HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-02-14, Page 3R A Y-1,4, 1947 `.
T=IE1.7 'O
(Cot sed ! om ? o 2)
'Manufacturers of • truck nn4 epraAng
iequi)trixient. sad, that orders i'or t e e
maachi#ies ta',lt 4lelfv redk�luttis. *94.8
ehould be Pelt' att rloey
Austrdila 1.41SPs C'alaadi*i lne!"1904'0s.
whhii. it. Ottawa' recently O. M, D.
CKarae; Ofte 1 ' Ifutfti 1 t f ' oP
the •Nttw4i)itbiViitiisDePartmentm sig,•
'•!Fria tura, told officials:. of the, Dora;.
tai e . -men of , ' 1 a'G
on ori t ;
the htig industry of
been ' eonsid'orably helped' by 'imi tits.
of `Berksh=ire:' reedit ; stock' urbrs
ed b g
Cron) ?ianada.
He 'was visiting' Canada as' • part of
an AdIatraii'an- delegation headed by
the New South Welles' .headed
Agriculture " Mr. 'Oise .pi'alsedd Can *-
dian Brkahires. ''"The breeding sows.
we �rted from Canada in 16
Ecom 1e, e1 chane our type o bacon
p ,..,. y changed o yp f
flog," he said. "Their" progeny w'as
longerand, l 'flee than the tradition-
al type of Etre ish Berkshire hog and
when first exhibited in' New South
;Wales caused "great discussion in .the
judging ,ring. Abd 'while to the Aus-
tralian' pig breeder who knew , only
the English Berkshire these Canadian
imports, appeared strange, his doubts
were resolved when the animals were
slaughtered. In carcass grading• corn-
ormpetitions they swept all •classes." In
------ji'ttte true , a
save ....agent s.....com-
'in'Iasion and expenses.
We grow a -great deal
of our• own stock—
another saving .for
See What You Buy
Visit .our nursery—
fust tIve minutes
drive from the centre
' Catalogue' "on Bequest
,this wale) according: to Mr;. Karse the
typo' of BOshire develotped to fan
ada'has aided the Australian ltDg,"in
c4ust.>' #e 7' -
Older 4'00 reeall,,,titat tile'
ty0 c4 1401006, raised i4 14ia f+ada.
20 tt 30'19§frAl:ge-i"i4(rtiii47'0,100r
tlia7 tile WOix BetUlili4 l l it 'the
p9444).4'' ' ' ??,? esetrt,11,4#00:.
resp.. froth lie iittroddr!x o)?' ems*',.
cash •41Plif.?)g 'WOIL h tae :4fteet +4►f
piacfng 4e ikehires .in a disadtv4ataP,
eoua#tion, ; , • , .
T Btadsta. finclie. discouragetl'.:witb'
i`oi'''t ieneif,.B'erkli Y,1res"'then' 40'04
b o e ha u d.
ked a S1.t}t t s s what they CQ 1,
40 to t 3ttiPrb•,vet it, tor;•:ata d ufle:.
•i''Pb@ (-O th'.a #(404' °'ink a longer,
•leanerH.el4sl►ire•-.•distinctly Ca,?nad3e4,
f deve1 I} . 1)y @ Iliomii o,peri-
ce'' to
t f ervi A visit
�.•a.1 _ Fartnti.. _
England, -origin df •the Berkshire hog,
by a; delegation breeders convinced
them that the 'Canadian type was an
over tare, o=riginal Eng-
iiey type of hog, and purebred Berk
i' r this
'shire b ewer ` began to breed for t i
s g n d
distinctive (Canadian, type. As its
:characteristics became fixed, it at.
Itreeted the attention of the Australian
'government: •
aF * tF
Clean Seed Meats Profit To Farmers
A7,1. seeds require thorough cleaning
and grading to remove weed seeds aiLd
offal, as well as light and -shrunken
kernels. Both exp'Oriente and expel3:
ments `h'ave • demonstrated the. fact
that the'largest yield per acre may 'be
oxpected from the use of large, sound,
ltlitmn seed'.. rather 'than from seed
whibh has • been poorly cleaned and
graded. -
In many places in Canada there are
well-equipped • seed . •cleaning plants
available to farmers, but it may so
happen that these seed cleaning estab-
is hm nt maynot be convenient)
,l h e s Y'
near some of the. farmers whose only
lternative„_is to ;clean their .4EYa seed.
