HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-07-05, Page 7I � ij�' " :� _1 . Vt , , . I , 11 1i �15 I I �;-�-',Wl '; ��, " I I — �_,, , ". _Ijw-"�', � "'. W_ "j.; 4"" ".. , I.. �.i� .� aWv ­,* "I •,- "I I 11, I , 11 I ­ " , , X �,, , " 1 . . , '111,1- I ;r. . �� � V� "I . I :1111 I ­ .. , , , I . , a, 11 41 T X, URS ,, , 449L 40, PA. �,pp,ww , ,4,11,10 WR,'W' -,,. �,� ,, 14�1 W1_A I , , " 10-011 '.1 " ­ I , '-.i"- " I " "'' I I , ,., ; '4��,L"' .' I 1, I ,. . .", . , � o - ��", . , 1�1 � - ��1'11 le, V4,91 I .", �"i!".'�-;` ..... , .., .a ..., � I , , . �� I , , �. - _ . , .. �, ", i , �� , , ory. . T I .. I . 4t Of, that w,�� � 7 . . . ,101.� I At 4o" I , that j . 1: I I �, .1)bp � ng him to, gfn, As-. , " I To,, '44im",a. T1(,iK4: frisis fv,�Iii ',A 't a Hundred .". 'L � � AkeF 4,� � - ;,xv and he would ..-. �� � , lit .� . � I . 11, I � , � , . � . .'I ,�-- � . - I_ �.V,t�,�'AIPR, !�� ,`� �'� � .� - %1111111111 , ,­­%., ­ 1 . I � �,�all . �, I -t -____.1_.11 �:..­ . . I. - -_ — � r L- , ' �., _"", !�•.'-, j ., , h —,'" - I'll,t_ -1 ­ �­;­..­_ 11 ­ . - I , I �. — _ - .. �11 , 11 . - - I , I I 1, �;, —.1.1 �V,Ar, 5: .i �r,_" - ��Ir X%4 ., , , 7­7fr;� _" �, - - . W, , ',On seif-comm , "'' -"- ; ,# --,'��I�' � , -1t — I II � ., 4111T N ft�� 1'�'J'V'11� . -., P19, 14, " _. -I, , ., I is .I'll, - . . .1. , , ,., �.,",�","M,i�i�,,��t��,�j,','�",��'��'��":, ,11 .. X of t .as alw� . , , ., � � I . , ,�V;�',7 ­_ ­­­-____ . � 1. r I "I lreg,(t b ys .dishes: �e,# or for , FORT419.0, 00440 I, , �f ., � I !0_iiii____.__ , .Jt� : 1WA,06; �'L.V"" ­ ­­ akr "�i ,,�� - ­ '. , i . - , , .. I . i i 1. I . ­.. � 1-1 ­­­­­ �11­111 ­. ­ 1-. L ­­­"�;­ - I I 'OAd satisfied I U , _ , �, ,11 ,j�,_ .� �"? - ­��, !�j' l.rr- ��L,,',,!,'�,:�,2L�'5, ­ m0at, to' retqr4-'tQ.;­1W� discu - � . -X;2 I, . �,b, -14 �p M ". thepo remalq..ed B, I'W, �4144,Ailgnt soppl i i �� � '01 ­ ­­ - ,� I ­­ � I—' ­­ � I., , . Meant A-'We1l_­AQIXris4ed, , , �,pf$; 'oV : 7 111P �,_"_. - "I ­ �__ I F ILI" 111. I L ..... . " ss U 'of -_ I Om� , ( 9� . Xv ,.$ �L� �� I ''I -1-11.11.1. . ..­­ ­­ -I ... .. .. ­ —e ­ � . . . ­;', I .. .... W,��,;.",W;� Mp i �.� .,4 �'i I 11 , ... ---1 ... .. .. ­­ "I 1-111-1-1- I., ­. ­ .1---.--_;-- I It) I "44 � I ., 6� ,",111 � I I 1. I .11 I , , , - ­ , RROUP - ., I � I i �., _._111.11­1�1 �,�;­­­­111­�1,41­, 1-- � .. .... ... �_ ­P!wvle, I , :: I . i. . , . � ­ , I ­ -1 .ZL�, I the baKgaia; and, with, ut thought for , gc,opes,, May I 1 , 1. -4 , 11 1; �, �;7,1,t;;,,�? ­'Jlii�,'�T.11 one Moment of 0.4;I-TipgUlt of What he -4,0ur replaced ,by riill� , sats ,�ii , , L W . .,�,.!",�!!�,') ,if��,��,�:� , , . -_ I �., ­ ­­­­- �_, .1.116 .11 I _ , I , 4 Q, W4 !:� .. � I., I . ; . _ , - ­­ * : Axy.p part,' pr .Z11 _. ,. iW, , I �c, 1, ' . I , , (0611111nuea from last ,week),, of these two It .might -be. , I � it lu.sfori4g b0ad, if the, Outer crust,,'l _ed 4 :; � . ,". , . I I .�,��,,,,,,,,,,�",�,,��,-,����",�,.,�f".",.",�,,��,Ll�;,L�,����",.,�,,�, � , 0 11 , I Whether that bad reference. to the I , e� " r4A. ,: : �� �al , � '' :�, �, I j ` i 4 ­,., � , � I -6,',��! ,1;�O�,,� �;,,, . "I'll ,gq-,,to7,Me other, 14 Water; : Whiche er ,it was, �t-berp tli-' , , did; John, 10e,sniqiil�d i0tag the .bell for 11111mottinos.' called .tile Ilheel,I, is, re-' 6r potatoes. .. . I W I llt,01` ��' '' t: , ,, ., " T -� .1 , . . ,,, 1hr, .. ...., ;­ , lro,:4 " . I _ IV y lay WiPtlibr-or to the bargain he,. �qxpect!- I � ,� I - ' "L. W. , �'i��!!��,',,!�,�','.'.'�',�,�,�!��',�""",��",;�i,..� I " ','�""L�'�',�'�-�:'�;.���"*'--,,�:�� "Il, I o e;., And'. her . ' ' J . O." ' ' 11 '. I ' - .,',�,��'I),'�,:,U . _ ,_ � IT -1'7?�! 1 , ,,I' 7f,", ,­­­,,­,­ !,�I�,�."'­­ ­�, �, "'� �;"��,T� ��',';.�jj.,�,�,��;,4.'�� L",.,�,'L���",...,,,,�,�;11!""���� - , . ford, sAid" h `�Ilp Item. led 'on the tabie, the Pecond'tim,e t, 'Placedr IV priev6uts the ,cut surface -But wilat abq 1b, a� � -40i 1, � f o9A 4, I I..", I 11 ���, _11�,!� "'� , � b, . . ut t_o Much " - I �411 ._ "I And ther 4- 44yening. . . . __ himself, it would-Itave � .11 , ,� , , .� _;�, ,,�� ' _b � I "; �, ,�L,,,,,.t,%",",."�.,,,'',,�",I.l�i.��,�, , from drying ,out. When the loaf 1i where tiip sAn(,W-1ph� ,In ' . eg " I %A TO I P ,, '�'�;,�,�,� ...... J.',t"�';' _ A -�.:��,,� '' ' ,. ­� o I ..45 a , "' t , t 'L .... . ..... L.- � ,���"�����L�"I'l"",".!L�"�"'����:;�;!'!,",�"",�,','���'��,, ;, and, � , " , -have �4 drop'liefore ye i sed, this crust should not be waste& the main stay ' J , I'C ": "�."� "';t " - ,, , h ed' the T041A With ber looking. at .1 It the,tears tumb-' been Impossible to say. In any case� `Sburo, yell . 11, . I .0 11�� .. ,liem, with . � 4 , 99,1X1, "o , , .�',11:�;���,,i�,�,,,Z ,��,� I I ... � ,; �") 1 e4 .. ,ill .111.11. �S ­ �L I , -1 L�, 11,' ,k.:�' . I . I I . . � , "" '. " �!