HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-12-13, Page 8u.. We Pay Highest Prices — for —• " CHICKENS - DUCES - GEESE - TURKEYS HORSEHAIR and, FEATHERS Parkdaie Poultry; MITCHELL PHONE 152 .rmrrwrgiumr[ ii li Nr' r4} T 'ss .',AiaTo 0131 l , CASUALTY,. RANTEE' .SQND$y AAGCIDENT RI+Ng88, 'RVQ LARY AND #� STQRi " plt'eia tlnt%ti QUIP a .ie8 who Sive AQCUg $tY witia bervice. SA O. *GENTS , Q'$ ONTARIO '' #L tl AN'S MUTUAL VMS INSURANCE - InforniatLon Agladly given. WATSON . $>: REID M, A.• REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate • Phone 214 `: Seaforth. '00000000.000 O 0 0 "° G. A. WHITNEY . O. O Successor to O ,0 ' HOLM A. WHITNEY O 0 Main Street - Seaforth 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 C? Adjustable hospital bed for 0 !! rent. 0 0 ',Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 - Flowers. - 0 O Telephone 118 O 0 • Nights and Holidays. 66 0 0. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont. • 0 O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O ' AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calla -835 O O. 0 0000.00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 J. A. BURKE .0 Funeral Director O 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN : ONT. 0 O Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 O O,•. 000000000000 FOR SALE - A number of properties in: "Seaforth E., C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 220 Ices. 334 Car Washing AND o, Simonize AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Meitfiorlal 'Craftsmen SEAFORTH EXETER , CLINTON Seaforth Showrooms open Tuesdays, See Dr. Harburn for, apsointment any time, or. Mone 414, Xzetut , '- - Chesterfields.. AND. - Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swinge and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Uholsterixtg Co. Stratford ' TELEPHONE 579 For further information apply .at Box's Fprmture • Store SEAFORTH BODY ANDD FENDER REPAIRS AT Seaforth. Motors PHONE 141 SHE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. -MEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Stank McGregor, Clinton - President Chris Leonhardt, Prodha'gen, Vice -Pres, Merton A- Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer.' DIRECTORS: • Chris. Leonh'ardt; Rradhagen;„E. J. firewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoat, Rat, . 8, Seafortl:i; Alexander McFrwing, 1; Myths; Prank -McGireger, II„11. Clinton.;• thigh, Alexander, Sail, 1, Vtlilltaai It. Archibald, :4, +Se'aftrtir ' .., eorgo' Leitch, • LR, 1, IituSa;';iais IxMaloiiie, it,» 6, Sea 1,1 ijlil 1 n; d4 P iteteir~r: ICE 4001. NEWS t E T St,. Thomas Ladies' Guild Meets„— The December mating of the Ladies' 'Guild, of St, Thomas' Church was held i the Pariah Hall on Tuesday of this week. Nine members were present. The president, Mrs, G. McGavin, op- eeed the meeting. with the 'Gospel for the third Sunday in Advent, followed by a prayer for the parish and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Reports from all committees were received and plans made for holding a rum- mage sale in. the parish hall on Dec. 17, and members asked •to contribute articles for it: Mrs. Gilbert invited the members to hold their annual meeting at the Rectory ou the second Tuesday 'in January. Arter the offertory" was dedicat.d, the Meeting was closed with the' benediction. Little - Heckman.—Graee Lutheran Church, Mitchell, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, Dec. 6, when Rita Audrey, daughter of Mr. Arthur Heckman and the sate Mrs. Heckman, of Mitchell, was .united in marriage to Mr. Thomas Milton Lit-' tle, son of Mr,, and 11trs.• Thomas Lit- tle, of Londesboro. .Rev. J. Woetfle performed the ceremony. Attendants .were Mrs. Wm. Martins, St. Cathar- ines, matron of honor; M.iss Kathleen Heckman, of Seebach's HiLl, brides- maid; Mr. Wm. Little, Londesboro, groomsman„ while Beverley Ann 'Fis- cher, niece. of the- bridegroom, was flower girl- Mr. Ray Studer, of Moore- field, was the usher, and Mrs. E. Gilck of Mitchell, played the wedding music. A.wedding dinner was served at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, and later• Mr. and Mrs. Little left on a wedding trip to St 'Catharines, Niagara Falls and Buffalo, the bride wearing a pearl grey winter ensemble with black seal trim= .wings. On their return they will fe- side in Londesboro. Northside United Church.