HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-10-04, Page 7.,
u> �c
(Continued front,leaf' weelk) .
Simeolne'Outlet was. napped Out ter
• bila by the Londe a branch Of his.'rew:
olutionary group. -He was ordered to
go to New 'York and etrganize°a pitb-
licatlon committee from among the
Russian. exiles there. This co nnettee
was to pint. revolutionary pamphlets
in large quantities for Russia. They
were to be smuggled into . that Coen -
`'try by way,, of Switzerland:
Aaron_ spent most of that last week
at home and tried to be with his bro-
ther as much as possible.,. While both
brothers avoided 'speaking about it,
eat% felt that this was the last, they
would see 'bf each other, Emil divin•
ed the thoughts of his father' and Sim;
eon,,; Much as he wanted to be near
his Miele in these last days, he with-
drew discreetly every `time he found
his rather and uncle , alone, '
. The everting before . his. departure
$iweop called Emil i to his room: Ile
fumbied in his valise and, j roduced
several German books and pamphlets,
among *them. the "Communist Mani-
featro," and gave them to his nephew.
"Your German is. still weak," Sim-
eon 'said, "and you will not be able,
to read and understand' these Tully
for some time. ,But keep them. You
will find them very enlightening when
you get older." '
After a prolonged debate with him-
self Aaron finally, asked Simeon a.
question which opened up the subject
that both had painfully avoided. If
he .did_ not hear from Simeon for a
long time, Aaron wanted to know,
Where ,could he write to inquire .about
hint? Was there An address Simeon
could leave him? •
There was no address he could -glee
Rtfm, . Simeon said. He did not know
.where he would go- from New York:
--The -life of . a revolutionist' was ex -
Barristers,. Soi'icitors,,
Patrick D. McConnell.. H. Glenn Hays
. • Telephone 174
Barrister, Solicitor, •Etc.
Phone ` 173, .Seaforth •
Ph sici
y an
, DR. P. L. BRADY, M.D.
Office hours' daily, except Wednere
day: '1.30-5 p.m., 7-9 p.m.
Appointments for consultation may
be .made in advance.
Physician and' Surge
Phones.: Office 5-W; Reg. 5-J
Seaforth. ._
Physician and Surgeon
Successors to . Dr. W. O. Sproat
Phone 90,W . ' Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University of
Late.,.. assistant •New York Opthal-
Mel and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye and Golden Square Throat Iios-
Intal, London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL
YNESDAY in each month, froin '2 p.m.
to 4:30 p.m.; also. at Seaforth: Clinic
' ' drat Tuesday of each month. . • 53
Waterloo Street ,South, Stratford.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 110 - Hensel]
Physician and Surgeon,
Phone 56 - Hen'sall
Specialist in Farm and Household
• Sales,
,Licensed in Huron and Perth Coun-
ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction
For tn'forfnation, etc., write or phone
?HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on 661,. Sea -
'forth; R.R. 4, Seaforth.
Licensed Auctloneee
....Household,- farm 'stock- •i-ntrlements-
and pre bred sales. Special training
said experiettce :enables , 'rhe to offer
;Voll sales service tbat.ire most ;effici-
eat and satisfactory. P'TXQNE 90-a• 22,
W. o O'NRIL, 1!41W1E4
„ Llceneeet Auctlone
Pure bred Caine; aibei d'art' ,:atbek
ant - bni#1etnentd Ono' per eats
i0bargev. Sat( action . eranteed. For
e datee, �' T, Gnu/tett. at
ceedingly u{zceetain, Aaron. rni
subscribe, hewever, for "Free Leaves,"
the organ of the „revolletionistepart'y
of Russia yablishe>l" in London; 'The
"Free Leiives" sometimes made pear~
sonal enation of revoluttonietre At
any . e it always gave --: death
notices. • •
Aaron...tugged his mustache and did
not speak for some time.
'From the "Free Leres" Aaron
learned several months later that his
brother had arrived in London.
A year later Aaron Witte was sit:.
ting• one .Saturday afternoon .reading
the papers that had accumulated dun
ing the weekr He missed his "Free
Leaves" and was about to ask Masha
what.she had done with• it ---for JIasha
was now reading the revolutionary
journal as eagerly 'as her husband•--'
when he came upon a copy of the
paper from which the wrapper .had
not yet been torn. He, broke the cov-
er of the little magazine, unfolded it.
On the front page, set in a black bor-
otder, was the picture of his brother.
