HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-12-13, Page 3'v
The regular meeting of the village
e until., of. Hewn- .WWI+ held Tuesday'.
evening, Dec, 3, in the council cham-
bers, with all members •Present, R.
J. Paterson, talc collector, reported as
having pollected $6,435.5.5 in taxes off
the 1946 tax roll to date, also report-
ed re W. Brown and the tranpieut
trader's license, fee paid by the same.
Hyde and Moir: That the collector
be instructed not . to collect. W.
Brown's taxe>, '}but to charge them
against the transient trader's license
fee paid. by him. Carried:
J. A. Paterson reported, re visit by
him td Toronto recently, and the in-
terviews, he had with 3. A. Carroll,
of 'the Departm_ ent of Horticulture,
Department -of, Health and- A.' J. w.
Akira f the Department of Municipal
Fink and,Hyde: That We, the 1946
council, recommend to the 1947 coun-
cil that tlhe last day for the collection
of taxes without penalty be set as
October 15. Carried.
N. Jones appeared, asking the coun-
cil for help in the .cost, of thedrain
dug by him for his new dwelling on
Nelson 'Street. Moir and Fink: That:
we allow N. Jones- $45.00, being half
the cost of the labor and lull' cost -af
5ettlice I
Carefully selected re-
ligious programs are
offered on the day of
rest . . . filling out a
week of BALANCED
broadcasts On CFRB.
From ' thelooks of Santa's: pack, he's sure worked
hard all summer. But Ieave it to that jolly old man
to come through for you - radios, irons, toasters,
electric kettles, rangettes, lamp's, mixers — are fair-
ly tumbling out of his pack.,
Come in today, and choose. your Christmas gift.
7.00 P.M.
What could be nicer for Father or .Husband than
a'comfortable Lounge Chair?
•'/t' ff>2•;^'s%;i%Xz:':.
What gift would be more acceptable than one' of the designs
displayed, here? AR. Styles—All Prices.
.� t it'' i.•,, i.. - 1''r r- r-, r r "r r r" r r=.'trr� rr
Occasional Tables of' all descrip-
tions are here for your selete
tion eenthe .praCtical..;,gii;t the
dfscerrjing housewife will ap-
A. Whitney
'Funeral' Director
Ambulance Service
Fine Furniture
Lamps, Floor Coverings
the tile far the edraiA Oh..•l"lelson St.
Carried. ..
A delegation from the Canadian
Legion, consisting of A.' Clark and P.
McNaughton,, appeared asking per-
mission toheld occtasional bingos in
the "Hall:. ,,, .
Hyde and Fink: That we, the coun-
ci1 of the' Village of HensbiI, have' no
objections to • the Canadian Legion
heading occasional Wages in the
' Hall; Carried.
'T. Kyle reported, re the ' hole. in
the roadway between, the railroad
tacks on the, south side of King St.,
and was instructed to have the same
Kerslake and Moir: That a by-law
be prepared appointing E. L. Mickle
the representative on the Exeter.. Dis:
trict High School 'for the . t'ea'r 19'47.
'Correspondence was read as fol-
lows: International Water Supply,
M. Canteiou, G. Parker, N. W. Jones,,
R; Sangster, 'Canadian 'Legion, De-
partment of Education, Association of
.Assessing Officers, County Treasurer,'
and Mrs. T. Lav+ender and -Mrs. Mid-
dleton request, same • granted, the
rest considered• and filed.
Bills and accounts were read as fol
lows; N. Jones, labor and tile, streets,
$45; F. Peters, tabor and material,
Hall, $25.70; A. Clark, laboi:tand.ma-
terial, .hall'and streets, $5.10; Brown's
Hardware;"' supplies, Hall, $9.85; T. C.
Joynt, club bags, miscellaneous, $80;
A. H. Erskine, tax collection's, miseel-
laneous, $2.45; Village of, Exeter, Ra-
tion Board expenses, $30; 0..Twit-
chell, gas, oil, battery, Fire Dept.,
$22.49; Johnston & Ducklow, repairs,
Hall, $2.25; Hay Township, grading,
park, $26.25e Hydro. Commission, Hy-
dro, Hall, $22.39; Hydro Commission,
street lights, $1,008.00; J. Pfaff, team-
ing, streets, $2.40:; R. Todd, labor,
streets, $1.60; J. McBeatli, labor,
streets, $1.60; F. C. Bontbron; post-
age; $5.00; T.' Kyle, salary, $77.60;
J. A,_•Paterson,• salary', $106.10; R. J.
Paterson, salary $55, postage $3.75;
O. Twitchell, salary, Fire Chief and
motor mechanic, $50; Dr. J. C. God-
dard, salary, M.O.H., $90; R. E. Shad -
dick, salary, Reeve, $42; A. W. Kers-
lake, salary, councillor, $28; H. Hyde,
salary, coun,cillor, $28; M. Moir, sal-
ary, councillor, $28; E..Fink, salary,
councillor, $28. Total $1,826.53.
