HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-09-06, Page 4- �, 1 � I . — , I � i � , , , , , � , � , �,;� —, 11:C I ; � .1; � ; 1 , �� e ii � , 1.�. � 11 1: "I 7 �, 1� I , , , , �_ . , , , I[ , � , , i : ; 77. 7 I , ­ � I ;�, - , . — ­ ,:� I � I I . � , " ­­, I q - ,_ i , , e 1 , , , , - , , . . " � � _,�, I I I I I . I I I . � I , I I . I I I I I e � . I �� 1 77� , 11 , I I I I I , I .1 �,W�l � ­� _;�, 111� I 11 1 ­�;, ,-,., i,� , � 7777 . , '4 ".." , -11 I , ,­ I 1� 1. �� �, : :, I I I I I :, �, I I I ''I" I I � , � , I "I 11 I:% � , - I I � '­ � I I � , I .. I . ', � I , I - ,� '"' 1. , I I - , I � , ,� I I � '�;;,�!: � � I I I I ­ I I 11 I'� , " '' , � . 11 , 1 , , I I I , 1, I I I I 11 11, , . ; � ,�W.� � ­ . I . 11 . I . � I I I I i , 11 . � I I � � � I I 'Ii' I I ; �, - 1 11,.; ., I,- I . i -,`,-1'.-1` ­fi- ­ �- .� I ...; I 11; � 11 ,�� ''�. 7t, '! 1. 11 , I I " ,% . I : I , 11 , � I I " I � I . , I � . ''�,� "', ". .. " , ���, i , � �­!t , , - ��41 I , � . I I I i" 1, � ILLLL 1.11,11,111, I ............ 1'�;11­�'. 1, ,,,', .1, , il� '. ""' i g , ! " R_', , � 4 . ­ I ! � I i ,� , � ; � :, .... I , � , �, -0 , , I , , � I . � . I I I ''� I ; , . I � ," - I , � 1, � : �, (� li?2t.:2i � � 1, "' I 1W I , I � � . _ I ­ , I I . I I .. I -1 11", � , , i 11., � � � I I I . . I , �, � i�#:1.'@'1.".ii`. I , , I , J I'll. . 11 I I . . 1.� . � : I : .111, 7- ! 11 1" I I , I , ­, .1. , , , � - ", J , I � I . .. , I I . I , i I I . , , ,'M , 9 I" A , I -- - �,, I ­�� ',P,:,.p , I : � I _ ,, """, I 1�h,,T�X,l ,;.%�,�C,�,,, "'i . - 11 - �,� I I... , �- I -_ - ----' - � . .. I I . � . I'll., _1-.--i-.-11 .... I—. ­ ... Iii.."1111111-0i . . . . . . . . I _1-111-1, ... . If ", , , , ,11 . , , J . � I , I I -_L____1 ­� , I ­­ � I . I -1 , % 0 ..­ I . ; I I ., �� �:,., � � .. . I , - I ,: , " 11 , I ., � " "', ..... . � : �', ... �,, 40 �11 �, ,1. ,,14�,4 ,_rz V;., , , �.., 1, I I � I : , , . � I I I , , I ____ 11 ­­ ­ 1-1. ; I , , , , .� . - J ,, �",I:... - . .1 I 0 �, . ­­� ,. ,; P �,, T R , -,: 1, I I � ­, - . ­ -1 � . . 11 1:1�11:11� I , .. *1 I , ).= _ 1! , .1, ­ ��, I � - � i , � ix �. -1 ­ ­ ­­ I � ­'. 11 "', � I I . 1111 ­ ­ ­ 11 I 1--.__ - 1. -1. I 1. �­ ­ i ", .... �­ .. . ....... '-".."I'll" ­ �;, , - ". I , , , , � . . . I I . � 4�, - .�� , � ��,I'., I , I WN' A '': �, V �::_,',, -911, �, _ I 104 MI 9§14TO 0 , IIN I 1 , I �'. � 11 . C � I � ,. 1, I .. .. k.. I I ; i,, ,L-- , 1% , k ', ,I ; ,,;;;;;;;; .1 I `0 - ............ ­. - ­ W, --- I ... I I. -I., I � . . _ � . 1. 1. ­ I . Mi- - - -!;1�itk,o� - " - . . -1 I �_ I � ; , � -- ­ ­ ... k '� . I I I I , , �­ ",i -,T N , � I 11 I - ik 1 ! � 1 .4,—: �� il,l:, I'. .1 I ; : I I ,", . 1.111". �..."... -1 ­­ ... � 1. ..".., **V- --11-.,1'- 11.11. ­111-;!,;:� , ­ .... .. I ­ . � . . I "-.. - I . ". I I., I 1�1 , ,�, , V.W�7;­ .0 I i I �; ��i " ii -0 .. I � � --- I 1. � I , r�kL,y�gl 14�' ", ;. I I I.. I, 11 ­ 1.11­;,.�11 � . . I I I . I � 00.7 pmmj # qm, I 1 . I I.. 7-. I 10i � - I - .. ­ .. I 11 -11 ..­ ­­% ... �,:11­1 . . I I 11-1 ; - . �0 1, I I :; , I � 'ii� , , ­;�!� ��' , , , � 1. I—, id'ii�. 4 Ake-;'. .. I - ,- , ; , I ­ I ­ . . .. . I . 1. �46�:. , . I . I � i I I I .", � � . 1 . 411�qLues . � I ... ­ ,,I, . . , , 12. . - 01' . , , ..... I ... ,I. �,V. 1-,! I . . . . . _____ . -1. ­__ , I gri `-"g a - hip' 0 -op", Sept" I 5 44 0 P`V�"Nl, �, _i��` , , , 0 4 4AIA414"b __' . ,§ .. I his wook, - , I i, ,,, � ,�­,, , , 6 y !Loho "rq I t A " ,, _. " � I I , , �Outo.r � s.i,' �� V r ,'a Ho'Apitiol'i X elalex" , Oft �,.O_#V 1 � I I I �,o '' "N".. 11 ,.. I � I. I 11;1111�111; I �I­­....- 1.� 1.11-1-11' , 1,-- ­,­ � , , ".. . � , '. , , ._. �. 1, . . , "' , � � ... I . - �." I . . . . , , � 'Wind'. V .,.!�� I I.. I. -� MI, - � in ,�g :Xir - ) ,,�'e ,� _d V.As,_��X Or- .Qolp,�OA thel* r . �ith,,A ' Rpqett visitors � Ny .:�mi, i,A .��,�';.",����.";�.!,!�,?",?,�� !�, . I I I :I 4. I .., . 1. ift � X, Iemg-da . 14golia U0114404. At M-40 -, . . . )%*101 Who. . Mr. 411d P&P-)", A OroPlhr of il. 2� * � . 11 I I ­ . , . _., ii lk-044 yi$j i " ,I�q, if "' '' � "' " P I - .1 � � i . �, ­_ ,tQrs,' . ev. , t, v � Ott, Xro. I , : �`;.�C` . . I op U 0P , ephls' "Ita Londonj � - As, p V& R%, 'i A R - A", Ork and JOnlily" WeO ii� "Mr, an , - Cq .r.ia Xogrrl, , , Ferxet� , sor, 2iwere wee . ent � gave he i I 11 I __� � _.0 _. , de , , , i;, : . I I . , q$,p . 1, _ i ,4: ill "I � at; . � - , .%,k ye#, �1'1"'Ilr",;,.! C "JKAro Af * W W_"Y oPlarbed this life aurse$ l'..-Mo4 R'ita Jo.rdan 40V go In Uvell 4u i; 4, 1491 ; ,. y - Broq,k. . "" I 114 4,.�` � 40 MILIS � 7 , , I 011- , � .- r , - - " , � ,,pin � t, q , $t. A. ,And Mrs -of.. , ­ ,4,'�� - I , , ,, . .r Mrs. AltQ14'Gosseq; , Fit I I— "I A - 't . Silt=keMt, Irs-*.pon, mrs., Forgo-sonj 1#1: Mich., ,l'-.,..-.':'. �s­":,, 11 I � . ,­O.��.,� 4""",�11ilf",�,"�', *no yeAT'ago, 19,46. ��2.N,1,1_._, .,,:�, 11 . .. ; , 'ul�,��j�,��V,4""I�­ ­�, . 1 training ,,4 - ,,, 40 0000, 'W"Wo, #A gWraq,04 Rev. P. L.VC � rq,yj� "".., 11 G" so � -. F ­;, , I , , . - '- oin � . I , is Bell t.gIlep],%one, opo,ratQr Iqt,9T . X � �, , , � havo . . bine I.. , 71,Q �. 14 . returned stopPinq, horo 940eir WAT, 4 _ iii, !7 . 11 .. .. 44 , , . I ", ." , A , "Y"I"',; � � . " , dward Hol.land IA attieu+. ftelis of ipg .-A A Rod y .1 I Oil A 0 , �;�)�'..��,,i-,,,�;�.r,�,,�,�,�,.,'.,'�',��,�.--,�,'....""��,, , "G*4 moves in A'w�Isterlow w". I at Loadow;,B lip, .bju,q. qjIX 1.0� e'k,. POA - me '"d J � th I , � ,, - 4ANN..%�Vi, �U� ,,,�� , 1. � . , . I ' - Xa4 , ,, , ��I§�A,�,,,4 , . � - our in , , I!X§111� �,dj,!�,-111,��k",.,;� � , 194 ,A '91ItWs v ITIMP OIL Ot , 11 I . land.' � _, .apatiou spent v4catlo _ �,Vp�,' ., 'St. ip 41.4 . ' R reblilpttgn'for 9 is. wil. 'J�,I�k ,;q . " I I F . !',12�,��,I,�.,7.� _ .T E`r.lj.�"�'j�i`�J.��'..� I'll --- � . I 11;.-�ij.�� ,�, I , r', cis Colleie, K'tcheuer,;, tiap*40�, 04 Ag -rin ,and; 011lix I home fr a . _0 ,. - -,�� ..'�"`�'� 111111111 tug , . . . . �,�'jrLl�q,-�';-� � ,­. � ... 11 ­1,1�­­­, .... .. 1.7.11­�. ,;I,, - - 11 , . , r,,: An,a: M v,L ".r.-T"it'" ,, - I _ 4-X�q , 4, by _Pete;�,Deitrjch, and Lorne De�trl -` I Q ,0,;�,t I I " ,`�,iiij�:; - ;iii�!,-,W,�,,�,t`,-, -S&My taksed and 44er , .remembered qgjdle - I , ,., .", ,v�P,�,;".�,A!!�,..In ,, - . ' Mother. Dad, Siaters and Dxothers., ­ . � ' the i"r MpGieg0ri:- ot.'Xipp,�li, A *recent , . ' ' , ", I — '$ ',,V., Fabi . . � ,� � L ,�.:i.'ir�, ,1�1 I 'ill Be 1110etted'At. NeW'LOW 1pash Rates: � . ob,. of Ca ','.' $be w will resume in . L,., .� � , bko.44et ;01 pink PrIareliffe in t&e- West. t 5.1�`�,?.��,� � . ..'as attend � ect by,, her star. . Evening gervic 41A * , ..