HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-12-13, Page 6• r • ger mxttr. tro,pfilgt, i ilar' a, alieedy PPM vein Mr, RolltleA,birthdaY, • ' wer,1134,44votto.4V044•0440" TOW r ' . . „ . ." • • "•• Tee93,..erY,t• and, Mrs. Chas, ,sitsephol' • ahnitg 14eting 'of 4.1 /44 ing W'ih Daynard leading TO ' - WOininbn, ROL .ot Detroit, Rett Aaine attended the sale of the ma,n's AssaeiatiOn was held. at tile Se*the Nteek,,e04 nt, the home of his parents, Ildr, and Mrs. Thos. Bell. The service in the 'United Church here was under the auspices of the W,A., and the speaker was, Rev. Irwin BACK of • Exeter, who gavea aplendid dess. Special mimic by Paul BrOs„., Kirkton, with. MA's, Paui at the piano and Mrs. Leon Paul singing a trig With her husband and his brother akiNgs often caused hy lazy kidney *xdWasp getout of order eze • 114141: 1944 re* Or that 'tired out' feeling may 1,011014 To holik.,„koop Your kidney Newly—use tapas Kidney 1511:„.' Tioi‘taated, popular, safe, uou-habit4orm- i4Peaueld Dodd's Kidney Pills, la the blue hoz with the red head. Sold everywhere. 13S as enjoyed by. all present. Mr. and Mrs. Aileen Whiteford, of Ingersoll, spent the past week -end at the home et the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Herdman. Mrs. has. Stephen was, in Victoria Ijospitag. 14ondon, for treatment a few, ,daya last 'week. Mrs. M. Routly and, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Routly and Muriel, of Kirkton, spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Routly, -the (Inca- immorripinurir EE ANIMALSERVICE 'OLD,DI BLEDOR, DEAD • CAME • HORSES • HOGS* OEM • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Siatply Phone Collect MITCHELL STRATFORD INGERSOLL 219 215 2t • WE DO THE RESTI WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. y. • \•,..........wo•Waavm,....4-,swm.,..oi?..kow%•:Mv.,..;'.,-,„, Please return empty beer bottles to your nearest Brewers' Retail Store or phone for pick-up service. Refund price is 720 for 2 doz. ,pints, 600 for 1 doz. quarts. 416: PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATT LIMITED Step eu property at Desb.woOd to Mr. Job), Heckman, a ton-inzla,w of the deeeased. Mr. Geo. Kellet, of London, spent Sunday at the home a his parents liere. - - Mr. John Ridley visited. his aunt, Mrs. M. HeYwood, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday. Mr. R, Stephen, of Chesley, visited on Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of his brother, Chas. Stephen, last•week. TUCKEAS1IT4 • A large attendance was••present at the &nil meeting or the year Of the Tuckershaffh Ladies' 6lub,.. which was held at the home of Mrs. John Turn- ,er en Wednesday. The roll call was "nSwered by suggestions for Chist- 51' Ali the annual reports were given, wnich showed a very successful year. Up to date, Group 3' has the highest standing in the money -making project: The, president, Mrs. William Pepper, thanked the members*, for their co- operation and a hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Pepper for her faithful services during the year. The program consisted of an instru- mental by Mrs. Ernie C,ribli 'and a so;o by Mrs. Edwin Johns, aCcomps.n. ied by Mrs, Crich, The hostess, as- sisted by Group 4, served •a delicious I u ncb. 1=1111111111=101=14.1.1M11111111.1. KIPPEN Miss Etta Jarrott, of. Toronto, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs; I. Jarrott. Mrs., G. Dalrymple spent Sunday - with her son, Mr, Garnet Dalrymple, and. Mrs. 'Dalrymple', in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keyes and Marlene, of Varna, spent Sunday with •Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. James Jarrott underwent a. ser- ious operation in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, last week. We are pleased to report his condition as fav- orable. -, fr W. M. S: Holds Christmas Meeting The W.M.S. of the United Church. held their •Christinas meeting' in .:the Sunday School room Wednesday, af- ternoon, Dec. 4, with a go6a attend- ance. The meeting opened by singing Hymn 57. Mrs. Wilfred Meths read the Scripture, Isaiah, 9th chapter, Hymn 65 was then. sung and Mrs,. Hinton led in prayer, -atter which Hymn 132 was sang. The topic, "Chris- tian Youtb RringS New Life to New Tasks," was given- by Mrs. ,Harold Jones, The meeting ,closed with a hymn and the Mizpah -benediction. A dainty lunch was served by Circle 1.' Mrs. Charles Roney and Carl are spending a few days with -her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie Williams, in Mit- Mrs. Elmer Kleinfeldt spent Thurs- day in Stratford. Mrs. Lawrence Hannon attended the funeral of her cousin in Toronto on' Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and Keith spent StilidaY with Mr. and Mrs: Ted Ftillar, Sebringville. • • Mr. and Mrs., Mb. Roney visited with Mr. and.Mrs. Andy Park on' Sun- daY. Mr. and Mrs.. Mac Graham, Mrs. Don Graham and Don Anne and. Jer- ry, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Donna, and Mr. Hugh Gordon visited Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. T Hi COMMUNITY BANK • Our banking facilities are at the service 'of all the community—manufacturers and merchants, employees and housewives, all trades and occupations, every type of activity. We operate current and savings accounts for individuals and organizations. We make business loans and personal loans, and loans against Victory Bonds, life insurance and other forms of security. We make money remittances anywhere by Mail or tele. graph, sell and buy foreign exchange, attend to collections, and act in a general advisory capacity where financial matters are cc•ncernedi. Our full services are available at our nearest branch. SW E CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE SEAFOryi'll 13A$64,+::,G. 6. Brigh trail; Manager. • • home of Mrs. 