Inside there was an article occupy-
ing several pages and telling the story
of his brother's life in Russia and
in • Siberia—the tragic story Aaron
was craving to know, but .about which
Simeon had • been silent. Simeon' had
died in Paris after a brief illness.
With the death of Simeon the last
link betweep the Witte family and
the old world was broken. The old
world had grown strangely distant-
America was absorbing the attention
of Emil and' Aaron. And even Masha
thought of Russia less and less. .
If .,,she longed to be "among Jews,"
as she' often did, ber Tonging • was
confined to'. the Jewish centers of •the
1ai•ger'American cities and not of the
old world.
tl language: Of toe people' . She would
tele: the who the roan they were
casting stones. at, _,,who ' hit hiisband.
was! She would tell them hat Aaron•
could'Match in seholarshipjethe high
est men of their, town, that he would
have been a ''rabbi had not he put
her, Masha, above a career. But she
could not speak"the language pf these
people and gritted her teeth in sin
enee. . . . .
Some time after, this .
eral people in the • .
'eought to make friends
'Witte. One of these w
German, and Masha was
her , and -talk to her, Th
vited her to'join, a neighborhood
But' Masha declined. The'
husband by the `children
borhood wash: rankling in
Several times she receive
to come to socials held i
church a few blocks from
but she could not brio
accept them. They were .
She felt that the kind
neighbors was •somehow
ktndness only,' Beneath
they were strangers to
They worshipped. different
her family were Jews.
Christians. The.' things she'
ped were meaningless to,
For a long time Masha
band sat silently' looking
Open window. A sigh which
Mashete breast awakened
his reveries. Mashies eye
ing• On him with •a solicitous;
It. was the. last day of the Passover
=the eighth Passover the Witte fam-
ily had observed in. the new world.
Aaron' and Masha.were sitting by the
open window in the parlor,'' looking
out into the ' street which `' swarmed,
with children—ale children of Jewish
immigrants. ' There -were now between
forty and 'fifty Jewish now
Spring Water, 'W and the 'majority of
them lived in Front Street.
It w.as' a beautiful mid-April after-
noon, A restless. breeze was 'blowing
through the open window. Such. a
breeze always stirred:nrs, Witte's,
heart. A 'tender melancholy crept in-
to it: ., • There were .streaks of
gray about her• temples now.'The
eight years in -America had greatly
aged her. It was' not material want
that caused her to fall into frequent
moods of moroseness: Aaron. --mane ay
fairly comfortable living. It was spir-
itual bareness. She'missed, the Jew-
ish atmosphere of• the' old world. She
missed, the synagogue of . her home
town; she---.nfissed the rabbi,'the
cantor "anti the holidays. . . Every-
thing here appeared to her merely as
make-believe. What did the Sabbath.
mean when half of her own family
desecrated it by working that day?
What pleasure could there be in a
hol'iday when Harry, her eldest born,'
could not leave the store—he now
owned a clothing store in a town fif-
teen miles from • Spring Water—to be
with them, end. Emil was in school
air day.
The religious life of the little immi-
grant community seemed ;to her a
makeshift at best. And to'a large ex-
tent her view, was justid A hall;
which served as a gathering place for
union laborers, was turned into. a
house of prayer'every-holiday. Just
as the place was an imitation of a
synagogue, so the Cervices. held in it
were imitations of real services; the
kind ;she' Was accustomed:' to in the
old world. The prayers were cut.
Things were hurried -She knew that
most of'the men would leave the
makeshift house' of prayer to go back
to their' stores and shops to attend to
business. ' •
Aaron felt these things as keenly
as his wife, " but avoided speaking,
about them. Wiiat was the use? Ev-
ery tilde Masha brought up the; sub-
-ject he had a mitigating word for,
every pharisaical act. -It was not the
fault, of the people 'altogether. Neces-
sity, the need of earning a livelihood,
was back. of the lack of piety and rev-
erence for things that are holy.
Like her' buaband "Masha realized
their utter impotency 'to change
things. .The new world would have
its way. It was• silly to fight. It was
not cowardice to su#mit iiere She
realized all 'that. Yet while Aaron
adopted a philosophic' and resigned
attitude, she often wept in s'leiuce
over their helplessness.