`r�.,,�[,_, '', . ILd Ads W I - , e an DgitrfQrb, , Q.R�, roses les %'Nill * � ".'bold In the . ., , �,;­,`_ - Detroit. .t - .1 . 4 1 ,,V..".""� �i, b ...`r�: 11,17 , , . '­_ Church 0 .. 1K . .;. ­ out , Lost %no Foo I - CRAESNEY.-IN LOVING, - MEMORY OF; A ' , * ,IsA Ru - . N", . N", , " y � . . 1[,!, I, P Uiii�pd _ iiind '..� fl.," , i ed .Ad. 4pw�wx Rventa. *�,_rtk­44rd.-, . . Xentu6ky.-Otov n -ed AruAI,d,.0,fL, St. ter, 'M Q otter, who was Wear Ay. evening, Sept,. brfa4l QVOP � . I . Town -­ -1 I N gr%� .even- , , " , � ' I , 01404.11, on wld - ".4 ` " � i1l'pl: �`fzi,� � '' 6_ . . . . I QW0 dear husband, - Cpl. Harold Chesney. who - _ ing 'r000, Oily �qii'epe and cirrying & 8-th., - _.. ­� , - v, � R� ?il iii,;" ."! 0i, -,i �,i`.�� 1, r . 16, ',P,44_�,_.11�1,, ., list week ..... ii ............ ".-m- ... � 3r �01�olasticate, � LOA1401t, ,Mr. � . �` ,-�k,A_ 1".:-"1,).%;_1. 2ad we . A ....... �­� ....... . *A 06* ,as%", iiabti', of white X111arAe . in 0 `,prollestra , . 1. .... passed'a-ay -one wear uso, September 7. 194r;- T4' Sept, 6.: -f%41*4�* . . . thp I I i� dance, 4�� , ��,,, 64 0 . �. .... i`� jiI. . , � . . 'Obur Stoll and family, De. �c.01Q . will provide Ithe iggs-10"t I ,,, :� .. .. ... % dent - 4nd , Mrs -1 , , ,nial b6V y An�ilunqemont &I 'N.;,.,i1 ,v 3rd week .......... . 1. I * ' I ousin , of - iIiNi't, -1 I A , "Z Minimum ehon;oi =t, J* P ate One year has passed since that sad day. troit; wtt�`* qsea. Fred Gibson, c ' ' .- ,6.r� th '� � � � q . '111 . �; - !"..."lil, X, i", -V -.erUQ4 ....... I ce- . 'tb Please bring JF , � ,,LIMX'e�4i­� I - V . . and .Mrs,, John Nagle r AeO, Of Ladies are AsX.04 . I ,; - -�­�� ". I ''. V,.V . I . ... r ­ ��,1,4g,�,n 011 , Each fture. juitiAl a The one I loved was.-cpIlled -away; bridegrooln .best in I -. and Mrs, Norman H. Jo . ,',�jg%, ,,�g.� ,� _qnd 41;brevi* tzer; J6 ,was, . an. Following Mt �."4 �,,,,,?,ft� ;� �t . ..... 11 .;:� "N am Dan . . 0. q i ' Ev"ybo X'�t, ;" , f., ,90A counts ip one wo*L .the ceremony j buffet'luncheon was Hensall, announce the ejbk4g,emeat of 41y *ele,q & �- -o. �­ P, ., eliks. In Mem.r� Noticee-1 .ieub., per word. Minfinanii, 50 cents pew week. , We must not,,irf`16�e, it was Mi; will, and Willi ph Kraus- , lunch. *iq. , , , " ., I", . I _ I'll ,� �V, . , , N00, "at ,0' ' - Goddard, Beth �.,_ 4 directed to a Box Numbein clo The Umma. Expositor, for 10 cents extra- But in our hearts he liveth still. kopf and Miss Katherine Kraoaltoplq, ' er, Mildred V1, , , . I ,ved lly Miii"Kathleen Gibsoi, Miss 41i,eir youngest daught 0'. aud'Mrs.'J. 0, t ': �I Knip,00 may De . ' : � I , eptata addItional per week will be.churpsd It. "a in above class am not paid by. 4iis. -His Loving Wife. London, with their father, Leo 4�raus7 �11�v 4 , "I -1 I _ipft . a Moir. Suttbr. Doreen, to Mr. Ian WIllialn Ferguson; and Peggy,, spent the weelL-end holi- , _ - - . " � , Baturday night in the week in w.hich the ad was run. . r- 1 4 �, I k4japf. ; Anna Cole and Nis ., . ; 1. . . . 1, ", � For travelling' to Uudsay and other son of.Mrs. Helen MicCoitilick and the day in Pal r to .. :, 1 �13# a ,wee. D01 T LOVING MT!1MORY` OF A DEAR - , me, a . it .. L A � - -1 ��:: , #h h= d �. 1 ... Marriages and Deaths inserted free of chs . Miss Ka bride wore a lhte - Mr. Ferguson, Galt, the marriage " " Mr. and M �, ­ ,_t�,1,,,1.:: . : 'Auction §41es, Notices to Creditors. Etc-Rateit an ioplicAtion. and fatheri, Robert Doig. Sea- . , therine O'RQiArke bes;*n hei ,Northc;in centres, the I 1� '. i, - "' . � .. __ __ - I - � ., forth, who -passed, bmay three years age, sixth yea�,'.as ,teacher of Beechwood. , 'blue wool pin stripe suit, navy _ eptemPer. , Dotrolti are rs,-Arphle, McAllifiter, of I �;�..�­, � * * I L September S. 1949. '_ navy to i4e place late in 8 visiting with Mr. and .". . . . . . . . . .1, � . . . . � , I �-, For Salle L .1 Wanted, . Separate School, where 56 pupils ivere 'hat and M801iing accessories. On ' . . I . I � .,,�.".".._ �,, . . . I . I i � ___._ "' L 4h sad dtry, enrolled last term. - .. . 'Mr. and'Mris. Holland will ... ... . � st6n r 1%eaver , - Mrs. James MpAllilster, 1, __ - .�,.''�,� : " ,,, ­ WANTED,— BOARDERS, , Thwee yeA,m have Passed since. at their return . 114ohn . Mr. and MrS4 .Sii�tt Welish and i 111011 ,, . - TUIA-P, BULBS XOR SALE -APPLY TO OR ROOMERS. . The one ,, loved, was ,called away; Mrs. P. W. Long ?,nd two sons, Mr, reside in.,0oderich. . . * ­ . � W � , 'i - 4 Appl to Box 51-2, HURON EXPOSI- We must not grieve, iti was His will., I. and - Mra, --Pat Jones, Mri and Ur% ,, I -etty ,is-odding was,.s9lemnized ,nt the..week,end in"De rott, , 511,�r,�'. ... ,, . IT I ��! .,�` , , ASIL PURCEL4 Seaforlib. . . . ayne spip t ,li'.. 1_0", ".. . � I � But in our hearts he fiveth still. , -. ..­­ I . ., A pi . � . 4 ____ . '1- , - . I- TOIL . . : . �, � 1� -11 .. I -His Loving Wife'4ad Family. Jackson a� . Peter's Luthers ' . :5 TIAMP-ROCK HYBVjD S 4 Ray Baker, all. of'­Lon- -1 ­ I I . .. 4"w"Fll"m at St I �ii Chur4b Mamse, attending the Gold 4qup 1Wgpitta spee4 11 � , �, R SALU�-60 I i. 11 . ., . . . --Nww-"� .races. I Vr- ; ,Miss' Culliton, Mr, ana Mrs. .� Zu Elizabeffi, young- boat 'hy".. I- . . � 1. � . rich, when Alice ,X. . I - pul,14ts siX 4outlob old, laying well. V.. - I .. .... . .... - don Mr. and . , , V, I . ".., , _'. , TREVgE ' 653 r 93. Sea- JA&SON-IN LOVING, � MEMORY Crowley and daughter, Doroth , and � KIPPFAN - - est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. r . Mrs. Georji' Volftik and V ""'. � Kippep_ Phone , y I r4dward A ffill"": -.-' , .., Grandma.' Mrs. John Jackson, wixo went I .11 11. . .. . `�,qll I . . __ to her rewaT4 Sentez4bet 7. 1945. . — 'Ieivi6r, of Zurich, became the bride Mrs. Dave Kyle and Steve recently _ . .Corth . 410%-1 . Help Wanted, son, Frank, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. 77 . ,�,ZV, 1,�Z : . I i . . G�eea, 9f Tilckenmith, son of Mr.- �nj,oyed a ,�eek's vacation.,to 'Tober- �'.'��,� TED , I . ,Ignatius Conway and family, Prest.qn, , Miqs NOrMA, of Walter. Leo. Johnston, . a, ,;�,.?: ,, , , FQR SALX­­WE STILL RAVE ON HAND WAN -WOMAN TO DO LAUNDRY I . . mory and through Northern On arlo. ' T� . .. ," . a large stock of rear tractor tires, includii, work. Apply to ,5KPERINTENDLNT, Happy and smiling, always content. 1 attended the wedding rec4�ption atthe wAs taken to London hospital fdr an and Mrs. W. 14. Johnston, Bayfield. . I ... t . " -you went; home of Mrs. Gertrude Jordan for appendix operation, and is getting, -ich, perform- . I , J� t . A . dug ION28, 0x36, seconds. IrYDE TRACTOR Scott Memorw. Hospitai;, Seagorthii Laved -,and respepted wherever . . . .. I I 11� . ... C0_. Heniiall, On -t- 1 4108,1 4108-2 Alwan thoughtful willing: and kind, . ,Rev. E, 11ehiaricli, of Zui . . � " , 1:4 ...";, -11 . �- . .