HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-08-02, Page 1'EighahhieYelaill 'Fear
Whole i uipber 41,04
McLean. Bros
1:59;;a Year
Robert ,Mair, 1.8, Saved By
Stratford Men At Gode-
rich Beach, •
fiordon..'Moir; '18 -year-old Hensall
South, owes bis .life to the courageous
effel'ts • of , two. summer visitors at
Point Farm :Beach, near Goderich; who
risked their lives to bring the' uoncon-
scious lad ashore. ' , •-
Dr. T, R. Nichols, 196 Ontario St„
Stratford, sink -Ray Dean, Goderich,
•rt{shed to the aid 'ori the exhausted
swimmer, when erten from his non-
swimmer friends raised the' alarm.
Dr. Nichols got in his canoe and, al-
though he; :himself could not swim,
paddled with .all speed to the aid of
the youth, meanwhile shouting to
Dean to swim out.
The doctor held 'Moir above the sur-
face ut;til •the arrival of. Dean, and
-betvveeri„them ...the-y..hoisted_theanilealla
scious body over the bow of the canoe
and. returned to shore. Artificial res-
piration was given, and after a few
hours the young man was able to be
taken to his home.
' Moir had peen engaged in retriev-
ing an inflated inner -tube at the time
of the mishap. •
• Wells Are Tested;
O,f • 187 wells which have been. tested'
sin the village of Hensall, 18 tested.
Class A, while 6,9 per vent. Classed,D;•
the Department; of Health has advis-
ed the village, council. - • ^7",
• United Church Holds 'Picnic
The annual congregational and; Sun-
day School picnic of Hensall United
Church was held Wednesday last at
Turnbull's Gro' e . with some one hun-
dred present. The weather was 'id+eal•-
and the event much enjoyed- Some
time -;was spent' in bathing, followed
with a delicious picnic supper . and.
,•ports convened •by Mrs:. Douglas
Huglfson, assisted by Mrs. Geo. Hess,
and Miss 'Gladys Luker: The •sports
were' exceptionally good and much en-
joyed by youngsters and adults.,
Following is the -line of sports and
prize *inners: Raceg, 1ipe'years and,
• and,er Donald Smale, ;girls, 6 to -8;
"2 Scott; Marion Pepper.; boys, 6 to
8, - Teddy Normintoi , Bobby Lavery
girls, 9-12, Jean McAllister, Sh'iniey
Chapman; boys, 9-12, Leroy . Peters,
Bill Carlile; young ladies, Bernice
Dilling,' Jean- McAllister; young men,
Charles Fee; R'bnald McKinnon; mar-,
ried ladies, ' Mrs. George Cowan; mar-
ried men, George Cowan; .ladies' time
walking, Bernice Diiling; ladies' spot
walk, Mrs. J. Flynn; men"kick slip-
per, George Hess; ladies kick slipper,
Betty Rowcliffe; orange •race, Dr. and
Mrs. J. C. Goddard; coat and+ umbrel-
la race, Mrs. A. Townsend and Ron-
ald McKinnon; beans and straw, -.Geo.
Hess and Mrs. Jack Corbett; passing
cups, George Cowan; wagon relay,
George. Hess; tug-of-war, captained.. by
George Hess and George Cowan, Geo.
Hess's side the winners. A three-leg-
ged race climaxed the sports.
Mr. James W. Bonthron,'welt-khown
businessman and funeral director of
Hensall, who has been in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, suffering . with a
heart condition, is improving and may,
'be able to come to his home within
a week, where he will have to remain
(Continded on Page 4)
Mtn„ Picnics
Take .dvan�tage
Of Ln&_Fark
Seaforth. Produce„Ltd.'
The employees of Seaforth Produce,
Ltd., numbering twenty five, gathered
at the Lions. Club Park ou Tuesday
evening to honor' Miss • Catherine
Green, • a$ Egmondville,' prior to her
marriage to Mr. Stanley Radii), which
will take place in :august. •
• Following. the sapper the -bride-to-
be was '.presented .with a number 'of
pieces of red and wiiit.e enamel kit-
chenware. The' presentation•was made
by . Miss .Audrey Shannon and Eva
Vincent„ -and Harold Deneau, manager
of the Company, spoke briefly.
Ferguson Family Reunion
McMbers of the• Ferguson family,
descendants of the MacDonald clan,
met at the Lions Park, Seaforth, for
their first reunion, with sliaty mem-
bers present, 'from London, Illieftoa;'
Denfield, Clandeboyea Exeter, Hensall, .