�, �,�, ­' -11L11--,1111- _ , I—— 11 .11, I I _� ,* L,., 4 ��',. ,��:,,.�,,,,,L,,",!,.!,',�,,"i:.� ­ '' .. I . I .. _ _ .�,,,�.,���,��,�,��:i��I�,,-"�',,�,. -�4,,,�,, '' . , � "� " iso ,�,�,��,',,,:,',i�'��,,'���,�l� �;�&"",��,t,'� . .., I- � , Viay be ­10A,Od, by se�vl� f, 'i, there I .. ' . This knot rooA - #110 - f�, i,�` ''; � 0YeW;­-qQV#A9, ,back. inevitably to his ling down her cheeks. And, the go", said be.' . � ,� I 1�! AA Oq, � � . . , . . 'A tile, John. Desmond, let it bass without fur� . .1 , 1# . I jNim_ '"'''lis th - thanks for bell, rang. . . I .Cassidy twisted . 4,too-pop - I Dd have, � , With no instant of begita- ther elaboration. I d .his hat twice in lilis I . 'L" I ... 11 SAM., � , q �4 -1 . _�g,l:",*, �, 0 __ , J'cu '41pgal,"I . .1 � �, � 'I',- �y I'll, � ­ ,f ­,-,j.q,,,, ��!' . , ­ ­­1"11"I'v'', ,,,,�j•�, _p � O,Qr _A .­­­,§ . .. �, hands, and then sat 4QWn again. . Bran of gr4in . .I. . Jk, ___ ,., ,_ , . . :.�J,., :� '­.�', I— . I I -L _ I . qr,ro,16 I -: � t ] ... L - '' ' �.�'I'�.;,�.�',"�ll���,l���,j'�,�f�, ,�,��;ti Mite `things -I'd be dobil and. I not ils!W� tion, � she snatched UP fbe'�bonnet and-, "It is," said he, and maintained . with such force Upon Tim Cassidy'a, Make ... 'eiKeellebt accroi - I 19 '2 _" p ,,;,�',o­'-�TA,941,"��: ,�'�;�,.i!�I, - �,,q- V , " , I , . _ pg:�c Qat PAX��: ,r, ti �+,+;.,,.1,,­rl * I,1 _ 'L;, � . . .. . . A" ,15I _ ,1 -.1,j� in the M0, ruln' till tin ,111 the clock, it pinned it to her head, and then caV 'himself in: -patlenve,., � " 4. ,,, , I-. .� � � _ . . I - ; � � .,��: E . Q, I I � . I ; � I � 1I AQ , " "­' . I . I that the intoxicated man -Rd "mapre - interest . I . jV4.01s"W N# � .- i,,� 1.---,1'-- , I'd loiko.� . I , fell back a& dei U , . ,� , ". � 1.,O, " , !tj��L,ILA�fi;!,! � . . Ill �: . 2,co� "t, �� I � ,,, ";,.i,�,�.""i,ll,,,, .. . 1W �.v, ", ,`-�Jq:'.�:`­-'A��;"�.� " - 4.% �Oipd h f, I - taking' her time, to the dining -room 1 _ III seen veer young. ladies and they again, into 'his chair. And there stood , � , , '0610 ",X 0 • "It won't, agree with 7e,II said- he; door, . 1 A MATT OP.,GUINEIAS, , W. itle � , -,.�­ ,_ .'�"IC�l'�'�k,i!"t�f,������',, � . A 't � ,. � , � '0� '' "I't �"L'�!�' , ,� 1, " ", � � �, ., , .. , - ,,, , ,;, ,�."-�,,�i�,,������"14,�!��,�."', . ; �,�k���, �41V,,,�!,. 0 # , �',:,i,�,YAI�,, P : '.1 � ,.,� �. k ,10 I!, I -"*�i�l";���,,�,�,i;i��"":., , I "�W , I . . "! ��'� `�"��l ""is there, anythin, ye w4nt?" said tinned a moment late' I Having receNed her order, Mrs. I with more .drink In- It the salad is of the chopped va, H,eat'n j ` ,:. , , f � . � P 0 _�44,;",IVAi�,� "'but ye can shot the hall -,door, -whin I � I . J goin' 00 to a dance " Cassidy con- 'John Desmond I Dis�oli y,#a,j.,t J4 'in" . , '' . 'gli, t(y,_ , i ,*m�`t,j4 ;4"W ","i'�",r�", 1�i!in lt'!,�,, d I I , 1. . ,. �g"2'.�I.,0"N.,>'i i I _, , "I i� M'11� I 11� , I md as' , Pi 'okn' , _� , , # 1. . . 8 r..Slatteryside -him that night than any man iety pack it into the lunch box 'in t, bQ104xi".044", � �, , i ye go out, f6r 'tie , I he, ,standing well In the 'light that "They are," replied he kitchen . &�,'_, ", ,�,J,.,, ""•"! �� i �t4,�-j�q.�k,O.r ed John Desmond. .. ,� .1 , . , " �, � �,,l [ living could' have borne After ten tighty covered gjass I sm Dur. ipya,r :;� W,V%A4,1, � .]�, He took-,up-bia book of "Irish Melo- -he might see the bbnhet on with a blessing on her lips that should container,. go , M� � �;_z ,v her head. � "Would -it be � I I � Mould _��._;,m_, ,,,,,,,,�,,�l',.,t',�,,��'Li�',",�',,,�,�,� , , tradbally they were . yearg 'of total abstinence, . , f6t_ ,k4 ail','hik �W' "' - - � 11��,"!"'!!�f��%Ilii,44 �l , I I . , , to the saving of Tim .there , he JellY sala.0s individually and, carry, In '44 U ,..*r t�.,,_.';&.4 "" �'­­,,,':��I,,,j.L . I I I Pf ,_ _4'J! VIL _,-J��`,$�',��' . .Q .0;��., , NO 1 F, , '' _1 ,, 11 , , "?, , 10 *' dies".agairk, when she knew there'was He, looked up, when it would 'have gain'? I heard speak of doin's there Cassidy's soul,. to*ards""Whi I ch it was Id, in the liinch'box. , . it flo6Ur?-.VAd­dl4 -X", ;:,Sw�, 0"I"! . ; stood,' to all appearances as steady the m6u I ,ridge, whole *hest; . , 5 1 1 P � '14. , 'St �4 1• 1 .no More to be gaid. He had accepted been hard. for her to tell had he no this night." . , � � 0o -W�': " W,11�.�� F....'K . - _� 11.11 A. ­, -lier notice, as she. might well 114v ,ticed any difference at 'all.' directed. . . . _ , ­ ... . _ - I ,as a rock, looking dowd""YChis, man. . The following lr6cipes ed. yeAq%,,, . Blend,thorougO Y ,14 ,��. �,, - �� ,, 111-', . .:'�,� � , , � . .. I -e . . were," said John. 14 .. A ,,, I , 4A. �'_j�:'., 7�i�'�­,' -5 . I . ::Th , 7'. come from - "I I I 11,1,,�,?'I.V I � "They -Jay, as John Des- Canada KI-t0hen. and �(re suggested -f� -1-1 ' - fir , .,--:, ,­ , m, �,A,,'� ��, !" was he' the 'Tis not I All light and AV." ,�, . . "Have ye time ,before ye go," he for me.tQ say a drop of And there hir-man �,, �.J� lij ,h .