HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-10-11, Page 5i a•_ 1 r r 'r t r• (1 4 TO .1, 194+ eek A ,„, 1G 11, .fo June 'Shaw) aIL, 11e6Ty hiber&: eate?F4..d anytime whosave the, MOOS' iaa:ee" led• extrema the, acbp'ol 1¢iil • recognise "'the expression. . ., Assembly Sessions Well, Wella getting: batik on MeV* -track e,gatn for' trier Friday Morning's entertalnmeut. Aur enchanting Mary' :Margaret. Cleary' started the year out .with s piano so10 Moc kine a lovely piece anal exquisitely played, as.. ••only oar, •Mary Margaret. could. •t inummomor WINTHROP HALL on "THURSDAY, OCT. 17th 8.30 p.m. Everybody Welcome. — Sponsored by .McIKIUIOP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE irVia cemb1 .ecsQy Mare'ear.S dant aunell xaadnte to, tote sti dente fog' new'sr io* yells and a eehool song. C'moil kldti, 'we dont Vant to Copse' We dying duck's wDiel4 our teams: are Piing all they've got• :to. win the Sala° for us, WO w.aallt to give them encouragement, and to da that we've got to .have your -ideate for ye11. A,.tta gag! 'Put on yO.ur think- ing caps; get out your pencil stub's, and let 'er :loose: Remember,: you've .got to be original, but you've' got to Uave vim! 6: Spare Moment Attractions I guess the students have to make their own entertainment ^some• time, and their spare time is about the best time to do it. But what they call en- tertainment is quite different from what you'd expect Fourth Formers to do. • They like to see paper flutter down from a high windd`t , and this they watched ... one day,', as several books glided out the window. Such silly amusements! You're as bad as little boys who play with paper aero- planes" - ''they like to, watch, them swoop through the air, Grow up, kids! Could I suggest homework in your spare moments? (aK., don't hit me—I take it all back!)( • • Second Form Still Flans - --(By Marilyn Chesney'' Well, another school term is half TUNE UP YOUR ENGIN and -veep it tuned up:.,.. for' - FUEL. SAVINGS EFFICIENT OPERATION - SMOaT•f POWER -' LONGER ENGINE LIFE -'t QUIET RUNNING - SPARKLING PERFORMANCE There's no other service operation - that -pays so great a :dividend at so, 'small 'a Cost.' In 'fait, a tune-up ' often paysfor itself in fuel and oil savings. SEAFORTH M01'0 Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Sales -and/ -Service'. PHONE 141 — SEAFORTH' • SIXTH ANNUAL. SALE OF. Registered. Herefords The undersigned will sell by. Public Auction for STUTT ,BROS. -' 2 Miles Northeast of Forest, lag Mile East of Highway 21 • SATURDAYS OCTOBER• 19th 36 LOTS 16 Bulls around 1 year old; 12 Open Heifers around .:1 year old; 8 Bred Heifers HERD FULLX ACCREDITED `. 'SAFE 'CATTLE BLOOD -TESTED HERD SIRES—Repeat Domino 18th, C.F. -120823; Ellis Dominol8th,' C.F. 152208 -Bred by Crapo Farms, Swartz Creek, Mich., U.S.A. Sale at 1 ram. sharp.. • • Catalogue on request E.- M. LESTER and W. S. O.NEIL, Auctioneers. FREE.AI4IMAL SERVICJ OLD -DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES. HOGS• SHEEP . CANES Promptly and Ef iciently Removed Simply .:Phone Collect' .219. MITCHELL , WE DOTHE REST! one ;and suit no•scbool enteataiume Pt • dances,. 4•elieve�, lu;e, the S$Gojad roriti.' studett,t ,are all for It ;biter all, ' that's why ,We eieeted the Stu- den'e, Council - ltallowe'en 1s,,curlittrg up soon; IUQ about a masquerade danceAbat r3day. i lrt?, St sure woua<briAg a lot 'Of lads-in'off the streatltd gut af';troubje On sueh a. t lse evok' 9404 tVn19t40'fa4 la(*iig fro;ward Ca ro erit 44t1ce l,'n,;tl?e,yeil and instead of 'tWA b g, 4alseeltr•.:*lrfell iaa,e been suggested, We'd tat'ner /lana several lafktallet om.,0.: r,l3TAugho'l Ai k alae -;yVar:,,. ThM would,."be 'a good' atear•ne for "our numerous First Formers to 'meek the rest .of the ang,rcause they are tbe nae oeitx' in the schen ,shnd• will have no idea, how to cagy on when the Ulrper Forms have graduated. -Well, Student's Council, it's up to yrou, * xt , Maizie Breaks • a Record • (By 13111 Butcllart) • What happened to Maizie:one morn- .