—Rev, H. ,V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Ideals Have Changed Human History"; '7 p,m,, "The Desire Of All Nations Shall Come." Conre, let us worship Our . LQrd. First Presbyterian Church -10 a.m., The Sunday School, annual White Gift Service; 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Pub- lic worship: The Minister will preach., Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 8,15—The Tues- day Night Club Christmas party • at the Manse. .. Anglican.—Dec- 15;• Third Sunday in .Advent: St. Thomas'. Seaforth 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morn - in. Prayer; Unveiling and Dedication of window in memory of Arnold Archi- bald: "Greater dove hathno man than this"; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. ' St. Mary's, ,Dublin -2,30 p.m,, Sun-, day School; 3 pans'• Church Service and Sermon.—The Rector,- Rev, C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A., at all services; Sun- day School Christmas.supper and par- ty, St. Thomas'.; Palish -Hall:, Friday, ere D. 20, at 6 p.m. • Mae Lane Meets.—There was a splendid attendance at the Christmas Meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary, held on Tuesday -evening with Mrs. B. F. Christie presiding, Mrs. R. Savauge opened the meeting by read- ing a poem, "Christmas Begins, With Me." The opening hymn, "Silent Night,” was sung, after which the sec- retary_, Mrs. G. Johnston, read the minutes of. the November meeting. Splendid reports were given by the various- secretaries and according to -the treasurer's report the year. was a very successful one. Miss Abbi,e Seip, Captain of Circle 4, then took charge. After .singing "Hark! The Herald An- gels Sing,""Mrs. E. H. Close led in prayer. The Scripture reading, St. Luke, 2:8-14, was taken by Mrs. Sny- der. A solo; "Jesu Bambino," by Mrs. Brown -Higgins,, accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Stewart at tlfe piano, was much enjoyed', "The First Nowell" was then Sung and Miss R. Fennell gave the topic in the form of a Christms story and proved very interesting. -Numer- ous, Christmas gifts brought by' tb.e members, which had been placed at the Christmas tree, were opened and displayed, later to be sent to the hos- pital at Gypsumville. The meeting - closed" by singing, ""O Come, All Ye Faithful," and 'by repeating the Miz- pah benediction. A social hour fol- lowed and a -delicious lunch was serv- ed by the"•social committee, Presbyterian W.. M. S. Meets.—The Senior Auxiliary of the Women's Mis- sionary 'Society met in First, Presby- terian Church Tuesday, Mrs, Robert Eberhart' presiding. The reports for the past,"year were read and adopt- ed all testifying to the sincere Work of the different officers, The report of. the nominating committee was presented by Mrs. James Kerr and the officers 10r•1947. were installed by R.ev. R. H. Williams- Mrs, James Kerr read the last :,chapter of Paul's Epis- tle to the Ephesians, followed by a prayer by Mrs. Wm. McLaren. Rev. Williamsgave a stirring and impres- sive talk on "God's Invasion of the World," and closed the meeting with.. prayer, The executive will,meet Jan. 3, at three," o'clock. Officers for 1947 are as follows: Hon, pres„ Mrs. Wm. Freema.n; pres., Mrs, .Robt" Eberhart; let vice-pres,, Mrs. Helen,. McMillan;. 2nd vice pres., Mi's. James Herr; 3rd vice-pres,, Mrs. Chas, Aberhart; 4th vice-pres,; Mrs.. 3. L. Bell; secretary, Miss Isabel Ballantyne; treasurer, Mrs. J. C. Greig; Glad Tidings secre- tarye,Mrs, Wm. McLaren; supply sec., Mrs. Bickle; Library and. Literature, Miss "Lena Grabam; Horne Helpers, Miss Elizabeth Smith and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock; Social Committee, Mrs, ,I. J. •Cluff, Mrs. Kerslake; pianist, Mrs. Geddes; press, Mrs, K. M. McLean; C.G.I-T. president, Mrs, .1 Thomp- son; Mission. Band. presidents, - Mrs. E. A- McMaster and Mrs, R. H. Wil- liams. Goforth Mission Band Meets.—The Goforth Mission, • Band .of First Pres- byteri'an Chtircb held their thank'of- fering' meeting in the Schoolroom bf, the church.. The meeting was opened, with a song by the Band, "TYseftil To My . 