HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-12-20, Page 354. },1 5, •t t 4 v. 1. t t' r, v • • , I' V, �'R }}1 • eh�,a 0 ,I ,HE . n I, Better Thi vitamin ;Bi Tonic Extensivelyused for headaches Ices of slbep+> nervous ingligeation, irritability, 'anaemia, ' Chrome' .fatigue, and ezkatietiort of •tbe. nervous eXe,iieel 6o. eta- g+conotny s1lze, .$1• Q . u.,tl..YL arena NM1 Ertfin Jllid11Vt• ;all 00 • The ,activ'itie's of the IYensall F'S00" Club, aA association pt•eihtwomen, n lio. ctrl ing •Ghe ' .-War ' lea rs raised 040 D for patriotic pi poses, is re- viewe4 zn a report by,',, -the e secretary, Kra. 3an►es• Sangs'tei°, which follows:. } the ladles• of the Iensall f'500C4ub, wish :to talce'this opportunity tp� tliargk the .,people o1 'Ilgiisall'`azu district for ' :their genet Qus.o support 'd.uring the years of WOrid..WarICII,, in helping us ,keep filo•cigarettes going to our boys .overseas. It is; six years last July since we d' stied to bell) the war effort a little, We began; •b giv- ing ".ten'ceait's each weekly: There • has .never been more than eightmembers in • the auk.' ' so. you ,wilt understand that our fid didn't accumulate too. svwi£tlY. Therefore', we decided to send, eigar@'ttes through' the. overseas •ser vied; so we didn't\spend money on postage. The boys' letters of 'aPpree- iation wee all we needed • to ,know,. :that •we ha' chosen a suitable gift. As the number of boys going over- seas , kept increasing, we` had to raise money faster. • Our motto became,' "It can be done." We raffled hand crochet chair sets, hand embroidered table cleths, ,etc., obtained permission from the L'egi'on. to servh lunch at their bingoes, had a booth at one of .the firemen's frolics, sponsored a "Block of pennies drives," had a num- ber .ef ,of and dances in the hall and some house euchres. It all meant work, and 'we' -were all in there pitch- ing- ,• The, result of our efforts": We ,sent more than. $1,200.00 in cigarettes, to. the boys; made a- donation of` $20.00 to' the 'Women's Institute one Christ- mas, and another Obristmas we put a box of treats in each. of 61 parcels sent to the boys by the Institute and War Service Committee. We have sent flowers to friends bereaved,' don- ation tei cancer fund and Children's Hospital. We have treated the boys to a dinner. and dance in groups as they returned. We must add here that there are a number •of boy we have yet to' do- this for, and we hop.e to do itbefore long, when we can get the hall en a suitable night. - We are going tb retiire now insofar as raising money 'is concerned. We -•have--a-:balance "on' hand and -are` mak- ing another donation 'to the Chil- drens Hospital, .and one to help fin- ancing a recreation room for our Jun-' for boys and girls in Heiman. , We are proud of our achievements, but without the support -of the people of lie/mill and district, We could not 'have .had'§itch succes. To all you good folks, who helped inany way. again we say, "Thanks a million," from the Hensali Ladies '$00 Club." • -1 -' tat 1.t Your Christmas Poultty arket Before ' Selling 'Your • GEESE, DUCKS, ,..TURKEYS AND. CHICKENS ' Telephone 68 Pub:Un 'Creamery r _ DUBLIN e ONT. Highest P'riices Paid For A11 Types of Poultry • ..,F r li „T: sit IT..,Y �Tsn` qr.?.iT..r' , s,4 I { ..ri ..+7 1 .,,v 1 .;% i ..,. , .,,* , :,fi : 1:c01 IfAte. t0 8CHRi51M1' wr AND • FAlt E.'AND.A. HALE Christmas and .New Year's: Good going: Friday, Dec. ".20 ' to Wednesday? Jan. 1 inclusive -Return Limit: Leaving destination' not later •than Midnight, Tuesday,, Jan.' 7. 