HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-11-01, Page 7 (2)r-;
(ceratinned, facant Ina' Week)
Salurrietlet'a•Wart "a:" assittatt around
, the corner frim The Exprees. office.
Here the mem, working On .the Morn.
lite Papeert %Mind an .ertgeolallY ere.
pareitlinueb. for them at midnight., and
would- spend an houreating aril chat-
ting before going :henna '
Witte ordered a beer.
"Take a regular drink," Riley said
encouragingly. "Yoiseare a full -fledge
ed reporter now., That sten* of yours
goes on the first page in the morning.
Rand 'vas tickled With it."
FroMelhat eight on the subject of
driuk became?, the nightmare of
Witte's tirlatence in N WhiskY
„revolted hilly phYtricaily. Th ie abhor-
rence of it made him laughable in the
eyesof the widening 'allele of re-
portera. he cathe to. know. „
One night as he passed up the bot-
tle and told the waiter to give him a
beer one jovial member of the com-
: pany hailed hine aft aadisciple of Care
lie Nation. On• another recession, las-
repugnance to whisky, • was .suddenly
made 'a race issue.
One of the 'reporters had read that
the Jews as a race were temperate to
a Ida degree. He recounted this ,to
the eempany, and each began asking
Witte- whether the. Jews Were averse
to drink on religious. grounds.
These questions, made him uneem-
fortable. It annoyed him, to have his
race and religion, and the thousands
of years of history • back of them,
dragged into a matter of his tam per-
sonal distaste:- Why charge up a
.. trilling Peculiarity of his to the fact
that he was a Jew? Why raise the
tnteretion of race and on that ground
single him out as "different"?
He resolved to end these annoyanc-
es: He would take a drink of whisky
now and then, or at least he would
• try to have the appearance of drink -
Barristers; Solicitors, ate.
Patxtek D. McConnell - H. Glenn Bays
Telephone 174
• Barrister., Solicitor, Etc.
Phone 173, Seaforth
Office hours daily, except Wednes-
day: 1.30-5 p.m., .7 - 9 p.m.
- Appointments for consultation may
be Made in advance.
Physician and Surgeen
Phones: Office 5-Va; Res. '5-1
• Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. 0. Sproat
Phone 90-W Seaforth
• Eyee Ear, Nose and Throat `
Graduate in Medicine, University of
Late. assistant New York Opthal-
mei and Aural Iristitute, Moorefield's
Eye and Golden:qUare Throat Ros-
ana', Londoe, Eng. At COMMERCIAL
NESDAY In each month, from 2 p.m.
to 4.30 P.m.
53 Waterloo Street South, Stratford;
Physician :and Surgeon •
Phone 110 -, .1 Hensall
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 56 HensalL.
Specialist in Farm and Household
••Licensed in Huron and Perth Coun-
• ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaetion
--or Information, etce write or phone
HAROLD JACKSON, 14 On. 661, Sea-
• forth; n.n. 4, Seaforth.
Licensed Auctioneer
lioneehold, farm •stock, implements
and pure bred sales. Special 'training
•and experience enables nie to offer
yon sales serelee that is Mast effici-
ent and. satisfactory PHONE 90 r
Liceneed Auctioneer
Pure bred siibia, Ab Slam stock
and Implemelittt' Ver Mint
gbarge. eittletaetion giaranteed. For
Ar40,00, 4
ig.Retellie "0Paertarettee" Was attO
detected, Riley on bele up 'Witte!
Mao" with` a thimbleful of waiska
it for the inspection, of the ereMPanY
and they hed a hearty laugh at hi
Z Porters ore The ExPreat, evoirecli'
S smile. -*
it "It was not tbe, Oinks," Lindley,
, the city tall Men,- benteredtae young
O aeporter, "it was the Made that did
You. UP. . I always- disfike, the music
at Righeimer'a neaself."
Emil felt entetted. What a mieer-
able game it was, this trying to stand
in with the fellows by drinking at the
expense of his self-respect, let alone
haslal ealth. What disgusting busi-
ness Riley „was right. It was the fault of
ST--. It was no •place -to be. in.
