HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-02-07, Page 1t tItIaIHUEI AWHIK T 0 V �j
FOXE A 'r evIa hT �r Of 1W4n$-,,$.,edfort1 ri- P 9 kch Fox. L6 T1 mell. of 43 Vor -E 'd.: R L CWneil . Ek4blili 4Y ff SO, .0
Killect b4.11 "XT, TIIUW51D� iriAg $or Pri�� idlo nt M.11�i 'S T LABO j� A -A -T, E . 4' n.1 M --:'Next Thqj�%d going to: b 4r�ii6 Hubert Night a eeti ay, a A. - H Jse af- u
Prevalence offoxe.a. iji-the Town- 'Brews and Sea- 'Wlkan So erainitb,, pas Ohij of k tilting in ex,- fla -will play g4nie 0 k' rtb. Beavers g. benefit At tb e laqb Rink; and, If adwant*d V, 11 at the Pa tonsive, damage to poultry, lej the 0 n information L I . township' coun,611 meeting,in-,Seaforth - - - - - - - --- - V�IrIlOgle Library to meauji 4aythl.",,it will ShiWed in$ 11]t4q, it at a was T( -Swr to apppoVb payment of jh . 11, $,e on urtiay, . : , . : . IFYOM ;06 a hockey Of t1he, ujj4 meeting of"the board�pu,,X, a bounty on, I in roxest.-dstayea the Gr I 'T k09S Digtrktlo k4rai r be ibrarymo onr 'etiu$7 Of repro E-60 I . Walit, affft(�vq.March 1. . The i Me &Ontativi% -tAla U0, and'during the 799 Imogram Im. ng at ntlr'w�?l he $3.00`10 , mature,ttix UT of the Soiforth AtbloticAi�sociation� Shi&; rt, IVolumes were adde.d, b
and $2.00 for a pup. T-13[ot council will nk mauigie� "st the two tea and :th, i tal
at, interview hdighboring. Towtishl' Stina, �Qroudhoq volquies. PA Day.- As H bbert, Hulled Goderjeh, U.,eKill, ij, that !s, EETING HE"S On -lone .0111t he.t�ieting Was un- -Afthle Htibert;t Ot�.of� St -tic da1Y, groundho.4. The We6ttag re.elected.P� - . 'k y r, uest 't t tio b en ( Mainy a -and aile to eq ha ac a a very � COAL taken in at tha hockey victory, in I the tak come*. out �-Q PROVINCIAL SP cok EAX%JPfAAF game , 94 - to' A Hdrbert. The i , _T' 71s seeretar d� 6 ttioes got yeaM will be h for his shadow Wsees it�,hd, a C6 TInU, Is.being dionatid, by t '" jjjjk Man past qnored -All membitro of council wbre pres� he 11T61 Property, Mitm �A- U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. M Thutz a bentfit- ant at this n everyone 1W for sfx'�' A total of $59,40,&was, from AY night when.. meeting. Reeie Arthur k4 4i* :%idnter., raised W. agemen,,i and the 'a-A_A;A. Is looking game 'between. - Seaforth Nicbolg4n presided, The -Clerk was :jilt sources,by'the Seaforth Red Cross BeAvqr*, weeks more,. qf, % after incl A.'Stewart dezkw expene6s. and $Aaforth Nome. Br4w there is not ; Book, neWst.ruoteo, to adertise f6r"tenderstor tO' as 'the SOCIeWs-contributio ',to: the Miss Alice Daly, Mra,,� S&q ,e4ght year g graf s PAiyed. inihishqnor jxj4laCe. crushing a -the caart, a, r Is al �1 on it was disclosed, at the Rev. H. V. WorkmaA_ 342 4 'Achi6'Hvbert OVibr.."Any grounc sha ljote v effort,
of :towinship roads. _.MOW Meeting held' I�jq�sl - % two mi;,�-k n St., hj 'th Sofrom� a The boardi� during "-Counll- ordeio.4 paym9nt of $50.00, %chol;. Hal Fdrs tS, $a I Monday evening, 'when .14.,066iii, Whot at- -the-, e3qeAsl .,grant, to Murray Traquair, wnoste Red vii annual ',meeting., of-,.Ao name 'had not 'been Juicludedi.jn the How--i'%evipwed activities of.thet paii i Cross" Society Jda 7 an to have -President, a Mon y 'I h se -Me 0eXQy teAsi#,. it's not- b )ok fctrl aliaq",deser didn!t t � to - -iA -or H 'Close, r6tirin VezL -of the book 'stalls'�and the,4 Av"nagemoa wouldWt, -h ever, those', K9 a' Mr Close, *jL4 %va int of 1 Vy to.-bae bft Cut the -The 'T llst':of'servlc�e eligible for rs 06" in tIll y1e 3 preside reti rbdi as Pretitij Me 40- t b ai3or. district who: did 4jr4k of a a iety. '- During toe .4evte 0 0 er.