HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-09-27, Page 6PA
r Prj G els#
(Continyed, from• Page 3:)
r[?ts, ?&tul1?R ioeted,,' Wire, WTI. Brad-
ehalnt JaCab, Battler; table carrots,
bong',:' • Thos.` Oliver, Jacob Battler;•.
paiaklirig'•beets, J, Battler, Mrs, 4. L.
J'erteous; twain blood beats, ' Thers,.
• Oliver, J -tattler; oucumbers, ripe or
gre7en, W,i,1141rt Cornish, : E. B. Gou-
th, hda parsnips, J. Battler; best
nelAerr5„ Mrs,$ J, Hillebrecht; Sweet
tablhug0.1% Robt, 4, -McMillan, J. Bat-
tler; field corn, F. Mcalyn';ont; xvin-
tei radishes. J. Battler, Wilbert Corn-
zsh',' sun•Sawer heads, Wilbert Corn-
orn451a;' J. Battler; best novelty in vege-
tables, `*Fora Allington, J. Battler:,.
ea,t;<l$awgi•s, E. B. Goudie, Mrs. Wm.
• Bradshaw; red cabbage, Wilbert Cor-
ni J. Battler; Savoy cajibage, J;,
Battler; fall cabbage, Mrs. J: Hille-
brecht; J. Battler; winter cabl,age,
M. J. Hill,eb.reoht, Mrs, Wm. Brad-
sht(w; red onibns,..Mrs, T, W. McMi:l-
• lar,; whiter or yelldty onions, Jacob
r; Battler; musmelons, J. Battler, Fred
McOlymont; citepn, striped, Wilbert
Cornish, J. Battler.; citrons, Cantor -
utak en
u ak••J. Battler; watermelons, J, 'B:tt•
tier, F, •MeClymont; vegetable mar-
ro'w, J. Battler, Wilbert- Cornish: pie
pumpkins, J. Battler. E. B. Goudie:
•• table squash.,, J. Battler:' 'Hubbard
....squash, Alex Pepper. J, Battlet':l larg-
-.'est pumpkin,. J; Battler, R. E. McMl:-
lap; field carrots, Ja Battier,
Cornish; Swede turnips, table, Merton
Keyes„ Wilbert Cornish: Swede tut -
nips, field. W. Cornish: e ugaj man -
golds, W. Cornish:, long red mangolds,
W. Cornish: intermediate mangolds, •
W.'Cornish: celery, white, J. Batt'e'r,
W. -Cornish; Irish Cobbler early pota-
toes, W. Cornish. 3, Battler; any oth-
ther variety. potatoes, J: Battler, T. Ald-
ington; Green Mountain late pptatoe,$,
J. Battler, S. McColl;. any other e'er-
lety late potatoes. Elgin Nott, Wilbert
Cornish; fodder corn;"'J; Battier, Win.
S. D. Storey: collection of garden pro-
duce, J. Battler.
Grain Competition '
Fall wheat. any kind. J. Battler. W.
Cornish; oats, any kind. IV, Cprnisl::
barley, any kind, W. Cornish. F. Mc-
Clymont; bears, any ktih-d; .J- $a:tier.
Judge -,,Norman L. Carter. .
Sell t aanada•, nev.ay fastexessell.
tag Chria'trnas Cards Exelusi,e
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Up'ba5O'i dear pr„dt tG' me NOW for a-•ent'
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a tactic $c141 ` Cex, 4P 04 j . thel .tennis,.
Cats eel rrf44 grid V'ei ,tablet . f l #"ek.,9Aalt •Clife iea�4 'beet tea
aO,ed 414910.e.Stuaytt $tctli, x � , lid Ate" Mrs, `, W. •c�M lana; best
Cea`tera '+canned cbe;r$c a red, pitted, light layer case, .Ilia i' speetal., Mrs.