Kippen, Clinton and Bayfield.
A. history of the Ferguson's was
Prepared and given by Verna Linden,
of Denfield, ?which revealed that .Jane.
and Richard, Ferguspn left their home
in Yarmouth County Ireland, in 1827,,•
and it took them thirteen weeks and
three days to cross the Atlantic, and
hey--settledaa-t"•T•oiren'to: •-Later-.sites
came by wagon to Hamilton, then fol-
lowed a narrow trail tb the 12th con-
cession of London Township, Lot. 18,
north, of Birr, where they made their
The last surviving member of their
family, a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mary
Ferguson Stacey, og Exeter, wbo is 88
years of age, attended the reunion.
The oldest man presentwas a grand,
Son tot Richard and . Jane Ferguson,
namely, Mr. Joseph Linden, of Den-
field.. 'The youngest Child present, was
Gladys Vernetta Carter, of Clande-
boys„ ,three -months -old ,daughter. of
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Carter.
An, election of officers took ,place,
as follows: President, Joseph Fergu-
son,- of. Hensall; ""secretary -treasurer,
Amos Ferguson, Ilderton•; 'sports com-
• ittee,. -Arnold Gacksteer,' Kippen;
?Bruce Cann, Clinton; .Russel Fergu=-
ttin, Hensall; Norman Ferguson, Exe-
ter;, table .committees -•..Verna Linden,
, Denfie ' ; Doris Ferguson, •Ilderton.
It,'was. decided to (told the reunion
annually, the 1947 reunion to be •held
at Springbank Park,,London. 'A vote
of thanks was tendered 'to Mrs. Arnold
Gacketetter, Kippen, for organizing -
the first 'reunion,'
Lutheran Society Picnic
The Logan, Monkjon and Mitchell:
branch of the A.A.L. of the Lutheran
Church, held its annual picnic in Sea -
forth Lions Park -with 75 present: The
races, supervised by Wilfred PehIke,•
were as follows: Tiny tots, Ronald
,Rose and Betty Trentowsky; girls, 11
and under, Eldeen Miller; boys, 11 and
under, Donald Bode; kicking •the slip-
per, ladies, Mrs. Edward..,Gilck; men,
Gus Trentowsky,
FQllowng a delicious picnic supper
a .short ° business meeting was held,
and in the absence of the president,
R. W. Rose,• Rev. W. H. Wentzlaff
was chairman. The ' minutes of the
previous meeting were read by the
secretary -treasurer, Mrs. E. Gilck,
who also gave the treasurer's report.
Nine ,new• members: Carl Haase,'
Esther. Rose, Mrs.',;Tarl Rase,• Judith
•Engel, .Neil Krugel; Doreen Haehnel,
Irvin Schade, Larry Schade and Har-
old -Pehlke were welcomed into the
branch. It was decided 'to hold the
next meeting in Grace Lutheran
Church ,,basement, Mitchell, on the
first Friday. in November.
A vote of thanks was extended •tp
the lunch committee, Mrs. W. Ii
Four Ori �inals- M�.�� m •
., g , E' �ers
Brod n e n BY43.0Lrs� , g and,42
(From the Mitchell Advocate)
The visit of Brodhagen Band to
'TMditchelI last week to present their
first band . concert here this season,
i•minced• us to a bit of, speculation
regarding an organizations that could
exist for -long yeas” in such a small
centre as this village of around 2.00
People and still be going strong.
And not only do they present their
usual biweekly* concerts in front of
the Querengesser and Diegel store in
their' home community, but they have
remitted many an engagement that
went by the wayside during war.
, years. Far instance;, they presented
a concert at Ethel last Sunday night,
returning the following day to render'
a musical program during a celebra-
tion in that centre and they still have
a number of engagements to fill -this'
•The Brodhagen concerts have been
going on every other Sunday night
for the past four years which is sp•f-
fieient 'evidence of their popularity.
'The 'members practise weekly fn
11+Iueller's Ball now, but ilntil ' six
years ago met in Bennewies' Hall, at
that time tttrn'ed into a residence.
t'h'ey ,bate " -been 'self-supporting
through the forty-two years of'their-
existence, raising their inoney by
„nand•. soCiale.
The pr'e'sent Officers are: President,
Albert Hint; vice-president, Edvward
Seherbarth;- secretarntreasurer; W. L.
