HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-07-12, Page 4• JULY i 1 lai4 i ie -:Ads, Will Be Insetted e .:New Low Cats Rates: F4 Sale, •vire ted. leost and Found, Casting Evegtts,. ate.—Per .Wird; • 'let eek , 4k x tent ""8'ixi vveelc Cent . Minimum charge, $tet iaaaertien 26 Cents ,Hach figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. *W of Thanks, 1n. Memoriaus Notices --1 ettnt per word. Minimum, 60 'cents per week. Enquxrffis-;gray be directed to a Box Number. e% The Huron Expositor, far 10 cents extra - T ae,n is additional per .-week will be charged if ads in above class are not paid ler the Saturday night in...tbe week in which the ad waa ran - •Si �. Mairriggee and Deaths inserted free'ef charge. Alla ,. 'Sales. Notices to Credigptq. Eta --Rates on application. Notices ),AVON VOZ•1 PRODUCTS—ORDERS TAKEN BY •2$. FRANK FINNIGAN. Phone 68-W. Sett,iitrt:b. 4099x12 Coming Events ('!RICH- REUNION—THE CR1CH REUNION `-' picnic will be held at She Seaforth Lions Park on -'Wednesday,., July 24th, Basket lunch, • 4100x1 RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF LIONEL alt Thornton and 'the Casa Royal tOrohestra, at •the New Crystal Palace Ballroom, Fair Grounds, Mitchell, Thursday, July 18. Come • and enjoy dancing to -this outstanding dance band. Admission 50c. , 4100-2 • Hep Wanted A RELIABLE WOMAN TO DO THE laundering in small business place for July and August. Write BOX 50, Grand Band, Ontario ...... 4099-2 Personals DON'T" SUFFER WITH YOUR FEET, OR athlete's foot. burning, • itching feet. corns, callouses,: chilblains, poison ivy or itch- ing skin. aloe PEMILAC, the amazing new speedy remedy. At your druggists. 4094x9 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER _GOODS) Mailed postpaid in, plain:•' sealed envelope with .price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Orden. Dept- T-73, NOV-RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Teachers Wanted Wanted To Buy TEACHER WANTED — 'PROTESTANT teacher for S.S. No. 2, McKillop Town- s'hlp. School redecorated receutly and is fully equipped with Hydro and radio. Duties to commence; September term-. If .making perr sonal application, which is preferable, apply in evening between 7 and 8, stating qualifica- tions and salary expected. to+ JOSEPH T. HUGILL,Secretary-Treasurer, R.R. No. -2, .. Seafotth. •• 409441 Farms For Sale WANTED TO BUY=J3ARlDWOOD. (HEST YY of drawers, Apply Box 497, H;>;'JRQN EXPOSITOR. - A LATE MODEL ELECTRIC IRONER. IN good condition. for cash. Write BOX 60. Grand Bend.' Ontario, 4999-2 For Sale • FARM MTT FOR SALE—FIVE .FS 'SOUTH of Seaforth, and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession '8, Tuckersmith. One mile from ,school. , Large bank barn, brick house. hen hduse and pig 'pea. Drained. ,Plenty of water. All in' grass.. Possession given irar madiately. '.Apply to J. W. FREE. Seaford/- . -4080-i3 • , Auction Sales volt SALE—a1 YORKSHIRE PIGS. SEVEN• weeks old. Apply to JOHN E. MacLEAN, R.R. No: 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r 21. 4100-1 FOR SALE—r .:GAS ENGINE 11,4.;HORSE- power, suitable for pump jack, etc. Also a Ole -track tractor, just the thing for muck Land foaming. This tractor. is almost new. Apply to JONATHAN HU,GILL. ,. 41004 Ij1OR SAI F,.