'TARE AND ATMfRD Christmas:' Going Monday, Dec. 23 to Wednesday, Dec. 25 inclusive. Return. Limit: Leaving destination not later than Midnight,, Thursday, Dec. 26, 1946. . New Year's: Going Monday, "Dec. ' 30 to . Wednesday, Jan. -1, inclusive. Return Limit: Leaving • destination not later than Midnight, Thursday, January 2, 1947. Tickets and com•i'lete information ,from any Agent. • . . • H�w t� C�fliiat: NEUMAN Rheumatic pains may often be caused by excess uric ,acid, a •blood nnpwity that should be. extracted by"the- kidneys. If kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it t may •cause severe discomfort- and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons and excess .acids -help you feel better. See what Dodd's can do for you. 137 4 .h .y. .. ..'aF'. .•.. K. • ,y...• .,,.,h...yn rin+tam931JCXi1J.^Ji1C1r��J' AT THIS HOLIDAY BEASONN' OF TAE' YEAR . . . Seaforth _ Ltd', desires to express its appreciation of the co-operation of the Poultry Raisers of Huron County,. and to' wish "one and. all .the Compliments ' of the Season.., In order that your New Year may be' a happy' and profitable one, we point out that: A :PROFITABLE POULTR,Y. INDUSTRY Requires that 'a Planned .Production. Program be 'adopted by Poultry Raisers 1K 'At least one-third of the. exportable egg surplus should. be , .. -. produced during thelaIl. and early winter months of 1947. This 'means, earlier chicks;r-chicks hatched in February and March -or January where phacticable. . . ,^° 2. A large volume of fail and early'winter 'eggs should be • the - goal of the Canadian Poultry Industry every' year. Failure to meet this goal would be a deterrent to future favourable eon- -Jtracts. Giving Britain eggs when she wants. them provides the, bargaining power for surplus eggs in. other seasons. 3.. Production stepped forward — not increased poultry 'popu- ,'lation. No overall increase in poultry population is wise or desirable at this time. ,Feed supplies are short. Available feed should be used where it Will do the most good --- raising early pullets and carrying them into :early profitable production. . THIS PROGRAM' ;REQUIRES THE CO-OPERATION. OF „ EVERY PRODUCER ' • Successful poultrymen have mastered .the, art of fall produc tion. `Their • experiences will be made available in interviews by , press and: radio. • • I Increased fall production is the best insurance for. future' stable. markets. . better. Early more haVe greater liveability:, They develop The eggs are produced at a season when attractive pretniuins exist. No chicks should be brooded 'after• MAY . 31st, ekcept for; speciar purposes. ' f• BUY CHICKS A MONTH EARLIER IN 1447 - eaforthProduce; Lt4; AGENTS FOR ,I.,VbXHAVS CHICKS 'Phony' .174-A Seaforth fQliowi%�tyh add ° cylilcl tesented to Mtsq Cx eta �i� enxber : of jths Gutted' h o at a z'?eent gathnia%rg at •tie se.. ofMt. and:h`lr>s M. G. 'Dry0Ie .l, ollowiug ;�a the rddreSs r3k at Greta;the choir c sire to lionor yon at`i is time and 'to voice` a ,,feW 0.00 :0 '.444. fee1iu6 tAat .ca irmt -4e oxprssst,id as bfteu as they siesdrve to be, a'A• vhicyh rease e the years hurry bye We re000iiize the inraortal?t part ypU: have' p1ayP4l in alU y'hoW't hurch •1%fe. You have ,dl wa tiled t0 do vyhat You could to ma >r our ghurnb > olArish, and your contribution: ' oRt is remarkable and •deeply apples ..o'ii whez�evei{' yen' set'is. Since 1938 y;.oltl''have been the Organist of the o11d* 11 and in. that capacity you have .lebn prompt, ef- ficient and. 4epel:kik , •and • your, s.er- xiec.,illagked'by tli.e;Vgliest devotion,,. There have been. igea''sions when 'the load. for . yon • has: been eaieeedingly heavy, Easter and, Christmas- espetr•" fatly, are imporiant occasions, When', much mere' is required of the organ-. ist:. But you have measured -up won- derfu1ly and have labol'ed industrious- ly for us all, and your musical .,gifts have peen an important factor.. An 'the success .of our wdrl€ as a Whole. Re- lieving this is a gond opportunity to express our thoughts and feelings,' we • are attemp3,ing:lo do, so 'now,' 'Around Christmas •time• people do strange, things, but they are,: always forgiven,. no matter' how foolish pep seem. But we want you to accept this gift as a token of, our goodwii1 and gratitude for au. your serviOoS. thong with it. goes 'a good wish tor Christmas, • but also a• -good wish for;'all the years to dome, that health and strength may he' given to .carry on with your du- ties, and that you will not grdw weary in your well. -doing amongst us as the organist of our church.