• There .was ao atmosphere there. Ile
literary people—where there was a
field. He would leave The Express
at the end of the Week.
When Witte, the followbag after-
noon, upon fin -ding afaverable mom-
ent walked over to Rand and told him
that -he would leave the Exprese at
the close of the. week, the city editor
lifted lus eyes slowly, and swinging
back iu, his chair"; merely •!Said: "AW
Before going out to dinner, howev-
er, Rand walked over 4o Witte's desk.
He was pressed for men, -he said. The
Express .had for some time been run-
ning with a shorter etaff than usual.
If• Witte stayed. he wouldraise his
wages, to fifteen dollarsa week—he
was getting twelve. :
The Express was payieg the high-
est salaries in town. The Dispatch
would not pay , him more, the city
editor added.
-Witte allayed Randfs suspicions on
that adore. He was not going over to
the Dispatch, he sad, but was leav-
ing town. He was- going to Chicago.
"Got a job there?" Rand asked.
"Friends in the newspaper-
• Witte admitted • that he had no
friends in Chicago -and not the slight-
est outlook for a position, but that he
wanted to be in a big city; was de-
termined to be there.
"You'd, better wait until you have
More experience," Rand counseled.
"Chicago is hardly a -place for -a be-
ginner like yourself."
• Witte made no answer to this, and
Rand walked out.
At midnight Saturday, as Witte was
butting` the clippings of some of hie
stories in an envelope, Rand .walked
over to the reporter.
"When are you leaving?" he ,asked.
"In the morning."'
"You are not wasting any tithe,"
Rand said, a thin note of sarcasm in
his voice. The next instant his voice
was serious again.
"Stick to that freak stuff, to feature
writing," the city editor cast a final,
friendly warning. "You are good at
it. It will be this that will make you
.a -provided, of course, you hit it right."
Witte thanked him for this kindly
ad -vice.
When; the reporter .had left the of-
fice, Rand, walking from a momentary
revery, rem,arked to the •political edi-
tor: ,. "The boy will go ,far, he has
"Yes," Francis replied, "it is just
like those quiet foreigners—"
a • . And here is the bathroom.
Everything is nice and clean -and I
don't allow any rough people here.
This is not like them other places
down the street that takes in- any one
who comes along. . . , I am particu-
lar—and I don't allow any can rush-
ing. It is a Mie &opt for the money,
You won't get anything better for t
dollars a week in the whole city .
Witte had never been to Chicago
cept-for passing -through it on his wt
from tile old world to Spring Watr,
thirteen years, back. He bad plann d
to stop at a hotel, for a few days unt 1
he had acqainted himself with th •
town, But there were nearly .thre'
columns of advertisements -of roo II
to rent on Van Buren Street in
Chicago Sunday Star which he bo t
on the train. One never courr /tell
hove long one might have to w for
a job—he batt better be sari with
his money.' He Would dispene with
hotels and take a room at once. He
checked his suitcase in 'the station.
The first policeman he met •direCted
him to a Van Buren street car.
• The landlady, a rotund, middle-aged
Irish- matron with a skin as fair as
that of a young girl, was still speak::
Embittered; Emil Witte now begun
taking at .aritiest one "good" drink an
evening, • although be felt sick for
hour§ afterward.
One night as he watched ,Rileet.
empty his third glass of Whishir, a
• question slipped Witte's tongue.
"Why do you fellow's drink so
much?" he asked.
'Well, what would. you have
us.,da?" the hotel- •reporter laughed_
hoarsely. •
. .
Tho thoughtful Manner.. in which
Witte gazed into space finally :com-
municated itself to Riley.
"You might as well ask, why we
stay in the newspaper business" -the
botelareporter , said, "There Is just
,aa much _legit te_it,,as there is to
drinking. What other fun can one
have at this hour of the night?
"I have sometinaes, wenclered," Riley
continued, growing morose, "where
this is going to bead to. II:mire been
a pewspaper mai for five years now.
