The Huron Expositor, 1946-12-06, Page 4• 81, 4 it gilled, aids Will Be e Inserted At New Low -Cash Rates: +iJ tla. Wanted, Lt at sadwe k�d. Coating Events. Etc., .Per weed; 2nd week e . Cent Sid week , Cent Minimum chant% dist insertion Ceuta • Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. „•, Carl,. of 'J`banke. In I%[emortam Noticed -1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cite per week, Ifanauifilca may be directed to •a Bo* Number. o/o The Huron F'lepoaitor. for 10 cent extra. ",['en. cents, additional 'ver week will be charged if ads In above class aro not paid by the $atloday night in the week in which the ad was run. $lrths. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction. Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc. --Bata on application. Lost and Found For Sale S F �U ND-STEER$TR STRAYEDD ONTO, Che 'Premises of D. J. O'Reilly, Lot 12, boxfession =4, McKillop. May be had by owner by iproving property and"' paying charges, D. 3. O'REILLY*• 4181x1 LOST --ON NOVEMBER '.28th. NEAR EARL Van Egptond's home in Rgniondvilie, a brown cane- Finder %Tease leave at W. J. FINNIGAN% ' STORE. • 4121-1 •Cards Of Thanks TO ALL WHO LOANED TABLES AND chairs and ,those who helped in :any way at the Banquet •on November 26th, we say Thank You! Signed, W. A. of Cavan Church; Winthrop. 4121x1 MRS.-ARNOLD •GACKSTETTER WISHES .to thank all• -those who so kindly remem- bered her. with cards, treats and flowers and sailed on -her-- during her recent 'illness.. 4121x1 MR,. WESLEY JONES, OF • HENSALL. 'wi.hes to express his deepest thanks and appreciation to his neighbors and friends for the lovely gifts of flowers and fruit sent to him while he was a patient at Westminster Hospital, London. 4121-1 R. AND MRS. J. M. ECKERT AND FAM- ily wish to express their deepest 'ap- preciation for the many expressions of kind- ness ands•sympathy extended to them by neigh- bors and friends In their recent sed bereave- ment. 4121x1 Wanted ANTED --UNFURNISHED ROOMS, OR small house In Clinton-Seaforth area - Apply to LAC. FOX, A..M.R., R.C.A.F. School, Clinton. ' 4121x1 ROOMS WANTED - UNFURNISHED rooms in Seaforth. Apply to LAC. BOISVERT, R -No. 111449. R.C.A.F. Silool, Clinton.4121x1 HATCHING EGGS WANTED FOR 1947 season. Flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge under Government Supervision. Guaranteed 'premium plus hatchability prem- ium paid. All breeds wanted. • For full de- tails write to '1 WEDDLE CHICK HATCH- ERIES. LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. 4121-2 WANTED,, OLD HORSES -WILL PAY $1.50 Per hundredweight. Willcall and pick up same. Phone Collect: JACK GILBERT,. 936.r 21. Goderich, or. FRED. GILBERT. 936 r 32, Goderich. ;,4118x6 Auction Sales AUGT.ION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. ° on Tuesday, ' Deceirrber 10th. at 1 p.m., at Lot 1,9,- Concession 4, Tucker - smith, 1 mile west of Red .Tavern School: HORSES -1 gray `gelding 8 years old. HAR- NESS -1 'set. of team harness ; single harness and number of horse collars. GRAIN -250 . bushels of oats; quantity • of timothy hay'; • bean straw and oat straw. CATTLE -1 Dur- ham tow (farrow)•t 2 Durham year-old steers. IMPLEMENTS -Massey -Harris binder; Me- Cormick mower: sulky rake; cultivator; seed drill: dime harrow ; harrow,-4.section ; walking plow; scutfleu ; 1 set of farm sleigiui ; farm wagon and hay rack : wagon box; root pulper; cutter;' -grindstone scoop shovel; 1 front. bob sleigh (new) ; fanning mill : whif letrees; neck - yokes; chains; etc. Terms --Cash. No re- serve, WILLIAM MyKAY, Proprietor ; H. .,acksoh,•• Auctioneer. 