HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-08-23, Page 12
084,ty.sel.0044 Teat":
1Mitole .Num;ber 410b°
Prize List Revised and Zn-'
creases Approved in
l(IndergQing the first rejuvenation
in Many yeare,:the grounds•:and ;build-
ings of the Seaforth Agricultural So-
ciety will be in condition for what the
directors of the society feel will be
'the banner show in the long history
of the society.
Redecorating of all buildings' has
, been completed with the' exception of
the interior. of the exhibition hall.
The unsightly and ineffective 'wooden
fence which generations of -fair goers
will remember, has been .replaced
with an attractive chain link- wire
fence. The grounds have been leVel-
led throughout -the exhibition area
with a power grader.
Now entering its 46th year in its
present location, the fair which is.be.
.....ing �..e� this- ear on Thursdayand
.11~ ._-.
Friday, September 19 and 21l; will" •of -
fee a .completely revised prise list,
with 'prize money, raised in 'all sec-
tions. Many dormant sections have
been removed, and new sections add-
ed. The second day of the show will.
feature an outstanding program.
It was in 1899 that the Seafort,.
Turf Club took steps ,to construct a
half -mile track. 'Of, the Seaforth men
who comprised the club, whb at that
time organized and followed through
the construction; J. P. Daly:is the sole.
surviving .member.
When it was •decided to proceed
.with the track, the club incorporated
With `. capital stock of $4,000. The
Rest president of .the club, after in-
corporatien was J. M. Cardno, while
M. Broderick was secretary. Land
. , for ' the track; comprising 15 'acres,
was .purchased froml.E. C. Coleman.
at $85 per acre, negotiations being
carried out by • a committee- .headed.
by 'Mr. Daly. Construction of . the
track began that summer.
In the following year arrangements
were pompleted between the Seaforth
Agricultural Society and Turf Club
icor the• rental of . the track and
grounds at $75..00 for • two days. The
..049..?11 Gal« o tivon pro'ce'eded
to ereet its own 'buildings, including
the present exhibition .hall and ticket
office. A- number 'of years. ago' the
Agricultural Soeiety took .direr. from
the Turf Club the track and 'stables,
and now owns the entre grounds.
McBride Family
Holds Reunion
The McBride reunion 'was held at
Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, 'and over 100
sat down to a sumptuous picnic . sup-
Friend were present from Detroit,.
Windsor, London and Regina, includ-
ing Mrs. Bert Schnell, from Regina.
Paul: "Why, you ordered ..without
even lookingat the menu:"
Harold: "Yeah, I could see every-
thing they have 'on the waiter's ap-
Announce Trips tii.Britain,`# AN.
��_. Wlight
0. • r ..President DEM TING x URICH
Oats and barley' are above nor,
° mal 102% and 105%, respective-
ly, according to the monthly .crop -
rep;ort of the Ontario Department
of Agriculture. Conditilon of other
crape expressed in per cent. of
nOrrial, kis:. Spring wheat, 98%;
soybeans, 97; husking corn; 92;
potatoes, 88; buckwheat, 88; mix-
ed grain, 100; hays•and clover, 93;
fodder . corn, 94; roots, 92 and.
pasture, 90. Fall wheat • is ,esti-
mated to average 30.3 buehels per
acre for a total. of 1,824;88 bush-
els,, as compared to -29 bushels per
acre in 1945.
• • • •. • 01
Interesting . Program En-
tertains Crowd of More
• Than 400.
The annual gathering .of the garage
operators of Huron County, with their
eapployees and friends, numbering
400; was held at Jewett's Grove, Bay-
field, at the week -end. •
Sports for prizes donated by var-
ious •compaiules, totalling in value .ov-
er• ,,$600;' were the best in years.
.'At 6.30 a chicken supper was serv-
ed • by , Ed• Weston " and staff, after
which the president, Reg. McGee, of
(iodericli, Balled upon Philip , Tolton,
.Of Stratford, .provinciat director 01
"Huron alid Perth; to address the gath-
ering. Other, speakers were Ken
Powell, of London; -E. :Clancy, Lon-
don; Garnet Gunn, Stratford, and 'Don'
Aberhart, Goderich.
Jesse Cornell and Bill Hill, of Lon-
don, delighted the crowd with solos..
Boat ;races in -the harbprand.a-dance}
le • the pavilion"" irHifi edeniing ,tele
enjoyed by the big crowd, Mr., Mc-
Gee extended the' appreciation of the.,
executive to all who had assisted in
making the event a suceess.
