HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-11-15, Page 3f
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'PA.' a4914,0 y` # c Ad. Tne
on .)Tetuan t7s., sSibhsli and:
otha)re, dor Ow a mynieipal.
rain, was .age9004. ail the "P-Inrk'
was, nnttho'lee4 to reiil triton the sex-
vices. of S. W. Archibald to' bring in a
report, plan and. • estimates on the
The 'reportof the road superintend
ent on the: program for• the current
month was approved.
On . motion by Duncan and Elering..
ton; the •publie liability bond was re-
newed with The General Accident As-
surance Co. or -Canada for auether
Current accounts were paid, iniad..
g--expenditurieent-$815.83 nu etawnn
ship roads.
It was .deeided to hold the next reg-
ular meeting. on Dec, 7, 'because the
statutogy meeting will be on Dec. 15.
—A Mara
. W. m C ler
The municipal cotllzcil; . Q ;Irgitorne
Township met lin .reg(ilgT eessi.nn in
the Township HaU,.dn. $aturday, Nov,
1, at 1 o'clock p.m. Reetre Berry pre-
eided and Councillors Brod;", Duncan,
Ellerington and Tuckey were present.
Minutes of regular Meeting of Oen 12
and special zdeetiiig of Nov. 1 were
adopted as printed, on motion by
Tuckey and Break,
Correspondence wasread; ' es fol-
lows: Clerk of Hay• Township, con
plaint ,orx--the Cann Mitchell Dra}n ot,
over-assessmens; on' the. farm of, Ne17
_ton Stanlaye 'the. Clerk w: s instruct•
4ed to ask the 'Engineer to review the
a d I
Sciatic Pains '-
Quickly Relieved by
eta, ,,.
0.44451.4or 4 th'e watery lid Rt,. i4r w
CattOJt, Crulxaity Cieriz.opiea' � t. �urFe
i?pl3ittiles of 7Eitiron ..Vauxlty' ("K40,Gilr
Clerk of •Ilibbert Townedip« a report
Of re4rganizatign .of the Moya art
Cemetery Board; W,billier 4 So., pros
Voting gale ' et municipal supplies.;
.tames W. Gardiner, presenting a coin
p'iainiioh the. S:teNcart Araiu ,n. Us-,
,i)niene 'Towtship;. Departiloent of M-g-
icipal Affairs, report forxuo; Ontario.
Association, of ; lural Bt>xnieipalliiee,t,
;report of proceedings at anneal,; neeeGt
ing; IQntario, Municipal Association,
r-eport of resolutions;
' The Clerk reported that he had been
suecessfnl in"'securinga tentraet with
.Messrs. Yundt• & McCann, of Strat-
tratford, to excavate the . open week on
both the Wurm i Dra'n and the Cann -
Mitchell Drain this fall (Weather per-
mitting), at the estimate provided by
the Engineer of 3t and 35 cents. re-
spectively, per cubic yard.
Wilson Allen, of Hensall, was pres-
ent and. signed a contract with the
council to provide a truck, with snow-
plow and wing to assist in keeping
L'sborne roads clear of snow in the
If you long to make
that "melt -in--your
Mouth" pastry every.
one describes, use --
King Pastry Flour
You'II Get Results
• H L 461
Mr. a,n41 Mrs. Archie Mustard and
son, of IBrucefleld, visited' the, latter's
. Mr. and. Mrs. 'Leon Jeffrey and
grandchildren, Yeonne and' Bill, visit-
isited Mr. and Mrs. N. Ducharme, in Lon-
don. -
Mr. and Mrs. H. Finlay and family
visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Jarrott and
Mr. James Jarrot't. at Hillsgreen.
The scholars and teacher held a
Hallowe'en party in Blake sehool on
Thursday afternoon.
Several from the community attend-
ed the funeral of the late John Turner
at Clinton on Monday.
Miss Phyllis McBride,' of Stratford
Normal, 'spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr. and .Mrs, Roy McBride..
Mr. and •Mrs. P. Murch, .Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bell, Marion .Murch and
Mr. Ross Skinner visited with William
Much, at Parkhill, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steplian ante
Betty Anne and Murray spent the
week -end with relatives in Detroit and
Belle Village, Michigan,
Mr, and Mrs, W. Bradshaw, Sea -
forth, spent Sunday evening at the
home, of the latter's parents Mr, and
Mrs. John Herdman, after visiting for
a couple of days at Ingersoll.