- 'uP, 001 4uring the entire war poriod, ueh,grant. reR064 is ArC196'Ifbert .1s, just now " years in shadows on Sunday; jo.if 'Whfth occupleii. th -P ".0;dency fr9m:4L,-ba4_lV_fraktitred leg Appropriating one can. ng that In 'addition to cas I .. trust a legend there jri.aix weeks' 'raised a't6jal, of I 29,00 for ioad expenditure recovering *h. jjj&Yjng '9-6ft R I 'K "'w- _d ea i6tal Of D:,..0 -N_G WE -3-3 459 articl a the 'Society raise sustained Ile' bAll foj for the Mo Cluding 'hospitaf re w nter $",462. Seaforth" eail.k' ladf 'Summer. It 'is year, 1947, was, given its fequlred- read. shipped, In 56, lie r only within the Vilitt f6w 1"'46eks that ings andissed. Rate of Pay for labor .21,696;- British civilian clothing,. 10, F4 iDf,A W gilid in the'r township Defe4t Fliday wad -set at 50c Pet I& 7-23; knitting, .,16,152; qgilts, 1,791.; ff 0 fte. ha S:. 'h "-HuWrt first i1ofted Seafrth ju addition t�a Aid ar I a. e t �. us -n- t6` wiOrk. ligk�r for men, and, 76o -per hour for fid JMr �C, K -W,
.6 CHO �surgical dressings,"82,484, a cies, D i Oil man, and team- -to Seatorth boy'$, .638. -B w1or whpin Ike 'thrilled ibe ..,Tr 4e 4Y.; OantL'6f. $250.00 was- made to T soclet3k,ahipped 19,000 poujj;dA, gn rth branch incluA4 S and. the. Medical at, 10;' grants.. IP,`a sine hisi Popularity ill; RO ADS
I 0 - d � I , The, Cou#Y(.
fans,with'his ashr kleenc6` wor . Ii., ISTR. IC T ,
L ' " I , 'Scoti. Mam6ri�l RasPital. Accounts aud,ih,6ney. 'Q,"POA
-k. ES 111 Its, D were.: ch', yebw� nos P featuma iL meet- Geo,oge, asWAy'ianjj,'jzzje po�rajj- $300-, roads, Wvalto, Winthrop, Cotist�jiice, pitaliza4lon Keaped, as he fought witj! -seat ing of"the directors% <)f the Huftn led i Ao a 12-4. vic- Postage, - $C00,' sundr�r., ;2 50. uff-Fa,-St. C6iumbaij and'the seaforth Beavers.' I C 'O . County Fedeir BREAK, - FF. ounell ation of Agricultu re,. 'here, adjorne4, to meet March 1. 'Women's hiititute.'. During dthe��,Ver Poor I Bornin Midland. AO V sibility, Aesults. in 18, held'eJ[n, on N -.1. I - I Joit. -under review, 24 bf,�4tl, ed' to ive 9- t Cassitly at 2 P -11L osday. earn -skate:'*biou I ues. .90 donor - ,.'Aecidents on No. 114' hairmini-of the Warble -oUggb, =d, shortl:k, art�ithok, 1�aii. in, I 'got `thie�. e were hold,with 2,918.V4�dd Fly boli Mittee, outlined'tlie -proposed bats d o;;l 4) Hugh H
-Werlefi, Maw are.;,were no. ponaltaes gi s receiv d. nvj 'an -&-war Attempts IRps firstald, 'Neat" 11. tds iftist. van until ;on anti J, Hawkey 0 Jdd .4bia�Ug 4000y 6 GOO plan He -Played .A. R6scitie"O'S Merg6acy Courses bad a t 41. ad..,by wift -W tim Spray Corporation, Toron*o,'spok6 -on �6o'we1lj1:-41s_a1e`h1 :&' of d4 as ip C hich. at ncl"tqns from xpori4nee galUed, Conti" or mior, ri*qs, liockey at,'17 z T6wns"h iri" Se ell. .heavy CO
e y.. fAD 4 rn when.he plgyed inte, "di ti�' Mrs. loso expressed her� .1t4gared obiiazir& .,Pr. ar 0 last year an equipMent, XVaflabW to 'McFad GQ;dario� h&a OV, thi
roti4tt I to. afnele';, ajt,"ate�, olice court 'heew,64 ft&y as - he Make tho. work:-. a ra4 O'lippe but id n Tuesday., had ek... Xk Three ;will appear -in :40n, to ifiG06, who - had- so - whi�h beeil ng. kn�
110.1 rcints .6iftiaied .6i abuto�A�Q I , ", : ;1 - , 1. - I prel -%'�riiads and redu thi I - .1 . I .1 � - . . , , Rrticularli.the e -.0 resitilt bf 4:'Party'� ta af6rfh. 1didn raVI js well - Wright, is. mts� �1, ced to!a;',mihAmum.'trW4 6" -it th. a own, C&1ftP41gn.,-: ew W y a sing.1 8., Highway. While ih In'.N.Ow' Himbutigir.,he St ey t h pounell, meating Street lu ftturdgy, t. Iireeetlad.b Conimitt,66 In of "O Canada and prayer, by. Rev. R. Stratfi Dr&Uderich highwky has n6i: on Mon- le H. Wilism. 'on atUrdajr.' When hief of -.Pollc& John Cuir' in tha"T�)wuffhlp Yarna, oration hold, -nioetl hy Mot y;: wings. dkidin to ri!iaii a copy -of During. his ten Evans, -11tib 'CidUthe L b1tic"Id. 64viel' is; haWvy ind, be- ng