A. trivial incident which occurred, at
this time exerciseii a profound and de-
pressive . influence upon Mi"s. Witte
and left a scar that would never quite
heal. She and her husband• were out
for a stroll' one Sabbath afternoon
when suddenly she perceived. that
'they were being followed by a crowd
of small boys, who were jeering and
shouting after- them. One of the
youngsters • picked • up a stone and
threw it,at her 'husband. Aaron • dodg-
ed the stone and started off at a fast-
er pace, Masha clinging to his man.
As they increased' thein pace.the
"youngsters ran after them. In front
of a saloon„ a young man 'with two
rows of yellow' teeth; and a chin be-
spattered with tobacco juice; shook
his fist at them and shouted • Into
Aaron's face: "Sheenjr!" Whereup-
on there arose • `a 'chorus of laughter
end guffaws from a dozen drunken
men outside the saloon.
When they finally extricated them-
serves frena the ' annoying crowd,
Aaron without-leiolding Masha In the
face begat( in hie ustfal 'manner to
mitigate ,thin�ga. Child -ha grow 'up
wild in the he* ' Weed--1iaVe no rpt;
'+s'iiect for 'older persons. They are net
•rekliy ,bedi'•t heart, Just badly raised,
lit�$ffereiktly, brotlight
11 aslia'was tante With tears of
rage it able could 'olaly Speak the
incident sev-
with Mrs
omen spoke
glad to see
e woman in
insult to, her
of the neigh
her heart
d invitations
n . the little
m•' her home
• herself to
not for her.
less of her
a surface
the surface
each other.
1y. She and
They were
worship -
her Ameri-
her hus-
band of the
Aaron from
s were •reat-
gaze. •
"You'Are 'worrying again,'w • Aaron
said, reproaching her' mildl'y..
`"It is you who- is worrying most,"
Martha' replied. "You have not been
looking well -since Simeon left— ' It
cannot ,bee.helped:; We too shall die—
we are growing old—
•When they looked' up after a lapse
of silence their eyes met in.. complete
understanding., They 'were thinking
the .same *Sights.
- "He is not what ";I intended for
Clara," Aaron began. "He is • not •the
sort of a' 'man, I want for my son -in -
.,,t had hoped', that Clara• would
marry a man who was somewhat .of a
scholar; who knew. a little of the Tan
mud—with i whom •I'couid' talk, discuss
things -occasionally-" •
In, the next moment, however,
Aaron was again :qualifying his own
words: .
Of course, Alex is far from 'being
a bad match -foe Clara. He is 'a busi-
ness roan. The Rose's know his fam-
ily in Chicago—fine respectable peo-
ple -business men, ' A brother' of his'
owns a big, store in '.Oniaha. Alex,
too, will not clerk long at the Em-
porium. He will go in business fpr
hireself. Clara :will 'not' waist any-
hing—" 1/4
Alex StSin, the subject of their talk,
was a young man of twenty Sive. His'
parents came to' Chicago from Rus-
sia when he was. a child. He receiv-
ed a public school education and frons
his fourteenth, year tossed about from.
job to job and from city: to city. The
Emporirm department store of Spring
Water brought a new'manager from
Chicago. The manager, ..Mr. Sidney
Siegel, was a friend of the Stein fam-
ily, and Alex drifted into Spring Wa-
ter to pay him a visit. The manager
just then needed a •shoe salesman
that was more, energetic than the
easy-going Mr. Scott,, who had been
holding the job fbr years, and he' of-
feredyoung Stein the place at a •much
larger salary.. .. • •
'But I know nothing about the shoe
business," Alex had protested. ;
"Nonsense," said the manager, "you
know how to sell—that is all that is
Alex 'Met Clara et the Emporium.
The glove counter ,where •she worked
was around the corner from the shoe
department. He fell in love with her.
Alex Stein' was correctness' personi-
fied, and to the -superficial observer
was everything one could desire' in a
young man. He dressed with scrupu-
lous up-to-dateness, was rich in socks
and neckties. .His hair was parted in
the center and stayed parted as -it it.
had been glued to the 'scalp. He pet-
alled religiously the spotting page of
a Chicago eveniag.'paper, he' especial=
ly, subscribed for, and claimed the
personaleacquaintance of ten; or three
prize fighters, who were much in the
1i.melight then. 1 '
The average immigrant in Spring
Water looked upon Alex Stein with
'great respect, for to 'this immigrant
Alex stood for &the. typical 'American
boy -a privileged Child of free insti-
tutions and .democracy. Alex further-
ed„this re etation by addressing every
one in English, no mattes' whether the
person addressed understood him dr
not. When an answer in Yiddish was
necessary he replied in multilated
phrases, more by design than through
his actual inability to speak the lang-
uage, . In his • circle it was considered
a sign of good ..breeding to have got
away from the ahcestral language no
less ,than Isom the customs, .