Mrs. James McLaughlin, of London,
visited at the home of her brother
and family, Mr, Jackson Woods, and
Mrs. Woods.
Quite a number of the children„ en-
joyed the Mission Band Hallowe'en
party in, the township hall Tuesday
night. Prize winners for . costumes
were as follows; Jean Gilfillen, Grace
Routly, , Betty Anne. Stephan, Floyd
Cooper, Donnie Stephens, Douglas
and Bonita Smith, Mary, And Beverley
Skinner, and,Aldene Pym. Games and
lunch were much enjoyed by the kid-
dies present. ' •
The HalIowe'en dance winners for
s, the young people on Friday evening,
in the hall here were: MarionMurch,
Wanda Stephens., Isabel Cooper and
Mrs, Alvin Cooper.
(Intended for, last week).
Mr. John Kipper, of New Westmin-
ster, B.C., is visiting his sister,. Mrs.
Percy Weston; and Mr. Weston.
Miss Margaret Reids returned home
this week after spending some „time
with friends in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameros}, and,.
Mr. Wm. Cameron, of Detroit, were
guests of Miss E. Cameron over the
weekdend. •
Mrs. R. Watson and son, Edwards,
who spent the past four months with
her mother, Mrs. F. Ai•Edwards, re-
turned to Broadview, Sask.; last week.
Mr. Lloyd Westlake, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallen• Westlake -
Mr. John MacLeod, of Erieau,is
spending a few- days .at his •home in'
.Applications are invited for a
commencing •November 19th.
This course consists of three months' classroom instruction,.
and six months' practical instruction in hospital. Central
schools are located at Toronto, Hamilton and Kingston.
• Age -18 to 40 years
Grade 10 Education
• Good Health
Studefrts receive $60.00 per month less maintenance. Unifornis
are provided. Transportation is paid for students from their
place of residence to the central school. .
On successful completion of the Course graduates receive a
certificate from The Department of Health.
Applicants should apply immediately to the
' Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto.
I •
I'EGONO1041$1 '
Bello,-I1omemalcerel 'Penalise vege-
tables are difficult to stare in Crowd-
ed housing caln(1itlons, tile' best use of
-perishable vegetables ehoutd be con-
sidered. '
Take cauliflower. forninstanee; how
good it tastes When Weal)ed, section
ed and eoohedfn rapidly boiling salt-
d--water--until tender end no–longer
Sprinkled with fiinely ;grated cheese,
chopped parsley''or a little paprika;
it makes a .superb dish, Cauliflower
Can often be served. raw in a salad
er instead of pickles on
a san
w•ich plate.
Some people dislike ,certain vege-
tables because of their .familiarity.
Done in the vine way with monoton-
oug regularitn, is it any. Wonder they
lose their appeal? Yet to get your
fullquota of good health, vegetables
must .be included in two •tneaik of each
day for they are second on the list
of protective foods.'
• Beet Dishee,,
' Boil beets in the akin for one to
two hours depending on size, or peel
and slice and cook in two cups water.
Variety of dishes include. family fay-
orite (diced•'beets with harvard sauce
flavored with cloves).'
Saladventure-nDiced beets with slic-
ed oranges and onions with zippy
French dressing.
Red Flannel Hash -Mix two cups of
diced beets with ^three cups meat, hash
and saute together.
Man -style Beets -Sliced beets in
vinegar to which bay- leaf,, onion, pep-
percorns, celery seed and cloves have
been added in a cloth bag.
Raw nippy beets are good on sal-
ads. Grate peeled beets and mix with
grated turnip seasoned with French
Green Tomatoes
Dip thick slices in egg and crumbs
and fry thein. Or add: to stews and
vegetable soups for a new flavor.
Molito is a Mexican dash that is
wonderfully flavorful: Cook together
1 cup meat. stock (use bouillon cube),
1 chopped carrot, 3 onions. 12 green
tomatoes, 2 red tomatoes ,(diced), y
teaspoon chili` powder; 2 bay leaves
and piece of garlic, some salt and pep-
per. Simmer an hour, sieve and add 1`
teaspoon butter. Bake meat balls in
French Style Onions
Five cups small silver -skinned on-
ions (peeled), 1 can condensed con-
somme, .pineiz'of pepper, 3 tablespoons
of grate] nippy cheese. .