��, ",:� 4 " guessed'he would; for w _ , ,. . _',.,V!,,��,,- -�J "I 1�1&,!,',,'N�,�� � I !­1�­_,,,,_­ ,:�, �,-;�4,:,',�,;�"tl"-�,�i�t'l'- � � . They've got a nine for the Mond would have wished to see hien, as good savers, of white h" , , k ' , �1� VN,t , ;il I Anest of she' drive," said Cassidy., ..' . .drink is better to a Man," said she ,c , I ,. had ever met? inqdjred, 'Ito g .' White bre .Hour and -'. Aeag untq.�,OMQQ �.�",L",.' 1';­,.�Ip,V,�;". � . T�A. , fl.,,Ip I- , 4 . , - �.�" " ". , 4 I. get supper?', , 1 44' .��, �­'­� I . . ,•, g �, T, ��LLL -',...n,., . . ace,',­�_ - ',10 ­........`��%, I'll 11 spent and finished after a hard' loaves 1i kpe'4 �,.: ,,­� a aloud, 'Athan all he songs he has . Shap6 into. I te',."INIO `:!, . . _.d �e, -" .w 1, ,� "' ,. ,. He It d accepted,ber notice; an there 'T have'" said she , -and "And 'tis a fine night ye have y"r_ �, I I . i i - ' "' . �`5 � " , * was no in .quickfy i Upti 404 �el , ore for it but to get 'back 'wished ,,she -had known What It -was se .. -there readin, . on his Ic But ,twill, And a ,good bArgaiA. . . �, ­ I I. ,�­­.­4111 + , nee. Potato Durnpi-in9k, ; pan and let -rise. I ' " .'bJ ., �6UW ­­ -4 � ,., W�,Jo, , ­ ' . ­ " "' �A4�k' I 1. . ' "Llip 1­.1,_­.7'�-jf�,,Ijpi . ,il 1 . L . � , hour; Bake, it,- I ­%­��' ,­�,Ilj - .' , '1­� . . " ". ' � �' `-l on With good buipiJur for bar- litter of twenty by this"; and he 2 tablespoons fat � L 1"' I. `1"�V'�",Lp r to her kitchen and go i . If," retorted John Desmond, "for Put him in a -."That sow," said he, "will, have a I . 11 4bout �, 9�iewllsaf b X��. . , ,,�, � "" . I . her he had wanted,:that she 'might have talkin' all this blather about dances gain, whatever it Is."; 'And be r. `1� 1,4 1, , work. I . ay�ien � 4(jQ der, F., for ono1jqu �' """ � I, ,'�',': �i, , . . 1. ."; I I " , , I I 11, 14, b r deliberate In her reply. at Stradfia'll I 19 it comin, I . fore set- , . 2/2 cup ,small bread cub ., �,,: - I %, ..� 1. I 1�,t,g f I .Y ed Tim Cassidy -to his feet. . Taking I 60. , . Two - foavee 4A .. � 0 'o�,_�­��','�' , door," sai*d she "and UP to 'the ting. all the ingredients for the bowl 2 cups hot riced potatoes . I . , . , . �, ." . _,-��',. , g . . . . ' "Woll,. what have yet got in the house -ye 'Were to know did So- him out into4. the hall, he put his stick I . - 1 .. , , . Tiot slani it t&D-*ay, ye'd think I'd be h' I of Punch upon the tray, she took her . .., :1 �!�� I., ,.,�,.j,,`,I�q. i P 4, I ,.� ouse?" • -Phle wear, her. - pink or ,her blue, ,or' bonnet off . . . In his -hand, thrust 'his hat on his 2. eggs, beaten Bran Muffins. ... I., !�N'11 . , 1�,,,���ffl I � , .. .1 . . I- Is; � �, - , , ; V �: . _1 . , . mad to ,be goln'.". There's only eggs,"' she answered, what, is it ye wanted?" � the table and, flung it into .head, and - I teaspbon salt I �'. ."'all-purpose � 11 11 � I'Yel� .a cupboard Ao take up later to her ea opened the door, when the 4 J,g , '.1 , , �',5,$ L,,,� I ........ � , _" 11 ' '' :' ' , , ,�,' . I 14, . - better -slam,.it," said he, "it '' .Great heavens!" said he, "I had'thim tellin' me ye wanted to night lit wind came like the breath of a I tablo,spoo I % cups ,our *r ; . ­­­ �t , , ' is'all right," she an room. 19, - icn,TA . . �11 P, shuts better." "'Tis' I n finely chopped onion I_ ,.� I . , . swer6a -him. sell the, black mare," said Cassidy,, op� tablespoon chopped parsley cups less 1 tablespoon 1) I , Vl For ten: minutes he s there 'with "TH make ye a dish of eggs 'll ,fast' "I want a ne.w. one,,, said she, and ministering angel upon their faces. . I .. I . .as#�, . � ,P�"P,,�� 41 V .3t e ening proceedings unde Can Ye make yeer way back?" said ' __% cup' dour sifted. . . . ...., I . , V� , I .1 .flour ' I ' '' � � 1,�,11 ,I I - I r compulsion so ' con. J0 � , -0�, the "Melodies" open on. his knee, nev- better'n an thin' ye ever had in yeer a . explained' to herself the .4 I 3% t6kepoons, baking powder . �, 4il ... . .Y nd'wi,tbL the first Inevitable Ile. with teiliptuous treatment of It. hii-Desmond. - . % teas , . ,� . ' .Poon baking Powder. , _ �;., OL . 4 " , 1/2, t".S-Pobn salt .,. _ . " �'j"`j';J,1�,� - � 11 . ­ er reading a word, but with ears prick- life. But I must take, off me bonnet which these matters ,are invariably , "I can," said -Cassidy, "if ye'll turn Melt fat in frying pan, add, bread I , I , " ��,�P,,'i . ed like a dogs, listening for the sound if I do, for 'tis a tenpin' fre Is there begi . When she returned ,to the dining- . 1. �e�,.re - -4n. It was a lie that would h me the right way to begin." cubes and brown, stirring frequently. . ", Z' talkesPoons. 