The farm -sized fanning mill,' however,
can db_ a good 'job if, carefully oper-
ated. Im.prop'er,..cleaning. of seed •.is.
due• in fnest"'cases to lack of proper
sieves or , screens, or too improper
adaptation of the mil. Some of the
weed seeds. are difficult to separate,
• but most. of them can be removed, if'
proper sieves are • used and time is
taken to determine the proper com-
bination of size and slope of sieve,
shake, air blast and rate at which the
seed -passes over the sieves,
The labour oP eleaning and handling
seed ori the farm may be reditce'd
considerably. where the facilities per-
mit the elevation of,the seed from'the
cleaner' to• an overhead biri. From
this bin, ' the• seed may be spouted•
back to the fanning, mill for a second
cleaning. It is necessay .to run seed
through a farm fanning mill at 'least
twice; and sometimes three times•. If
Seed is to be cleaned'a third time,'it
may be elevated to a.second overhead
bin which is within spouting distance
of the fanning mill on the floor below.
Field Greve • Increase , •
According. to the third official esti-
mate of Canada's 1946 •field crops, the
production of .wheat -is now estimated
at .420.7 million bushels' with an esti..
mated gross farm value bf '$480.2
.million. This represents an increase
in production of 102.2 million bushels
,and Mr's. Wes, = Saunders, blit
0101, visited Mr,and Mrs • Sack Bel
four on. Sunday,
.)Mr, std . Mrs.: Bob Keyfi's and fans
sly visited 'on, ,Sunday? :with Mr. ma
Mia D44jpn Ma eo,nn , •
Mr : d:Mr-d, 041,0 4000 al*Flor-
edge, 1 otic) MA: 'Frani Noorre and.
44a, nnt11; illi: and' 141rs: Lloyd° Parker.
and Penne., and Petty Ann attended a
, W10401, • dinner in honor' •of lir. Bar:;
Robinson , at the Itop4+s of Mr, and
Arsc rEzfia' Robktn's4n Mitchell, At -the
agek'j.pfl :fib• ''Mr, Robinson is enjoying -
goo beraltli and Nuri . able .to` enjoy'
the. aim*. M't+s. Le'sli'e Moore and
M11�re;pT,,,7ra'anic M'bot!e are' d�augh�terrs of.
Mr.fltobinson, 1.. , • .
. and Mrs, Gh
r1 }• Roney
Carl.^'epent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs.
14.04 • Parker,
Te Zion Sunday School held a very
sucgessful •croklnole party in the base-
ment of the church on Tuesday night.
There were eleven tables In play and
prizes .were won by 'Mrs.. Morley J•tan
nin,r. Mrs. Lawrence Halton, Mr.,sR.ob-
ert Roney and Mx'. Harold Wilson. -
Lunch was served by the ,ladies, and
all reported a good . time:-
There was an olid, man: who lived in
the wood,
As you may plainly see; '
He said he could do as much in a
As his wife could do in three. •
With all my' heart, the old woman
If that yrou will allow,
Tomorrow• you'll stay in the'home In
my� stead,
And I go drive the plow. •
But you must milk the tidy cow, for
fear that she go dry, • •
And you must feed the little pigs that
are within the sty;
And you • must mind the 'speckled 'hen,
For fear she lay astray, ' •
And you must reel the spool of yarn
That I. did spin today.
The old woman took a staff in her
And, went to drive the plow;
The old man took a pail in his -hand
And went to milk the cow.
But Tidy hinch'd and Tidy.-flinch'd,
And Tidy broke his. nose,
And Tidy gave him such a blow,
That the blood ran 'down his' nose.
Hi, Tidy!. -Ho, Tidy! Hi, Tidy!
Tidy! Do stand still! •
and an increase in value of • $112.7
million over the' corresponding figures
for the 1945 wheat crop. In the three
Prairie Pro+iinces, total wheat produce'
tion' is placed at 400 million bushels
as Compared with, the final 'estimate
of 294.6 14tilion bushels 'for the 1945
The 1946 oat crop totals 400 million
bushels as against 381e6 • million
'bushels in 1945.• The,,,1846 barley crop
at 159.9 million bushels is up slightly
from ,the 1945 level of 157.8 million'
bushels, .The 1946 production of rye
is 7.4 • million bushels as against 5.9
, million ,bushels in 1945;, but the 1946
flax seed crop at 7.5' million bushels
is fractionally below the 1945 crop of
i 7.6 million bushels. '
IT TAKES many months; and many
people, to "get" a Canadian breakfast. Your
coffee maa e brought from South America,o
m Y, bhfS
� .. g u r y u
tea from the Far 'East. Your fable linen may have
come front Ireland; ,your cutlery, and china from
Engla=nd;, your orriinges and grapefruit from
• the Unite& States and front the British
West Indies:
Canadltltn$ buy from people of many races --and sell to them --all over
the' world. Indeed, a third of every Canadian's earnings comes from selling
to, people in other countries. "
In this trading we do not always sell to the people from whom we
buy. That is why we have to find custotiters.