-7 LITTLE PIGS. APPLY TO FRED 11USSER, Louisa Street, Sea - forth, Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tuckersmith School Area k ;oIunc.. Results (Continued from Page 1) Joyce Grigg,. wROyliis I—lardy, Mary Hudie,, Andrew lilusty, Douglas Hog- Betty ogBetty Alice Hutchins, Marion- Jonesr Joan. Jordan, Gordon Lane, Donald Longfield, Gail Manning, Cam- eron 'Maltby, Bobby Managhan;- Jae- queline Mulholland, Mary •MacDonald, Marlene McAllister, Eldon Morrell, Marjory Mustard, Douglas McBeath, Billy Nediger, Andrew Neilson, Aud- rey Oliver; 'Ronnie Patterson, Joen. Peckitt, Donald Petrie, Eileen Jiine Pocock, An Shaddock, Marjorie Stanley, William Stephenson, Jane Taylor, Robert Taylor, John Tebbutt, Lewis Tebbutt,. -_Yvonne Thompson, Robert Weeks, Kenneth Wood, Heigh Zapfe. Granted standing under' Regulation 10 -5 --Helen . Anderson, . Howard ' Gre- eli$. L ' Dashweed ~• Wilfred Becker, Marie Clarke', Ron- ald Dawe, Evelyn Desjardine, Gordon Eagleson, Vesta Ford, Colleen Gild, Shirley Guenther, Mary Ann Hart- man, Barbara Ann Hayter, Larry Houlahan, Rita Houlahan, Gloria Kraft Betty Love, Jean Mason, Shir- ley Mason, Wallace Pfaff, Grace Pick- ering, ..Jimmie Pjckerliug George Rader, Ann Ma1•iee'Regier; Ruth Reg- ier, Jaiab''' Schroeder, Glee Shaw, Marion Smith, Anna Turnbu'il, Ber- nice Tyler, Joe Vanste.enkiste, Gerald Webb, William Yearley, Mary Ziler. TENDERS WILL BE REdEIVED UNTIL July 21st for the construction of -a cement sidewalk at each of No. 4,.. No. 5 and No. 7 schools, from schoolhouse to the road,.••.Sute- walk to bd 3 feet wide. with a minimum thickness of. 4 inches, and blocked every 3 feet. To be constructed of good clean gravel and, Portland cement in proportion one part cement and five parts gravel. Tenders to include all materials and labor and contract to be completed by September 1st. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. ' For further particulars apply to S. H. WHITMORE. Secretary Tuckersmith School Area. R. R. 3. Seaforth. 4100-1 • TENDERS WANTED" QEAFORTH . H1014 SCHOOL HEQUIRES for. September 1st" 1946: genders fo . drawing of pupils. Applicants to own an operate - bus. Tenders to be "in by noon, Jul 20th: For further particulars apply to , M. A. REID, Sec.-Treas. High School Board. t• - At3CrION SALE 'QF PROPERTY AND. Household Effects of the tate, Mrs. Jessie Brown, on Friday, July- 12th, at 1.50 p.m.. on -Victoria Street, in Town: of ,Seaforth: :Property -7 -room storey and 'half frame house. covered with -asphalt shingles; basement; Hy- dro; town water. 'I•nrmedaate possession. Well located, Also the household .contents, inolud- ing stoves,' tables, chairs. b4drboni , furniture. sealers, dishes, other articles. Terms—Cbat- baTe, 'cash.' Property 20 per cent . down, bal- ance 30 days. (Reserved .bid).., • Possession on comp)etion of sale. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4069-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - feels, ofi 'Jarvis Street. Seaforth, on Sat- urday, -'July 13th, et 1 p.m.: 1 Findlay cook stove and pipes : 2 -burner- Hot Plate; • all - enamel Beatty electric washing machine (like new) ; tub stand and tubs ; kitchen table; 6 kitchen chairs ; number of rocking chairs,: number of small tables : Westinghouse "elec- tric fan; dropbead sewing •machine : couch; ' sideboard: kitchen cupboard; sink ; dining table and 6 chairs; fernery ; platfaorm rock- er.: reed. rockers: organ: Pedestal: mantel • radio ;..'ferns and house -plants ; ourta.ins : drapes : small wardrobe; chest of drawers : 2 bedroom suites, springs and errattresses Quilts' and limens: toilet sets; 2 Congoleum rugs. 9,1x 10', ' and 121 x 151; quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils; electric iron: step ladder; pile of hardwood: putt and quart sealers ; crocks : cellar cupboard and table: lawn mower; shovels; garden tools; 2 lad- der, • with roof hook; quantity of • lnmberi coal scuttle; 1926, Erysler Sedan. Property - said, Ea'raie,a Terms—Cash. • JOHN -HART- ;MAN, Proprietor: E. P. Chesney, Clerk : Har- old' Jackson, Auctioneer. • ` 4099-2 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of 'JOSEPH WILSON .CAMP- BELL ALL PERSONS HAVING -CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate' of Joseph •Wilson Cai'npbell. Late of the Township of McKillop- deceased: who die,; nt) or about the 19th June. 1946, are hereby notified., to send in to the under- iianed an or before., the 26th day of July,, 1046, full particular of their claims. Immediarely :after the said last mentioned data. the a sets of the' said ,,.¢stat' will be distributed 'amnn%at .the parties en:itl' i there- to: having regard only to claims ,of which .the undersigned shall then have amigo, to the exclusion of all other, anis the undersigned will not be liable to, any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have motive' for the' assets to , dktributed, or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, Ont. this 6th day of July, 1946. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister, BSM.. Seaforth, Ontario, 4100-3 NOTICE TQ CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES HENDERSON. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of James Henderscin. late of tore Township of McKillop. deceased. who died on or about the lath June, 1946. are hereby .notilted to send in to the undem'a•igned on or before the 21st day of July. 1946. full- par- ticulars of their claims. 'Immaediately after the said last mentioned date, the 'tsets of the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard 'only in claims rf which the undersigned shall then !lave n.rtiee. to the exc usion -of all other, and the underrigried will not be liahlo to any oer'n of whose claim the undersigned shall, not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this '3rd day of July. MIS. ALViN W. ETLLERY, Barrister, Etc„ " Seaforth. Ontario. 4099-3 Seaforth On 4100-2 ,OlYna t%p Generat'. Menu/ate, be pal,d as ;Oen xuneh t . ' .:. Hay Township Roads. Chrlstaan F,rla, $145; doe Denoi ae, 58; .,letat- the, t ) ea�onmle, $8.40; Jamas, Masse, $147.35; Louie gautin, $10.80; Charles Aldwortb, . $5.86; Alfred'. Meid'itlger, 53.50; Theaeses Coates. $5 Q6; • P&se- more Garage, $208.30; Garnet 'patara, 58.50; Alehouse Masse, 529.70; Frank- lin ranklin 'Corriveau, 52.40; Wm. Watson,. 513.05; Louis Masse, 548.80; Percy Campbell, $6.20; Roy Merrier, 51.15; John N. Reid, 56.75; Charles Kstner„ $12,30, Total, 5525.85. Relief—Mrs. JollaSeptet, $25; Mrs. Edith Mason, $10; Emma l3assow, 58.90; Albert Heideman, rent, 53. Hay Twp. General Accounts—Con- rad Sienion, $3,70.12; J. G-,. McDougall, plowing match, $100; Corporation of Village of Exeter, 530; Bank o Mon- treal, re drain debenture, 035.62; Hay Municipal Telephone -System, $600; H. W. Brokenshire, $29:$1; Ed: Zimmerman, $1; Wee H. Edighoffer, $10; Henry Lawrence, $1,440. Total, 52.,716.65. The meeting adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, August 5, at 8 p.m —William Haugh, Reeve; H. W. Brok- enshire, Clerk. • Exeter • Joan Batten, Donald Bergie, Ida Blanchard, Maxine Bowden, Murray Brintnell, Etta. ' Brintnell, Shirley Broom, Vernon