HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-07-05, Page 8rr, fi :a„ 1S111'$IUAtxv, 7I^1D6,41.0c NT' $ , 1Bp, IGLARV' 'AND 1N!I'P DSTORM- 0,4,1'i t#lip ,4o>nt►a?R11es Wl o give c. `. �R14'�:t3r wit h . g!N'r:i e 40VIiTTS • E o iii. ONTARIO if E.10KA 4'S. MUTUAL FIRE INSUR,ANOE - .., A'mation.. gladly given, FOR SALE_. ,,wralue dwelling on South Main $t., with thruace; barn; 136 acres of land. Ilwatediate .possession, 4sphalt shingle covered dwelling on. Yiotdria Bt, Immediate possession. WATSON & ` REID: M. A. REID - Proprietor Insurance, & Real; Estate Phone 214 : Seaforth The Second Division Court II County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office horns: Tum- -day. Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday evening. 7.30 p.m. to 3 p. g. • E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk 0 '0 G. Al WHITNEY 0 000000.000 O O Successor to ,0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Main Street - - Seaforth O 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital. bed for 0 O rent: O O Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 O Flowers. O 0 Telephone 119 O 0 Nights and Holidays! 65 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 000.0000.00000 0 W. J. CLEARY O O Seaforth, Ont. 0 O LICENSED .EMBALMER 0 •O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR O 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 000000000000 0000000.00000 urs. OE' fi . Announcement,, -4 r, .dud Nra Dale ann9449e the .engagelq"ient._. o:l their eldest daughter, Betty lane",, to Mr. 'Charles Ross Case, son of MO, Case'" and the late Edward. Case, .Of Sea arthR the orriag eto take place the middle of July. •Platt - Forrest.=A quiet wedding took place at the United Church, Fg- mondvi'lle, on Wednesday afternoon, July' 3 when H. Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. John Forrest and the late Mrs. Forrest, was united in mar- riage to John A. (Bud) Platt, sun of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Platt, for- mer residents of Stratford. Rev. A. W. Gardiner performed the double - ring ceremony. The attendants were the bride's sister and brother, Mrs. W. D. Scott and Mr. William Forrest. After a reception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest, the happy couple left for a short, honey moon to the Thousand Islands. Hodgert - Hodgeon: A quiet wed- ding was solemnized at the Eginond- ville United Church Manse on Satur- day, June 29, at 12 noon, when Rev. W. A. Gardiner united in marriage Hannah Mae 1todgson, daughter of Mrs. Fred 'Hiusser, Seaforth, and the late Walter -Hodgson, to Wilbert Rus- sell Hodgert, son of Mrs. Thos. Hod- gert, Tuckersmith, and the late Thos. Hdegert. The ,bride looked charming in a street length dress of pale blue 'sheer and wore a corsage of pink Talisman roses. The bridesmaid, Janet Hodgert, only' sister of the groom, wore .a street -length dress of yellow silk jersey and ,a corsage of red Talisman roses. Mr. Harold Rice, Seaforth„ was best man. Later the bride and groom amid showers of con- fetti and good wishes left for a short trip to Muskoka and points east: For travelling the bride wore a •flowered silk jersey and brown accessories. On their return they will reside in Seaforth. Q O ' > J. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral- Director . 0 0 DUBLIN : ONT. 0 0 • Night or day galls: Phone 43 r 10.,0/� 4:Ak J. Y '00 O O O 4 0 0 0 d 0 CarWashing AND Simonize AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 Seaford] Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen SEAFORTH EXETER CLINTON Seaforth Showrooms open Tuesdays. See Dr. Barbara for appointment any other dime, or. Phone 413, Exeter. Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Uholstering Co. Stratford TELEPHONE 579 , For further information apply at Box's . Furniture Store SEAFORTH Body St Fender Repairs AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 THE McJILLOP MUTUAL FIRE—INSURANCE C'O'Y. - HEAR O•;FFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS t IJ!rank McGregor, 'Clinton - President +Chris Leonhardt, Brodbagen, Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. - DiII:ECTORS: Chris. Leoniherrdt.