HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-02-28, Page 8seree..-ereeermer."7"777 . • • 77,73aalteavaar,„ T lAtITOMOBIL CASUALTY, BANTEE POND, ACCIDENT, §-1004EB_B__, BURGLARY AND ' WINDSTORM IFese0Ung Companies who give Securit.y with fiery -ice. AGENTS V 011 ONTARt0 SHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE • Information gladly given. WATSON & 'REID • : FIE10 - Proprietor ,o,-3.•Jiisurance& Real Estate PHONE 214 - SEAFfIRTH o 0.0 0.0 00 BOX junerat i§erbice 0 Ambulance 0 Prompt and careful attention. HoapiAal Bed , F4DWERS FOR ALL 0 'COLONS 0, Office " Residence 0 0 0 3 0 -0 43 18 -Co 0 Do 0 0 0 0 0 0000 NEWS OF RV TOWN Announcementr. 304 Mel- vin V. Clarke Announce the engage- ment of their elder.' dtalaghter, Eliza- beth Eleahbr (Betty), to hir, Johu Enlmerson Smith, sou. of Mr. and .1Ylre, Emnaersou Smith, of lUppen, the runr- riage to take P/aee the middle 'of March. 000000000oo 0 G. A. WHITNEY "°` 0 " Successor to 0 HOLM ES & WHITNEY 0 0 WO Street - Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. 0 Agent for Mitchell' Nursery 0 0 Flowers. - 0 0 Telephone 119 0 Nights and. Holidays 65 0 00000000....C.,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o' 0 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance'Service 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 • - , TAXI SERVICE "•• • ..!•", • •5•!?•?•.::,, ••• .. • /.• ae„ Atee.4oes., Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON Entertains Northside Choir. — Mr. and Mre. James A.. Stewart eatertain- ed the members of Northstde United Church choir at their home,, last Thursday; evening, following the regu- lar practise period at the church. The eveaiug was spent in playing bingo d matching shill in eontests, a an spelling match were the words wore spelt nackwards. .4"delicious lunch was served by:the hostess, assipted by Mrs. H. V. Workman, Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain and L. Morrison! Miss Mabel Turnbull, on behalf • of the meeting, expressed appreciation of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Car Washing AND Simonize AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 • ton high, Aellotd, e,XPreeSad ta thS stmt And the attidenta and to the etMtn' ity the deepest syetpatny of, the. staff lead students and residents of Bine lington on the lose pf Mr, Archibald. riern. at Seatorth, Ont., thop. of the late Mr. and Mrs, James, Areni-, bah1 IVLr. Archibald graduated, -from' Queen's University wt honors in math.ematics-, and was else grad11-1 ate of the Ontario College of Educe - tion and had received the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy from the Una.' versity of Toronto. He was on the staff of- Dunnville high school and was principal of Listowel high school for four years before going to Oakville. He was an ardent supporter of sports in the schools and played hockey and soccer in his youth. A member of the Masonic Order ad the Lions .he was arse president of the Oakville Bowling Club and was an Elder in Knox Presbyterian Church. 1Besides his widow. the former StfPaii. Scrim- geour, be is.Survived. by two daugh- tees, Mrs. K. F. Prueter aid Margaret, A son, William 'Archibald, was killed in the Second Great War while flying with the..R.C.A.F. • Ale Egmondville W. A. and :W. M: S. Meets.—The February meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was heldat the home of Mrs. A. C. Routledge. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs, Boyce; in the chair. Hyinn. 