- , N What a. beautiful 6emory you left behind.,- Mr. and. MrA6 Stuart F. McKay, whose along.' nicely. Mrs. Damm . amil little ed the cbremony. For.her wedding I . .. . .. , . I t 1 ­ , . LEICESTER RAM WANTED-CGOK FOR 40 PEOPLE. AP- -EVer remembered by the Ingram Family. marriage at�St. Mich.ael's Church,L6u -Mr. and the bride chose a lovely fIOOr-leAgth . . � . � _4 I-, "', ; - ' - , SALF,�-CHOICE 4 ' . i I - I . I . . � � ­ , . , For Would ;�%, or ply sit Y. W. C. A- RESIDENCE, Lou— , jjaughter, of Michigan, . ", . lamb, weighing 185 lbs. were the I .1 I., . ,�, 1. in. don, Ont. .-$60..00 per mouth, room and JACKSON -IN LOVII'M MEMORY OF OU9 don- . was an event of* last week. - ly Damm gown of white satip. fashioned ,with a: .. . trade. Apply to It. J. DOIG. 'ILA- _­ -rndther e . eetheart I . I � 1� . I oz. phone 840.r 1L Seaforth. - 4108-1 board. No dinneri dishes. . 410.8-1 dear and grandm;oither, Mar� Jane _ Latrb r - Krauskopf ,gt1tf,0 of Mr. and Mrs. Ha I .. graceful flowing train, , sw , I..;. . I . _... I I . I �. Jaekiou,-who passed away . one, year ago, Sepr �The marriage was . solepialzed .in and tau ily. . . neckline edged with a lace frill and I 11 , �' * .1 - . 19, RA WOODWORKING . MA. teraber 7. 1945. 1 1. Sacred Heart R.C. Church, Kitcbeuer',' Kaster Donald Green and . brothel-, w.1th satin- bows. Her fin- . . .1111, .. � i"'l. I . I T - B'S"M EXPERI'Mclp I . . . I .. � IN . I RA91tesu FOR SALE! and Brftm ones. kers, or men to ' -and sister, Ilene," are the ­ , � . I ad Pink Eyes� chinista 'and. cabinet me . Her -smiling waq and pleas,i-it -tam' . on Thursday of Miss' Vditla Kraus- Murray, "I . 1; i I , . - rman 'Xcellent . ger-tip veil.�Of tulle illdsi0a was edged, , �� � ". . . . Apply 4ILL BAKEa, Railway 8 t,. Seaforth. tra,.ju in these pe ent trades. L A plgwiure to recill; . guests of Mr. and Mrs.,§teve'Suplat I I . � 1��. I . . ..... 1_1,� I 410SX1 woikinj conditions. good wages. very steady S reaa . kopf, third.daughter of Mr. and Airs, , .PL�D'. with tiny bows ind caught In a head- 11 I I I # ,�, , he h d a. i�61ly word for 'each, KiE, . .1�i.. Living accommodation avail- Albert Krausl,'opf, Dublfir, and Mr,' Miss Mabel Whiteman, of , �.. . . - __ .emplbyment. And died beloved by all. . , . dress of velvet flowers. - She carried a - 11 .. '. R SALE, -2 M.&HOGANY, UPHOLSTER- able. raee� or write JAMES COl-E FU-RNI- . n.,holidays this, week. . a "I ,. t. . � ro ed chain;.oak chaii,; ur4hocany chest TURE CO., Ingersoll. 4107-2 .. Ha.rold E. tiliber,son.6f.Mr. and Mrs. 1i ' O . . � 1.4 .white Bible from Which . bull white . I i th b: . . I . " Oscar M. Lauber, of Kitchener. Rev. - - I ribbon -edged in silver, nott . 'T Is ii— Sbme day we hope to meet'ber. I ,%- �Ith - . � �:I, � of drawers wi d minor; bed, a � - I -now not when, I I tiny flowers and fern. Her -only orna- �� , ." ... , _. ____ _�_ - - ­_ To clasp her hand, in the better land. Joseph Caplga officiated at' the cere� I . and mattress; dresser :'kitchen table; CIIA-Ile . Some day. we k - ; 1, silver tea service: blankets; domforter; lin- '. ,. � . n table cloth; curtains; pictures and frames; Va m,s For Sale 11ttver to Part again. mony and Sister M. Camille presided HEMALL ment was a pearf�- pendant. Miss. . IV .. _. e -Sadly missed ,by the Foxxily and'Grand- ' � I _. , irou pot; screen door; 1 at the orgari. The bride wore a tui- "Eileen Beaver, Of Exeter, was her .. I' 1:..� iI � _ . . � � 4, . 1. children. :. ": � - - , I .. I . heabep stoge; axe; JAMES SALE -100 ACRkS, GOOD , quoi ' """ lve ,� � I ��', , , walnut settee, etc. Apply to MRS. se blue wool gabardine 'suit en. Ll'dkd's Corn and' Callous Sa sister's bridesmaid, attired in pink � - . 1,1 . DE ppos oo FARM 'FOR I thorou, sul*"healthy "D- '�: elay. loam; 12 .acres sugar bush � good - hanced whit fuschia. accessories' and .gives immediate relief -from. corns and lace over -satin, floor -length, fitted � " . I ­ - . . .1 I 4108-1 mat � " — . buildings.; 43j..'2 miles from Hensiall. 7 miles a corsage Of white roses, giss ,Mar- callousefs. 50c at Middleton's Drug bodice." - chfordle Chick filt"tw' I q ' I . rom xeter, canning factory; near .school- � and .Airred net ledged sweet C,. FRA=McKHfl01!p`;E FOR SALF-LOT 19. CON. I`— Free bus line to Collegiate. Low garet M. Krauskopf atttended-her sis, Store. I keeps 94*0'h.01&1t4y--T,-=&jk]kew; t Hydro. � heart neckline. Her pink finger-tip - . .. . , . .I. . 4, in goo& condition. Purchas- xes fall wheat; 30 acres T4e Big B-oss . , of thisin grow 9,68tor-mmures .1, I er - must remove from premises. 'Apply Box ta. Fourteen acres ter, .'wearing a fuchsia wool gabar- . veil was caught in 4 headdress . . . . � ,i!, I . plow�d Apply'J, BROADFOOT, Zurieh,Ont. I (Coniintled from Page 1) — - . . . .. . .1� .i. 510, HURON EXPOSITOR., , l 4107x3 . Phone * 13-68, Zurich. Good terms. 4AS-1 . I (R. 1. Deachman) . dine suit with black accents and a flowers. Miss Pearl Gallillan, maid of . V1 lftya. *1". 11040W � . U.: I 11 I . , I Corsage' Of yellow Talisman roses. Mr. T. C. Joy -at, who uo_erwent an honor, was attired in a shebr floor-. � . . : FOR sALE._1 JERSEY, HEIFER. FOUR I . . I . . . . . . I .. Those who know him call him "The Mr. Rok E, Lackenbauer, of"Wait6rloo, operation Friday morning last at the length skirt, with a blue lace waist. . I . I .,!, . months old, iIure -bred; 35 Barred 'Rock . I - ­ , ­ � I 1,� , 1. I., W- pallets. beginning to ley. Scott's strain. AD- , 4 Big'Boss." They say he is -the larg- wall beat man. A weddk�g breakfkgf General Hospital, Toronto, Ili the iii -i" Her finger-tip veil was .caught In a . 11 .. � I . I ;�, ., i,1 Ply to W. H. PFILE. Hensall: Gut Phone Auction Sales ' ry. Some go was served at the home of the bride, terests of his health, is , making splen- headdress. of blue flowers and match- �- � . I . 'i 11 � - Hensall, 95 ,r 3. . 4107x2- . est employer'in: the count � . . I '.i.A � , , . - I . . . ___ OF HOUSE AND HOUSE.' so Nr as to say he' is the only em- grOOlai"i Parents,, 1,34 Louisa. St. On will be I li go, 1) They carried ,arm .1.1 .11 �__,,. I � , . .did progress, -his many friends , Ige gloves. - .. . . I .. . CTION SALE I . I . " t�., < � , I - I Auhold Effects. on West William Street, ployer. He doesn't look much like a their.return from a wedding trip to Pleased to know., . . bouquets of pink and white,., gladioli. I . , � . i , F . I. . I I i I I ., -1 � .1. . , I , , OR SALE, Seaforth, Septimber Ottawa and other Eastern pojats, ur' M, . . I.". , 11 14th, at b ss, as bosses, go. He is big and tre- ., Mr. ,and Mrs.' U. J. Carlile return- Ford Johlaston,. brother of the groo ..., :1.