„ Brodhagen; E. J. '!"lrewartba, Clinton; Ale Broadfoot, t,II` 3r Seaforth ..Ale inde'c , iEwing, 1,1L 1, ItilAh 'rakt1 MCGre ar, rt,n, Cil iton;,' ingTlI,E•*040'' IL% 1, altaai' 'VlriTiiau i., Afahibild; +1, Oeaitli�th,, _ Ge » +a Le1tch, R,>1, 1, ?gdttif •Ja!h'lt:, 1Vt#lriitij,,.%t .fir Sea:- . ci rches First Presbyterian and Northside United.—July services in First Pres- byterian Church: Worship services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conducted by Rev.. H. V. Workman.' Sunday Schools at 10 ,a.m, , Anglican,—July 7: .St. Mary's, Dub lin: 9.30 a.m., Holy Communion. .... St. Thomas', Seaforth-11 a.m;, Holy Communion. No evening ser- vice.—The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gil- bert, B,A., at both services, Salvation Army Services.—Conduct- ed by Major Webster,. whp has been requested to stay on in ,Seaforth. Sun-- day un-dad* morning., 11 a.m., Holiness Ser-' vice; Sunday afternoon, 3 p.m., -Sun- day night,• 7. ay Sundap 30 p.m., An Old-time Salvation Service. Come and worship. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy. Death of Mrs. T.' J. 'Webster.=The.. death occurred at her home .in . Har- purhey on._ Thursday, . June 27, of Maude Dempsey, widow of the late T. J..Webster, in her 66th year. Mrs. Webster had "been working in ,the garden in the heat and apparently .had lain down to rest when she was seiz- ed with a severe .,heart attack. De- ceased was born at Holmesville, and after her marriage in 1900 lived. in Lifeknow, coming to Seaforth thirty- two years ago. She is survived by a family of four:' Earle Webster, of Ajax; 'Keith Webster, of Goderich; Mrs. Edwin Johns, Tuckersmith, and Mrs. `Mervyn Labb, Clinton, also a brother, Mr.. John Dempsey, of Clin- ton, and two sisters, Mrs. Alex Stir- ling, Seaforth, and Mrs. Ed:- Miller, Clinton. The funeral was held .from her late residence on Saturday at 2 p.rn., with interment in Clinton ceme- tery. Rev. H. V. Workman officiated. • Dawdry -'Milison:—A quiet but pret- ty wedding was solemnized at. St. Jnmes' Anglican, Church, Ingersoll, on Saturday, June 29, when Shirley Cavan .Milison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Milison, Ingersoll; be- came the bride of Frederick Walter Dawdry, son of Mr. and Mrs; Albert Dawdry, also of Ingersoll. Rev. Snell officiated. The bride •was charming in a. street -length dress of pink sheer. Her' finger-tip veil was held in place by a ,'feathered halo. She carried a corsage of roses. .Miss. Violet Mill - son sister of the bride, was the bride's` only attendant. She was gowned in blue jersey, and carried a corsage of rases. The groom was at- tended by Bruce Pettit. At the re- ception which followed at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Milison. wore green crepe with corsage of white rosebuds, and Mrs. Dawdry chose a blue and white figured crepe dress with a corsage of white. rose- buds. For a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Seaforth, the bride donned a cerise dress. On their return they will reside in Ingersoll. 1 COIIY5 ,Cleaner Will be losed Until July 15th stressed Canada will be and can be a Christian country if we all aim to live up to our Christian faith. Hymn 478, "Saviour', Thy Dying Love," was sung and Mrs. Gardiner closed the meeting with • prayer. Lunch was Served. on the fiower-bedecked spac- ious lawn, which 'added much plea- sure and enjoyment to all present. Mrs. A. Routledge moved a vote of thanks' to Mrs. Chesney and - guest speaker for .their kind hospitality for the success of the meeting. , A social half-hour was spent and enjoyed by all. . LOCAL BRIEFS - Mrs,. Tirornloe and Miss Mary Thornloe, of Goderich, spent the week end with the Misses Laidlaw. • Miss Isabel Steacy, of- Hamilton, was a week -end guest at the home of Poultry Raisers We are exclusive buyers of High Quality Poultry Live or Rail Grade, HENS, BROILERS and _ CHICKENS Highest Cash Price paid for quality poultry Pick-up and Estimates Free — CALL DUBLIN PRODUCE Co. DUBLIN 50' Egmondville W. M. S. and W. A. Meets.