•ing? As we were entering one of our ,glasses, there was an aavful crash, and there *as Maizie "Blimp" sprawled out on the floor, with an eatpressiop of amazement. Now it couldn't be that '1Fhif" moved her chair when she wasn't looking, or could it? As you well reinember, Maizie, you Clair break a their 'in the French room, one day. Well, in any eve1Yt,' we didn't like that desk, but take it easy. •on the ,plaster: Slanauage The war has made its way into our grammar'.schools. ' Military terms are naw being used from La up. Here are five: . Secret weapon means a spit: ,ball • soaked. brink; camouflage means a 'comic- sheet concealed between the pages of a history book; sabotage means a tack on a seat; propaganda means my old man can lick your old. man; absenteeism means playing hookey. .They practise it' every day before school; they talk about it; in corner groups, and they dream of it. in fu- ture, events. Yep, you guessed it,•! Rugby. The sport, of the season, the sport that sends ourthen out alive and 'sends them back half dead, or in some way ,dilapidated: Yet, it causes -greatainterest. and' 'enthusiasm to all the High School students; and we are anxiously awaiting the day when our team will march off the . field trium- phantly carrying' our star player on, their shoxiders. And that's when we'll need our cheer -leaders and yells "to prove that we're proud of them. Sweet Music What is the sweetest music,' The Most heavenly you've heard? ,To 'hear a baby laughin, - -Or- the. singing• of a bird? - The sweetest music, Junior, - Isn't sung by Frank or Bing— It's when you fear a, stand-up, -•; ' And you 'hear the doorbell ring! It's• • the event of any school year. It's the event that has a hangover. It's tbe event that wins a oup.- It's, the event that distinguishes our ath- letes -it's Field Day, our ;field and track meet. Yes, Field Day' was Wed- nesday; and a more perfect day we couldn't have chosen. Everyone was co-operative andschool spirit certain- ly stuck out all over the :school.. The -day was a great succe`ss,...and. the/ best students won,' It hasn't been made official yet who the champs are, but we have., a good. idea. And we have a good idea Whose 'Man is winning. too —the Blues (I hope). Have a good holiday: kids, but re- member just 'cause it's Thanksgiving doesn't say you're to get sick eating too much dressed 'fowl! Remember, back again on Tuesday! ' Declare Champs "(Continued from Page 1) • Dale and Marjorie Knight; relay race, 1st, Bessie -Stevens, Margaret 'Stela ens. Barbara Russell, Joan Ryan; 2nd, Ann de .la Frasier, Frances McGavin, Helen 'Mcllwain, - Grace 'McDonald; 3rd, Marilyn' Chesney, Norma Leem- ing, JoSree Strong, Mary Boswell; high .jump, ,Eleanor Shannon, Joan Ryan, Moria Bennett; standing broad jump, Jaequeline Habkirk,, Barbara Russell, Eleanor .,,Shanrybn; running broad jump, , Barbara Dale; Wilma Kyle, -Eleanor Shannon: baseball throw (distance), Barbara Dale, Mab- el, Cem,pbeh, Shirley Bennett: base- ball target throw, Margaret Stevens, Mary Bos's:ell, S.hiri-ey Bennett; bas ketball• throw, Mabel Campbell, Jac- queline Habk.i.rk1 Barbara Dale. • ' • Junior 5e yargl dash, Betty Lang- ford, Mary 'Lou Sills. Edna Huisseri 75 -yard dash,.'Betty Langford. Ma:y., Lou' Sills, Edda Hui 1 er; relay race, let, Betty Langford, Doris Pullman'. Joyce Glanville, Muriel Campbell; 2nd,, Edna Huisser,.' Mary Maloney,. Josephine Mch•er, Mary Lou Sills; 3rd,' Joyce Raclin„ Jean