Heat the consomme to boiling, add
onions and cook until tender, about
40 minutes. Then add pepper and
grated cheese just before serving.
Celery in Tomato Sauce
Four cups celery cutein'pieces about
one inch long and one 'Can tomato
soup. .
Cook celery 15 -minutes.,.. iii -•-salted
boiling water. Heat condensed toma-
to soup and pour over celery.,
Corned Beef Pepprers
Four medium green peppers, one-
third cup catsup, 2 cups 'cooked beef
hash, lie teaspoon prepared hor e -
Cut slices from stem ends of pep-
pers; remove seeds. Parboil peppers
three to five minutes; drain. Combine
hash, catsup and horse radish. Fill
peppers with hash mixture. Place in
creased baking dish, Rake in oven
(400 degrees) for 20 minutes. Serves
The Question Box
Mrs. R. J. asks: If honey can be
made into a jelly..
Answer: Yes. , Be' sure to bring to
a full rolling, boil,
Orange Honey. Jelly
Two and a half cups strained light-
colored honey, 3, cup strained orange
juice, i/ bottle fruit pectin,
• Blend honey with, the orange juice,
heat to boiling, stir in liquid pectin
and bring again to a full 'rolling •boil,
Remove at once •from heat, skim and
the village.
Miss Dawn"- Toms, of Toronto, is
spending a few days this week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Toms.
Veterans of Bayfield -and commun-
ommunity are invited to attend a memorial
service in the United Church on the
,nortiing of Sunday. Nov. 10, and will
sponsor <i Civic .memorial service at
the Cal;rn"en Monday, Nov. -11, at 11
Mr; Harry Baker and two daughters
of London, spent the week end with.
the. former's parents, Mr. , and Mrs.
Freed Baker... •
• Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brisson and
family, of Detroit, spent the week -end
at 'their home in the village. -
Mrs, F. A. Edwards, who spent the
past ten ,days in Kitchener, returned
home on Friday last.
Mr. Glen Smith, of London, is spend-
ing two weeks with, friends in the vil-
• • Winners at Hallowe'en ,Party
The Hallowe'en 'party sponsored by
the business people of the vjllage was
largely attended on Thursday evening
last in the Town Hall: -Those winning
prizes were; Girls' fancy, six and on:.
der,' 1st, Ruth Ann Scotchnner; Z.ed,.
Anne Westlake; girls' comic, six and
under, 1st, Mary -Evelyn Grainger;
2nd, Charlene Scotchmer; boys' fan-
cy, six• and under, let, Teddy Turn-
er; 2nd, Howard Scotchmer; girls(
fancy, six to ten, 1st, Elaine Grainger;
2.nd,',Shirley Brandon; girls' fancy, six
to 10, lst, 1. Rau; 2zi.d, Marian Mak-
ins; boys' fancy, six to 10, 1st, Bobby,
Talbot; 2nd, Robin Fraser; boys' eo'pM-
in, six" to 10, lst, Gordon Porter; 2nd,
Glen Sturgeon; girls' fancy, 10 and
np, 1st, Barbara Bas'sdtt; and, Glen
Fraser; girls' comic, 10 anti up, 1st„
Norma Sturgeon; 2nd," .Tenet Mac-
Leod; _boys' fancy, 1st, Bobber Bran-
don; 2nd, Billy Parker; boy`s" comlc,
1st, George Cackle; '2nd, Ronald Cas-
tle. After the judging games were
played, those in 'charge being Mr, A.
Rae and Mrs.,Wzn. Parker, Witch was.
served and fanere given to each child.
A dance was held aften in;"the hall,
the wiener of the door pt'ize being
Mrs. (Gaut Turner, and the winning
couple for the spot dente was Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Telford.
Fe nJ« 'ru 're i# �a
P 444 :11*OP**
F *r
pplo QatOm4f,AtIOP,
'o4P atilt tgpoong
liglxt car 41:A ,_ }!; tea8ROO san
CitA.''Oluit+. aoAkiug 0040,4 ..•woo:.
araaatn butter. with tor, n `p t0W a::h.4d
8.34t•and ,oatulea3, Peel, care :104,00e.:
awes. Place in a baking di, h •nn4:
Cover with oatmeal mixture. Bake
oven' (350 degrees) one hour. Serve,
bot; ,plain, with ' whipped 'cream . or
with, sauce. Yield: 6 servings,/
Mrs. T. B. asks •for ' candy recipe
using corn syrup.