—The W.M.S. and W.A. -of Eg- mondville Church were entertained at Roscoe Farm, the home of Mrs. Hugh M. Chesney, on Wednesday, June '26, with a large attendance present, Mrs. Alex Boyes opened the meeting with Hymn 501, "Will Your Anchor Hold?" accompanied by the pianist,,alrs. El-' mer Cameron, and all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll call was answer- ed with the word 'Charity,' Mrs. A. Brown gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Alex Boyes read a letter of thanks from the president of the Wo- men's ' Institute, Mrs. Paul Doig, for the lovely dinner that .the ladles had served for their district annual, and was much appreciated by the ladies" of the -church. The guest speaker was.. Mrs, Percy Maanning, of Clinton, who gave a very inspiring of, .Her topic was,, "We ,hear with the ears, we come to hear;' which gave her listener much f. o for thought, • . rs s o.d gh.'M A. W. Gardiner, then took over the W,MM. part of.the meeting and'Hyi i1r 494, "Softly' ail Tenderly Aisne"ds` tailing," was Ong, i . The call toy t+V ori lg OKI) Vas read b74frs'r 3', Nett. Winn:, 51:w sz`Iai,dF.;s Wit, diner it;: tit e' tieji`l a 0'i)' Oho, TAXI SERVICE. JACK CLEARY SEAFORTH Phones: Day 267 Night 335 FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE—Centre Street; modern. Garage. FRAME HOUSE—Winthrop. One acre land. FRAME• HOUSE—Coleman Street. FRAME HOUSE—Stuccoed, with barn. Main Street. 78 -ACRE FARM- — Tuckersmith Township. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Phones: -Office 220. Res. 334 atu4a14r; As, F, •Mra, Jot Stewart had the War tOtline , i}, fall last Tb Itaday and rbreah anew dip, Sita was. taken to Scott Mernoriai Haspitaa where, he is 1'i3strng qt comfortab1Y• • Mitp' ?4ricia Bell, of S. Marys, as a gest at the bone of he grand- parent*, •¥v and MI* John P.: Ben. • $g't,. (1- j . Patterson„ of Raymond, Alta., who ii4s recently returned from overseas . visited his vgrandnto her, Mrs. r. Patterson, also his aunt, Mrs. W. G• Bennett, in Walton. • !Ms.. W. J. Bell, ,of 'Toronto; spent the week=end at the home 'of his- mother, Mrs; R. P. Beit. • • Mr,. and Mrs. Warren Ament and family, of Detroit, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.'William Ament. • Mr: and Mrs. Mag . Hudson, of Windsor, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson. • Mr. Ross Rennie, • of . Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'M. R. Rennie. •. Mr: and Mrs. Roland Stewart, .of Toronto, ape spending 'the holidays at the' home of her parents, Rey. and rs. H. V. Workman. • • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, of Sarnia., visited friends and relatives in town over the holiday. • Dr.. and Mrs. J. A. Munn and two sons, Donald ;and Bill, are spending their hplidays in"Northern Ontario, • • Prof. Brenton Kerr spent the week -enc- with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Kerr•. • Mr. an Mrs. Frank Cudmore and daughter, Miss Nancy, of. Toronto, are spending a week's vacation in town. r • Miss 1Vlar•garet'rieve, of Dres- den, and Miss Bess Grieve, of Chat- ham, are spending the holidays at the home 'of :their parents,- Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Grieve. ' . • • Mise Betty Smith and Miss Mar- garet Smith, of Toronto, were week- end -guests of their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs: W. D.. Snaith, in Egmondv:lie. • Mr. and, Mrs. Gerald Hulbert, and Carol Lou, of New Torbnto, and Mr. and' Mrs. Percy Holle, of St. Jacobs, were week -end guests of Mrs.. Ruby Crowell: ,Miss Carol Lou Hulbert, who spent the past three weeks .here. with her grandmother returned* home with them. - • Miss Allie Looby, of Toronto, was a guest last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trott. • Mr: and. Mrs. Norman Jefferson and two sons, of Montreal,' visited his father, Mr. W.'"V. Jefferson, at Fairview Lodge Farm •Tuckersmith. • Mr. Robert McCartney, of Wind- sor, visited his • brothers Messrs. Wilson and George McCartney, in Tuckersmith. • Miss • Ruth Shinen, of Toronto, spent. the week -end, at the home of her 'parents, ,Mr. and ,'Mrs. Sam Shin en • Dy.. and .Mrs, Hugh Ross, of Ham- ilton, tirere'giiests at the home of •Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLean on Dominion Day. • Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ballantyne; of London,- and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Garniss and Patricia, of Hamiltp: were • week -end guests of Mr'. 