�. 1 .. I , . I I . , I RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN HA.RPURHNY : cir Saturday inite C. Dowsion. -' ong, *but he is ungain-, and . Mrs. - Lauber will reside in Kit% ed to Detroit on Saturday -after spend., was best mai;i, A reception was held,. I : I.- ` , . ,` . F4DR sALE BY TENDER - IV2 STORY 1.30 p.m. The estate �Ctlje mendously str . I . . . . I . For Turther particulars apply. to HAROLD .1- . . . - I ­ ",..� � 1 .. . . . JAiCKSON, Auctioneer. � 4108-2 ly, easy going. not at ,all le"k. r. and Mrs. J. . , ; I i frame house, town water, lwthroom. �elec- at � Ap- chener. . . ing tivo: weeks with ba lateri at the,hooie of the bride's par- ­ , . , itaic lights, floor coverings, stove Plumbed in-' -_ I I . . . I . . ___ , _ . I a .,--. --.--- - At a, Idolemn ceremony at "The Wallcer. . , � ents. for the immediate relatives. The . I . . , , _ 'to hot water-Aaak, fr,wne:,%aru; 3/5 acres UNITY AUCTION ' . parentIv he is not much interested in .. : .4er . ' L� .... . .. �. " _C9MM SALE THURS- , �,his employ9es are doing. you, ,Pines,,? Chatham, . Miss . Dorothy Mr�. Stiewafl' Bell and daughter, bride's mother ,wore a figui�ed -,gilk. ". - I I . . . . I , . 'land.... -iii . I - I. ­. ay evemng,-- *tembei,42tbr;,,-7�80-.Dzm.l�.1% � P. - ,, --' '-- Se ? ,� - - -, I-: % .� . , �... Opeh for inspectiim- 'Saturday. Sept. 17th. d P .. ..hat 1. b - ", ­­- ---liel�6iii1irb*" Krauakopf, ,youngest daughter�-Qf--Mr; -,recently, vIzite&.,with relqL- dress -een accesso� e ..... .-,-.. � ­­­.... . , , ­ . I . never see im,bossing t .Gertrude,- .with. gr -ier.;- and, th .1 I , . , . . . . . . . I I . I.. 0 to 5 and 7. to 9.p.m.:'Mo,tid4y. Sept...9th at 'Harold 4sickson's' farm, one mile east of i . I , .... I I . 2 to 5 and 7 .to 9 v.m. ' ,Seaforth: So head of Hereford and Durham ing his weight around. -Leo. Krauskopf 'and the late Mrs. tives. in, Buffalo, I ,groom's 7mother wore, 'a ''blUe'- sbeer �:. I . - . . mixed cattle. Usual run of sows, chunks I .1 �, . .. ,.. . Immediate possession. - and . Perhaps that is why so many bf his Krauskopf; was received into the . Mr. and Mrs. John MeMlIrtfie re- dress.' The. 'dining -room was. at.trac- . � . ­ � I . � w.eane;i;,'- HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, - � . HigheA or any tender not. nec.essarily ac- employees ignore fiim, they fail to re- Ursuline Oommunity -as 'Sister ,M.ary cenily visited with Mrs. William Due- flyely--adorned with,flowers, colour . Jor- amnphffied wia Vag.m., . - ­ - . . . . I . � " I I � . . , I ,.. . , . . cepted. � COI&XIii4ITY, AUCTION SALE AT HAR- alize 'he is the. real boss. The� Car0l:Eh. She received ,her primary, ton, of Mitchell, an aunt'Of Mrs. Mc- schemes of pink and, white, and a 2bo &W grantee - - I I . . �,*re to be in ,ban& - of underaigited, by - .old Jae' I . mile . east of . that . . kad 866dndary edulcatlo� at Dublin. Murtrie,-whi) is 10i years ofage . . I .A :Z=O.—.,. "P.= , . . _ " - 6th. � holding and three-tier wedding cake formed the . .. I � '14, IW. , - I I .. ksom's Farm, one s,t 7.3D .organize for the purposg oi . . . I . � I '. . sm .1 1. . I A I fio Se�ptsijiber; 1944. , . . . SVaforth� on Prit, September ' ome Separate and Continuation Schools. centi4l motive of the bridal tgble.'Mr*. � , - - . I . " Donsisting of 80 heaX ]iim up, and ,expect him to c I still enjoys life, -loves to help with,the ' - - �. ­ ­­. F. M-MLAND. K.C., . p.m., .(Note -the' e), c 600 ' to 800 across . eve' . . I . I 11 ,,, housework and peels the potatoes and aild Mrs. Johnston left for a trip to ; I I . . I . .1 � CliVtDh. Ontario, . of Weisteiin'stocketi steers, from ry time . they do it. He -- xw�l .1, I " ' S611eitor -for, Estate of Maude'W4_%bstef. , 11 Pounds;: also calves, sows., chunks apd wean- doesn't seem to resent this, he never . � wh'en they cafted' to see her she was: Ottawa and Belleville, the bride travii I . . I I .. . I 416ii-I ars -. I -fresh Holsbein heifer. Anyone may . � darning her . s`wbater., Bly tch�qrd i , , . I . . . bring stock to tl& sale- . � .. I . . . - - . . 1 ;fie;ms' - Cash. .1 fight.5. back. Hei -is of vlow. speech, CLINTON � - - .. 11 busy . ' elling in'...an'ice blue -silk,j�rsey dress � I I .. I � KSON,_ Auctioneer . 4108-1 � and quite inea-pable. of organizing any Ronald' Pac rolito', was with bla�k sequin tribimed hat Ynd i TO P 0 N,TO � ..'. �11 . I ­ I I . 1. HAROLD JAC . .. . * I . -1 Mr, . k, of To I . i I . . . I .. Young - li.obb I . 1 . , , . I " 'cLEARIYNW AUCTION SALE ON WED- defence. In thle�,end he has hisi own ; ... . . a visitor recently with his -aunt and accessories and raspberry qolored ' eeds ONTAPIO h 1 .1 I . P,ersonals Rev. Charles I?. Cox Bervie- uncle uncle, Mr. and, -Mrs. Sy4fiey. MacAr- shorty'coat. They will take up rest-', �w_­1..a.N1A.rw . I � . . . . nesduy. Sevtember 18th, at Lot 7.,Con- way. Despite.'apparent indifference, . . FA I . I - I ­ � I north , of - the: br 'i. ed 'by' Rev." dqnce at Bayfield. . � ., —_ .— - - - , , ­ . ! cession S. Morris Township, 1,�J miles he fulactions with'marked 'efficienc3. ide, ass ,it W. J_ thur. , . . � I . , . -, (AMBER GOODS) )31�1 ' , , .. .. : . I .. - . ' III -71 ! I Hl�?rmc SUPPLIEk ,.. ­ .1 ' ,b_anoi 1%, miles east, at 1 p.m.; Full I On the 'Other hand, be is- not, at .ELIT Woolfrf.-y, Clinton, performed the ' Mr - John Alexaade ri and sister, Miss . - The Senior. Wombn's Institute will . - '., . So I 1 7T7 I I I mailed, postpaid, in �Plii!i_. d enveio of . , " . 4 ,C line of firm stock machinery. .-Poultry.-and. . I _. . . .tih 8:�'e .= .Sa,turd&y,...A0gust 31st, .1sabelid Alexander, mot6red to.*To- ,commence their, se�rles, of 'fall and w*-. - . - - � tOCAL DF,A1XR8 6", I . I . . 11 I. vn price list. 6 sizipfis'--25 2 Tpoultry eotuafpment� 's.L�o some household ef,, i6btlih6fit9l fa dealing-*ItIr--bl"m- ceremorLy-,,oll.- . . . - ' I . . ... - . ­ . I . I.00. Mail-ordet Depti, T�T% NOV-417ABER fecti., Terme-Cash. J. LMLIE FEAR, Pro-, ployees. He shows neitb:er - in matrimony ,Mildred. ronto Saturday, Miss Alexander will with-- a--Pot-luck, -suppeir;. - --'-wa- -it qb.,: handle nowba .. . V; . - . ' .� Ii I '- -, ihe .. to t - � ...gratitude which Joined � � . . 1o, -ter 'ipeetfilgs- . . . ,, to.,,. ROX 91, %WMbM i Prietor. ,E. P.. Chesney. -Clgrk; Harold Jackil for faithful service nor resentment Kathleen Lobb and Benjamin - ,W. resume teaching ill a�-Toronto s Ql, which. will be held'at the home of. Blatchfoid ' Feeds- Poultry'' Pon- - , I , I . I . . . I -_ . . . son, - Auctioneer. . . I .. 41 - ' � .. ' Sept. . I . .. , I I T I 11 . ,... - over past offences� Day'p.fter day"ale Young. The bride is' the o Mili;s Auth Young of Fergus return- Mrs. J, E. McEwai, Wedneiday, ce irsite, FoUltry.., ��.31hsh ft%,8tGT 4 1 .1 .. I � I . . .... .. 