If I were a lawyer, -a, physician, a
business man,., I should be settled by
this time. in this business" 'nothing is
settled beyond the fact that I Will be
here again tomorrow ideit- and will
be taking the same number of drinks,
I had *ambitions to weiteonce, but
they -petered Out: They peter out with
most newspaper men. the desire to
drink is the only permanent thing
about ' the busineas. Nothing else is
stable in fl. . . . Perhaps in a- big
city, in Chicago or New York, it might
he different." •
Witte asked about Chicago:- Had
Riley ever been there?
Riley had never worked in Chicago.
But every, so often a man would leave
N to go to Chicago. In the ma-
jority of cases the fellows came back
and 'were glad to get their old jobs
again. In fact men frone'Chicago were
often glad to slip into a good job in
a,. smaller city, in N for in-
stance. Rand was an example. In
Chicago he probably Would have re-
mained a copy reader all his life.
Here he was city editor; some day
he might become ,mareaging editor. •
Emil Witte and Riley were stand-
ing at the "bar in Schroeder's, when
two reporters of the Dispatch came
in. One ef them ordered drinks for
the crowd, „Witte had had one whisky
but having determined. not to make
himself conspicuous,- he poured out
another. When the bartender put the
bottle befdrehim for tiie third time,
Witte filled his glass. without further
hesitancy. It. seemed to him that be
w'aa .filling the glass not for himself
but for somebody -else. . . . That
somebody else lifted the glass and
drank to his, Witte' -s health. . . .
Witte experienced a peculiar sensa-
tion -in the front part of his head. His
eyelids felt painfully heavy and Sore.
One of the reporters began upbraid-
ing Schroeder for the•goulash and trot
roast which he fed them on night af-
ter night. He suggested that they go
to a chop suer place and have "a
regular feed." The rest agreed. Emil
heard what they were saying as if
in a dream.
Riley saw to it that Emil ate his
chop suey. Several times when
band rested on the table feeling too
heavy to hold the fork, Riley urged
him on. Indistinctly Witte heard his
name hurled- back and forth in the
convereation. They, were laughing,
too, but it waftnot at him they were
laughing, but, at somebody else, who
had been drinkbag whisky. Witte
leered at that somebody. He was .go-
ing to banter hina, too, but -his tongue
-refused to move. It telt as it .it were
ghied "to the back of his throat. '
- The company moved and Witte mov-
ed along with them. Now- he realiz-
ed what an incumbrance that some-
body else, who had been drinking
whisky, was, upon him. . . He was
constantly stepping upon one or the
other of his feet." He was in, his way
at every step.
A. piano was banging, and men and
women were talking loudly, 'and
.- A man ina white coat
and white apron was busying himself
about Witte's table, and in a few min-
utes there appeared a bottle on it and
glasses. iLey saw him vaguely Etat-
leg about, talking to some people,
men, women. . .. A girl at the neigh-
boring table was smiling. . . She
was motioning with her head la his
direction. She was. calling him „to
come over, to sit near her:
He recognized her. . It was Lena
Rosen. . . . Yes, Lena was sitting
there at the table. Strange he had not
recognized her at once.. . . 1Ie trust
go up and talk to ber . . . yes, , ask
about home. , that's ft, about home.
He tried to lift himself from hi3
chair, but something in his throat was
hOlding him back, . , • He must Cry
out, he must call forhelp—it was
choking him.
He took hold of k near -by chair,
st�od up and' tried, to clear his- throat.
There was a shriek from several
women and a scampering, in all direc-
tions. Two men in white coats _and
White' aprons- took •him' 'under each
arm and led -him aWay.... Riley and
another reporter began busying them-
selves about him, wiping his cloths.
'Take him outside, fresh air will
de him good," some one suggested,
Witte was led Outside. The„air clear-
ed his head... ... He realized what
had taken place. But he was too sick
to think.
"You had better come with me to
ray' room," said Riley, "My landlady
is wit's. he Will fix up Your elotheif in
the morning so they won't ehoW a
trace , . . Such things :happen once
in 'a wiule. . . gnat's that atop
suey disagreed, With you, It clinaltoo
/Met aftte.thedritilc.°
Withal; dieconifittire of the night be.
rote, Nolpb,.1,7,4f,pt,pcpro,40.0.14.-ele.