'and Mrs. Garniss, ' High Street. • Mr. and Mrs. Lapslie Smith and `two sons; ,'tit• Torontol• were Week -end guests of : Mr...and Mrs. Percy Smith, in McKillaa.„ • Miss rbara Reid, of • Stratford, is visitin *e.*randmother, Mrs. J. F. Reid, this' week. • Messrs. James, Gordon and Don- ald 'McKindsey are spending ten days at Kintail Camp. • Mrs: William Ferguson, of Bay- field, visited with her aunt, Miss Susie Govenlock, last. week. • Miss Margaret Ferguson, of Bay- field, has passed the first-year exam- ination in law. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating spent the week -end in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hoover. „ •' Mrs. R. R. McKindsey is spend- ing a few days with friends in To- ronto. • Mrs. Wren. Eyre and Dorothy and' Lloyd, of Sarnia, spent two weeks 'with her parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wright, in Huilett..,, • Mrs. J. Good, wiio has spent some time with . Mr. and Mrs: R. R. McKindsey, left this week' for .her home in Ottawa., • • Mr. and;Mrs. W. J. Faulkner and daughter, Patricia, of Kitchener, were week-endguests of Miss • Lillian Faulkner. • Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nirirmo and sons, Duncan. and Alan, and Mr. and Mrs. John Brough, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr: Duncan Mt - Cowan .and other relatives. • Mr. Donald Dale,, of Cobourg, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. • -Ge-0. Dale,' and other relatives. • Mr. and Mrs., seott McKinley, of, Winnipeg, 'are guests of9.Mr. and „Mrs. James F. Scott.. They are."on their wedding trip and will go to Cleveland, where Mr. !McKinley has accepted a position with the Tremdo Manufac- turing Company. • Mr. and Mrs. Finlay '1VIcKercher spent the week -end in, .Hamilton and •• 41iis P9,a».'9r and' es3#si arOld' and Gardon Flee,•'oi Weranto, were we -0043 4 gtteet at ^,the,-hQJ ie RR t,helr, aunt, 'Mrs, T: G.'SGott, • Mr. and MI Hai old roe alaeA r the aloliday week end t in- i?rnod91. fam• lMrspenndt ' Mtn,wBeefilCrin,istsad ampton. • Mr. and. Mr. C.iRwrnl n antso u• Dick, Mrs. Gege Start, Kahryn and Jimmie, of Toronto; Mrs. T3, hind, say and daughter, •Sheila, of Inger- soll, and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Green,' of London, . were week -end guests at: the home of Mrs, J. B. Thompson • Mrs. Jack Kellar, who has been. teacher at S.S.,No. 7, McKillop, has accepted a position at Winthrop School and will teach there next term. • Mrs. J. M. Gillies, Jackie and Bruce, of Winthrop, left on Saturday to spend the holidays with her mother at Collingwood. • Miss Erma Walters, of London,, apent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, ElliottF. Walters. • Ml'... Jackie O'Rourke, of Detroit, is gpending his holidays with his uncle, Mr. Basil Purcell. • Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ament and family, of Detroit, are guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ament: - • Miss Ella Elder is spending a few weeks' holidays in Muskoka. • Mts. A. W, Sillery .and son ar- rived here on Thursday from King- ston to join Mr. Sillery.. • Mrs. Troutbeck and Ann and Mr. .W. E. Southgate, Jr., were in Bramp- ton for the week -end. • Mr and Mrs Gordon- Milison and Car.ol were in .Ingersoll Saturday- at- tending the Dawdry-Millson wedding. • Messrs. John Jones, Jerry Meir, Bert Shaw and Bill Butchart are at- tending -the ten-day Army Cadet Camp -at Camp Ipperwash. " • Misses Lenore Habkirk, Doris Ferguson and Marion Mason spent 'the week -end at the Mason summer Cottage, Port Albert. • Miss Marion McGavin, nurse -in - training at Stratford' General Hospi- tal, spent the week -end at the home of hei""parents, Mr. and .Mrs. George McGavin. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Netzke and daughter, Lynn, 'Mr. and Mrs. Pat Altman, Doreen, Germaine, Roy, Louis and Shirley, of Walkerton, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. David Netzke. Oming ! ELEVENTH ANNUAL, LIONS CLUB Sununer Carnival TWO BIG NIGHTS Wednesday Friday,. JuIyi7l'9 LIONS PA -RK SEAFORTH See the Fine PRIZES Now on Display at. iiifIzhe sa Furniture Store, Seefoirth' 4,4 • Miss Carol',Millson is spending a month's holidays with her grandpar- ents.•in•Ingersoll. • Miss Doris Ferguson' leaves on Monday for Bigwin Inn, Lake of Bays, to spend the" summer. - • Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hotham, Jr:, spent the week -end' at Mrs. Hotham's home in Galt. • Mr. R. O. Willis, of Toronto, spent the weekend at the 'home of his father, Mr. W. G. Willis, and Dr, and. Mrs. F. J. Bechely. • Mrs. ,G• Liverance, who has leen the guest of her. sister, Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, for the;»ast month, has re- turned to her home in Williamston, Michigan. '• Mr: and Mrs. Dominic Scalisi and Miss Rose .Scalisi, of Woodstock, were week -end guests at therhome of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Philips. • Mrs. Gordon Hays and. .Miss Patricia, who spent . the past week. here, returned to their home if! De- troit on 'Saturday. They were accom- panied by her sister, Mrs: C. P. Silas, and daughter, Ruth, who spent the week -end in the city. • Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dawdry, of Ingersoll, spent a. few days this ,week with Mr. and Mrs. G. Millson. • Miss Lenore Habkirk has joined the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce here. • Miss Rose Dorsey, of Toronto, is spending the holidays at her home here. • Mr. George Hays who has been in Toronto, for some weeks, taking' an •-embalming course, has returned home. • Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McClure, of Kimberley, B.C.; Mrs. W. C.' Black, of Vancouver, and Mrs. George Black 'of -Woodstock, are visiting at the .Black home in Tuckersmith. •, Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Barrett and family, of Hamilton, were' week -end guests at the home k of Mr. and Mts.' Louis Aberhart. • Mr. and Mrs. A. C. R.outiedge spent the holiday week -end in London. '• Mr. A. R, G. Ament, ronto, spent the week -end at the home of his parents', Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. Buffalo. Miss Helen' McKercher ac- eompanied themas far as Buffalo, where she left for Cornwall Univers- ity' where she will take 'a post-gradu- ate course. - •, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thompsn'ri, Mr. and Mrs. James Unsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Horn, of At- wood, and Mrs.. Henry Smith and -1VIr: and Mrs. Jack Gropp, of Milverton, were week -end guests at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smiths. • Mr. Keith Lamont, of',Detroit, is a guest at the Koine of his brother, Mr. Frank Lamont, and: 12Irs. Lamont. i• Miss Margaret White returned to Toronto on Thursday after spending her holidays! with, her.., mother, Mrs... M. White. `'" • Mr. and ,Mrs. Leslie Scott and Mr, and Mrs. 'William Scott and son, Glenn, of Chicago, are spending their holidays•at the h'o'me of lvirs. T. G. Scott. ., ' • 'Mrs. "Olive Thompson, of Tlni n ins and Miss .Marjorie Thompson, of Kirk- land Lake, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free. • Mr. M. A. ,Reid and Miss Alice Reid' spent the 'week in Hamill* • Mr. add, 91VIrs, I: A; Stewart are spending a week In Mpntreai. • alt Mr, and Mrs. LeoJoynt, of Galt, .spent the pada'Week-With his parents, 14r.. and Mrs, Hdhei` NiYat. • Mr. and.:lltrs Bruce Cooper, -of m�' a •week�rl 'with X111 ills 'the d 'Vv s efi t. , p •Mrs- •:I!