'Wilbert Annie with a goed atteadatiee Of members anti Via- itOrs. Mrs. James ,Malcolm presided On the Road ' • - There is a large array of outdoor !nen who have learned to depend on Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Rid- ing on trains ,ar trucks causes a jarring which is hard on the kidneys as is also the exposure to all kinds of wind and weather...•„ Tth medicine goes to stimulate the action of the kidneys and relieve the backaches which so often result. For over half a century they have been popular with railway men, truckers an farmers. in prayer and rea,ding -the Scripture. electieu ef afters for; 1947 was in charge Of Rev, Aft. Dayard. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the retiring president., also Mrs, El- mer Kleinfeldt, who has been treas.- urer for a number or years. it was decided to cheese four presidents tor a term of three months each. Mrs. Chas. Roney; Mrs. Glenn Pepper, Mrs; Dalton Malcolm and Mrs, Wm. Smith were elected. The various officers are as follows: -Secretary, Mrs. L, Hannon; treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd, Bark- er; buying coMmittee, ,Mrs. J. Mal- colm, Mrs. Lloyd. Barker; luneh coin- ruittee, Mrs. B. Barlier, Mrs. 'George Pepper. The hostess, Mrs. Annis, and her helpers served a delicious lunch. k I WHEN IN TORONTO • waits 'flier II•aa• 1111 I I Matti aurrity LOCATED on wide SPADINA AVE. Coll•a• Str0•1 • • • RATES • • • Slagle $1.50- $3.50 Double $2.50- $7.00 Write for Fotder • We Advise Early Reservation A WHOLE DAY'S SIGHT-SEEING WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE A. M. POWELL, Pr•sichat 4), alp Mae 1W, IdOwell, "et' dedelicli, who / 13 iwith at present teaching in Toront., has a accepted . position on the 4xet r 4. S. staff, aer dies to commehee the 'new yeari--E*eter Times -Advo. cabs. >.., , -r.••••! .• Raton, coupon, I* • Da Coup OSY,F V#1 alCe eU4OriPtat;,, eervea 'OM,—,04tter am to ,Bt, a4ci. , a,t ioug4.1-• copp00-„tn, iluslt • Ave, all, evaporated milk meaver geupons, ,but- ter:A.29 too )334 •a;ilti. wept M66 to MOS Pxnire December 31. 1 . • 44; MERGENC SAVE • ELECTRICITY! A critical power shortage now exists in SOuthern Ontario. Savings in the use of electricity will be needed on the part of all citizens; in order to avoid serious difficulties during the present winter period, and Hydro is asking all consumers to conserve electricity wherever possible in order, to relieve this situation. • THE DAILY PERIOD DURING WHICH SAVINGS SHOULD BE EFFECTED IS • BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND -8 P.M., AND , CONDITIONS ARE PARTICULARLY , • ACUTE BETWEEN 4 P.M.' AND 7 P.M. Factories. and industry are asked to switch from \day to night opera- • tion, in 'vhole or in part, wherever possible, and also to effect all power • saving; practicable. Street lighting should be reduced to the lowest level consistent with public safety. „•11•1•P • • THIS IS HOW YOU CAN HELP • Eliminate the use of electricity for signs,' billboards and store windows from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Elirriinate all Christmas decorative lighting until Sattrday,. December 21st; and again after January lst. • Turn off lights when not required. ' • Use the minimum number of lights in the living -room, consistent with good, vision. • Do not use electric air heaters and grates. • Use electrically heated water sparingly and Check leaking hot water taps. • Do not use range elements on ."high” when a lower heat will serve, and turn off all elements as soon as possible. " • COok oven meals as often as possible' and avoid the' unnecessary use of surface elements. • Turn the radio on only for programs desired; if not listening, turn )t off. • Operate electric toasters and other small appliaOces only as needed. The electric power shortage is ,a general condition following six years • Of war and arising from the fact that it was impossible 'to proceed with the development of sufficient new power gifts during the war because of the requirements for war production. Since 'the' war,. the critical shortage "of men and materials has seriously delayed the development of new' sources of power. The Commission has been reducing loads within its direct control, Wherever possible. These reductions are not enough, and it is now necessary to appeal for assistance on the part of all consumers. Hydro appreciated the splendid voluntary assistance cm the part of its consumers during the war, and believes that sitnilar co-operation win . be forthcoming at this time. •4 THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF •ONTARIO :or• y.,"; ' 13 -4 4,