11 . 'i .. - . I daughter of. My and- Mrs. Frank Lobb, ed 'home 'last WeLesday qf ' daN, it'and. C�kf Meal . . . . . . . t-1.LEARlWG.AUCTIov' 'SALE, or HOUSE- ,goes into the market and. hires the ter spend- 11. Mrs. Harry Faber will be co -hos- .',Me . Pellets, ... # .1 . C.6mong, IRVents * �,, , Clinton, and: tbe bridegrooii is the .ing aL week the guest.of Miss EI&nor tess, with,Krs. McEwan., The roll call .. . � -hold Effects- in ...... :Seaforth, on Saturday. labor he wants. He'is not moved by I Pig %arter, Hog* Gro ' 'alld, H4 .I . - I I , .i wer . . I I .11 .;, CRYSTAL PALACE � MALL.' VtembI 4rt.1.30 p.m., on premb ' of sympathy, nd Mrs.,Arthur A. Yofing, Cook. - . - 11 . "Quaint ,sap . Concentrate Dairy' nippiltrate, - ­RoOM. . WT -l" Frank Maloney, George Street: 'Singl no amount of pleading will . I will . be answered with, I , po . . f . 'inother & . his mind. Your need iseu'o . Love and -Nancy ings of childrexi.I' -, . . ./ . ' " . ; double .bed, ,domPlete; 3 Is ' Toronto. 'Mrs. E. W6n,dor:f presided. Mr. and Mrs. Grant.' . Off-Vike Meal- and, Chick Startet.... , . , I chea, Unt-, presevto� Old se change, . , . .2mft�plete . .1 . , . . . Dance by the CKNIV-Golden-Prairie I 'at the or Mr, W. B. Cross, manager of the .... I . to 1, springs;, I dresser; 2 waghstand4: antique concern of his. -The probl�ms of capi� ga,uAlid the soloist, Miss Wil- of Cairo, ,Michigan, were recent visi- - Cpl .. . -Friday , Septen%ber 6th.- 10, , P, m. . . n" cherry iftop-leaf table; Parlor tables. what- I I la Wyeth, London,, "I'I'll Walk Be- .. SEALFORTH PROM _ , . I., . I time. * . 0 tal are not his headaches: He insists , "tig ' L tors with Mr. .kn J. E. Mc- Bank of MontreaL aiRd Mrs. Cross are ,,. . . . . . I . -Come and ealoy a li . 1K time. . * i 5 not'Ishelf; commode choir; 2 kitchen stools; . side You,' before the 6erem6nV dnd . d Mrs. . . . . ��4 1 ,. '. . . I .. . 1. - . A 2 .. . Ewan; , . . ., . . both in St.,Joseph's -Hospital, Lori.004, . . " ., :%- LIMITED ' . � - ' , ' ... I'll" I , - .. 1. .. I cents. , , ­ . 7- - Quilts and bedding; -window . OR treating labor as a commodif y to "Thioug-li the,Yearit" during the sign- The W.M.S. September meeting h9A undergoing AraiLtment. . 8 kitchen chain. , . : I . .. I , i. . screens.; 1 sorben cupboa-rd; quitting frimes; be bought and.paid for, with no fill, . d- ::.1. . I . 41il. . " .— lhmps; pots; pans; kitchen utensils; some ing' (if the register. Given'4n maiiiiiiagO been postpoued� until Thursday afiei7- , 10re(j Robinson, of W-ingham, Is via- Phone 170-W. , - -. Seafoidt , I � , I . 1. '. . antique dishes; kitchep tabae;-.cong6leom rug; .� I.. . - � ­ I . . � % il .1.. -1 .11, , . ther obligation on 'Ills part. Laws by iher. father the bride looked lov'ely ;* �_ - ... I . . , 4 �,�Nofif:� . . kitchen range (Fifullai): kitchen range'�'(Mar- have been passed declaring that the in her gown .Of ivory satin and Swiss . �., . � � _ I . I .. I .1i t. . . I . 1�, ' yei).. TermsmL� ESTATE OF MRS. Ji emp'loveii ,has aj,,r9sponsibility -for the ! ! I% . , i;#* . -� I � ,. , . I . . ELLIOTT, Prop,; E.�0'4bhesriey, Cleft; Har- . _. net made with 4tted bodice. Her:floor- . I . . , . '. . ,.,� �' � � � I ., , -A 'l�""`d1;""'" - ww"E"WASH" " , , . - I . , - .-,. ­ -� � . I . . NOTICE 'L -- r 1. - `,� - - -_ __�_ _.-Is I 11 �) . '. 11 , . ing doneii, A.0ply-10ft!fER ICONWMLY old Jackson, Auttionbele- 4108-1 future -of �his -wotkers. to him These length'vdil. waks caught 'into -a coronet - 0 CLIP YHIS ADVERTISEMENT �0;1 F u r u P E R�FE­ _� , lig I . _ w . R.R. 4, Mitchell. ' Phone'S.28 r 15. Mitdhell. � I laws have.. no", He ignores #a MUNN . — . � -a NIS' . . . . _pleaning. of satin. Her - flowers )ver� red ros- . . ... .. . . ­ .. IN W* ., I I 411l8-2 -hires aild firles at will, es -'and sip- worle a string of pearls; I 11 .... . ��, - A&& i � 1. I I 11 UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND their existence;7, . . I .1 I" - " I . A implements. at Lot No., 23,' -Concession 10, lk 11 , . I I I I 09M I . .. . . . I . A STHMA 'SUFTERERS �- ENJOY GOOD Hull Wise workers -w.atch..him 610selY, The bride's sister, Uri" Derrald Fer- .1. : - ... I i. d I . ett wTownship, von Tuesday. September 17. . - il - aight's "chok following: CATTLE. try to antici ate his wants;' Supply rin as'matrog of honor, wore an lee I . ., I . . I, I.... sileep without coughing, ing. at 1.80 p.m. sharp, the . _P , flo6i�, len . . Mr. Wm. Ps4nort, Seaforth, says: I 'am so -Durham cow 4, ,years old; Hereford cow 5 his needs. In that way they kij�p blue taffeta'6ock in I . I I . .1 . Is gtlf style, I I . " . I thankful to You for your�ssthma. remeft that years 014; Durham aced cow; Jersey aged fhemselves, employed, Though ,btl-A fashioned with sweetheart neckline 0 ' ' ­'" ' . . I would like all pe,W� w -ho suffei from cow;,,Part Jersey cow a years'old; Durham . � a . I ,asthma. to know what it aid for me.� 1 suf- heifer rising 3 years old-. Durham heifer ris. 'needs are inAnIte, lie has a wonderful, and 'Cape slee�es. Her headdress was ­ � I I . I � . . . fered for years from. th&lng, -difficali. breath-: ing 3 years, bred; 4 Durham steers 2 years capacity for doing without. .That is two blue ostrich plumes and blu aet. 0 . . . �. I � ,, . inx, and distress of nothmm and no remedy , old; 2 st*ers I year old; 2 heifers' I year the secret of his power. . .. She' carried Talisman roses, I In - RATION - BOOK ':6 . `.� I E j � I me to any exten&, but -your. remedY'old; 4 Durham'spring calves; 3 WOring calves, I etty � 11 I _ I = the spot at once,and gave me not Part Herefor(L PIGS -8 sows, bred; sow He is the Consumer. He buys all Sturdy' Auburn, the flower girls-, wore I . I I . N . . only quick Wflif, iiiat'l am now free from!all mth litter` , the goods, meets ail the pay rolls. yiellow'silk organza with off , -the-shoul- ' 11 . I I . �. .7 . _ 2 Utters. weane& POI M.ftY- . , IM-, - I . ' . I I . I symptoms. A few months' iTestment did it." 1_� pallets 12 weeJ4 .old at time of sale. Withoui him there would be no Lim- der neckline and long full skirt. Her 0 ;1 I a . . . I . For, free ,information, write F.- I. HOWEY. I #LMAENTS-Masi�v,-Harris hinder - G -ft. eubA; ployment, no -.ages. He is the one nosegay was of mauve sWeet-peas,. I 0 � Issued between September 9th a 1 144 Catherine St. S., Hamilton. , I McCoriniek mo*#r, 5 -ft. cut;-Maxwelt.abay � . nd � 16.1h a , i delivery ) . ,r, i.41 1 1. . I 410.8x4 loader; MasseymiHarris side kez ,we Seek to hold up when we demand Jack, Young was his brother's best I � I I I I I I . I I ..7 :,, , . . MAssey-Harris sulki rake: rteO'rolleri- 2 -see- re pay, shorter hours. N thing man and the ushers were Deerald Per- . - .0 I I . � . . . 