Mrs, J. Carol; '.canned• peaces,. Mrs., J Clarter; beat wb'ite Iye'r case, For
J. Garter, Stewart "1100.411; canoed est Citic speq?taj, Mesa 3. Garter Mrs.
• pears, Mrs. J,. +Charter, S.tenietet MeO lll;' T: Burton;.' best dark layer Qke,
Weaned p1,t s, Mrs J, Carter; canned Simp§on sileeial,' .Mrs. J. Carter.
pineapple, Mrs d. Carter; canned .Judge -Florence E: McGavi>i.
strawblerriee, Ms's. J, Carter; Canned • • Ladies' Work
beans, Mrs, J.. Carter, Mrs. J. Hina- Douaestic Needlecraft -Quilt, appli-
Brecht; canned beets, Mee, J. Carter; que, J. Battler, Mrs. T. Barton;. bed -
canned corn. Mrd • J. Carter; canned spread, tatted candlewick, 3. Battler,
peas, Mrs, J. Hinebrecht; canned tom- Mrs. W. Peebles,' Atwood; q,Wt, best
atoes, S. McCale tomato.juice, Mrs, 3, quilting,, Mrs. W. Peebles, Mrs. T.
Carter, Mrs G. Dale; grape juice, Mrs, Barton; pieced cotton quilt, J. Bet -
J.. Garter; canned chicken., Mrs. J..iler, Mes. T. Barton; bedspread, white
Carter; canned sausage, Mrs. J. Car- or colored, Mrs. W. Peebles, Mrs., H.
ter,' fi",. Meely font; canned auple- klYrdbien, Kitchener; serviceable work
sauce, Mra. J. Carter, S. Mbcall; cu- apron,. best idea,' Mrs,- H. Hynimen,
cumber plokles, Mrs. J. Carteni Mrs. Mrs T O'Flynn Stratford • men's py-
G, Dale; pickled Cherries, Mrs..r Car-
ter, Mrs. 3. Hillebrecht; ,chapped
pickles, Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. J. Carter;
black 'currant jam, Mrs. J. Carter;
any conserve,- F. McClymont, Mrs, J.
Carter; tomato catsup, • 3.' Battler,
Mrs. J. -Carter; chili sauce, 'Mrs. J.
Hillebrecht, Mrs. J. Carter; salad
dressing, Mrs. G. Dale, F. McClymont
Dairy 'Products—Butter, crock, Mrs.
'G. Dale, Mrs. J. Carter, F. McClymont;
butter, Defend prints, ,Mrs, G.' Dale,
Mrs. J. Carter; butter, individual serye
ings, fancy, Mrs. 3. Carter, Mrs. G.
Dale; maple syrup, F. McClymont, 3.
Battler, Ethel .Dennis,
Baking—White bread,'Ethel Dennis;
Mrs, G.' Dale, -Mrs. F. Storey; brown
bread, .Eleanor Storey, Mrs. G. Dale,
Mrs. 3.. Carter; fruit bread, Mrs. 3.
Carter, Eleanor. Storey; buns, plain
a bite, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. 0. Dale;
buns, fancy, Mrs. T. Barton,' Mrs. T.
NV. McMillan; Parker House rolls,
Mrs. 1'. W. McMillan, Eleanor Storey;
best collection buns from one batch
•of dough, Ethel Dennis, Eleanor Stor-
ey, 'Mrs. J. Carter; scones, gtiddie,
Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. F. Storey; scones,
wcole wheat, Mrs. G. Dale, Eleanor
Storey; tea biscuits, plain, Mrs. G.
Dale, Eleanor Storey; biscuits. whole
wheat, Mrs. G.. Dale, Eleanor Storey;
,muffins, whole wheat or bran, Mrt. 3.
Carter, Stewart McCall; -cookies, plain
white, Merton Keyes, Mrs. T, W, Mc-
Millan;' cookies, ginger, Eleanor Stor-
ey, Mrs., G. Dale; lemon pie, Mrs. J:
Carter. Ethel Dennis; pumpkin pie,
S. McCall., Mrs. J. Carter; raisin pie.
Mrs: J. Carter, Mrs. G..Dale; butter
tarts, :Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. G. Dale;
'gingerbread, not iced. Mrs, G. Dale:
Johnny cake. Mrs. G. Dale; dark fruit,
•r•ake, not iced, Mrs. J..Carter, Mrs.. G.