,gt hoeki5y. careqp -4 lodged Con Nevill0a 466 Ed- Elliott M e4.,visibilitty iraftle. has --tWo Championship NaBh, 'R day,' ap ts. B. Higgins sang �speclal - e H,,Pitlri . Zation grants, to, the Salvation Goderich, in, the after �he ad the proposed Plan -to he Played on -9,.jKarf, gaji� Ro cau rbdu
Cross song thit 0vatbd a reeeiptirel been, biought W a 'standst I on' iArm Relief Fund. in what 0, eiery., farm family In the CoUnty, d y teaMs In Seafortit,",rmd, Tarlpe 'd in thb:audien aan niAT -of occa the sions, -in the;,past few tio %all urban. OjgAnjjjtjOn8;� du�j uth.; ]Kur6q Agrieultur�ajj k moo, We, " "r - - ',-�a i 1. ce for. he oo4sidare#-, a,jd coidtion ftM 4 "', _ "*-,l'i"T�,�. :�, . . i4:, " , .1 .1 I ng thw W. ar 4 11 w d. Rev.'A. In. t A-11 Aulf',of 'February. ',ofg a 4 ;#aq '�, V ._ *#V�hr - :4 11 - .- 6 UUDeft h2w an-, uns It 11 Y, streets- are' Passable; buti, e -were - prose and onl In 194-5 'I�j I ji4t,tand, w -h . 4 it" , ' ' ' fll 'd
time to further; all,athledes. 6fth: Casigl4y didn't like the Pr6co mul the�: -b"W. r 4.G(Fj- Sbaf 6.19 - Heave. John Pepper Presided, PloWing in MoKillop 'was elected a�niembor of the '84i&rth' C"sitly (Continued on P ge lie Chief Q4rrie left tIierT6w`h",-H&l1 - . ) r OP a d Tue er 'forthL membership in ceaded to breaCk e1i the Ce' WILD th wAjg serving for two years. �Clbauw. O& approved abiiiidoned until 6;90- , Clinton' ^ '11, -, (Ellift),'12.48;` Seatfotth, McFadde -o- the stori34 at d Matt Annsfton( n, the On axe borrowed from. the fire truck. Re-' -When It Was foun tarto Good Rbkds. Association.* . o penalties. Members, will attend -the convention turning �o the hall a short. time lat the roads, were filling i j Second Perfo&-Seato th, the plow had passed. % 4' P r - Ca9sidY being held In Toronto February 24-26, Chief Currie- met M'erriam Jn ured
r ! Fund �Colitlnued'on S.H.S. Board Meets two-aedlde'nts o Is I ina age 5) It *as agreed., on motion of Councii� Elliott from the, building. Nevi;les n tolc No. 4 HighwAy, near Hens -all, on Wed, ]Ora. C. Parke and, A. Me -Bride. was still lying. in� the opened cell. HIII-r ..
oi .-With 'Inspectors nesday night. -Matt Armstr9rig, well )Wjj Clerk Fred Watson was, instructed Emergeney'rePairs were made.io the Obi6ctiv ars lett farmer, ai e, cell and the three locked�.up again. driven by LAC. Ward, of of, that �--77J I t repare. individual assessments-. n, I towns',hip, suffered. seri=ST'10uries .1 I � - b es :te Logan drain. Council . referred Ran and Gray met R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, and L. W.. Saturday that nec6ssita''te'd- his remov dbnt�jbjtionS, to. Fr The trio was taken to the county jail" Inspectofs McLe Eaton, 'of Radio and Communication the matter of plowing a side road ad;, at Goderich Sunday morning by'C6un- with members of the Seaforth High School_ Clinton, in �o to Scott MemorIQ Hospital, Sea- the Aid to Chin,,j Pund now total $1,060,00, according. om 'Both OaSts Ja6ent to the fa:rm of Wm-. Hayter, tt� ty �Constable Halmar 'School Area 'Board At the board's Wednesday n lioi... early forth, 'on Monday. to Re*. H. V..,W,6rknian, oampalzft'. the rda-a superintendent, after -Mr. February Meeting -held in,,the*schooj ear the farm of Russel Mr. Armstroni� was driving a 'horse -0- BrodcLrick, were both badly vVil6eked. ebairman..' The am6uAt ralsed ia)ls, A story In''The Huran Exposiftor'of. Hayter had interviewed it c2rice-raing Tday ' The inspee- Ward. -was driving north -to Bay -field hitched to A stofieboat and, in Sonia two. weeks ago, in telling of tbe'-dia� the matter. tors expressed pleasure iIt--ihe-rnan- annor was �hroikn.off, Which result- and Eaton w,?,ts: r The campaign close.s Play of-'4uron�made equipment dit"the Wa� nor in -which the school was conduct7 . _d in -'the fv�ture of A Iunibe'r -of far abrt of the Seaforth district 1) ding to London a