Winners of the gate prizes were
Dick ,Campbell, Goderich; Lorne
Brown, Clinton, and Mrs. Dalrymple,
Brucefieid. •
The 'sport results were: Girls, 6
to 7, Jean .Lavender, were;
man, Carol Richardson; , 9 to 15, Glor-
ia Westlake, Carol Beacom, Jean Lav-
ender; . 15 to: 21, . Gloria Westlake,'
Marie Wall,. Barbara 'Cook; married
women, Mrs. Charles Snell, Alma An-
derson; slipper race, Aima Anderson,
Mrs. M: D. Moyer, Mrs. Reg. McGee;
girls' relay, A. Anderson, D. Ball, M.
Anderson, H. Anderson;:Vlisses Cook,
Wall, Westlake and Snell; 'married
women; Mrs. Jack Cdbk, Mrs. Carl
Cox,Mrs. Bert Brunsdon; single wo-
men, M: Anderson, A. Anderson, M.
Wa11; married, 'women under 150
pounds, Mrs. Wellbanks, Mrs. Snell,
Mrs. Ball.' ' •
Boys' events, 6 to 9, Jerry Wali,
Seafarth Hi h Schoo
Releases Exam Results
Credit 50-50; third class honours,
S0-64; second class honours, 65-74;1
Bret class honours, 75-100.
Upper School,
Beehely, Patricia -Eng. Comp c,
Eng': Lit. 3, Geom. c, Trig' and Statics
c, Lat. A. 3, Lat. Comp. c.
Eaton, Kenneth -Eng. Comp. 3,
Eng --Lit. c, Geom. 3, Trig. and Statics
1, Physics 1, Chem. 1. .
Ferguson, Doris -Eng. Comp. c,. Fr:
Auth. 3, Fr. Comp. 1.
'Gilbert, Harry -Eng..' Comp c, Alg.
c, Geom. c, Trig. and Statics 3, Phys.
Habkirk, Lenore -Eng. Comp, c,
Eng. Lit. c, Mod. Hist. c, Geom. c,
Phys. 1, Chem. 21k'r. Auth. 3, Fr.
Comp. 2. .. • °`
Laudenbach, Katherine -Mod. Hist.
2. .
Munn, Donald -Eng. Comp. o, Eng.
• Lit. e, Geom. 3, Alg. c, Trig. and
Statics 1, Phys. 1, Chem. 1, ,Fr. Auth.
€, Fr. Comp. e...
Patton, Joseph-Alg. 1, Phys. 1.
Russell, Harriet -Eng. Comp. o,
Eng.' Lit. 2, Alg. 2, Geom. 1, Trig. and
Statics 1, Chem. 2," Zoology 2, . Let.
• °• Auth. 1, 'Litt, Comp. 2.
Shaw, June --BEng. Comp. c,. Lat.
144 Comp. e,, Fr. Auth. 3, Fr. Comp: 2:
Weaver, .Eleanor --Eng. Comp. e,
�..�, Chem. c. '
Middle School
Beattie, Neil -Physics 3.
fettles,, Gordon-Geoln. 3," Alg. c,
Chem. c, F. Auth. c, Fr. Comp. e.
Blanchard, Edith -Eng: Comp 2,
Eng. Lit. 2, Mod. Hist. 2, Alg. 1, Geom.
Z, Chem, 1, Lat. Anth. c, Lat. Comp.
c, ' I'r.. Auth, 3, Fr. Comp. 3,
Boswell, Walter -Eng. Comp. 3,
Rag. Lit. 3, Mod Hist, 3, A1g..1, Geom.
2, Chem, 2, Lat. Auth. 20 Lat. Comp.
2, Fr, Auth.. 2, •-Fr. ,.Comp, 2, -
Cleary, Mary Margaret -Mod. hist.
a 4 1, Phys- c.
Currie, Helen' --Mod. Hiet. 0, Phys,
• . „Perettoen, Dbr1,0, Ohein 2.
Henderson, Stewart -Phys. 3.
• Hillis, Donald -Mod. Hist.. 1, Phys.
Holman, William -Mod. Hist. c.
Phys. 2, Chem. c.
Hubert Archie -Mod. Hist. 2, Phys,
Knight, Harold -Mod, Hist. c, Alg.
2, Geom. 3, Chem. 2, Lat. Auth. c, Lat.'
Comp. 'c.
