HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-08-16, Page 5• THE WELCOME NAT/S OUTAT SEAFORTH, MOTORS Come in and see us about new Goodyear tires . Canada's finest. We wel- :corii6 your visit because we • know that once you've looked over the. new .,Goodyear tires, you'll want them on your car . you'll agree that you can't . make .a better buy! .,....., A COMPLETE GOODYEAR TIRE SERVICE SEAF'ORTH MOTORS CHEVROLET AND. OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Phone 141 . Seaforth And they'll stay healthy too DLrtchford'ii Chick. Starter Ikon i •em healthy—makes .she grow.. Raster-■ssnres t7'—and Pays me bigger r taker mor— &r hened.with Pita -Dins :Ill... t for emote! Assad:" I Lners !edit u. ee.tee ~~~rhea • Riafjth&d Feeds TORON,TO ONTARIO sa.na;wnen. -- LOCAL DEALERS .,; We also handle the following Blatchford Feeds: Poultry Con- centrate, Poultry Mash Pellets, Calf Meal and Calf Meal Pellets, Pig Starter, Hog Grower and Hog Concentrate, Dairy Concentrate, O11 Cake Meal and Chick'• Starter. SEAFORTH PRODUCE LIMITED Phone 170-W : Seaforth 11 MP, pied' ,Peter TA,4 non, Sekefilrt'1/a *TWA S'tout4g at tits hQtkk$'i OfQp r.; a s ATVs, Robert Batter, 't B1a eF u. "iltCisses Irene s u•ii~' w;iarat Hakorr also' Jfit. B>t'tigo Tpils1 ,}1 ani;' Wilfred .Drag, er, of • Clinton , and S,eatrntit r, 049.4rs Sunday at the hoe of Mr... inti gra, 13•oberj:. aker, Mr. Meads, Baker .has returned to Stratford- after spending the past two weeks at the home of his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Baker WINTHROP. Mrs. Cunningham and daughters, Mary, Florence and Margaret, and ,en Tom, spent the week -end with Mrs. Margaret Horne and Mr. E. Haase. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodge, of St. Catharines, visited with• his sister, Mrs. 'Margaret Horne, Mr: : W; E. Hawley and Mr. 0, Haw- ley spent a few days in Napanee. Mrs, C. Hawley visited with her sie- ter, Mrs. W. E. Hawley, and brothers, Will and Zack McSpadden, We are sorry tea hear Mr. William Church is ill in Scott Memorial. Hos- pital, We -wish him a speedy recov- ery. Mrs. R. K. Davidson and family, have returned from visiting her Sis- ter in..Milverton. WALTON A large crowd of Walton supporters went with the, football team to St. Columba~ for the final game of the season .ion Friday evening last. They saw the Walton eleven give St. Co- lumban a tough fight before conced- ing St. Oolumban= a 1-0 victory, Ooa1- keeper Coutts was outstanding for the Walton team. Mrs. D. Ennis was hostess Friday night to a number of former school chums. Among the guests were Mrs. R. Press, Saskatchewan; Mrs: --•M. Scott, of Fargo, and Mrs. P. Speak, of Brussels. Personals: Miss Bernice Hackwell, nurse -in -training at Stratford General Hospital, at her home in Walton Sat- urday:. Miss Pauline Drager, Toron- to; with Mrs. Douglas Ennis; Doug- las Lawless, teacher- at the- - Walton school, has completed a course AA. the University of 'Western Ontario. BRODHAGEN, Wright - Rapien The marriage was solemnized at the Parsonage of .Sf. Peter's. Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, on Saturday, af- ternoon at 3.30 o'clock of Ruth Mary Elizabeth Rapien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Rapien, McKillop. Township, and Mr. George Edward Wright, Kitchener, -.'sen of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wriht; 'Mitchell. Rev. W. Schultz officiated. The bride wore: a pale blue street length• dress with fitted 'bodice, full• 'skirt, and sweet- heart neckline.' Her• shoulder length .4!•0•k in lila•! „,„ ,m*rl�m„-n r;i1i "he ddtre kI $.t1e witre a eQ oaltie of .144411'.i b#es A aged l bionx�e heli% at tte bribers b ,• sass , x�, CaPi . receive lir eg7< weaiilcig lueIture,d g4/94crepe aoce4109.xit001 and Goreage Qi" 'pini;!, roses,,.. She was sasistpa b) the )aridegrQga's 1. then• wt,Q chose .a blne 46'nred rayon, crepe dress with blue aet_essoxies and cor- sage of red re4es, The borne• was. decorated with tIkte blue and white streamers aiid'gladioli' abd the bride's; table was centred; with a large wed, ding •cake and..sweet peas. Mises Margaret Kleber .and Rose Bennewies served the guests~,, For a honeymoon trip thrQngh Eastern -Ontario the bride wore a (brown crepe dress, with brown,' accessories' anti •a turquoise blue wool coat. Mr.. and Mrs.'