Quota of $2-500 ' The... necessity 'of,spraying roAside, E When the drivers failed to see' each on Mbuddy' International. Plow n' weeds m discu�sed by the meeting, '�Sy 'because bf the intensity f the rj, S; I9 Matcb, desbri& C ad. Cettaji;i, recornmendatidn....inaludr 0 "S'Ciforth citizens are urged to keep 'ej'a cement mixer made by Charles it being agreed 'thai if materfils'are i�d ' the QohstrUctibn of a' poult�y Sell Articl t.rm' �Thi driVei-s and passengers. in mind thatmd-ney given to this, fund Eggert -available to s1pray on certalp. road- eS bdruse, installation o a' sink - in the McKillop TawnshIp farm. or none *'of *ho�ui were Injured, were is used, to purchase stich,:gooas 6$ are: Mr'. E990 sides. art roo, addition of a desk and, forced to spend the rilght it o , f,'6ndWrf art' has received a nuiber General expendit ures % If, there's something you have that abinet In the commercial room, and -aitufactured, in Canada -and il$_ as concerning the mixer, totalling you no''iong When the storm reduced Hospital ns. tributed under the' supervistion of,a, including letters from Horsehy, II.C., 304,61 and,, expe'riditures at er need, although it ls� still the provision of lockers" for. -students.' to Aid -Pla In'tisable to.ndition, you may be sure a minimum Wednes;dqy night, the, Canadian Advisory 4coMmittee In and. Lawienc6to $849.23 wl�re approved for payment.- The bor(j, ..in aditioll to passing Lo'bd,6n-Wi' wn;. N.S. ' there is more han one person wh ngham bus was in collisfi5h China," Mr. Workj:nah points out, T� The next meeting of council.will be 0 accounts, Approyed the progiim of Relqrganization would welcome the, oPport with a car "This le,the flal appeafj the on the aft6rnbon at March 3. unity to work and maintenance which on No,,4 Highway between had kxeter And 'Hensall.. The car had -People of this. area,'in-this take it r. nds ot 4. reasonable been Agreed upon by 'the previous The Women's Hospitki Aid-to.Scott Ik1hi-S!'ERS TO MF -9.T;. Price. Look,at Wantele' iP high school- boaitf. oned an the highway when hidixidual initiative' and concern r The Seaf-orth and, Distriet. minister- The ron Expo or Wan't Ads any it became stallea in the snow. j�igbt 'Memo. ial. Hospital wijl meet at; the welldA.Vared �_-Commurdty should- is] ,bmciation *111 meet on. Mtonda,�P, week, a d. you will find a long list akid Passengers on the bus, inch�dink nurses'- rcssidence on Tuesday. Feb. 11 be exercised - Immediately .that. this at 8.15 P: M. 'cause MAY not fail. February 10; at 2 p.m., at the tesi- Ju v"e'niles Break 4. wide variety -of hings, ad.4ertis-ers ervin brown., of Hensklil, were shak- . I . . . I . Si4ee it is' desired to, r6orkanize Make yottr cOn- dende of Lieut. MqBride, of -the Sjj_-f ,n what. you are e% but escaped, As 3 In e e d. o1i don't see ris Qury. All 'he ednelud r . Outlay eyenIng next," "' than put a for' -sale ad. III s 'Tak6' thiS..'windows in the bus, were q!!q trilitifiu 'b" M vatiQn Army. ' Re-�. C. 1, )1,. Hoine Brew the ass,ocltion., at thi.s meeting, &A ad,: L. Gilbert Losing'. Streak attendance -is deslr�d. - will Preorit the.paiper. 1101t, costs, as little Ad 25 cents ad, and the stalled ear was."jaia t6'1'
eaforu, had the game all the way Aik4us and Ballantyne making It a I . ncreaseearl (hO Seaforth Women's Insttitute, blankets, and* clothing -from the 0 d along )y1th Don Stdwart andt, Nei The IOC41 . unit or 'the- Wd' eii's Lssesi Y UIUUU through- its lHiStOri6al Committee, Country, Thsev'dhest was, -table I Battle, in 2-2 ti&., In -the second period Gordle 04dd by, Mrs,-Ndt Dolg�, durieg . Ile- 'and cupboird I Beattie on a gcoring spree. Teacher's" Federation held 'a dinne'r Hildebrand - gt� Ilis third;,,, McLean got ned, got gtx goals and threo, assists, and ria.eeting in, the 'Comthbreial -Hotel jbnt - Months has, recorded tbe history One day tliai 11 Wednesday evening, wh two iand Kennedy added another,' to The �2nd annuaL meking of the an iAqKe4§e in surplus of, $9,671.84 In on a general