Hyde and Kerslake: That the bilis
and accounts as read be paid. Carried.;
Died in Saskatchewan
The death occurred on Monday,
• Nov. 25, in a' Saskatoon Hospital, of
Mr. Charles Lowry Dunlop, son .01' . the
'fate Mr. and Mrs.. William Dunlop of
Kinistino, Sask. Mr. Dunlop had
been in failing health for the past
year:- He was born in Hullett and was
in his 64th year. ,. Surviving • are his
widow, two sons, Hugh and William;
two •daughters, Margaret and Allison
and two brothers, Robert,' of Vancou
ver, and Blaine, of ..Kinistino: The
funeral took place on' Nov. 28 from
his late residence with interment in
Kinistino cemetery.
The Late Rev., R. A., Koessel
Funeral serviees were held here on
Thursday, Nov. 28, for Rev. Rudolf A.
Koessel, former pastor of Lutheran
congregations in Michigan and On-
tario. He died at Mount Clemens,
Mich:, Nov. 25, atter a major opera-
tion. He was boru at St, Louis, Mo.,
May -16, 1897; after graduation from
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, •in'd922
lie went ,first to'a Lutheran charge in
the Parry Sound district of Ontario,.
Funeral- services were held in Mount
Clemens on Wednesday: on Thursday
i,he remains escorted by approximate-
ly 75 church 'members, were taken' to
Dashwood for internient. The 'service
'in Dashwood Was conducted in Zion
Luther=an Church by the pastor, Rev.
Louis F. Iligenell, assisted by Rev. H.
H. Erdman, of Waterloo, Ont. ' The
Rev. F. iVlalinsky, president of the On-
tario District of the Lutheran Church,
spoke on behalf of the clergy of the
district. The honor guard was com-
posed of members of Si..Paul's Luth-
eran Church, Mount Clemens, together
with pastors of the Dashwood area.
He .is survived by 'hie wife., the for-
mer Eleonora Miller, of Dashwood,
and by• two sons, two daughters, two
'brothers and two sisters. .
W. r. Holds At Home
The Staffa branch of the Women's
Institute held its annual "At' Herne"
;n the form of a pot -luck supper for.
members and their families. About 60
attended. The evening was spent in
playing progressive euchre planned by
a committee of Lorne Hodge, Roy Mc-
Donald, Burton Macdonald, Tofa
Laing and Walter O'Brien. Three were
tied for the ladies' high prizes, Miss
G. Chalmers, Mrs, A. Smale and Mrs.
Worderr Miller, The men's high was
won by Lloyd Colquhoirn, The ladies'
low prize was. svon by Mrs. B. Mac-
donald, and men's low by Les, Butson.
The lucky chair winner was Harvey
Hambly. A voteof thariks on behalf
of the Institute was extended by Vera
Hambly to the men for the enjoyable
anrial hniit•
Over 200 people • attended the,,art
nual bazaar and .supper on Thursdiay,
aponhsore(1, by the, . ?al i.es' Qu Lai'.td
thed Women's Auxiliary of St,• G grgit's
Anglican Church, Walto- •At' the
bazaar, aprons, Name cooking anti fan7
cy work were sold. Many of the pat-
remarked that the bazaar was
the best that hail"Been; held in 'years.'
The -bazaar commenced at 2..30 in the
afternoon, and, within an hour all
goods had been sold. More than $'50
was realized from the sale. of-aprolis
alone. The supper commenced at 4
o'clock and continued until 7, 'Approx-
iruately 175 people were served. The
total proceeds from the event were
Mr. and' Mrs, Ross Gordon and Don-
na, Seaforth, visited recently with her
parents, Mr- and stirs. Jas. Malcolm. -
Mr•. and Mrs. *Elmer Kleinfeldt
spent Monday in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pepper and fam-
ily spent•Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Patterson, ' Niun:ro.