Laudenbach, Joseph -Mod. Hist. 2,
Phys. 3.
McMaster, Jean -Eng. Comp. • 3,
Eng. Lit. 3, Mod Hist: <, Alg. c, Geom:
1, Chem. 2, Lat. Auth. c, "Lat. Comp.
c, Fr. Auth. c, Fr. Comp. c
McMillan, Joanne -Phys. c.
Maloney, Theresa -Eng.'. Comp. 0,
Eng. Lit, d, Mod. Hist. 1,'Aig. c, Geom.
c, 'Chem, c, Lat. Auth. e, ,Lat. Comp.
c, Fr. Auth. e, F`r. Comp. c.
Mills, Jean -Mod. Hist. 1, Phys. 1.
Munn, William -Mod. Hist. 2, Phys.
Murray, Martin -Phys. c.
'Smith, Delbert -Eng. Comp. 1,
Eng, Lit. 1, Mod. Rist. 1, Alg.1, Geom,
1, Chem, 1, Lat. Auth, 1, f.at•, Comp,
1, ':Fr. Auth. 1, Fr,. Comp. 1. '
Smith, :Donald -Eng. Comp. c, Eng.
Lit. c, Mod. %list. 3, Aig. 1, Geom, 1,
Chem. 2, Lat. Auth. c, Lat. Comp. c.
Stewart, Donald -Mod... Hist. 2,
Phys. 2.
Ryan, Mary -Eng. Comp. 1, Eng.
Lit. 1, Mod. Hist. 1, Alg. c, Geom, 2,
Chem, 2, Lat. Auth, 2, Lat. Comp. 2,
Fr. Anth, 2, Fr. Comp. 2. •
Walden, Victor -Eng. Comp: c; Eng.
Lit. c, Mod. Hist, e, Alg. 3, Geom. c,
Chem. c, Lat. Anth. c, Lat. Comp. e:
Watson, Donna -Mod. Hist.. e, Phys.
Weaver, Eleanor-Lat, Auth. 8, Lat.
Comp. 3.
Whitney,. Lois -Fr. Auth, 0, Pr.
Comp. c. •
Willis, Margaret ---Mod, Hist, c,
rhys, . c,
Cilrilaon; Gordon -Eng. Odmp. 8, Eng:
Lit. 3, t eom, 2, C1 em, .,3.
Arrange Demonstration ;Arrange Schedule of Night
Plots For Weed Control Softball Oa1nes At
and Permanent Pasture. • Floodlit Diamond.
ee tripe' to Britain"for champion
tractor plowmen vriil:be ,an outstand-
ing feature"of the International Plow-
ing Maitch, to be held at Port Albert
Airport, in October, according to
Gordon McGavin, President of the
Ontario Plowmen's Association. Elim-
ination contests .in preparation for
this event will be held at some 70
branch plowing matches .to be con-
ducted throughout the Province. The
grand prizes will be trips to Great
Britain for first and second prize win-
ners, accompanied by a coach -man-
J. A: Carroll, Manager of the Inter-
national Plowing Match, at a confer-
ence to make detailed plans for these
special c
lasses, made the following
statement....::. -„• ..,
"This announcement will electrify
plowing circles throughout the Prov-
ince. Britain is recognized as the
cradle of,'good farming practices and
match plowing standards: Every am-
bitious young farmer has -longed to
visit the Old Land with little hope of
attaining that goal. Nowhe is pre-
sented with an opportunity which will
be grasped by hundreds of young
plowmen, with, a consequent increase
in entries at. local " matcbe' as, well
as at the : big match ' in "Huron County.
Those who are winners' in these class-
es and are privileged to make the
trip "will not only have an enjoyable
experience; but will be able to com-
pare , British and 'Canadian -agricul-
tural methods, and the benefit of.their
observations will be' disseminated to
the advantage of Canadian agrieul-
ture." '
Arra, gementsfor a demonstration..
weed control display were completed
this week when J. D. McLeod, secre-
tary of the Crop' .Seeds. and Weedg
Branch, and K. S: Murphy, Field Sup-
ervisor, visited the match site and
selected'_an, area 800 by 100 feet which -
win be used for purposes of the denii-
Wastratioti. Tice' area will' %be •divideed
into one-eighth acre "lots, each of
which will be sprayed with a differ=
ent type of chemical Weed killer. The
results of the test will be apparent
to visitors to the match. An addition-
al three acres is being seeded in
permanent pasture.
