HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-09-27, Page 34.
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Beef Qattie, Shortbbr'ali -Belt cow.
Wilbur "Turnbull,. R.B. 2, Brussels;
'Roy Pepper t& Soy; Seaforth; Dr, M. -
W. Stapletdn. Heifer, 2 years old,
W, Turnbull 1.4c .• Son, Roy Pepper &
:grin; heifer, 1 year old,. : Dr. M. W.
r • Stapleton, W. Turnbull flr Son, Roy
Pepper & Son. Heifer calf,under• one
„ year, R. Pepper & Son; and 2nd, W.
Turabull & Son and 4th. Bull calf,
, under 1 year, W. Turttibull Ara Son, 1st,
204 3rd and 4th; bull, 1 year 44, Dr.
M. W. Stapleton, Roy Pepper & Son.
`Bull, 2 years or over, Roy Pepper
Son. Dr. M. W. Stapleton.. Herd, 4
females and bull; Howard Wright &
Son, Cromarty; Roy Pepper . & won,
-W. Turnbull & Son, John McGregor,
R'.R, 2, Hensall,
Butchers' Cattle -Bay beef, 1• year
aid under, Roy Pepper & Son, Mc -
Dr. Chase's Ointment
for Chafing, Skin Irritations, Eczema
l euzie, li: ,lin 46" Mitgliell,
Helrefoxtill•-B44. 2 years; .4 4 Mr,Reward, Wright . "1"lcta• Dee* CPVI', •.
Wright & Son, and 2nd, Joan Mei re.-
goy. Heifer, 2 years old, H. Wright
& San. Heifer, 1 year old, J'. MoGre-
gor. Heifer calf, undeii 1 year,
Wright k440,, Son, John McGregor, 1.
Wright''& sort. Bull calf, under one
year, J. McGregor, H. Wright' &,. Son.
Bull, '1 year olds J. McGregor.••
Jerseys --Bull, 1 year old, and over,
L, A. Hood; Atwood; Irvin Trewartha,
Seaforth. Best cow, L. A. Hood, lat
and 2nd, Irvin Trewartha, 3rd and 4th.
Helfer, 2 years old, L. A. Hood, 1st
and 2nd; Irvin Trewartha, 3rd and
4th. Heifer,'1"'year old, Irvin. Trewar
tha, 1st and 2nd; L. A. Hood, 3rd and.
4tb. Heifer calf, Irvin Trewartha, L.
A. Hood. Bull calf;o H, McNaughton,
R.R,•4, Seaforth; Irvin Trewartha.
Holsteins -Bull, '1 year old and. ova
ti?": Ross Marshall, )Kirkton. Best cow,
Ross Marshall, E. B. Goudle, 2nd and
3rd, Ross Marshall. Helfer, 2 years
old, Roar -Marshall, E. B. Goudie;
heifer, 1 year aid, Ross Marshall and
2nd, E. B. Goudie. Heifer calf, Ross
Marshall and 2nd, E, B. Goudie, Bull
calf, Ross Marshall, E. B. Goudie.
Dairy , Cattle Herd Prize, 4 females
and bull -L. A. Hood, Ross Marshall',
Irwin . Trewartha, E. B. Goudie.
T. Eaton Special; best group' of 3
dairy cows -L. A. Hood.
•Imperial 011 Specialsgrand te'ham-
pion cow of all breeds -W. Turnbull
Son, Ross Marshall. '
Whitney Special -Best herd of any
breed, L. A. Hood, Ross Marshall.
Judge -W'. Hume Clutton, R.R. 5,
Shropshiredowns-Ram, 1 year or
over, Orval McGowan, R.R. 3, Blyth.
Ram lamb, under 1 yeax, Orval Mc-
Gowan, R. Coleman, R.R. 3, Seaforth.
Ewe having lambed in.1946, Orval Mc -
For, real home -baked cakes and pies
you can't beat that sovereign in its
field. ..