.4Eititti` *Rey fiiltir re.
Pk0 °
..4#10,tAX.C.4 k0.ifeY.....thajna
WW0:40001-Ole Only '•ellair
..-4.4.1*..*WOW and 4raliYing.
the, TOW of November, hi.4
...,tka 40- Wrte hatO W#I0, 41./4Ont
mot eaten aaathIng',Olana
41'04440 A! Was nearly
. eve "daorafrom -tae roome
rea4Y4AA4 w4igh,
waaltept 'biir au Italian. A aClita4'
,,.., • „„,,
waiter was 490W, at a table. Ti
480.113111B,d, apnearanee of the place get-
zand434 J1IiSPrelWY that it was Su;
day, A that. every -one was at home—
with friends, He' thought of hip par,
(luta, -of $13408 Water. . While he
•was stoning .1;4 *fee he wrote a feiv
lines on a- postSittd to- his, father.
Evening found im exhausted and-
gloomy- On ;lie -mantelpiece in his
room lay several old m.agazines. Ile
picked one aP and began to turd the
pages. There Was,. wilttieg in several
,places in a fem.-In:Me bend. The rORIA
must have been -occupied- last by a
girl. Where was the girl now? ,Did
she gb somewhere else to room? Or
hed-eomanee- setaher free from the -
Lan bedroom existence?
He thought -of Lena. Ile owed; her
a letter. But he would not write until
he get a job. He: ivondered what she
would think of the step he had taken,
of his gang to Chicago. Of course
she would know that -he had left N
She would learn it froni his mother.
She was coming -to their house often
of late, his father had written.
He closed his eyes and the room
seemed suddenly to fill with Lent's
PreSenee, . . He .breathed the per-
fume of her hair. She was coming
nearer—bending over him. He was
was up at seven and by noon it
seemed to him that he had pa.ssee a
long day. In spite of his, decision
not to look fora job until.he had ac-
quainted himself with the city, he
sought out the newspaper' offices the
very first thing and noted carefully
the appearance of each building and
the streets that led to it. ;
There was .a dryness in his throat,
His chest pained hiss from the smoke
he had swallowed. There was an in-
eessa.nt ringing in his ears. It seemed
to him that he would never get used
to the noise and clatter of the city,
that he Would never find himself in
this maze of elevated trains and street
cars that were chasing each other in
endless streams.
The third morning there was a let-
ter from his- father. In contrast to
his own few lines, his father wrote at
length. It,was a cheerful, encouraging
letter. Aaron Witte approved his
son's course in -leaving N—. He
felt confident in his son's ability 'to
make good itt the big city. It may
be difficult at first," he wrote, "but
,then things worth while 'never Come
easy -L."
In spite, of the cheerful tone of the
letter Emil saw between the lines that
it was written with an aching heart.
His father and mother were uneasy
about his fortunes in the . far-off,
strange city. His •departure for Chi-
cago had made the distance between
.hiniself 'and his parents greater: At
the close of the letter his 'father se
him the address of a relatives, a cou-
sin of Aaron's, a Mrs. Bloch, who liv-
ed in Chicago,. He urged Emil to go
up and see her. Aaron and Rebecca,
that was Mrs. Bloch's first name, had
been almost like sister and brother in
their younger days.
In the afternoqn - of -the •same day
the weather turned colder. Emil walk-
ed into the reading -room of the public
library and ound every seat taken by
jobless, ngry men. Some read, oth-
ers m e a pretense of reading, and
ality sought to snatch a few min -
s sleep without being caught at it
y the attendant who was on the
alert to weed -out all who were not
bona fide reaers.
Emil consulted his map of Chicago
and -took a car to the neighborhood
where his father's cousin lived: The
conductor let Jilin off at Morgan
treet. He found himself in. the heart
Chicago's ghetto. On every side
ere people of his race,..talking the
guage in which his mother croon -
him to sleep in his chilhood, not
In:lily and in hushed voider as they
e Yiddish in •Spring Water, but
with perfect -indifference, not feeling
that they were Making themselves
conspicuons. They were at home in
the Chicago ghetto almost as much as
they 'had been in the Russian Pale.