Buckland, Gordon Cann„ Wilma, Coates, Charles Cowen,; Gilbert Dow; Lorne Ford, Eileen Fras- er, Doris Hais•t, Audrey • Harrison, Mt,jjel Hewitt, Joan Hopper. Barbara Hutiter,• Eileen Hunter, Earl Hunter, Stirling Ince, Eileen Jeffery, Stephan Kendrick, Gordon Kirk, Helen Presz- eator, Ted Prout. Loretta Pym, Robert Russell, Glen Schroeder, Mabel $elves, Tom Steiner, Shirley Taylor, Shirley Thomson, Robert Tripp, Don- ald Webster, Muriel Wells,. Isobel Wilson-, Marion Woods, Evelyn . Wright, June .Wright. • • - r • Winchelsea - June Borland, Dorothy Brintnell. Marie 'Cole, Billy Heywood, Howard Hodgson, Wilbury Knowles, Betty Mair, June Walters. d y NOTICE TO CREDITORS TENDERS WANTED Townsh'i'p of Tuckersmith - Extension Of Time THE TIME FOR Tita RECEIPT O" ff 'tender' for the construction of -a garage. in the Township of Tuckersmith, has been extended until '9aturday. July 20.1et. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. Township •of Tuckersmith. 4100-2 -Cards of Thanks MARIONq DOWSON WISHES TO THANK a1.1 her friends who came to visit her and sent cards. fruits and flower, and to Dr. Addison. Dr. Oakes and to Nurses 01 Scott . Memorial . Hospital. Seaforth. in her recent illness.. In Memoriam INGRAM—IN LOVING -MEMORY OF DAD, AlexanderIngram. who died July 11. 1943. God knew that he was suffering. That the road was hard to climb. So Ile closed his weary eyelids. And whispered, "Peace Be Thine." —Ever remmilv,ered by The Family. Births Iii the.,. Estate of ADA,.LINE,-,JOHNSON, Deceatied. ALL PE2S.Oit7SHAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Adaline Johnson; tate of the Vieage of Mansell, in the County of Huron. Widow, .wee died on or about the 19% day of June, A.D. 1946, are required to Me partieelare ••r51 tate same with, Eimer. D. 'Se1icitar. of Exeter, Oijitario, by the lith " day. of tate, A.D. 1946, " after Which fit, •the +estate Will be 4istritmied. having etettaied o'n11p' t '' thoda teats of *Mali notice teoto ISA the 2Gtit'dt June 1946. •IILlialt D. BEM, HoliciCor for Ore )Lrxei/dt,,ansi• • fitiYatdt SMILLIE At Kamloops, B -C-, to Dr. and Mrs. I. G, SmtiIlic. ' a sow Charles Robert Brace. HOLLAND—In Scott Memorial Hospital. on July 6, to Mr. and Mrs. John Holland. Sea - forth_ a daughter. v ' GLANVILLE—In Scott Memorial Hospital:'on. July 7. to Mr. and Mr. John Glanville. McKillop, a son UPS -HA -Ur -1n - Scott : Memorial Hospital. on July .7, to Mr. arid Mrs. James Upshall. Tuckersmith, a son. Deaths STEWART—In Seaforth, on Tuesday. JalY 9, Minnie Calton. beloved wife of John A. Stewart. in her 80th year. VARNA • £ROMARTY • • Personals: Mrs.. Helen ' Dalrymple, • Clinton, and . Mr. and 'Mrs. Marshall Gallagher and,, son, Donnie, ot'-Archy- da1, -Seek!, with •Mrs. William Hough- ton and .family; Mr, and. Mrs. James Scott, Jr., and children, and Mr. and Mrs:. Tom Scott with .Mr. and• Mrs. Orland Francis, Woodstodk; urray alfour, Windsor, with. Mr. and Mrs - Dave Bribee and Mr. and Mrs.Prank 'Bruce and his brother, Bruce Bal- four; Miss. Jeen •lidiCulloc'h, London, with ,Betty McKellar • and other friends; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Parker and Mrs. Oswald Walker, Staffs with Mr. and Mrs. George Dalrymple, Kip - pen. • Several members . of tfe• Grange Order, in- this .district attended. ser- vice Sunday in Bayfield and Clinton. The annual Elliott picnic was held in Jewett's Grove. Bayfiet'd, on Sat- urday last. 1#etween"45 and 50 guests were present. - Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Reid, Pearl and Eric, and Mrs. Annie McNaughton, of London. visited Mrs. M. Reid and Mr. and' tier's. E. Chuter, of Varna. ' .Mrs. Rathwe'I'i, is spending a few days in Hensall with her sister, Mrs. McDonald, and daughter, Marguerite. Miss Fisher, -of Toledo, Ohio, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. J. F. Smith, who has not been enjoying the best of health. and her many friends look soot for some improvement. ' Mr. M. Pilgrim and' friends, who. have spent the past ten days with his brother and -family, Mr. C. C. Pilgrim, left, Sunday for his home in Detroit. Miss Mary McAsh,,in company with Miss Violet McClymont, of Hensall, are the -guests of Mrs.. Margaret Mc- Ciyniont and family. - Mrs.. Schell and son. who spent a week with her mother, Mrs. Austin, and brother, was joined by her hus- band on the 4th of Jelly when they all returned to' their home in Detroit. Mr: Isaac Medcalf of Wingi;arae called on his cousin, Mr. Jas. Steph- enson, last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore and little son, of Holmesvitle, spent Monday evening with the letter's parents, M. and Mts. Jobe *with, Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Godgrich, moved last week to Mr. Nelson Reid's •kouse, Mr. and Mrs. G-eirkart, of Detroit; visited ' Mr. and Mra, Inge last week. Mr: and Mrs. Cecil Murray, of Tuck- erlsinith, in company with Mr. Mtur- ray's sister, Mrs. Talbert, of Edmon- ten, called Stinda.y on Mr. and Min. A tng: WINTHROP ' HAY Council Meets The council of the Township of Hay met in the ,Township Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, July-. 2, at 8 p.m.,at which time the following coii•espondence was presented: " Letter from Clerk of McGillif"rarr' Township, re formatidn of Conservation Authority for Aux Sauble River water shed; 'Department of Education, re aisproval of Depart- ment in the formation of a -township school area in Hay Township. The following motion was then passed: That payments on Hay Municipal— That payments on Hay Municipal Telephone System, Roads, .Relief and Misses Irene and Ruth ,atentgomery are visiting their aunt, Mrs, Sydney McCullough, and . Mr•, McCullough in Blyth. Mi. Alex Kerr underwent an opera- tion for appendiots in Scott ,Memor- ial Hospital on Saturday. He is pro- gressing favorably; Mr: and Mrs. Lorne - Wilson • and Stewart Wilson, of Tuckersmith, and Ruth Merrill, of Summerhill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure the past week, Mr. Andrew Montgomery of 'Brant- ford, is spendicg a few days et his home herd. ' Mr. Roy, Henderson • has' left for -Rouyn,- Quebec, where he has accept- ed a position in a hardware store. Mr. Bob 'Withers,. of Parkhill, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hender- son. Council Meets Onivert, 4; al"vey nnet .. o. 1'rert $1,09; glens art r, a ., b hi , x $121 li gh filar. H.' da hruhi 0-840, Wlili..n.;Garter, road Ouper. tenden;t, :35¢x7' '; Arthur Weymout, x.. grader operator, $02.26; Arthur Wel,, mouth, 'three car ttll?a todent , 54.50;• Humphrey Snell, waa"let and weeds, 54.40; George W. Gewalt, Par. salary, $176;. Jim .j',arleson,. anew fence, '$2; Fred Shabb'rook,' cutting and inspecting weeds, $1.00.=—Geo. W. Conran, Clerk. HULLETT DUBLIN ' .