Querengesser, who has 'held this posi-
tion =for the.,past 23 -years. There :are
etf1•haur "originals" In, the group: A.
i17 tiuterengessel; who, as-�+been baud:
leader -far. the past 24 yea<i's;._ •W. L.
Querengesser, Ed. Eteklmeyer and 3.
i., Bennewies. Now they have 'had
sole corneti'ste, eta '' ta
' win Sehei`bartha "We •have Wend 2d•
fuettr'herb now,'', the Leader told- the
Adaocate, alatilVe of whom ate young,
4r•,boys iitio Annan ghee Oradea!!
Sometimes they have as high as 26
-Ld'oliing back over the year Mr.
Querengesser told us that they used
to go all ,over the country tp garden
parties ' and celebrations in one big
team -drawn vehicle, called "The
Brodhagen Band, Wagon," carrying 24
men. Naturally this gave way to the
more modern, traps
art tiOn by
Jack Diegel,• now of North• Ba
one of the mainstays of the Nartb Bay
Band. Henry Eickmeyer, now of Zur-
ich, led the band for years too. Frank
Siebert was the first leader, however,
and..1 ee,rman Kowalsky took his place
after six' years.
Organization of the` •Band came
about *hen Fred Hinz and William
Meyer, all set,. to buy cornets for
themselves, • thought it would be a
good idea ego ,get some other fellows
interested in organizing a brass band
in the village to make their musical
aspirations complete,- b°uiting action
to the word .a number of mimic -
minded men gathered at the Hinz
home and the Brodhagen Band came
into being with Gottlieb Mueller as
the first' president. The other mem-
bers. were Fred Hinz and William
Meyer, prime instigators in the move-
ment, W, -L. Querengesser, John Quer-
engess.er,, Henry Wesenberg, W. Rock,
W. Bach, J.'Vietor,'Henry Ritz, Henry
,Mueller, Wfllisi n Hinz, Albert Scher-
barth, . 'George H4ilebreebt, George
Diegel, Albert Querengesser, Henry
,Querengesser, John L. Bennewies and
Frank Siebert.
Of course there had,•. to be instru-
:wents and each contributed 120 to
the •band .treasury; after which ar-
rangenfents were made through the
late Albert Gtrebet, of •$itched, for
their `purchase, The Brodhagen Band
Made its debut at a -big political meet-
ing In hithilin, a six -mile trip., ba horse
' • (Controlled-, ou Page .5) • •
Newly -Weds Are Guests Of
Honor --At Family
A welcome -home ,party in honor of
Pte. Jack Donnelly,* was ;held in
Looby's Fall on • Friday evening. An
address was read by Gerald Holland
and presentation of a purse of money
was made by Harold Meagher. Pte
Donnelly and his wife, who accom-
panied him, expressed their gratitude.
A. social hour of dancing followed,
music being supplied by the Ryan-
McQfrlaid orchestra. Lunch was. serv-
ed by a grotty of volunteers..
Mr: and Mrs: Charles Malone en-
tertained .at a family reunion recep-
tion in honor of Mr. and 'Mrs. Hubert
Zettel, Galt,' whose marriage took
place in Waterloo last week, Mrs,
Zettel was formerly :Miss Agnes Mc-
Grath, a native of St. Columban. She
"recefv"ed •Bier °lirimafy• 'edu`catfon at St
Columban separate school and ter
senior matriculation at Dublin ccn-
tinuation school:` She was recently a
member of the teaching staff at
Personals: Mr. and' Mrs. Robert
Roney and family, -Imperial, Sask.,
with Mr. and ' Mrs. Alex Roney and
Mr. mad MrL-..,Kenneth Roney; Miss -
Eileen Evans,- student nurse, St. Jos
eph's Hospital, London, at her home;
Miss Kate O'Connell', London, witri
her sisters, Miss Molly O'Connell and
Mrs. Elizabeth Bruner; Mr. and Mrs.
James Curtin have , moved into • the
residence recently vacated by Mr.
and Mrs. James Elliott; Mr, and Mrs.
D. Costello at Landon; Mr, A. Kostek
and Joseph Kostek at Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs., A. Forster.' at '.L• ondon and
-Embro; Miss •Mary Costello, London,.
With' her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Costelle;.Mr:' and 'Mrs. .Fergus :.Rey
holds, Detroit, Willi Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
•Carpenter; • Ted ;Rowland, Wallace -
burg, with his''ynother, MM. Winifred
Rowland; Masa Katherine Evans has
returaedlitinua from St. Joseph's Hos-
pital London, where she received • .a
series o! -treatments; •,John • Shea un-
derw'en't a mejpr.. opeiatlon' in Scott
Memorial • Hospital, Seaforth; Mrs.