2,000 at, Zurich
Lions Frolic
The .second"annual Lions Club
frolic ofZurich was held on Wednes1
day, August 21, with an attendance. of
over 2,000.• The' event was mesa sue-.
cessful, The London ' Boys' Police
Band• played: a series of selections,
and were much appreciated. Mr. Tory
Gregg, of CKNX radio station, • Wing -
ham', officially opened the frolic. The
fireworks_ display . was a splendid ex-
hibition and the• gross receipts were
$2,443. The prize winners were as
follows:. General Electric radio, Arn-
old Merner, Zurich; two auto tire,
Alvin Waiper,.'Dash'eood; cedar•chest,,
Arthur Edighoffer,= Grand Bend; din-
ing table, David Ducharme; Zurich;
steam eleetr c iron, Lita Moir, Hen-
sall;" bedspread, Florence Steinbach,
Zurich; tricycle, Art Weber. Dash-
wood; basket of groceries, Fred Reg-
ier, Zurich.
Family -Reunion
At Hunt Farm
A family reunion was held,,,,at the
home of • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hunt
on Sunday, August 18, at which all
the family. were • present, including
grandchildren " and 'great grandchil-
dren. I
Thosewho attended were: Mr. and
Mrs, Gladson Campbell, Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Hunt, London; Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas McMillan, McKil-
lop; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hunt and
family, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hunt, McKillop; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McMillan and Mr. and .Mrs. Francis
Coleman and family, of McKillop.
Mrs. Walter Moffat, of Bruceiield,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. P. Fisher
and Miss Eleanor Fisher, in Graven -
George Telford, Billy Lavender; 9 to
15, George Telford, Jerre Wall, Bill
Lavender; 15 to 21, Gus Westlake,,
Charlie Adams; 100-. yards da" h, Gar-
net Garson, Ken Powell Ed. Clans.
oil, distributors',, race, Ken yPowell, Bill
Hill, Jim Barker; tug-of-war; north
against eolith; won by H. Watkins'
team; boxing" on barrels, GUs West-
lake, Bayfield; fat man's race, Car:;
Cox, Etnel'son Rozeil, Reg. Bali;
whnelbarroW race, R. Campbell and -
ndE . Keith, Bud Oke and C. Adams;
;bo'9'a,..8 to 8, `. M'ePhee and Bill Lae`
ender,'(ieo, Telford .and Jerry Wall;
Sten Mirord and Gieealtt Clark.
T,pssing a neat 'three -hit •gam,e and
fanning 15 batters, Jack Tudor led
Hensall to a. • 6-3 -victory over •.Zurich
in the deciding games of a best -of -
three Huron and •Perth, O.B.A, play-
offs at Herman diamond' Monday eve-
ning. The' locals willnow meet Clin-
ton in the next rood:,
One of the large$,-:drowds of the
season was on hand to -'see Tudor set
the visitors down, Bolding them score-
less during the 'first ftv'e Innings. Bal-
four and Tudor both slammed out
triplets for the winners, while Young-
blut ,connected' for a- double to help
the Zurich Nine. • •
Zurich • .. - . 008 00 1-3 3 2
Hensall : 100 X031 1-6 9 2
. Sha'w,, Heideman agd Youngblut;
and Kerslake
- A.-scheduleh of
•of .nig t..� tball .games.
to 'be played at Community Park, Hen:
sail,. has .been drawn n!p as follows:'
Aug. 22-Hensall at Hay Twp., .3
p.m,; Varna at ,The Boundary; 8 p.':m.
Aug. 29-Hensall. at The Boundary,
& pin.; Hay' Twp. at. Varna, 9:15 pan.
Sept. 2-.-Hensall at Varna, 8 p.m.;
Hay 'Twp, at The 'Boundary, 9.15 p.m.
Sept. '5 -Hay Twp, at 'Hensail, 3,
p.m.; The Boundary' at Varna; 9.15. ,
• Sept. 9 -The Boundary at Hensall,
8 p:m.;. Varna at Hay •Twp.
Sept. 12 -Varna at •Hensall; The
Boundary at Ifay' Twp.
Games each Monday..:end 'Thursday
every week; all games to be played
on the Hensall diamond' at the Com-
munity Park:
Mr. Ted Munn, of Hensail, together
with .a party of eighty farmers from
all over i:?ntario,. visited the Agricul-
tutal Experimentaj'Farms •'At Dekald,
,.Illineis, . sponsored bat the Seed Corn
Company, and attended• many inter-•
esting and informative lectures,. saw
many ' different ` experiments' with
chickens and saw corn' 'sprayed from
planes. The return trip: was made by
bus, a distance -of 1400.'miles. Thou,
sands of farmers attended from all
Oyeeathe:. Sffiates. ..
