HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-09-13, Page 51 ,
a 140 110930.00Lot
• 33AT"O Olfs..104. ItO1Plop„„Toww$10.,
elon.lb7n Yr, ',$PPt: Op after ATor- gib9rt
IllePirfOr Pctriffix, t,,10) tomer g4,11,
4110^ Be defightei Air, ,4134
11VIrg,5, George TlencleXAPIL''was Married
'on &Kit 3 1918, to gnat Gordon, and
• resided in title copatrataiter all her life.
Mrs. Gorden was a enember of North-
side United Phurcbe Seaforth. Sur,
ylv,ing are her hueband, one son, Ross
1161,ner three brothers, John and
rYaMeS Henderson, Seaforth, and Her.
ihett, Rnsseldale: and three sister,
Mrs, Robert llfcCiure„Bmn
eilier, Mrs.
Lamont, McK11lop, and Mr.
• /
hearers were Mess:- R. W. Catn,p
' Olg' Ilt$104 TIPheritin4h.; 4, o' 40;
‘ goIfiri,'.0‘ itl..§, 04.44* v, Ativiri4Atif,
' g qt-i:Ot 7e.h.o ftt$44 iirgo1241,"Ootet
0o. ' w004„ey . Ftwe,r41 '' 0•4400; 4ek,
,f0etit.;, PP. kitttisligr2-4t 1„..Q. 9411r., V.P.0-4'
0101 loY RP; : W.; 4., P0,04, :WPW
bur AL Ail the family plOt in, Karitrianfir'
'hank eeinetery, 'harm; fihq,. Seririe•e'
gr. ' Ivy 4anottork gang, 'a=q1;
ponied by Mrs,. ArnOld Seott, The PAP,'
bell, George Campbell, William Kerr.
J. lt:Murdie, John,Gordon and Gordon
McGavin, Friends attending the fun-
eral front a -distance were from Te-
ronto, Oshawa, Woodstock, Galt, Dole
hi, Goderiche Blyth, Benmiller, 01111
ton, Mitchell, Ilensall and Brite'efield.
Floral tributes were received trona.
The FanallY, Mother Henderson, Duff's
Church W,A. and W.M.S.M. and
("Ver ---.1 ;.:::(7.07),.._•.4, -.• . ,.(mr -7-1 -
• ,4:444;,4xX..4*??..‘....nrc,„
Save money! -Get thou-
sands of extra miles from
your tires -by catching
minor guts and bruises
before they grow into
costly tire repair jobs.
All our repairs and vul-
canieleg are Goodyear
factory -approved. We
use Goodyear materials
exclusively. Drive in today
for prompt service.
Sea.forth Motors
Chevrolet and OldsmobileSales and Service
,„ .
eii:•• . ,
. , „,,,„,• , 4_
1,';i0t•po,i1.. :' •44,,‘
' 41.44'.f.t0"4.
Aixt,'„ • :04,,, pas,„' 'To:
T',4tt,lb;':.,gt.:, 'AO Mra, 'WM.,,,Iilli;'',*4,..
agt144r#3•;° 4q,10.4,,04004., gr. qn,f. Tv4,13,,
„O•ifircipp, f'APPle,,- Mr. and 'Xii, james:
liP(4100, jr. an4 gra, P, Malcolni,,
Mr. and Mre, Benson. Sawerhy and'
family; Mr. and Mrs. flerh. Hensler -
Son, and Arnold, Norman and ,Harvey
'Lamont. ' • • • • • T'
. .
Registration at Dublin Continuation:
Schoql • this term shOws an attend.
ante of 55, with 42 pupils at the Sep -
rate School; 22 etudents are enrolled
in First Fenn. Dublin Ptiblic School,
with' Miss Doris Annis as teacher,. has.
And they'll stay healthy team*
Elatehford's Chick Starter
keeps 'em healthy—makee
them grow faster–assures
vitality --and pays me bigger
Strengtheted with Tits:Dins
supplOdoont for irrotor *Atonal=
coutontrigroatee nutrition!