1. I I . . . � . __ tion spring booth barrovW'g-spobion drig bar.' mo 0 � Distributing Ciantobs Will not be open on all days during thit i , ' . N . ' ".. . ro,": 11 -hoe .seed Jrfll;'riding v�low* Bain can charge him'frOM4 his course. He xin and Harold Culley, Toronto. Fol- , - a . , . I ., r WEED CUTTING (nea:rly uew);­wasFi does not worrylbout or'ganized labor lvw.ing the ceremony a reception was � � . . � . 1, . . _ N __­ . � .1 . .. I I on box; hay rack; John D;eere manure. period. So-�i,AKE SURE that .. I I . Township of Tdckersmith sp,readex.' funning mill;,set scales, 900 tbs.; He.qoeg not .dread the power of the! held at the holne,of the bride's par. N , , ,.. ­ . you know exactly what dayi -1 ,.-.a I . - . I . . I I . TeVfNSH1P OF TUCKERMTH WILL PAY gang,ptow; disc ,in-throw''14 plst*: hay fork; state! If we 'Push our demands too eats,� where Mrs. Lobb receivied-wear- . and hours the Distributi. - ,� . for -weed cutting *on tow�shiv' roads .t hay fork car; hay fork �ol;;, 1,80, feet (new) I" far be dodV .... without us. Our fate ig ing'a gown ,of black :With matching 0 I I 1. ing Centre. you intend to 96 to Win , .., . I., " . 11 "I .. I I I . the .rate of Zic PC -r. rod, provided such work, ra sling ropes abd fork: cut box; pulper; bag ' accessories and corsitge of T11isman I .. . be open. See list.of Distributing Centres below." . . , N ,` . is done on or before. September 15, 1946, and truck; set sleighs; scuffier: steel tire buggy; in his hands. He is in the market roses.. She' was assisted by Mrs. . 0 . , ,i. . I " " I I is: places of the world, The workers. the I I � t I I I . accounts rendered to and passed by Road rubber tire buggy;kcutter; set sipgle harner - manufacturers, the I Young. the Vridegroom's mother wear . . � . I .1 . It, I Supwintehdeirt�, Robert Dalrymple, Kipven, rope and.pulley stretcher; whifflet��'; ne6k - 10 .. I I . Out.. by September 20,',1946. No accounts yokes; f6rks; shovels: logging chains; Me- , distributors must . § - ItATW!d B0ftS WILLKOT.SE MAIUD,02 DIELIVERED-THEY UiT ej -CALJE9 ' ,. I rendered ;d.ter ,thi. date viill be vaio, . Cormi,ck cream separator; gas engine. 3 H.P.: btlag tE�hr minds into ha . ing an olive green -dress with brown I � . .. MI rm I I rmony W.th .1 I . . . ­_. I I I . ­-, . H. P.-CnEsftt hay knife; chicken brooder; large, sugar, ket- e o g Boss. Failure acces�sories and a corsage of Tails- .1 . `., . , . I I . . I. . . ­ I I . . . . . L, 0 , xi . . . , . I -_111 I quantity . maz roses. ,For a ' . . -..,--.-_-- 1. ,ii I .. . . I Glerk.. 4104-6 t1e; Quantity lumber, If? and 2,','; al trip, to Niagara . I _____� — _ �. . 0 - I I, I � to -do ''so means I e capital, ,as," . I - . , ".. : �,�'_. . � 7 .. � � I ... . — of,cedar posts. and few end posts. HOUSE- ployment. and' poverty. . . Falls and through the United States . I � i.! ,"! I. 1: , V . � i m,;M , � ; , , . :"; `�� �, , , . I , E I itchen in - - , . I _," ­� I. .", 1! pai�� _. . 1. �. 11 � ;, I . . I I . . I . . the bride wore a 'gre .- . . .. - . HOLD EFFECTS -Kitchen cupboard; .k . � ble an � d :. . I . .. ' ta d- ehaift� sideboaid; 3-prieele bed 11 rooift I . * wool tailored , : . . ... � ", , . . .. '. .!il' . * If" ie i I " * I �- � ` � ` 11 �1, ' 1- , L,#, , I- " �f�.?..�,� , � C 1A - e , _.".:.",_� -- 01,1400 , M" W 1. - , I . , 1 14 1 � , - , , !%.� , .1 �0, I � 4 .1 . . . . .. I i -9 ,A&-,' - I . I . . - _N­mi� frock with ,black' plastic zc6essorjo's. . a.. � ­... . I—': .1 - I . . .1. , . . Notice -To Creditors .sWte; mahogany table: cherry table: dishes; N - . , , , . I � 'A ., p . ......... I—— . ­Ammmm� I ' 1. . . . . � i 1i - . . . 1. I . - lers: toilet set.' Terms -Cash. JOHN I The cialiple will, reside 'in Hamilton, 0 , I . � ,. I., .. ... . .1 . sea 'ney, Ole . �',_ , � . . I . , I I I . I Rs SO , Proprietor; R P. Chas rk i DUBLIN ; where the bridegroom will be a stu- _ . R , . '. . I 1 . � , I ��. I I arg * 4108 . . , I . . - . 1. � � . ..,. I . I ... .. N 0 � . . �� . NOTICE TO, CREDITO ' . . Jackson. Auctioneer. . I 'dent at McMaster Un'iv'6rsity : � ....:--1?":, ' _* - a . .1 , . � I ,. . 11 I . In the .F.t.t. of WESLEY GRUMAfETT ... U I . . � � . . . .. . ... �".... -1 ,..-,,-,.-g4.,,"., . - . .. � PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS- AAgAlNgf A C-T1ON SALZ OF� FARM STOCK AND . (Qontinued from. -Page 1.) cook .- Be2ZQ , . , : .. '....'. .W_Mwogm::01,� I I � ALL 1raolements.-Haro][4, Jaclioson. has re'eelv,- , I . , ... I . I . - W . . f,v:j7:: j;i:j:,":i;�:0.,:N�-1� , N be,Estate of Wesley Gram,mebt, late of ,. . , � : . P,X1:.:1. I 11, =�i� ", :".jf.,,�j�, �,?."'1*4 ­­.,- -:1.1..", . I , r � :�, I I . . � � . , ,. �z*i,,7,! .�.�i,RX.:Q,?,,�, _v - , I - . Op 6aturday, afterhoSti, August 31, ... I—- .;",<;,. �.;"r". . .. � the. Township of Tackersmith. Farm Labou, ed iratructions to, sell by public auction ..at 4unt, Mrs. . Peter Matthews; Patrick .a. �: �*_ ,;�.­­....., ...... 1. I.,-... . � .1.. I—— I � .. _ .. 1.1-1 %­4101-�:2, '' ­ '" :::j:j.1­­­.. .N1, . -,�;i!qV­1,% ...­ .. X:4�., 1 . � * . Lot,36, Concession 11. Hallett Township, 2.4 FvV Rev. C. C. Anderson, of -Cli-liton Bap- ' - .,�. .. 0 ' er. deceased, who died on or about the ... l0tht . eney, Niagara falls,'drid.Mm Jos. I I _ ,::;j;.1 ... . .,. -111.. .,.%.2.1;2.1�11�, � .­­. ..1. . miles west ;A Londesboro, on ,j . kj@,� :j . . I I.,.. .. . � � . , ,, 1. .1;1.4 ...... , ;x:-X.X-, �­,.­' - .I.... "Y4. - . . February, 1946, 4re her o4fi - to send Tuesday, Sept. -- : tist Church performed the cer-emoriv 0 A -fore to - I . 1;.1;;.X1-.. . .��'. a , . 10M. at t2M p.m., the followina�'. HORSES Les.:,,,ki. and ULILluren, rLitenener" with- I — W- ' L i�:�:::-��i�,,-, 1. .. I.,. . I .1 . in to 'f�e undemigned on or before the 21st � ��:":.`;� . = . � �,-"!:i :3._W�� . :.::.,�.-*�*i',_�'�i&::,�, 1, I _ _ Which united, in marriage Ada Bernice . Distrif�Mnq 6ntro; �,;, . � .0 .1 . I I brown mare 4 years old; 'I sorrel geldiniz thele Mother., Mrs. Thomas Feeney; Bezzo, E. I I . "... " ­ .. t::::� I day- of Sept6mber, 1946, full PsrtJdWbLn of . � .., - -: .:1. . .. Clinton, and Stephe,i 'St. ." .,i�:j::��:*�:i%t�.:!,. . 4 years old, COWS-$ Durham cows; I Here- 1- Cook, � ;;�*, i;..V. i,X.:1:::.,.':X:` ­ _,� :­X:.,;'r:;:i0. g(, -i�,i::I�:.�i:�!�:i��:��::ii,�', I ::.j:;:�:;::..:_ ..",.:....�",,.-�'...-....".�.I . I ­....;X'*�,".�1.1'....:. ��;:: "I . their claims. 'Mr. -And Mrs. Leo Hagan. North Bay, I FILL IN THE GR9EN APPLICAUGIN .r,r..:,. I"' ­.-;�� ,,, 0 . f or4, cow -, 3 opring calves : r - calf 6 weeks old. I .W, .." - - � .. -_ 0 .,.