—Signed, Presi- dent of the' Choir." The annual meeting of the W.M.S. -5if the United 'Church. was held Thurs- day evening' with the president, Mrs. W. B. Cross, in the chair. Bev. R. A. Book spoke, and Miss Greta Laramie directed carol singing. Miss Ellis fav- ored with a reading ' and .Mrs. Maude Hedden, Mrs. 'George. Hess and Mrs. Milton Lavery sang a -trio, "Silent Night, Holy Night." Lantern slides, The• Other Wise Men," were shown with Miss • A. Consitt as narrator. Mrs. C.Cook, treasurer of the society .for many years, was made a life mem- ber. .The address war: read by Miss: Ellis and the presentation made by Mrs. Brook. Rev. R. A. Brook was in. charge 9f the election of officers as', follows: Past pres, Mrs. R. A. $rook; pres., Mrs. W. B. Cross; . vice-pres., Mi's. E. Geiger., Mrs. E. MVIcQueen,'Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. C. Ballantyne, Mrs. M. G. Drysdale; treas., Mrs: C. -Cook; re- cording and., corresponding sec., Mrs, L. Mickle; assistant, Mrs. H. McMur- trie; :pianist, Mrs. ' T. J. Sherritt; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. W. Car- lile;' assist., Mrs... Grace Harpole; Community Friendship sec., Mrs. J. Passmore,. Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. N. Jones; . Mrs.,W. Carlile; Supply sec.,' Mrs. J. McBeath, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. C. Stephenson; . •Temperance sec., Mrs. E. McQueen-; Associate Helpers, Mrs, N. Cook.; assist., Mrs. Sherritt; -Missionary Monthly, Miss K. Scott; press sec, 34iss Violet MCClymont; honorary president -Evening Auxil- iary,. Miss M, Ellis; Supts•, Mission Circle, Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs:. G. Hess; Supt. Mission Band, Mrs. ,R, A. Brook;, Supts. Baby Band, Miss Ellis and Mrs. Hess;. Study Book, Miss A. Consitt. •• lie Qtyicers torr a;a4'i „,4rp. (' b iter aieberec amiss' Mat �. Currie, :l Ira. Q pl n iOtrry.:• 4; vier; 13r0 Mi's: A ac Wi1*am; vie lyres Mrs': L. eQtt, zItts. Win tiaiuUtpn; •a L"., ` Ivlise 'CSract 0halmttrs, Leese , •firs,, Jas; } W;,. ssist; tress„ Ylis Jessie Harmilton; • Welcr fa•e .and ',elfare; Mrs, . Keith, Mcl.,aren •.Mrs, �" L€ting, Diad Tidings, Mrs. '£ J, Scott, supply, Ivies. Tort? 'Scott; $r;•.; exG.hange, Miss, Miry" . Currie, .press, tis Wlil3am 1-1040404;.•;Boma !IlelpeXs, hits: Jes aie•- 4,MiJan; ass}st., Mrs' Ed. Allen;. pgisi, ,Nits L1dYd Soi`sdahl; assist.,. M. Hen ceilal'# �lyRniriating, com- mij1kI• tee> Ml'e MaeWig•,um; Mrs; T. L, •-Secitt, • Mks:: Wm. '4,044,'cud; Mi:}, Gi:ace Chan ere, Miss Margaret Shepherd was,,'hos- Less at her home Monday evening for the monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary. Miss Edna Saundereock as- sisted, Miss Shepherd, and Mrs. B. Kyle presided. The 'meeting aliened witli- Christmas. carols. In response to, the roll call, a collection off Christmas gifts was received for distribution to the Protestant Orphanage, London., Edna Saurtdercock read the Scripture lesson; Gladys Luker offered prayer, and Miss Ellis presented an appropri- ate devotional in keeping 'with the Christmas season; "For God so loved t4 ...worLtL" . Business. was discussed..: ',Margaret Shepherd and Mary Good- win will pack 'and ship the gifts. The 'nominating"' committee, Mrs: • KYle, Mrs. Passmore and Mrs. • Shaddick, presented the.1,94,7 slate of ogles rs rr fellows: Hon•., -pees.. M:ss Ellis: 4.r'e•s; Miss B. Michie;, 1st vice-pres., Mrs, P. McNaughton;' 2nd vice -Pres.,^ Mrs.