Mrs. Jams `•Da marl
e y off'• •Hensall,
.who has --been a patient in Scott -Mem-
orial Hospital, Seaforth," for •the past
month, has returned to •'her home in
Hensall. '
Mr. William Dinnin, who has been
a patient at Victoria Hospital,- Lon-
don, for. the past five weeks, return-
ed to his home in Hensall on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McLean and
de -tighter, Audrey, of Springfield, Mis,
sours,, have returned home after
spending a' week with Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Gregor Of Kippen. •
Mrs., Peter`' Loiocomo and ;little
daughter, Bonnie, of Windsor, are vis-
iting with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twit-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and,
little son, ,who have been spending a.
month's vacation With the formers'
mother, Mrs. F. Manns, returned to
their. home li1'Toronto, on Tuesday of
this ' week: . •
Mr. and Mrs. William Smale and
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S,male are Vis-
iting with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs, W A. MacLaren, of Goderich,
visited for a few days this week with
Miss Minnie Reid.
Dr. and Mrs. A., Aikerrhead, of Cal-
gary,• Ata„rcailed. on friends in Hen-
sall this week.
Rev. W. A. Young and Milt. Young
01 Fergus, called,on friends in the vil-
lage this week:'•'-•'
' Mr. and Mrs. R. D,••Bell, of Landon,
were recent visitors with their on
and daughter-in-law, Mr. Wand Mrs.
Glenn Bell. They were accompanied
home by their two' grandsons, Gerald
and Bobby, who will spend a ,few
holidays in London,
Bill Mickle and Bill Elliott; 'of Hen-
sall, spent last week -end at Rendeau
Government Park. The boys did well,
Coming in third place in the sail boat
regatta. Bill. Mickle sailed his boat,
and Bill Elliott was his junior -crew.
Mr, W. O. Goodwin, prominent
merchant 01 Hensall, arrived at his
home Monday after' spending a
month's vacation with his mother in
England,' whom he, had riot seen since
1918, .The trip was made by plane.
Mr. and Mrs. E. ,Barrett, of New
York City, and Miss Loretta Bell, of
Westminster Hospital, London, "have
returned after spending a week with
Mrs. Barrett's and Miss Bell's motlier,
•Mrs. William Hyde, and -sister, Mrs.
Jack Faber.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sehwalm, of
Hamilton, and Mies Mae Schwalm,
Miss Florence Schwalm and. Mr, Hes
(Continued on Page• 4)
• • • •
The.seaforth Highlanders Band,
under the leadership at .1!/) r. E. H.
Close,. will give 'the last band'
concert of the season in Victoria
Park on Sunday evening next,
August 25. These Sunday ilve-
ning .concerts have been `very
laaq,oly attended by the"^'poo ile of
the town 'and district,anti 'their
popularity is increasing every
• • • •
Reach Mali 'ilii
Donations Received Exceed
$2,000:00, With Approxi-
-mately 50 Per Cent of
Canvass Completed.
With half the' canvassing time gone,
officials in charge of the Legion Mem-
orial drive,'" reported that donations.
in excess of $2,000 had 'been receiv-
ed as of Wednesday night. • .Seaforth
canvassers have covered 75 per cent
of the town, but have a Iarge num-
ber of call-backs. Tuckersmith . is
Well under way .with $800 reported
by Chairman Harold Finnigan, while
McKillop' north end has been 70 per
cent canvassed and with ' the 'south•
part of .the township to be covered
by. Chairman .W.. C. Bennett and. his
Proceeds of the drive 'for $6,000 are
to be used • to assist in the erection
of a Legion Memorial Hall in mem-
ory of the 22 district men who gave
their'. lives in the war.
In connection • with the 'drive, the
Legion has arranged a display of war
souvenirs in the windows .01 '.the G.
A. Sills & Son store, which has at-
tracted a . steady flow of citizens hi;
terested in' seeing first' hand the wea-
pons and equipment which was used
both by the Canadians and their en-
emies. • The display, ;which features•
an impressive tribute to the war dead,
includes many items that recall ev-
ents of their war years to the veter-
answho, hive ,seen the display..