Kathleen Feeney in London; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Byrne, Hamilton, with
Mrs. Katharine Byrne and other rela-
tives; J'- Holland; Windsor, with Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Flynn; Joseph McCon-
nell and Rev. ,John F. McConnell at
Tobemory and other northern points;
Miss Mary Ryan, Toronto, with her.
sister, Mrs. K. McDermott; Clever
Eckert, Timmins, with his ,grand-
mother, Mrs, Teresa Eckert; Was
Mary • Atkinson,' Toronto, ,.with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Atkin -
Mr. Irvine Aikens' has returned
hone from Stratford General Hosni"
tal and is convalescing from: the eh'
fects of hid .recent accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dillon have
returned from a vacation trip in,
Northern, Ontario.
Wentzlaff and Mrs, Norman •Bode, al-
so to Rev. Mr. Wentzlaff for acting as
chairman. A,n A.A.L. pencil was ;i' -
en to eaeh one present.
Dudley -Richardson Reunion
Fifty were present at the Dudley -
.Richardson reunion held on Saturday,
July 27, at the Seaforth Lions Park.
The reunion was in charge of the so-
cial committee: 'President,. Mr.' W.-
:Roe; secretary, Mrs. J. Speir, and the
'sports. committee headed by Miss
Laura Spelr.
Following are race • results: Chil
.ren under six, Bob' Miller; Clinton;
children under 12, "Lois Roe, Blyth;
young ladies' race, Laura Speir, Brus-
sels; ,young men's race„ William Roe,
Blyth; older ladies' lace, Mrs. F. Mil-
ler,' Clinton; • three-legged race, W.
Roe and T. Riley, Blyth.; youngest
person present, Robert Miller, Clin-
ton; oldest person present, Mr. E.
Roe, Walton.
• 1.O.O.F. and Re'beicah Picnic
;About one hundred members and
guests of I,O.O.F. and Rebekah Lodges
sat down to a pot -luck Supper Wednes-
day evening, July 31, at the pons
Park, Seaforth.
The sports 'were held with the re -
'sults ars follows: Six year and under,
Ken Thompson, Liffie Habkirk; eight
years and. under, Ken Thompson, Bet-
ty Goudie; 12 years and •under, Bar-
bara- Nicholson, Patsy Hawkins;, 12
years -arid under, boys, Ken Willis,
Ray Henderson;• young men, Bill For-
rest, Alex ,Baker; graceful ladies,
Mrs. Manson, Jean Scott•; necktie race,
Mr. and 'Mrs, Alex Boyer, Mrs. E. R.
Smith and Mr. M: McKellar; ^needle
and' thread, Mrs. E. Hawkins and Mr:
C. Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker;
giris kick the slipper,' Peggy Willis,
Blanche Westcott; ladies kick the
dip*, Mrs. J. Grummett, Mrs. Alex
Bakers men kick the slipper, Ross
McLeann, Frank Smale; soda biscuit,
Ab. Baker; pall and, ball, Stanley Dor-
ranee; Siamese rade, Mrs.,. A. Boyer
and Bill Forrest;' one minute spot,
Mrs. H. Thompson, Mrs. Reg, Hart.
'The Park held a near record day
when _seven picnics were. held, along
with several faintly groups Ja'ripg
• Cromarty C•hu'rah Pietiic
' . Bus to a heavy ra.n, Tuesday after,
noon around Cromarty, the attend-
(Catitinued on Page 4)
• iI
egibn Plans
s to Raise .$6;000
ar --eorl Hall
• •. Drive, Commencing. August
19th, Will Coincide With
Dieppe Anniversary.
Tavistopk. Band
Seaforth `and :district citizens
ill welcoe tit announcement
that Tavistock Band,under the
leadership. of Band master Seltzer,
wilt , furnish the '.program at 'the
regular, Sunday •a t1ing• band con-
cert in Victoria Park on Sunday
evening, August 4. Tavistock ,•
Band is widely tahown as' one of ,
the finest mention!, ' organizations
in Western Ontario; and they are ,
assured of a larg!e;' attentive and
appreciative audience when they
appear here on::°Sunday evening.