Aaron Witte a number ,of times
tried to draw Alex, who was now a
frequent caller at the Witte hbme, in-
to a Conversation on matters' that
were removed from business; on some
Of the .Jaroader q_uestlons of the day,
the social - and humanitarian metre -
:meats that were discer sed in tare
Press, especially 'in the foreign`pres's
which Witte followed closely. Here
Alex, 4n spite of -his being an "Ameri-
canboy,” was •absolutely helpless bell
fore the than who .was to be his
father -in -late Upon leaving, the house.
after such a conversation 1'n .Which
Aaron Witte; of course, took the lead;
Ales Stein invariably berated. Witte to
himself and dismissed HWM with a feel-
ing Of disgust, dubbing him a "green-
horn." Alex knew no greater ettpres-
sien of Contempt than that.
iflnoe •'Witte •sotnttded hull. on Jewish
Matta% .Alen looked.. 'beWildeiredk, pie
kite* mothin ' 61 the questa ilS atdd
eMbleMS that lutereated 'Elie thtink 'rg
rand the tea dere 01 the rade.' HIS Vie
e rel i lozi; were aF mixture ail ig
axtoe and cynlcisr4. :-
.aazon sa,w that there would, ba no
mexital kit#}ip between himself aid
Alex rlet!•el't'beless he Was toes ood
a young ntjn to t41r,11 dpwri Besides.
tlzip was not Europe , t eze fiathers
Vera not choosing ';h!# Bret s, Or their
daughters, ' Piara,44tr. tbe sole Cay
And it was an easy acnattek' tor'th1
youxig maxi'; :the. hada been thr.ough
every large ;city : tlt'e'United • tatee,
to fascinate the sir -whose ltnowledge,
-Q1 .dmarfoa dzd not extend bey04.x#d
Spring Water
What Tery eFentnS' alter Masba's
arid. Aaren'a' talk Clary, confided to her
knottier that Aitex;Stein had proposed
to her..
"And he wants rite to be a June
bride,” she added,. .the blood mount-
ing to her .face.-
ace. "Clara, was a June 'bride, but it was
in the last part -of' June that she was
married, This date" was, 'chosen in
deference to Emil, 'mho was to gradu-
ate from ,high sensate on the nine-
teenth 0f the month; ' To Aaron Wittg
the graduation of, brats:` son seemed fu1-
ly as important an event, as the mar-
riage of his daughter. Witte loved his
Only ..daughter deer* but the joy of
the occasion was ° s'ecretly blighted
for him by whet he in his heart d.es.
ignated as a coarse, loaferish streak
in Alex Stein's nature.
When his.. wife showed him a new
dress which the tailor had just
brought for Clara, Aaron sincerely
tried to be interested., He tried' to re-
joice over the coming wedding of his
daughter. But his heart did not `re-
spond. His mind: would most often
wander in these days to the. attic
where• Emil was seated among his
books. preparing for the examination.
Emil; now a youth of eighteen, was
pale and haggard. His thin frame
seemed to be weighted down with
worries.. •The work did; not come„bard
to him. Butit so happened that his
lessons, instead or being first with
him, were last. They were a sort of
by-product ih his mental scheme. He
was more interested in the, books
which he drew from the library and
which he devoured at a high'; rate of
(Continued Next Week)
for RETTIR'SLE o..,
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
Old Stoves
ar Alt
b w
Mak• Your Homs '
At Cone Stmt
.. RATES • .
Single $1.50- $3p150
Doable $2.50-$1:00
' Write for Folder
We Advise Early Reservation
A. M. POMBl, h aed.ne
Miss MO�rterguaou retorted to
Toronto on 'Monday alter epending the
past week with ler parents, 1'1t . and
lulus, Wxn:'E. Ferguson.
1drs, F. Brox.i1e and Mrs G. ilpnt
iugdan were•,guests of Lars. Wm: Mete.
; .Calf over the week -end;
)Mrs. Abbott, of" tcan, ,was -a ;guest
of''Mr ,a d., Mrd.„'A , :Westlake lest
week • .
Mre, ¥ai'y Gezneinhardt returned
;home Saturday after bpoad.ing the
Past three. weeks •with, kir. and. Mrs.