Absorption in 'the sights about"him
delayed, Ebail's search for Mrs. Bloch.
He finally hunted up the house. It
Was a three-storey building. A wo-
man who emerged from the dark hall,
1444V-Ireall, ..1Ps5$'0Mt,
The bottle shortage Is.actite-.
*Meese return empty beer bottles to your nearest
brewere Retell Sire or phone fer eickem iirreiera
Is Free Democracy Worthwhile"'
- This searching question is posed by
the addrerre made in Ottawa -last week
by Percy Philip—neNts repOrter "ef
great ability and culture wheeCovered
the peace coefarence after two 'wars.
Speaking on the subject, "In Search of
Peace,” Mr. Philip was certain that
the recent peace conference was much
niore discouraging than that of 1919.
The first eonference was set in an at-
mosphere .of hope- and confidence and
the belier thaf-free denaterecy evOtild
beer:pine the way Of the world. '
The recent conference was a dog:
fight _from the beginning between dif-
ferent "systems" of government. Ffee
democracy is maintained in only a few
countries of the world and many coun-
tries with iarge population- maintain -1
that their authoritarian system, with
only one political party allowed and
where oppoeition to the
'is considered treason,
mases of people better.
It is true that free`democracy,prov-
ed to be the better way 'in war time—
proved by •the valeur of our sons in
battle and the persistence, industry
and co-operation of our people at
home. Free democracy not only play-
ed aelarge part in the defeat of aa
authoritarian state but supplied an
serves the
informed him that the Blochs lived
on the third floor, in front. He went
up and rapped at the door.
• It was opened by a woman of fifty
who had been busying herself in the
kitchen. '
"Are you .Mrs. Bloch—Rebecca'?"
Witte asked emphasizing the first,
name last. "
"Yes,' the woman answered, back-
ing. her way into the parlor so as to
be able to discern the visitor's face
"1 am Aaron's son—Emile," he in-
troduced himsel. He held out his
But the woman did not take it: She
gazed at his face and seemed unable
to find ,words, • She finally .managed
to .speak:
"You are—Emil, the. Wale Emil—
Aaron's and Masha's son?"
Witte nodded stupidly. He was
moved :by the peculiar . twitching of
the muscles in the woman's face.
She took his hand and palled him
over to herself aa if he were a small
boy, and kissed his cheeks.
"Why, child," she gasped as her
eyes filled with a haze. "I raised you.
I carried you in my arms as an infant,
But .you don't remember. me. I left
for America when you were only two
years old." ,
She began to ply him with questions
about- his parents, tender, inmost
questions. Emil felt ashamed for hav-
ing prized his relationship to this wo-
man so little but an hour before.
Mr. Bloch appeared to be of the
same -age as Emil's father- and had
known Aaron Witte since boyhood. He
"knew" Emil in an instant. -
"1 could,recognize hink among -thou-
sands," he said, not. without pride in
his own.. keennese. "yap; he Is the
picture af Aaron." .
The Blochs had two married chil-
dren: The other's, a boy of Emil's age
and a girl- of seventeen, were still
livin& with them. The boy, Sam, took
an immediate liking to his second.
After the evening meal the Bloclaa
insisted that Witte go at once with
Sam and move his things. They could
not permit Emil to stay with strang-
On the way to the Van Buren street
rooming -house Sam confided- to Emil
his ambitions. He was .a cutter in a'
cloak shop. This was not a bad trade
in itself, better than his father's who
was a presser in a sweatshop, But he
was ambitious. He was taking up a
night course and would seen be 'a de-
signer. • .
Mrs. Bloch and her husband- mean-
time were discussing 'Witte's occupa-
tion. The husband spoke of it with
'high respect. His only regret was that
Aaron's boy, as he referred -to Emil,
did not write in-Viddish so that he
could read ll a articles. Tq have a
writer in the family was no sawn
• "And is the boy very learned?" Re-
becca asked.
"Learned?" Mr. Bloch exclaimed.