263 was sung and the Lord's Prayer re- peated in unison. The minutes of the Previous meeting were .read and adopted' and, the roll call answered, Following the business period Mrs. Boyce introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Johtason, who ably took' the topic, "Caste Thy. Bread Upon the Waters."' Mrs. Watson gave a read- ing, "The Ladies' Aid," and Mrs. Hugh Chesney favored with a .solo. The W.M.S. then conducted the devo- tional part of the meeting. Mrs. R. McGeoch took the .worship service from the Missionary Monthly, and Mrs. McMillan took the topie, "India," from the study.. book. Mrs. A. W. Gardiner 'offered a prayer for misaion- aries, and Hymn 267 was repeated in First Presbyterian W. M. S. Meets. —The Senior Auxiliary of the Wo- men's Missionary Society met in. First Pree•byterian Church Tuesday -atter- noon with Mrs. Robert Eberhart pre- siding. A prayer was given .by Mrs. Freeman, followed by the Lord's Prayer in +liaison; Bible reading by Miss Ballantyne, and current 'events by Mrs. Neil Gillespie. The second chapter of the study- booka"Towards a Christian India," was taken by Mrs. J. Patterson, group leader, assisted by Mrs. Chas. Aberhart and Mrs. Harry Stewart At the conclusion of the meeting an executive meeting was held when arrangements were made for the Easter.thealkoffering in Marc. Churches First Presbyterian Chutich.-10 a.m,, The Sunday School; 11 •a".in*. and 7 p.m., Public , Worship; the minister will preach. Thursday at. 8 ,p.m., "The Quiet Hour," the second in' the series of mid -week Lenten services. • Northside.United Church.—Rev. H. V, Workman, Minister: 11 a.m., "The Temptation' of Jesus'': 2.30 p.m., Sun- day School; 7 p.m„ "A Text That 'Changed History." Communion see .vice,' March 9, AnOlican.—Mareb. 2: Second, „Sun- day in Lent: St. Thomas', Seaforth- 10 a3m., Sunday 'School; '11 a:m., Holy Communion:. 7 .p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Mary's, Dublin.. -2.30. p.m.,' Sun- day School;- .3- p.m., Chetch Service. Wednesdaye.March 5, 8 p.m., Week- night service in St. Thciroas' Church, 11.ector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. • '4111' • 'Barbara •Kirkman Auxliiary Meets. —The Februaty meeting` of the Bar- bara Kirkman: Auxiliary of First Ptes- byterian Church was, 'held Tuesday evening. The presidett, 'Mrs. J. E. Daley, conducted •the business *Tart of 'the meeting, and Mrs. I. B. Russell, whose group "The Marian Williamson" arranged the program, presided dur- ing the devotional period. Mrs. S. Pullman read the Scripture lesson and Mrs: G. D. Ferguson gave the prayer. Current events were read by Miss Laidlaw. Mrs. W. A. Wright 'and Mrs. A. Kerr sang a very pleasing duet, and the...offering was taken by Mrs.3, Rae Holmes and Mrs. W. M. Stewart. The topic,' the -second chapter -in the study book on India, was introduced by Mrs,' Russell. The'chapter dealt With tfie religions of ;India and was, ably and interestingly given by lyIrs. J. A. MacDonald, Mrs. C. E. Smith. and Mrs. McKenzie, with Miss Belle Smith as interrogator. • a Mae Lane Auxiliary' Meets. — The Mae Lane Auxiliary of Northside United Church held their February meetingeon Tuesday evening at eight o'clock with the president, ,Mrs.. B. F. Christie, • in the ehair. Miss Vera Mole, first vice-president, opened the Meeting with a reading, "Be Kind.", 'After singing "Guide MO, 0 Thou Great Jehovah" Mrs, Norman Knight led 'in prayer. The ,minutes of the January' meeting were read by the' secretary. Miss Mary Pryce. Various reports were given by the secret;eries, followed by the roll call.,,..Mrs. A. W. Sillery. captain of Circle 2, had charge during the remainder of the meeting. A solo, "In the _Garden of Tomorrow," was -sting-•bY Miss Luella Taylor;- ac- corapanied by', Miss Winnie Savaug.e The Scripture' reading was taken by Mrs.' A, W. Sillery, and Miss Laura Mole led in prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Mor- rison gave the topic, "India At the Threshold," under the tellowing head- ings: (1) Christian Youths, of India; (2) India Youth in Wartime. • ,During the war, organizations. e.g., "Young Men's Christian Association" arid "Christian Council of Youth" were formed. The -meeting closed by sing- ing' "All the Way Ly Saviour .LieadS Me," and repeating the Mizpah bene- diction in unison. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen SEAFORTH - EXETER CLINTON Seaforth Showrooms open Tuesdays. See Dr. Earburn for appointment any otbsr time, or Phone 41-3, Exeter. Chesterfields, and Occasional. Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Alen Auto Seats and•Eficks, Verandah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering Co. Stratford • TELEPHONE 579 For further information apply at Bogs Furniture Store. SEAFORTH BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 • „( FOR' SALE 11/2 story frame dwelling, John St. 'Dwelling property\in the Village of Walton, 'with outbuildings. Suitable for poultry farm. 104 acres in Towuship Good buildings. ' Hydro. Terms, if desired. • • 10Q acres, J.2 acres of bush, Town- ship of Hullett, Lot 14, Con. 6. Brick house; large bank barn with other, good ' outbuildings. Water in build- ings. Possession April 1. Reasottable terms. . 50 -acre grase farm on Highilray near St. Columban;. no buildingsebut would be suitable for poultry terra. M. A. REID. • REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COIL MEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS; Trtaiik McGregor; Clinton - President hris„Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Viee-Pres. Merton A. Reid,- Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. T'reN,artha, Clinton; Harvey Fuller, R.R. -2,-Goderich; H. McEwing, R.R. 1, Myth; Frank McGregor, Wt.' 5, Clinton; Htigh Alexander, R.11,„1, Wal- iten;', William R. Arcbibaldy R.R. 4, ISealdrth; John L, Malone, R.R. 5, Sea- t fOrtli; S. H. Whittriore, R.R. forth. , " , Finlay Meitereher, kit 1,, Dublin; Pepper, Itrucefield; Priteterni tirbilliagettj 'Cl/e'er& A, :Milt Bitb .1010– so? vpv4soll, ory • ILO - M 0)04 Ha%) Seaforth NORM. CARNEGIE and Hifi Rand ADMISSION 50 CENTS unison. Follewing:the Meeting a de- licious lunch was served. 'hy 'Group 1 and a social half-hoity spent. • LOCAL ;.BRIEFS g the -pea twe'MOatba'aitaiting- 1/.04 parents, end Mrs. goiwili•H411t„ on. WeditteadaY3.attending theeDiptrict, • Mr, NI....A, • Reid .ft TinirStitty fawning tor Mentreal on a business trip, ••. • i'.. 'at Mre. DA. Z. Clarke we in Toronto an Friday, • mr. Ranald' Reinke, of Tdrente, spent the week -end with friends in, tetwie • Miss Rebecca Shinen will pend the week -end at 'the home of her sisr ter and brother-in-law,• Mr. a4 Mrs, Willie Fleischer, in Toronto.' • Miss Clara Gilbert, of Tbroniceie a guest At, the home et her parents, Rev. and Niest,..C! F. L. Gilbert, • Miss Helen Smith, nerse-hartrainT ing at St, jpeephe Hospital, London, spent the week -end at the berne.•.ef her parents, Mr. and Mrs., E. Smith, • Mr. Robert Mettercher was .in, Tort:el:to this week on, business. • -MeSsrs. Edwie, P. Chesney, ChaS. MacKay and Rey. 'Pepper, of Tucker - smith,. and' Mr: J. M. Eckert., of Mc- Killop, were in Toronto this week attending the Good Roads Conven- tion. • °teens at. the home of Mrs, Harry Scott over the •week -end were Prof. and Mrs. James R. Scott, Mr., Donald SVott and Miss Joan- Mary Jackson, of Toronto, and Mr. }ferry Scott, of London.' • Mr,' and Mrs- Gordon McKellar and family, of Torontoe'were guests of Mr. and Mrs..W. De'Smith in Eg- mondville and Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- Kellar. • Mrs. Atide.n. Arkell- and Miss Judy Artell, of Sarnia, were week -end guests of'Dr. and' Mrs. E.'A. McMas- ter. • Mr. and Mrs. Hal l34nnen, of Guelph, were Sunday guests of 'her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mrs.' L.