Shown above is the Shorthorn bull, Genmar.. noon the bull was bought by James Easton; of
Gem, owned by. Dr. M. W. Stpleton, Seaforth, who Thamesvitlpe. Leading the bull in the picture is
was declared Grand Champion bull at Exeter Fall William Steinbach, manager of Dr. Stapleton!s
Fair on Thursday of last week. During the after- farm.
Gowan and 3rd, R. Coleman. Shear -
ling ewe, R. Coleman, Orval McGow-
an and 3rd. Ewe lamb, Orval Mc-
Gowan .and ard, R. Coleman.
Leieesters-Ram, 1 year or over,
John W. Cowan, R.R. 2, Atwood, and
2nd. Ram "lamb, under 1 year, J. W.
,Cowan and 2nd, W. 'R. Pepper, Sea -
forth, Ewe having lambed in 1946, J.
W. Cowan, W. ' R, Pepper,. R.. Cole-
man.. Shea.rling "ewe, J. W. Cowan,
W, R. Pepper, • . W. Cowan. 'Ewe
lamb, J. W: Cowan; W. R. Pepper and
Oxfords -Ram, 1 year or over, Don-
ald Dearing, Exeter; Orval McGowan.'
Ram lamb, under 1 year, Orval ':Mc-
Gowan, .Donald Dearing and 3rd. ' Ewe l
having lambed in 1946, 0, McGowan, 1
D., Dearing. Shearting ewe, D. Dear-
ing, 0. McGowan and 3rd. Ewe lamb,
D. Deering, 0. McGowan, D. Dear-
-;Dofset l-#orn-Ram; 1 year or over,
P. E. Deering and •.2iid, 0. McGowan.
uro,-trrC3er"i 'year, P. E. Deer
in:g• and, 2nd;'O: McGoWan. Ewe' hay,.
ing lambed -in. 1946, P. E. Deering and
2nd 0. ' McGpwan. Shearting .ewe, ,P.
E.- 'Deering and' 2nd, 0. „McGowan:
Ewe lamb, P.' E. Deering and 2nd, 0.
McGowan. Ewe •or wether, not ...over
100 pounds, R. Coleman, 0. -McGow-
an, Donald Dearing. '
Judge -R. 0. Batty, Meaferd. ,
Yorkshire -Boar over 1 year, Wm.
Turnbull, R.R. 2; Brussels;,Wm. Mout-
gomery, Malton. Boar, littered since
Sept., 1945, Montgomery & - Powell,'
Malton, W. • Turnbull, McNaughton,
Seaforth. Sow, 1 year or over, 'W.
Turnbull and and, Montgomery &
Powell. Sow Littered since Septem-
ber, 1945, iVlontgo'mery & Powell and
3rd, W. Turnbull, 2nd. -
Power Special -Wm. •Morttgr eery
:Malton. ,
McGavin Special -W. Turnbull.
Berkshire -Boar. over 1 year, J. W.
CoWan. Boar littered since Septem-
Der, 1945, J. W. Cowan; let, '2nd ani
Quickly relieved and
Kidneys stimulated by
3rd. Sow, 1 year •or over, J. W, • Cow-
an. Sow,. littered •since Sept., 1945,
J: .W. Cowan, 1st, 2nd and 3rd;
Tamworth -Boar over 1 year, Doug-
las Bros., R.R. 4, Mitchell: Boar, lit-
tered -'" ce Sept,',• 1945, Douglas Bros.
and 2nd. Sow, 1 pear or ,over, Doug-
las, Bros. and tad. Sow 'littered since'
Sept., 1945, Douglas Bros. and 2nd.'
Pen, -of five shoats (Bacon) under
10.) pounds- McMillan, R.R,• 2, Sea -
forth; Dongias Bros.
McMillan Special -Bacon litter: nom;
petition, Frank Johnstone; 1t.I'.. :.
Dublin; M. B. IViurray, R,R. 5,' aa-
torth; Wm,., Boyd, R.R. 2 Wa ton;
Gilbert Smith, R.R. 2, Walton; Wm.