To Insist in finding both`buyers and sellers, Canadian banks maintain •
branches or correspondentsall over the world. They gather valuable
information about 'People 'and markets abroad. They place this at the dis-°
posal of Canadian merchants, manufacturers and "naiarketing agencies,
introduce them to likely customers, and handle the "paper work" involved
in transfer.ing goods and money. .
This Advertiseament is Sl o'nsored By -'Your• Bank
1111“44t1; o. 47ative C,,om-
rjQtolrweaktl), Feleratjon, r,#.
ltivell app$alto
a ,have been left out on
;a 1'• • b by stateinetbts i ;ade last week,,
b Li lira ° a er "4n' and Liberal
�,, :Liberal �e rl �.. g.. ra
Federation President sego, Mr. Pogo
stated definitely that, lie one with
rautborji:y to sneak for ..the Liberal
•Pederataon ever•• ap oaehed Mr. Cold -
well on the questipen ofrleadersbip or•
anything else. r
The Prime Minister
'said:t "I would just like 'to ask Mr..,
Coidwell to tell us what Liberal or
Liberals ever offered .him the leader-
ship of the Liberal P4?ty." A minis-
ter of , the Saskatchewan socialist
government had stated that "every-'
one . in Ottau*a knew that Mr. King
wanted Mr. Coldwell to succeed hire.".
Canada and International Trade
• Invitations to an International
,Trade Fair are being ,forwarded by
If ever I milk you, Tidy, again,
'Twill he sore against my will.
He went to feed the little pigs,
That were Alin the sty,
He -hit his head against the beam
And made the blood to fly.
He went to mind the speckled hen,
For, tear she'd lay. astray;
And he forgot the spool of yarn,
His wife spun yoga -Hay: ,
So he vowed by the sun,,;the moon
and the stars,
And the leaves' on every limb,
If his wife didn't do a day's 'work in
her life,
She should.ne'er be ruled by him.
—Varna Scrap Book.
About 25 of the members of the
council with the reeve, Hugh Berry,
and their wives' gathered at , the
Township Hall here to honor Mr,
Archie Morgan, who has been Clerk
of ITsborne Township for the past few
years, but Who has resigned owing
to poor health. The evening was
spefft in progressive euchre, followed
by•speeches and presentation of an
address. and the gift of a: -Wrist watch
to Mr. Morgan, who thanked them ail
and wished Mr. H. trang success as
his successor. Lunch was, served at
the close. •
Canada's• trade comrulssiono t�
aeturers and otljei• Producers . l
countries vitl,, hien. sine enjoys Cora=•
eycial t elat3atlafi These rvitatipr,e
be ,T►rluted iii; xuten, English,,
s*L:eneh, Portn,gnen aid Spa3310, and
a iwoportion' 1n Veglish• alkSt Prene1
for diatr ibutitkn In Canada--Beque§te:
for Descriptive • brokihniree now An
daufae , of lfreoaratipn, 4.114.spa ce a .:
plteation cat*ds obeit'id, ll .. aub,tral.4,ed,'
1?y nia,110004f?rs a%od: other•• if Fadi ars..
i)i this 04ulAT t-0-4113# 00041,1i13, 4pv
er^ninent: Exhibition: •I om niesiolu, 479,
Rank Street, Ottawa.. .
A Trade Fair .is a "`Mat30' not a pub:
Tic exposition, .'where producers `lotto''
wholesale buyers meet to compare''
products anii,:`coirduct. business. Tire'
it th%s tAd un record v
held 'it}•:Nijni:Noverod, Rtlsaia, illi: li 5r•
twenty-two- years after Great Britain
,and Russia' signed a trade treaty in
1533. With the `passage of time,• prin
eipal countries of Europe inaugurated
industrial trade affairs. For many
-years, Canadian bu els have attended
trade 'fairs- at Paris, Prague,_ Brussels,
}Ulan, • I,,eipzig, Utrecht and Loudon.
Today 'Canada's -manufacturers arid.
producers are working at capacity to.
supply domestic demands. • Those of
vision, h'owever,anticipatethat this.
country will'. be in a position by 1948
to meet more fully the needs of ex-
port markets, hungry for our goods.