“C. Jackson is. spending a few days in Acton with her daugh- ter, Mrs. H. °Hinton, and Mr. alinten • Miss Jean McMaster, nurse -in - training at Hamilton General Jilospi- tal, spent the week -end, a,t the home of her parents, Dr. and WS. E. A. McMaster. • Mr. and Mrs.• 'Charles Felker at- tended the salver wedding annivers- ary of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fatal', near Listowel, on Thursday of last week. • Mr. John Elligeon is confined to St. Joseph's ' Hospital, Loiadon. • Mr. Kenneth Eaton, of London, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Eaton. ..‘• Mr. Donald Munn; University of Western Ontario, London, spent the week -end with 'his parents, Dr. and Mrs, J. A. Munn. • Mrs. Gladson Campbell, Toronto, returned home Saturday after spend - Death of R. H. Archibald.—Robert H. Archibald, Principal of Oakville high school for 23 years, died Sudden- ly. at his home on Reynolds, St., -Oak- • Friday night. He had been in ill • for some weeks and Was thought to be.re,edVering when lie was strick- en suddenly. Mr. Archibald ' died a half hour before the annual com- mencement exercises of the Oakville high school were to be 'held, and out of respect, to his ittetnory the assent- .bly observed one -minute silence, and all musical numbers on the program .and the dance arranged to follow the program. were' cancelled. The high school was closed valonday., Funeral services took place Knox .Presby- tertari Church with interment, at St. Jude's cemetery. George C,' .Altkins, chairman of the board b -f education who made the announcement of Mr. Archibald's death to the assembled students, said: "Thirou.gh,his devotion to the school, Mr. Archibald at all times carried on •arttl am sure that it would be his wish that we de so tonight. Be 'has given 23 years of arduous service to the school and this eoromenity and through , Ills &Orbs this school has, obtained, espeeialle, at this lig year's departmental tioe- anilhatforle, an OPAgb.)8 tflaCe anterlig the schools in Ontario. This is hate to Arehibald and, the Stiff." r. "i7V. Dates, prindosi of th6, Burling Lae ••. •,••,;"- ord- Ferguson OWNERS Avoid that Last Minute Rush to Have Your k Tractor Repaired for Spring Work! — CALL — aly's GARAGE Telephone 102 SEAFORTH For Appointment Now!' , We specialize in BODY AND FENDER, REPAIRS and REFINISHING LATEST MANTEL • alio Sets MARCONI $32.95 and $57.50 PHILCO . $51.00 ASTRA .......$49.50 VICTOR RECORD PLAYER 1&95 (attaches to any radio) Vidor and Bluebird RECORDS On display for the first The New 1947 – ADVANCED DESIGN Philco Refrigerator FORII--:–MONARCH DEALER • 'SEAFORTH ZURICH Dashwood •Defeats Zurich Paced ,by,Bill Musser and. Hayter Who combined for five goals between them, Dashwood collected a four -point victory over Zurich •in the first game of a Cyclone League deuble-header at Exeter Friday night, coming out on the long end of a 6-2 score. Musser potted three .goals with J. Hayter col- lecting .two •and B. Hayter driving home the sixth tally for the winners. Turkheim and Krueger scored Zurich's goals in the fast but slightly one-stdr ed game. - • CONSTANCE The World's Day of Prayer was ob- served' at Constance on Friday when the theme of the • 'meeting was "A Highway of Peace." In addition to .hymns 'that were' Sung, the program. included 'prayer by Mrs. Lirid•say; reading of 24th Psalm, Mrs. Charles Dexter; answering of roll 