. If, canvassers have [Emitted to call
on any homesi_donations may be left,
at any of„ the banks, or may be mail-
ed -to the Legion Memorial Fund, Sea,
,forth, it is pointed out by' General
Chairman B. J. Duncan.
Trousseau Tea
Honours Bride
Mrs. Herald Lawrence entertained
,in honor of her daughter, -Maxine,. on
Friday afternoon and evening, Au,g.
16, Miss Lawrence received with her
mother. Pouring tea in the afternoon
was Mrs. B. M. Francis, Exeter, and
in the evening Miss Pearl Lawrence.
Assisting in the dining room dur-
ing the afternoon were Miss Muriel
Rowe, Exeter; and• Mrs. Wm. Camp-
bell, Seaforth. Mies A. C. Lawrence
had charge of the .register,. and show-
ing the •gifts were Miss Janet Hogg
and Miss. Joan Devereaux; linens by
Mrs. Wm. Shannon. and Miss Janet
Cluff: Mrs:• Lorne "S. Webster display-
ed the trousseau.
'During • the,,evening Miss Lillian
Southgate and Miss Gladys Earle•• as-
sisted'•in the dining room, ,
Prior to leaving the bank the staff
of the Canadian Bank of Commerce,
presented Miss Lawrence with a 'sil-
ver entree dish.
On Wednesday evening Miss Lillian
Southgate entertained a number of
girl friends at a miscellaneous shower'
in Ma'xine's honor, when•she received
many beautiful gifts.
- •
Cards Dropped
Little slips of -paper headed "Na-
tional Registration Regulations," which,
Canadians have carried in their
pockets since 1940, on lahursday last
lost their significance.
Labor Minister Mitchell announced
in the Commons that the registration
was being discontinued, as from that
day.' Thus Canadians no longer are
required to oarry their registration
Wlien the registration was taken
six' years. ago, 7,862,920 Canadians fill-
ed forms which provided :as picture of
the country's manpower resources.
Since then 8,000,000 changes liave
been recorded. A staff has been kept
busy noting changes of address, re-
moving cards of persons who 'have
died and adding cards for Canadians
w'ho reached the age of 16.
The Labor Department estimates
included an item of $324,000 to cover
this work for a year, but now it will
be discontinued.
Apart from the official uses mad
of the registration the slips were
commonly used for identification pur-
With abolition of the registration
regulations went tie action against
persons who have violated them, Mr.
Mitchell announced no further actions
would be launched and those already
started would be dropped under both
the registration regulationss and mob-
ilization regulations.
The registration was used primar-
ily as the basis of the military Gall-
up Out of a total of 1,859,811 men
called,, only 6,593 had not been locat-
ed. Elittinating those who had died
left the country, or who were regis-
tered under more' than one naive, it
was estimated there were only 1,563
deliaaii its remaining,
Thisa tart- u
This Week
• • • :• .
Broken Az ,
A new pair of roller skates pre-
sented'by relatives with whom she'
was . visiting in Hensall, proved
troublesome for 10 -year cid Dora.
thy McClinchey, daughter of Mr.'
and Mrs. Garnet McClinchey, • of
Seaforth. Trying the skates on
the Main Street of Hensel! Sat-
urday night, she fell and receiv-
ed a severely fractured arm. The
fracture 'was reduced at Scott
.Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
• •y •• • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Cen
nor, ' Hibbert, Married
in Dublin. ,
Mr. and Mrs: Daniel O'Connor" cele-
brated the 40th anniversary of their
wedding last week, and. held a fam-
ily reunion at their home. Mrs. O'Con=
nor was. formerly Miss Agnes . Kraus-
kopf; and was married to Daniel
O'Connor in August, 1906, at St. Pat-
rick's Church: 'Dublin. They • have
since resided' on their farm on the
2nd eon'eession of Hibbert Township.'
All the members of their family 'at-
tended the celebration to extend felice
tations, and presented their parents
with 'a• studio couch. They have flee
'daughters; (Mary) Mrs. 'Don Miller,
Detroit; (Agnes) Mrs. J. Conway, De-
troit; (Veronica) :Mrs. F. Falconer,
Parkhill;, (Rose) Sister •M. St: Daniel,
(Caroline): Sister 'lit. Concessa, of. St.
Joseph's ,Community, London; also
three sons: •Joseph, Toronto; James,
Hibbert •Twp., and Norman' at home.:
#a tQrk an,
w . ar
• p � age Site
'Work commenced' this week on the
site, of the township 'garage construc-
tion of which was recently authorized
by the Tuckersmith council., The
township power grader .is levelling
the site in Egmondviile and the nec-
essary fill is being trucked in.