•��I3todge&G iit TtickeraiiiitK : - • .Mrs; E A=.0Cri thhfxl1r, tit' (XVI**, ,10 a guest, at to *Ana af' her hiatei • Mr John„Tjach is making prepara- tions to erect a "one -storey addition at the rear of his brick' block on Main Street, and also a large loading ramp on the adjoining property. • Mr. -and 'Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, .Mr. ;and Mrs. C. Hopps and Viola, of Oshawa,: and Mr. 'Jack Dorrance, of St. Catharines, were the week gad guests of Mrs, Mae. 'Dorrance. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON PAGE 5) • .Wool Wanted All Wool shipped -•to Jack- son's` •is graded in Sea - forth, and full settlement made from there. H. M. JACKSON PHONES: 3-W and 3-J OR SALE JOISTS PLATE GLASS DOORS LATH .TRIM and BASE , SINKS WINDOWS and DOORS .RADIATION -Single rads or, by unit BOILER, -Needs testing FIREWOOD -,-$2 truckload LIME for fertilizing or .}poultry use . Yello • BRICK—Red andw 1 , li/a and .3 PIPE A ..ecati'bn 1 n - L Iypy lei Id Normiindti?Ieta ! oilntb�' r 11AI1lriIA MONTEZ • • ROBERT PAIGE Ela Satnrdy'.. PRE��I"Rl1� F0s...r R TANGIE'It ..,-. • iOUISE A411;,13 A commotion -filled _ Melodrau atie: tat 1 1VIONDAY; TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — TWO FEATURES. — JOAN LESLII: ' ROBERT HUTTON " TOO YOUNG TO ' KNOW " FAYE EMERSON and"' , ZACHARY SCOTT in "DANGER - SIGNAL An -extremely dramatic diversion with a pleasant ,surprise awaiting those who relish this type of entertainment. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, S.ATURbAY and LOU COSTELLO BUD ABBOTT in "LITTLE GIANT The usual Hilarious Comedy! COMING— "KITTY" —. Adult: Entertainment .flt EINNIGAN'S THE BUSY MAN'S CREED: - I believe in the stuff I'm handing out,•in the firm I'm working for, and ine myi ability to het results. I believe that. honest stuff can be passed out to honest men' by honest methods. I' believe in working, not weeping; in boosting, not knocking. I believe in today and the work T •am doing, in -tomorrow and the work I hope to do. I` believe there is something doing some- where_for everyone ready to do it'. I believe I'm ready—Right Now! —Elbert Hubbard. , _.. Potatoes, finest cookers; also Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Tomatoes, Celery, Cauliflowers. Buy Your Fruits and Vegetables at Finnigan's — SAVE MONEY ! - HUGE STOCKS OF SUG KILLERS, FLY SPRAYS Wlien you think of Work Shoes, think of Finnigan's. Every pair of shoes priced to sell. W. J. FINNIGAN &'.SON 'Arrived This Week: ' Auto - Accessories - For Your Summer Driving Sealed Beam Headlight Flashlights at $1.50 and $2.00 , Kits $10.60. to $17.00• Tractor Lighting Kits at • $13.75 l camper. Jacks -A better Steering Wheel •Spinners..$1.00 jack at $4.95 4 -Way Rim Wrenches at .$1.25 Tire Pumps—Heavy duty$2.75 Floor Mats—Ford,' and , Tire Gauges -Genuine Universal $1.50 to $4.00 Schrader's at ... • .$1.75 Plastic Gloss, the new Spark Plug Tire Pumps car polish $1.50 for tractors at $6.60 a Polaroid Sun Visors in Burgess and Ever -ready stock at • $6.50 DALY'S .GARAGE. Phone 102 ' '. SEAFORTI`I Lakeview Cas-ino---&and-Bend- DANCING Gordon Delmont Gordon's band has been Special Attraction : ART HALLMAN •. A Sensationally • Currently appearing LOMA And ROYAL • "Featured en CBC. • Noted musician, • Victor Recording • Famous "Name" Mart Kenny's • Featured All -Round Saxophone, Clarinet, You liked him on ADMISSION EVERY "THE VARIETY SOFTBALL • EVERY NIGHT and His Orchestra a terrific hit since his record-breaking opening! — TUESDAY, JULY 9th - AND 'HIS ORCHESTRA New Dance Band at World Famous :.CASA YORK HOTEL • . . outstanding arranger -composer Artist. , Attraction after starring- with .Internationally. known band. , Musician, playing Piano;' and Vocalist. the air -- Now youcan danceto him! $1.00 EACH , SUNDAY EVENING. ENTERTAINERS" GAME EVERY WEDNESDAY • AUDITS . INVESTIGATIONS TAX CONSULTANT Bookkeeping Sy*telns and Service i Bernard A. Galbraith rJ • ACCOUNTANT .— AUDITOR Established .1942. • 52 ,Albert St., Phones -2427-W Stratford, Ont. Res. -24274 - Don't Discard Chesterfield UNTIL YOU CAN'T HELP PHONE 24� FIRST pride and cover. Splendid Variety; Two; ALL WORK G.. DICK—the KNOW ter No Weeks URAN'rEED Your- YOU estimates obligation. OIG' r WE a I . ' = on . • , Service . '