Boyd, R.R. 2, Walton. •
Record of Tattoo Of Bacon,. FIogs-
1+`'"rank Johnstone, Wilfred Coleman',
2nd and 3rd. M. B. Murray, Robt. E.
.McMillan, V4"rrr:'--]4oyd, Gilbert ..;Smith.
Wm. Boyd: Bought by ''Wright & Ley -
'burn for $21 per cwt. fiat Grade A
1`qw ,Hampshire tc), Fred 'MeCly-.
mon, Varna:• (h', cr & p), Fred Me -
Cl; moat and. 2nd. Rhode Island Red,
(h.; . Clinton High School.; (cr) Fred
McCiymont. 'Barred Plymouth Rock.
111,1,Fred• McClymont: ler .& pl Ilan'
las 'Bros., Fred .McClymont. White
Rack, (e . cr & p) Douglas Bros, aNnd
2ncl, (lt) Douglas . Bron., ''F, Medi y
Mont. Light Snseex (e, h. & er):.,P
McClymont, (p) Clinton High •School,
F. McClymont White Leghorn .(e Ss
cr), Douglas Bros., F.•.MeCiymon;, (h)
Douglas Bros.., (p) Douglas. Bros. and
2nd. A.V. Bantams, (c, h, or
Douglas Bros. and 2nd.
Rabbits, • A.V.-Douglas and Scott,
R.R. 2, Seaforth.
Pekin Ducks, (old duci and old
drake), Douglas Bros., Clinton' High
School, (Young duck and young drOke)
Douglas Bros. 'Rouen Ducks, (old
drake), Douglas
Toulouse, Gee'ger (old gander),
Douglas Bros. Embden, Geese, (old
gander), Douglas Bros.
Utility Pens -Hybrid, Elgin Nott,
R.R. 4, Clinton; Fred McCiymont,
Varna. Rhode Island Reds, .Clinton
High School, Fred McCiymont. White
Rocks, Fred McClymont, Douglas
Bros, White Leghorns, Douglas Bros.,
Fred McCiymont. •New Hampshires,
Fred McClymont. Barred Plymouth
Rocks, Fred McClymont, Clinton High
School.. Light Sussex, Clinton High
School, Fred, McClymont.
Meir Special - Best bird in the
show, Douglas Bros.
Best . dressed individual chicken,
Mary Whyte, Russel Bolton, John
Dressed Chicken --Open to all pub-
lic school children,. Mary Whyte, John
Whyte, Tom Whyte.
Dressed Chickens -Open to all poul-
try producers, Russel Bolton; ": Elgin
Eggs -Open to all public school chil-
dren, :Murray, Dale, Muriel' Dale, John
Whyte. • '
One dozen brown eggs -Billy Scott,
Roy Powell, Scott Powell:
'White Eggs -Open to all piloduCers,
Mrs. Jas, Carter, Jacob Batter, Fred
Brown Eggs -W. A. Glazier, Jacob
Batter. Clintga,High'School.
Horticultural Products '
Apples -•Collection of apples, '12
varieties. • 'Fred :McClymont, • Varna;
six named *inter varieties. Fred Mc
Cfymont; -four named . varieties' fall
apples. F. McClymorit:t Baldwins, F.
'lxnnw-vim-nnt� u'„t
McClymont; I`lorrhern Spies, F. :Me-
Clymont; Fallawater,. F. McClymont:
Golden Russet, F. McClymont:, West-
field Seek -Nd -Further, F. 'MaCly riront; '
Wealthy. F. McClymont; Ontario, F.•
McClymont; Wagner. F. McClymont.:*
!Roxboro' Russets. F. . McCiymont;
Cayuga Red •Str•eak or 24-0z. Pippins;
N14i;; Spitze
0*.140.4f,' T! t}lus
F M4ox, ; it, 4 t, ;Colverti
1luaptr 1!G[a , 4Vc01y :
Blush, ' n McClyxriont;
plea` F McClymont; ye1Xl"
pies, F. )i•Eeelphont, Rliade :II))
Greenipgs, F, )54eC1yrnont, Rib
Pippins, .F, Me! IyMoat; 'lel
Pippins, F. McClymont; .:Fall Pi p'