We also handle the following
Blatchferd Feeds: Poultry „Con-
centrate, 'Poultry Mash Pellets,
Calf Mealand Calf' Meal Pellets,
Pig Starter, Hog Grower and Hog
Concentrate, Dairy Concentrate,
011 Cake Meal and Chick Starter.
Phone 170-W Seaforth
I. 4,40„,,fitOktilOk.,'
''Ir '. l'''. ho ;0100,0**4.,A'40,90. ,,.
,.... .•. ,
V 0:„,44#4.41,0t.„0,44f.0.1W104.
V.M.tt.Y., 4...0044A,710,0,:04"0.04,
.v00;,--i.i4:0041fitsm -144t0WOWPO'0410A''
:WOK ,V,,4704'00:.„..104:4$„'„,,,A4414;*4:
;490004044 IY14444#04%#.0iipk•:.•,4).-.
:1)34,!1.1gfAel4t,'• *40 0440,,';',30,00W•
'''44,Ta-Y-0•". • 11.20•„• 4,0itif,'-'w•40: • '•gly,0,4; :41A,'
Aiarriage by 4er fefligr''AAcl';'P,APPW -An
ge(WOi 'Of White. IsTo.tti4044.# inee,`Xleo.r.:
10404 with .11.4.4...P.Odiner • tl.te.' ftl..W
:skirt extending into...,a train, Te only
trimming was a tiny. frill. OP:Pt •the.•
tztecliline, pillf-releeVes „and •henaline;.
Lace. mittens and' Anger -tip veil,
-caught with halo- completed • her .ce,sr
tutne, and:she carried n cascade hou,
quet of red. BOtter Time yoSes../ The
maid of honor, Mies Hazel, Hamilton,
and Miss 'Betty nkin, niece' of the
bride, as junior .hrideernaid,. were
gowned alike in pink and blue organ-
za audnin, fashion similar to that of
the bride, and wore matching hale"
hats and mittens. They carried pink
Madame Butterfly' roses, Little..Ros
anna Warden was dower girl, and
wore a frilled fioer-length gown of
yellow taffeta with mauve streamers;
and carried mauve sweet peas. , Mr.
Allen liill was the grow:twit:an and
Kenneth Scott and Cliftee Miller, the,.
Ushers. A reception wapeleeld on 'the
lawn at the Immo of the bride's par-
entS, when the waitresses were
es Marian Hill, Lorraine Fowler, Anne
Hamilton and Audrey -Hunkin. . Mrs.
ROy .Brock and 1Viiss Kay Cornish left
later on a wedding trip, the - bride
wearing a. brown gabardine tailored
siiit with brown accessories and white
blouse and a corsage of gardenias.
' Perionals; Mr. and Mre. Tom Gil-
lespiea-nd little daughter, T,ormato,
Mrs. Neil, Gillespie and Jessie Gilles-
pie, Seaforth, with Mrs. Grace Scott.
and other friends here; Mrs. William.
Houghton; Leonard Houghton and
Frank Stagg, accompanied by Mr. and•
Mrs. Jac4 Kemp; of ,Mitchell, visited
Mrs. Len Houghton in St. Joseph's
ospitai, London; Robt,.....Laing, of
rucefield,. at his home here; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Howe and daughter, Shirley,
Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Howe and parents; Mrs, Nelson Hun-
hignared daughters, AudreY'.and Betty,
-Belneore, with Mr. and Mrse William
1 e
,„0" vi0.1)4.vi
41C iia;
44g' 4P,4_,t44.02#, tr'
"eer(Altyaeat VS, 30411):19, A9 Ow
OfirO has ezoneAt
' • ArgAAW'e
'1'040241 as...a,Aii;
Loretto B1-41)10:04,A.Ol1ege at. Stratford;
,'ntaaager. Albert,
grgartierzs'4a)JI:490!"-lhgeel yield
1.Y Speaking, setiefactory..:
Pei:Sonata: MAI. and Mrs. Thomas
Jordan, Mre. 000- Toohey and mrs.
,Tas..,pewax, all pf Lucaa, Mrs, Bliza-
bath DoWneY, 'rrfiar Downey, Mr; and
Aire. Kneetwell; kadon; Mr. Barbara
urphy, St. Marys le Mrs, John Cron-
in, Mra. John 119111mIns, Mr, ,and Mra.