1=toUiefolks." The minutes were then %lead and approved, The thank- offeritig' wa.s received followed by: the efferatory prayer, Sheila Mcb'adden, 14447 Fr'.._nces Schnlltz, Margaret I era- berger, arca Glew, Jean,Copland and' Mary, Copland favored with a song. "There is a Song in the Air." The de- votional progr=am was opened by sing- ing inging Hymns 168, verses 1, 2, 5 and 6. Doris Stevens read the 'Scripture and Mary Copland, Karen Kidd and Jean Hunter gave a poem and prayers. Miss S. 1. MeLean told two very interesting stories, "The Gift of Love" and "Toy- land." Nancy Glew, Paul McMaster, Bruce McFadden, Ronnie Mason, Joan Charters, liarjorie Pethiek and Alice Ann Nixon sang "Away in a Manger," and Mrs. Robert Eberhart brought greetings from the , Mlssionar•y, Society and. Mz•s.'W. A. Wright from the Bar- bara Kirkman Auxiliary. Certificates and seals were presented to theey� fol- lowing: Karen Kidd, Marilyn Ming, Doris Stevens, Elaine Holmes; l3ar- bai•a Wright, Howard Jack, •Ronnie Jack, Connie Wright, Joan hunter, Sbeila McFadden, Margaret 'Hember- ger, Ruth 'lean, Elizabeth Habkirk, Alice Ann Nixon and Lois Charters. The following had perfect attendance: Doris Pullman, Karen Kidd, Marlene Miller,, Sheila McFadden, Lois Char- ters, Joan Charters,, Bruce McFadden, Marilyn Kling, Nancy Glew and Mar- jorie. Pethick. This, meeting was e1o.- ed by singing Hymn 171 and the bene- diction. The Hand enjoyed a supper and. Christmas party following the thankofferieg. The total raised at the thankoffering was $35.45. Barbara. Kirkman Holds Annual •Meeting,—The' Barbara Kirkman Aux- iliary, of First Presbyterian • Church DANCE CARDNO'S HALL Seaforth NEW YEAR'S NIGHT Sponsored by Women's • Institute ADMISSION 50c N'otice THE SEAFORTH BEAUTY SALON Over Whyte's Butcher Shop , is now open for business PHONE YOUR APPOINT- MENTS TO 157 Christmas Suggestions • Leather Change Purses • 25c ea. Kitchen Aids - ,,15c ea. Sox Savers 'pair ......25c and 40c MITTS AND ' GLOVES —AT— Jack's Repair ANN.1011 114 TAXI SERVICE • ANY TIME • ANY WHERE Phone 162 -- Seaforth W .- CECIL J. • LEMON BODY; AND FENDER REPAIRS and PAINTING' DALY'S GARAGE Seaforth 1 1„XEON EXPOSITOR. held,thelr`latial Meeting An Tuesday evenit{g'. The reti Vii, A. `'Wright, occ ;ng the business part of the meeting and Mrs, D, Nixon„ convener of the I. Graham Group, the devotional part. The Scrtpt"nze lesson; was read by ,Miss . Belle . Smith and Mrs., C. E. Smith gave the Glad Tidings Prayer. A very interesting Christmas story, read by Miss -Laidlaw, was much en- joyed. Mrs, J. A. Munn and Mrs. W. A. Wright sang a duet accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Interesting re- ports were given by the officers for the past year, telling of the success of the work and the financial stand: ing. The auxiliary raised $'642.00. The following ffs the list of officers for 1947: Hon. pres., Miss S. I_ Mo3.ean; pres., Mrs. J. E. Daley; sec., Mrs. J. A. MacDonald;, treas., Mrs. K. M. Campbell; group' leaders: 'Mrs. J. B. Russell, Mrs, M. McKellar, Mit. R. Smith, Mrs. J. W. Free; social con- vener, Miss D. Nixon; Ways and Means, Mrs.. H. E. Smith; pianist, Mrs. J. A. Munn; press sec.,. Mies S. I. McLean; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. H. R. Scott, Mrs. Mae Dorrance; Literary, Miss Belle' Campbell; Home. Helpers, Mrs, Harold Dale; FIower convener, Mrs. C. Retch, Miss Norma Jeffrey; supply convener, Mrs. Harry Charters; life -membership, Miss Belle Smith; Glad Tidings, ' Mrs. J. J. Sclater. ng P:resldeut, led the chair dv, LOCAL BRIEFS • Rev. Douglas H. Stewart, Mrs. Stewart and two children, of Edmon- ton, are spending a' few' weeks at the home of his parents; ,Mr. and Mrs. I Harry Stewart. • Mrs. David Holland, of Avonlea; Saskatchewan, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. McLachlan, in • Tuckersmith, • Mrs. E. S. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. E; C. Shaw, of Couneaut, :Ohio, are the -guests or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron, Tuckersniith. Miss Mabel Cameron, who spent the past two months in Ohio, returned with them.' • Mr, Bobby Thiel, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with his uncle, Mr. Louis Hildebrand, • Mr. William Reid left this week • RUMMAGE SALE TUESDAY, DEC. 17th in the Parish Hall 2.30 p.m. By the. Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church. EVERYONE WELCOME DANCE SATURDAY, DEC. 14 Cardno's Hall, Seaforth NORM CARNEGIE and His Band ADMISSION 40c 1Kusical Presented by Pupils of St. Joseph School of Music, Seaforth, on TUESDAY, DEC. 17th at 8 p.m. ST. JAMES' ;PARISH HALL SEAFORTH, COMMENCING JANUARY 2, 1947 We will be operating on is ' C.O.D. BA,, S Plus' a 25c collection charge.' when account is not paid where delivered Thanking.; .yo'i. kindly , for your patronage. SCOINS • THE ,CLEANER • • 125°0 r:. DIAMONDS r.. -r, OQcy.: J 111111 I epi A. Westcott 17510 ' 9° % JEWELLER - iiiiiniammininimimmimill ANY ARTICLE MAY BE PUT AWAY FOR A 4MAIAL DEPOSIT SHOP EARLY - Phone .218 '5eat'ort i . at far Tortipto where he 'will, 0p(x1.4, the. erintey '' wit# hin• • Mr, R. R. Spence, • of Mitchell, and son, Mr. G. A. Spence, ai Galt,. were galling' pll old Seai'!o 'th. ' 3'tend ' this: week. : • Mx, and Mrs. •Clyne P1ynn And' s'os , Jimmie,' Mr, slid M0.-444,04 ar5!1d Willard and sons, Billie and ,Mnreay+a of London, and Air; and Mrs.; Tamen', Parkins and daughter, Sandra,. .of,; Zurich, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins, who re- cently moved from Hensel) and are living in Mr, John A. Stewart's "resi- dence on, John Street. , • Mr. and Mrt James ••T. Scott and family ' spent the week -end vtith friends in Guelph. • Cbriatmas carols will be sung by the pupils of the Public School on 'ridgy, December 13, at 8.15 p.m., un- der the direction of Miss M. E. Turn- bull. ' • Mr:, and Mrs. Garnet Free, of Stratford, were guests this week at the home of his parents', Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free. • Mrs. E. C. Case has returned from Sault Ste. Marie, where she was Visiting her daughter. • Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, of Tuckersmith, were the week -end guests of.Mr, and Mrs. E. M, Hudson, Windsor. • • Mrs...John Rau, who .has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Regier has returned to her home in Zurich. • •. Mr. Neville McMillan, 'of the' Bank of Commerce staff, Listowel, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr, and .Mrs. J- lI. Mc- Millan. • Mr; and Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and family, -°o'€ Galt, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart, • Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Huras and Gloria, who have been' the guests of: her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Cham- berlain, have returned, to their home in Stratford, • Mr. Dori Dale, of Cobourg, is a guest at the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crozier, Huron Highway west. • The many friends of Mrs. F. 0. Anderson will be pleased .to learn that she is recovering from her re- cent serious illness. • Mrs.' K. M. 1VIcLean is in Strat- ford this week, the guest of Dr. and Mrs, O. C. Jarrott. • Mrs. R. P. Hagerman, who has been seriously ill at her home, 13 Ellsworth Avenue, Toronto, for some time,, passed away on Thursday, De- cember 12th. She was the mother -of Mrs. J. E. Keating, of town. • Pte. P. Cleary, of London, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and- Mrs, W. J. Cleary. • Mr. and Mrs. Miller and .son, of Stratford, were the week -end guests of M'r. and Mrs, G. A. Whitney. • Mrs. J. McCluskey, of Stratford, -vas a week -end" .guesnsat the . home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.. Eckert, in' Mc- Killop. o Mrs. C. L. Moore, .`el St,, Stephen, N.B., arrived this weak to spend two week's • with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H: Lawrence. Mr. .Moore- will arrive later to spend„ Christmas here. also.- o Mrs, D. McTavish and Margaret, and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Taylor and Morris, of St. Thomas, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hewitt, -, BLAKE • Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Oesch ,and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch attended the funeral of a friend iat Milverban last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, John Dennome and family are', this week moving their household effects to theirr new home at Drysdale where Mr. Dennome will carry on his 'Store business. We wish them success. Mrs. C. Meyers, of London; "visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hey, on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stelck, of