k ioneer, farms And instifiltibnA, Ot, 'tho' sound of dist discussion oi make it 8-2. f§f winter he, heard Stewart 8 goals and two Assists.' members of the Ray Township karm- -�vj ant chopping to the I�EAFORTH' XVENALES -- Goal 1 school was .te�`pn Ous Year. , There i� $72,500 the. Aim. . The s "being pre- west that must be'Othermalghlo belil.' Blocked r6,4d rrn�r or. I ;Mutual Fire.. Insurance' teOra of Siwan;,defence, St�6ng, Wilson; cZ. :,and Ato In the,third sitanza Doig and Geo Company im"ested III ba�ds 'and $9,q9&.,2,2 on madlior that'tfi�j can whom he., iL Beattie; wings, Stewart, Knighti ff a �es*ea in . 8 small attend- '-.-he*14 in the Town Hall, Zurich, on 6eeposit III the banks., andi the total. be preserved,. s yet knew nothing. Start. a th r Hilebrand scored, and Broughton goi 1'was and thus add-in no.sMall ing 'off 'towards the sound, he came alt. Rennie, , Laudefibach, Smith, Doig, Atwood's lone score in the second and: Mondhy,.Jan, 27. The president, Ae- nf6vlsur4-i to tbe-histdriC net of tbQ company amount'to data of the to * the pla6a whf�rb theffe,,1q,nkn9wfi Hu6rt,, Pill Ima third periodis in the bast three second's tbur* Finkbeiner, a6ted as chairman, $75,3152.33. 'The, .30 per co t I com n. Fs of the.unit are: Prestdout a a a
It ahis, settlers had been working. Tfiey had JUVENILES—Q6a], South--',MI84' 29. 9, 'Turbul); vIC0�plresfflent Of the, game. rbert K. Eilber, sectetaij-. Inforittatidn', dirotigly lack -of EUTEW an He tax payable to the. Doininion, Govern- aft-oady left when he 90t -there, ut cott, d6fence, E1118, V. larintnell� can- bell; secretg'ry-treasurer, Home Brews vs. Atwood The president, in his Addres. tat- commenc- Pot SEAFORTH--Goal, Muir; defence, klio*Iedg '16f �010,:vtoje6t' ha William 014661d. get up a Wark to let tre, Mussler', winjsj Waghorn, TuckeY; der., ,fng with the, year 1941, as I m MM i ad that there were 2,263 pol4cies. in " a so
,bb*n; mad -O allAble to, fi n thereVA-9 another. settler a]-terg'ates, K. Britiffiell; H6114h, Fjrk, force at the end of; the Year 19,46, tioned. It was gene�ally felt. by the It this'9bOUIA be the ras U O am —0 Nicholson, Sills; cent�e 'I
Uterested In th,6 vicinity. Next day Thomas wings, Messenger. Goo, 'HIld:r`Vd' with a total amouAt at rIsk of $12,� Mutual Fire Underwriters' Associa 6btaij abv a;ternates, fohnationi The amount' ot... insurance tion as, �11 Sea, trampi ing thl'oug. the. -Gemmell and Williad. McGeoch came Referee—R. Hough,, Emeter. tak
TMirebiajid, Cameron,..A. Hildebrand, was increased by' fi,ft6,200, although &jvm mut uals w6re not -operating for
T6, V.0 1� Dotg Wo6ds -umber rpolicle's orkly increased profit but were pr.ifrelyi a mutual..com- T& -. I k the ti
First Perf`bd"-doA1s,, 8eaf4prth, Beat- ictakeia. fr&u Wat' did'; th� lively. young Irish- tie (Stewart, Knight), 1.55; Seaforth,, oal, Inglis; - degece, 'iFIAOD—G, , by. 50, showing tilat the4policybolders Pany. There had. been a strong re-. the IngHtI46 K, illed By a Vhlan6e, Laid,law; centre, 19allau. are, taking out more prottectloW, There presentation -made
w 14, Th,, mah'thkik of thes � Quiet, `,Yeser�ed �tftart (Beattie' Itnight),1.28; Exe- to th, Special, SC0011*00' WhAt did, those.Sooto!x- ter, ICIX-k. -4,05; ..... . tyne; wings, Peebles, Brougbton.;,.al- were,75 ellaims paid during the, past Committee 'appointed, by the GdVernm' aneMoKillop. e'dunai aPPrVV0d, a.,-bylaiw teriiates, Ward, Alkens, yea�',, totalling $18,17Y.35,"compared inprit to investigate the taxation OVall. nk Of Ili? not know. (DDIg), 5AP; Seaforth, Beat- at 1t9 meetilig, Monday'*&feby pro, Smith, Graham., Coghlin, w4th $5,667.95 in the year 1045 coioparative,.:� In the Domftdon;and at ;i . DO191 vigloli.is made tot' the 04b.*enaatjon Rderee-�'Farmej McFad'din, Sea- company -paid for bfiree hdilpes' And OF16 time It Was th-ought,:ft M Mum- its that, thaV lived alale do; 7.U; Seafdrth, hejunie, The