'sugar, � !", 14', _aQ I � a319 ,room, they . I.. ­ . . �­_ nr, ' - ,.,4,1e, A, A � of the, door. When time had -slip- already." I had come back in their I . .., �4,,f . . more easily than most upon his bon- ., I ,cup'bran . . -11 ... I., '.',� ped by irl'silence, he leant forward, in He helped him down the broken To the riced potatoes add the beat- , - I �­.,ZM I " , ` � . convqrsation by.,devious. -ways to the top.. 0 1 ­ ..4. ,�,..,� .11 ; - Ile looked up from his "Melodlep" science -if it could, be said he hdd a I eW. I . . � I.I'.. ,'_�-. ,'I,,`,� •, ' .1 I "al, , '� d . - I , I ." ", ,,3'' his chair and he rang the bell. an he met her eye. . I black mare, and without so much as steps' n to the weedy gravel drive, en eggs, salt, onion, Parsley and toast- I cup MA � ­11,� � I . conscience at all; for though certain- and. taking him by the shoulders, he ed bread cubes.. Sift togethiir the :, , I 1. . I �"n ., TM � I I "I .. ,�''V;,�$ I There is every need, in the mind of "Ye're a darn eye. he 'told 'her. ly he had never.,been told the f a drop"of drink At all. The sum tent- turned. -him I.' the direction -of that. flour and baking �powder and. add to 2 tablespoons ,molasses . . �. , !.""50 T � ' John atively mentioned by -Cassidy and ig- ' . � 2 ted ddp, ings. , . I �v� 1� P � . a ,woman to believe she is going to "Shure, I'khow that," said she. lie knew from other sources that John tablespoons Mel , " , ­ 1.,!�'�!, . I . nored by John Desmond had risen to doctor of, trees through which the little Potato mixture. Blend well. Drop . ,'�` ',,,;P�, do that thing which it is never in the belt P .powder..... .. �, x . . I . Desmond 'Was more heavily in debt a for had ridden that, night on the spoonfuls, on boiling stew. Cover Mix and sift flour,' baking , heart of her to perform. Mrs. Slat- Ill -hundred guineas. and salt, a ran. Bea$ . � . 111�1 11 _' ' . ege, ­ 11 ,� ".. �!��,4,,, , than usual, when it may be. supposed "Here's the stuff,.', said heels of the grey mare, with his tightly and steam 25 minutes. Serve add milk, molasses, and meltos I ; "jz tett 'had. gone upstairs ,to her room AN INGREDIENT TO A BARGAIN that though he does not give it o supposed Mond, with s John 'Des- heart leaping like a thing alive'in his immediately. - Six servings,, I 4 I , � 11 ". I ,34, . 11 and fetched her bonnet and ,c smacking of his hands ,P . 'Add to dry ingredients all .Al �.' I ape. the shirt .1.11 . . f at I � o •. sell together that made thunder in that Special Eliown Bread once and stir vigorously until mixed' � a � -me things," said, she, "and over, the disk, of eggs�--as he had nev- from off his back to a firm bidder. . dder. "Go straight down the road,', said . f. "i. �., "I'll leave It was when his was almost a man will be ready t Mouth. , F. . . . . fetch 'em another day." '. � high -ceiling room. And in his heart John Desmond, "and for God's sake --do not beat smooth. Fill muffin jij�s � _,.. - . er tasted eggs in his life -having been "Who told ye that lie?" demanded I was the stuff with which I with that 'bonnet cape In her . he meant it - I yeast cake two full and bake in a mot-. had come downstairs, and - There's % cup lukewarm, water I ... ­ 1. 2!, , .,.41 . . hands, she h .. consumed, and as Mrs. Slattery was John Desmund promptly and without to ease the making of a difficult bar I keep yeerself out of theltrees, Ther I efAtely hot oven,, 875 deg. F., for I � hesitation. Cassidy gave him ch. .111, .1, bringing him his pot of tea, well -stew- chapter gain. . I ,a Pond in there, drowned ,a heifer of 2 cups milk . I­��t4, ... �� 1.­ ,� . . planting them on the kitchen ,table, ed as be liked it, that there fell and. verse, name and address . to 25 minutes. Makes i2 muffins. s�, . ,�, I mine last year, and 'tis no fit placd I - ,.�� �-^,l I . I . lad set to crying again, either a , as . �. � ,�. ^, , . .... . 4 . ther -because loud knocking on the hall -door, re- though he had been Talking of anything but the -discus- for a, man to sleep In.'! . .. . . . �., I " I .,. I she knew she . prepared for that sion in hand in order that this means . I I I - . I I 11 ""'."f 1. I question from. the vory beginning 'Tim braced himself" . .. I , %! 14, 1: 4 sounding through. the, Vast empty of detaini' I . " have the strength- to put them on,. or , I ng N4,1guest might seem no .. I . ,. . I . I ... ' .. ­ , I I 11.1� I . . . tixtions. What is more, he gave"inote 'than a m d the .. ..... ... It I . . ..,.,�.".. because' so believed _ in . her de* spaces of that silent house. negotiations. I ore accident of hospi- ther with a deep sigh. He wipe . I .* 11.1- I "' 11 ,termination to go. that she thought nd . . I ..... . ���� . . . �. ... -'., , � , I quality of can ..is ,----,. - . , : . . . . . " .... I # , , she would soon Vewearing them as at him: I on such terms as men can best ex- ping. But.,it w mind till it reached the ground. When - � , - 1.1 " ishe*passed out 'the hall-dobr and "Who's that?" said he. , - as not until he ­ had, he felt the earth solid beneath him, . - . Va . " � . - . .