'call by a Scripture verse. which,' included the word "Faith"; reading in unison of the preparecl program:. LOrdia. Prayer in unison; reading Of 20th verse of John 17 by Mrs. Lindsay! a, paper on "Prayer" by Mrs. Britton; solo, "Somewhere, Somehew," by •Mrs. Lindsay; a reading from the Christian Digest by 'Mrs. Ethel Stephenson, and' 'a story, by Mrs. Montgomery, "The Prayer of One Woman." During the meeting,' which was closed by Mrs. Dexter p onouncing. the benediction, letters o hanks for remembrance were, read. • FOR SALE Modern House, bent, with 21 acres. Make good poultry farm. Close to Town. Prompt possession. 15b -Acres—Brick house, bank barn, silo, otber good buildings; 20 acres bush. Toweship of Tuckersmith. Prompt possession. DUBLIN St. Mary's Church Guild- met at the - home of Mrs..Joseph Dill 'on ,Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. Albert Rock pre - .sided, opening the meeting with a hymn and prayer. The usual business -waS transacted and during the session it was decided give a donation to the China relief fund. A quilt was quilted. Lunch was served by the hostess and assistants. MraMartin Feeney spent the week- end in Detreit2 Miss Theresa McGee, of London,: 'spent the ‘veelt-end with' Mr, and Mrs: - Gilbert Murray. Miss Theresa Ryan. of London, vis- ited her parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN REAL ESTATE BROKER INSURANCE Phones: 334 pr 220 : Seaforth DICK The Upholsterer OW. t•ni° Pet new life into yotIr Chester- field with a, retipholetering job. - This is freguently more sattsfac- tory than a new one. Let us give you an estimate. No obligation. Come in and see, tor • c411 ST. COLIJMBAN NOW PLAYING Thursii0r, Fi4ay,Satiii440.,r: „ THE THRILL co., " With' EVELYN KEYES KEENAN WYNN, ANN Milt1-14Ft Gay, Sparkling, Funny.— and eminently the aright ticket for ,eeteer tainraent Plus. , . .3 • • MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "TWO' YEARS BEFORE • TER MAST" • ALAN LARD • . -BRIAN .-00N1,,Eyr WILLIAM BENDIX BARRY* FIT2GEFIALD .This Salty He -Man Yana Is done in a Ork4800‘inaniier with the Crew, going to sea in a real Salla,re,-Riggef. ' , . • NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ' " TARS AND SPARS With. JANET BLAIR ALFRED DRAKE MARC PLATT ' and • SID CAESAR Based- on the Coast Guard MuSical of the- same naine. "Tars and Spars" is good 'entertainment. Song and Dance routines, by Janet Blair and Marc Platt—plite the songS of Alfred Drake and Comedy of Sid Caesar. . Coining "A STOLEN LIFE': - with BETTS DAVIS and GLENN FOR the storm which was blowing at' the time and had 'been towed to Haase's mill by Mr:, Haase. The driver of the truck, Norman Smith, Seaforth, after getting the. engine started, was b.av- fag lunch at, the Haase ,home when . . the fire broke aut. .. After the lire Mr.:-Sraith found the roads-bloclted,and was unable to re-, turn to Seaforth until Monday night. Hildebrand- Holland ••, • On the 33rd.wedding anniversary of,, her parents, Miss Nora Joan Helland, of 'Kitchener, took marriage vows with Glen L. Hildebrand, 11 Clarence Street, in a pretty ceremony At St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland, of St. Colurnban, Ont., and the bridegreem a son of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Hildebrand, of Seaforth. Of- ficiating was Rev, Hubert Genie At the organ for, the wedding music' was Mr....Eugene Fehrenbach. Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. John .Holland, of Seaforth, 'the bride wore A street -length dress of .'coral pink desIgned with gold -studded oval heckline and push up sleeves.. She carried a pastel "blue ostrich • plume muff 'With.3„,matching' headdress. • .A corsage Of white carnations waspin- ned to the .muff. Attending her was her „sister,. Miss Lore'tta Holland. She was Wearing -a street -length dress of Pacific blue wool crepe, fashions with cap. sleeves and peplum skirt. Her ostrich plume muff and headdress were pink and her muff corsage was of white, carnations like the bride's Duties of best. man were performed by Mr. Vincent alurawski, brothernin. law of the bridegroCan Following the wedding dinner in the 'Oak. Room ot the Walper House, 'a reception was held at the home of the bridegroom' sister, Mrs. Roy Snider,. 11 ,C1rence St, The bride's mother 'chose- a two piece maroon crepe ensenahle trim- med with black sequins% Her corsage was of white carn.ations. , For travel ling. the, bride topped her wedding en settible with a real blue coat, tilt med• with mouton, ,and brown acces- sories. t On their return from Duffel and points east, M'. and Mrs..Hilde- brand will reside in Kitchener. • Gordon A. Wright' Cabinet 'Work Boffins' hhig • SEAF,ORTH , • '• Oil Truck Catches Fir • a Fast Work by McKillop snowpiov operator, 'Ken, Betties, Saturday nitrn ing saved what might have beef), • disastroes lire, Noticing flames co ing from the engine of an, oil true parked adjacent to Haase's choppin Mill at Winthrop, Mr. -Bettles„ wtd the plOW, pulled the truck a -way -fro ithebuildhag and tlte,n; with help whlcl arrilred, beat vitt the flemeS, obasgs and cab are a complete lo %110 trtielt, loaded with: 600 gallen of *MAILS, had previously stalled i t•••• „. • I1 Royal Flexalum Venetian. Blinds 10 days delivery' 'ANY QUANTITY ' ANY SIZE 65c Square Foot ' s ASK FOR ESTIMATES . Maximum charge — 12 square feet per blind. CONSULT US ABOUT ANY TYPE OF BLIND " BOX FURNITURE 'STORE ; Phone 43 ' • . Jit FINNIGAN'S FOOD FOR THOUGHT: , - . . , If we wish to be just Judgeeof all things, let us firet persuade our- selves of this: That there is not one of ps', ',althea fault; TEO man. is found who can acquit himself; and he who calls himself innocent,doe so with reference to a witness, and not his conscience.—Seneca. New Fruit- Fresh Groceries SmOtHarthisrare -Oranges, 28's ....290 Puddiha Powders -Enamel Bowls ..•35c Bananas, 1 lb...,.14c 4 for...„ ... . .. ..t? -50 Enamel Dipper ,-..55C Lemons, lioz. ....390 PposnittitAtilnl sizes..mc DustPans ' 25c 6 for Thermos Grape Fruits Cartekti & Beets $1.25 215c5c whBisoksttles , Lettuce, 2 for 25c25c PoppingCernCorn 35c W .1:--FINNIGAN & SON , n• - Brooder Judging We cite, and Phone ,._ k• ---- -- -Z see_ -- Coal from last have all kinds Nut and Stove Briquettes. Seaforth 47 ...1, n- . . , ORDER Now, • .., Lumber and ,Building Materials have been in short supply, and what hap- pens in 1947 remains to be seen. ,1- • Be Be on the safe side; place your or- ders now, and we will fill them as the -- -,-,--L-----• materials arrive. on ban --Watch Your Coal Supply week's weather, Winter is certainly not over yet. of excellent Coal on hand—i•jui and Stove Anthra- Coke, Alberta Nut and Lump, Stoker, Buckwheat, & Supply Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs 'NO' Mare" ' • , Seaforth :Aummimiumoimk. • , • FARMERS' i TT 1 liesky Flax Products, Limited . . Want to , 1. RENT LAND for growing of Fibre Flax. 2. CONTRACT ACREAGE , for Registered Grain Flax, Royal Varieties, at $4.00 PER ' BUSHEL, for your crop, sealed in our bags, at our Seed Cleaning Plants at Seaforth and at Mitchell... . SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS can be made for the purchase of your flalt- . straw. . ' .,/ For further information CONTACT AT ONCE . . a Li,mittd J. - nesk,,...v Flax Products., e MITCHELL ' or , • SEAFORTH Phone; 196-W Phone 74 •!! ••!3",-3,1„ 11 !?• 9'