-� " -%1.,.,,:P.:` .ii ./ �­,,;- 0. lip -1. _0,% &e' : I - .. __ , -be ' 8 1 �,�,_i�:: N"'m : �, I . fmmediat�?ly after the S-�id 4as-t mentioned Thomas, The ceremony to6k place at - N CARD (Marked'Itil-1401) AT THE . . I wil-I PIGS- Pigs. chunks. IMPLPIMENTS-T-o an � .. Irr ,.,.._.A__-- �rl . ...-:,'-,1;;, " I 0 BACK Of YOUR R4TION BOOK 5, ;; - ,,_�-�, ­..;;.:�W­� , >, . I .."'....­'. ,­'&� ,�. " 11 - -.11 ... 4 . ? - ,. �t. f . -ch the rack, Mrs. William Bezzo. The bride- 0 11 _ .. M 1, I : 11 date, the assets of the siald estate walk6fis,,. I hhy rack: gravel box: I stock and Mrs. J. Reinhart wid s 'ToSeph, and . i� . am- I . . - with Mr, ' d Mrs. Joseph Burke; Mt. the home of the bride's parents_Mn ovpm' 14 . .. . distributed amongst the Parties entitled there : palr� sleighs; cutter; 1 buggy, rabher � n, , . .i 0 LrU SIVING. . M,'-. .'-._W.-1._- 'f "Al 1:�. iii I . '. I tiTes: -Rairrie"-binder, 7 -ft. but., I . i,.-,.,.0 ?'".01 iE . 1.71K-�,,:­X, - - , . . Massey " N W "' bo, having regard only to claims of Whi LKOrd, and J. 'Campbell, London, groom is a son of Mr,. and Mrs. John � . � ..'�; " .. . . I . E unidersigned shall then have notice, to. the I i 144i�w*'_,- .1-1 ..., . ....... �, .. . . . . I -and the undersigned MnAiey-Harns mower, 5��ft Lut: I Massey- with iii;i:�:�:;�:::,;j .1, , ; _ g., ... . . Harris/ iiianure I Masao-Harrt; Mr. 'Cook, West Lorne. The ceremony took I. Home and address. (print in Wea .. , LO; exclusion of 41.1 others, and Mrs,, ..D. , � . I I McConnell; I . 0 ..... 0; ,"... .:...... . I I �, will, not be liable to *uy person of whose Miss Margar,t'O'Connell, Buffalo, wkh; I I I , ,- J*A.::1_,W_­ " .. . .1. claim ,the undersigned . shall not then have irrain d�ill, 13 bc��Vfl:;�lizer drill, 11 hoe: place under an arch -of pink and white 0 , leftn) � OMN .., .,W::.M.�, L' . . . . I I'Massey-Harris cultivator, 13 too�,h: I Mae- liCL sisters. Miss M611y O'Connell an I d, �im�V,". ;:X.X-X. I , notice for the assets so'distributed or any . d banked with .Madiolus asters and fern. ,:.!...._.,.. L', 4'..., � I I tn�or at'shown on From. .., .: ,. ", sev-Harris hay -rake, 1 ratlet: I 'cat'box; 2 M rs. Elizabeth Bruxer� '. 2. Serial no ' ; ,":i:. .. t part thereof. I Bert G�llanf, The bride, given I : . 1. . '�:�, , . . ;:1;,;1,190t,,.. . . ..%., \. ,­i�,. - - , " .'xg , ": . :,"..1; 1;., L ,, , . � - . . . . .. . ..: 'n marriage by her 'it 1 4. 1:.**;. ..:: ." ."", �� ., L .. .. .. ;, DATED at SeafoTth thisp 28th day of Aue- scufflicrs;* I 2 -furrow' plow; 1 gang plow; I Windsor, with Mrs, W. Rowland and eldest b-rother, William I 1. Bezzo, Of .. covw of R.ofico took 5. � &&& , r.,Fig,,�'O­ .;, . - . . I ��. k 1: - On d . ........ I I - . ­ . ... . . not t946. I wxikjng plow; I pig crate; 2' wnqon boxes; Louis McGrath, Mrs. Con Eekert, Sea- London,. was 'dressed in a ligh 3. Ag -if appfliant is under 1�6 years. ; ' I a ..k 4 k-". - , � ;tid .. s,, I I I , . . . 'Il $�- , . , .. ol., . � 1. I . AaLVIX W. SILLERY, I -turnip Pulper; I turnip d,illl. I fanning t blue :,* - 0 . � . .­ . � - b,, 19,6. F.11— P. g.1 Y- *7�** ­ . . , , bag forth, and her sister, Si � l I I . :,, , seafortil, Out. I inill; I grass seeder;, 2 sets harr,)ws Ifter IM. Claver, suit with silver trimmings and her " 4. Regufar signature of ration be- � - Iit..-k dmIii, tht ava.[ i!� I 4 � , -0. _�_ I... . . I 4107.4 truck; scales, 2,000 Mis.; horse clippers; Inig- Totonto, Mrs�.- Leo Fortune.and Miss -flowers were a corsage of pink roses. N 6%," . , ...", I . . . I . wa .er . . -I, .f,d,­Ib.I...­ll1 1'., _7ii�.._, -1 1. lla�.­ I 12: 1, R3o pole; set double harness; -let single'har- Frane"es Fortune- 'Re.g.N., Seaforrth' She . � `g .. . ..... "I.- �1�gi�. ; � S?t plow ha, st dha;ns; scythe: grain I I s attended -by her sister, Mrs, * I � I . " . 60 Not TEAik THE GROEN APPLI- � . . ­:.:,..:-; .... .. .... ;:? ..... � -.14". d.l.y, -4 'fi-.,,i_ . i;��!ii��!�`.k:;g .-1:;:X:-- ; - 0 I t, . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. cradle; I rubber Thorse collar; bc,meL ocillan.: called on friends here;, Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Alcolck, Goderich, wearing a- N L Ih t,. ; ........ . . . . . . : ...... . . ­ : ." . faN V -11 hi,­.P�­11, .�,*".Ii:�� ..., . . L . , �, 1. I ...._. I . . . . . ......4:1..." . . . . . ::_.. ... 41 In the &tate of bulay 1ANE m.DoNELL.. f.rrindstone: 6 a�inq ,rope*; bayforic rooe: 2 Joseph Carbert, Detroit, with Mr. and navy blue suit and ,corsage of red ros- CAT16N CARD Otff OF RAT � -11�.Fl I I � sugar kettles; wbifne:trees; neckyoke�,. feed I .­P­� ,i,h... ,,,,, ; . : ' . , � late of Hensati. Ontario, Widow. ,8 ' ' BOOK 5. THiS MUST'69, DONIR �L � , - 1. . , 1. FS AND OTHERS HAVIN boxes; I wiite,r tr6uxh: wire s�retieher; cedar Mrs. Ged. E, Holl, a Lorne, was , .. .. I., " I I I . .. And; Mrs. Mario - �s. Howard Cook. West h:-.., 0sWli,4'.d Ih.,' � ... 'i ;; ...... , .. . N, ,.1"....".. - . . I . .. G - � . , .... . _ I -.1. . .. "I.I: 11 I CREDITO postIi;' arosacut saw: robes; horse blankets, Simpson. and daughter, Mary, Toron- his brother's besX'man.'Fol145wirlg the , . BY AN OFFICIAL AT THi DISTRI- �. _ I � .. - '' ;, . ,��:'., I claims -si:ainst the abovL estate are re- i BUVING CIEWRli. - . ... ,. I . I. 2 horse covers-, gft:in bags, wheell:larrow; 1 . .". - �, �_ I . .... .11 ...': � I , ' � . c *r I , to, with Miss Mary Beale;. Mr. and ceremony Mrs. Bezzo received wear- I I . ... . , ,� . .pu.ed to senvi,ftll Paxticalan of sug;h claims ladde�. 25 -ft.; I ladder., 224t; 2 hor�e stall , . . - 11 . . I 6o, tle undersigned Administiator with Will Posts zrain lifters; Dian Banner cook, Mr.%. Fergus Peynolds,-Detrolt: with ing 6 mauve track With a corsage of I a . . I Atmexed, on or before the 19th day of ' a 'n'lfeit 40 tons Mr. a , Pink, roses. She was assist ' b . I — . � , I a tove ; -coal heatter; chins, c.bi no ,Mra. Joseph Carpenter;' � , I I September. A.D. 1946, after which date the bay: 1,000 bushels of mixed grain. Every- and Mrs. Philip 'bridegroom's inothdii wearing blue . __7 . I � . Mr.. ed y the 0 Them raA0 Your Ratio. 11.,k S with fka Appikation Card RS -191 Stlif _' I I . . . estate's assets w'111 be - distriiiinited, ha ' ix re- thing must be sold as the fqrm is sold. Termq Flanagan, Toronto, � � ,'AOtachod,'Ilroporl)�'eampi*o*d*,cmmdd. 10 ...... I I I , vTn . " , . I sig'!0d, . f I gatd only' boo claimsi that have then been -Cash. VV9LLlS MOUNTAIN. Ptoprieltor: w'lth'Mfs. Frank Feeney'and Other rel- with blac�- accessories arfa A corsage - 11 - to -0 Dhirsbutaig C#nfre 6nd Ration B,,k 6 Will Be Given y 1. I � . . . . iie6dived,, E. P. Che-ginv, Glistk: HiLrold Ja,ksoti, Ade- atives: MISS Doris Flanaga,j, London, of red roses, Thp�, bri6ls table eqn- . 