� .. 1�,.,k Slattery.' Mrs: Slattery looked down mer with whom John Desmond was ,bowl with all his old qual' right leg, waiting in his . : ,� . . I . film' the name of a neighboring far- tality, he brewed the. punch in the put out his r . -' _-1. I . � John De8MP looked up at Airs cold sweat off his forehead � , . . . . press yith'a stick. There was no 'pos- lifted his gi INM MON . . % .1 , . ­.N,t�, -S0- .: I '�� left the house for ever. WWI, A wo- ' .� ass, until ,the hot liquid �,I shall be all right," add . for YOUR home � , �"?Pl � ! . - _ - I .., How to, take the anan itAs. 'very difficult W know which 11 never, get away this night',� sure of that. The' name, moreover, fumes had e ,— , - I 111.1"�11 . . . She shook her head. . Sibility of corroboration -he made bad passed his lips and thefirst he said: . - , . I'll - . v . ink, "Please - e ruts out"of Vour breakfast routine... , � said . s I I entered, his. nostrilA, that God," as if there were . . ? .woyr, make your kitchen -"homey" . .-.. what color to choose,; ? . - ' intriguing . iguing - I:" . . . . id she- � bad come readily to his mind since he realized the fUlfforci of the temp much 'to doubt about "it, and set I to ma , �,.j , . . for your, living room ... These are just a few of the , I "I'm beginning to doubt meself, IP ,this same Michael Healy, to -whom be tati.on Into which he had, led'hi 'down the drive like a watertof � ' new Ideas furnished daily on the Womares-Pope I I � I I ! himself jed . I _ of . . " I " . . � LEGAL` he replied. •�"Will, ye go and see who referred,. bad confessed., himself 'as that night. I ehlp,,half sinking in the hollow, of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ­ �� 1, , " I I ..ja , :fhe -sea. . � . . , The;e helpful ideas are "plus value" in this daily newspaper for .. ., �-, .. . . - I 4 it in kin, that noise on the door.,, eager to buy 'the black mare, but 'Here's to a litter of .fourteen," s aid I !he h9me that gives you world news interpreted to show its. (�ontinued Next Week). ' ,� 11 I . , , 11. , I . . , .� ­ . . She went, wishing there .might be would -as he put it -"have neither he, holding up his 'glass again after . .- � impact on you and .your family,. . --- . .P--- . I � . �' I , . 1 ,thirty people knocking on the door talk nor deal with that high-handed the first ,draught; fGr-*ith this will- . : . -W I I . I I 1 I . IT6 Christian Science Publishing Society' I �. 11 f ", I MCCONNELL & .. I 1. . Use thb. oupon , �.* I t I I. � ,HAYS that night, sl,.Iong as ,they .kept 'her devil, not if it was to get me Pen- ingnotia, of his guest tt , st One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts : .. I ,� . ) ay, he knew Rifie lnstruyic�r; "How com� you for YQUV SPE.; '. .from the necessity of puffing, the ,bon- nonce for thirty yeiirs." CIAL Int"duc- I . � -1 " . e . . c I I ,!. . - . 11 Barristers dolicitoM, Ele. � ' . by now there- was no beast in her got live bull's-eyes? The rafige is 600 , . . Please enter a *special introductory subscription t. - I � I �, "�, -,..-- _._ rr , . I I I net on Again "Shure,, the curse of Cromwell on � ."_ subscriolion. The Christian Science monitor -5 wee . , i ! , ..., I ___._._.__ . . . I.. Which she had thrown . farrowing, and he might, -be drinking y . I . k4 (30 issues) for $1 , ... r . r-Znrpper.--. .- ',.'Nm* " sal ,'..h ".he'IL.make.. a" Ards, set foi NO -T - I . I I :, I .. r Coinpif - f&0t6nfi'Jrgj -off-h, wder-t- t . ,but jour sights are ofivo w*e1w Name . 1. PatrIck,D. Me o-to--serveI - rope,. of to a litter -of fifty for work , I . Inues - only � I � I I . -11 .... I ...... � It was Ti-'- . I his own pride, and one of these d4k,s Tim yards. .� . V '� � ,. SEANORTH, ONT. in Cassidy, she said when t he Jiang blinse 0T his sow would have to do Mountaineer Rookie: "See that . (U.. S. . I Street I .. . � she returned, come to'see him .04, A wo I If, and 'twill -be that night. . . . " ,state 'I I I � I I i I ' .1 . I rock halfway' down there? I'm bounc- , . ., . 'I - city ." 1. . � I . . 11 — I , . . .11 .. " .. little matter of btisiness.'., ood riddance to' these parts, I'm There Was a jovial ring of 'good- ing them off that." - , _J. P11-4 ... � I I ­ ,. I - �� . * . . Telephone 174 "Stand in .... front of him," said John tellin' ye." . 111111111111111-- I . 11 . h'ature, in ,,his voice 'as ,he 'gave out .. . _.,� .1 'Ti's _' . I . . 1. . _. I -_ ... . . I.,; I . � s 1. Desmond, "the' time ''he'd be wipin' � a pity ye couldn't 'buy the the toast to :his, he' drank, but be- . . . I . � -1. I .1 I � his feet on the mat, and then show mare," said Cassidy. . . -1 " . . ' - I hind it, to One who had known him . . 4. .. " "It is that," Heal there -were signi . I . I .