4121-1 AUCTION SALE ON WEDNESDAY, DE- cember 1115, 1 p.m.. at Lot 34, Conces- sxon 9, Hullett 'Township, .114 miles north..of Summerhill, Base Lire, and 1., mile east: HORSES --Matched team of black 'Belgian, horses, filly and gelding, rising 5;':lilack geld- ing rising 0, weighing 1700 lbs. ; 2-year-ol.1 • blue roan filly 1400 lb;.: 1 yearling geldinn:- blue roan : 1 sucking colt, 4 months old: 1 brood mare 11 years cid: 1 set of good double. harness ; 1 set of plow harness' and bridles 1 set single harness': collars. CATTLE -6 steers coming 2 years old; 2 heifers coming 2 years old; supposed. to be in calf ; 1 Durham cow supposed 'CO freshen in February : 1 fresh euw 3 year. old and calf at foot. PIGS -4 sows to farrow in Decenthsr and' .January; 8 pigs, 140 to 160 lbe_: 1 shoats, 127 lbs. IM- 3-LEMENTS-Massey-Harris binder -ft. cut, in good shape: 1 big six. Frost & Wood• mow- er, 6 -ft. cut; 1 Massey -Harris -hay loader; 1 Marey -Harris 'hay rake. 10 -ft.: 1 fertilizer hoe' drill. 13 lwe ; 1 • Masi=ey-Harri<. manure spreader, No.. 6: 1 fa: -m wagon: 1 hay rack ; 1 set sloop sleighs,- nearly new: 1 ,cutter;. 1 buggy ; hay fork. pulleys., and rope.: 1 set 5 - section harrows; 1 stretcher; 1 roller; 1 dou- 'Ible furrow riding Cockshutt Plow; 1 Quebec Sulky plow: Verity walking Plow; Frost & ' 1.7 -tooth_ cuitivator : 1 .Oliver corn cal tivator, '2 -row , with bean. puller • attach- ment .; ttach- mentj 1 stuffier ; 1' fanning mill; hay truck: cream. separator, Anchor Holth.: root pulper. HAY -50 tons of hay. mostly alfalfa hay and timothy'; 1500 • bushels of mixed .grain : forks, ahi!icets, chains, numerous articles. Some household artier. Farm will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. Consists of 130 acres, Lot 34, '.Concession 0. Hullett. Terms --,Gash. WILLIAM, MAIR, ,Proprietor: ltarold Jaokson. Auctioneer. 4121-1 Notices NOTICE --ALL BOOKS MCSr1' 'P,E RE- turnedto the Seaforth Public Library on or .before Tuesday. Decembe 24th. GRETA TH'OMPSON, Librarian. 4.121-2 NoTIcE-S HAVE NEWER AT ANY TIME made any bills or debts in Mr. Fred H•maser's name in 17 years. MRS, FRED HUISSER.; • 4121x1 COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth MEETING OF THE CO1JRT OF -REVISION for .hearing appeals against the assess- ment roll for 1946 of the Town of Seaforth,, will be held in the council • chambers, Sea - forth. on' Monday. December 16, 1946, at 8 o'clock p.m. - D,.Ii- WILSON. Clerk. " 4121-2, NOTICE Town of Seaforth ANY OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS AGAINST the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth Must be in the hands of the Treasurer by December 1'th for payment. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. 4121-1 NOTICE '°To`bvn. of Seaforth- „ CLERK'S, NOTICE OF FiRST PO T- ING OF VOTERS' LISTS, 1946, TOWN OF SEAFORTH, COUNTY OF HURON, 1TOTi0i1 IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act and that I have Posted 'up 5nt any office 'df Seaforth, ori the. 113th day of Dtuvember, 1948, the 'lists of all pemptls en- tittled' to vote In the sod Mtrnicina it9 at uficilrtl elections, and 'Oat• Such lists re. Main there for inspection, and r heteby call btdon Fall voters to tette' Immediate proceed _..JOS _ too •nave any Qttore; at 4m1s880 s correct- ed a diti{r to lava the last a&4'' df anneal Wag e day- of 'i`1'eeeanbei; 1:948. 11.l t4Slakr lil'fit& of theTM* b! Seafeith. 4r P Y BASIL L Purcell, Seaforth. rrUREEYS.