• H, Hyde; sec. • Gladys ,Luker; treas., Margaret Glenn; .press reporter, Mrs. .I-Iedden; pianist,' Gladys Luker; ibl cam.. Mrs. C. Passmore; -friendship' com., Gladys .Duker, Mrs. Shaddick, Mrs. Passmore and "Violet' McCly- Mont; ' Stewardship cont., Violet' Mc- Clymont. Mrs. Hedden, Mrs.' Hess and Mrs. •Lavery rendered a vocal trio unaccompanied, "Silent Night, Holy Night.''' The next ineeti•ng tiv'ill be held, at Miss 'Edna Saundercock'c home on January. 13. Miss Ellis will begin the new study book , on India. Closing hymn was. "Hark.? the Her- ald Angels Sings," after Which" the Mizpah benediction was rep cited • a ids will be full to completing thousands of extra Long Distance calls dpring the holiday season. Most calls will go through Promptly—m-c because our operatoits will be using,.all avaua.ble„ equipment tb . ,mplete them. - •Of course with holiday traffic so heavy, some calls are bound to be delayed. If this should happen to yours, you can be sure the operator will get it through just as quickly as she possibly can. • • •••• THE DELL TELEPHONECOMPA-NY, OF CANADA , ' 1 ,,.� ;F-.t� ✓.- , .r-il ;>Yjl f t*..EI 1i :r I '4 I ;µ •, ;e-.11 ,,.+ 1 x+• I I r j n ,u•' : • .,,,7# 3' p« ?r )41 a t,1yL crti ivv I ; ,'^r 4v> rts�;; i4 a . Check This List: • 'DOLL BUGGIES • BEAUTIFUL TABLES. • BEDSPREADS . SCATTER RUGS •, MIRRORS • DINING ROOM SUITES c • ,CEIMR CHESTS • ASH STANDS • B,EDROOM. FURNITURE •• DESKS •. STUDIO COUCHES • CHESTERFIELD SUITES 'Come in—look around. You are cer- .lalit to finethe .gift, that'pleases? CROSARTY . • The annual meeting of the Wnmen's Missionary Society was held in the baselnent of , the Fhurch with Mrs. 1VIacWilliam presiding. ''The Scripftire lessen was read by. the "president, fol- lowed with prayer by. Mrs. ,fas. Hill. •The roll call :was answered by 1:1 Members. The Glad. Tidings prayer was taken by Mrs. R. J. Scott. A re- port of the year's work was given by the seer -60,11, Miss' .Grecd Chalmers; and .Mrs.. Hill; the treasurer, gave an encouraging'finanei'hl report. The giv- ings for the' year showed 2l marked crease, Other' reparta `earl i'ine1ud- ed:+ Glad, Tidings, Mrs R. 3� Scott; welcome and' welfare, Mrs, H'oughton, In the absence of 'Mrs. Keith McLar-. en: Miss Mary B. Curr'a, the exchange secretary. wrote and sent current ev- ents for several of the meetings and' also sent an exchange pater; Homo Helpers' report. Mrs. Jessie liamil- deh; Mrs. Tom Scott, Sr'., the supply secretary, reported that, owing to the national clothing drivel during' the year.,'nothhng.. had been done in the way' of a bale of clothing from the society; •Mi•s, : Scott gave an. encour- aginig.Ifinancial report rtf the Peace Thanksgiving Fund;, ' press report, MTs. Hotr,ghton.; Missinii •Eanc't, Miss Grace Chahltsrs:" Mrs. rt L: Scott read, the report of the nominating commit- tee and the officers were reappointed for the' coming year, .whir the excep' tio$• of onretnetiaber, Of t`he• notnibat- iJA, ootiiiiiittee, Mits. Ohginuere being aiiDettitett in hOr•plaree.:'! ►O'tiedisatory' I, :, The perfect answer for the last- minute shopper. Here you will find lamps in a variety of pleas- ing designs and for all purposes: A truly worthwhile gift. and so reasonably priced; too. t% 4 ,4' AN OCCASIONAL CHAIR -make a •simply marvellous gift for every,.: name on your lI t.. These ketches give you a limited idea of the Mani styles from which to choose. You 'must come in to really' appreciate, the style, color ,an a I d fabrics. l G. A. WHITNEY ' FINE FURNITURE FUNERAL DiIII;GTOR LAMPS - FLOOR COVERINGS AMBULANCE SERVICE A';