•Dale: light fruit cake. Mrs. G. Dale.
Mrs. 3. Carter: jelly roll, Mrs.. G.
Dale:* sandwiches. .Eleanor Storey, F.
Mcelymont; meat loaf, Mrs. •J. Car-
es.; recutfe 4'tM$,rsM.r ya.SSC' '1Yet, .43ry•fiegM., te�,IcF oa.eratya,R44.k.bil;01h4:.pi40.y0a .
Vtraa, , . ate,. :
Chile refl s Department
Vegetables -,•.Swede tnrnipe, Alm
Sinclair. 3 Wipape's; Rua Keyes!•, Bea
forth; Jlortulil. Bell, Kippei .,Marj,arle
Resit, leondesboro. Garden carreta ,
short, Geo, Shaw, Seatoli:; Ann, .Sin
Clair, Kipper,;' -John Scott, Seaforth;
Garfield Baker, Seaforth. •Garden car-
rots, long, Reta;Eckert, Dublin; Jack
Murray, 5 Seaforth; Bill Meelincbey,
Seaforth; Elsie Storey, 1 -Dublin. Long
red mangoldateelolan Scott, Seaforth;
Helen Horan, 1 Dublin,; Billy Scott,
Seaforth; Ken McLellan, Kippen . Yel-
low lutermedates, Helen Horan, Scott
Powell, Jim McIntosh, Gladys Chap -
jamas, Wachine Made, Mrs. H. Herm- man, . Parsnips, Lorene Henderson,
men, M. G. Dale; house dress, most
Jim Wallace, Mary Bicknell. 'Garden
practical, J. Battler, Mrs: G. Dale;
floor mate hooked, rags, J. Battler,
Mrs,. G Dale; lady's house coat, Mrs.
W. ' Peebles; bath mat. Mrs. Alulira
Chambers, Mrs. T. O'1<'lynn; men's
work shirt, Mrs. H. Hymmen, Mrs, G.
Dale; handkerchiefs, band -made., J.
Battler; Mrs: H Hymmen; counter
pane, ' quilted, Mrs. T, Barton, Ethel
Crochet table cloth, Mrs,' G. Dale,
Mrs. T. O'Flynn; luncheon set, em-
broidered, Mrs.. G. Dale, Mrs. T.
O'Flynn; luncheon set, crochet, Mrs.
'Hymmen, Mrs, G Dale; lul}cheon
set, any outer hand work, Mrs, G.
beets, short, Jemmy Eckert, 1 Dublin;
Barbara Hills, Marilyn Hillis, Larry
Eaton, Seaforth, Onions, Lorene Hen-
derson, Jack `McCowan, 2 Seaforth;
.Ann Sinclair,' 3 Kipper; • Doris Stev-
.ens, •Seaforth, 'Best tomatoes, ripe,
Lois McLellan, Kippen; Ann Sinclair,
3 Kipper; Laerene Doerr, 1 Dublin;
Marilyn Hillis. Citrons; Gladys Chap-
man, Ronald McIntosh, Mac Bolton,
Dublin; Bob McCowan. Cabbages,
Joyce Holloway, Murray Crieh, 3 Sea, -
'forth; . Elsie Storey; Dublin`;. George'
Shaw-, Seaforth. Potatoes,. Billy Rob-
ertspn, Seaforth, Ronald Scoins, Sea -
forth; Margaret. Hemberger, Seaforth;
Dalee Eleanor Storey; tea cloth, ern- Gladys Chapman, Kippen,
broidered, Mrs. H.. Hymmen, Mrs.' G. Judge—Norman L. Carter.
`Dale; tea cloth, any other handwork, Flowers—Bowl of Marigolds,- Pat.