In, JU 1845, j"Ung Peace an -n" two barns Amounting t10 $13,775-00- als would be examptdT -ke-ve, eftega, of 4'i-pounit Ousi wits built north a W Mary V48 d Ldgkburly� a .0 'than the year 190. at ritsit, Period—Goals., Seaforth, or- less discussion at the convention of -the -t ba)rn hov tth This bor�;' .6,� g., goiforth teafflij 9jaw- IAt s do n Hildtebranc� 4.30; Atwood, Ballaa- Fft,,ferenrp was made to the inerea,s-
as, t 0 dwollIng,pi. the faw association Which will be h-eld in, To- lYt ftufU Art) tne (Vallance). ll.it; Seatiorth, G. ed 'hazards of,taem' risksi due to -the ranto In. March. '196d, whan the pTesett, house *as fti,Ak 161 the brickwork - and, fter Beaitl%. Sbatoith, 66- 'Exeter, KI f ct th t th The reportq of the ire T)Ia kht-her MeNA, -a a. e ma; Re a8, 6, Ph6n,& Hildebrand, (McLean), 15.tU�; Aiwoo&, n r or operating
the', Alkens, 17,65. Petialties Goo. HJlde- arnis Is changing. TracWr. Asurer and q are get- hL0A%A4A', hf1jC%.8 ealne,ft, brand. thig more' plentiful and Hydro is now auditors Atere presented, aixd, aaoo�ed. 1k, s Harry it, Beaver, Goldie CiAgm Stitt om th� brlci�ard, 6n.t46 t IfAl*& ow oned by Aribur Xfehpl� nle�, jt� tb, Seeoud Period, — Goals,: Seaforth, inaise in almos-t ever'y risk. ln"ec_ Thomas ove, wh6seoterm of offiee, tied-tb", 16 06,n,� .'the JiLtei'Lotils fteinke dtd, tho' *xftar, " kiidd& 18.06, -aiinual1ftiefting 69 thkt M eXii- McLean, 5.20"Atwood, Coghlin, 6.95; tion of hydro instabratiots shild be As Afrectori hdd explioad, *6 -enter wOrk. - Tijp wait - lxlao'� th� Pull t(W�tla), 8.2# made aftpr ten, years.,to Cho
x*o Seaforth, Kennad rb ti"thoft. Old. at'a oI .1. Man,' XiflghZ Telapft� ftStOm, ck on anY elected, and, .1. W.., Haber4l- Ad-, 400-*., d Ig Or they, bou 'I SoUlorth, McLean (O.- Hildebrand), Abort' Circuits, Brooder -house 1041vas uft, foil ratei third Sofrth, Hildebrand (Me- are increasing at all. all.rint be' 0h DoIchrt, reavOoffif4d alldiltors, Th hoseoar`e ging can 12.29. pen: The meatifig wa,4 'e 6n ut rmLe4n,, Geo Hiltlbrand), toldl that vieff-ug closed with th 41n,
21 9, ilkid I t1r6_ thok�!� 46okad at it' 6AMIA191611- Mltfsm—kennedy' Abould' be ta"n that nly �OJI 15;j�;6,,8 the National A lithe 6166k 10 th- OIL C dai 1goifi 9datorth, -AW,ght (Pei tho, yttbabi* rPsj-9#97 &A-6; Seaforth; 00%. Hlldtb�.and (Xe§- and then, ag1in 411 #tr'&W' And, litter bb,%rdi bt, dirbet e 008i Ab'd eleeted. Pruak hk*AO -411 Third Perlo�LGoals: Seafifth, Doij.
19 0,46ged t.� Mr# made, .6y 'a tellablb firm Are Jjj/"dSe, p6fj0kj`ng jlj6' a10"faknit Ir& they 9 -O� C1661o:ffi thbftibi,nift lory goilger .12.98; Atw6od, 13rouibidn shbtl& b-6 U#t I*Ak -qd" Ratty (3 first 'at,ft, Was the sea 4 5,,� 19:67. Pebultlos�-Cam.j ' 010tini; hold, Miller V]14*4"('�t'�6�f.-,Jlha' �an e0 a, Orion (penalty shot and UK4t� tlje�� (OtIntift'd6d '6jj do , Allb, sj I
ng results.
Atwood 8-4.
have -been badly* wrebke.d.
Sea.forih. JuVenilas finallY. Won a
The Passengers were -taken to Ee-
tion. wel-e foeeed to spend
the' night.
game! Tey broke a losir�g- streak,
Xiwo6d boek4y team took an 8-4
ter, but unable to find ace6m'
scoring W�ith their opening game� of the. season and broke only a-'2_2-tle
nit T11
Teacheig. Has
shellacking here last Thursday night,,.
sparked to the 'by Goirdn
Wjib ClIfiton
they beat Exeter Juvenile& 16-11- here
last SatUrday
Hildebrand, who scored thrae goals.
a Mutudi
14. -y
I)inner Keetin'g.