N; Gemeinhard,t in Saginaw; Mich,
Dr. • Weeley Heard, of 1'assetlena;
California, spent a few' days tlaia•'aeek
at the Heard' cottage on 5unset'l:?oint.
Miss Josephine Stirling is viOitin;
her sister. Mrs. McLaren, in Port bat-
Bayfield Fail Fair is to be held this
year on October .$ and 9.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson, have
raved into town' and . are occupying
the home they purchased recently
from Mrs. O. Rhynas:
Guests. with Misses. M. and J. Stir-
ling fast • week .were.: Mr. and ''Mrs.
Fred B,ennrest of Hennata, Man. Dr.
and Mrs. Hartley Mason and Janet, of.
London; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren
and Christine, of Port Elgiii, acid 'Mrs.
Elizabeth Stowe, of Goderfch.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stoesbury, of
Esterhazy, Sank..., and Mr.' Paul Stoes-
bury, of Stayner, were guests of
F. G. Stoesbury over the' week-eed.
Mr. and, Mts. Gilbert Knight and
family . and Misses Wilma Bickerton
'Mid' Betty Mengel, of '•'r'o"i'onto, were
guests of Mr1I: 'M. Gemeinhardt over
the weak -end.
Funeral services were held in Bro-
phey's Funeral Home, Goderich, on
Friday at 1.30 p.m. for 'Samuel Stir-
ling, who died in Brussels on Sept. 19
following a heart attack. The service,
was conducted by Frank Gurthrie, of
Guelph, and, John• Martin, of Elmira.
The • pallbearers were Messrs, Roy.
Dewar, E. A. Westlake, G. Graham, M.
punning& N. Carter and W. Stephen-
son. Interment was' made in Bayfield
cemetery. Mr. Stirling was the son
'of the late Archibald Stirling and
Mary Ann Gilmour, the third child in
a family of eight. He was born on a
farm in Dundas County near the Town
of Iroquois, on May 2, 1856, the fam-
ily• moving to . Howick Township in
1863;. and ,alien rn 1875: to' -the farm in
Stanley Township on the Blue Water
Highway, later moving to Bayfield
where he has since resided until with-
in the last month when he moved to
Brussels. •He is survived by two 'sis-
ters, Mrs. Robt. Dewar, *•Hensall, and
Miss Agnes Stirling, Bayfield, and one
brother, Mr. Archie Stirling, of Lon-
Death of Charles Stephenson
• The community at large was indeed
„shocked on learning of. the death , of
Mr. Charles Stephenson, a 'highly re-
spected resident of Hensall and Stan
ley, ,Township,. who was •crushed and
instantly killed . beneath . a toppling
stone and concrete wall on the farm
of his son,'George Stephenson, on the
Parr Line, eight miles from Hensel].
He was , born on the Goshen Line,
Stanley Twp., .on Jan. 25, 1875,. Thirty=
eight years ago he,, was united in,nYlar-
riage to Mary Ann McBride, who with
three children; Clarence, Mrs, Lorne
Coleman and George, on the home-
stead., all of the Parr Line, now mourn
the loss of a loving husband and
father. His alsosurvived He s rvt ed by three
brothers, James of Varna, Ralph of
Virden, Man., and Nelson of •Saskat-
ehewan, and .two sisters, Mrs. John
Hutchison and Mrs. Fred Anderson 'of
Virden, Man. He successfully, farmed
on the Par°r•_Line for 34 years, and in
1942 retired to Hensall where he Was
a member of the United Church. In
politics he was a. staunch -Conserva-
tive, and was also a member, of the
. h
Varna ,L.O.L. No. 1035, whi• took
part in the funeral' service. The high
esteem in which Mr. ,Stephenson was
held in the community was shown •by
the unusually large number of friends
who., attended his funeral which was
held from the home of his Sen :and
daughter-in-law,, Mr, and Mrs. George
'Stephenson, on Thursday, Sept. 12.
The service was conducted by his pas-
tor, Rev. R: A. 'Brook, and Rev.' Reba
Hero. of ,Varna. The pallbearers weee
John' McMurtrie, Geo. rollick, Mark
Drysdale, Wm. P. Stephenson, Geo.
Johnston and John Doweon. Flower -
bearers were Alf. Johnstoh, Rob't, For-
rest, Perce Workman, Harvey . Turn-
er, Herbert Stephenson, Ralph Turn-
er, Russell Consitta Anson .Coleman
Robin McAllister and Wm. Foster.