--FOR RALE. NO. 1 BRONZE, urn living,. A. R. DODDS, Phone 883 r 14, Seafeatli. 4121-1 pox SALE - LADY'S BLACK CLOTH Croat, silk lined, with • black fur collar. Size 40. Cheap for quick sale. "Apply to Box 682, B.1!i 1ON EXPOSITOR. 4121x1 �j OIi 4ALE - 12OWSWELL ENAMELLED 'hand washer; complete with wringer. Wanted --One 'fatly' boarder. Apply to MRS. RAYMOND'TOWNSEND, Coleman St. 4121x1 port SALE -MAN'S 'FALL OVERCOAT, size 38; man's oxfords, size 8; men's - rub- ber;, size 8. Apply to Box 531, HURON.EX- POSITOR, Seaforth., 4121x1 ("Alt FOR SAT.F '84 pOONTIAC SEDAN; six tires, in fair condlitien• aApply to W. F. AIKENH;EAD, Bracefield, or phone 86 r 4. Hensall. 4121x1 FOR ` SALE -IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. new modern' five -roomed insul brick bungalow ; insulated full basement; furnace: hardwood floors. Terms. WM. SWEITZER, Box 273. Exeter. Phone 287, Exeter. 4120-2 Personals T_TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER' GOODS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price lista 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 21-00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOV-RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Election Cards TO .THE ELECTORS "OF HULLETT YOUR VOTE AND .INFLUENCE ARE RE- snectfu,ly solicited' to return "ire again to the Township CounciL Yours respectfully, WILLLAM J. DALE 4121x1 Coming Events CHRISTMAS CONCERT WILL ,..BE FIELD in the School House in. S:S.'30o. 2 McKil- lop, on the IOth, at 8 pm. All wel- come. 4121-1 In Memoriam fAWSON—IN LOVIVG MEMORY OF A dear husband, Rabe`rt Dawson, who •pass_ ed away suddenly three years ago, Decem- ber 3, 1943. They say time will,heal the sorrow And help me to forget, But so far time has only proved How much I miss you• yet. • God gave me strength to face it, And courage to bear the blow ;. 'RYA what it meant to lose you, Bob, • 540 one will ever know. • -Ever remembered 'by his loving wife. 4121x1 Births DALE, -In Clinton 'P'nblic Hospital, on Dec. 1st, ,to Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Dale, Hullett, a daughter. dOHNS'ON--In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. L,eo Joh son, Clinton, a son. ' 11cLEOD-In Scott Memorial Hospital. on Nov. 28, to SJr. and Mrs. Harry McLeed, Tuckersmith, a son. BENNINGER--In Scott Menxottal Hospital, on Dec. 2, to Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Benninger, Dublin. a daughter. McDONA-LD-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 2, to Ma. and. Mrs. Gordon McDonald, McKillop, a daughter. ADAMS -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec, 1, to Mr, and Mrs- Kenneth Adam:, Sea - forth, a daughter. Deaths ECKERT-In St, Joseph's Hospital I,endon. on Friday, November,„4gth, Clare Eckert, in tier nth year. MORRISON--in MelCillop, on Thursday, Dec. 7e Annie McGavin, beloved widow of . the , late ,Robert Morrison, in •her 80th year, • m STAFFA • . A reception was held is 'Statt'a hall Monday evening for Mr. and llrs, Har• - ry Burns, newlyweds, with the hall filled, to rapacity. A purse of money was• presented to the guests of honor by Henry Harburn,• an address being read -by George Coyne, . Music for dancing was provided by the 'Howe orchestra, and lunch was served,' BEEC1TWOOJJ The Late Mrs.' James Evans The deatli'took place at her home in McKillop on Tuesday, Nov. 26, of Mrs. Catherine Evans. wife of. the late James l:,vans'; in her 94th year. Mrs. Evans had been in failing health for the .,past, fifteen years, having been confined to bed for the past two years during