Mrs, H. Hymmen, Mrs. G. Dale; con- Meir, Scott Powell, Billy Trapnell,
trepiece,• lace''edge, Mrs. H, nymmen,, David Fairservice, Londesboro; bowl
Mrs: ,W. Peebles; tray cloth, Mrs C, of Pansies, Alice Watson, Egmonel-
Dale, Mrs. H. Hymmen; centrepiece,' vine; Joyce Holloway, Betty Goudie,
embroidered• in cotton; white, Mrs. H. Gladys Chapman, 'Bouquet of Asters,
Heymmen, Mrs. G. Dalee bridge set. Buster Shad•dick, Londesboro; Betty
Mrs. T. O'Flynn, Mrs. H. 'Hymmen; Goodie, Elsie Siemon, 2 Walton; Keith
buffet set, Mrs. H. Hymmen, J. Bat- Ea -ton,- Seaforth, Bouquet of Sweet
tier; tett cosy in wool, Mrs, T. Peas, Lorene, Henderson. Best bon-
O'Flynn, Mrs. 3, Carter, quet of any variety, Karen Kidd, Billy
Bedroom Furnishings—Pillow slips, Trapnell, Ken Moore, Egmoniiville;
white, embroidered, Mrs, H. Hymmen, Keith Eaton. •
Mrs. T.:Barton; -pillow slips, colored, • Cooking—Tea biscuits, Leslie'Hab-
embroidered, Mits. T. O'Flynn, Mr's. 0. kirk, Lorene Henderson, Gladys- Chap -
Dale; pillow slips, any other" hand man; Joanne Beuerman, 2 Walton.
work, Mrs. H. Hymmen, Mrs. Geo. White layer cake, Bernice Doerr,, Jim
Dale; pair towels. embroidered, Mrs. Wallace, Pat Meir. Blanche Westcott.
H, Hymmen, Mrs: G. Dare; towels.'Apple pie. Peggy Lou Matthews, Vir-
crochet, Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. H, Hym- ginia McClinchey, 2 Kippen, Ruth
men; towels, other hand' work, Mrs„ Keyes. Elsie 'Storey. Rolled cookies,
H, Hyramen; guest towels. Mrs. T, Barbara Wright; Elsie Storey, Ruth
O:'Flynn; Mrs. G. Dale: bath towels, Keyes. Gladys Chapman. Bran muf-
Mrs, H. Hymmen: fancy towel, Mrs. fins, Virguil_a • McClinchey, Gladys
E. Adams, Mrs. H. Hymmen: fancy Chapman. 'Blanche, Westcott, Ruth
sheet and pillow s•llp.s to match. Mrs. Keyes. •
G. Dale. Firs. H. Hyde nen: vanity set, Judge—Florence E.. McGavin. •
Mrs. 'W. Peebles. Mrs. G: Dale,: dress- Writing—Grade I, Susanne Dick,'
ler runner. J. Battler. Mrs, H. Hym- Marlene Austin, Ronald, Scoins, Mich -
men. ael Ritchie. Grade II, 'Lois Charters,
ter, lits. (a Dale: baked ,bean-. lits...•-"l'.adies' and Ch•ildree.s'•R-ear—Best. Grant liCClinche Ralph"Benneweis,
0. Dale, Mrs. J. Carter: supper dish. - ,. • , y'
rticle :tom man': de carried shirt, Neil Broadtoot, Oracle III, Sheila' Me -
Mrs. G: Dale. Eleannl• Storey: •roast lire. T:•,O`Flynn. Mrs. H.. Hymmen; Fadden. Marie Maloney, Barbara
chicken with. vegetables. and garnish- bed jacket, Mrs. G. "'"Dale. Mrs. T., Fraiser: Audrey, Dalrymple. Grade IV„
M'rs. G. Dale, Mrs. J. Carter: at-
( ,
,O'Flynn; sweater, keit;, ladies, lits . Marie. Hunt, Helen Hamilton, Marilyn
:'iictic•e centerpiece for Thanksgiving T. O'Flynn. lrirs.'G. Dale: gloves. knit, Butt. Joanne McLaughlin; 2 Walton.