Caldwell, Joan Wheatley; Wi,ba Pretty: high jump, Edna. Huisser, Mary • Lou Sills, Han- nah Pepper; standing broad jump. Phyllis Boyes, lgary Maloney. Muriel Campbell; running broad ,jump, Edna Huisser, Mary Lou Sills. Betty Lang- ford;' baseball target throw, Joan Wheatley, Mary McLachlan, Shirley. Montgomery; baseball throw. Phyllis Boyes, Edna Huisser, Joyce Glanville; basketball throw, Joyce Glanville, Bettyv,.'Langford, Phya9is Boyes • les 11o¢lt;' p#1 $ ;441MVllss Phbt)a• G[r;Ct �r ' o , xiach were :meets of1� ' Afiui Rrdou 'last. ween,'',, 1 ;• 14lise Catherine Catnpbeil, of , '$ea- forthr sit 'Ow ' . gee t -end with. her .aunt, Miss, Auule Gordon, 111t and. ,'Mrs,- W. C• Bennett - ske4dir0 'the week 04 *-0r11:/f4i' ` Honer ' etick 1010 shower Adary i7', SGP€iturttr ' pl}lar Pruseeidale, bride Of $41,04441111 guests of houQr• at a shower lime' at, 0*e litoine .of. 4e,r, Parents, Mr, e. nd;$r.soh o, G,.oco tt , on Wednesday eveni1ofIat Week - When the sse'led a musical contest was conducted 'by Mrs. Rey McCulloch and a !•qek 'wedd'ing stag- ed with Agnes Foelr!ng as the aux, ious bride, 'Mrs. Catv'%ft CirrislIe as the .sneezing bridegroril;n, Beulah DaI- rympie , as . bridesmaid, Mrs. Harold Pridham as the very nervous best ' Put new life into your ches- terfield with a re -upholster- ing job. This is frequently more satisfactory . than a complete new one. Phone '!342-W, and we will call and give you an estimate. No obligation. - ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS - DELIVERY DICK The Upholsterer 9mmuirmumw TAXI SERVICE' JACK.CLEARY SEAFORTH Phones:... Day 267. Night 335 FOR SECURI For Sale by Phone 214 S'EAFORTH, ONT. Wect • tower girl Mrs f' 4de'10 is tl4o' vire things • the Prqt �a ne,tlre inVenile fn #•he t:�urry e After l" y' ai hal ?eeri s read al); d s # o moan, ebb � oubr, ' wheel Popliew ed in a .'t.0 ar'riag'e ,14claNw#11 ,04any:',gifts. �"°T$ i' ' was';; kkitsd4a,aw fa Prng h,01 ,parcels bat~ M'S Maro4ak.PoPriaF and,Mrs V* 0111 tie, and an a . Yery )4tl , avoided' speep1 aftearwerd 9.441( diose ,precept tor' rhe. ggte, IAAoh Wes aei'Y•ec by 1VI'.gr$< •Scott cad :;filer > - s pn s. . at t 1 00W `T Scott. • *re an, arch of , pinit and white, ed_,Witb gdroIt.a .p.st al ' Mary F. Scott, daughter o ad s, Mr, and Mrs. ,John oiru C#. 8etytt, #fuss ldale; be- came the bride pf Mr. Hoer F. PCW, BM or Mr; and Mrs.,•Stanley Pow, Iib bert, in, a ceremony perforute4i at her benne (re. S,eturday at two o'clock.' Rev. William 'Mair officiated, and ::Miss Leoata Dobson:, of Kirkton, played the wedding music and„also aecoinpapied Miss -Grace Collier; of Kitlatpn, whd. sang "0 Perfect Love” during the signing -of the register. The lgvely' young bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street -length frock,, of British wool crepe in California blue With. matching headdress of feathers and: ehoulder-length veil, and carried a bouquet of 8riarcljffe.roses, Master Lloyd. Cadtman; nephew of theArrlder, •, carried the wrings for the 00101* ceremony on a • white satin' Cush oi;a and was the Only attendant. the ,bride's mother received hergtfests tn' a dress of powder blue crepe, assist- ed by Ras. Dow in black crepe. Their corsages were .of Bette g Times roses and maiden hair fern.;.The table, from which the buffet luncheon was serv- ed was centred with the three-storey wedding cake and pink tapers, the china used by -the bridalparty belong - bag to the bride's great-grandmother and the teaspoons 'being in the bride's family for 125 years, Assistants were, Misses Margaret Henry, Marian Rus- sell, Mrs. Calvin Christie and Mrs.