F. MiG tont 'Cranberry.
mocil moat; St. Lawrenee, F...144
Clymont; Canadian Reda, F. McCly
Mont; Mcntosh„R.eds; F, MAClyllnont,
Tolman: .Sweets, F. IfcClyipgnt,
ears-Beurre Clairgeati, f F': ' Ip
Cfyniont; Clasp's Favorite, F 31 cCly.
moat; Sheldon, P,'llileClymont; X,.ouis
Bonne de Jersey, 'F: McClymont;
Barrtlett, F. McClymont;. Seckel, ,
McOlymon.t; Beure d'A.>)jou, F, MccIy
Mont. '
Plums -Green Gage F. McClymont,
Lombards, F. hrleClymont; Abuudanre,
P. McClytont; Pond's Seedling,, , ii:
McClymont; Burbank, F. McCloyumn`t,.;
Rene Claude, F, McClymont; German,
Prune, F. McClymont; any other vim-
iety, F. McClymont.
• Grapes -Blue grapes, J. M. Gov
lock; Green grapes, Merton Keyes.
Judge -Norman L. Carter. '
Roots and Vegetables
Tomatoes,, red, Jacob Battler, Zur-
ich, Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw, Seaforth;,
onions from seed, Jacob Battler; On-
ions from Dutch sets, Jacob 'Batti'er,
Thos. Oliver, Seaforth; griart,;.onion
sets,' Jacob Battler, Mrs, T. W. ;Me! '
Millan; quart pickling cucumbers; El-
gin Nott, Jaeob.Battier; butter beans,
Wilbert Cornissh, Tom, Aldington;
white beans, Jacob Battler; table ear.-
(Continued on Page 6)
If morning finds.you
only half rested, still
weary -if yoursleep
is broken by fitful
tossing and turning
-your kidneys may
be to blame. When
your kidneys get out
o or"it-ei, your sleep
usually suffers, To help your kidneys
regain `a normal condition. use Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Dodd's help the kidneys get
rid of poisons and excess acids in your
system. Then your uneasiness disappears
-you can enjoy restful Unbroken sleep-
' and awake' refreshed and ready for work or
play. Get Dodd's Kidney:Pills:today. 147
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York Knitting Mills
Owing to the increased demand for 'goods of all descriptions
throughout Canada and abroad, it is daily becoming more urgent
, to obtain workers for various industries, We, in our two Wood-
stock plants, which make underwear and ladies' fine hosiery.
. are particularly anxious to find good people who are interested
in steady employment. ,
In our clean, well -lighted and ventilated plants we have a
number of highly interesting .types of work to offer, including the
running of sewing machines and inspecting finished hosiery and
underwear, etc.
For men there is the opportunity of learning a• skilled
mechanical trade in the operation and maintenance of knitting
One of our personnel officers will be at
To interview prospective applicants and - • :.
pro'vide further information.
of the futl.f
haryey1,00as 5y
gauge 9e Sensa eat •M
on NCh
Yloans Ines are
We work ona 43 -hour five-day week, Saturday and Sunday
off. Starting wages range from 35c. to 45c an hour. After an
employee has completed our training` programme and gains ex-
perience and becomes more proficient in his work, it is possible
to earn as much as 53c an hour for less skilled jobs, to 76c an hour
for the more highly skilled.
Woodstock is a city of fine homes with. a good shopping ten-
tre. Entertainment of all kinds is available, . including movies,
sports, and social clubs, dancing; bawling, etc. Both plants.,are
Organized to participate in all these activities.
Good living accommodation at reasonable cost is available
and may be applied for through' our plait"personnel officers.
9 A.M. T9' 5 P.M. s