•. I � .1 � A. W. SILLERY - Min' Ili ' -the 1way he'll know 11:16. -thg . ,y had replied, "for well, . _. of fear' as * q a' I . . __ I I . _. I . 0 . ' . . . . 11. . ­ ... 1 . . . .. . . . . house of a gintelmau- he's comin, jp� I'd give a .hundred and fifty pound when a man; after, f health, .� . . r � � . . I .ye;., .. - Sruddenly� - .S,,,0 0SVk . I .. Itor, Etc; � , r . ... - , I � ,, . I - -.1 to." .. I , I � for her, 'and beg6rra wouldn't she comes � - , FOR, . . . Barrister, Solfe ,,The ,. ., , dread - -: ,- , ., tC. . I .1 . .1 re is no mat," said she. "'Toms breed, her, worth with one foal." � A e ' � , . .:j � symptoms of an o;ns6' � he' .' . I Jr-- ' r.!14 , , 'J> . I . . . .1 .1 SEAFORTH � - ONTARIO wore into a large hole, and wasn't all The pale eyes of Tim Cassidy had thought was long. purged from his I" I ., 1. to .th,e narrowed_at­ that__iZ­swift_appreciA- bloo&. . . . _­ ­. .- -,.--..---.-.. ­­­ . ­ --­ Z I , ­ I -1 �... ... Abe-niti.(L-warkin! ... through, It. "DUr _ I I ... i I . I - r .1 -_ V_ � � , I . Ph6pe-171, SOafor-th. floor. . Shure,� I gave it to the boy tion of any man who was ready to I : , I � , His, � however, was not the nature N11 . . . . . .. . . . , 1. . � . - last 'Neek to shtop up a draught in part with his money. , to Play With fear or entertain its I �./` . I . � I . I 1 . one of the Linney." . . � "If I can get her for a hundred and copipany for mor -I--, . . I 11 e than a Passing -i .-%.o . I . .. IN I MMICAL !--­ ..Well, keep him there," said "'be, fifty for ye," said he, "will ye give moment. In three minute � , 4 I .1 . . I 1. s he ,had, 11.1 , " I - ­ � . "the:way .ye'd expect him to be wip- ,Me two pound on the deal?" emptied his gla*s8 and the apprehen- , _�_ - 411111111111111w I I .. ..._ .�,.- ­­­ - ._.1__-_-__._.____. _....._ � . - . . ­ . . in', his feet and -he thinkin, it was an - Michael Healy had spat on his hand I .. ,, oversight the mat was not there' at and laid it with its spittle in the palm ision was all gone from him. It was a " � . - ORT CLINIC ' I i N_� I 11, I % . SE" � H convincing argument -that the situs- er I 1,t . A . . all. . 1. of Tim Cas�idy's. No less than this, Von had demanded this treatment, of I /I ... I I , -1 I.: I I A - " . . DR. E. A. McMASTER, M.B. ' In the space of ;two or three. min- then, was the, origin of -his visit to it. By . no other means, except I I ". . 4 , Physician I utes,- Tim Cassidy was shown into Waterpark that, evening. When, .then, through the, exposure of his hand' I . I 1. I . I p ... - s .... ­­ - ,� I - I . � he -gave the name of Michaef Healy :;::: 11� . I . I L.. the room, twisting a hat in his hand could - he have persuaded .Tim Cas' -, �.,��.�. ` . I _ , 1. I W 1. � OR. P; L. BRADY, M:D. 0.1 'r but keeping his bit of business well as his informant, the Wrath of John sidy to stay; and, what'.was a� glass 1, A-11, I ::' I � . . " . I I ;I .. Surgeon enough In mind to lose none of the Desmond came out of him as the first or two when. it concerned a matter C.'... '."'., � 11 I . I . � wits God -gave him. . clap of thunder bu � rsts suddenly out . I . � .. • .. . ' I . of business to which a profit of fifty . .. .1 Office hours daily,' Wednes- From under the table John Des- of the gathering clouds. I PoUilds and More was saf ly -attach- I I . day: I * 3,0 . -5 p.m.,.7-9 P.'M. ... -Mond pushed out a chair with. his feet "What does he know about it?" he ed? snore I safely . ntments for consu'tation may .. • 4 . Appol and nodded -to Cassidy to thke it. shouted. � "Shure, I'll give Pat the, finest hall- ­ .. . I .- _. I . Maybe "tis the way he wanted to . .. 71. .� be made in ad.yance. . . "'Tis only a little matter of busi- . I I � - - ____ . . . dress she'll ever have in her life," � - �.. nese, Mr. Desmond, sort;' said he set it about she "was net worth the said he to himself as be filled lits I PH9- ,Distance., Line . JOHN A. GORWILL,s B.A.; M.D. 11 I , to fit.,,' hundred pounds ye gae to her," sug- I .es . and I'd sooner be shtandin v second glass, when, easing his con- _. , ' � .. Physician and Surgeon . ."Ye can sit down," said John• Des- gested Cassidy, who. knew no more -science with that pr6mlsed transap- , . p . . I ... . � . I • I , . I . - . . . . . � . Y . I IN DR. H. H. ROSS' � doln"a bit of business, there's nothin" whose only concerii. Was to fix a sum and set to the squeezing of, Tim Cas- I I . to in John Desmond's7 mind upon: which I .1 'i -e I I Mond, "for when it.comes to two men than Adam what he had Paid and, tion, be put fear finally from him I I. � . W 11 S ` ; choose between- them., : Shure, •. . sidy, determined to lift him to . . , , Phones: Office -5i ­W . Res. 1534 they're both .rascals and may ,as Well all future negotiations might bb con- the � . . . ' I . I look at each other. on a level." ducted. . . negotiations I. highest price he ,would -go,. 