•Wright will reside in Kitchener, •ELI1VIVILLE., „ Mr. and •Mrs. Delbert Avery, of St. Thomas, visited .` at the home of -Mr.. and Mrs. W. Horne one day last week. Miss Donna Much, of London, spent last week at the home of her cousin, Miss Aldene Pym. Mrs. Allan Summers and sons, of St.- Marys, and Mrs. Alex Cr'ago and. Billy 'spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. ,'Charles Stephen; Donnie and Bettye Anne. visited, JR. Stephens and family, of Chesley, and at Owen Sound on Sunday., - - Congratulations to Mr: --and ` Mrs. Delmer Skinner on the "arrival of. , a ,baby girl in the -hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs.• Cowen, of Chatham, have purchased the property Of Mr. K. Waughan. They have rented the, property of Mr. Montmorency, of To- ronto, recently• .purchased from Mr. Harry Ford. Miss Marie and Glen Dobbs went to Langton this •week to work in their brother's tobacco fields there. Mr. and Mrs. Newman, of Tunico, City, Mich., are visiting Mr. and M•rs. Philip 'Murch. • KIPPEN i W.M.S. Holds Baby Band Meeting The W.M.S. held., their Baby Band meeting at the homeof Mrs. John Sinclair with a good. attendance. -Mrs. James Finlayson piesided and open- ed, the meeting with the singing of "Take My Life and Let It Be." The August program in the Missionary Monthly was followed.. Scripture read- ings were given by 'Mrs. • James Fin- layson. Mrs. Art. Finlayson and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs.. Hinton told a story to the children of a little Chin- ese child which had offered thanks to God, over• her little bowl of rice.. Ann and Marie • Sinclair sang "Open the Door For the Children." Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. Allan Johnson read several letters out of the Missionary Monthly from Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Ov- erseas. Missions Executive Secretary, on her recent trip to- Trinidad. Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter favot•ed with . a duet, "Bring- ing in the Sheaves." Hymn No: 208• 11 JkQerl' isQal4, d izity il$Aeb x1 <le u , )flashn Qf the a` fi )Pleat ustt�} t f1d of the hA of 4r8 pstie in P p4 tan Wodnoli- do'r; e0gtiet"ail llt PO*, 'I'hQ.'.rittl %maltto eotromoi i. r gra, Bampllelt Eyre and th.o ol)fi tali will: be en tan - .portant iuternatiQ)* event of . the year: The ;to00,141 Pni4,ci g tho IONY Banadiaa 'fiQ' 13e A><ue..:a 'Ci'tize �•,, ,, The motto will be ONO. by Mrs, Rdbt,. Ewe, and on mesio by Mrs. John Sinclair, A paper Galt" `Problems of` the Pub1in Schpo7, of-Veday," will be ;given by Mrs. pole. The hunch convener will he Mrs; J Finlayson, A heavy electriioat storm passed ov- er this vicinity on :Friday evening last, accompanied by wind and rain, which put a stop to "the gathering in of the grain for a short time. The harvest is a bumper Cronthis season, and reminds ue, that, the giver of all good and beautiful gifts is ever mind- ful of us. It was: a, grand sight to see so much grain in the fields and where was it all to bb stowed away? "Good measure, pressed down, run- ning over, give I unto thee." Mr, Erneat Alien :is at present er- ecting a ne* garage,. The foundation is already completed and is of cement and appears to' be a masterpiece of work. ; Rev. Mi. McWilliams is at present having his holidays. The Staffa min- ister is filling the pulpit during. his absence. Misses Helen and Marg-uerite Par- ker are at present on their vacation•. Mr. and Mrs. Storey spent the week end with Mr. Storey's people north of Clinton, -. CONSTANCE Mrs. R. Lawson : Is ., visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Davidson, and Mr. Davidson, at 'Brucefleld. Mrs. B, B. Stephenson•' and grand- son,. Donald, left on Wednesday on"a trip to Prince Rupert, B:C. On their way they will visither brothers at Saskatoon and Prince • Albert. Mrs. Stephenson took a ,six months' tick-. et. Mr. and -Mrs.. "Mae' -McDonald and. son,. Donald, ;of St.' Thomas, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mr.. and Mrs. A. H. Reekie, Patricia and Peggy returned 'to London to. visit Rev. J. C. Britton and family, and will return Thursday to Mr. and - Mrs.. Wm. Britton's. • - Mr. W. Jewitt is wearing a smile these days a a baby daughter, Janise Dianne c e to their home on Wednesday, 'Au st 14. Mr. andMrs. thusCrawford, �r of Dauphin, Man., and • their . dataght'er and son-in-law •of "Iiamilton• visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Austin Dexter and Mr: and Mrs. %Charles Dexter. • Mrs. J. Riley returned home from Clinton; Hospital on. Thursday. Miss Joyce McRae, of Loudon, spent a few days -with Mr, and Mrs. L.