dinner„ • Eleanor .Storey'; best arrang- Mrs Peebles. firs. H. Hymmen:. _Grade V..,,Maybelie `,1:cClinchey, Gwen -
ed' basket. of fruit for an . invalid. cloves, crochet. Mrs. G. Dale. lir H. dolyn Christie, Patricia Hawkins,
• Eleanor Storey: angel cake. Mies G. Hymmen; 'mitts, 'fine knit. Mrs. H. Karen Kidd: Grade lrlt Laurene. Doerr,
Dale, Mrs. J. Carter; home-made H'trnmen; • carriage cover. crocheted. Elsie Storey. Danald. Austin, Londes-
bread• Robin Hood' special. Ethel Den Mrs. G. Dale:, Mrs, H. Hymtnen: best bora: Mac Bolton, Dublin. Grade VII,
apong cake, Mrs. Geo.. Dale, Mrs. made over earmenr. M. T. •'O'Fiy nn: •Ronnie •Rennie, Dorothy -Dalrymple,
baby's set. bonnet. ,iaeket• .bootees, Marie Armstrong, Dorene Austin,
is where you 'find i
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'N. 0M44 -7W
-- 4' OtiibtBEST
.,70118 1;
"t1fil Ur'f ;pR }ES1iRi •
Ethel Dennis, . Mrs. G. Dale;• child's Londe*6oro:• •
•.dress._ knit,._ Mrs.' T. O'Fl.yr n,. Mrs.. H. Specie -l --Best poster.-. George Sills,
Hymmen: child': 'knit suit. -Mrs. T. Helga• Firzr•atridk. Theresa King.
O'Flynn; chi;d's mess, cotton, Mrs,. Model -aerupiane. Bobby 'Doig, 'Eg-
G. Dale. . ' mon.dville; • Donald McKindsey, Billy
Miscellaneous= -Stuffed anima?, toy, Trapnell: Bifid' "house, Billy Eckert,
Mrs, T. O'Flynn, Mrs. W, Peebles: George Sills, Larry Wheatley,' Dublin.
chesterfield., set, 3. Battler. Mrs: •T. .Darning"` woollen, Lorene Henderson,
O'Flynn; sampl-er'ar other wall deeor- Blanche Westcott, Dorothy Chesney,
ations, batnd-made. •JIrs. T. O'Flynn, J. Betty. Goudie. Best set, doll's clothes„
Battler; best article made from table Peggy Lou Matthews, Marion Lauden-
oilcloth,. S. McCall, Mrs. 0. Dale; best mach. Mary- L. Ruston, Mary McMil-
article suitable for Christmas, Mrs. T. Ian; handkerchief. Lorene Henderson,
•O'Flynn, 3. Battler; woollen gagmen#;, 'Marion La,;adenbah, Alice Watson,
darned,' Mrs, • T. O'Flynn, Mrs. Geo. Muriel King. -
' ,
Da]e best article r from made tr m old Judge M. Olive Scott, BIuevale.
.stockings, J. Battler. Mrs. Almicg Poultry—Barred Rock (cr), Billy
Chambers; men's• wool- mitts, J.••. Bat Scott, Jimmie Hopper; Jno. Scott, J'no., ,
tier;' fine knit sox. Mrs. T.' O'Flynn,• Whyte. Barred Rock (puilett), Billy
Mrs. W. Peebles; kitchen collection, 'Scott; John Whyte, Stuart Keyes
.tea towel. duster. lifter. hand towel,
Mrs. T. O'Flynn, Mrs. H. Hymmen;
men's sweater or pullover, Mrs'. T.
O'Flynn; woman's blouse, Mrs. H.
Hymmen', -bathroorh set, Mrs. G. Dale,
Mrs. H. • Hymmen ; shopping or work
bag, Mrs. H. 'Hymmen. Mrs. G. Dale;
lady's fancy purse, -Mrs. H. Hymmen;
'.a4dy's night' dreesa Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs.
Hr 1lymmee; lady's costume slip, Mrs.
0.. Dale, Mrs. H. Hymmen.
Fine 'and .Decorative Arts.
-Coil 'painting, L. :Brigham, Clinton;
Mrs. H. Hymmen; •water 'color, any
subject,:• L. Brigham. 'Mrs, H„ Hyzn-
m•en; crayon sketch, Ml's. •H. Hym-
men, L. Brigham: pencil drawing,
Mrs, H. Hymmen. L. Brigham; best
three pieces hand -painter: china, L.