In the. first -pertod, play was rhther
I .
slow, but "Gordie" gGt.--.Ws, firs fwo.
eaforu, had the game all the way Aik4us and Ballantyne making It a I . ncreaseearl (hO Seaforth Women's Insttitute, blankets, and* clothing -from the 0 d along )y1th Don Stdwart andt, Nei The IOC41 . unit or 'the- Wd' eii's Lssesi Y UIUUU through- its lHiStOri6al Committee, Country, Thsev'dhest was, -table I Battle, in 2-2 ti&., In -the second period Gordle 04dd by, Mrs,-Ndt Dolg�, durieg . Ile- 'and cupboird I Beattie on a gcoring spree. Teacher's" Federation held 'a dinne'r Hildebrand - gt� Ilis third;,,, McLean got ned, got gtx goals and threo, assists, and ria.eeting in, the 'Comthbreial -Hotel jbnt - Months has, recorded tbe history One day tliai 11 Wednesday evening, wh two iand Kennedy added another,' to The �2nd annuaL meking of the an iAqKe4§e in surplus of, $9,671.84 In on a general
k ioneer, farms And instifiltibnA, Ot, 'tho' sound of dist discussion oi make it 8-2. f§f winter he, heard Stewart 8 goals and two Assists.' members of the Ray Township karm- -�vj ant chopping to the I�EAFORTH' XVENALES -- Goal 1 school was .te�`pn Ous Year. , There i� $72,500 the. Aim. . The s "being pre- west that must be'Othermalghlo belil.' Blocked r6,4d rrn�r or. I ;Mutual Fire.. Insurance' teOra of Siwan;,defence, St�6ng, Wilson; cZ. :,and Ato In the,third sitanza Doig and Geo Company im"ested III ba�ds 'and $9,q9&.,2,2 on madlior that'tfi�j can whom he., iL Beattie; wings, Stewart, Knighti ff a �es*ea in . 8 small attend- '-.-he*14 in the Town Hall, Zurich, on 6eeposit III the banks., andi the total. be preserved,. s yet knew nothing. Start. a th r Hilebrand scored, and Broughton goi 1'was and thus add-in no.sMall ing 'off 'towards the sound, he came alt. Rennie, , Laudefibach, Smith, Doig, Atwood's lone score in the second and: Mondhy,.Jan, 27. The president, Ae- nf6vlsur4-i to tbe-histdriC net of tbQ company amount'to data of the to * the pla6a whf�rb theffe,,1q,nkn9wfi Hu6rt,, Pill Ima third periodis in the bast three second's tbur* Finkbeiner, a6ted as chairman, $75,3152.33. 'The, .30 per co t I com n. Fs of the.unit are: Prestdout a a a
It ahis, settlers had been working. Tfiey had JUVENILES—Q6a], South--',MI84' 29. 9, 'Turbul); vIC0�plresfflent Of the, game. rbert K. Eilber, sectetaij-. Inforittatidn', dirotigly lack -of EUTEW an He tax payable to the. Doininion, Govern- aft-oady left when he 90t -there, ut cott, d6fence, E1118, V. larintnell� can- bell; secretg'ry-treasurer, Home Brews vs. Atwood The president, in his Addres. tat- commenc- Pot SEAFORTH--Goal, Muir; defence, klio*Iedg '16f �010,:vtoje6t' ha William 014661d. get up a Wark to let tre, Mussler', winjsj Waghorn, TuckeY; der., ,fng with the, year 1941, as I m MM i ad that there were 2,263 pol4cies. in " a so
,bb*n; mad -O allAble to, fi n thereVA-9 another. settler a]-terg'ates, K. Britiffiell; H6114h, Fjrk, force at the end of; the Year 19,46, tioned. It was gene�ally felt. by the It this'9bOUIA be the ras U O am —0 Nicholson, Sills; cent�e 'I
Uterested In th,6 vicinity. Next day Thomas wings, Messenger. Goo, 'HIld:r`Vd' with a total amouAt at rIsk of $12,� Mutual Fire Underwriters' Associa 6btaij abv a;ternates, fohnationi The amount' ot... insurance tion as, �11 Sea, trampi ing thl'oug. the. -Gemmell and Williad. McGeoch came Referee—R. Hough,, Emeter. tak
TMirebiajid, Cameron,..A. Hildebrand, was increased by' fi,ft6,200, although &jvm mut uals w6re not -operating for
T6, V.0 1� Dotg Wo6ds -umber rpolicle's orkly increased profit but were pr.ifrelyi a mutual..com- T& -. I k the ti
First Perf`bd"-doA1s,, 8eaf4prth, Beat- ictakeia. fr&u Wat' did'; th� lively. young Irish- tie (Stewart, Knight), 1.55; Seaforth,, oal, Inglis; - degece, 'iFIAOD—G, , by. 50, showing tilat the4policybolders Pany. There had. been a strong re-. the IngHtI46 K, illed By a Vhlan6e, Laid,law; centre, 19allau. are, taking out more prottectloW, There presentation -made