0 omo� ., .I -_ ' -_ 0. " _ , , 0 : . I TRW CANADA TRUST COMPANY. London, tioneeT. I � 4107-2 and Joseph Flanagan, Kitchener, with tred'Wfth the wedding cake was cov- 0- , Aout,Ts MUST APPLY APhylN . I . . . . . ., . , . Ontario, Aibrinlstr6tor with Will Annexed,. , . � their paren ' f, , -1. FOX C14ILD i . I G FOR OTHEkS ARMED FoRcE I s . . �. I .1 is, ,e"016th. which. had been , '. . - P . I � Mr.' and Mrg,'.Joseph ered with a laq .. �% .. MY reglomsible Person -over 146 �y a . , . *:ninter 35. Bell, solcft.&r. Exet'n, ont��o. . . sent .by her biother -when be wits . ' Forces win I ". , . . Flanig9d; Miss Margar' a,,"" Childrerl ijiider 16 .dV r16fc`PP1Y for CIPPly for Riation 1�eolben dlf IN, Anfi.d I 1. .. . �.­ _. . 41,06-3 ,, . .1 � Births I et Atkinson serving overseas In Germany. For , �­ . Books for other mem," , . � .1. - . I ­ . � and Miss Joyce Farady, Toronto, with . IN ,. their Ration'sooks or , . continue go obtiok, ftir Ralimp, Cards 0 - - .. I I , ., . � .- . . I . . 6do- d Mrs. Josebb Atkinson.; MIS travelling to Sarnia and Chatham the . . � . �- i. � It"Os's of �fiiefl. lier, of their famiY or neighb,oun, #To, *0ij. own uMls. ,, -� . __ , ' I . 1. - NOTICE TO`CRV,t)1TOR.S iM1qNRO-A,t the Alexandra Hospital, G 1 Mr- an 8 bride donned a light blue suit with . ­ I . pr6�iding,obbVejeq,,tei"ehft are com. . I Mi, - , . In the Vistati; of MARY MELAVV . rich., on We,dnesday. Aogmt 28,,,to, Mr. and Joan Burdette has returned from two . . I .. 1 � . . I I . . '­."�. PgASONS-0 I AVING CtAiMS . A0ArNST Vft. Duncan IMtn1iro-'( � fle4 Grai� . e, Gqtlespie),' month,S1 vacation at, Sarnia and other brown accessories. Guests numbering ' a . , 1I.; I. 1 *. '1111. '-,",."r . plied with, I � .. . . , 40 were preseni from Loiidon, ,West . - . . I I . I I . , 1. I 'd . the Estate of &Wily Wel-Ady. t&tL% of the NO&KES-In Scott Meinorial Hospitol, 9ea- I - .1 ­ - ­ . I , ��,�: " ALL . a son-�--Wifltarn V,14ixAi�l%. '6 I poilyt-9; Miss Margaret Roftand, T6- Lorne, Straltord, Godexich and ClIn- .. 11 I I ,.� . ­ \".�, � I. - . I I . . I 1 . . 11 - _ - ­ ..". I ;�Ii . . To" of S"ibith, Widow, .decesoed, w1vir died foe4h. on Suil-db*, -Seoterdber I, t;o Mr. and rontor, with her Pareqts, Mr,.and Mrs, tort. The couple will reside .in St. t , V. . �� I � . oft or 4bout -the IVIR August. 1946. ate hereby . *rs. Lloyd' Noakes. of Aenshil, a son, Geo. M. Holland; Mrs. James Donnelly Thomas. - . I - 6rw .1 ,.: ... . t, I natifivd to send in to the''pnderawned 61ft or TALBbrr-ro S&6tt meniatiar iiosplft IbIft and d�ught�r, Joseph O)Rbilr�e -,and . I . � 11 I before the Oth dar,of Sdptombor, 1046, full August 29, th Mr. and Mrs. Ernest �11&lbot, , Hofland - Pofter , .,. . - . . . I . -_ --- .. . 02tvVionUra of� tbelr'dUft6i .11 I Tackemsmiltih, ,a daughter. �'Rolrlorius Le Mande,. Deti;61-4 .'with I LOCAL— DISTRIBUTING � i " ,:I- ­­I.� ,,- 01, . I �� . I , . . n, . , tawhediatelir" tffdr' OiW';7iid- last mentioned GORDON-In Scott 31otwrial Hospital,, on Mit . . CENTRE$ 11 ," - . �, I .. 1� . 0:1, , I s Katherthe turns; LeH� Hicknell Surinside Farm, the home of Mr. . . . . I oti. :, , . I . . I � daba" the 141hdta ,of th't said estate *91 be Aigust 29, -to Mi. %#d. Mrs. Ross GotdJon, resumed hit duties as teacher at St' .and ,Mrs. Fred 'L. Potter, was the . J .1 I 8 1. 1. � distributed Adi6opt the - 6h,ftles entitticid ihe*�- Aurt L79, to Mr. nnd ,Um. Rome Gordon. . . 1: . It . . I i, . . , Dates I., . _ , , Co. -having' *'Ord OTAY .to' claims of which Me Illop, A "daut�%Mir, Agatha, Jim tane at Sudbury.,, Miss scene of P�, qulet but pretty wedding' � I L . . " Flows . 7 1, . I.- I � I ., .. i 'Oeltmiti�i6lioal-gh#Llt;thoi�iavleiw6+i�-thil-, , SHARPZ_�4 Sielf" Memorial Hospital, on Retal-Moor4 has gona.to'Torohto; Utis on Sdturday afternoon, Afigu .. . , " . , , ,.... � - ­ , � SEWPOATH., 'r6wn HAII ........... - I %1. ekeluslon of, 'in, ofhei*, ��Ad the: Vft Siilitc�fie�-`a. too ., Uns. Keith Sha I it 31, .. SPt. 18' and 14 10A0, a.m.. to. 5.30 P^ . I ��, I 'I, � , , .01� rpe, ii-AuffAlo, Mollrls and ' ' . I I . I "I'l .will n6t'bei-11016 fii'14 '',_06i'861i of . e . Sdaflortk a 11 lmo".., , I - , i ft�a,a - Miss Oeraldihe when Cleta Winnifred, their youngett . I .. I . . I . �. I . . I I , I , , ��, I not Llil I ­ WWCEf MILO: UnIted 10hurloh ....... , ., 11 I i I 1614hii t1to uhNilih = I I ,-�, .1.fl . I I , -1 'Will attend � , wdl_ �_. . . , lu!11! �, i - .. Stratford Norinal daughter, was miarried to WeYjl' 860. 19 and -'13 I I ,� j.=­.�il-11. � ."'..""'.". I � 11 16 - 1111, ey � .. . ,. I A,oflot for ,th# *OX . W "alimbu or - — ' I . ­ L I ­ � 1.�b - to 15.1ib platil , . ,, ­ - � - 2.,: I, . � �.� . Ii, $6001- Miss SOM Costello has en. - �i I ,, I ..ii.m. I .. 0 , "' ', , � �",, .. . . �1, i A4, I .1 .. I . . A � . . ,oft, *oklof '.'Z. "' '. ''. . - . ' Petef Hollanid, only son of Mi. and . I . I I I . I _ 11 .0� . , I � . 1. I I ­ ii 'r6l'U0101' .a 061iiwer'01'91 01it'66 at Sao. Nrk;. Bruce Hall d, 11 t . e .. . 1, . , . I 1, 11 �1, , - I ,041m, Z' I I n� Mi, T -his, IM "7- lif AVIP So 0 ft on R V, An- , . I �. , v 1, � . I —_ . I I - *d*t VjJ�­ . 1_-.-1-.. ­ I 11-1-1. ­­ ..... ... -----1- 111.1 - ­­. 11,.__,Z�._;1­A.. RATION ADMIN19TRATWA4 - . 1. . I 11 I.- - i L I L � I . . ­� .1, � ,� . I I I ,.�___ "_ . 441kd I I . _ ". . ., 4 ,., Coflvent� Lotidbn; ., -Miss dre* Lane pertd 4. the 6*r#W6Ay .. �� I �­ , I.- �, _ . �. j, '. . ", " . . ., . ­ 4t l9ft ' " ,. I "I , ..' .w,;,r . Oftt- . . . I " . . , I . -, - I ­­­­­�L . .... .... '' """ '­­ J , , , �w ��, "��'­,!',­': ,,, , . I - I Vill M ' df# 041.6�hAs aiddel6d' a V681tion' befar0 A, bank 6f gIddi011 and ferns, , �,_.W*A­­--- Awfti .1 - i I _. i!f , . sitt'illiv, I IMX�, 11�, , ,� I 1 7, �,, ., , ,� I .0 , ; � � , � �:;i. "'14 11 I " , """ " - , - I " . j��;.4�'..L � � - 1, , � . , I, I i . !"11'111� I 41" ; _ " , I , A" ­ ;,,. � ��, #LP I ' M s. Edward Orl.gg, 616ter of the , 14111111111111111111L ..� .1 'I ,, i 6V1.1;-., �� ft 4�"%h -'411"Itt'll 13Ank 'Oft" OPW' I. , �� 11 � . , 101, j�.4,1 , . � , ­. ,,� 11,1'�,��' . 1. ;; Rl"'t . ' is 1. - I , I , . P , , � I -lbi, , , I , yti ,� , , ""I , , . , , #-�,% .i$ft I tI - ,I oi�,­ ­� ii � , �. . .0 - . I � I =2�0, ,�. -1 =1 _8 , #,X,'Q1V .,'�V Id ; played the Vitid'Al Oborils, ftin I I . - T' - - — ---!1' ;111'ill­­, . , it��',�, � , el I I . � I - , � , -1. - I � "I", , I ` A. I .." , : I , __ . , - Q , i0j,v go, , " I , V,,�,Vllp br : , - --- I .� , � : , . � �` �. , �A� ­- �� . I . 'i . . ; I- I . ... . - J � '. ,7. 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