-._. The newly -appointed officers of St. Patrick's Altar Society entertained the retiring executive members alt the home of Mrs. John Meagher. The former president, Mrs, Joseph Cron- in-, was, presented With a plastic silk umbrella. The honored guest grac- iously expressed her .appreciation.' Several garnus of progressive euchre were played and a delicious ;lunch ,served by the hostess and her assist- ants. Promotions At No: 4, Hibbert Following is ,the list of promotions for Separate School NO. 4, Hibbert: Grade • 1 ---to Grade 2—Louis Barry, Josephine Morris. Grade 2 to 3— Mary Margaret, Coyne (Hon.), Anne Marie McMillan (Hon.), Cecelia. Etue. Grade 3 to 4—Anne Steffler. Grade 4 to 5—Elaine Etue. Grade •5 to 6— Mary Morris- (Hon.), Barbara Jordan, Jerothd Morris. Grade 7 to 8.—Lor- etto Barry,' Ann Feeney, Jack Feeney, Veronica' Jordan. Grade 8 The regular meeting of the H.ullett Township.- "•Ccuncii met Thursday, July 4, in the Community Hall, Lon- desboro, at 8 j .ill. The reeve apd all neenibers.:.of the council were' pre•'.'s.ent- The minutes of the last ••regular .meet- ing of June 3. were. read. Rapson and Jewitt:: That the minutes ;abs adopted as real. Carried. At this- time council' interviewed three representa- tives regarding the accident .insur- •' .'CZ held '_by . the tow nship. ,Jewitt an. Rapson: That we renew' tthe, accident Insurance alley with Mr. ey. S. Gibson. Carried. Dale .and' Jewitt: That- we pay Fred Sheibbrook for cutting'antj inspecting weeds and add same' to the roll of interested par- ties. Carried. Rapson and -Brown: That we grant Clinton and Blyth $35' each to the Fair. Lost. Amendment bY Jewitt and Dale: That we pay a grant of $50. to Clinton Fair and $35 to Blyth Fair;` Carried. 'Brown and Jewitt: Tliat the accounts" be paid. Carried. Rapson and Brown: That we do now adjourn to meet August 8 at 7.30 -p.m. Carried. Accounts—Clenton News -Record, ad- vertising, $2.70; George Radford, con- tract Yungblutt Drainl'$542.80; George Radford, contract Branch No. 1 Dodds Drain, $400.00; George W: -'Cowan, ex- cise stamps, $3; W. S. Gibson, acci' dent insurance pol,loy, 5100.00; Treas- urer --•-Huron County, Plowing Match grant. $100.00; Arthur Weymouth, grader- repair. $1.25; W. A. Brunsdon, oil, etc., 58.1e; George Radford, 0(11 - vert, $22; 'Gordon Rad.ford, gas, oil and repairs. $100.35; Robert Riley, to 9—Loretta Morrie (Hon.), Gregory Morris.—Helen M. , Flanagan, Teach- er. .. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hill, Chicago, with Mr. . and Mrs. Jas. Shea; Miss Lor'een Looby, Montreal, with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby; Mars. J, V. Ryan,; Stratford, with her Sister, Mrs. M. Schulman; Miss Mary Evans, Windsor, with her mother, Mrs. Ketjl,erine Evans; Miss Agnes ,McGrath, . Waterloo, with her, mother, Mrs. Mary McGrath; Norman Hen- nessy and Miss Marie Neven, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. William Cur-, tin; Daniel Williams in Detroit; Jos. Lanier, Toronto,, with his sisters, Mrs. M. Coyne and Mrs. Jas. O'Reilly; Mr. and- Mrs. Edward -.McGrath and. children; Ilderton,' with Mr. and Mrs: D. McConnell; Harry Seale; Mont- real, 'Larry Beale, Stratford, Edward' Beale and daughter, 1Vlargaret, of De- troit, with Miss Mary Beale; Mrs. C. J. O'Reilly, Miss Mary O'Reilly and Maurice O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Meagher, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs, . Thos. J. Molyneauxe Mrs. Beverly Henderson end son, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Feeney; Gregg Sullivan, Ifilaloe,:, with Mr. and :Mrs. Jack- McCarthy and other tele-. tives; Dennis Walsh, Kitchener, with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh; Misses