- Marshall rs:Marshall Dearing, cousins of the bride and groom, Mrs. G. W. Grant, Mrs. Ray Parkinson and Mrs. Victor Grin- ney. For their wedding trip to To rento and other points the bride don- ned a grey dressmaker suit: with black accessories. TTr`ey will reside 'on the groom's farm in Hibbert..Guests were present at the wedding from Pontiac, Mich., Toronto, , Brucefleld, Seaforth, Mitchell and community. ' • VARNA Harvest -thanksgiving service was. held in St. John's Anglican Church Sunday. evening. Rev. R. C. Holmes was au charge. The choir was assist= ed by Mrs. Emerson::,Heard, of •'Bay-. field. During the offeratory she sang. -toe harvest hymn-, -"The Year is Swift- ly Waning." The church was taste- fully decorated with fruit, flowers, vegetables and grain. '14r. John Argo, of Toronto, was a guest at the home, of Mr.. and Mrs. A. McConnell Saturday,! • Mrs. -Argo and two little, eons, who have spent the past week at' the parental home, re-' turned with' Mr. Argo to their home. ' Mrs -William Hart 'has, returned af- ter a ten-day. visit with friends in• To- rotito.•- Mrs. John Rathwell has .returned after a visit with: friends in 'Londe* Mr. and Mrs. Soper, of. Straffords- ville, are spending some, time with their son, ,Harold, and family. , . - Mrs. Horner arid friends, of Zurich,. spent Sunday with the former's daughter, Mrs. Ings; and. Mr. •lags. Mrs; L. Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty and son, G. M. Beatty, mot-, ored to Wroxeter,.Sunday.',,M'rs, Wm., McDonald accompanied them home to - spend a few days. • Miss Millie McClinchey, of Parkhill, is the guest .of, her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Hart. - Owing to anniversary services in J the United' Church Suhday, service will be withdrawn in St.., John's-' Church on Sunday morning. • Elliott/ -'Smith . A, quiet wedding, was solemnized at the` Rectory of Rev, R. C, Holmes. Bayfield,:-on••Saturday, at two o'clock. when ,l*'lorence Fisher Smith, second daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stealth Vartl,a, became the wife of Mr. Lerne. wide of Wilton, eldest son of'the'Tate'Mr. and Mrs.' William E1= liott, . The bride was becomingly. at- tired in a street -length dress' of grey wool with red trimming and black ac- cessories. She was attended by. .her sister. Miss Gertrude Smith, who also; wore grey with black accessories. Walter Smith, brother of the bride, was best -than. A. wedding dinner was served'at the home .of the bride's par- ents, Later the. happy couple lett' by motor on a wedding trip to Belleville and other eastern points of interest. On their return ;Mr, and Mrs. Elliott 'Will reside on the groom's farm in McKillop Township, ELIMVIL'LE Mrs. Harry Spading has been quite sick the past few days from a par- alytic stroke. Her soli and daughter, ' Harvey and Mrs. Earl Parrish; of London, were called to the home.Fri- -day evening. Mr. and Mrs. W, Rouil'y and daugh- ters visite•,l at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ken Hogg. Thornda.le, on 'Sun- day. Miss Hilda. Shearer, of Varna, spent Nnruy arrrly. is low ,blligrt .. 4troes "p ... Green, L,J ne, Rei;«, Brown, L:" r$kt' Blue, 'black and • Hairy, in fur-trirrr: Med Or eleverx -• new untrirnMed coats, , See these new-' eat coats nowt TO 75.�.o. one N ff r re'')14 :rw r•r* :4 tr f et {i f • !r 'r i.y, rel,— .1.1 sr •r. 4, '1. 1, r f� r I.. 4.• r Smart new casual Suite in the'poppu- . lar high neckline,'' buttoned or belt- Basket' weave, herringbone ' and wool :suitings, in ' Grey, Black, Llrh.e,. Teal;': coa, • Brown, Gold . and Green. 50 00 ' • !; D CANADA EIWINGS BOND Swnday•.at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ( trousseau tea of Miss Mary Jobno., Jack Kellet, I Exeter, on Tuesday and attegded the Miss Florence Bell attended the Neil -Johns wedding on Saturday. 1` • 1^. )` • ..:w1h ," is✓err.' •