., • •
.:.GIRL- _ T
� .P
IN g�}HY
Shirley Chandler'Heads En-
trance Pupils, At
.Shirley Chandler, •Parkhill, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Chandler and the late,
Rev; E. F. Chandler, formerly••of 'Nip -
pen, passed'her entrance examination
with' honours at the age of teiha 'years,
and was awarded a silver trophy 'and
fifteen dollars. We Wish. to congratu-
late Shirley on het success.
Kippen-Hillsgreen. Churches Picnic
: The Lions Park, Seaforth,. has..'again
proved itself to bete ideal place, for
a picnic, when on..Tuesday, .July 22,'
members. of Kippen , and Hillsgreen:,
United Churches -met for their annual
'picnic. All sat 0wn to a well -laden
table for supper' at 6,30 p.m., after
whieb all, enjoyed an hour of .well-
chosen sports arranged by Mrs. John'
Sinclair 'and • Mr, Edison ,MacLean,
which resulted - eh follows: Girls, .six
and under, Marion 'T'amer; boys, six
and under, Ro2'iald Anderson; girls, 6'
to 8 years, Elaine 'Reil; boys, 6 to 8
years, Douglas Coote'-; Wayne. . Mc-
Bride; girls, 8 to 12',years, Shirley
Cleland, May Coleman; boys, 8• to. 12'
years, Bob, Love, Jackie Bell; young.
ladies' race, Marian' Peck, . Joyce
Broadfoot; young men's race, Donald
Bell, Keith Love; married ladies'
rade, Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mrs. Harold
Jones; magazine race; -Bob Love, Dori
Kyle; needle and thread partner•race,
Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and John Coop-
er+, Mrs. Edgar ,McBride an dDuncan
Cooper; relay race, Mrs. Duncan
Cooper's side. :A tug-of-war was held
between Kippen and Hillsgreen metr
which resulted that• Hillsgreen men
are the strongest: Everyone then en-
joyed a ball game.
Discuss Exeter
Bus Routes
A conference of- the Exeter. Board
of Education and' the- Reeves of the
municipalities of Exeter, Hensall,
Hay, Stephen and 1`sborne, was held
in the Exeter Library to discuss de-
tail pf a proposed bus transportation
system of pupils to the Ehteter High
School in September. •..
Mr. J. Kinkead. el the Huron con-
sultative bommittee, and Mr. Duffin,
of the Departmeut of Education, gave
valuable information and advice re-
garding accommodations and bus ser-
vice. -
Tenders will be asked after a sur-
vey of routes and number of pupils
has been made and "consent of the
department received. It• is expected
that five bus routes will be neces.,ary.
Fall Fair Date _:
Now Availabe
,• •Dates ,of Fall Fairs tb be'It,eld this
year have been released by the Agri-
cultural and Horticultural Societies
Branch of the Ontario Department of
Agriculture, of which 3. A. Carroll is -
superintendent. According tO the
lists, 248 fairs ..and exhibitions are
being held this year, an increase of
approximately 20 over lair year's
Seaforth Fall Fair is September 19
and 20, and other fair dates are as
follows: Blyth. Sept. 16, 11; Mild-
may, Sept, 10-11; Hanover, Sept. ,511-
12; Palmerston, Sept, 12-13; Ripley,
Sept. 12-13; Listowel, 'Sept. 18-19;
Exeter, Sept. 18-19; Kincardine, Sept.
19-2Q; • Clifford, Sept. 20-21; Netistadt,
Sept. 20-21; PaisieY, Sept.- 16-17;
Stratford, Sept, 16.18; Atw•bod, Sept.
2'1-28;. Zurich, Sept: 23-24; Lucknow,
Sept, 24.25; Tara, ept.,2 -26; Duiigan-
non, Sept. 27; Teesweter, Oct. 1-2;
Fordwich, Ott. 4-5.
The head of the firm, was frowning
over a letter. Calling for hie chief
'clerk, he said: "That typist you
certairi.ly d1dit't engage her on account
of -her gramanari" r' -
"Oeanamar," said° the other, ."Ween
You were entphaslaing ti a liiiportanee-
of grammar -well, I tbtii'iglit you said
i Eva u.V:
Deciding to proceed with a cam
paign for the purpose of.raising funds
for the ereetion of a'war memorial
building,., the Seaforth Branch of the
Catadlan Legion' at a meeting Friday,
and ,at, a subsequent directors' meet-
ing Monday- night,.aee:t--up committees
to handle a house-to-house canvass in
.Seaforth and MgKillop and in that
portion of Tuckersmitli covered by the
Seaforth branch. The objective of
the canvas's Is $6,000, which, added to
municipal grants approved or antici-
pated, will, it is estimated, provide
for the construction and equipping' of
the building.