11 , , , . ____ I � i . , . . 'I .. . : . $eaforth I .. " By midnight, passing from one sub- I I 111111141111111 T IF -.-- '�6 h * .1-Niver imind what I paid for her!" I'a hoft, �wn. ,Many e smond cried, who even in his '.Having' nothing to say to that Cas- ject to another and_�returning -always. . black mare, the SUM on offer I I . A de rage kept a shrewd 'hold upon, the ad ri e Mo .CrowdedEver-- . . . , MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D.M sidy sat .4 tiip� ... fi John De to the . . . I _ . . �,. alt with John Desmond .In the mar- h risen to a hundred and twenty I i ysician and Surgeon ket, knowing him there to be one who -facts. ."N.iver mind what I' paid forpounds. BY this Ttime, with the I I��1. II I I . - I .. had the way of his will, if �-n,ot theher. She's worth a darn sight more eighth 'glass. full before him on theidg9dr io Dr. W. 0. 80toat best - of a bargain. - This; however, than a hundred today." 4ch c I - I � . I was the. first ,occasion I, -table, Cassidy was talking�of his, will . 41 , . . he:�had ventur- Well, it had, no effiect'on Me,', said, -ingness to give as much as- two hun- ­ . I . Phone 90-W - .: - Seaforth' ed Into the house at Waterpark, Cassidy, ,"for I'd give. a hundred for 'drold'f�Alid fifty foi amare like that, � . � . . .� I . — . and . I .", � e 0�. I—— .­ . .. . , 'A ,4". 1 - DIL" F� J' L 'R., FORSYER I . though, by doing so, he hoped to ef- her meself"; and with a big red pock-, if h did not know that John Des- . iC. I .'J'k. � I . feet a pretty. little, deal,, for himself, et -handkerchief, he'. blew his nose to Mond had paid, two hundred for her I . . . . Eye, E2r, Nose and Throat he was considerably in awe of this drown the sound of his own words, in the first place. As it, was, and : . I es to.. . '... I Oradnate in Medicine, University of man* ,' . � I... well knowing that a man's hearing is taking his ignorance of her 6 . 1. Ling Distance calling rises � -a peak during the . -1 . . Indeed, John Desmond, mixing ev- never so acute as when the talk is account, one I Price into i I I . - Toronto. I . , . I hundred and 'twenty was . I I l6ate assistant New Y eri month with the local . farmers and of money; moreover, what he hears as much as he could see himself part- o.rk Optha" , . iiW and Atiral Institute, Moorefieldis small-bolders in the market at Wa- with difficulty has a more subtle va- months . . . and this -year the peak ,will . . . ink with that night. ,, . I . summer in . . . I i . I, We and Golden ,14nare Throat Hos- terford, was a very different man in lue than that which he hears with ' "She's A fine beast," said he, and . ­ I I - pilaf, Lond6ni Eng. At COIMMItRCIAL his, own home. This same Tim Gas- ease. . I he kept on saying it with all the nak- I est in our history: I I . I . I . sidy whom -he met every market day, John._Desmond heard if right en- ed truth of a man in his cups. But I be the.higb . . I � A&MLI . S19AFORTH, THIRD *Ell)- I I � 14M more br less,on a footing of equality ough, and having bought the. beast OrPhlf as he was, MichAel"' Healy's I ' . I I . DAY in .each montb,jrom 2 P.M. 41 i, I Mar' fifty poundg 1 from one of those hundred and fifty pounds, never left I I : With � h so many mote calls, handle and with' - to 4.$0 p.m.; also at Seatorth 1011nic sues they, were about the same trade . I ftst � Tuesday of each month. 53 was only a small farmer, paXLRg._Kent gentleman farmers who .play the the dead centre of his.circl.e of . � . , I` I I Waterloo Street South, Stratford. foi` some -two' hundred acres of poor game foi, the fun of it• and have that sclousnesa. He wore it like a taiis- I � . . l I land and Making the ends of life meet devil's luck tot hit upon a good, thing. man in, his mind, still capabl6lof,re- ... additional facilities still 'in the construction stage, . 1� with no little fraying of the ragged, at times and as often part with their alizing how every mounting, lot, his I I � . edges. But int the dining room of bargain, was sorely tempted with the Price defaced its beauty. . � " . I .1 . I J014N C. GODDARD, M.D. John. Desmond's house, where no sound ,of that sum which as good as For an hour at least one hundred ' . there will be times when. you will be ,told: "The . 