• Law- son. DIVIDE. YOUR DOLLAR WITH YOUR NEIGHBOR ti Everybody has a certain amount of civic pride— that sort of pride which helps make a village a town, and a town a -metropolitan city. The growth of any community is dependent upon the support given its citizens. If youfail in your .co-operation, your town either stands still. or goes back. If you uphold your town by sustaining it whole- heartedly, you help yourself and the community., Buy °s ,t home! Be neighborly with your dollar. Divideyour dollars among your merchants and others who have the,interests of SEAFORTH at Heart. Help them and they will help you to great- er 'values—for ' increased volume means decreas- ed costs. SEAFORTH needs your support and you need the support of the town. -Let's get together and share our dollars for a r mutual prosperity. te Huron Expositor Established 1860 McLEAN BROSf`Publishers iG. i Plain, Dots, Figured Patterns and Stripes, in Slubs, Sheers, Prtihted Crepes, .)pines and Eyelet Embroidered Blouses, All Reduced A u'70 Smart Wool Crepes, Rayon Crepes and the new Gabardine Twill are featured in this first : showing of the Newest Dresses for early Fall wear. Come in and see these new Fall Dresses now. Natural shade or Dark Brown Gabardine Twill in smart Swagger cut rain or al+'weather .. Chats. All are beautifully tailored and lined in lustrous ' satin - 12 to 18 SEAFORTH. Mealtime Madness - (Reprinted from Th' Chicfgo Daily News) In e. laboratory, the • other day. I visited the interior of a sleek and thoroughly contented cat. She had been fed a bounteous repast'of liver and other feline.delieacies; arid as sale lay stretched in a purring doze, sci- ence•peered into, her viscera with a fU0508COpe. ,.. Digestion appeared to be proceed- ing without a hitch. Tabby was as. tranquil'as a summer sea. Then, sud- denly-. a hiddep phonograph played a. recording of a dog's bark. ,,The dozing cat sprang to -life. Her back arched, her hair stood an end. her eyes were wide, her claws were out. 'These exterior reactions were -noth- ing to what wenpwon. in the cat's in- terior. Her adrenals, gushed fiuid' Ind her stomach. was awash with gastric juices. Peristalsis Kent into reverse: and for ail t•heepleasure that liver now gave her, it bright just as well have been so'much-briek, . - Observing 'ell this, I reflected rue- ful°ly on the mistake I made—a mis- take I'm afraid most parents continfre to make. Nobody can doubt. now.. that a ser- ene atmosphere at the dinner table is essential to digestion. Eating has to be done in peace. or it does more harm than good. But in our curious way of life, mealtime is about the on- ly period when a father sees his chil- dren: It is his one opportunity ,for preaching and remonstrance. So, instead of approaching .his' vic- tuals' with normal enthusiasm, Junior is reasonably certain that somewhere between eoup and dessert he will hear reproachful comment on his report card. If you could put 'a fluoroscope on hem, you would find his intestines tied in a double bowline and his stomach tt'ooded with 'muriatic acid. His sister, with an appetite of ad- olescent vigor. nibbles listlessly at her food, waiting in apprehension for 'caddy to deliver a few remarks on the 'way girls behave nowadays, - Even mother, who. has been tough- ened -by year§ of submission to meal- time dascuasioii of her ,frailties, se- cretes a dangerous excess of adrenal- ine., preparatory to defending herself against strictures on her manageinett of the family budget. HURON, PERTH AND BRUCE Community Basket , . Picnic Sponsored by the Progressive Conservative. Assn. August 28th, 1946 Harbor Park, Goderick SPEAKERS: Premier George A. Drew Jas. M. MacDonnell, K.C., M.P. - Attention Farmers Place your order now for SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER —, OFF CAR due shortly See or call me at : :" HURON FARM FEEDS,LTD. Phone 664 r "33. Seaforth .GEORGE KRUSE' ANIMALS DYRBLVD Quickly remo'v'ed in Clean Sanitary trucks. Phone .edllect: '":- 219 MITCHELL William Stone -Sons -Limited', ';. n