"i"he-:opening-date • of the •driye-aMon--
day, August 19, will have a particular
significance for the citizens of this
district, coincidibgoaa it does with the
(fourth anniversary of Dieppe- It was
at Dieppe that a. large number of Sea -
forth soldiers distinguisbed them-,
selves, and where Lt. -Col. Howard
MacTavish, former Seafprth merchant
paid the supreme sacrifice. • '
The proposed building is to be lo-
cated on lots purchased by the Leg;
ion on Main Street' adjacent ta the
bowling. greens,... -.and will include a
small auditorium, lounge and: games
room. Provision is,made for care-
taker's apartment. on •the second floor.
]`leading the drive is Legion • Presi-
dent B. •J. Duncan,.. as general chair-
man.. Vice-chairmen are:. Seaforth,
Richard Box; Egmondville • and Tuck-
ersmith, Harold Finnigan; Walton
and McKillop,. W. C. Bennett. -The
vice- hairmen are arranging for can-
vassers in their respective areas. p
It is intended' to bold a display of
war souvenirs in connection -with the
Canvass, and any veterans having in
their possession interesting souvenirs.
of; either the first . or :second Great
Wars, are requested to make . avail-
ab1ta.:.such souvenirs to the coinmit,tee.
These may be left with I-ostmaster•C.
P. Sills at the frost Klee.
Goderich Rink
-Wins Doubles
Fred Payee and Earl Allison, Gode-
rich, with 3 wins-6-61—took first
place in a doubles tourney held by
the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club
Wednesday afternoon and .evening.
Other prize winners were: Second,
Lorne Dale and J. Hotham, Sr., Se,a-
•forth, 3 wins -6-46; third, E. Pridham
and H. McNee, Goderich, 3 wins -4-61;
fourth,. R. J. Sproat and R. 3. Winter,
Seatorth, 3.wins-4-51. - . -
Tb•e games: E. Pridham, Goderich,
2 wins; Fred Pryee, Goderich, 3 wins;
T. Pritchard, •Goderich, 2 wins; W, F.
Sanders, Exeter, 3 losses; G: •_Coch-
rane•, Exeter, 2 -"wins; A. Roth;• New
Hamburg, 2 wins; W. E. Willis, Brum-.
sets, 3 losses; W. J. Mohr, • Mitchell,
3 losses; H. Porterfield, Mite ell; 1
loss; H. Steep;. Clinton, 3 losses; J.
3. C1-nff, Seaforth, 1. win;, C. P: Sills,
Seaforth, 1 win; M, .A. Reid, Seaforth,
3 losses; Fred Johnston, Seaforth, 2
wins;,. R. J. Sproat, Seaforth, 3 wins;
J. E. Smith;-Seaforth; 1 win; G. John-
ston, S.eaferth, 1 win; L. Dale, Sea -
forth, 3 wins.
Seaforth Wins
From Wingham
Seaforth, league -leading softball
team, defeated Wingham in an exhibi-
tion game in Wingham Friday even-
ing 7-2, Wingham ;getting their only
runs in the sixth inning. Messenger
was the big scorer for 'Seaforth, win-
ning three of the seven runs.
SEAFORTH-Messenger, 1.f,; Cam-
erson, s.s.; Hildebrand, 2b,; O'Connor,
.c.f.; Smith, lb.; Woods, 3b.; McFad-
din, ••r:f„ O'Shea, c., and Kennedp, P.
Miss Evelyn Cafnm, of Woodham.
spent the week -end, at the home of
her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson
Mrs. Lily -Hanna and: Miss Annie, of
Kingsville, spent the week -end at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs. Thos, Bell;
Mr. Murray Stephen, of London," is
holidaying at the borne of his par-
ents,' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen,
this week.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Eliza-
beth Sleamon. widow of the late John
Sleamon, was 'held on Saturday from
the Dinkey funeral home, Exeter, Mrs,
Sieamon, who was a former resident
of Eliniviile, was in her 85th ,year.
After leaving Elin:Wille, she lived at
Centralia, and' beteg in -poor health
the past year had stayed with her son,
Milton, of L6fIdeitl, wht#e slfg-Trasser7
away. The funeral service •was con -
chided by Rev. W.' Maar, with inter-
ment in • E.l.mville cemetery, Her
husband and •one daughter predeeeas-
ed her sone ySsm ago. One son,
• Milton, of London, survfi'es, •
MA rA '
Harold Deneau, • Hamilton, Who
has recently assumed the position
as manager of Seaforth Produce
Ltd. Mr. 'Denali 'Was. formerly
on the .staff of the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture.