"Why the boy is what might be com-
pared to a great rabbi—been through
a university! Only his learning, you
understand, is different from that of
a rabbi:" It concerns itself with other
matters, worldly learning."
Mrs. Bloch listened to her husband
and her heart melted,
"What is there to.marvel at?" Boch
said. "You know what a' head Aaron
had on him. If it had not been for
his great love. for Masha he would
have been a 'rabbi, one of the pillars
of Israel now."
And 'then they talked of things
more than a generation old, until
Witte, accompanied by Sam, who was
carrying his suitcase, came back.
Rebecca kept plying Emil . with
queStians. She even asked, him to re-
count his ocean voyage.
"Foolish woman," her husband chid-
ed her good naturedly "He did not
come from the old world yesterday.
He bas leen here thirteen yeara., He
must have long forgotten his ocean
But Mil, remembered, his ocean i01 -
age and described it Minutely to Re -
He recalled a thousand things
Whit& lie had- nev'er thought of in all
ttie •years he had been itt the new
world. . . He took delight in re,•
Asembering these things,...;
iConiinued Nikt *eels):
. .
44a wpm *40to-040,...0#041i:.'''"'
Byt4b.;:ct,10/,, .10,004 ,:
• Pucv§410414
!ONO,. OilliziC,4...CirP.43,S.ifbet14:410,;,*,
ORS*: phe ,10-4410,400. inPrkdaIe.„
Antal* 4i114.V*911040 PrAirlenil401,
'toba, are interesting and hit 00 ;404;
4ecialye. Tho 046 -Oft,
stituenCy: receives a great deal
teution„ in relation to the itetaiis of
the vote for ;the :three -principal par,
ties. 00133.thelitS Vrom Party 'leaders
are considered, as statements of
couragement to -party "workers rather
than serioue oPielone. of the
came of -the vote.
The questions Of interest in Park -
'dale were: Weisa a sinalleraote when• ,:
all parties were better organized than
in the general election? To What ex-
tent did the striking workers
paignlng for the p.e.r. -E;aity help' to
increase that party's vote? In Pert -
age the former home of Hon. Arthur
Meighen, where dap the SoCial Credit
vote of 857 in 1945 go, and to what
extent did Labour Progressive support
help the C.C.F. Party? --
In view of the close vote between
the three major parties there is a
strong opinion that Ow' use of the
transferable ballot would have elected
both governntent Candidates but this
view is by no mesas unanimous.
Students of :human nature in poli-
tics opstudying the results carefully
and trying to gauge the extent to
Which the eleetion, reflects the unset-
tlement of post-war rational action
from MOtives of enlightened self-in-
terest. The percentage vote was:
Pardtle 35-32-28; Portage, 40-35.25 for
Progressive Conservatives, Liberals
and C.C.F. 'Parties respectively.
The Peace Tower
Last week saw the first issue of e
new non-partisan independent weekly
tabloid size newspaper—with the stat-
ed objective of "interpreting Ottawa
to Canada weekly.",
The first issue ,parries the endorse-
ment of Canada's principal party lead-
ers with the Prime Minister's letter
featuring the front page. -Mr. King
wrote "Free and representative gov-.
en:In:lent depends upon an informed
public opinion. . In a country of the
size and diVersity of Canada, it is not
easy to provide full and accurate in-
nvriaiwtUl:rt'Utoei4,447,i1d1744100,fro..1*:1`1:':!g:: 4-.
primaryfl C16 6 tiil1.1;0;P concerning'**'.
To that
the eFteX0.112#„„ 1
high17.00-aided ,
there is widespread 0.1'4
Maintain. the high etandard--wbj h -:
ttjj loesa 1414:i4tnz. :er'riTelk4st ite°'e d'; ,
cCiatyll.a"ThaeS'adr'ilefirtZted;le iii the;01-'C'aelr
0 ttvk
In Canada
Tax reductipus in Canada, stO‘ed.t.,
less, than one yearatter the avax reeaa
ed. After World War 1 taxes fOrli,
increased by -60 peevent.
The strike in the steel inqiun-Fy
diked production ot Steel to the level
of 1939. This le eesetla haltitt Can-
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