Edward, Hallihan, • Frank White and
Franit Dewan, Detroit, Mrs. Marlin
McLean, Whittemore, lytich, with .Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Cronin; Mr. and Mrs.
A. Rotarius, Detroit, with Mr. - and
Mrs. M. J. Nagle; Mr. and Mrs. Han
old Highton, Hespejer, with Mr. and
Mr. Leonard Nagle: Mrs. Cenlin and
son, Wayne, .of Aylmer, with Mr. and
Mrs. John KralnekoPf; Mrs. Bertha
O'Connell and daughter, Dorothy, De-
troit, with Miss Molly O'Connell and
Mrs. Eliiabeth- liruxer; Mrs. Basil.
Detrolk-and Jas. Shea, Wind-
sor, with helatives here; Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Dillon; 'Mr. and Mrs. Tom-
linson, Lipadon, with Mr. and Mre. M.
J. Nagle; Daniel, •'Williams; Detrpitt,
with his 'trents, Mr. and IVIrs. Dan
Williams; Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Dant-
zer and son, Windeet, with Wi`liam
Dantzer and M'. 'John N,agle; Misses
Margaret and Teresa 'Ryan, London,
with their parefitse Mr. and Mrs. Pat
rick Ryan; St. Jas.,' Newcombe, Tor-
onto, with Mrs. Necombe; Mr. and
Mrs. John Nagle and Wm. Dantzer at
Kitchener; Wni. Stapleton in Toron-
to; Mrs. Louis Krauskopf in London;
Joseph Krauskopf at Detrolt;; Mrs.
Jas. Newcombe and son, Jimmy, have
moved to their new home in Toron-
to; Mrs. May Dorsey and Mise Cam-
illa Williams, Detroit, with Mr. and
Mrs. D. McConnell; Miss Monica
Byrne in TorcinTO; Mr. and Mrs. Fred-
erick , Pike and atighters., Barbara
and Margaret, Hamilton,. with Mra.,
Teresa Eckert; ,Edwin Stapleton in
Toronto; John Weber, -Hamilton, with
John Kenny.
Seven little boys are enrolled in the
primary class at Dublin Separate
School this term: Pat Feeney, Neil
Stapleton, Kenneth Feeney, Donnie
Klinkhamer, Denny Costello, Carl
Kramers and Glenn nutters.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Mervin Manley, of
Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
,William Manley',
Cornish - Hamilton
Cromarty - Presbytlerian Church was
the scene of a pretty wedding on Sat-
urday, Sept. 7, at, 2 'p.m., when- Wil-
ma Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm., A. Hamilton, became the bride
of Mr. John !Carlyle Cornish, Only son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish. of
BrUcefield. Rev.. W. S. McWilliams
Performed the double ring ceremony
a. •
ONTARIO'S growing gold . . . her largest cash crop . . .
.is tobacco. Its twenty -Year development, Afrom nothing to really -i -
something, has been due almost en dray to the phenomenal increase in
flue -cured tobacco—the most valuable of the three types grown here.
The others are burley and dark -leaf. _This year, a fourth type,
cigar leaf—one thousand acres of it—opens rich, new Ontario
possibilities. Tobaece is a delicate plant and a demanding one,
-„needing utmost watchfulness and even, handmade encouragement
during its complicated cure. Its cultivation means back -breaking,
short -season work with hills rewards all Oncerned.
.pfhedby Tat nittiVro (610Alti0)
• • •
. ", • .
The annual Ontario preelection of
tobacco is about 97,000,000 pounds—
its value around* $30,000,000. In the
Southwest corner of the province,
sotne 90,000 acres are planted to it and .
the Ontario crop represents nine-tentlis
of the Dominion yield. 85% of this is
high-grade fh(e-enred—the less -care -
fit' s-•,, ,; "Teerfey and
makie"e up the e"-•
rest, It 18 alt industry in
which a few experts pre-
pare the scene for a sudden •
inrush by thousands of ,.
workers in the crucial •
vett weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Iugles, of Ac-
ton. spent Sunday with Mr. E. Haase
and Mrs. Horne. Mr. Haase's mother
has come to spend some time with
him. ,
The regular church services and
Sunday School of Cavell Church have
been resumed. •The services Will 'be
held at the, usual houes, standard
time, Sunday school 'at 1.30 p.m. and
church service at 2.30 p.m.