To investigate and contact these' trier-.
kets is a slow and costly procedure
and Canada now ,joins major. export-
ing • countries holding trade fairs. It'.
is: maintained there is no better med-
ium offered to Canadian; manufactur-
ers and producers, seeking further
outlets, - than the opportunity present-.
ed by ,the Canadian International
Trade Fair. This fair and the busi-
ness it would bring to Canadians is
of great interest to our labour and
agriculture business. • •
Communists in Canada "
There is great interest in the tapir
tal in the . by-election to be held in
dian constituency ever` to return an
March 31. Cartier is the only Cana-
anadian constituency over to return an
avowed Communist to its parliament
and observers are anxiaus to kneqw
how the discovery of Russian Cohi-
munist "fifth column" activities, in
Canada has affected the party's sup-
port. • Communist strategy is not yet
clear, but. many believe that they will
choose Mrs. Rose • to, gain the' sympa-
thy vote. FeW. •believe that • they
would run the obvious risks..entailed
in the proposal to nominate and run
Mr. Rose from his Coll in jail.
Moose Jaw) : I should, like to; ask the
Minister of Mines and Resonrces whe-
ther any additional medical inspection
depots have been set up by the immi-
gration department in Europe since
Wit • ee: 3'. w
m : so t oints
I7 C, her , .f. > ya� ;:fin P ,.
are suet, depots now rotated, alio Sia
the. •department eop81dexiing the.:open-
ing of anyii'ther -devote 1n,. Europe?
HON. J. A. ;GLEN (Liberal -Minister
of • Mines .and dtesourees) : Thoug>;t
this question really should be places=
n he order, r h s e
o l xdr .Pape , I s all'-ara war it
now. Immigration .office=rs are. now
located in Paris, Brrnssels and The
Haguer, ;,and provision . is also beii $.g
made -for the opening of inspectional
facilities in • Norway, Greece,and
MR. FRASER (P.C.): . May 1 ask
tile; miniate3' what`rltj
Jallowed ,.000X=4
where ttere are no
order to .0=010 Cana'
Biot O'UPT Tufa ,1101, ';g4. „
spealdn eof aj�,p icants. i}t 11r,( 4 .
on, Fs#4.srm: • +Yes,: wh e:
are no medical offices ; .
• MR. GLEN: The a.Ptf%ic 4Ipn'
considered by , t e snim ' aUo 4
vers ;• :those . who are awning ' Swn
their wag -to .!,the rttedfeal ittslaeotioru
offices :arid; -are them luSOectR4., 440
if the result is satisfactory' the aii*R-,:•..
cation is dealt with. ,
For a prompt and efficient way to obtain
relief, use this quick acting remedy.
Sinulief is a White Powder to be titled as • e Snuff
,This amazing remedy ' works immediately
at the seat of the trouble aril you .will
feel the benefit in •}t, very few, minutes.,
It is also recommended for Sinus trouble.
Owing to the rapidly increasing demand
for this product and the scarCtty `.of one
of the rare ingredients of the formula, B
is necessary to restrict the output to one -
boss to a customer every three months..
Please Find Enclosed stop in Payment for 1 Boz Sinulief
NAME . ......... .,
ADDRESS ..................r:.:
Plymouth has a sound "pe rgree":The same Chrysler '
engiixeers and craftsmen tyke create in Canada the
great '• Chrysler Motor Cars, design and build the
big -value Plymouth. '
Plymouth is most like the high-priced cars ingnality
features! Of 21 important features found in high-
priced cars, Plymouth has 20, car "B" has 9, car -"C"
has 8. More quality features mean better performance.
i ,wo0auof42" 6
Although Plymouth is a fill -sized, roomy, coni-
Portable car --'way out front -in liig-car quality features,
it is nevertheless priced right down with the lowest.
Precision manufacturing; super -finished crank-
shaft and camshaft bearings;full-pressure lubrication;
full-length water ja'cke-t�s and other famqus Chrysler
Engineering Advancements make Plymontlt a long-
lasting, -economical car to own and operate.
•, ,,;. ,;,.,.
mss R•rv,?>vnxom-':Teau �..•+.'''' o""
SN+v'j� . . .. .
OF THE ivEvv pL114
Safety-Rim Wheels to reducb tire.fpilure hazards' '• Safety All -Steel Body • Easy, Shockproof Steering
• Safety -Styled Concealed Running Boards • New Safety„Siguai Speedometer • Safe -Vision Windshield
• New Front-end Sway Eliminator • PLUS, Patented Floating Power Engine Mountings • New Quieter
. • Starter with handy button on dash • Hotchkiss DrNe • New Body Guard Bumper • New Lightweight
Aluminum Pistons •• New. Ru'Yproofing • Scientifically Balanced Ride. .• •