Which time she had, been faith- fully attended by her daughter, MISS Nellie Evans. Surviving are five daughters: Mrs. Owen Flynn; of Clin- ton; Mrs. J. M. Montrose, Detroit; Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, Dublin; Mrs. Frank Nagle, 'Detroit, and Misis Nel- lis* Evans, at home; also two sisters, Mrs. Johailnah Roach,' St. Columban, and Miss Bridget Carlin, London; thirteen grand children and 17 great grandchildren. The funeral was 'held Thursday to St. Columban Church, with interment in. St. Columban ceme- tery. Among •thosewho,.atte.nded the funeral from a distance were Mr, Jas. Atkinson, Mary Atkinson and Anna. Atkinson, of Toronto, - Mr- and Mrs, Frank .-Krauskopf and- Mr. ndMr, and Mrs: J. Laughlin spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Hara. A large number from here attend- ed the funeral of Miss Clare Eckert in Seaforth on Monday. Our sympathy goes' out to her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, and'fami.ly in the loss of one so young and dear to them. , Mr.' and Mrs. H. Reynolds, of ••Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F..Cariin., .The death of Mrs. Catherine Evans occurred at her home here early Tues- day morning. She dnas In her 94th year, and leaves, to mourn her loss five d'au'ghters: Mrs. O. Flynn,' Hullett;. Mrs. S. Montrose and Mrs. F. Nagle,. Detroit; Mrs. • Joseph Atkinson,* D't1b- lin, and -Miss Nellie at borne: • MPs:, Evana endear ti herself to xrlaxly, es- itecially her nei; hbers with wl�lgm >she came i.xi daily contact. and will long be remembered for .her kindness and sympathy shown them' in times of need. CONSTANCE Mk Miss Donelda Adams spent the week end in London with Mr. and Mrs: •Jack Gummow and also with her uncle and aunt, Ml'. and Mrs' H. L. McDon- ald. - The .G°hristmas meeting of the W.M. S. and W.A. will be held in the school room of the church on Thursday af- ternoon, Dec. 12. A good program is being prepared. The Sunday School is preparing an interesting . program for their enter- tainment and Christmas tree. The date will be announoedllatei': Mrs. and J. Riley. held a family r'etrnion last Thursday evening • when. a number of relatives and friendswere present, including Mrs. Cook, Sr., Mr. aad,Mrs,._ T. Riley and, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Riley. Word was received here .last week that Charles Dunlop, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunlop, of Kinistino, Sask„ had passed away. He was a nephew of Mr: Hugh Dunlop, of Seaforth. The family formerly lived on the .fkrm of Mr. Walter Rogerson, before going West. The sympathy of many rela- tives and friends • here is ,extended to the family ' KIPPEN Mrs. Stuart Beattie and Karon, of Winghani, spent a'few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Robert McBride. Master, Wayne McBride spent the week -end with his uncle -and aunt, Mr::' and Mrs. Elmore McBride, of the Goshen Line. Mrs. W. Harney returned to her. home, in Exeter after spending several 'weeks with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family- visited recently with Mr. and' Mrs. Joe Ferguson, of Chiselhurst. • Mr. Edward Gackstetter, who spent several weeks with his brother, Mr. Arnold Gackstetter, and Mrs. Gack- stetter, has returned to London Mili- tary Hospital. To Hold Reception and Dance. .A reception and dance will be held in-Hensall Town Hall on Tuesday, December 10. for Mr. and Mrs Robert Madge .