Dashwood were in the vicinity on Sun- day. Mr. and -Mrs. Leon Jeffrey were vis- ited by Mrs. Jeffrey from St. Joseph. Mr. Norman Jarrott, of Kippen, 'vis- ited his' niece, Mrs. Harold Finlay,', and family. The December . meeting of the W. M. S. was ' held at the Parsonage in Varna on Thursday afternoon. Miss Phyllis McBride visited with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. ., Roy Mc- Bride. The public school is holding • a Christmas .entertainment on the after- noon of 'Dec. 20 this year. BA'YFIELD Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, Dec. 7, at 2.30 p.m., when, 'Lorna Pearl, daughter of ,.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake, Bayfield, . and, Mr. Merton Edward Merner, son of the late Mr. and- Mrs, E. Merner, 61 - Hayfield, were united in holy matri-. Tony. Rev. L, V, Pocock, of Heepe-' ler, performed the ceremony, and Miss' Betty Lou Larson played the wedding• march from Loherngrin and also during the'' signing of the regis- ter when Mrs. Kenneth Larson sang "I Love You Truly," The bride Wasgiven in marriage by her father and wore a gown of white faille taffeta, sweetheart neckline, i&nger-tip veil and orange blossom headdress, She carried a bouquet of pink Rapture a roses: Miss Gloria Westlake, sister of the bride, was the -bridesmaid, and wore a pink faille taffeta, while the maid of honor, Miss Elsie Leitch, of Hespeler, wore blue faille taffeta. They both wore feather hats to match with- shoulder -length vel'Is, and. car- ried Colonial 1 o'trquets of white .car= nations. The groomsivan was Mr, Kenneth Merner, Clinton, brother of the groofn, and the p5hers were Gren- ville Atkinson and Garfield Westlake, Bayfield. The groom's gift to' the bride was a Bulova watch, to the maid of honor, gold and pearl brooch, to the bridesmaid, gold locket, and to the groomsman and ushers, gold tie pin sets. A reception was held later at the Little Inn, when the bride's mother received fn a navy crepe 'black dress, haat and acceSsor#'es and also wore a corsage of white Oiivette car- nations. The church was .beautifully decorated in pink and white mums• with lighted candles on the altar. Fol- lowing. the reception Mr, and Mr's. Merner left on a trip to 1 orosto and pointer east, the bride travelling in a 'powder blue dress with hat"""t ' 'match and muskrat, coat and brown acres- sones, On their return they Wilt rem gide in Ray$'eld,. •- - • • QW PLAYIN =,-•Th rsday .Friday Saturday GEORGE FORMBY', in " I 'DIDN'T DO IT For lots of Fun and 'Laughter, come and spend an evening with George! { MONDAY,. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY FIRST SHOW, 7 P.M. , SECOND SHOW, .9,30 P,M. - " THE BELLS OF ST. MARYS" with , - INGRID BERGMAN BING CROSBY and It's "Father O'Malley's!' new miracle of Marpellous Entertainment, Great Songs, with Bing at his- lyricalbest! , Great Story, with all the -heart of Incomparable Ingrid!! Great Pun—made by the deft touches, of ;he Director of "Going My Way." " " NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURRAIr " THE RUNAROUND " with • ELLA RAINES . BRODERICK CRAWFORD ROD CAMERON A 'misbehaving honey!' A misguided sleuth. What happened to them from Coast -to -Coast couldn't happen any funnier! Coming: "A NIGHT- IN CASABLANCA" with THE MARX BROTHERS -'-in the Howl Raiser of 1946 Almallausissommommosmor MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS • NOW! Special Christmas Dinner (Wednesday, December 25th) Served from 4.30 to 7.30 p.m. $1.50 Reservations MUST• be made by Saturday, Dec. 21st PHONE 227 -The .Commercial Lunch- 'Looking For a Gift Idea GIFT- SETS DUSTING- POWDER . 1.15 GALLIVANTING. COLOGNE, ' .,1.50 GALLIVANTING DRY PERFUME 1.25 GALLIVANTING IEART SOAP (3 in box) L25 GIVE HER VITA=RAY 2-50 up d' ,HERE'S a short cut to nevi and glamorous beauty' ,—a compact, inexpensive kit containing Vita -Ray essential preparations. Just the thing for travel- ling -an ideal gift. Stur; your new skin -beauty program with. • this Vita -Ray Introdnctory-Set. McKINDSEY'S DRUG STORE 401.14 MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS APPOINTMENT NOW! v for 41 A PERMANENT •, COLD WAVE „ or • FINGER WAVE • at the Vogue Beauty Salon, COMMERCIAL HOTEL PHONE _31. GRACE • SCOTT Graduate Hairdfresser 1 r tr 1 jr