Mary, Teresa and Margaret Atkinson, Toronto, with ..their par- ent's, Mr. and ,Mrs. Joseph-' Atkinson; Mrs. M. J. O'Rourke and son, • Joseph,, Mrs -eel -ernes '.Donnelly- -a-4aughteP,•; Detroit, 'with Miss Katherine Burns; Miss Jean Burns, Galt, with her par- ents, •Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns; Mr. Aslin, Toronto, with Mrs: Aslin and family; Mr.. and MI's. McGillivray and daughter are . vacationing:, .at Owen -Sound and other points; Mrs. H. ger- man. orman. and •daughter, Fila•' Lopise, have returned home after spending several weeks in Hafiilton; Miss Edna Chick, Toronto, 'with •Mrs. A. M.'Lboby; Mr. and Mrs. Spicer and three children, Detroit, with Mr." and Mrs. " John Meagher; Miss Helen Sinon, Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Brown, Kinkora. with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Don- nelly, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald, Bowers and three children, Hes- peler, with Mr. 'and Mrs. Leonard Nagle; Miss Ursula Krauskopf spent the week -end in London; Mrs. Mary McGrath at Waterloo; Mrs. Lotdse Flanagan, .-Mrs. Frank Feeney and An•lrew Dantzer at'- London; • Rev. Fcther Hinsp.erger,'C.R., Rev. Father l;ulibrook, C.R.,'and Rev. Father Har- ry Feeney. C,R., St. Jerome's College, Kitchener, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. • Bernard. Costello,. son. of. Mr and Mr's. Dan Costello, ,underwent a criti- cal .eye operation in St. .Joleph's Hos- pital, London, on Tuesday.• .. . tter1$4sL al/4 4%We Pearl te00i4 Of +§ea,t9rth, vl9tte with M Margaret IQbliatOZ oxi Sunday. Suet ': ti.l,,,4„1 Mualo Ekam 171 the recent Toronto Conservatory of Music eimeetaatiene held in Lon- don, Mavis Reid, 12 years of age, was' e lcoeesiul in, Pawing her akoio per, to:Inners A T.C3;M, examin.atiOn with honors, and also obtained honors in,., the Grade XV 4otxnterpolut examina- tlett. Mavis is the daughter of ''Mr,. and Mrs. J. p. Reid, Of London, and formerly: oft Hensall. Mr. and ,Mrs. W; Simpson, Billy ani. Bobby, of Detroit, are visiting with the farmer's, mother, Mrs. L. Simp son:' ' The $ensall Hosiery Mill conitaenc- ed operations last week with a small staff, but will Morett 'O with a larger stall .aa business increases. - At the auction sale of- the late Mrs. Adeline Johnson, of Hensall, Mr, Bry- an Kyle, of Hensall, purchased • the residence for twenty-two hundred and fifty' dollars. - We notice in a recent press that Mavis, 12ryear-old daughter of J. D. and Mrs. Reid; of London, was sue- cessful in, passing hen ,.A.T.C,M. piano exam, with honors. ' igongx'atulation-s to Mavis, who is a piece of Minnie Reid of town., Dr. and Mrs, Thomas Spaulding, Michol and Tommy, of Lansing, Mich., spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs! T. 3., Sherritt. Dr. 'Spaul'ding• is a nepheat of Mr. Sherrill;. Mr: and Mrs. Mervyn •Rycl malt and Terry, ag Flint, Mich., are, spending CENT a word ONE (minimum 25c) is' all that it costs you fot a clal<ssified ad. in The Huron Expositor. All - Ad. that each week will reach and be read by more than 2,000 families. • • If you Want to. 13uy or se11 anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than us'inglan Exposi- tor classified ad. Phone 41, Seaforth. - • Hur�n Expositor HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) Mr. Peter` McNaughton, popular Hens tdt resident, underwentan opera- •"ttop for appendicitis at Clihton Hos- pital Monday ;morning, end 'his many frie-ads Will be pleased to know is pro gressing nicely. • Mr. and ,bins, E. L.Mickle and fam- ily .left Sunday for. Rondeau Park, where -they will spend a menthe va- cation. Mrs. A. Poll -stile,. of Toronto, Land Misses Edith and Lillian MeEwan, of" London, were .recent.visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross left on Monday for Fort William, where they expect to, be. away for three weeks and will enjoy a boat trip. Mi. and Mrs..Sam Stevens, of Jack- son, Mich,, were recent visitors with MTs. J. D. Stewart. Mrs, Grace •Harpole is spending a week's vacation at ,Peterboro and Ot- tawa, - .Mrs. T. Parlmer left on•Wednesdhy: to spend a vacation in Windsor with her •son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer and her grand- daughl;er„ Carol. _ " 'Mr. and Mrs" Kenneth Manns ,and little "son, of .Toronto. are visiting with the former'.smother, Mrs. F. Manns, ,Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, Billy and Joan, and., .Mrs, Walks are vaca- tlonin.g in Northern Ontario. , • Mr. and Mrs. George Gram and Ralph, of Charlotte, Mich., were week end guests „with Mr. and Mrs. George Gram. .Mr.' and Mrs. George Hess spent the week -end with friends in Preston. Miss Barbara Shepherd, of Clinton, is vacationing at: her home in' Hen- sall. Dr. and Mrs. Stherk were receft visitors with relatives in Toronto, Dr,, William Joynt and Mr. Harold Bontbron left Wednesday fdi• Vat& toulin Island for a vacation. Mrs• Russell Love ,acid faintly, of Owen Sound, are vacationing with Mr. and 'Mrs, I. R: Mel maid " Mr. and Mira. Hebert S'piiith, Mrd. HAY Y At Isar, the $ietrosihow MMolat 9aF ler Fever call boQgaichiY,Fdrbed. IonaifePt „E n is a °_ ja ane conveoot "tor nient Ye*: 400 being n.•ratst .to. i =tis- soltred prvies- ... mai•it.iLoPetatir ediattir it b Get La "E" to. tori MO Ycnr 7.11: e, treetamat Mor. Hey Fever lease ego fbath be- e.us- ealan0at ot- tbe sotto r,• Pcksz Imo -- MIDDLETON'S DRUCS. Phone' 20. Hensall' their vacation with. Mr. and Mrs- T: . J., Sherritt and Mr: and 'Mrs Grant Ryckman. (AdditionalI1ensall News on Page 3) THE NEW B.F.Goodtich S1LVERTOWN - t$ GREATESi •TI1IE=-- ;0 ILL ii(t� •• OUTWEARS PRE=WAR TIRES SeGacae IT'BUILT/ IN A COMPLETELY NEW WAY • A new kind of rubber, de- veloped by S.F. Goodrich, is used — a rubber that runs cooler, wears longer and re- sists bruises. A new and stronger cord, also level- , oped by B.F. Goodrich, gives greater body strength Lb this tire, permitting a wider,'ilat- ter tread, with more mileage, traction aid safety. Get the new Silvertotnna ▪ the greatest mileage tires' o/ all time. �Sirf tiR +{s[ ,ass `tea., a;.r Kry FF':. KELLAND'S TIRE AND- BATTERY 'SERVICE Main St,, Seaforth Phone 248 NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality, owning or harbouring dogs, must purchase 1946 License for same on or -before July 31, 1946. Licenses will be issued.from the Treas-- , user's Office in the Town Hall, or from the ry Tax Collector,1 T. Cummings. After that date summonses through the court will be issued to owners or harbourers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MUST WEAR LICENSE' TAGS ' AUDITS INVESTIGATIONS TAX CONSULTANT Bookkeeping Systems and Service ' Bernard A. Galbraith ACCOUNTANT - AUDITOR Established 1942 52 Albert . St.,. Stratford, Ont. Phones -2427-W • Res. -2427-J A N I M A I; S 01SABL�D Quickly ,removed In Clean Sanitary trucks•, Phone collect. ,219 MITCHELL ' William .Stone Sons Limited