Brigham, Mrs. H. Hymmen; decorated
pottery, L. Brigham, Eleanor „Storey;
toy made from 'wood, L. Brigham,
Mrs, H. Hymmen; pen and ink.sketch,
Mrs. H: Hymmen, L. Brigham';' "miscel
laneous' novelties from crepe paper,
wax or celleph'ane,' Eleanor Storey. :P',-
;MeClymont; collection of antiques or
relios,, Mrs. H. Hymmen. Mrs. E. Ad-
ams, Tom Allington. .•
Reed Work—Collection of three art-
icles, Mrs. H. Hymmen.'
Judge—M. Olive -Scott, Bluevale.;
Floral Exhibits
Cut -•Blooms—Asters, Mrs. W. Peeb=
les, T. W. Aldington; display Asters,
Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw, Mrs. W. Peeb-
les; Cosmos display, Mrs. W. Peeb-
les; Dahlias, beat blooms, 3. Battler,
T. Aldington; Gladioli, best spikes,
Mrs: W. Peebles; Gladioli, best six
sipes, Mrs, W. Peebles,"T. Aldington;
Ma'rigold's, display, • Mrs. W. Peebles;
Verbenas, best display, Mrs. W...Peeb-
bea, Mrs. A. L. Porteous; Petunias,
Jimmie Hopper,
S.C. White Leghorn (cockerel) Mary
Whyte. (pullet) Mary Whyte.
New Hampshire (cockered), Tom
Whyte; •i pullet), Tom Whyte,
Muscovy buck; (gander), Joyce
Holloway, (goorise) Joyce Holloway
and 2nd. •
A.V. Bantams (cock), l;ergus Roty-
land. (hen) Fergus 'Rowland, (cock-
erel) Joan Hunte:., (pullet) Joan Hun-
ter. '
Parade re Sreeed. Children—Urban;
• ,Seaforth, F'ubl:r. School, ' St. James''
Separate School. Rural--S.S. 8, Mc-
cKillop; S.S. 11 Hallett S.S. 2, Tuck-
ersmith; • S.S. 3. Hullett; S.S. 4, Mc-
Foot Races—Gbi'1a, 8 years• and un-
der, Sheila McFadden, Jean Wilson;
10 years and 'u.ndr-r•,.Flora Brown, Pa-
'tricia Hawkins; 12 years :and under,'
Beta ,Murray. Barbara..Nicholson; '14
years : and under. Ruth :•Keyes,Lor-
raine Maloney,." Boys' Races -8 years
and under. Ray Maloney, Bobbie Rus-
ton; 18 years and under, Jimmie Ma-
lone, Gordon Hesk; 12 -years anq un-
der, Gilbert Murray, George' Shaw; 14
years • and under; Irwin Johnston,
'Stephen Maloney.
Tug -of -War —1 sf, Boshart's; 2nd,
.Hibbert; 3rd, Exce,ilenc'' Flour Mills.
Runping'Rece—A. McGee, Goderich;'
E. Little„ Godericb; John Maloney,
Seaforth, ,
Baby Shea; --6 months and under,
Leonard Bedour, Goderich; Katherine
Charters, Seaforth; Ann Miller, Sea -
forth. Over 6 Months to 1 year—Shir-
ley Mustard, ,Brlicefield; Garry ~.relex-
ander, Walton; Pauline Taylor; Wel-
ong sterns, Mrs. A. L. Porteous, Mrs.
W. Peebles; Pa.ngies, display, Mrs. W.
Peebles, T. Aldington; Zinnias, best
blooms; Mrs, W. Peebles; Mrs'. 1'. W.
McMillan; 'Zinnias, Baby or Pompsom,
Mrs. W. Peebles; roses, display, Mrs.
W. Peebles;' annual Phlox, best dis-
play, T. Aldington, Mrs, A, L. Port-
eous; Snapdragon, 'best .display, Mrs.
'W, Peebles; 2nd; Stock,' best spikes,#
Mrs. W. Peebles, 2nd; Seabiosa, best'
quality, drs, W. Peebles; Saipiglos-'•
lis, best display, Mrs. A, L. Porteous;
Zinnias, display, Mrs. W. Peebles;
table bouquet, Mrs. W. Peebles, T.
