 5.00 4.00 325 2.75 2.25 1.50 One .Bushel Late Oats 5.00 4.00 3.25 2.75 2.25 1.50 One Bushel Barley% 6 -rowed 5.00 4.00 3.25 2.75 2.25 1.50 One Bushel Field Peas 3.00 2.25 1.75 1.50 One Bushel Field..Beans 5.00 4.00 3.25 2.75 2.50 1.50 One Bushel Soya Beans 3.00 2.25 1.75' 1.p •One-half Bushel Timothy Seed 3.00, 2.25 1.75 1.50 One -Half 13usbet Red Clover Seed.'3.0f) 2.25 1.75 . 1:50 One-half Bushel .Alsike Seed 3.00 2.25 1.75 1.50 One. Bushel Aldike Seed 3.00 2.25 1.75 1.50 One Bus. Potatoes, Warba or Cobbler 3.00 2:25 1.75 1.50 One Bushel Potatoes, general crop3.00 '2.25 1.75 • 1.50. Special Prize, • Bushel .Corn .on Cob5.00 4.00 3.25,- 2,75 2.25 1.30 One Bushel Table Turnips • 3.00 2.25 1.75 1.50, • Most ,creditable showing of. Grain arid Seeds L. Sweepstake Badge. • First prizes for small seedsdonated by JOIlies, MacNaughton, Exeter. Special -Best 10 Bushel' Lot .of Oats, first prize donated by Cannel Mill, Exeter -M.00. second prize $5.00. Special -Best 10 Bushel Lot of BarleY, rst prize donated by Geo. T. Mickle ,& Sons, $10.00; second prize, $5.00, • SEED JUDGING COMPETITION . L-•-Conapetition is under the slirection of the Huron County Brunel" of the entail° De- partment of Agricalture. 2. -Open to all' youag men in the 'County, 12 to 26 years of age, who have not completed two years or more at an Agricultural School or College. 3. --Two classes of Wheat, oats, ltaile-y and small seeds willtbe indeed and all competi- tors will judge all olaeses. Eight classes will be judged and oral reasene taken on one lass of each moue, four cleeses. 4. -Entries to be made at the Hensel] Tqwn hall by '9.30 a.m..., sharp_ Prize meney for this competition donated. by the littron Federation of Agriculture and the Agricultural Committee of the lateen Couatn: yCouncil. sectio I.-Chan to those 18 years and under. 2. -Open th young men, lesto 20 years if age- - Priz$5.31.S4et5300, 4200, 51.9 0,510O,51.00,5100,fleachseetion:t • RULES AND REGULATIONS f. -All seeds entered for competition mast have been arown by the exhibitor within one year previous to the Exhibition, except wheat, oats and barley elaseee„ which may have been grown in 1945. ea -Competitors must become members of the Society by paying to the Treasure -se there- of, either previous to or at the tinae of mak- itig entries, the sum` of 31.00 each. 3.-allo prealium.s shall be awarded on ex- hales that contain weed seed, which in the opinion of the judge, are of a nextous nature. 9. -No exhibitor hall receive more thanb one prize in any class. 5. -All samples must be correctly labelled with the name of the variety. 6. --In case of dispute. a statutory declara- tion that the above rules have been complied with, may' be required from 'each or any ex- hibitor of seed. 7.-0.11 exhibits for competition for priun must be delivered at ,the Town Hall, Hensala not tater than 1210 o'elock noon, arid shall not be, removed until the close of the Fair at 4 P.m. ADMISSION FREE G. W. AILMSTRO-KG, W. R. DOUGALL, PRESIDENT •'SECRETARY 1. Town of Seaforth WANTED A Man To Act As Extra Policeman for Saturday nights and on other occasions as required. Duties to commence immediately. APPLY' AT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Do You Want Relief from • A new end wonderful 1-es2ae4 ter Dosed* railer &Int Sinus and .1.1ft trouble. , Also for Heed , This Remedy Is .ICtiOwn As Fannliof is a White Powder to be used ai Snuff. Simple ton' Clicrek Owing to the rapidly' increasing sensaad for this product and the scarcity of ono of the rare ingredients of the tormitia,, It is necessary. to restrict the output to ono , _ bor to st. customer every three months. AFP/ESENT AVAILABLE ONLY BYMAL StNtiLiEll CO., tit* 582, LONDON, orer . Please 1414 goelosed WOO in Payment far 1 Box Ellanllier 1. -TiliP-7" ' N ••• ehmmur••• ...... ADDRESS