� L
Walton Defeats Locals 2-0
in Semi -Finals Mon-
day Night.
Seaforth was elitainated from the
Huron Football League in the semi-
finals when the team was defeated by
Walton 2-0 on Monday night in Wel:.
SEA.FORTH—Goal, G. Kruse; ' full-
backs, J. McIver, T. Sills; • half -backs;
K. Doig, J. Holland, R. 'Nidli'olson;
forwards, E. 'McIver, B. . Watson,, H.
Nicholson, P. Cleary, J. O'Connor;
'alternates, E. Doig, L. Dale. • -
WALTON--Goal, B. Coutts; full-
backs, S. Humphrey,R.. Damage; -half
backs, J. Bryans, S. McCall, W. Reid;
forwards, N. Marex, G. Love, L. Dol -
image, H., Travis, R. Bennett; alter:,
nates, H. Coutts, B. Marshall,
Referee -J; Kemp, Listowel.
St. Columban and Brussels, who are
tied. in the • semi finals, ' will play a
audden-death game in Seaforth Thurs-
dao• night. 'The winner, Will meet
Walton in the finals for the 'Steph-
enson Cup.
Women's Institute News
Will all Institute members please
remember the 'home -,baking, sale on,
Saturday,. Aug. 3, in Frank Kl-ing's
vacant store. Bach member is asked
to donate baking or other hotne pro-
duce to the minimum of $1.00. Dona-
tions'should be at the store by 2 p.m.
—2.30 at the very latest -in order to
be labelled when doors open at 3 p.m.
Church Picnics 3owLEI wzN
Damage 'May Beach.
000 As -Five Truck, Con
tents, Lost At linton _ •
Forty kegs of ' beer, which-dishp-
peared Monday night :and early ''heap*
a day morning while a *100;001) firs ilii' ",
ted 'the Hanover 'Transport Co. ware-
lsouse and garage at Clinton, were re-
eover'ed on Tuesday by police, but
35 cases of bottled beer are believed.
tobestill about •town.
The beer was stolen by "moochers,"
as they were described by Jamey
MacLaren,, the' company's Clinton.
superintendent, who casually pickets
up th' kegs and cases of beer and ..
carried •them home. Mr. MacLaren
said .police had to visit -about. sixteen'
homes ..before the 40 kegs .of beer
• Provincial and town police have not
-yet deserle.d ilikernshanges would be
laid, b it'they are' continuing investi-
The beer was part of a consignment
brought from London Monday after-
noon for distribution in that area. It
was on the truck an the engine of
which the fire which destroyed the
building, started. -
j Lose in' the blaze which volunteer
firemen of Clinton fought for five
hours, was estimated at $100,00.0. Five
Five trucks each loaded with mer-
chandise and one of them containing
a new tractor and goods warehoused
in the depot were a total loss. The
structure, built of cement blocks and
Steel, was 'bulged and fractured so ` as
to be unfit for further use. -
Clifford , Jenkins, Wingham, . coin- -
pany motor mechanic, was paiafally+
burned on hour- hands and arms in
th'e explosion which preceded the fire..
He was said to have been fixing -the
fuel. line on •a' truck. when gasoline
dropped on the electric lig t' bulb'he
was using to -illuminate the. job; and
exploded- ,
Merchandise within the .'building,
.and on the trucks had been Consign-
ed, principally from Londen'.warehous-
es • Monday for dietinbatagaa ;:this
area. It included besides he beer, a°
load of cooked meats, fencing, roof-
ing; siding and other building mater-
Clifford Jenkins,- the injured Man,
said he believed the fire started„�y,;lxna•'
-gasoline fell on the hot electric bulb
which he was using to . inspect the
engine of 'a truck. Within a minute
the entire building was ablaze. At-
tendants opened the huge doors on
either side of the depot and attempt-
ed ,to drive out the vehicles parked
inside. -They were successful in sav-
ing Only two., Ben Edwards, another
driver, said, the flames shot upwards
to the tarpaper roof and across tar-
paulins covering the trucks at an
incredible speed. and within a mom-
ent it was impossible to enter the
,building, ".