Aldington; floral arrangement__, ter
church, Mrs. A. L. Porteous; calendu-
la or Pot Marigold, Mrs. W..,E'eebies;
bfi'st window box, T. 4ltiington, •
Pot Plants—Begonias, best •two
flowering varieties, T. Aldington; Be-
gonias, tuberous,' Mrs. A. L. Porteous,
T. Aldington; colleetion potted plants,
Mrs., A. L. Porteous; Begonia, -Rex,
MMrs, G, Dale, Mrs: -J, Carter; Afrjcan
Violet, Mrs. A, L. Polteous, 3. M.
Govenlock; single house. plant in
bloom, Wm. .S. D. Storey, Mrs, A. L,
Porteous; beat novelty in cut flower
or is pot, Mrs. A. L. Porteous, W.•.
D. Storey; Coleus, two varieties, Mrs,
A. L. PortefrtIs;' Jersualem Cherry,
Mrs..t. Carter, W. 8, )J. Stamey; Aspidr.
Spinach Trouble
Children who do not like spinach
'will 'find a grim satisfaction in the
knowledge that spinach is also a con-
siderable nuisance to plant breeding
scientists. As e5cplained by 'the scien-
cientific 'plant. breeders of the Horticul-
tural Division, Experimental 1!arii's
Service, spinach plants fail into fqur
classes; .accorcing to 'sex, namely, ex-
treme trade plants, vegetable males,
females and hermaphroditee,..,.Chieftte
due to the large percentage of ex-
xtrem•e males, which are undesirable
plants, seeds of the Bloomsdale _y r
lety produced at. sor"he of the experi-
mental farads have been refused foun-
dation. status. •
A•a;f'e'ly years ago this problem was
taken up by'. the Horticultural - Diavl-
sion and individual plants selections
were.grown and isolated in the green
houses. This year a number of Ji se
lines was set out in the geld The
fact that they were 100 leer.cent herm-
aphrodites gave a 'great deal'of sat-
isteetinn. Seed from these -lines wiil-
be used to grow fbundatioli,° seed.
-.5 •
ANADA'S agricultural°wealth springs from the enterprise
of 'individual farmers, supplemented, where necessary,.
by the friendly co-operation of Banking in Action.
The . Canadian Bank of Commerce has played a prominent
part 'in the development of this great industry. Its services
are available to every enterprising undertaking, whatever
the scale of operations, small or large. -
Use our services for your' banking requirements. Consult
our local Manager.
EAFORTH BRANCH G. C. Brightrall,'Manager
10 you EVE
WAL'K up
:fee terie
' walked. up even
• Any time you have, eve
three or four floors you have probably
ust haw itr service,
grumbled at the lack of elevator service,
But have you ,realized i
..a modern city. would be without, vertical-
1 and .
clr.liow imp
elevators . • • without electric
costly elevators vuould be• ust one e�tam'-
power? Elevator service is anted ways.. °-
p{e of countless, t5e vel °n daily life.
which electricity reFri?"�
a'sher, electric range,a lot
, 'ate home cleaner . all ,take
orator, and toil out of :mainttaining a
• ' of,muscle.testing a vressh
home. Imagine one cent running
a e
inst. machine or a vacuum refrigeration for
couple:•Qf hours, or giving tefrig .
a whole, day!. But -that is whato nav tint's
worth of 'electricity tan do
Ontario rates. ou. see : men
On a 'farm; -Any: thine Y ure that
itching hay into a loft you can flg
the • is "worth approxineately,lc per ton.
Anyway, about What it would cost
Anyway' that is same work
-.jar vagetr'Ontario uralhe rates. More and
averagart e that .electric'
more fcheap68t labor they can hire- And.
your the cheapeverything possible to.
Hydro is doingas the
extend rural'services {II permit. as dly
Supply of materialown or coutirtrY. .
Whether you live in town or barn.
Whether you work in sky
Hydra works for you in Ontario ata cost
Make the best use of it,
much of he w 'rn obtainable in most other