(nee Agnes ' Love), newly- weds. Toni Etue and his orchestra will furnish the music, and everyone is' welcome:. Bazaar and Cooking Sale Success 'The bazaar and home cooking sale, sponsored by the W.A. of the United Church in Hall on Saturday afternoon ,Watson'sand evening was a great success. The home cooking booth, fish pand and touch -and -take were sold out in the early afternoon, and before the doors closed at 9 p.m. ev- erything' in the various booths was sold.. Many enjoyed the •afternoon tea. 'Two hundred and • sixty --five dol- lars was cleared. • The Woman's Auxiliary of Kippen United Church staged a very success- ful 'bazaar Saturday' last at Watson's Hall, Kippen. The bazaar was well patronized from' Kipped and surround- ing towns 'and district, and the. hall was a bower of beauty in attractive deGorattens. !i 2G7,a, Cosy', hgoths were; Watson, Mrs.' touch-and-talge,,,4 amen reall4'ed+"vas aMae,' 04 rs in t. a ':4 . anY r k • 'e Mrs,• . 0. Peck, Mrs. rs. ; W, Ry.'le; Workman.. Mrs. E. Chipeh,4ee, Mrs. A, Finlayson, • home -baking, Mrs. H. Jones Mrs. Jarrott, Mrs. E. Anderson; fish pond, Mrs. W. Bell, +Mrs. D. Cooper, Miss Beatrice Cooper; vegetable booth, Mrs. E. MGBls4de, Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. A. McMurtrie; candy booth, Norma Delta, Wilma Kyle, Betty Lou Watson, Edna Broadgpot. Tea was served by Mrs, J. Sinclair, Mrs. E. Kyle and Mrs. R. Elgie. DUBLIN ° Miss Jea+,=F Jo lla ,� e eq,ld young- est daug t '.r ose h „c ?lr>i Jof �' dap,,;, Im �,,'t,ld 1.4$ 4puord ndal t e Si1rvice'v d05si on Ottawa, .that she bas successfully., pass- ed her permanent examination, held in May i0f this kyear• Miss jo dali has POW been appointed to a permanent pgsition' with '• 'h•e Dominion Govern- ment. 'She pw' employed with, the Department .orVeterans Affairs;.,Lon- don, Ont. Personals: Mr Charles Malone, of Hamilton, with Mrs- Malone and Mrs. McGrath; .Miss Catherine Jot'dan, of Kitchener, with her mother, Mrd. Lor- etto Jordan; Miss Marie Krauskopf and Mr. and„Mrs, Frank Krauskopf, London, With Mrs. Catharine Kraus- kopf; Mr. Jas. •Krauskvpi; Jr,,;in Lon- don; Miss Dorothy Donnelly, Gode- rich, with her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Donnelly; Miss Jean Costellq, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Mrs. Joseph 'Don- neily, Jr., spent a couple of days last week with her parents in Goderich; Misses Eileeaand Jean Jordan, Lon- -don; with their: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan; - Miss • Rita. Eckert, daughter of ; 'Mr, and Mrs. John 'A. Eckert, underwent an appendix opera- tionforth.. in Scott Memorial Hospital, ,Sea- TUCKERSMITH ,Mr. John' C. Doig, of Detroit, was the guest of his mother and --sister, Miss Janet, for a few days. Mrs. Beverley Beaton, of Goderich, and little Son, were the guests of her father, Mr. Jonah Green, during the week_: Miss, Anna Patterson, of • Exeter, visited at her home. in quckersmith for a few days. HENSALL (Continued trom Page 1)' promotes' our action today, but 'the desire -to congratulate you and ex- tend to ,your mil. felicitations. There is a bondage that .is true freedom, and of nothing can this be said in' greater 'sincerity than when two hearts that beat in accord are' joined together for 'life by the bonds and rites • 03 marriage, "May we take this occasion, Ross, of- thanking .,youu'for the valuable, con- tribution you are making to the Sun- day School work. ''It is not always easy for you to get away from your work and to fulfil this. obligation Sun- day after Sunday. But you have done this for a considerable time and your -Work is appreciated, and whatever energy is spent and sacrifice is made,., only the future' •will record its worth - r0p nref �a ;e aa nht4.