w 14, Th,, mah'thkik of thes � Quiet, `,Yeser�ed �tftart (Beattie' Itnight),1.28; Exe- to th, Special, SC0011*00' WhAt did, those.Sooto!x- ter, ICIX-k. -4,05; ..... . tyne; wings, Peebles, Brougbton.;,.al- were,75 ellaims paid during the, past Committee 'appointed, by the GdVernm' aneMoKillop. e'dunai aPPrVV0d, a.,-bylaiw teriiates, Ward, Alkens, yea�',, totalling $18,17Y.35,"compared inprit to investigate the taxation OVall. nk Of Ili? not know. (DDIg), 5AP; Seaforth, Beat- at 1t9 meetilig, Monday'*&feby pro, Smith, Graham., Coghlin, w4th $5,667.95 in the year 1045 coioparative,.:� In the Domftdon;and at ;i . DO191 vigloli.is made tot' the 04b.*enaatjon Rderee-�'Farmej McFad'din, Sea- company -paid for bfiree hdilpes' And OF16 time It Was th-ought,:ft M Mum- its that, thaV lived alale do; 7.U; Seafdrth, hejunie, The
In, JU 1845, j"Ung Peace an -n" two barns Amounting t10 $13,775-00- als would be examptdT -ke-ve, eftega, of 4'i-pounit Ousi wits built north a W Mary V48 d Ldgkburly� a .0 'than the year 190. at ritsit, Period—Goals., Seaforth, or- less discussion at the convention of -the -t ba)rn hov tth This bor�;' .6,� g., goiforth teafflij 9jaw- IAt s do n Hildtebranc� 4.30; Atwood, Ballaa- Fft,,ferenrp was made to the inerea,s-
as, t 0 dwollIng,pi. the faw association Which will be h-eld in, To- lYt ftufU Art) tne (Vallance). ll.it; Seatiorth, G. ed 'hazards of,taem' risksi due to -the ranto In. March. '196d, whan the pTesett, house *as fti,Ak 161 the brickwork - and, fter Beaitl%. Sbatoith, 66- 'Exeter, KI f ct th t th The reportq of the ire T)Ia kht-her MeNA, -a a. e ma; Re a8, 6, Ph6n,& Hildebrand, (McLean), 15.tU�; Aiwoo&, n r or operating
the', Alkens, 17,65. Petialties Goo. HJlde- arnis Is changing. TracWr. Asurer and q are get- hL0A%A4A', hf1jC%.8 ealne,ft, brand. thig more' plentiful and Hydro is now auditors Atere presented, aixd, aaoo�ed. 1k, s Harry it, Beaver, Goldie CiAgm Stitt om th� brlci�ard, 6n.t46 t IfAl*& ow oned by Aribur Xfehpl� nle�, jt� tb, Seeoud Period, — Goals,: Seaforth, inaise in almos-t ever'y risk. ln"ec_ Thomas ove, wh6seoterm of offiee, tied-tb", 16 06,n,� .'the JiLtei'Lotils fteinke dtd, tho' *xftar, " kiidd& 18.06, -aiinual1ftiefting 69 thkt M eXii- McLean, 5.20"Atwood, Coghlin, 6.95; tion of hydro instabratiots shild be As Afrectori hdd explioad, *6 -enter wOrk. - Tijp wait - lxlao'� th� Pull t(W�tla), 8.2# made aftpr ten, years.,to Cho
x*o Seaforth, Kennad rb ti"thoft. Old. at'a oI .1. Man,' XiflghZ Telapft� ftStOm, ck on anY elected, and, .1. W.., Haber4l- Ad-, 400-*., d Ig Or they, bou 'I SoUlorth, McLean (O.- Hildebrand), Abort' Circuits, Brooder -house 1041vas uft, foil ratei third Sofrth, Hildebrand (Me- are increasing at all. all.rint be' 0h DoIchrt, reavOoffif4d alldiltors, Th hoseoar`e ging can 12.29. pen: The meatifig wa,4 'e 6n ut rmLe4n,, Geo Hiltlbrand), toldl that vieff-ug closed with th 41n,
21 9, ilkid I t1r6_ thok�!� 46okad at it' 6AMIA191611- Mltfsm—kennedy' Abould' be ta"n that nly �OJI 15;j�;6,,8 the National A lithe 6166k 10 th- OIL C dai 1goifi 9datorth, -AW,ght (Pei tho, yttbabi* rPsj-9#97 &A-6; Seaforth; 00%. Hlldtb�.and (Xe§- and then, ag1in 411 #tr'&W' And, litter bb,%rdi bt, dirbet e 008i Ab'd eleeted. Pruak hk*AO -411 Third Perlo�LGoals: Seafifth, Doij.
19 0,46ged t.� Mr# made, .6y 'a tellablb firm Are Jjj/"dSe, p6fj0kj`ng jlj6' a10"faknit Ir& they 9 -O� C1661o:ffi thbftibi,nift lory goilger .12.98; Atw6od, 13rouibidn shbtl& b-6 U#t I*Ak -qd" Ratty (3 first 'at,ft, Was the sea 4 5,,� 19:67. Pebultlos�-Cam.j ' 010tini; hold, Miller V]14*4"('�t'�6�f.-,Jlha' �an e0 a, Orion (penalty shot and UK4t� tlje�� (OtIntift'd6d '6jj do , Allb, sj I