11 . Physiciati and Surgeon I doubt the ragged edges were still lay upon the table before him. and twenty pounds was the figure ' . I., I . . . . I I I . Prime 210 : ,Hensall more frayed' and which everyone in But the first sum mentioned by one beyond'whi4ch Tim Cassidy would not .' ' .. :� I I. 4068x52 the county kffbw might be papered side or the other in a bargain of this move. He added, however, 'to the' . I operator will call you7'. You .may be sure, when , I - . . ., . , with his debts, Tim, Cassidy took his kind- is merely thei indication of the number of his ,glasses, and when It ,. I I . . I - place and stood in such regard of way things are to go. That sum, in- came to such time as he realized that , I I . �;! . DR. F. H. SCHERK his host as God 'meant he should stand deed, is a. pivot upon which the scale�s in a few moments he might not The this happens, that there will• not be a moment's I I � I , I 'Physician anO.6 . urgeon . when He made -the two men after His , swing upwards for the buyer and must responsible for the things• he said, . I . I . • . . , own image.- . I inevitably ,descend for the man who while theie'aqrbsA the table sat the , I I '1� ,, . , none 56 - : Hens&1i , For A few brief momepts"i 'while sells.' If Cassidy bad begun with a hardened John Desmond', who was I I I needless delay and that your call will be completed pop . � f . . I � I I . they sat eyeing each. other In sliolice hun6ed pounds, it wds'as likelas not known to be able to carry his drink . ­ If, I . I I I I 1�, . I ' 1, I , ., �. I " � . . I like 606kerels preparing for the bat- he Would rise 'to a Inindfed and fifty, better than any -.man injlla ebuntry I in the order received. ' � I � . . �. .­ 11 . 11 .�� I AUCTIONEERS , tie' of the,yard, John Desmond made and, such being the case; there 1q, on- of Watorf6rd, then be Qur, a, I .: "I'll 4 _�_._�_ " , . . . - - ched un- . � I., r I .__;___,'­­­ � ­­­- Dp hi-er.W111d W the Issue. He would, ly one,way,to expedite matters. John steadily to his feet, detotipined then I I I . , . . �,� ... ;;; it -Wag Desmond declartd that the beast was � . I HAAbLb JACKSON sell at him own price, whatever s and there to -put an end to it. I ' . . 1, 1.11.11 ... ,tons fi,m and whether he really wanted t . 1. 11 ,. !, 11 �Speciallst In Farm and 6 - 0 sell not ,for sale at all. "One hundied aild twenty guineas,- .. . I . I � . . . ,;,:,� . 'it or n,bt-h,e Would sell at his own If a' be .that's so," said Cassidy, said he thickly -"there's the top of . I __ �111 � pales. , . . ' . I .n� ., I .I . . . I mall ,who and be rose to his feet, "sbiure,, I'm me Price, and %bure . I . . I . . , I tIcinsed In Hurotk and Perth Couff- price, or 'not at all. The., . God us, ,tis - . I . . I . Ifidilon came •-searching for -him to his house Only w9stin' yeer time, an' I wid a hard a man Ye are' to be drivin, a � . t'sApuo �:,� ties. Prices reasonable,,;" satis I �. � i� I I ... ­,._.�,41 I, � guaranteed. . to do i deal was In sad need of, the aowls farrowin' the time I'd.bd get-,, bargain, , Faith, if I could takp as 1. I,- ', . , . I . thin he wanted. In the matter of •-a tinl,back to the houge." . mUch,drink as yeld take Pergelf, 'tis . a I . . . .1 I I v .. Far �jfifiirmatloii, atc., wkite or phone " ' . . # .1 mitotp JAO'kadisi, 14 ,on 661i Sea- bargain, if you can find him, this Is In a deal such as this, which Is all no more ,than a hundred and tin I'd I . L .. . 40 . III ,*L. ., the man with whom to do business, a queAtion of thrust and'counter, fbe off6finl ye this minute 110W.".. •� I . I 4*11b; R.A. I j, S64forth. \ I I . . � . •I . - . - I I , . . - . and all the talking Must be done by counter and thrust, this reply .of Tim John Desmond stood UP,Jw *611, as, ' I I ... . M. 000DWIN, , 1. . . I J, I I._ t im. Job.4'Dedmondmatted patiently Cas-bidy's is the only answer to the straight and as steady 0-k trbo,'Mr , , ".7 . - . . I . el . T h I I I ­­i,c , I , answer ft6 ift4lr all I .� 11 I , , ,�;�., . - ­ , , W. S. 00'"IM 00PIELO ON . mli!"190. . � "I'll 0 . ;� A��*'_:­__ ' until Cassidy si*ke. �,, statement that no business 19 to be light -though -his head . ',­ I I � I �V � U&ni Itintilir I Wh6h those Moffients had, Passed done. For If th6 statement ,b6. -true, thege years Of abstfnelit'C`-hl� orfa,4 ' �.. � � I I . . 1.��",,� � � 11 I I i I I'll. I . . :­, I I ..�f,�-���.,',, I . I � . I ,1�1� . 'i,"I'l, ,Pnro bred salbk-1.-,j1$6 fArm stock and silence b4calne no longer possIb then perFMA731on will bring no. odds VAS As 41140h th Ais stro`hlrtk�ag in, ,� . . - I .. 12 1 --1 - ".11 1-11 I 11 . . 1. 'has I �. � ­ _41;i,�, 1 �6 f4,rm#r,: look 6 - "the ,tab[64 to It, and if It Is not, thefe Is no man 11119 'I�Ord_ . . ! �� -.e " I . . . I � .: 1 . . ! . '_M,4,� . I I. I I . . I . ., - - I ... ­." ^ , �, ,�O,, I , I I _" ,; � i I" I 41 I 111�` I . .�_ ,, , I 11 , I" - I - .1 I � � I up fr I th � I I f �... �,& � i " 5r � atiiitacstioln 10 ., 1.11. . . � I . .. I I In 4 �11 'I, C . i I �'­ - - t� . : ­.� , .. ._, " � ':�,, i . I �, I �,J , , 1. . I . . 1�- " * , . I Ill 1 4� 1 � I , I I I � g *hlv..�'ho-'��,ile,'.Ill'tle�:,eye�k h6 -W aid living, *Ill let another oti Away -With 111t�l' , . . I " 1.1L I �, ., ;, I � his #4019bk , , n I . .. . I . I said,: II . .Dackbt before ,be ..'­ . . . � 1. 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