•?sI`lWttbAo ' aared uae ltimatelr ip,to the world .• 44take4 are i tuenced by your Clraxacte',"-p• their places as 'Canadian citizens wile Will •seek to 'support and promote Christian, •standar'ds of life and cop- iiuct. "We are pleased that -fou have in.ade your life partner, one who Is not a stranger to the life and work of the 'Church, and who has been identi- fied in Sunday School activity, She knows how important the work it we -are trying to do for the future 'citi- zens of our community and nation, and feel -confident that she will give you all possible assistance in fulfilling. this appointment as regularly i p pea' -gible in the days to come. ':: - ' ... 1' We wan tp express our extreme Pleasure over your pn.ion and our best ;Wishes for the years to. come., _We trust your -married life will be • an abundantly happy one and. that its Jays will deepen and that God will crown your' labors together With suc- cess. There are feelings within our hearts that lie too .deep for words. We must employ symbols to express how We feel: So we desire you -ta accept this token of our good will and affec- tion.•- We hope it will not only fill a pls(ce in your home furnishings, but will convey to your hearts,from time to time the assurance at you have a tie of friendship with s that is un- breakable. So we wis • you God's -peed and. .every happin. ss as long as you both shall live. -From Members of Sunday School Staff." "bear Peggy and Ross • . It is indeed a special and happy occasion when, we have 'gathered here to spend a social' evening: with you in honor of your recent marriage. Because of your varied abilities, your reliableness and your, willingness, we admit we throw considerable responsibility upon you and are always gratified at the unsel- fish respoiise. •"We congratulate you, Ross, on your choice of such a charm- ing and capable partner whom we warmly welcome to our class activi- ties.. We wish you every happiness in your marriage. Please accept these gifts, not for their intrinsic value, but a's a token -of the love and high es- teem we •wish to convey, ---Signed on behalf of '. the Wolielo Class, Hensall United Church: Miss M: Ellis, teach- . er." The manager, -officials and members of the Hensall.ball teats will enjoy a banquet in the new banquet hall of the New Commercial Hotel, .Hensall, Friday evening, Dec. 6.. Hensall team this summer won the Huron and Perth O.B.A: Trophy. .The Hensall Chamber of •Commerce will erect a Christmas tree shorty on Main Street in front of the Town Hall, and -on Monday, Dec. 23, will have treats for the children of the 'town and community. Arrangements have al"so been made with the'manager of the Rainbow Theatre to present a free. picture show. in the.Town Hall in the afternoon, which will be a special children's film. - Hensall stores will temain,open ev- ery Wednesday afternoon from now until Christmas. Mrs. W. Dinnin will be hostess .for the December mee i.ug of the, Wo- men's Institute on Wednesday, Dec. 11, Mrs. Roy McLaren will be co - hostess. and the roll call will be a gift to the Sick, Children's, Hospital. - The 'motto, "Joy fills our . inmost hearts'today, the Royal Child is born," ,by Mrs. Scherk, and Miss Florence Welsh will direct Christmas carols. --w -•„ �s-.,,-w'--,w--w--.r-•..a-•,„,;..,vq-.,.a,.OW,.ya.