Vollick Family
Hold Reunion
On Sunday, August 4, the annual
Vollick reunion was held at Hidden
Valley Park, Aldershot, Ont. Ahout
one, hundred relatives and friends of
the Vollick and Folllok families were
on hand td, enjoy the various sports
and other entertainment.
In addition to the regular sports
program, speeial prizes were award-
ed the following; Oldest lady, Mrs.,
•E. N. Vollick, Hamilton, Ori,,; oidest.
gentleman, Mr. Phillip ' Dexheireer,
Tonawanda, N.Y.; 'youngest child, G.
W. Walker, Hamilton; largest fam-
ily,,.. ;VIr. and, Mrs: G. Walker, Hhsnil-
ton; door prize, Walter Theal; St.
The officers elected for the , next
two • years were: President, It: E.
Vollick, Hamilton, Ont.;, treasurer,
Mrs. R. H. Neal, Jordan,. Ont,; ''secre-
tary, Miss G: Walker, 183 Paling Ave.,
Hamilton, Ont. ' •
Week -end guests with Mr. anti -Mrs.
John L Henderson were: Mr, ' and
Mrs. J. Best and Hadden, of Ann
Arbor, Mich,; Mrs. Ray Miller, of•
New Haven, Connecticut; Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart McLean„ of Kirkland
Lake, „land Miss Margaret Shannon,
Mrs. John L. Henderson, who has
been spending a couple of ' -weeks
with her nephew, John L. Hender-
son, has returned to her home in Sea -
Mrs. Susie Straut, Mrs. Geo. Beech.
Miss Edith Beech and ' Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Case, ,of New York; • Mr. Joe Day -
man, of Fort Erie; Mr. Howard Clark.
of Winona; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough
of Toronto, and Miss Janet Doig,- of
Kippen, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Dayman during the
Mrs. Lydia J. Dolga and son motor-
ed to Manitoulin I9land and Algoma
while on, a vacation. trip.
Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Caldwell, ac-
eothpanied by Emerson Kyle, Edison
McLean and Harold Caldwell, motor-
ed to the West on a pleasure trip. '
- _ b
"Please can you tell me Why the,
tide is not rip this molningr' aslted
the little girl at the seaside. •
"Yes, rnissie," replied the ad fish-
erman, "it'h becauile it was oti't' last
Rev. A; Bi.. °Boob',..` �, r
is Ordained By card-
inal McGuigan.
Rev, Arthur H. Looby,
of Mrs. A. M. Looby, Dublin, and the
late Louis '3..Lpifiy,'hv 'o was ortai a -
ed at St. Basil's Church, TOrelatee by
Cardinal J. O. McGuigan on Thursday,• •
August 15, ,celebrated his first Solemn
Mass at St. Patrick's ,Church, Dublin, ,
on Sunday. •
Acting as Deacon was Rev. Dona'd'
Benninger, C.S.B., Aquinas Institute,
Rochester, N.Y.; Sub -Deacon, Rev.
Harry F. Feeney, C.R. St. Jerome''s
College, Kitchener; Arch Priest,' Rev.
J. B. Ffoulkes, J.C.L., Dublin;' Master
of Ceremonies, John Stapleton, C.B:S.,
St. Basil's Seminary, Toronto; Mari-• •
Per, Murray Bannon, C.S.B„ St; Bas-
il's Seminary, Toronto; guest'
speak- • er'
Rev. M.J. Pickett,
tion College, Windsor.
Other Wily- present in' the sane- •
teary were:...Rev. Wm. Nigh, C,s:B., -m'
Assumption College,. Windsor; Rev. • `"
Joseph-_ A. Feeney, London; Rev. W.
J. Sheehan, C.S.B., Aquinas I,nstitute,
Rochester, N.Y.; Rev. F. J. O'Drows-.
kik St. Columban; Rev: F. McCardie,
Parkhill; Rev. E. P. Weber, Kinkora;
Rev. F. Brieklin, Stratford; Rev.
Edwyn Morris, Simcoe; Rev. S. J.