Those from a distance. who attended
•the funeral included friends from Mar-
lette, Mich.. Detroit, Windsor; Kit-'
chener, Stratford, Winghain, 'Auburn
and London.' -
' That tragic accident which occur-
red on the Part Line;.,, Stanley, on
Sept. 10, and with such awftll ,sudden-
ness, ended the lives' of two people,
the grandfather, ,Charles Stephenson,
in his 72nd year; and, his grandson,
Stewart George Stephenson, in his
sixth year, brought such a wave of
sorrow and sympathy as has 'seldom
been felt in the community. We think
of the bright and beautiful young life
that was so tragically ended, the joy
and .pride of his parents' hearts and
the delight of all his friends; just
started to school a few days before,
always helping with the work around -
If your long to make
'that "melt -in -your
mouth” pastry every-
veryone detcribes, use --
King Pastry Flour
�Oti�h'i` i t tesult1
the bemn,,e ,just ;b10ot41ri
fill boyhood, We tbiak
Chair; .we tbink of the tr
to hear; now forever
heat is , go out in nn►pat�` the
reavecl •parents, ;t;
�r�r to b
hen and, th$ fr skjd8' 100;.,
for comfort to rho e v.7zo s d, 'Suf
fer the ltttlo chit ' - o C e ,Tinto
Me" At` he doable f an al wbfeb-was
]tell on Sept 12 fromu, the home of i
his parents, Jki ' 4114 Mas, George';
on't _Let This
appen To
. These Simple Suggestions; if Followett by Everyone
. in the,Family, Will Make Your"Home..
• Safe From sFire !
1—Put lighted matches and smokea out before' you threw them
Away.. Keep thatches where small children. cannot re,ach.them. Never
smoke in the garage, barn; or attic, nor, in bed.
2 -Remove .rubbish, waste • papers 'and .,all unnecessary :combus-
tible materials.. Provide metal ash and ..trash cans. Burn rubbish
• only in a safety•covered brick or metal. incinerator. Watch the Bre;
' 3-•-Examine'all stoves, furnaces• and smoke pipes to make 'sure"
--they are, safe and wella'way`from -woodwork or other burnable .ma-
' terials. Have 'needed repaire made at 'once
4—Value the advice- of your fire chief who says .that many fires
are caused by -dirty or defective chimneys. Have the chinineys-eleatia
ed regularly, and have all defects repaired.•
' 5 -Escape the danger of ieflamable liquid fires and exploaions by
keeping no gasolia in the `house'' Do dry cleaning with safe liquids •
or send the work to the cleaner: Never start fires withkerosene•
6Notify the electric company -of -electrical trouble and the gas
company of gas leaks. •Replace, "blown" fuses with new ones—not -
pennies. .Avoid home-made wiring jobs. Don't look for gas leaks..,..••.;
with, a match.
7: --Teach everyone in the family to be, careful• of fire, to watch
stovesashreplaces, electric irons and all other possible fire causes, and
every day to -remove old rags,, papers and other rubbish-'
• 8—Fireproof your home as far as possible by fire -safe roofing,
fire stopping in hollow walls and partitions to stop the spread of flame
and a non-combustible basement ceiling.
• 9—Inquire of your fire chief, whenbuying a flreextinguisher, to
be sure of getting the• right kind. Don't hesitate to ask your fireman
whenever you have questions on fire prevention.
' 10—Remember always where the nearest fire alarm. box is and
.how to send an alarm. If telephoning, be sure the address is clearly
understood. Use a neighbor's, phone rather than one in the burning
building. "
11—Explain to everyone in the house what to do in 'case of fire,
. how to put out fire in .clothing by wrapping in a rug or nlan.ket, 'what
to do when grease catches fire in the kitchen,
12—Save 'life and property from needless ;destfuetion' by fire by
keeping the principles, of fire 'prevention alutays • in mind and never -
taking a chance with fire.•
IFB mow
Roughing it in the wilds' or
basking in the luxury of-. a l
summer hotel ... whatever
their choice, our friends from
the States enjoy vacations in
Ontario's northland. We can
all give them a real welcome,
When they come ... make them
want to come back again.
Ontario profits almost as
much from the tourist
business as £iom t'he
gold mining industry. It's
up to us to keep this
business growing.
Every tourist dollar is
shared this war . .
1. Hotels; 2. Stores;
3. Restaurants; . 4. 'Mies,
etc,; , 5. -Amusements;
G. Gargges.
�• 1A" CP*