Ritchie - Ennis
A qiiiet wedding to6k place at the
Parsonage of Duff's United Church,
WaltOn, op SaterdaY'afternoen, Sept.
7, at ons -o'clock, when. R. G. fla:zle51
wood united in marriage Edith- Fran-
ces, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ennis, and Mr, William Kenneth,Rit-
chie, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Ritchie, Walton, in-a"double-ring cere-
mony. The bride wore a love-in-the-
naist blue -afternoon dress with 'match-
ing, hairdress of flowers and shoulder
veil. Her corsage was of pink roses
and fern,- :As • tli-e---bride:s. -attendant;
Miss Anne Ennis, Toronto, sister of
the bride, wore a blue wool frock
with black accessories and a corsage
of White roses and fern, Mr. Michael
McGrath, Seaforth, was the grooms-
man. For travelling the brid'e wore a
brown. tailored' suit with accessories
to match. On their return from a
short wedding trip the couple Will
reside in Seaforth.
The Jueior Red Cross Society of the
Walton Public School held its first
meeting of the 1946-47 year on Friday
afternoon leen. The meeting opened
with the singing of "0 Canada," fon
!awed by the minutes of the previous
meeting. The election of officers for
the coming year was, then held, the
results of which were as tollous.-
,President, Leona Johnston; vice-presi-
dent. Gerald Dressel; 'secretary, Mar-
gret • McArthur:. treasufer, ;Carol
Pringle: circulatienemaneger, Vouise
Shortreed. *The pupils were -divided
into three groups for the purpose of
programs. Each group will be 're-
sponsible for • a meeting in its. turn.
,The financial report for last year was
given by the treasurele The total re-
ceipts• were $150. FeiTowing a short
program the meeting closed with the
National Anthem,
Mr, and •Mrs. W. E. Turnbull spent
e. he week -end in Ingersoll at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. ilabkirk.
Mrs. Habkirla and her daughter, Joan,
returned A11,6. them 'for a week's va-
cation; •
-Mrs. R. Sundercock returned to the
village after spending the summer
visiting relatives. •
Y. .P: S. Meets
The first meeting of the Young Peo-
inat,r141 iritA• So"
'king.wooiOA) tk)11
Atimpor styles or .pridted' WOOIim
With' : 94),?, bf4l4"Agesfr',14 ;itn.
J,1.14(4PEF(4,.n.,-: n'een.
• • 1;:e
paste\ -shades' in
'good' quality
teen. Age'e..3-•te:V.,:',
• eetee
"Good quality Wooline in plain shades
with cotton waistetope-3 to 6 years:
All White with Swiss type embroid-
ery on collar and front plaque.
1.25 to 2.25
Alpine and Wool
'7 1
• All -Wool Plain Planner, Wool Plaids,
and quality Alpine Cloth Jumpers with
clever colorful braid trim. School girl
iiies 10 to 14 years..,
Also Navy Serge Uniform Jumpers,
in 'sizes as above—$4.95.
to 4.9
ple Society for the 1946-47 season
was held in the basement of the
church . on Sunday evening at 8.30.
The president, W. J. Leeming, was in
the chair. During the business part
of the meeting Doug Lawless, presi-
dent of Huron Young Peoples, gave
a report 'bn Natioaal Council of the
United Church of Canada which was
held in Albert College, Belleville, in
August. At the end of the report Mr.
Lawless outlined the aims of the
Presbytery Executive for the coming
year. Following a short talk by the,
minister, Mr. Hazlewood, the meeting
closed with Prayer -
alker Electric
Phone 95
FOX'S FAMOUS Tree -Ripened Peaches
now on sale at the new salesroom
on No. 7 Highway at Shakespeare
• • a