MacDonald; Clinton. •
The guest speaker, Father Pickett, '
gave an impressive sermon from the
text: "Do this in commemoration :of
Me.". He enumerated the duties, sac-
rifices . and responsibilities of priests •
in their Life work. '
Father Looby is the fourth son of
Mrs.. A. M. Looby and the late Louis
3. • Looby: . He received his primary,
and secondary, education in Dublin
Separate and Continuation Schools bee
fore going to Assumption College,
Windsor id .1937 he entered the Con
,gregation of St. 'Basil at the Basilian
Novitiate, Toronto. During the past
three Years he has been studying
theology at St. Basil's Seminary, To-
He has four brothers and three sis-
ters: Joseph, Clayton, Clarence and.,
Louis ,Looby, Dublin Mrs. Clarence
Sealorth lot kft-3a9.L@en
Reg.N., Montreal, and Miss Ally
Looby, Toronto.
Following the Solemn High Mass
Father Looby conferred his blessing
on the individual members of the con-
gregation at the altar railing.
On Sunday afternoon and evening
Father Looby received, a large num-
ber of relatives and friends at his
home: He ivas, assisted by his
mother and three sisters, and grac-
iously thanked his guests for many
useful and appropriate gifts and
He was the celebrant at Solemn
Benediction Sunday evening, assisted
by Rev. Dr..l~'fouikes 'andeRev. Harry
Feeney. The choir for the Mass was
under the direction. of Mrs. William
Lane, an'd the soloist was Thomas
Sills, Seaforth.
Following Benediction Father Looby -
was honored at the Rectory by dele-
gations from .the Altar •Society and
Young Ladies' Sodality. An address:
was read by the president of each so-•
ciety and presentation of cheques was
After two weeks' vacation, Father
Looby will return to St. Basil's Sem-
inary, Toronto.
Personals: rev. J. .Flynn; St. Pet-
er's Seminary, London, and G. Rein-
hart, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. D.
McConnell; Rev. Joseph A. Feeney;
London, With relatives; Rev. Arthur
R. Looby, C.S.B., Toronto, with bis
mother, Mrs. A. 1V,i. Looby; Rev. Har-
ry F: Feeney, C.R. Kitchener; witl; •
his mother, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney;
Rev. Donald Benninger, C.S.B., Aquin-
.as Institute, .Rochester, N.Y., with his
brother, Hugh Benninger and, Mrs.
Bensinger; Rev.' Elwyn Morris, Sim-
coe, with bis mother, 'Mrs. Josephine.
Morris; Rev. Wm. Nigh, C.S.B., As-
sumption College; Windsor, with Mr.
gild Mrs. John Walsh; .•,Felix Haat,
Rochester. N.Y., Patrick Looby, Mr.
and „Mrs. J. B. Earle and Mary Joan
Earle, Mr. and • Mrs. James Flynn,
Miss Mary Jane Flynn, Pr. and Mrs.
11osbein, Mr. And Mrs. Hayosh, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Matthews, all of De-
troit; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Looby,
Thomas and Lawrence Looby, Sagi•
naw, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Flyn, Joseph Flynn, Jr., Bay City, Miss
Margaret McIver, ' Seaforth, . Mrs.
Bewar, London, with Mrs. A. M.
Looby; Richard J. Cunningham and
Miss Rose Feeney, Toronto, with Mrs.. °
Kathleen Feeney; Joseph Evans and
Frank Evaps, Windsor, with their.
mother, Mrs. Katharine Evans; Mr.
and Mrs. P. F. Benn, Toronto, Mr.,,
and Mrs. Louis Evans, Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs. John Evans, Goderich,
and.Mrs. E. B. Tyers, Georgetown,
With Mr'. and Mrs. Frank Evans; ,1V#i'.
and Mrs. Roy Murphy and son .Joseph
and daughter Mary, Pontiac, Micn.,
with Mr. and Mrs,. Dan Costello; Mi.
and Mrs. Jerry Campbell, Mount Car-
mel, with Miss Eiia J. Dillon; Mrs '
Pat Jordan, Buffalo, N.Y., Miss Angela
Rowland, Windsor, and Ted Rowland„
Wallaceburg, with Mrs. W. Rowland;
Joseph O'Rourke, Mrs. Mary 3.
O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. Honoring La "
Blonde and ,three ••,Children, Detroit,
with Miss lCatharilie hornet
Mrs, la: Stapleton, Galt, Mrs, -rat State
lett* and ::dish talilettni, OAR; To
ro'nto, yaith' 1'4r. and Mrd *illa,'_
10014. John !do:14%th, x`orriklt Y;t::
anal Mrd EdwardCantifa,i
_ •_.. iita$ x1>t18