-„7;'•,.w Truly Fine Furniture, When Given As a Gift, Pleases the Whole Family. At Whitney's you are certain to find the Gift that Pleases, the Practical Gift—FINE FURNITURE !. A Cedar Chest is a year-round (Sift - practical, and saves money too, A wide range from which to choose. Reasonably priced What -could be nicer for Father or Husband than- ii 'comfortable Lounge Chair. SEE.' OUR LARGE DISPLAY t Funeral Director Ambulance Service Shown here are but a few of the fine Gifts you will find at -Whit- • ney's — the Christmas Store. COME IN , ANIS CHOOSE NOW! Looking foal' something 'different? In our display are many items thfit will please, ' t h e zA discerning homemaker,,. G. A. Whitney At WHITNEY'S you will find Lamps of all styles -traditional - and modern design. The pet:- Fine er Fine Furniture Lamps, Floor Coveriings feet gift, •- -A°r rn d' t3 i 'h, ll to ca a t; e 1� t e ai � >� . , olq � . 1} x� ., a l#1� 1? e . be 'lifers, St9liheaecik, WS, 11 P. ,1iPaA, Mr&. 1>A.jn, Mi"s, erlek, Mars. J.'17aterson anal Mriio, Gei- ger. • The December ,meeting of the Eve- ning Auxiliary Will. be held at the home of Miss Margaret Shepherd on Mondayf Dec. 9. Miss Edna Saunder- cock will be co -hostess and the devo- tional, "Christmas,” will be, taken tlY Miss Ellis. The roll call is ' 4..Christ- mas Gift," The study is, to lie by Miss Violet McClymont. Death of Mrs, Conrad Huisser We. 'Conrad Huisser, well-known resident of Hensall for the past twen- ty. Fears, passed away at the home of her' daughter, Mrs. Wm., Bender, Clinton,. on Saturday following a short illness w t Her death folio a d hat of her husband, Conrad Huisser, three .weeks ago. She was the"former Kath ryne Staubus. Surviving are two roast. Conrad,, of Wyandotte, Mich. and Abel, Windsor, and three ,-daughters, Mrs. E. Denomme, Tecumseh; Mrs, William Bender, Clinton, 'and Mrs. Alex, Hildebrandt,-Bendai, She- wWF;. a mazu le> of the • ' ,uriGll ell eticn. ' Church,- Rgyfttg, undral 09rOQe+s Imo held from lielithre4,0 Foerdl 1Iopne Tuesday afternoon, conducted' by R,ey 4 E. V. Heimricbii,;. interment was in Zurich .Lutheran. cemetery. . HENSALL TOWN HALL DECEMBER 7th - 8.30.p.m. "Hopalong Cassidy Enters" -William. Boyd, :Jimmie ElllsoSe George (Gabby) Hayes COMING, -- DECEMBER 14th Cecil B.:DeM' Ile'& "The Klug Of Kings" At Regular Prices. An Invit8•tion . to Loveliness ... from Heather Beauty Shoppe Relax In our pleasant salon while your. hair la being waved lnto'a-gleaming crown of lovely manageable curls. D. liozacbok, new owner and operator, of this '7ieather' , brings to Henault the very latest lit modern hair • styling. . . . telephone ...„ HEATHER BEAUTY SHOPPE KING STREET ' OPPOSITE CITY HALL HENSALL 39 120 DIAMONDS GUARANTEED PERFECT 2500 17551. Amomommi J. A. Westcott - JEWELLER ANY ARTICLE MAY BE PUT AWAY FOR Aa SMALL DEPOSIT SHOP EARLY Phone 218 Seaforth. It has been impossible for the H.E.P.C. to de- velop power in sufficient quantity to keep abreast of the enormous increases in the demand for power. Seaforth, in common with all other municipalities, must do its utmost to conserve power by exercising the strictest economy in its use, You, the consumer; are asked to co-operate by: 1. Exercising strictest economy at all times. 2. Turning off lights when not required. 3: Avoiding the use of eleatricair heaters. 4. Making the most frugal use of electrically'heat- ed water (and checking up on leaking hot water faucets) 5. Avoiding the operation of range elements on `high' when a lower heat will servethe purpose, and turning ' off -a-ll elements as soon .as po§Sible. G. ' Avoiding all unnecessary outdoor lighting. SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION ,e. } a