Mint Taffy -
One and a half cups dark .corn sy
rut►, 1 . teaspoon vinegar; I^ tablespoon
butter, pinch of salt, en, teaspoon soda,
3 drops oil of peppermint or 'epear-
)3oi1 corn syrup and vinegar in
saucepan until mixture is at 2.7.0 de-
grees or candy forms hard ball when
a tittle is droPpe din cold water: Cook.
slowly and stir to prevent burning.
Remove from element, add butter, salt
ann soda. Stir until the candy ceases
to foam. Pour into an oiled Pan.
When cool enough to pull, pour the
oil of peppermint into the centre of
the candy, gather the'eorners toward
the centre so that the flavoring will
not be 'lost. Pull until eandy is light
in color and rather firm- Stretch in-
to a long rope, twist and cut into malt
pieces- Wrap in waxed paper. Yie.d
About 25 pieces (1 -inch long), or two-
third- pound. ,
Anne Allan invites you to write to
her c/o The Huron Expositor, Just
send in your questions on homemak-
ing problems and watch this little
corner of the column for replies.
Q.—I have a small baby who re-
quites evaporated milk in her diet.
Some time ago when her three months
ration coupons° haft been used up i
a2plied and received the necessary
coupons. This week when I applied.
again I was told I had to have a cer-
tificate from a medical doctor, public
health nurse, or day nursery or well-
baby clinic every time I apply for
more evaporated milk coupons for my
baby. Is this true?
A --Yes. Recently, daze to the short-
age in supply of evaporated milk it
was necessary to revise some of the
previous procedures. It used to be.
that children under two years of age
were. given an allowance •if a medical'
certificate was presented the first
time the application was made. The
allowances were then automatically
renewed. Now a recognized certificate
must be presented. every time you ap-
ply'`for the coupons.' This is to en-
sure that those urgently in need of
evaporated milk are actually the ones
who obtain it.
Q.—When it is so hard to get soap
or' shortening why isn't it sold at cer-
tain definite hours of the day and on'
ly to' people who present their ration
books. Many women with babies, can-
not shop in the' morning and when
they do ' arrive at the store others
have bought ,up all the supplies.
A, --Soap and shortening is not ra-
tioned by the Board'but the shortage
is temporary and improvements are
expected shortly. Merchants may
adopt any plan they wish in distribut-
e -contmoditie8. 2e POT efts"
tamers, We have no riegulatio►e re
quiring 4101 to 'cell at certai';n ?hours,
or to linjt Their sales: They
mat1�s ontheirown accord, We have,
discovered that many anerehants'hav+I
their ,own rationing .plans and put
these .goods on sale 4 tlifferent bonne
of the day to beat -,accommodate all
the Iproapective buyers.
Q.—I saw large `bans of unsweeten-
ed 'peaches in a store the other day
and they were not rationed, Why is
this when smaller cans are rationed?
A.: These peaches in 105 -ounce tins
were packed by canners largely ler
the use of restaurants or public hate
ing places. When. :the supply is .groan.
er than the demand some are sold•to,
retail outlets. However; they require
so much sugar that few householders
can use them efficiently. The :small
cans are rationed to protect diabetics
v ho cannot have sweetened foods...
onenl ag, 14a iii;
aver, t1f you whit;'
sIiox ten
g +4d ti
;eS we lylai .siteei;, aha C,ef
the highest price skew
basic ,pptiod
Please return empty beer bottles to
your nearest B.eewers' Retail Store or phone for
pick-up service. Refund price is 72¢ for 2 dor
pints, 60¢ for i doz. quarts.
Mrs. Blair has been talking for months about buying a real
Indian shawl. But wouldn'tshe be surprised if she found
it priced in rupees! That it isn't, is due in large measure io
the services rendered by your bank. -
When you buy imported goods in Canadian stores, you pay in
Canadian dollars—butrhe people who made them were paid in Indian
rupees, British pounds, French franc§ ;
It is the same in reverse with exports. You may be one .of the three
out of every eight Canadians who make their living through goods
sold abroad. If so, you receive your wages in dollars, but your prod*
ucts are sold in all sorts of foreign currencies.
Arranging the complicated exchange dad transfer of foreign funds
in such transactions is but one of your bank's many services enabling
Canadian to buy and sell abroad:
Ibis Adv•.rfis•m•a
S'p.asor•d "y. your