Mrs. Alb, Roney spent the past week
with' her daughter, Mrs. Bert Tubb,
and Mr. Tubb..
Mrs. Lawrence Hannon is spending,
a few days With her daughter, Mrs.
earl Barber, who has just -returned
home from Stratford Hospital %With
her baby, son.
Mr., and .Mrs.' Dalton Malcolm and
Keith spent Tuesday in Stratford.
W. C. T. U. Meets
The •Hensall-Exeter ,branch of the
WC.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. W.
C. Pearce for the November monthly
meeting with a fair attendance_, Mrs.
Wm. Cook presided oyer the meeting
and opened by singing "Bless Be the
Tie That Binds," and led the devo-
•tional period, the • theme,. "Christian
Living."' She said there were three
steps, Praise, Worship and Service,
commenting - on verses of Scripture
interspersed by singing of hymns, and
Mi:a. Geiger led in prayer. A letter
was read from the 'Wet Memorial Chil-
dren's Hospital,, London, asking for
help to carry on the work to aid dis-
abled children. Five •dollars was vot-
ed from the Union. Mrs, Pearce and
Miss Murray paid 'loving tribute to
Miss I•logarth. (deceased) for the beau-
tiful Christian life she had lived and
of ,her activities in. all' organizations
of -.church life..A, donation of -$25 was
left to the local union of the W.C.'f.U.
The report of the temperance .federa-
[ion .convention as appeared. in the
Clinton paper recently was asked to
• be reported in The 4�uron Expositor
grid the' Exeter Paper,\,Mr• Pearce to
, look' after it. .A discussion arose on
the question of minors smoking c'gai'-
ettes. It was decided that a request
go out from, this meeting through the
press to sellers ofcigarettes not to
Fell to minors. The .meeting was fav,
ored with a solo by Mrs. George Tay-
lor. Mr, Pearce.. gave a report• of the
convention 'held in Clinton and the
Meeting closed with prayer.
Staffa Farm Thrum met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dow"' with 36
members present. The topic was: "Do
:scientific advances reach the farm-
er?" Some of the conclustoiie: resenerl
were that scientific information has
helped, through introduction of 'slew
varieties of grain. in poultry, keeping,
and in use of fertilizers, it was felt
11101 departments of agriculture and
nericuiturai colleges could improve
their methods of bringing information
to farmers by regular radio broad-
casts, through having more agrieul-
turel representatives, and by agricul-
tural departments in public and high
schools. At the conclusion of the
group discussions, 11. W. Corman,
bank manager, Diiblin, led a discus-
sion of the function of the .banks, This
led to a consideration of whether the
present practice of praying interest on
motley can continue and the future o
Mir' present finatxdial systerdi.- `l cis
were. agreed 'that things can't ,ga on
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lawrence and
Mrs, Frances Trick, of Hamilton, were
with' Mr- and Mrs. F. Townsend over
the week -end, having come up for the
funeral of the late William Wise.
Mr. and Mrs. William Blake, of
Thedford, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dob-
hie and Mr. James Moore, .01 Forest,
were here for the funeral oi' the late
Wm. 'Wise,
Mrs.' Clara Davis, of Torpnto, visit-
ed triends in the community over the
week -end and attended.the funeral of
.the late Wm. Wise. •
It has been impossible for the H.E.P.C. to de-
velop per insufficient quantity to keep abreast
of the enormous increases in the demand for power.
Seaforth, in' common with all other municipalities,
must do its utmost to' conserve power by exercising
the strictest economy in its use. -
You, the consumer, are asked to co-operate by:
' 1. Exercising strictest economy .at all times.
2:. Turning off lights when not required.
Avoiding,. the use of electric air heaters.
Making the most frugal use of electrically heat-
ed water (and checking up on leaking hot water
5. Avoiding the operation of range elements on
`high' ,when a'lower heat will' Aerve the purpose,
and turning off all elements as soon as- possible,
6. Avoiding all unnecessary outdoor lighting.
;.item I,N' W 1;!✓1
w -t r rii �+ rigtvw
u w t eat + 1.d1r t� ,;w,;rj+ P1'?tit .1. w r
We've a tremendous collection of the
I' Newest, Latest Styles. Delight the
Ladies with Fancy 6r .Tall- '
ored Slippers, beautifully
Are what the Kiddies .like.