On Wednesday afternoon, July 17.
the Sunday School and congregation
of the United -Church held their an-
nual picnic to Bayfield. Following are
the results 'of the races; Tots' race,
Katherine McGregor, Kenneth Cald-'
well; girls, 8 and under, Jean McGre-
gor, Katherine•MeGregor; boys, 8 and
under, Neil :McGregor, Bobbie Broad -
foot; gills, 12 and under, JeanMc-
Gregor, Verna Eyre: boys, 1'L and un-
der, Beverley Broadfoot, Morley Tay-
lor; girls, 14 and under, Donna Tay-
lor, Leola Taylor; boys-, 14 and under`,
Beverley • Broadfoot, Hugh Zapfe;
young' ladies. Blanche Zapfe. Betty
Woolley; young men, W. D. Watson,
Hugh Zapfe; married women, Mrs.
A. Mustard, Mrs. S. Baird and Mrs.
W. Scott (tied) ; married men, A. Pat-
erson, A. Zapfe; ladies :,tick slipper,
Hazel Diiling, Betty- Woolley; men
s :li
pper, Jack Mustard, John
•Broadfoot; hitting • dummy: ladies.
Mrs. Paterson; men, C. Cornish, T.
Mustard, Win. Paterson.. soap relay.
Mrs. W. Scott's team; tug-of-war,
Tuckersmith team. After the sports
abut 150 sat down to a very sumptu-
ous supper.
•Mr. and Mrs. Ranold McKenzie, Ed-
win and Lois, of Detroit, are disiting
Mrs. H. Zap`te and other 'relatives.
Mr. Ernest Mustard, of Winnipeg,
visited 'With relatives in the village,
M. and Mrs. John Rattenbury, of
Burlington, spent a few days with Mr,
and Mrs, Ross Scott,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Strange have
returned to their home in Toronto
after visiting with Mr.- and Mrs. G.
Dr. and Mrs. 'Albert Aikenhead, of
Saskatchewan, are visiting with the
doctor's brothers- and sisters,
Mr. and Mrs. James McCully and
Mary Lou, of Stratford, spent the
week -end hith Ma. Joe McCully 'and
Mr. and 'Mrs. John McIntosh 'and
family, of Toronto, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. C.- Haugh.
For the month of ekugust while Rev.
and Mrs. Stanway,and family are on
vacation, hen. Mr; Brown will °teeny-:
the pulpit the ling awa Angulo •,• and,
Mr. Colin Campbell the last two.
Miss M. Anbin, of Llinton, s'perit
last week at her home here.
Mr. and, Mr's. ,Stuart Horton,- • an&.
son are Visiting \rl'.r. and tGirs. Jar'ois
Horttlii. •-
Three rinks of Seaforth ',howlers
attended the, Rinks Tournament at
Clinton Monday- evening, the players
being: George Hildebrand, Fred
Johnston., Merton A. Reit., Ross J.
Sproat, skip; 3. Hotham, Sr., J. A.
MacDonald, W. G. Willis, Lorne Dale,
skip; and • C. M. Smith, George John-
ston. Mr. McKechnie " and Bev. F.
Christie. skip; Lorne Dale's rink win-
ning first prize., • ..
Rinks were present 'from Goderich,
Exeter, Mitchell and Wingham,
Takes Expositor
For 85 Years
John Elder, well known Hensall
resident. while in Seaforth Saturday,
paid his 55th subscription to The
Huron Expositor- Mr. Elder,. who de-
spite ilia years. is in excellene health,
has been a constant reader of The
Expositor since his youth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Allen, of Moi'dea,
Man., are visiting his brother, Cyr+ts.
for a few days.
Mr, and Mrs, George Pepper spent ,
Tuesday in Seaforth. . '
Miss Lois Rogers, Stratford,' spent
,Sunday with Mr. and MTs. Elmer
Mrs. James Malcolm has been con-
fined to her bed with tonsilitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Mb. Roney, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Roney maid son, Carl, Mr. and ,
Mrs. Alex Roney and family, and, Mr.
and Mrs. K. Roney and family spent
Sunday in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ahrens 'nd
family and Mr, and Mrs. Leslie WYE- ,
,lams agent Sunday evening 'with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Roney. '
• ...Mt'.}}and Mrs. Glen Pepper and fam -
R.w.cvisi-ted•iUliaton-_oftrSdaif�-Mid :-
Ruth Potte ;aaocompanied theta, Wee
to spend; eaten-1day'e,
Mr. and Mt'a, i+eagila Lainlbia
Militia spoilt Su d11 with. bet part.,
enteN1r. anti Mrs. J'ame1. nro,t �'tias;
in trent lid,